Library mcertikos.proc.EPTIntroGenFresh

This file provide the contextual refinement proof between PProc layer and VEPTIntro layer
Require Import EPTIntroGenDef.
Require Import EPTIntroGenSpec.

Definition of the refinement relation

Section Refinement.

  Context `{real_params: RealParams}.
  Context `{multi_oracle_prop: MultiOracleProp}.

  Section WITHMEM.

    Context `{Hstencil: Stencil}.
    Context `{Hmem: Mem.MemoryModelX}.
    Context `{Hmwd: UseMemWithData mem}.

    Ltac pattern2_refinement_simpl:=
      pattern2_refinement_simpl´ (@relate_AbData).

    Section FRESH_PRIM.

      Lemma EPT_PML4_INDEX_range:
          0 Int.unsigned i EPT_PML4_INDEX (Int.max_unsigned)
          → i =
        rewrite EPT_PML4_INDEX_max.
        intros. rewrite <- (Int.repr_unsigned i).
        replace (Int.unsigned i) with 0 by omega.

      Lemma EPT_PML4_INDEX_range´:
          0 i EPT_PML4_INDEX (Int.max_unsigned)
          → i = 0.
        rewrite EPT_PML4_INDEX_max.
        intros. omega.

      Opaque Z.add.

      Lemma ept_invalidate_mappings_spec_ref:
        compatsim (crel HDATA LDATA) (gensem ept_invalidate_mappings_spec) ept_invalidate_mappings_spec_low.
        compatsim_simpl (@match_AbData). intros.
        functional inversion H2.
        inv H0.
         ι, ((undef_regs (CR ZF :: CR CF :: CR PF :: CR SF :: CR OF
                                   :: IR EDX :: RA :: nil)
                               (undef_regs ( preg_of Conventions1.destroyed_at_call) rs2))
                     #PC <- (rs2#RA)#EAX<- Vzero).
        refine_split´; repeat val_inject_inv; eauto;
        try econstructor; eauto.
        - inv_val_inject.
          inv match_related.
          econstructor; eauto.
        - match goal with
            | |- val_inject _ _ ?r
              change r with Vzero
          rewrite <- (Int.repr_unsigned z). rewrite <- H.
        - intros.
          destruct r; simpl; try constructor; elim H0; eauto 13.

      Lemma setEPML4_spec_ref:
        compatsim (crel HDATA LDATA) (gensem setEPML4_spec) setEPML4_spec_low.
        compatsim_simpl (@match_AbData).
        assert (Hkern: kernel_mode d2).
          inv match_related.
          functional inversion H1; subst.
          simpl; eauto.
        inv H0.
        specialize (Mem.valid_access_store _ _ _ _
                                            Vzero HVA´); intros [m0 HST1].
        apply (Mem.store_valid_access_1 _ _ _ _ _ _ HST1) in HVA.
        specialize (Mem.valid_access_store _ _ _ _ (Vptr b (Int.repr (8413184 × CPU_ID d2 + 4103))) HVA);
          intros [m1 HST2].
        pose proof H1 as Hspec.
        functional inversion Hspec; subst.
        subst ept´.
        rewrite (EPT_PML4_INDEX_range´ (Int.unsigned i)) in *; trivial.
        rewrite (EPT_PML4_INDEX_range i) in *; trivial.
        exploit relate_impl_CPU_ID_eq; eauto; inversion 1.
        inv Hhigh.
        generalize max_unsigned_val; intro muval.
        refine_split; eauto.
        - econstructor; eauto.
          Opaque Z.mul.
          simpl; lift_trivial. rewrite <- H. erewrite HST1. reflexivity.
          instantiate (3:= (Int.repr (8413184 × CPU_ID d2 + 4103))).
          simpl; lift_trivial.
          rewrite <- H. rewrite Z.add_0_r. rewrite <- H in HST2. erewrite HST2. reflexivity.
          rewrite Int.unsigned_repr by omega.
        - split; eauto 1; pattern2_refinement_simpl.
          econstructor; eauto 1.
          econstructor; eauto 1; intros;
          repeat (eapply Mem.store_valid_access_1; eauto).
          × simpl. rewrite ZMap.gss.
            rewrite ZMap.gss.
            econstructor; eauto.
            intros. rewrite constructor.
            instantiate (1:= (Int.repr (8413184 × CPU_ID d1 + 4096 + 7))).
            rewrite Int.unsigned_repr; omega.
            rewrite <- H in HST2.
            eapply Mem.load_store_same in HST2; eauto.
            replace (8413184 × CPU_ID d1 + 4096 + 7) with (8413184 × CPU_ID d1 + 4103) by omega.
          × specialize (HVA1 _ H5).
            destruct HVA1 as (HVA11 & HVA12 & HVA13).
            refine_split´; repeat (eapply Mem.store_valid_access_1; eauto); intros.
            specialize (HVA13 _ H7).
            destruct HVA13 as (HVA131 & HVA132 & HVA133).
            refine_split´; repeat (eapply Mem.store_valid_access_1; eauto); intros.
            specialize (HVA133 _ H8).
            repeat (eapply Mem.store_valid_access_1; eauto).

      Lemma setEPDPTE_spec_ref:
        compatsim (crel HDATA LDATA) (gensem setEPDPTE_spec) setEPDPTE_spec_low.
        compatsim_simpl (@match_AbData).
        assert (Hkern: kernel_mode d2
                        0 Int.unsigned i0 EPT_PDPT_INDEX Int.max_unsigned).
          inv match_related.
          functional inversion H1; subst.
          simpl; eauto.
        destruct Hkern as (Hkern & HOS).
        inv H0.
        destruct (HVA1 _ HOS) as (HVA11 & HVA12 & _).
        specialize (Mem.valid_access_store _ _ _ _ Vzero HVA12);
          intros [m0 HST1].
        apply (Mem.store_valid_access_1 _ _ _ _ _ _ HST1) in HVA11.
        specialize (Mem.valid_access_store _ _ _ _ (Vptr b (Int.repr (8413184 × CPU_ID d1 + ((Int.unsigned i0) + 2) × PgSize + EPTEPERM))) HVA11);
          intros [m1 HST2].
        pose proof H1 as Hspec.
        functional inversion Hspec; subst.
        subst ept´ pdpte´.
        rewrite (EPT_PML4_INDEX_range´ (Int.unsigned i)) in *; trivial.
        rewrite (EPT_PML4_INDEX_range i) in *; trivial.
        rewrite H6 in ×.
        rewrite EPT_PDPT_INDEX_max in ×.
        exploit relate_impl_CPU_ID_eq; eauto; inversion 1.
        generalize max_unsigned_val; intro muval.
        inv Hhigh.
        refine_split; eauto.
        - econstructor; eauto.
          simpl; lift_trivial. rewrite <- H. erewrite HST1. reflexivity.
          instantiate (3:= (Int.repr (8413184 × CPU_ID d1 + (Int.unsigned i0 + 2) × 4096 + 7))).
          simpl; lift_trivial.
          rewrite <- H.
          erewrite HST2. reflexivity.
          rewrite Int.unsigned_repr by omega.
          rewrite <- H.
        - split; eauto 1; pattern2_refinement_simpl.
          econstructor; eauto 1.
          econstructor; eauto 1; intros;
          repeat (eapply Mem.store_valid_access_1; eauto).
          × simpl; rewrite ZMap.gss.
            rewrite ZMap.gss.
            inv HMat.
            econstructor; eauto; intros.
            rewrite EPT_PDPT_INDEX_max in ×.
            destruct (zeq j (Int.unsigned i0)); subst.
              rewrite ZMap.gss. econstructor; eauto.
              intros. rewrite constructor.
              instantiate (1:= (Int.repr (8413184 × CPU_ID d1 + (Int.unsigned i0 + 2) × 4096 + 7))).
              rewrite Int.unsigned_repr; trivial.
              eapply Mem.load_store_same in HST2; eauto.
              rewrite ZMap.gso; eauto.
              specialize (HMat0 _ H7).
              inv HMat0; econstructor; eauto; intros.
                rewrite EPT_PDIR_INDEX_max in ×.
                specialize (HMat _ H9).
                inv HMat; econstructor; eauto; intros.
                  rewrite EPT_PTAB_INDEX_max in ×.
                  specialize (HMat0 _ H10).
                  inv HMat0; econstructor; eauto; intros.
                  rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HST2); eauto.
                  rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HST1); eauto.
                  simpl; right. right. omega.
                  simpl; right. right. omega.
                rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HST2); eauto.
                rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HST1); eauto.
                simpl; right. right. omega.
                simpl; right. right. omega.
              rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HST2); eauto.
              rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HST1); eauto.
              simpl; right. destruct (zlt j (Int.unsigned i0)); [left; omega|right; omega].
              simpl; right. destruct (zlt j (Int.unsigned i0)); [left; omega|right; omega].
            rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HST2); eauto.
            rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HST1); eauto.
            simpl; right. left; omega.
            simpl; right. left; omega.
          × specialize (HVA1 _ H7).
            destruct HVA1 as (HVA11´ & HVA12´ & HVA13´).
            refine_split´; repeat (eapply Mem.store_valid_access_1; eauto); intros.
            specialize (HVA13´ _ H9).
            destruct HVA13´ as (HVA131 & HVA132 & HVA133).
            refine_split´; repeat (eapply Mem.store_valid_access_1; eauto); intros.
            specialize (HVA133 _ H10).
            repeat (eapply Mem.store_valid_access_1; eauto).

      Lemma setEPDTE_spec_ref:
        compatsim (crel HDATA LDATA) (gensem setEPDTE_spec) setEPDTE_spec_low.
        compatsim_simpl (@match_AbData).
        assert (Hkern: kernel_mode d2
                        0 Int.unsigned i0 EPT_PDPT_INDEX Int.max_unsigned
                        0 Int.unsigned i1 EPT_PDIR_INDEX (Int.max_unsigned)).
          inv match_related.
          functional inversion H1; subst.
          simpl; eauto 10.
        destruct Hkern as (Hkern & HOS & HOS1).
        inv H0.
        destruct (HVA1 _ HOS) as (_ & _ & HVA13).
        specialize (HVA13 _ HOS1).
        destruct HVA13 as (HVA0 & HVA0´ & _).
        specialize (Mem.valid_access_store _ _ _ _
                                           Vzero HVA0´); intros [m0 HST1].
        apply (Mem.store_valid_access_1 _ _ _ _ _ _ HST1) in HVA0.
        specialize (Mem.valid_access_store
                      _ _ _ _
                      (Vptr b (Int.repr (8413184 × CPU_ID d1 + (6 + (Int.unsigned i0) × 512 + (Int.unsigned i1)) × PgSize + EPTEPERM))) HVA0);
          intros [m1 HST2].
        pose proof H1 as Hspec.
        functional inversion Hspec; subst.
        subst ept´ pdpte´ epdt´.
        rewrite (EPT_PML4_INDEX_range´ (Int.unsigned i)) in *; trivial.
        rewrite (EPT_PML4_INDEX_range i) in *; trivial.
        rewrite H7 in ×.
        rewrite EPT_PDPT_INDEX_max in ×.
        rewrite EPT_PDIR_INDEX_max in ×.
        exploit relate_impl_CPU_ID_eq; eauto; inversion 1.
        generalize max_unsigned_val; intro muval.
        inv Hhigh.
        refine_split; eauto.
        - econstructor; eauto.
          simpl; lift_trivial. rewrite <- H. erewrite HST1. reflexivity.
          instantiate (3:= (Int.repr (8413184 × CPU_ID d1 + (6 + Int.unsigned i0 × 512 + Int.unsigned i1) × 4096 + 7))).
          simpl; lift_trivial. rewrite <- H. erewrite HST2. reflexivity.
          rewrite Int.unsigned_repr; trivial.
          simpl. rewrite <- H.
        - split; eauto 1; pattern2_refinement_simpl.
          econstructor; eauto 1.
          econstructor; eauto 1; intros;
          repeat (eapply Mem.store_valid_access_1; eauto).
          × simpl; rewrite ZMap.gss.
            rewrite ZMap.gss.
            inv HMat.
            econstructor; eauto; intros.
            rewrite EPT_PDPT_INDEX_max in ×.
            specialize (HMat0 _ H9).
            destruct (zeq j (Int.unsigned i0)); subst.
              rewrite H8 in ×.
              rewrite ZMap.gss. inv HMat0.
              econstructor; eauto; intros.
              rewrite EPT_PDIR_INDEX_max in ×.
              destruct (zeq j (Int.unsigned i1)); subst.
                rewrite ZMap.gss.
                econstructor; eauto; intros.
                rewrite constructor.
                instantiate (1:= (Int.repr (8413184 × CPU_ID d1 + (6 + Int.unsigned i0 × 512 + Int.unsigned i1) × 4096 + 7))).
                rewrite Int.unsigned_repr; trivial.
                eapply Mem.load_store_same in HST2; eauto.
                rewrite ZMap.gso; eauto.
                specialize (HMat _ H11).
                inv HMat; econstructor; eauto; intros.
                  rewrite EPT_PTAB_INDEX_max in ×.
                  specialize (HMat0 _ H12).
                  inv HMat0; econstructor; eauto; intros.
                  rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HST2); eauto.
                  rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HST1); eauto.
                  simpl; right. right. omega.
                  simpl; right. right. omega.
                rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HST2); eauto.
                rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HST1); eauto.
                simpl; right. destruct (zlt j (Int.unsigned i1)); [left; omega|right; omega].
                simpl; right. destruct (zlt j (Int.unsigned i1)); [left; omega|right; omega].
            rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HST2); eauto.
            rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HST1); eauto.
            simpl; right. left; omega.
            simpl; right. left; omega.
              rewrite ZMap.gso; eauto.
              inv HMat0; econstructor; eauto; intros.
                rewrite EPT_PDIR_INDEX_max in ×.
                specialize (HMat _ H11).
                inv HMat; econstructor; eauto; intros.
                  rewrite EPT_PTAB_INDEX_max in ×.
                  specialize (HMat0 _ H12).
                  inv HMat0; econstructor; eauto; intros.
                  rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HST2); eauto.
                  rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HST1); eauto.
                  simpl; right. right; omega.
                  simpl; right. right. omega.
                rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HST2); eauto.
                rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HST1); eauto.
                simpl; right. destruct (zlt j (Int.unsigned i0)); [left; omega|right; omega].
                simpl; right. destruct (zlt j (Int.unsigned i0)); [left; omega|right; omega].
              rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HST2); eauto.
              rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HST1); eauto.
              simpl; right. left; omega.
              simpl; right. left; omega.
            rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HST2); eauto.
            rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HST1); eauto.
            simpl; right. left; omega.
            simpl; right. left; omega.
          × specialize (HVA1 _ H9).
            destruct HVA1 as (HVA11´ & HVA12´ & HVA13´).
            refine_split´; repeat (eapply Mem.store_valid_access_1; eauto); intros.
            specialize (HVA13´ _ H11).
            destruct HVA13´ as (HVA131 & HVA132 & HVA133).
            refine_split´; repeat (eapply Mem.store_valid_access_1; eauto); intros.
            specialize (HVA133 _ H12).
            repeat (eapply Mem.store_valid_access_1; eauto).

      Lemma setEPTE_spec_ref:
        compatsim (crel HDATA LDATA) (gensem setEPTE_spec) setEPTE_spec_low.
        compatsim_simpl (@match_AbData).
        assert (Hkern: kernel_mode d2
                        0 Int.unsigned i0 EPT_PDPT_INDEX Int.max_unsigned
                        0 Int.unsigned i1 EPT_PDIR_INDEX (Int.max_unsigned)
                        0 Int.unsigned i2 EPT_PTAB_INDEX (Int.max_unsigned)).
          inv match_related.
          functional inversion H1; subst.
          simpl; eauto 10.
        destruct Hkern as (Hkern & HOS & HOS1 & HOS2).
        inv H0.
        destruct (HVA1 _ HOS) as (_ & _ & HVA13).
        specialize (HVA13 _ HOS1).
        destruct HVA13 as (_ & _ & HVA0).
        specialize (HVA0 _ HOS2).
        specialize (Mem.valid_access_store _ _ _ _
                                           (Vlong (Int64.repr (Int.unsigned i3))) HVA0); intros [m0 HST1].
        pose proof H1 as Hspec.
        functional inversion Hspec; subst.
        subst ept´ pdpte´ epdt´ eptab´.
        rewrite (EPT_PML4_INDEX_range´ (Int.unsigned i)) in *; trivial.
        rewrite (EPT_PML4_INDEX_range i) in *; trivial.
        rewrite H8 in ×.
        rewrite EPT_PDPT_INDEX_max in ×.
        rewrite EPT_PDIR_INDEX_max in ×.
        exploit relate_impl_CPU_ID_eq; eauto; inversion 1.
        generalize max_unsigned_val; intro muval.
        inv Hhigh.
        refine_split; eauto.
        - econstructor; eauto.
          simpl; lift_trivial. rewrite <- H. erewrite HST1. reflexivity.
        - split; eauto 1; pattern2_refinement_simpl.
          econstructor; eauto 1.
          econstructor; eauto 1; intros;
          repeat (eapply Mem.store_valid_access_1; eauto).
          × simpl; rewrite ZMap.gss.
            rewrite ZMap.gss.
            inv HMat.
            econstructor; eauto; intros.
            rewrite EPT_PDPT_INDEX_max in ×.
            specialize (HMat0 _ H11).
            destruct (zeq j (Int.unsigned i0)); subst.
              rewrite H9 in ×.
              rewrite ZMap.gss. inv HMat0.
              econstructor; eauto; intros.
              rewrite EPT_PDIR_INDEX_max in ×.
              specialize (HMat _ H13).
              destruct (zeq j (Int.unsigned i1)); subst.
                rewrite H10 in ×.
                rewrite ZMap.gss. inv HMat.
                econstructor; eauto; intros.
                rewrite EPT_PTAB_INDEX_max in ×.
                specialize (HMat0 _ H14).
                destruct (zeq k (Int.unsigned i2)); subst.
                  rewrite ZMap.gss.
                  econstructor; eauto; intros.
                  eapply Mem.load_store_same in HST1; eauto.
                  rewrite ZMap.gso; eauto.
                  inv HMat0; econstructor; eauto; intros.
                    rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HST1); eauto.
                    simpl; right. destruct (zlt k (Int.unsigned i2)); [left; omega|right; omega].
                rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HST1); eauto.
                simpl; right. left. omega.
              rewrite ZMap.gso; eauto.
                inv HMat; econstructor; eauto; intros.
                  specialize (HMat0 _ H14).
                  inv HMat0; econstructor; eauto; intros.
                  rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HST1); eauto.
                  rewrite EPT_PTAB_INDEX_max in ×.
                  simpl; right. destruct (zlt j (Int.unsigned i1)); [left; omega|right; omega].
                rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HST1); eauto.
                simpl; right. left. omega.
              rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HST1); eauto.
              simpl; right. left; omega.
              rewrite ZMap.gso; eauto.
              inv HMat0; econstructor; eauto; intros.
                rewrite EPT_PDIR_INDEX_max in ×.
                specialize (HMat _ H13).
                inv HMat; econstructor; eauto; intros.
                  rewrite EPT_PTAB_INDEX_max in ×.
                  specialize (HMat0 _ H14).
                  inv HMat0; econstructor; eauto; intros.
                  rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HST1); eauto.
                  simpl; right. destruct (zlt j (Int.unsigned i0)); [left; omega|right; omega].
                rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HST1); eauto.
                simpl; right. left; omega.
              rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HST1); eauto.
              simpl; right. left; omega.
            rewrite (Mem.load_store_other _ _ _ _ _ _ HST1); eauto.
            simpl; right. left; omega.
          × specialize (HVA1 _ H11).
            destruct HVA1 as (HVA11´ & HVA12´ & HVA13´).
            refine_split´; repeat (eapply Mem.store_valid_access_1; eauto); intros.
            specialize (HVA13´ _ H13).
            destruct HVA13´ as (HVA131 & HVA132 & HVA133).
            refine_split´; repeat (eapply Mem.store_valid_access_1; eauto); intros.
            specialize (HVA133 _ H14).
            repeat (eapply Mem.store_valid_access_1; eauto).

      Lemma getEPTE_spec_ref:
        compatsim (crel HDATA LDATA) (gensem getEPTE_spec) getEPTE_spec_low.
        compatsim_simpl (@match_AbData).
        assert (Hkern: kernel_mode d2
                        0 Int.unsigned i0 EPT_PDPT_INDEX Int.max_unsigned
                        0 Int.unsigned i1 EPT_PDIR_INDEX (Int.max_unsigned)
                        0 Int.unsigned i2 EPT_PTAB_INDEX (Int.max_unsigned)).
          inv match_related.
          functional inversion H2; subst.
          simpl; eauto 10.
        destruct Hkern as (Hkern & HOS & HOS1 & HOS2).
        pose proof H2 as Hspec.
        functional inversion Hspec; subst.
        exploit relate_impl_CPU_ID_eq; eauto; inversion 1.
        generalize max_unsigned_val; intro muval.
        inv Hhigh.
        refine_split; eauto.
        inv H0.
        rewrite (EPT_PML4_INDEX_range´ (Int.unsigned i)) in *; trivial.
        rewrite (EPT_PML4_INDEX_range i) in *; trivial.
        econstructor; eauto.
        rewrite H9 in HMat.
        inv HMat.
        specialize (HMat0 _ HOS).
        rewrite H10 in HMat0.
        inv HMat0. specialize (HMat _ HOS1).
        rewrite H11 in HMat.
        inv HMat. specialize (HMat0 _ HOS2).
        rewrite H12 in HMat0.
        inv HMat0.
        simpl in ×.
        rewrite <- H.



End Refinement.