Library mcertikos.layerlib.FutureTactic

Require Export ArithLemma.
Require Export ListLemma.

    Tactic Notation "on_fun" constr(f) "act" tactic(tac) :=
      match goal with
      | [H: f _ = _ |- _] ⇒ tac H
      | [H: f _ _ = _ |- _] ⇒ tac H
      | [H: f _ _ _ = _ |- _] ⇒ tac H
      | [H: f _ _ _ _ = _ |- _] ⇒ tac H
      | [H: f _ _ _ _ _ = _ |- _] ⇒ tac H
      | [H: f _ _ _ _ _ _ = _ |- _] ⇒ tac H
      | [H: f _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = _ |- _] ⇒ tac H
      | [H: f _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = _ |- _] ⇒ tac H
      | [H: f _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = _ |- _] ⇒ tac H
      | [H: f _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = _ |- _] ⇒ tac H
      | [H: f _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = _ |- _] ⇒ tac H
      | [H: f _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = _ |- _] ⇒ tac H
      | _fail 1 "Tactic 'on_fun' failed, Cannot find any function application of" f

Tactic Notation "on_type" constr(T) "act" tactic(tac) :=
  let H :=
      match goal with
      | [ H: T |- _ ] ⇒ H
      | _fail 1 "Can not find hypothesis with type " T
  in tac H.

Tactic Notation "on_eq" constr(I) "act" "l:" tactic(ltac) "r:" tactic(rtac) :=
  match goal with
  | [Hl: I = ?b |- _] ⇒ ltac Hl
  | [Hr: ?b = I |- _] ⇒ rtac Hr
  | _fail 1 "Can not find hypothesis with type " I " = ..., or ... = " I

Tactic Notation "on_eq_left" constr(I) "act" tactic(tac) :=
  match goal with
  | [H: I = ?b |- _] ⇒ tac H
  | _fail 1 "Cannot find " I " = _"

Tactic Notation "on_eq_right" constr(I) "act" tactic(tac) :=
  match goal with
  | [H: ?b = I |- _] ⇒ tac H
  | _fail 1 "Cannot find _ = " I

Tactic Notation "onleft" tactic(t) :=
  match goal with
  | [|- (?l < ?r)%nat] ⇒ t l
  | [|- (?l ?r)%nat] ⇒ t l
  | [|- (?l = ?r)%nat] ⇒ t l
  | [|- (?l ?r)%nat] ⇒ t l
  | [|- (?l > ?r)%nat] ⇒ t l
  | [|- le ?l ?r] ⇒ t l
  | [|- (?l < ?r)%Z] ⇒ t l
  | [|- (?l ?r)%Z] ⇒ t l
  | [|- (?l = ?r)%Z] ⇒ t l
  | [|- (?l ?r)%Z] ⇒ t l
  | [|- (?l > ?r)%Z] ⇒ t l
  | [|- Zle ?l ?r] ⇒ t l
  | [|- @eq _ ?l ?r] ⇒ t l
  | _fail "cannot find left side in current goal"

Tactic Notation "onright" tactic(t) :=
  match goal with
  | [|- (?l < ?r)%nat] ⇒ t r
  | [|- (?l ?r)%nat] ⇒ t r
  | [|- (?l = ?r)%nat] ⇒ t r
  | [|- (?l ?r)%nat] ⇒ t r
  | [|- (?l > ?r)%nat] ⇒ t r
  | [|- (?l < ?r)%Z] ⇒ t r
  | [|- (?l ?r)%Z] ⇒ t r
  | [|- (?l = ?r)%Z] ⇒ t r
  | [|- (?l ?r)%Z] ⇒ t r
  | [|- (?l > ?r)%Z] ⇒ t r
  | [|- @eq _ ?l ?r] ⇒ t r
  | _fail "cannot find right side in current goal"

Ltac blast id :=
  match goal with
  | [H : ?T |- _] ⇒
    match H with
    | id
      match T with
      | ?P1 ?P2
        let Hp1 := fresh H in
        let Hp2 := fresh H in
        destruct H as [Hp1 Hp2]; blast Hp1; blast Hp2
      | ex ?e
        let x := fresh "e" in
        let Hp := fresh "Hex" in
        destruct H as [x Hp]; blast Hp
      | ?f ?a = ? ?inversion H
      | _idtac
  | [H : ?a = ?b |- _] ⇒
    match a with
    | iddestruct id; inversion H
  | [H : ?a = ?b |- _] ⇒
    match b with
    | iddestruct id; inversion H
  | _fail 1 "no hypothesis names" id ", or " id "is not destructable"

Ltac expose_if :=
  match goal with
  | [|- context [_ || _]] ⇒ unfold orb
  | [|- context [orb _ _]] ⇒ unfold orb
  | [|- context [_ && _]] ⇒ unfold andb
  | [|- context [andb _ _]] ⇒ unfold andb
  | [|- context [implb _ _]] ⇒ unfold implb

Ltac if_true :=
  repeat expose_if;
  match goal with
  | [|- context [if proj_sumbool ?d then _ else _]] ⇒ rewrite psum_true; [| apply (true_ex d); try omega]
  | [|- context [if zle ?n ?m then _ else _]] ⇒ rewrite zle_true; [| try omega]
  | [|- context [if zlt ?n ?m then _ else _]] ⇒ rewrite zlt_true; [| try omega]
  | [|- context [if zeq ?n ?m then _ else _]] ⇒ rewrite zeq_true; [| try omega]
  | [|- context [if zle_le ?a ?b ?c then _ else _]] ⇒ rewrite zle_le_true; [| try omega]
  | [|- context [if ?d then _ else _]] ⇒
    match type of d with
    | {?p} + {?q}rewrite if_dec_true; [| try omega | try omega]
    | boolrewrite if_bool_true
  | _fail "cannot find if statememt"

Ltac if_false :=
  repeat expose_if;
  match goal with
  | [|- context [if proj_sumbool ?d then _ else _]] ⇒ rewrite psum_false; [| apply (false_ex d); try omega]
  | [|- context [if zle ?n ?m then _ else _]] ⇒ rewrite zle_false; [| try omega]
  | [|- context [if zlt ?n ?m then _ else _]] ⇒ rewrite zlt_false; [| try omega]
  | [|- context [if zeq ?n ?m then _ else _]] ⇒ rewrite zeq_false; [| try omega]
  | [|- context [if ?d then _ else _]] ⇒
    match type of d with
    | {?p} + {?q}rewrite if_dec_false; [| try omega | try omega]
    | boolrewrite if_bool_false
  | _fail "cannot find if statememt"

Ltac solve_dec t :=
  match type of t with
  | {?a} + {?b}destruct t; try omega

Ltac solve_bool :=
  match goal with
  | [|- context [proj_sumbool ?t]] ⇒
    solve_dec t;
      match goal with
      | [|- context [proj_sumbool (left ?a)]] ⇒ rewrite proj_sumbool_left
      | [|- context [proj_sumbool (right ?a)]] ⇒ rewrite proj_sumbool_right
  | [|- context [?t]] ⇒
    match type of t with
    | {_} + {_}solve_dec t

Ltac case_cmp_step :=
  match goal with
  | [|- context [match ?m with __ end]] ⇒
    destruct m; auto

Ltac case_cmp :=
  progress repeat case_cmp_step.

Ltac const_nat n :=
  let rec checknat_bound b n :=
      match b with
        | Oidtac
        | S ?
          match n with
            | Oidtac
            | S ?checknat_bound
            | _fail 1
      end in
  checknat_bound 16%nat n.

Ltac const_pos n :=
  let rec checkpos_bound b n :=
      match b with
      | Oidtac
      | S ?
        match n with
        | xHidtac
        | xI ?checkpos_bound
        | xO ?checkpos_bound
        | _fail 1
      end in
  checkpos_bound 16%nat n.

Ltac const_Z n :=
  match n with
  | Z0idtac
  | Zpos ?pconst_pos p
  | Zneg ?pconst_pos p
  | _fail 1

Ltac is_const n :=
  match n with
  | Oidtac
  | S ?xconst_nat x
  | Z0idtac
  | Zpos ?xconst_pos x
  | Zneg ?xconst_pos x
  | xHidtac
  | xI ?xconst_pos x
  | xO ?xconst_pos x
  | _fail 1

Ltac z_of_nat_const n :=
  is_const n;
  let z := fresh "z" in
  let Hz := fresh "Heq" z in
  remember (Z.of_nat n) as z eqn: Hz;
    simpl in Hz; rewrite Hz; clear Hz.

Ltac z_to_nat_const z :=
  is_const z;
  let n := fresh "n" in
  let Hn := fresh "Heq" n in
  remember (Z.to_nat z) as n eqn: Hn;
    unfold Z.to_nat in Hn; unfold Pos.to_nat in Hn;
    simpl in Hn; rewrite Hn; clear Hn.

Ltac z_expr_const e :=
  let x := fresh "x" in
  let Hx := fresh "Heq" x in
  remember e as x eqn: Hx;
    compute in Hx; rewrite Hx; clear x Hx.

Ltac print_goal :=
  match goal with [|- ?g] ⇒ idtac g end.

SearchAbout (_ ^ (_ + _)).

Ltac calc_term e :=
  match e with
  | (?n + ?m)%Z
    first [is_const n; first [is_const m; z_expr_const (n + m)%Z | idtac ] |
    first [is_const m; idtac; rewrite (Z.add_comm n m) | idtac ]; calc_term n; repeat rewrite Z.add_assoc]

  | (?n × ?m)%Z
    first [is_const n; first [is_const m; z_expr_const (n × m)%Z | idtac ] |
    first [is_const m; rewrite (Z.mul_comm n m) | idtac ]; calc_term n; repeat rewrite Z.mul_assoc]
  | (?n - ?m)%Z
    first [is_const n; first [is_const m; z_expr_const (n - m)%Z | idtac ] |
    first [is_const m; first [rewrite (Z_minus_comm n m) | rewrite (Z_minus_comm_minus n m)] | idtac ];
      calc_term n; repeat rewrite Z.add_assoc; repeat rewrite Z_plus_assoc_minus]
  | (?n ^ ?m)%Z
    first [is_const n; first [is_const m; z_expr_const (n ^ m)%Z | idtac ] |
    first [is_const m; calc_term n | idtac ]; calc_term m]

Ltac calc_goal :=
  repeat match goal with
  | [|- context [(?n + ?m)%Z]] ⇒
      is_const n; is_const m;
      z_expr_const (n + m)
  | [|- context [(?n × ?m)%Z]] ⇒
      is_const n; is_const m;
      z_expr_const (n × m)
  | [|- context [(?n - ?m)%Z]] ⇒
      is_const n; is_const m;
      z_expr_const (n - m)
  | [|- context [(?n ^ ?m)%Z]] ⇒
      is_const n; is_const m;
      z_expr_const (n ^ m)
  | [|- context [(-(?n))%Z]] ⇒
      is_const n;
      z_expr_const (-(n))%Z

Ltac pre_calc :=
  repeat progress (
    repeat rewrite Z.opp_add_distr;
    repeat rewrite Z.mul_add_distr_l; repeat rewrite Z.mul_add_distr_r;
    repeat rewrite Z.mul_sub_distr_l; repeat rewrite Z.mul_sub_distr_r;
    repeat rewrite Z_plus_assoc_minus; repeat rewrite Z_minus_assoc_minus;
    repeat rewrite Z_minus_assoc_plus; repeat rewrite Z.add_assoc;
    repeat rewrite Z.mul_assoc).

Ltac calcing :=
  match goal with
  | [|- context [Z.of_nat ?n]] ⇒ z_of_nat_const n
  | [|- context [Z.to_nat ?n]] ⇒ z_to_nat_const n
  | [|- context [((?n + ?m) / ?p)%Z]] ⇒ is_const p;
                                        let x := fresh "x" in
                                        let Heqx := fresh "Heqx" in
                                        first [
                                            is_const n;
                                            assert (p n) by omega;
                                            remember (n - p) as x eqn: Heqx; ring_simplify in Heqx;
                                            replace (n + m) with ((m + x) + 1 × p); [| try omega];
                                            rewrite (Z.div_add (m + x) 1 p); [| try omega]
                                          | is_const m;
                                            assert (p m) by omega;
                                            remember (m - p) as x eqn: Heqx; ring_simplify in Heqx;
                                            replace (n + m) with ((n + x) + 1 × p); [calc_goal| try omega];
                                            rewrite (Z.div_add (n + x) 1 p); [| try omega]
                                          ]; rewrite Heqx; clear x Heqx; try rewrite Z.add_0_r
  | [|- context [(?n / ?m)%Z]] ⇒ first [is_const n; is_const m; z_expr_const (n / m)%Z |
                                          let x := fresh "x" in
                                          let Heqx := fresh "Heqx" in
                                          remember n as x eqn: Heqx;
                                            ring_simplify in Heqx;
                                            rewrite Heqx;
                                            clear x Heqx
  | [|- context [(?n + ?m)%Z]] ⇒ calc_term (n + m)%Z; progress calc_goal
  | [|- context [(?n - ?m)%Z]] ⇒ calc_term (n - m)%Z; progress calc_goal
  | [|- context [(?a ^ ?n)%Z]] ⇒ calc_term (a ^ n)%Z; progress calc_goal
  | [|- context [((?b × ?a) / ?a)%Z]] ⇒ rewrite Z_div_mult
  | [|- context [((?a × ?b) / ?a)%Z]] ⇒ rewrite (Z.mul_comm a b); rewrite Z_div_mult
  | [|- context [(?n × ?m)%Z]] ⇒ calc_term (n × m)%Z; progress calc_goal
  | [|- context [(((?a + ?b) mod ?n + (?c mod ?n)) mod ?n)%Z]] ⇒ rewrite (Z_add_mod_comm a b c n); [| try omega]
  | [|- context [(((?a + ?b) mod ?n + ?c) mod ?n)%Z]] ⇒ rewrite (Z_add_mod_comm_le a b c n); [| try omega | try omega]
  | [|- context [((?a mod ?n) mod ?n)%Z]] ⇒ rewrite (Z.mod_mod a n); [| try omega]
  | [|- ?x mod 2 0] ⇒ let a := fresh "a" in
                          let b := fresh "b" in
                          let Heqa := fresh "Heqa" in
                          let Heqb := fresh "Heqb" in
                          remember (x - 1) as a eqn: Heqa;
                            remember (a / 2) as b eqn: Heqb;
                            replace x with (b × 2 + 1);
                            [rewrite Z_odd_mod; try omega |
                             rewrite Heqb; rewrite Z_mult_div;
                             [ rewrite Heqa; omega |
                               try omega |
                               ring_simplify in Heqa;
                                 rewrite Heqa; try omega]
  | [|- context [((?a + 0) mod ?n)%Z]] ⇒ rewrite (Z_add_mod_0 a n); [| try omega]
  | [|- context [((0 + ?a) mod ?n)%Z]] ⇒ rewrite (Z_add_mod_0_l a n); [| try omega]
  | [|- context [((?a + ?n) mod ?n)%Z]] ⇒ rewrite (Z_add_mod_same a n); [| try omega]
  | [|- context [((?n + ?a) mod ?n)%Z]] ⇒ rewrite (Z_add_mod_same_l a n); [| try omega]
  | [|- context [((?n + ?m) mod ?p)%Z]] ⇒ let r := fresh "r" in
                                           let x := fresh "x" in
                                           let Heqr := fresh "Heqr" in
                                           let Heqx := fresh "Heqx" in
                                           first [
                                               is_const n;
                                               remember (n / p) as r eqn: Heqr; compute in Heqr;
                                               remember (m + n - r × p) as x eqn: Heqx;
                                               rewrite Heqr in Heqx; ring_simplify in Heqx;
                                               replace (n + m) with (x + r × p) by omega;
                                               rewrite Z.add_mod; [|try omega];
                                               rewrite Z.mod_mul; [|try omega];
                                               rewrite Z.add_0_r; rewrite Z.mod_mod; [| try omega]
                                             | is_const m;
                                               remember (m / p) as r eqn: Heqr; compute in Heqr;
                                               remember (n + m - r × p) as x eqn: Heqx;
                                               rewrite Heqr in Heqx; ring_simplify in Heqx;
                                               replace (n + m) with (x + r × p) by omega;
                                               rewrite Z.add_mod; [|try omega];
                                               rewrite Z.mod_mul; [|try omega];
                                               rewrite Z.add_0_r; rewrite Z.mod_mod; [| try omega]
                                             ]; rewrite Heqx; clear r x Heqr Heqx
  | [|- context [((?a × ?b) mod ?b)%Z]] ⇒ rewrite Z.mod_mul; [| try omega]
  | [|- context [((?b × ?a) mod ?b)%Z]] ⇒ rewrite Z.mul_comm; rewrite Z.mod_mul; [| try omega]
  | [|- context [((?a × ?b) mod ?n)%Z]] ⇒ is_const n;
                                          let Ha := fresh "Hassert" in
                                          first [
                                              is_const a;
                                              assert (Ha: a mod n = 0) by reflexivity;
                                              rewrite (Z_mult_mod a b n); [| try omega | try omega]
                                            | is_const b;
                                              assert (Ha: b mod n = 0) by reflexivity;
                                              rewrite (Z.mul_comm a b);
                                              rewrite (Z_mult_mod b a n); [| try omega | try omega]
                                            ]; clear Ha
  | [|- context [(?n mod ?m)%Z]] ⇒ first [is_const n; is_const m; z_expr_const (n mod m)%Z |
                                           let H := fresh "H" in
                                           assert (H: 0 n < m) by omega;
                                             rewrite (Z.mod_small n m) by omega;
                                             clear H]
  | _fail 1

Ltac post_calc :=
  try rewrite Z.add_0_r;
  try rewrite Z.add_0_l;
  try rewrite Z.mul_0_r;
  try rewrite Z.mul_0_l;
  try ring_simplify.

Ltac calc :=
  pre_calc; repeat calcing; post_calc.

Ltac toZ_const :=
  match goal with
  | [|- context [Z.of_nat O]] ⇒ rewrite Z_OF_NAT_0
  | [|- context [Z.of_nat 1]] ⇒ rewrite Z_OF_NAT_1
  | [|- context [Z.of_nat 2]] ⇒ rewrite Z_OF_NAT_2
  | [|- context [Z.of_nat 512]] ⇒ rewrite Z_OF_NAT_512
  | [|- context [Z.of_nat (S ?a)]] ⇒
    let n := fresh "n" in
    let Hn := fresh "Hn" in
    pose (n := (Z.of_nat (S a)));
      assert (Hn: n = (Z.of_nat (S a))) by auto;
      rewrite <- Hn;
      unfold Z.of_nat in Hn;
      simpl in Hn; rewrite Hn;
      clear Hn; clear n

Ltac toZ :=
  match goal with
  | [|- context [(_ _)%nat]] ⇒ rewrite Nat2Z.inj_le
  | [|- context [(_ < _)%nat]] ⇒ rewrite Nat2Z.inj_lt
  | [|- context [(_ _)%nat]] ⇒ rewrite Nat2Z.inj_ge
  | [|- context [(_ > _)%nat]] ⇒ rewrite Nat2Z.inj_gt
  | [|- context [(Z.abs_nat _)%nat]] ⇒ rewrite Nat2Z.inj_abs_nat
  | [|- context [(min _ _)%nat]] ⇒ rewrite Nat2Z.inj_min
  | [|- context [(max _ _)%nat]] ⇒ rewrite Nat2Z.inj_max
  | [|- context [Z.of_nat (length _)]] ⇒ rewrite <- Zlength_correct
  | [|- context [Z.of_nat (_ + _)%nat]] ⇒ rewrite Nat2Z.inj_add
  | [|- context [Z.of_nat (_ - _)%nat]] ⇒ rewrite Nat2Z.inj_sub
  | [|- context [Z.of_nat (_ × _)%nat]] ⇒ rewrite Nat2Z.inj_mul
  | [|- context [Z.of_nat (Z.to_nat _)]] ⇒ rewrite
  | [|- context [Z.of_nat (S (Z.to_nat _))]] ⇒
    rewrite <- NPeano.Nat.add_1_r; rewrite Nat2Z.inj_add; rewrite; [rewrite Z_OF_NAT_1|]
  | [|- context [Z.of_nat O]] ⇒ toZ_const
  | [|- context [Z.of_nat (S _)]] ⇒ toZ_const
  | [|- context [(Z.succ _ - 1)%Z]] ⇒ rewrite Z_succ_pred
  | _fail 1 "cannot find any nat to Z"

Ltac toNat :=
  match goal with
  | [|- context [(_ _)%Z]] ⇒ rewrite Z2Nat.inj_le by omega
  | [|- context [(_ < _)%Z]] ⇒ rewrite Z2Nat.inj_lt by omega
  | [|- context [Z.to_nat (_ + _)%Z]] ⇒ rewrite Z2Nat.inj_add by omega
  | [|- context [Z.to_nat (_ - _)%Z]] ⇒ rewrite Z2Nat.inj_sub by omega
  | [|- context [Z.to_nat (_ × _)%Z]] ⇒ rewrite Z2Nat.inj_mul by omega
  | [|- context [Z.of_nat (Z.to_nat _)]] ⇒ rewrite by omega
  | [|- context [Z.to_nat (Z.succ _)]] ⇒ rewrite Z2Nat.inj_succ by omega
  | [|- context [Z.to_nat (1 + _)%Z]] ⇒ rewrite Z2Nat.inj_succ by omega
  | [|- context [Z.to_nat (_ + 1)%Z]] ⇒ rewrite Z.add_1_r; rewrite Z2Nat.inj_add by omega
  | [|- context [Z.to_nat (Z.pred _)]] ⇒ rewrite Z2Nat.inj_pred by omega
  | [|- context [Z.to_nat (_ - 1)%Z]] ⇒ rewrite Z2Nat.inj_pred by omega
  | [|- context [(min _ _)%nat]] ⇒ rewrite Z2Nat.inj_min by omega
  | [|- context [(max _ _)%nat]] ⇒ rewrite Z2Nat.inj_max by omega
  | [|- context [Z.to_nat 0%Z]] ⇒ rewrite Z2Nat.inj_0 by omega
  | [|- context [Z.to_nat 1%Z]] ⇒ rewrite Z_TO_NAT_1 by omega
  | [|- context [Z.to_nat (Z.neg _)]] ⇒ rewrite Z2Nat.inj_neg by omega
  | [|- context [Z.to_nat (Z.pos ?x)]] ⇒
    let z := fresh "z" in
    let Hz := fresh "Hz" in
    pose (z := Z.to_nat (Z.pos x));
      assert (Hz: z = (Z.to_nat (Z.pos x))) by auto;
      rewrite <- Hz; unfold Z.to_nat in Hz;
      unfold Pos.to_nat in Hz; simpl in Hz;
      rewrite Hz; clear Hz; clear z
  | [|- context [(_ + 1)%nat]] ⇒ rewrite NPeano.Nat.add_1_r
  | [|- context [(1 + _)%nat]] ⇒ rewrite NPeano.Nat.add_1_l
  | _fail 1 "cannot find any Z to nat"

Ltac case_if :=
  match goal with
  | [|- context [if ?cond then _ else _]] ⇒
    let Hcase := fresh "Hcase" in destruct cond eqn: Hcase
  | _fail 1 "cannot find 'if then else' in current goal"

Ltac solve_list :=
  match goal with
  | [H: skipn ?n ?l = ?x :: ?tl |- context [firstn ?n ?l ++ ?x :: nil]] ⇒
    rewrite <- (skipn_firstnp1 n l tl x H)
  | [|- context [Zlength nil]] ⇒ rewrite Zlength_nil
  | [|- context [firstn ?n ?l ++ ?x :: nil]] ⇒
    rewrite <- (skipn_firstnp1 n l tl x)
  | [|- context [Zlength (_ ++ _)]] ⇒ rewrite app_Zlength
  | [|- context [length (_ ++ _)]] ⇒ rewrite app_length
  | [|- context [Zlength (firstn _ _)]] ⇒ rewrite Zlength_correct
  | [|- context [Zlength (skipn _ _)]] ⇒ rewrite Zlength_correct
  | [|- context [length (firstn _ _)]] ⇒ rewrite firstn_length
  | [|- context [length (skipn _ _)]] ⇒ rewrite length_skipn
  | [|- context [skipn (length ?l) ?l]] ⇒ rewrite skipn_length
  | [|- context [firstn (length ?l) ?l]] ⇒ rewrite firstn_length_eq
  | [|- context [skipn 0 _]] ⇒ rewrite skip0_eq
  | [|- context [(_ ++ _) ++ _]] ⇒ rewrite <- app_assoc
  | [|- context [Zlength (_ :: _)]] ⇒ rewrite Zlength_cons
  | [|- context [length (_ :: _)]] ⇒ rewrite <- length_cons
  | [H1 : skipn ?n ?l = _ , H2 : (?n length ?l )%nat|- _ ] ⇒
    generalize (skipn_ge l n H2);
      let Hskip_nil := fresh "Hskip_nil" in
      intros Hskip_nil; rewrite Hskip_nil in H1; try discriminate H1
  | [|- context [firstn ?n (?h :: ?t)]] ⇒ rewrite firstn_dest
  | [|- context [firstn _ nil]] ⇒ rewrite firstn_nil
  | [|- context [(_ :: _) ++ _]] ⇒ rewrite <- app_comm_cons
  | _fail 1 "cannot solve current goal"

Ltac osubst :=
  match goal with
  | [ x := ?e |- _] ⇒ subst x
  | _subst

Ltac substx := repeat osubst.

Ltac iinv id :=
  match goal with
  | [H: ?f = ?r |- _] ⇒
    match f with
    | appcontext cxt [ ?g ?x ] ⇒
      match x with
      | idfunctional inversion H; clear H
    | _
      match r with
      | appcontext cxt [ ?g ?x ] ⇒
        match x with
        | idfunctional inversion H; clear H

variants of proving the specification satisfies the invariants

  Require Import liblayers.compat.CompatGenSem.
  Ltac preserves_invariants_direct low_level_invariant high_level_invariant:=
    constructor; simpl; intros;
    match goal with
    | [H: GenSem.semof _ _ _ _ _ |- _] ⇒
      inv_generic_sem H;
        match goal with
        | [H0: low_level_invariant _ _ |- _ ] ⇒
          inversion H0; constructor; trivial
        | [H0: high_level_invariant _ |- _ ] ⇒
          inversion H0; constructor; simpl; intros; try congruence
        | [H1: _ = ret _ , H0: _ _ |- _ _ ] ⇒
          simpl; try assumption
        | _idtac

  Ltac preserves_invariants_subst low_level_invariant high_level_invariant:=
    constructor; simpl; intros;
    match goal with
    | [H: GenSem.semof _ _ _ _ _ |- _] ⇒
      inv_generic_sem H;
        match goal with
        | [H1: ?f = ret _ , H0: low_level_invariant _ _ |- _ ] ⇒
          inversion H0; functional inversion H1; simpl in *; substx; try assumption; constructor; trivial
        | [H1: _ = ret _ , H0: high_level_invariant _ |- _ ] ⇒
          inversion H0; functional inversion H1; substx; try assumption; constructor; simpl; intros; try congruence
        | [H1: _ = ret _ , H0: _ _ |- _ _ ] ⇒
          functional inversion H1; substx; simpl; try assumption
        | _idtac

  Ltac preserves_invariants_nested low_level_invariant high_level_invariant:=
    constructor; simpl; intros;
    match goal with
    | [H: GenSem.semof _ _ _ _ _ |- _] ⇒
      inv_generic_sem H;
        match goal with
        | [H1: ?f = ret _ , H0: low_level_invariant _ _ |- _ ] ⇒
          match f with
          | appcontext cxt [ ?g ?d ] ⇒
            inversion H0; repeat (iinv d); simpl in *; substx; try assumption; constructor; trivial
        | [H1: ?f = ret _ , H0: high_level_invariant _ |- _ ] ⇒
          match f with
          | appcontext cxt [ ?g ?d ] ⇒
            inversion H0; repeat (iinv d); simpl in *; substx; try assumption; constructor; simpl; intros; try congruence
        | [H1: ?f = ret _ , H0: _ _ |- _ _ ] ⇒
          match f with
          | appcontext cxt [ ?g ?d ] ⇒
            repeat (iinv d); simpl in *; substx; simpl; try assumption
        | _idtac