Module ClightX

Require compcert.cfrontend.Clight.
Require SmallstepX.
Require EventsX.

Import Coqlib.
Import AST.
Import Values.
Import Globalenvs.
Import EventsX.
Import SmallstepX.
Import Ctypes.
Export Clight.

Require Import ZArith.

Execution of Clight functions with C-style arguments (long long 64-bit integers allowed) BUT with Asm signature (not C signature).

Context `{external_calls_prf: ExternalCalls}.

Variable fn_stack_requirements: ident -> Z.

Inductive initial_state
          (p: Clight.program) (i: ident) (m: mem)
          (sg: signature) (args: list val): state -> Prop :=
| initial_state_intro
    (Hb: Genv.find_symbol (Genv.globalenv p) i = Some b)
    (Hf: Genv.find_funct_ptr (Genv.globalenv p) b = Some f)
We need to keep the signature because it is required for lower-level languages
    targs tres tcc
    (Hty: type_of_fundef f = Tfunction targs tres tcc)
    (Hsig: sg = signature_of_type targs tres tcc)
   initial_state p i m sg args (Callstate f args Kstop (Mem.push_new_stage m) (fn_stack_requirements i))

Inductive final_state (sg: signature): state -> (val * mem) -> Prop :=
| final_state_intro
    m m' (USB: Mem.unrecord_stack_block m = Some m'):
    final_state sg (Returnstate v Kstop m) (v, m')

We define the per-module semantics of RTL as adaptable to both C-style and Asm-style; by default it is C-style (except for signature, which must be Asm-style).

Definition semantics
           (p: Clight.program) (i: ident) (m: mem)
           (sg: signature) (args: list val) : semantics _ :=
   (Clight.step2 fn_stack_requirements)
    (initial_state p i m sg args) (final_state sg) (Clight.globalenv p) (Clight.globalenv p).

Lemma semantics_single_events p i m sg args:
  single_events (semantics p i m sg args).
  intros s t s' H.
  inversion H; subst; simpl; auto;
    eapply external_call_trace_length; eauto.

Lemma semantics_receptive p i m sg args:
  receptive (semantics p i m sg args).
  constructor; auto using semantics_single_events.
  inversion 1; subst;
    try now (inversion 1; subst; eauto).
  * intros.
    exploit external_call_receptive; eauto.
    destruct 1 as (? & m2 & ?).
    destruct (Mem.unrecord_stack _ _ H2) as (bb & EQ).
    edestruct (Mem.unrecord_stack_block_succeeds m2) as (m2' & USB & STK).
    repeat rewrite_stack_blocks. eauto.
    econstructor; eauto.
  * intros.
    exploit external_call_receptive; eauto.
    destruct 1 as (? & ? & ?).
    econstructor; eauto.

Lemma deref_loc_determ ty m b ofs v1 v2:
  deref_loc ty m b ofs v1 ->
  deref_loc ty m b ofs v2 ->
  v1 = v2.
  inversion 1; subst; inversion 1; congruence.

Lemma assign_loc_determ ge ty m b ofs v m1 m2:
  assign_loc ge ty m b ofs v m1 ->
  assign_loc ge ty m b ofs v m2 ->
  m1 = m2.
  inversion 1; subst; inversion 1; congruence.

Lemma alloc_variables_determ ge e m l e1 m1 e2 m2:
  alloc_variables ge e m l e1 m1 ->
  alloc_variables ge e m l e2 m2 ->
  e1 = e2 /\ m1 = m2.
  induction 1; inversion 1; subst; auto.
  apply IHalloc_variables.

Lemma bind_parameters_determ e:
  forall ge m l lv m1 m2,
    bind_parameters ge e m l lv m1 ->
    bind_parameters ge e m l lv m2 ->
    m1 = m2.
  induction 1; inversion 1; subst; auto.
  apply IHbind_parameters; eauto.
  replace b0 with b in * by congruence.
  replace m4 with m1 in * by (eapply assign_loc_determ; eauto).

Lemma eval_expr_lvalue_determ ge le te m:
    forall e v1,
      eval_expr ge le te m e v1 ->
      forall v2,
        eval_expr ge le te m e v2 ->
        v1 = v2
  ) /\
    forall e b1 o1,
      eval_lvalue ge le te m e b1 o1 ->
      forall b2 o2,
        eval_lvalue ge le te m e b2 o2 ->
        b1 = b2 /\ o1 = o2
  apply eval_expr_lvalue_ind;
    try now
           match goal with
           | H : eval_expr _ _ _ _ (Econst_int _ _) _ |- _ => inv H; auto
           | H : eval_lvalue _ _ _ _ (Econst_int _ _) _ _ |- _ => inv H; auto
           | H : eval_expr _ _ _ _ (Econst_float _ _) _ |- _ => inv H; auto
           | H : eval_lvalue _ _ _ _ (Econst_float _ _) _ _ |- _ => inv H; auto
           | H : eval_expr _ _ _ _ (Econst_long _ _) _ |- _ => inv H; auto
           | H : eval_lvalue _ _ _ _ (Econst_long _ _) _ _ |- _ => inv H; auto
           | H : eval_expr _ _ _ _ (Econst_single _ _) _ |- _ => inv H; auto
           | H : eval_lvalue _ _ _ _ (Econst_single _ _) _ _ |- _ => inv H; auto
           | H : eval_expr _ _ _ _ (Etempvar _ _) _ |- _ => inv H; auto
           | H : eval_lvalue _ _ _ _ (Etempvar _ _) _ _ |- _ => inv H; auto
           | H : eval_expr _ _ _ _ (Evar _ _) _ |- _ => inv H; auto
           | H : eval_lvalue _ _ _ _ (Evar _ _) _ _ |- _ => inv H; auto
           | H : eval_expr _ _ _ _ (Efield _ _) _ |- _ => inv H; auto
           | H : eval_lvalue _ _ _ _ (Efield _ _) _ _ |- _ => inv H; auto
           | H : eval_expr _ _ _ _ (Eaddrof _ _) _ |- _ => inv H; auto
           | H : eval_lvalue _ _ _ _ (Eaddrof _ _) _ _ |- _ => inv H; auto
           | H : eval_expr _ _ _ _ (Esizeof _ _) _ |- _ => inv H; auto
           | H : eval_lvalue _ _ _ _ (Esizeof _ _) _ _ |- _ => inv H; auto
           | H : eval_expr _ _ _ _ (Ealignof _ _) _ |- _ => inv H; auto
           | H : eval_lvalue _ _ _ _ (Ealignof _ _) _ _ |- _ => inv H; auto
           | H : eval_expr _ _ _ _ (Ecast _ _) _ |- _ => inv H; auto
           | H : eval_lvalue _ _ _ _ (Ecast _ _) _ _ |- _ => inv H; auto
           | H : eval_expr _ _ _ _ (Eunop _ _ _) _ |- _ => inv H; auto
           | H : eval_lvalue _ _ _ _ (Eunop _ _ _) _ _ |- _ => inv H; auto
           | H : eval_expr _ _ _ _ (Ebinop _ _ _ _) _ |- _ => inv H; auto
           | H : eval_lvalue _ _ _ _ (Ebinop _ _ _ _) _ _ |- _ => inv H; auto
           | H0: forall _, eval_expr _ _ _ _ _ _ -> _ |- _ =>
             exploit H0; eauto; intuition subst; try congruence; revert H0
           | H0: forall _ _, eval_lvalue _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -> _ |- _ =>
             exploit H0; eauto; intuition subst; try congruence; revert H0
           end; congruence).

  - inv H ; simpl in *; inv H2; exploit H0; eauto; intuition subst; eapply deref_loc_determ; eauto.
  - inv H0; intuition congruence.
  - inv H1; intuition congruence.
  - inv H1. exploit H0; eauto. injection 1. intuition congruence.
  - inv H4; exploit H0; eauto; injection 1; intuition congruence.
  - inv H3; exploit H0; eauto; injection 1; intuition congruence.

Lemma eval_expr_determ ge le te m:
    forall e v1,
      eval_expr ge le te m e v1 ->
      forall v2,
        eval_expr ge le te m e v2 ->
        v1 = v2
  ) .
  apply eval_expr_lvalue_determ.

Lemma eval_lvalue_determ ge le te m:
    forall e b1 o1,
      eval_lvalue ge le te m e b1 o1 ->
      forall b2 o2,
        eval_lvalue ge le te m e b2 o2 ->
        b1 = b2 /\ o1 = o2
  apply eval_expr_lvalue_determ.

Lemma eval_exprlist_determ ge le te m:
  forall l t lv1,
    eval_exprlist ge le te m l t lv1 ->
    forall lv2,
      eval_exprlist ge le te m l t lv2 ->
      lv1 = lv2.
  induction 1; inversion 1; subst; auto.
  f_equal; eauto.
  replace v1 with v0 in * by (eapply eval_expr_determ; eauto).

Lemma function_entry2_determ ge f vargs m e1 le1 m1 e2 le2 m2 z:
  function_entry2 ge f vargs m e1 le1 m1 z ->
  function_entry2 ge f vargs m e2 le2 m2 z ->
  (e1 = e2 /\ m1 = m2) /\ le1 = le2.
  inversion 1; inversion 1; subst.
  exploit alloc_variables_determ. apply H3. apply H12. intros (A & B); subst.
  assert (fa = fa0).
    destruct fa, fa0; subst.
    simpl in *. subst.
    f_equal; apply Axioms.proof_irr.
  } subst.
  assert (m1 = m2) by congruence. subst.
  split; auto. congruence.

Theorem step2_determ:
 forall ge s s1 t1 t2 s2,
    Clight.step2 fn_stack_requirements ge s t1 s1 ->
    Clight.step2 fn_stack_requirements ge s t2 s2 ->
    (match_traces ge t1 t2 /\ (t1 = t2 -> s1 = s2)).
  intros ge.
  assert (MTZ: match_traces ge E0 E0) by constructor.
  inversion 1; subst;
    inversion 1; subst; try contradiction; try intuition (congruence || now constructor).
  * split; auto.
    intros _.
    replace v2 with v0 in * by (eapply eval_expr_determ; eauto).
    assert (loc0 = loc /\ ofs0 = ofs) as K by (eapply eval_lvalue_determ; eauto).
    destruct K; subst.
    replace v1 with v in * by congruence.
    eapply assign_loc_determ; eauto.
  * split; auto.
    intros _.
    eapply eval_expr_determ; eauto.
  * split; auto.
    intros _.
    replace vf0 with vf in * by (eapply eval_expr_determ; eauto).
    replace fd0 with fd in * |- * by congruence.
    replace tyargs0 with tyargs in * by congruence.
    eapply eval_exprlist_determ; eauto.
   red in IFI, IFI0.
    destruct IFI as (b1 & o1 & EQ1 & FS1).
    destruct IFI0 as (b2 & o2 & EQ2 & FS2).
    subst. inv EQ2.
    eapply Genv.find_invert_symbol in FS1.
    eapply Genv.find_invert_symbol in FS2. congruence.
  * replace vargs0 with vargs in * by (eapply eval_exprlist_determ; eauto).
    exploit external_call_determ. exact H1. exact H16.
    intuition congruence.
  * split; auto.
    intros _.
    replace v1 with v0 in * by (eapply eval_expr_determ; eauto).
    replace b0 with b in * by congruence.
  * split; auto.
    intros _.
    replace v0 with v in * by (eapply eval_expr_determ; eauto).
  * split; auto.
    intros _.
    exploit eval_expr_determ. eexact H0. eexact H12. intros; subst. congruence.
  * split; auto.
    intros _.
    assert (
        (e0 = e /\ m2 = m1) /\ le0 = le
      ) by (eapply function_entry2_determ; eauto).
    intuition congruence.
  * exploit external_call_determ. eexact H0. eexact H12.
    intuition congruence.

Lemma semantics_determinate p i m sg args:
  determinate (semantics p i m sg args).
  constructor; auto using semantics_single_events.
  * intros; eapply step2_determ; simpl in * |- * ; eauto.
  * inversion 1; inversion 1; congruence.
  * inversion 1; subst.
    intro ABS.
    inv ABS.
  * inversion 1; inversion 1; congruence.