
Require Import Coqlib.
Require Import List.
Require Import Bool.
Require Export Oracle.

Module LOracle (E: Event) : Oracle
  with Definition Time := nat
  with Definition Entry:= E.T.

  Definition Time := nat.
  Definition Entry:= E.T.
  Definition Tape := list Entry.

  Open Scope nat_scope.

  Definition span := 100 %nat.

  Definition tlt (x y: Time): Prop := lt x y.

  Definition tle (x y: Time): Prop := le x y.

  Definition empty: Tape := nil.

  Definition default := E.d.

  Fixpoint get (t: Time)(l: Tape): option Entry :=
    match t, l with
      | O, x :: Some x
      | _, nilNone
      | S , x :: get

  Definition valid (l: Tape): Prop :=
   span length l.

  Theorem empty_def: t:Time,
      get t empty = None.
    unfold get, empty. destruct t; trivial.

  Theorem order: a b: Time,
      {tlt a b} + {a = b} + {¬tle a b}.
    unfold Time, tlt, tle.
    intros a b.
    case (lt_dec a b).
    - intros. left. left. trivial.
    - intros. case (le_dec a b).
      + apply not_lt in n. intros.
        left. right. omega.
      + right. exact n0.

  Lemma valid_range_list: (t: Time) (l: Tape),
      tlt t (length l) →
        get t l = Some e.
    unfold tlt. induction t.
    - intros. destruct l.
      + inversion H.
      + simpl. e. reflexivity.
    - destruct l.
      + inversion 1.
      + simpl. intros. apply IHt. omega.

  Theorem valid_range: (t: Time) (l: Tape),
      valid l
      tlt t span
        get t l = Some e.
    unfold valid, tlt.
    assert (Htran: t < length l) by omega.
    apply valid_range_list.
    unfold tlt. assumption.

End LOracle.