Library mcertikos.proc.EPTIntroGenAccessor

This file provide the contextual refinement proof between MAL layer and MPTIntro layer
Require Export EPTIntroGenDef.

Definition of the refinement relation

Section Refinement.

  Section WITHMEM.

    Context `{Hstencil: Stencil}.
    Context `{multi_oracle_prop: MultiOracleProp}.
    Context `{Hmem: Mem.MemoryModelX}.
    Context `{Hmwd: UseMemWithData mem}.
    Context `{real_params : RealParams}.

    Require Import LoadStoreSem2.
    Require Import GuestAccessIntel2.
    Require Import GuestAccessIntel1.
    Require Import HostAccess2.
    Require Import LoadStoreGeneral.

    Notation hStore := (fun F Vexec_storeex3 (flatmem_store := flatmem_store) (F:=F) (V:=V)).
    Notation lStore := (fun F Vexec_storeex2 (flatmem_store := flatmem_store) (F:=F) (V:=V)).
    Notation lLoad := (fun F Vexec_loadex2 (F:=F) (V:=V)).
    Notation hLoad := (fun F Vexec_loadex3 (F:=F) (V:=V)).

    Lemma guest_intel_correct21:
       {F V} (ge: Genv.t F V) accessor2 accessor1 m1 m1´ m2 d1 d2 d1´ rs1 rs2 rs1´ f s rd t i
             (cpu_id_range: 0 CPU_ID d1 < TOTAL_CPU),
        exec_guest_intel_accessor2 accessor2 i t (m1, d1) rs1 rd = Next rs1´ (m1´, d1´)
        → MatchPrimcallStates (one_crel HDATAOps LDATAOps) s f rs1 m1 d1 rs2 m2 d2
        → stencil_matches s ge
                    ( i0 i ,
                        accessor2 (Int.unsigned i0) t (m1, d1) rs1 rd = Next rs1´ (m1´, d1´)
                        i = Int64.repr (Int.unsigned i0) →
                         r´0 m2´ d2´,
                          accessor1 i t (m2, d2) rs2 rd = Next r´0 (m2´, d2´)
                          MatchPrimcallStates (one_crel HDATAOps LDATAOps) s f rs1´ m1´ d1´ r´0 m2´ d2´),
             r´0 m2´ d2´,
              exec_guest_intel_accessor1 ge accessor1 i t (m2, d2) rs2 rd (CPU_ID d1) = Next r´0 (m2´, d2´)
               MatchPrimcallStates (one_crel HDATAOps LDATAOps) s f rs1´ m1´ d1´ r´0 m2´ d2´.
      unfold exec_guest_intel_accessor1, exec_guest_intel_accessor2. intros.
      pose proof H0 as Hmatch.
      inv H0. inv match_extcall_states.
      generalize match_match. intros HM. inv match_match.
      inv H2.
      assert (HFB: Genv.find_symbol ge EPT_LOC = Some b).
        inv H1. congruence.
      generalize max_unsigned_val; intro muval.
      rewrite HFB.
      Opaque Z.mul.
      erewrite EPT_PML4_INDEX_unsigned in ×.
      simpl in H.
      inv HMat; rewrite <- H4 in H; contra_inv.
      change (0 × 8) with 0.
      rewrite Z.add_0_r.
      rewrite Int.unsigned_repr by omega.
      rewrite HLD. rewrite peq_true.
      revert H. inv match_related. subrewrite´´. intros HLoad.

      pose proof (EPT_PDPT_INDEX_range i) as HR.
      specialize (HMat0 _ HR).
      inv HMat0; rewrite <- H3 in HLoad; contra_inv.
      rewrite EPT_PDPT_INDEX_max in HR.
      rewrite Int.unsigned_repr; [|rewrite_omega].
      replace ((8413184 × CPU_ID d2 + 4096 + 7) / 4096 × 4096) with (8413184 × CPU_ID d2 + 4096) by xomega.
      rewrite HLD0. rewrite peq_true. rewrite Hofs.

      replace (((EPT_PDPT_INDEX (Int.unsigned i) + 2) × 4096 + 7) / 4096) with
      (EPT_PDPT_INDEX (Int.unsigned i) + 2)
        by (rewrite Z_div_plus_full_l; [|omega];
            change (7/4096) with 0;
            rewrite Z.add_0_r; reflexivity).
      pose proof (EPT_PDIR_INDEX_range i) as HR1.
      specialize (HMat _ HR1).
      inv HMat; rewrite <- H5 in HLoad; contra_inv.
      rewrite EPT_PDIR_INDEX_max in HR1.
      rewrite Int.unsigned_repr; [|rewrite_omega].
      replace ((8413184 × CPU_ID d2 + (EPT_PDPT_INDEX (Int.unsigned i) + 2) × 4096 +
           7) / 4096 × 4096 + EPT_PDIR_INDEX (Int.unsigned i) × 8) with (8413184 × CPU_ID d2 +
                              (EPT_PDPT_INDEX (Int.unsigned i) + 2) × 4096 +
                              EPT_PDIR_INDEX (Int.unsigned i) × 8) by xomega.
      rewrite HLD1. rewrite peq_true. rewrite Hofs0.

      replace (((6 + EPT_PDPT_INDEX (Int.unsigned i) × 512 +
                 EPT_PDIR_INDEX (Int.unsigned i)) × 4096 + 7) / 4096) with
      (6 + EPT_PDPT_INDEX (Int.unsigned i) × 512 +
       EPT_PDIR_INDEX (Int.unsigned i))
        by (rewrite Z_div_plus_full_l; [|omega];
            change (7/4096) with 0;
            rewrite Z.add_0_r; reflexivity).
      pose proof (EPT_PTAB_INDEX_range i) as HR2.
      specialize (HMat0 _ HR2).
      rewrite EPT_PTAB_INDEX_max in HR2.
      rewrite Int.unsigned_repr; [|rewrite_omega].
      inv HMat0; rewrite <- H6 in HLoad; contra_inv.
      replace ((8413184 × CPU_ID d2 +
           (6 + EPT_PDPT_INDEX (Int.unsigned i) × 512 +
            EPT_PDIR_INDEX (Int.unsigned i)) × 4096 + 7) / 4096 × 4096 +
          EPT_PTAB_INDEX (Int.unsigned i) × 8) with (8413184 × CPU_ID d2 +
                              (6 + EPT_PDPT_INDEX (Int.unsigned i) × 512 +
                               EPT_PDIR_INDEX (Int.unsigned i)) × 4096 +
                              EPT_PTAB_INDEX (Int.unsigned i) × 8) by xomega.
      rewrite HLD2.
      replace ((8413184 × CPU_ID d2 +
                (6 + EPT_PDPT_INDEX (Int.unsigned i) × 512 +
                 EPT_PDIR_INDEX (Int.unsigned i)) × 4096 + 7) / 4096 × 4096)
      with (8413184 × CPU_ID d2 + (6 + EPT_PDPT_INDEX (Int.unsigned i) × 512 +
                                   EPT_PDIR_INDEX (Int.unsigned i)) × 4096) by xomega.
      replace ((8413184 × CPU_ID d2 + (EPT_PDPT_INDEX (Int.unsigned i) + 2) × 4096 + 7) / 4096 × 4096)
      with (8413184 × CPU_ID d2 + (EPT_PDPT_INDEX (Int.unsigned i) + 2) × 4096) by xomega.
      replace ((8413184 × CPU_ID d2 + 4096 + 7) / 4096 × 4096) with (8413184 × CPU_ID d2 + 4096) by xomega.

    Lemma Int_unsigned_64_range:
        0 Int.unsigned i Int64.max_unsigned.
      change Int64.max_unsigned with (MAX_INT_64 - 1).
      intros. specialize (Int.unsigned_range i).
      change Int.modulus with MAX_INT_32.
      intros. omega.

    Lemma load_correct:
      load_accessor_sim_def HDATAOps LDATAOps (one_crel HDATA LDATA) hLoad lLoad.
      unfold load_accessor_sim_def. intros.
      pose proof H2 as Hmatch.
      inv H2. inv match_extcall_states.

      unfold exec_loadex3 in ×.
      unfold exec_loadex2.
      unfold exec_guest_intel_load1, exec_guest_intel_load2 in ×.
      inv H4.
      clear valid_current_CPU_ID.
      exploit (eval_addrmode_correct ge1 ge2 a); eauto. intros HW.
      Local Opaque Z.sub.
      simpl in ×. revert H1. inv match_related.
      rewrite <- CPU_ID_re in ×.
      clear CPU_ID_re.
      subrewrite´´. intros HLoad.
      destruct (eval_addrmode ge1 a rs1) eqn: Hev; contra_inv.
        inv HW.
        destruct (init d2) eqn:HINIT; contra_inv.
        destruct (ihost d2) eqn:HPH; contra_inv.
        destruct (pg d2) eqn:HPE; contra_inv.
        destruct (ipt d2) eqn:HIPT; contra_inv.
          eapply host_load_correct2; eauto.
          eapply guest_intel_correct21; eauto.
          intros. unfold load_accessor2, load_accessor1 in ×.
          subdestruct. subrewrite´.
          rewrite Int64.unsigned_repr.
          rewrite Int.repr_unsigned.
          eapply exec_flatmem_load_correct; eauto.
          eapply Int_unsigned_64_range; eauto.
        inv HW; subdestruct; eapply loadl_correct; eauto.

    Lemma store_correct:
      store_accessor_sim_def HDATAOps LDATAOps (one_crel HDATA LDATA) hStore lStore.
      unfold store_accessor_sim_def. intros.
      pose proof H2 as Hmatch.
      inv H2. inv match_extcall_states.

      unfold exec_storeex3 in ×.
      unfold exec_storeex2.
      unfold exec_guest_intel_store1, exec_guest_intel_store2 in ×.
      inv H4.
      clear valid_current_CPU_ID.
      exploit (eval_addrmode_correct ge1 ge2 a); eauto. intros HW.
      Local Opaque Z.sub.
      simpl in ×. revert H1. inv match_related.
      rewrite <- CPU_ID_re.
      clear CPU_ID_re.
      subrewrite´´. intros HLoad.
      destruct (eval_addrmode ge1 a rs1) eqn: Hev; contra_inv.
        inv HW.
        destruct (init d2) eqn:HINIT; contra_inv.
        destruct (ihost d2) eqn:HPH; contra_inv.
        destruct (pg d2) eqn:HPE; contra_inv.
        destruct (ipt d2) eqn:HIPT; contra_inv.
          eapply host_store_correct2; eauto.
          eapply guest_intel_correct21; eauto.
          unfold store_accessor2, store_accessor1 in ×. intros.
          subdestruct. subrewrite´.
          rewrite Int64.unsigned_repr.
          rewrite Int.repr_unsigned.
          eapply exec_flatmem_store_correct; eauto.
          apply PTADDR_mod_lt. assumption.
          eapply Int_unsigned_64_range; eauto.
        inv HW; subdestruct; eapply storel_correct; eauto.


End Refinement.