Library coqrel.RelDefinitions
Require Export Coq.Program.Basics.
Require Export Coq.Relations.Relation_Definitions.
Require Export Coq.Classes.Morphisms.
Require Setoid.
Require Export Delay.
Require Export Coq.Relations.Relation_Definitions.
Require Export Coq.Classes.Morphisms.
Require Setoid.
Require Export Delay.
Class NotEvar {A} (x: A).
Hint Extern 1 (NotEvar ?x) ⇒
not_evar x; constructor : typeclass_instances.
Class Unconvertible {A B} (a: A) (b: B) := unconvertible : unit.
Ltac unconvertible a b :=
[ unify a b with typeclass_instances; fail 1
| exact tt ].
Hint Extern 1 (Unconvertible ?a ?b) ⇒
unconvertible a b : typeclass_instances.
Sometimes we may want to introduce an auxiliary variable to help
with unification.
Class Convertible {A} (x y: A) :=
convertible: x = y.
Hint Extern 1 (Convertible ?x ?y) ⇒
eapply eq_refl : typeclass_instances.
The following class can be used to inhibit backtracking.
Class Once P := once : P.
Hint Extern 1 (Once ?P) ⇒
red; once typeclasses eauto : typeclass_instances.
Definition rel (A1 A2: Type) := A1 → A2 → Prop.
Delimit Scope rel_scope with rel.
Bind Scope rel_scope with rel.
Make sure that the existing definitions based on
Relation_Definitions.relation use our rel_scope as well.
Bind Scope rel_scope with Relation_Definitions.relation.
Proof step
- 10 Reflexivity
- 20 RIntro
- 30 preorder
- 40 RDestruct
- 50 Monotonicity (includes Reflexivity -- we may want to split)
- 70 RExists
Class RStep (P Q: Prop) :=
rstep: P → Q.
Ltac rstep :=
lazymatch goal with
| |- ?Q ⇒
apply (rstep (Q := Q));
Class RAuto (Q: Prop) :=
rauto : Q.
Ltac rauto :=
lazymatch goal with
| |- ?Q ⇒
apply (rauto (Q := Q));
After applying each step, we need to decompose the premise into
individual subgoals, wrapping each one into a new RAuto goal so
that the process continues.
Note the use of Once below: while choosing a step to apply next
can involve some backtracking, once a step has been chosen RAuto
never backtracks. This avoids exponential blow up in the search
space, so that RAuto remains efficient even in case of failure.
This encourages proper hygiene when declaring instances, since
extraneous or too broadly applicable instance will cause failures
(rather than silently add weight to the system).
This also enables the user to investigate failures by stepping
through the process using the rstep tactic.
Class RAutoSubgoals (P: Prop) :=
rauto_subgoals : P.
Global Instance rauto_rstep P Q:
Once (RStep P Q) →
RAutoSubgoals P →
RAuto Q.
Ltac rauto_split :=
lazymatch goal with
| |- ?Q ⇒ change (RAuto Q)
Hint Extern 1 (RAutoSubgoals _) ⇒
rauto_split : typeclass_instances.
If rauto is run under the delayed tactical and we don't know
how to make progress, bail out.
Ltac no_evars t :=
lazymatch t with
| ?f ?x ⇒ no_evars f; no_evars x
| ?m ⇒ not_evar m
Lemma reflexivity_rstep {A} (R: rel A A) (x: A) :
Reflexive R →
RStep True (R x x).
Hint Extern 10 (RStep _ (?R ?x ?x)) ⇒
no_evars R; eapply reflexivity_rstep : typeclass_instances.
Introduction rules
Class RIntro {A B} (P: Prop) (R: rel A B) (m: A) (n: B): Prop :=
rintro: P → R m n.
Arguments RIntro {A%type B%type} P%type R%rel m n.
Ltac rintro :=
lazymatch goal with
| |- ?R ?m ?n ⇒
apply (rintro (R:=R) (m:=m) (n:=n));
Global Instance rintro_rstep:
∀ `(RIntro), RStep P (R m n) | 20.
Most introduction rules are entierly reversible. For instance,
suppose we use the introduction rule for ++> on a goal of the form
(R1 ++> R2) f g, to obtain Hxy: R1 x y |- R2 (f x) (g y). If at
a later stage we manage to prove our old goal Hfg: (R1 ++> R2) f g,
we can always use the elimination rule for ++> in conjunction with
the two hypotheses to prove R2 (f x) (g y).
On the other hand, whenever a new existential variable is involved,
this reversibility is lost: the time of introduction of the evar
determines what a valid instantiation is, and there is no way to go
back if we want to use components introduced later, say by
destructing one of the hypotheses.
For this reason, we want such introduction rules to be used only as
a last resort, and segregate them as instances of the following
class rather than RIntro. Moreover, to make sure that we don't
leave the user in a dead-end, we only use it if we can immediately
solve the resulting subgoal.
Class RExists {A B} (P: Prop) (R: rel A B) (m: A) (n: B): Prop :=
rexists: P → R m n.
Arguments RExists {A%type B%type} P%type R%rel m n.
Ltac reexists :=
lazymatch goal with
| |- ?R ?m ?n ⇒
apply (rexists (R:=R) (m:=m) (n:=n));
Global Instance rexists_rstep {A B} P R (m:A) (n:B):
RExists P R m n →
NonDelayed (RAutoSubgoals P) →
RStep True (R m n) | 70.
Using relations
Class RElim {A B} (R: rel A B) (m: A) (n: B) (P Q: Prop): Prop :=
relim: R m n → P → Q.
Arguments RElim {A%type B%type} R%rel m n P%type Q%type.
Ltac relim H :=
lazymatch goal with
| |- ?Q ⇒
apply (relim (Q:=Q) H)
The resolution process is directed by the syntax of R. We define
an instance for each function relator. The base case simply uses the
relational property as-is.
Global Instance relim_base {A B} (R: rel A B) m n:
RElim R m n True (R m n) | 10.
Destructing relational hypotheses
sum_rel_ind: forall ..., (forall a1 a2, RA a1 a2 -> P (inl a1) (inl a2)) -> (forall b1 b2, RB b1 b2 -> P (inr b1) (inr b2)) -> (forall p1 p2, (RA + RB) p1 p2 -> P p1 p2)A corresponding instance of RDestruct would be:
sum_rdestruct: RDestruct (sum_rel RA RB) (fun P => (forall a1 a2, RA a1 a2 -> P (inl a1) (inl a2)) /\ (forall b1 b2, RB b1 b2 -> P (inr b1) (inr b2)))In the case of sum_rel however, which is defined as an inductive type with similar structure to sum, we can rely on the default instance of RDestruct, which simply uses the destruct tactic.
Class RDestruct {A B: Type} (R: rel A B) (T: rel A B → Prop) :=
rdestruct m n: R m n → ∀ P, T P → P m n.
See the RDestruct library for the corresponding instance of
RStep, the default instance of RDestruct, and a way to control
whether or not we should keep equations for the destructed terms.
We use the class Related for the user to declare monotonicity
properties. This is a generalization of Morphisms.Proper from the
Coq standard library: although we expect that most of the time the
left- and right-hand side terms will be identical, they could be
slightly different partial applications of the same function.
Usually the differing arguments will be implicit, so that the user
can still rely on the Monotonic notation below. Occasionally, you
may need to spell out the two different terms and use the actual
class instead.
Note that the argument order below eschews the precedent of Proper,
which has the relation first, followed by the proper element. This is
deliberate: we want the type parameters A and B to be unified in
priority against the type of f and g, rather than that of R.
In particular, the relator forall_rel yields an eta-expanded type
of the form (fun x ⇒ T x) x for its arguments. When A and B
take this peculiar form, instances declared using forall_rel
become unusable (I assume because no second-order unification is
performed when looking up the typeclass instance database). By
contrast the type of f and g is much more likely to be in a
"reasonable" form.
Monotonicity properties
Class Related {A B} (f: A) (g: B) (R: rel A B) :=
related: R f g.
Arguments Related {A%type B%type} _ _ R%rel.
Notation "'@' 'Monotonic' T m R" := (@Related T T m m R%rel)
(at level 10, T at next level, R at next level, m at next level).
Notation Monotonic m R := (Related m m R%rel).
Lemma unfold_monotonic_rstep {A B} (R: rel A B) m n:
RStep (R m n) (Related m n R).
Hint Extern 1 (RStep _ (Related _ _ _)) ⇒
eapply unfold_monotonic_rstep : typeclass_instances.
Order on relations
Definition subrel {A B}: rel (rel A B) (rel A B) :=
fun R1 R2 ⇒ ∀ x y, R1 x y → R2 x y.
Arguments subrel {A%type B%type} R1%rel R2%rel.
Global Instance subrel_preorder A B:
@PreOrder (rel A B) subrel.
split; firstorder.
Global Instance eq_subrel {A} (R: rel A A):
Reflexive R →
Related eq R subrel.
intros HR x y H.
Instance subrel_impl_relim {A B} (R1 R2 : rel A B) x1 x2 y1 y2 P Q:
RElim impl (R1 x1 y1) (R2 x2 y2) P Q →
RElim subrel R1 R2 (x1 = x2 ∧ y1 = y2 ∧ P) Q.
Core relators
Non-dependent function types
Definition arrow_rel {A1 A2 B1 B2}:
rel A1 A2 → rel B1 B2 → rel (A1 → B1) (A2 → B2) :=
fun RA RB f g ⇒ ∀ x y, RA x y → RB (f x) (g y).
Arguments arrow_rel {A1%type A2%type B1%type B2%type} RA%rel RB%rel _ _.
Notation "RA ==> RB" := (arrow_rel RA RB)
(at level 55, right associativity) : rel_scope.
Notation "RA ++> RB" := (arrow_rel RA RB)
(at level 55, right associativity) : rel_scope.
Notation "RA --> RB" := (arrow_rel (flip RA) RB)
(at level 55, right associativity) : rel_scope.
Global Instance arrow_subrel {A1 A2 B1 B2}:
Monotonic (@arrow_rel A1 A2 B1 B2) (subrel --> subrel ++> subrel).
Global Instance arrow_subrel_params:
Params (@arrow_rel) 4.
Lemma arrow_rintro {A1 A2 B1 B2} (RA: rel A1 A2) (RB: rel B1 B2) f g:
RIntro (∀ x y, RA x y → RB (f x) (g y)) (RA ++> RB) f g.
Hint Extern 0 (RIntro _ (_ ++> _) _ _) ⇒
eapply arrow_rintro : typeclass_instances.
Lemma arrow_relim {A1 A2 B1 B2} RA RB f g m n P Q:
@RElim B1 B2 RB (f m) (g n) P Q →
@RElim (A1 → B1) (A2 → B2) (RA ++> RB) f g (RA m n ∧ P) Q.
Hint Extern 1 (RElim (_ ++> _) _ _ _ _) ⇒
eapply arrow_relim : typeclass_instances.
Dependent products
Definition forall_rel {V1 V2} {E: V1→V2→Type} {FV1: V1→Type} {FV2: V2→Type}:
(∀ v1 v2, E v1 v2 → rel (FV1 v1) (FV2 v2)) →
rel (∀ v1, FV1 v1) (∀ v2, FV2 v2) :=
fun FE f g ⇒
∀ v1 v2 (e: E v1 v2), FE v1 v2 e (f v1) (g v2).
Arguments forall_rel {V1%type V2%type E%type FV1%type FV2%type} FE%rel _ _.
Notation "'forallr' e @ v1 v2 : E , R" :=
(forall_rel (E := E) (fun v1 v2 e ⇒ R))
(at level 200, e ident, v1 ident, v2 ident, right associativity) : rel_scope.
Notation "'forallr' e @ v1 v2 , R" :=
(forall_rel (fun v1 v2 e ⇒ R))
(at level 200, e ident, v1 ident, v2 ident, right associativity) : rel_scope.
Notation "'forallr' e : E , R" :=
(forall_rel (E := E) (fun _ _ e ⇒ R))
(at level 200, e ident, right associativity) : rel_scope.
Notation "'forallr' e , R" :=
(forall_rel (fun _ _ e ⇒ R))
(at level 200, e ident, right associativity) : rel_scope.
Lemma forall_rintro {V1 V2 E F1 F2} (FE: ∀ x y, _ → rel _ _) f g:
(∀ u v e, FE u v e (f u) (g v))
(@forall_rel V1 V2 E F1 F2 FE) f g.
Hint Extern 0 (RIntro _ (forall_rel _) _ _) ⇒
eapply forall_rintro : typeclass_instances.
Lemma forall_relim {V1 V2 E FV1 FV2} R f g v1 v2 e P Q:
RElim (R v1 v2 e) (f v1) (g v2) P Q →
RElim (@forall_rel V1 V2 E FV1 FV2 R) f g P Q.
Hint Extern 1 (RElim (forall_rel _) _ _ _ _) ⇒
eapply forall_relim : typeclass_instances.
Inverse relation
Global Instance flip_subrel {A B}:
Monotonic (@flip A B Prop) (subrel ++> subrel).
Global Instance flip_subrel_params:
Params (@flip) 3.
Lemma flip_rintro {A B} (R: rel A B) m n:
RIntro (R n m) (flip R) m n.
Hint Extern 1 (RIntro _ (flip _) _ _) ⇒
eapply flip_rintro : typeclass_instances.
Lemma flip_relim {A B} (R: rel A B) m n P Q:
RElim R n m P Q →
RElim (flip R) m n P Q.
Hint Extern 1 (RElim (flip _) _ _ _ _) ⇒
eapply flip_relim : typeclass_instances.
Lemma flip_rdestruct {A B} (R: rel A B) T:
RDestruct R T →
RDestruct (flip R) (fun P ⇒ T (flip P)).
Hint Extern 1 (RDestruct (flip _) _) ⇒
eapply flip_rdestruct : typeclass_instances.
When the goal is of the form ?R x y with ?R an uninstantiated
existential variable, we must then decide whether to attempt
resolving ?R x y directly, or try resolving ?R' y x instead,
with ?R instantiated to flip ?R'. However, it is impossible to
know in advance which of these will eventually work, so this is one
situation where backtracking is unavoidable.
The RExists instances below are used to make that decision.
The class PolarityResolved can be used as a guard in RIntro
instances which are general enough to instantiate such ?Rs —
for example, see the Monotonicity library. It ensures that the
specified relation either is not an existential variable, or that
its polarity has been chosen through direct_rexists or
flip_rexists below.
Class PolarityResolved {A B} (R: rel A B).
Hint Extern 1 (PolarityResolved ?R) ⇒
not_evar R; constructor : typeclass_instances.
Ltac polarity_unresolved R :=
is_evar R;
lazymatch goal with
| H : PolarityResolved R |- _ ⇒ fail
| _ ⇒ idtac
Lemma direct_rexists {A B} (R: rel A B) (m: A) (n: B):
RExists (PolarityResolved R → R m n) R m n.
Hint Extern 1 (RExists _ ?R _ _) ⇒
polarity_unresolved R; eapply direct_rexists : typeclass_instances.
Lemma flip_rexists {A B} (R: rel A B) (Rc: rel B A) (m: A) (n: B):
Convertible R (flip Rc) →
RExists (PolarityResolved Rc → flip Rc m n) R m n.
unfold Convertible. intros; subst.
Hint Extern 2 (RExists _ ?R _ _) ⇒
polarity_unresolved R; eapply flip_rexists : typeclass_instances.