Library mcertikos.objects.CalMCSLock

Require Import Coqlib.
Require Import Maps.
Require Import AuxStateDataType.
Require Import FlatMemory.
Require Import Values.
Require Import Memory.
Require Import AuxLemma.
Require Import Constant.
Require Import GlobIdent.
Require Import GlobalOracle.
Require Import CalTicketLock.
Require Import LogReplay.

Require Import ZSet.

Opaque Z.of_nat Z.to_nat Z.to_pos.


  Definition mcs_lock_st_size := ((TOTAL_CPU × (2 + 14) + (15 + 1)) × 4).
  Definition mcs_node_st_size := 64.
  Definition NULL := TOTAL_CPU.

  Definition next_pos (lock_index curid : Z) : Z := ((mcs_lock_st_size × lock_index) + 64 + (mcs_node_st_size × curid)).
  Definition busy_pos (lock_index curid : Z) : Z := ((mcs_lock_st_size × lock_index) + 64 + (mcs_node_st_size × curid) + 4).
  Definition tail_pos (lock_index : Z) : Z := (mcs_lock_st_size × lock_index).

  Hint Unfold mcs_lock_st_size mcs_node_st_size NULL next_pos busy_pos tail_pos.

  Inductive MCSLock :=
  | MCSLOCK (tail: Z) (lock_array: ZMap.t (bool × Z)) (bounds : list nat).

  Definition init_MCSLock :=
    MCSLOCK NULL (ZMap.init (false, NULL)) nil.

  Fixpoint CalMCSLock (l: MultiLog):=
    match l with
      | nilSome init_MCSLock
      | (TEVENT i e) ::
        match CalMCSLock with
          | Some mcs
            match e, mcs with
              | TTICKET , MCSLOCK tail0 la bounds
                match with
                  | SWAP_TAIL p _
                      Some (MCSLOCK i (ZMap.set i (true, NULL) la) (bounds ++ (p::nil)))
                  | GET_NEXTSome mcs
                  | SET_NEXT old
                    match ZMap.get old la with
                      | (b, t)
                        Some (MCSLOCK tail0 (ZMap.set old (b, i) la) bounds)
                  | GET_BUSY _Some mcs
                  | SET_BUSY
                    match ZMap.get i la with
                      | (b, t)
                        match ZMap.get t la with
                          | (, )
                            Some (MCSLOCK tail0 (ZMap.set t (false, ) la) (tl bounds))
                  | CAS_TAIL falseSome mcs
                  | CAS_TAIL true
                    if zeq tail0 i then
                      Some (MCSLOCK NULL la nil)
                    else None
                  | _None
              | _, _Some mcs
          | _None

  Global Opaque CalMCSLock.




    Context `{waittime: WaitTime}.

    Fixpoint CalMCS_AcqWait (n: nat) (i : Z) (l: MultiLog) (to: MultiOracle) : option MultiLog :=
      match n with
        | ONone
        | S
          let := (to i l) ++ l in
          match CalMCSLock with
            | Some (MCSLOCK tail la _) ⇒
              match ZMap.get i la with
                | (false, _)Some ((TEVENT i (TTICKET (GET_BUSY false))) :: )
                | _
                  CalMCS_AcqWait i ((TEVENT i (TTICKET (GET_BUSY true))) ::) to
            | _None

    Global Opaque CalMCS_AcqWait.

    Fixpoint CalMCS_RelWait (n: nat) (i : Z) (l: MultiLog) (to: MultiOracle) : option MultiLog :=
      match n with
        | ONone
        | S
          let l1 := (TEVENT i (TTICKET GET_NEXT)) :: (to i l) ++ l in
          match CalMCSLock l1 with
            | Some (MCSLOCK tail la _) ⇒
              match ZMap.get i la with
                | (_, p)if zeq p NULL
                            then CalMCS_RelWait i l1 to
                              match CalMCSLock (to i l1 ++ l1) with
                                | Some (MCSLOCK tail´ la´ _) ⇒
                                  match ZMap.get i la´ with
                                    | (_, )if zeq NULL then None
                                                 else Some ((TEVENT i (TTICKET SET_BUSY)) :: (to i l1 ++ l1))
                                | _None
            | _None

    Global Opaque CalMCS_RelWait.




  Context `{waittime: WaitTime}.

  Definition CalPassLockLoopTime :=
    (S fairness)%nat.
  Definition CalPassLockTime :=
    (S CalPassLockLoopTime)%nat.

  Fixpoint CalSumWait (l: list nat) :=
    match l with
      | nilO
      | a :: ⇒ ((3 + CalPassLockTime + a) + CalSumWait ) % nat

  Definition rm_head {A: Type} (l: list A) :=
    match l with
      | nilnil
      | _ ::

  Definition WaitConstant : nat := (2 + CalPassLockTime)%nat.
  Lemma WaitConstant_fairness : (fairness < WaitConstant)%nat.
    unfold WaitConstant, CalPassLockTime, CalPassLockLoopTime.

  Lemma WaitConstant_PassLockTime : (S CalPassLockTime < WaitConstant)%nat.
    unfold WaitConstant, CalPassLockTime.
  Global Opaque WaitConstant.

  Definition CalWaitLockTime (tq: list nat) :=
    ((5 + WaitConstant + length tq + (CalSumWait tq)) × WaitConstant)%nat.


Section CAL_QS_LOCK.

  Context `{waittime: WaitTime}.

  Require Import ZSet.

  Fixpoint QS_CalLock (l: MultiLog) : option (nat × nat × head_status × list Z × ZSet.t × list nat) :=
    match l with
      | nilSome (O, O, LEMPTY, nil, ZSet.empty, nil)
      | (TEVENT i e) ::
        match QS_CalLock with
          | Some (self_c, rel_c, b, q, slow, tq)
            match q,tq with
            | nil, nil
              match e with
                | TTICKET (SWAP_TAIL bound true) ⇒
                    Some (S bound, S CalPassLockTime, LHOLD, (i::nil), ZSet.empty, (bound::nil))
                | _None
            | i0 :: , p0 :: tq´
              if zeq i i0 then
                match b, e with
                  | LHOLD, TTICKET GET_NEXT
                    match rel_c with
                      | ONone
                      | S rel_c´Some (self_c, rel_c´, b, q, slow, tq)
                  | LHOLD, TTICKET SET_BUSY
                    match rel_c with
                      | ONone
                      | S rel_c´
                        if (negb (ZSet.mem i slow))
                          then Some (O, O, LEMPTY, , slow, tq´)
                          else None
                  | _, TTICKET (SET_NEXT _) ⇒
                    if ZSet.mem i slow
                    then Some (self_c, rel_c, b, q, ZSet.remove i slow, tq)
                    else None
                  | LHOLD, TSHARED _
                    match self_c with
                      | ONone
                      | S self_c´Some (self_c´, rel_c, LHOLD, q, slow, tq)
                  | LEMPTY, TTICKET (GET_BUSY false) ⇒
                      Some (S p0, S CalPassLockTime, LHOLD, q, slow, tq)
                  | LHOLD, TTICKET (CAS_TAIL false) ⇒
                    match rel_c with
                      | ONone
                      | S rel_c´Some (self_c, rel_c´, b, q, slow, tq)
                  | LHOLD, TTICKET (CAS_TAIL true) ⇒
                    match with
                       | nilSome (O, O, LEMPTY, nil, ZSet.empty, nil)
                       | _None
                  | _, _None
                 match b, e with
                   | _, TTICKET (GET_BUSY true) ⇒
                     if ZSet.mem i slow
                     then None
                     else Some (self_c, rel_c, b, q, slow, tq)
                   | _, TTICKET (SET_NEXT _) ⇒
                     if ZSet.mem i slow
                     then Some (self_c, rel_c, b, q, ZSet.remove i slow, tq)
                     else None
                   | _, TTICKET (SWAP_TAIL bound false) ⇒
                     if in_dec zeq i q
                       then None
                       else Some (self_c, rel_c, b, q ++ (i::nil), ZSet.add i slow, tq++(bound::nil))
                   | _,_None
             | _,_None
          | _None

  Global Opaque QS_CalLock.

  Fixpoint CalBound (j:Z) (l: MultiLog) : nat :=
    match l with
      | nilfairness
      | (TEVENT i e) ::
        match (CalBound j ) with
         | (S ) ⇒
           if zeq i j
           then fairness
         | OO

  Lemma CalBound_upper_bound : j l, (CalBound j l fairness)%nat.
    induction l; simpl; intros.
    + auto.
    + destruct a.
      destruct (CalBound j l); auto.
      destruct (zeq i j); omega.

  Lemma CalBound_decreasing : j k e l,
      j k → (0 < CalBound j l)%nat
      (CalBound j (TEVENT k e :: l) < CalBound j l)%nat.
    Local Transparent CalBound.
    intros until 1.
    destruct (CalBound j l) as [|n].
    rewrite zeq_false; auto.

  Lemma CalBound_inv : k e l,
      (0 < CalBound k (e :: l))%nat
      (0 < CalBound k l)%nat.
    Transparent CalBound.
    destruct e as [j e].
    simpl in ×.
    destruct (CalBound k l).
    - omega.
    - apply lt_0_Sn.

  Opaque CalBound.

  Definition fair_log (l : MultiLog) :=
     j, (0 < CalBound j l)%nat.


Section CAL_QS_WAIT.

  Context `{waittime: WaitTime}.

  Fixpoint QS_CalWaitGet (n: nat) (i: Z) (l: MultiLog) (to: MultiOracle):=
    match n with
      | ONone
      | S
        let l1 := (to i l) ++ l in
        match QS_CalLock l1 with
          | Some (_, b, q, _, _)
            match q with
              | e0 ::
                if (zeq e0 i)
                then let := (TEVENT i (TTICKET (GET_BUSY false))) :: l1 in
                else let := (TEVENT i (TTICKET (GET_BUSY true))) :: l1 in
                     QS_CalWaitGet i to
              | _None
          | _None

  Global Opaque QS_CalWaitGet.

  Fixpoint QS_CalWaitRel (n: nat) (i j: Z) (l: MultiLog) (to: MultiOracle) : option MultiLog :=
    match n with
      | ONone
      | S
        let l1 := (to i l) ++ l in
        match QS_CalLock l1 with
          | Some (_, rel_c, _, _, slow,_)
            if (ZSet.mem j slow)
            then match rel_c with
                   | S _QS_CalWaitRel i j ((TEVENT i (TTICKET GET_NEXT)) :: l1) to
                   | _None
              match rel_c with
                | (S (S _)) ⇒ Some l1
                | _None
          | _None

  Global Opaque QS_CalWaitRel.


Section MCS_Def_Invariant.

  Context `{waittime: WaitTime}.

  Definition not_head (i: Z) (l: list Z) :=
    match l with
      | nilTrue
      | i0 :: _
        if zeq i i0 then False
        else True

  Definition MCSCorrect (node_value: Z) :=
    0 node_value TOTAL_CPU.

  Definition MCSCorrect_range (mcs: MCSLock) :=
     tl lock_arr bnd
           (Hmcs: mcs = MCSLOCK tl lock_arr bnd),
      0 tl TOTAL_CPU
      ( i , 0 i < TOTAL_CPU
                  0 (snd (ZMap.get i lock_arr)) TOTAL_CPU).

  Definition valid_MCS_log l :=
      CalMCSLock l = Some mcs
      MCSCorrect_range mcs.

  Definition valid_MCS_log_pool l :=
     i q (Hrange: 0 i < lock_range)
           (Hdef: ZMap.get i l = MultiDef q),
      valid_MCS_log q.

  Definition valid_multi_oracle_mcs (o: MultiOracle) :=
     q i
           (Hvalid: valid_MCS_log q),
      valid_MCS_log ((o i q) ++ q).

  Definition valid_multi_oracle_pool_mcs (o: MultiOraclePool):=
           (Hrange: 0 i < lock_range),
      valid_multi_oracle_domain (ZMap.get i o)
       valid_multi_oracle_mcs (ZMap.get i o).

  Definition valid_qslock (l: MultiLog) :=
     self_c rel_c b q slow tq, QS_CalLock l = Some (self_c, rel_c, b, q, slow, tq).

  Definition valid_qslock_pool (l: MultiLogPool):=
     i ofs r q
           (Hrange: index2Z i ofs = Some r)
           (Hdef: ZMap.get r l = MultiDef q),
      valid_qslock q.

  Definition correct_qslock_status (l: MultiLog) (k: LockStatus) (cpu: Z):=
     self_c rel_c b q tq slow
           (Hcal: QS_CalLock l = Some (self_c, rel_c, b, q, slow, tq)),
      (k = LockFalse¬ In cpu q)
       ( lb, k = LockOwn lb , q = cpu :: b = LHOLD ¬ In cpu (rel_c > CalPassLockTime)%nat ).

  Definition correct_qslock_pool_status (l: MultiLogPool) (k: Lock) (cpu: Z):=
     i ofs r q
           (Hrange: index2Z i ofs = Some r)
           (Hdef: ZMap.get r l = MultiDef q),
      correct_qslock_status q (ZMap.get r k) cpu.

  Definition valid_qs_oracle (o: MultiOracle):=
     i l
           self_c0 rel_c0 b0 q0 slow0 tq0
           (Hin : QS_CalLock l = Some (self_c0, rel_c0, b0, q0, slow0, tq0))
     self_c rel_c b q slow tq,
      QS_CalLock ((o i l) ++ l) = Some (self_c, rel_c, b, q, slow, tq)
       ( j, In j q0 → (0 < CalBound j (o i l ++ l))%nat ).

  Definition valid_qs_oracle_pool (o: MultiOraclePool):=
     i ofs r
           (Hrange: index2Z i ofs = Some r),
      valid_multi_oracle_domain (ZMap.get r o)
       valid_qs_oracle (ZMap.get r o).

  Definition get_free_qslock (l: MultiLog) :=
     k self_c other_c q slow tq
           (Hcal: QS_CalLock l = Some (self_c, other_c, k, q, slow, tq))
           (Hk: k = LEMPTY),
      CalValidBit l = Some FreeToPull.

  Definition get_free_qslock_pool (l: MultiLogPool) :=
     i ofs r q
           (Hrange: index2Z i ofs = Some r)
           (Hdef: ZMap.get r l = MultiDef q),
      get_free_qslock q.

  Definition get_free_qslock_oracle (o: MultiOracle):=
     i l
           (Hget: get_free_qslock l),
      get_free_qslock ((o i l) ++ l).

  Definition get_free_qslock_oracle_pool (o: MultiOraclePool) :=
     i ofs r
           (Hrange: index2Z i ofs = Some r),
      get_free_qslock_oracle (ZMap.get r o).

End MCS_Def_Invariant.