Library mcertikos.layerlib.XOmega

Require Import ZArith.
Require Import Decision.
Open Scope Z_scope.

The xomega tactic

Calculations involving page addresses and the like involve some integer divisions, which omega and friends cannot handle as is. To remedy this, we can add a preprocessing step where we prove inequalities which characterize the subterms which omega does not understand.
So for instance, if the subexpression a / b appears, we can add the hypothesis 0 a - a / b × b < b to the context. Then when omega abstracts the division as a variable q, it will nonetheless know that 0 a - q × b < b which is equivalent to q = a / b.
The xomega tactic applies this principle to enable omega to solve goals involving Z.div, Z.modulo and Z.max.

Module XOmega.

Inject nat's into Z

Although we mostly use Z, occasionally some goals or hypotheses involving nat show up. This is the case for instance when doing induction on the Calculate_foo family of fixpoints. The rewrite base below makes sure everything is expressed in terms of Z: relations on nat are converted into relations on Z, and the resulting Z.of_nat's are pushed inwards in all expressions.
Use Z.max to avoid side conditions.
  Lemma Nat2Z_inj_to_nat_max z:
    Z.of_nat (Z.to_nat z) = Z.max 0 z.
    destruct (decide (0 z)) as [Hz | Hz].
    × rewrite by assumption.
      rewrite Zmax_right by assumption.
    × destruct z.
      - elim Hz.
      - elim Hz.
        apply Pos2Z.is_nonneg.
      - rewrite Z2Nat.inj_neg.
        rewrite Nat2Z.inj_0.
        rewrite Zmax_left by omega.

  Hint Rewrite <-
    : nat2z.

  Hint Rewrite
    : nat2z.

  Ltac nat2z :=
    autorewrite with nat2z in ×.

Characterize Z.div and Z.max by inequalities

Ensure that no hypothesis of type P already exists, then use the provided tactic to add one.
  Ltac assert_new P tac :=
    match goal with
      | H_already_there : P |- _fail 1
      | _assert P by tac

Characterize Z.div a b.

  Notation DIVSPEC a b :=
    ((b < 0 b < a - a / b × b 0)
     (b = 0 a / b = 0)
     (b > 0 0 a - a / b × b < b))%Z.

  Lemma specify_division a b:
    DIVSPEC a b.
  Proof with try omega.
    destruct (decide (b < 0)) as [Hbn | Hbn]; [left | right;
    destruct (decide (b = 0)) as [Hbz | Hbz]; [left | right]];
    × rewrite <- Zmod_eq_full...
      apply Z.mod_neg_bound...
    × subst.
      apply Zdiv_0_r...
    × rewrite <- Zmod_eq_full...
      apply Z.mod_pos_bound...

  Ltac specify_division a b :=
    let tac := (apply specify_division) in
    assert_new (DIVSPEC a b) tac.

Characterize Z.modulo a b.

  Notation MODSPEC a b :=
    ((b = 0 a mod b = 0)
     (b 0 a mod b = a - a / b × b))%Z.

  Lemma specify_modulo a b:
    MODSPEC a b.
  Proof with try omega.
    destruct (decide (b = 0)); [left | right];
    × subst; apply Zmod_0_r.
    × apply Zmod_eq_full...

  Ltac specify_modulo a b :=
    let tac := (apply specify_modulo) in
    assert_new (MODSPEC a b) tac.

Characterize Z.max a b.

  Notation MAXSPEC a b :=
    ((a b Z.max a b = a)
     (a < b Z.max a b = b))%Z.

  Lemma specify_max a b:
    MAXSPEC a b.
    apply Zmax_spec.

  Ltac specify_max a b :=
    let tac := (apply specify_max) in
    assert_new (MAXSPEC a b) tac.

Now look in the hypotheses and goal for occurences of division and max, then instantiate the corresponding hypotheses.

  Ltac instantiate_extra_hypotheses_for P :=
    match P with
      | context [Z.div ?a ?b] ⇒ specify_division a b
      | context [Z.modulo ?a ?b] ⇒ specify_modulo a b
      | context [Z.max ?a ?b] ⇒ specify_max a b
    try instantiate_extra_hypotheses_for P.

  Ltac instantiate_extra_hypotheses :=
      match goal with
        | H: ?P |- _instantiate_extra_hypotheses_for P
        | |- ?Ginstantiate_extra_hypotheses_for G

Assembling the pieces

  Ltac omegify :=

End XOmega.

Random hint: the extra hypotheses are a little hairy, so if you use omegify manually on its own, you may want to import the XOmega module to get the FOOSPEC notations.

Ltac xomega :=

These should work as well if we ever need them.

Finally, a quick test.

   (x: Z) (y: nat),
    (y max 2 17)%nat
    (¬ Z.to_nat x < y)%nat
    - x × 5 / - 4 > x + x / 0.