Module MachX

Require compcert.backend.Mach.

Import Coqlib.
Import Integers.
Import AST.
Import Values.
Import Memory.
Import Globalenvs.
Import Events.
Import Smallstep.
Import Locations.
Import Conventions.
Export Mach.

Context `{external_calls_prf: ExternalCalls}.

Execution of Mach functions with Asm-style arguments (long long 64-bit integers NOT allowed)

Inductive initial_state (lm: regset) (p: Mach.program) (i: ident) (sg: signature) (args: list val) (m: mem): state -> Prop :=
| initial_state_intro
    (Hb: Genv.find_symbol (Genv.globalenv p) i = Some b)
    (Hargs: extcall_arguments lm m (current_sp (Mem.stack m)) sg args):
      initial_state lm p i sg args m (Callstate nil b lm (Mem.push_new_stage m)).

Definition get_pair (p: rpair mreg) (m: regset): val :=
  match p with
    | One l => m l
    | Twolong l1 l2 => Val.longofwords (m l1) (m l2)

Inductive final_state (lm: regset) (sg: signature): state -> (val * mem) -> Prop :=
| final_state_intro rs v
                    (Hv: v = get_pair (loc_result sg) rs)
                    (CALLEE_SAVE: forall r, ~ In r destroyed_at_call ->
                                            Val.lessdef (lm r) (rs r))
                    m m'
                    (USB: Mem.unrecord_stack_block m = Some m'):
    final_state lm sg (Returnstate nil rs m) (v, m').

Definition semantics
           (return_address_offset: function -> code -> ptrofs -> Prop)
           (invalidate_frame: mem -> option mem)
           (lm: regset) (init_ra: val)
           (p: Mach.program) (i: ident) (sg: signature) (args: list val) (m: mem) :=
    (Mach.step init_ra return_address_offset invalidate_frame)
    (initial_state lm p i sg args m)
    (final_state lm sg)
    (Genv.globalenv p).