Module RTLX

Require compcert.backend.RTL.
Require SmallstepX.
Require EventsX.

Import AST.
Import Values.
Import Globalenvs.
Import EventsX.
Import SmallstepX.
Export RTL.

Require Import ZArith.

Context `{external_calls_prf: ExternalCalls}.

Variable fn_stack_requirements: ident -> Z.

Execution of RTL functions with C-style arguments (long long 64-bit integers allowed)

Inductive initial_state (p: RTL.program) (i: ident) (m: mem) (sg: signature) (args: list val): state -> Prop :=
| initial_state_intro
    (Hb: Genv.find_symbol (Genv.globalenv p) i = Some b)
    (Hf: Genv.find_funct_ptr (Genv.globalenv p) b = Some f)
We need to keep the signature because it is required for lower-level languages
    (Hsig: sg = funsig f)
      initial_state p i m sg args (Callstate nil f args (Mem.push_new_stage m) (fn_stack_requirements i))

Inductive final_state (sg: signature): state -> (val * mem) -> Prop :=
| final_state_intro
    m m' (USB: Mem.unrecord_stack_block m = Some m'):
    final_state sg (Returnstate nil v m) (v, m')

Definition semantics
           (p: RTL.program) (i: ident) (m: mem) (sg: signature) (args: list val) : Smallstep.semantics _ :=

  Semantics (RTL.step fn_stack_requirements) (initial_state p i m sg args) (final_state sg) (Genv.globalenv p).

Lemma initial_stack_inv:
  forall p i m sg args s,
    initial_state p i m sg args s ->
    RTL.stack_inv s.
  intros p i m sg args s IS; inversion IS; subst.
  rewrite_stack_blocks. constructor. reflexivity.
  simpl; constructor.