Library mcertikos.proc.ThreadGenAsm1

Require Import Coqlib.
Require Import Errors.
Require Import AST.
Require Import Integers.
Require Import Floats.
Require Import Op.
Require Import Locations.
Require Import AuxStateDataType.
Require Import Events.
Require Import Globalenvs.
Require Import Smallstep.
Require Import Op.
Require Import Values.
Require Import Memory.
Require Import Maps.
Require Import FlatMemory.
Require Import RefinementTactic.
Require Import AuxLemma.
Require Import RealParams.
Require Import Constant.
Require Import AsmImplLemma.
Require Import AsmImplTactic.
Require Import GlobIdent.
Require Import CommonTactic.

Require Import liblayers.compat.CompatLayers.
Require Import liblayers.compcertx.MakeProgram.
Require Import LAsmModuleSem.
Require Import LAsm.
Require Import liblayers.compat.CompatGenSem.
Require Import PrimSemantics.
Require Import Conventions.

Require Import PThreadSched.
Require Import ThreadGenSpec.
Require Import ThreadGenAsmSource.
Require Import ThreadGenAsmData.

Require Import LAsmModuleSemSpec.
Require Import LRegSet.
Require Import AbstractDataType.


  Local Open Scope string_scope.
  Local Open Scope error_monad_scope.
  Local Open Scope Z_scope.

  Context `{real_params: RealParams}.
  Context `{multi_oracle_prop: MultiOracleProp}.

  Notation LDATA := RData.
  Notation LDATAOps := (cdata (cdata_ops := pthreadsched_data_ops) LDATA).

  Section WITHMEM.

    Context `{Hstencil: Stencil}.
    Context `{Hmem: Mem.MemoryModelX}.
    Context `{Hmwd: UseMemWithData mem}.
    Context `{make_program_ops: !MakeProgramOps function Ctypes.type fundef unit}.
    Context `{make_program_prf: !MakeProgram function Ctypes.type fundef unit}.

    Ltac accessors_simpl:=
      match goal with
        | |- exec_storeex _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = _
          unfold exec_storeex, LoadStoreSem2.exec_storeex2;
            simpl; Lregset_simpl_tac;
            match goal with
              | |- context[Asm.exec_store _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ] ⇒
                unfold Asm.exec_store; simpl;
                Lregset_simpl_tac; lift_trivial
        | |- exec_loadex _ _ _ _ _ _ = _
          unfold exec_loadex, LoadStoreSem2.exec_loadex2;
            simpl; Lregset_simpl_tac;
            match goal with
              | |- context[Asm.exec_load _ _ _ _ _ _ ] ⇒
                unfold Asm.exec_load; simpl;
                Lregset_simpl_tac; lift_trivial

    Lemma threadsleep_spec:
       ge (s: stencil) (rs rs0 rs´: regset) b m0 labd labd´ n sig,
        find_symbol s thread_sleep = Some b
        make_globalenv s (thread_sleep threadsleep_function) pthreadsched = ret ge
        rs PC = Vptr b
        thread_sleep_spec labd ((Pregmap.init Vundef) # ESP <- (rs ESP) # EDI <- (rs EDI)
                                                      # ESI <- (rs ESI) # EBX <- (rs EBX) # EBP <-
                                                      (rs EBP) # RA <- (rs RA))
                          (Int.unsigned n) = Some (labd´, rs0)
        asm_invariant (mem := mwd LDATAOps) s rs (m0, labd)
        low_level_invariant (Mem.nextblock m0) labd
        high_level_invariant labd
        sig = mksignature (AST.Tint::nil) None cc_default
        extcall_arguments rs m0 sig (Vint n ::nil) →
        let rs´ := (undef_regs (CR ZF :: CR CF :: CR PF :: CR SF :: CR OF
                                   :: IR EDX :: IR ECX :: IR EAX :: RA :: nil)
                               (undef_regs ( preg_of destroyed_at_call) rs)) in

         m0´ r_,
          lasm_step (thread_sleep threadsleep_function) (pthreadsched (Hmwd:= Hmwd) (Hmem:= Hmem)) thread_sleep s rs
                    (m0, labd) r_ (m0´, labd´)
           inject_incr (Mem.flat_inj (Mem.nextblock m0))
           Memtype.Mem.inject m0 m0´
           (Mem.nextblock m0 Mem.nextblock m0´)%positive
           ( l,
                Val.lessdef (Pregmap.get l (rs´#ESP<- (rs0#ESP)#EDI <- (rs0#EDI)#ESI <- (rs0#ESI)#EBX <- (rs0#EBX)
                                               #EBP <- (rs0#EBP)#PC <- (rs0#RA)))
                            (Pregmap.get l r_)).
      generalize max_unsigned_val; intro muval.
      intros. inv H3.
      rename H4 into HLOW, H7 into HAN, H5 into Hhigh.
      assert (HOS´: 0 num_proc Int.max_unsigned)
        by (rewrite int_max; omega).

      caseEq(Mem.alloc m0 0 20).
      intros m1 b0 HALC.
      exploit (make_globalenv_stencil_matches (D:= LDATAOps)); eauto.
      intros Hstencil_matches.

      assert (Hblock: Ple (Genv.genv_next ge) b0 Plt b0 (Mem.nextblock m1)).
        erewrite Mem.nextblock_alloc; eauto.
        apply Mem.alloc_result in HALC.
        rewrite HALC.
        inv inv_inject_neutral.
        inv Hstencil_matches.
        rewrite stencil_matches_genv_next.
        split; xomega.

      exploit Hthread_sched; eauto.
      intros [[b_sched [Hsched Hsched_fun]] prim_thread_sched].
      exploit Hget_curid; eauto.
      intros [[b_get_cid [Hcid_symbol Hcid_fun]] prim_get_curid].
      exploit Henqueue_atomic; eauto.
      intros [[b_enqueue_atomic [Henqueue_atomic_symbol Henqueue_atomic_fun]] prim_enqueue_atomic].
      exploit Hset_state; eauto.
      intros [[b_set_state [Hstate_symbol Hstate_fun]] prim_set_state].
      exploit Hrelease_lock_CHAN; eauto.
      intros [[b_release_lock_CHAN [Hlock_symbol Hlock_fun]] prim_release_lock_CHAN].
      exploit Hsleeper_inc; eauto.
      intros [[b_sleeper_inc [Hsleeper_symbol Hsleeper_fun]] prim_sleeper_inc].

      specialize (Mem.valid_access_alloc_same _ _ _ _ _ HALC). intros.

      assert (HV1: Mem.valid_access m1 Mint32 b0 12 Freeable).
        eapply H3; auto; simpl; try omega.
        unfold Z.divide.
         3; omega.
      eapply Mem.valid_access_implies with (p2:= Writable) in HV1; [|constructor].
      destruct (Mem.valid_access_store _ _ _ _ (rs ESP) HV1) as [m2 HST1].
      assert (HV2: Mem.valid_access m2 Mint32 b0 16 Freeable).
        eapply Mem.store_valid_access_1; eauto.
        eapply H3; auto; simpl; try omega.
        unfold Z.divide.
         4; omega.
      eapply Mem.valid_access_implies with (p2:= Writable) in HV2; [|constructor].
      destruct (Mem.valid_access_store _ _ _ _ (rs RA) HV2) as [m3 HST2].
      destruct (threadsleep_generate _ _ _ _ _ _ H2 HLOW Hhigh) as
          [labd0[labd1[labd2[labd3[HEX1[HEX2[HEX3[HEX4[HEX5[HP[HM1[HM2[HIK[HIH[HIK0[HIH0[HIK1[HIH1[HIK2[HIH2[HIK3[HIH3 HCID_range]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]].
      clear H2 HLOW.
      assert (tmprw: (ZMap.get (CPU_ID labd) (cid labd)) = (Int.unsigned (Int.repr (ZMap.get (CPU_ID labd) (cid labd))))).
        inv Hhigh.
        rewrite Int.unsigned_repr by omega.
      rewrite tmprw in HEX1, HEX2, HEX4.
      inv HAN.
      inv H6.
      simpl in H9.
      clear H8.
      rename H9 into Harg.

      assert(nrange: 0 Int.unsigned n num_cv).
        generalize HEX2.
        repeat match goal with | [H: _ |- _] ⇒ clear H end.
        intro HEX2.
        unfold enqueue_atomic_spec, enqueue0_spec in HEX2.
        functional inversion Hdestruct.
        unfold slp_q_id in _x.
        generalize (Int.unsigned_range n); intro.

      assert (HV3: Mem.valid_access m3 Mint32 b0 0 Freeable).
        eapply Mem.store_valid_access_1; eauto.
        eapply Mem.store_valid_access_1; eauto.
        eapply H3; auto; simpl; try omega.
         0; omega.
      eapply Mem.valid_access_implies with (p2:= Writable) in HV3; [|constructor].
      destruct (Mem.valid_access_store _ _ _ _ (Vint (Int.repr (Int.unsigned n + 16))) HV3) as [m4 HST3].

      assert(Hnextblock4: Mem.nextblock m4 = Mem.nextblock m1).
        rewrite (Mem.nextblock_store _ _ _ _ _ _ HST3); trivial.
        rewrite (Mem.nextblock_store _ _ _ _ _ _ HST2); trivial.
        rewrite (Mem.nextblock_store _ _ _ _ _ _ HST1); trivial.

      assert (HV4: Mem.valid_access m4 Mint32 b0 4 Freeable).
        repeat (eapply Mem.store_valid_access_1; [eassumption|]).
        eapply H3; auto; simpl; try omega.
         1; omega.
      eapply Mem.valid_access_implies with (p2:= Writable) in HV4; [|constructor].
      destruct (Mem.valid_access_store _ _ _ _ (Vint (Int.repr (ZMap.get (CPU_ID labd) (cid labd)))) HV4) as [m5 HST4].

      assert (HV5: Mem.valid_access m5 Mint32 b0 0 Freeable).
        repeat (eapply Mem.store_valid_access_1; [eassumption|]).
        eapply H3; auto; simpl; try omega.
         0; omega.
      eapply Mem.valid_access_implies with (p2:= Writable) in HV5; [|constructor].
      destruct (Mem.valid_access_store _ _ _ _ (Vint (Int.repr (ZMap.get (CPU_ID labd) (cid labd)))) HV5) as [m6 HST5].

      assert (HV6: Mem.valid_access m6 Mint32 b0 4 Freeable).
        repeat (eapply Mem.store_valid_access_1; [eassumption|]).
        eapply H3; auto; simpl; try omega.
        apply Zdivide_refl.
      eapply Mem.valid_access_implies with (p2:= Writable) in HV6; [|constructor].
      destruct (Mem.valid_access_store _ _ _ _ (Vint (Int.repr 2)) HV6) as [m7 HST6].

      assert(Hnextblock7: Mem.nextblock m7 = Mem.nextblock m1).
        rewrite (Mem.nextblock_store _ _ _ _ _ _ HST6); trivial.
        rewrite (Mem.nextblock_store _ _ _ _ _ _ HST5); trivial.
        rewrite (Mem.nextblock_store _ _ _ _ _ _ HST4); trivial.

      assert (HV7: Mem.range_perm m7 b0 0 20 Cur Freeable).
        unfold Mem.range_perm. intros.
        repeat (eapply Mem.perm_store_1; [eassumption|]).
        eapply Mem.perm_alloc_2; eauto.
      destruct (Mem.range_perm_free _ _ _ _ HV7) as [m8 HFree].

      exploit Hthread_sleep; eauto 2. intros Hfunct.

      rewrite (Lregset_rewrite rs).
      refine_split´; try eassumption.
      rewrite H1.
      econstructor; eauto.

      change (Int.unsigned (Int.add (Int.repr 12))) with 12.
      change (Int.unsigned (Int.add (Int.repr 16))) with 16.
      unfold set; simpl.
      rewrite HALC. simpl.
      rewrite HST1. simpl.
      rewrite HST2.
      Lregset_simpl_tac´ 1.

      unfold exec_loadex, LoadStoreSem2.exec_loadex2.
      unfold Asm.exec_load; simpl.
      simpl; Lregset_simpl_tac.
      change (Int.add (Int.repr 0)) with (Int.repr 0).
      case_eq (Val.add (rs ESP) (Vint (Int.repr 0))); intros;
      try rewrite H2 in Harg; try discriminate Harg.
      change positive with ident in ×.
      rewrite HIH, HIK.
      unfold lift; simpl.
      unfold lift; simpl.
      assert (Plt b1 (Mem.nextblock m0)).
        eapply Mem.load_valid_access in Harg.
        eapply Mem.valid_access_implies with (p2:= Nonempty) in Harg; [|constructor].
        exploit Mem.valid_access_valid_block; eauto.
      exploit Mem.alloc_result; eauto.
      intro nbm1.
      assert (b1 b0).
      erewrite Mem.load_store_other; eauto.
      erewrite Mem.load_store_other; eauto.
      erewrite Mem.load_alloc_other; eauto.
      Lregset_simpl_tac´ 2.

      unfold Int.eq.
      change (Int.unsigned with 1.
      unfold Int.add, Int.mul.
      repeat rewrite Int.unsigned_repr; try omega.
      change (Int.unsigned with 0.
      rewrite Z.add_0_l.

      Opaque Z.mul Z.add.
      change (Int.unsigned (Int.add (Int.add (Int.repr 0)))) with 0.
      unfold set; simpl.
      rewrite HIH, HIK, HST3.
      change (Int.add (Int.repr (2 + Int.unsigned with (Int.repr 4).

      unfold symbol_offset. unfold fundef.
      rewrite Hcid_symbol.

      econstructor; eauto.
      eapply (LAsm.exec_step_external _ b_get_cid); eauto 1.
      simpl. econstructor; eauto.
      change positive with ident in ×.
      red. red. red. red. red. red.
      rewrite prim_get_curid.
      refine_split´; try reflexivity.
      econstructor; eauto.
      refine_split´; try reflexivity; try eassumption.
      simpl. repeat split.
      rewrite HEX1.

      intros. inv H2.
      rewrite Hnextblock4; assumption.

      change (Int.unsigned (Int.add (Int.add (Int.repr 4)))) with 4.
      unfold set; simpl.
      rewrite HIH, HIK, HST4. reflexivity.

      unfold symbol_offset. unfold fundef.
      rewrite Henqueue_atomic_symbol.

      econstructor; eauto.
      eapply (LAsm.exec_step_external _ b_enqueue_atomic); eauto 1; repeat simpl_Pregmap.
      constructor_gen_sem_intro; simpl.
      change (Int.unsigned
        (Int.add (Int.repr (Stacklayout.fe_ofs_arg + 4 × 0)))) with 0.
      erewrite Mem.load_store_other; eauto; simpl.
      erewrite Mem.load_store_same; eauto; simpl.
      right. left. omega.

      change (Int.unsigned
        (Int.add (Int.repr (Stacklayout.fe_ofs_arg + 4 × (0 + 1))))) with 4.
      erewrite Mem.load_store_same; eauto; simpl.

      simpl. econstructor; eauto.
      red. red. red. red. red. red.
      change positive with ident in ×.
      rewrite prim_enqueue_atomic.
      refine_split´; try reflexivity.
      econstructor; eauto.
      refine_split´; try reflexivity; try eassumption.
      simpl. repeat split.
      rewrite Int.unsigned_repr at 1 by omega.
      unfold slp_q_id in HEX2.
      replace (Int.unsigned n + 16) with (SLEEP_Q_START + Int.unsigned n) by omega.
      intros. inv H2.
      rewrite (Mem.nextblock_store _ _ _ _ _ _ HST4); trivial.
      rewrite Hnextblock4; assumption.

      unfold symbol_offset. unfold fundef.
      rewrite Hlock_symbol.

      econstructor; eauto.
      eapply (LAsm.exec_step_external _ b_release_lock_CHAN); eauto 1; repeat simpl_Pregmap.
      constructor_gen_sem_intro; simpl.
      change (Int.unsigned
        (Int.add (Int.repr (Stacklayout.fe_ofs_arg + 4 × 0)))) with 0.
      erewrite Mem.load_store_other; eauto; simpl.
      erewrite Mem.load_store_same; eauto; simpl.
      right. left. omega.

      simpl. econstructor; eauto.
      red. red. red. red. red. red.
      change positive with ident in ×.
      rewrite prim_release_lock_CHAN.
      refine_split´; try reflexivity.
      econstructor; eauto.
      refine_split´; try reflexivity; try eassumption.
      simpl. repeat split.
      rewrite Int.unsigned_repr at 1 by omega.
      unfold slp_q_id in HEX3.
      replace (Int.unsigned n + 16) with (SLEEP_Q_START + Int.unsigned n) by omega.
      intros. inv H2.
      rewrite (Mem.nextblock_store _ _ _ _ _ _ HST4); trivial.
      rewrite Hnextblock4; assumption.

      change (Int.unsigned (Int.add (Int.add (Int.repr 4)))) with 4.
      erewrite Mem.load_store_same; eauto.
      rewrite HIK1, HIH1.
      unfold eval_addrmode; simpl.

      change (Int.unsigned (Int.add (Int.add (Int.repr 0)))) with 0.
      unfold set; simpl.
      rewrite HIH1, HIK1, HST5.


      unfold set; simpl.
      change (Int.unsigned (Int.add (Int.add (Int.repr 4)))) with 4.
      rewrite HIH1, HIK1, HST6. reflexivity.

      unfold symbol_offset. unfold fundef.
      rewrite Hstate_symbol.

      econstructor; eauto.
      eapply (LAsm.exec_step_external _ b_set_state); eauto 1; repeat simpl_Pregmap.
      constructor_gen_sem_intro; simpl.
      change (Int.unsigned
        (Int.add (Int.repr (Stacklayout.fe_ofs_arg + 4 × 0)))) with 0.
      erewrite Mem.load_store_other; eauto; simpl.
      erewrite Mem.load_store_same; eauto; simpl.
      right. left. omega.

      change (Int.unsigned
        (Int.add (Int.repr (Stacklayout.fe_ofs_arg + 4 × (0 + 1))))) with 4.
      erewrite Mem.load_store_same; eauto; simpl.

      simpl. econstructor; eauto.
      red. red. red. red. red. red.
      change positive with ident in ×.
      rewrite prim_set_state.
      refine_split´; try reflexivity.
      econstructor; eauto.
      refine_split´; try reflexivity; try eassumption.
      simpl. repeat split. eassumption.
      intros. inv H2.
      rewrite Hnextblock7; assumption.

      unfold symbol_offset. unfold fundef.
      rewrite Hsleeper_symbol.

      econstructor; eauto.
      eapply (LAsm.exec_step_external _ b_sleeper_inc); eauto 1; trivial.
      constructor_gen_sem_intro; simpl.

      simpl. econstructor; eauto.
      red. red. red. red. red. red.
      change positive with ident in ×.
      rewrite prim_sleeper_inc.
      refine_split´; try reflexivity.
      econstructor; eauto.
      refine_split´; try reflexivity; try eassumption.
      simpl. repeat split. eassumption.
      intros. inv H2.
      rewrite Hnextblock7; assumption.

      change (Int.unsigned (Int.add (Int.repr 12))) with 12.
      change (Int.unsigned (Int.add (Int.repr 16))) with 16.
      unfold set; simpl.
      repeat(erewrite Mem.load_store_other; [|eassumption| simpl; right; right; omega]).
      erewrite Mem.load_store_same; eauto 1.
      erewrite register_type_load_result.

      repeat(erewrite Mem.load_store_other; [|eassumption | simpl; right; right; omega]).
      erewrite Mem.load_store_other; eauto 1.
      erewrite Mem.load_store_same; eauto 1.
      erewrite register_type_load_result.

      rewrite HFree. reflexivity.
      apply inv_reg_wt.
      right; left. simpl. omega.
      apply inv_reg_wt.

      unfold symbol_offset. unfold fundef.
      rewrite Hsched.

      eapply star_one; eauto 1.
      eapply (LAsm.exec_step_prim_call _ b_sched); eauto 1.
      refine_split´; eauto 1.
      econstructor; eauto 1. simpl.
      apply HP.
      rewrite (Mem.nextblock_free _ _ _ _ _ HFree); trivial.
      rewrite Hnextblock7.
      erewrite Mem.nextblock_alloc; eauto.
      specialize (HM2 _ _ H2).
      apply val_inject_incr with (Mem.flat_inj (Mem.nextblock m0)); trivial.
      eapply flat_inj_inject_incr. clear. abstract xomega.

      inv Hstencil_matches.
      rewrite <- stencil_matches_symbols.
      change (Int.unsigned with 0.

      assert (HFB: b1 delta, Mem.flat_inj (Mem.nextblock m0) b1 Some (b0, delta)).
        intros. unfold Mem.flat_inj.
        red; intros.
        destruct (plt b1 (Mem.nextblock m0)). inv H2.
        rewrite (Mem.alloc_result _ _ _ _ _ HALC) in p.
        xomega. inv H2.
      eapply Mem.free_right_inject; eauto 1; [|intros; specialize (HFB b1 delta); apply HFB; trivial].
      repeat (eapply Mem.store_outside_inject; [ | | eassumption]
              ; [|intros b1 delta; intros; specialize (HFB b1 delta); apply HFB; trivial]).
      eapply Mem.alloc_right_inject; eauto 1.
      inv inv_inject_neutral.
      apply Mem.neutral_inject; trivial.

      rewrite (Mem.nextblock_free _ _ _ _ _ HFree); trivial.
      rewrite Hnextblock7.
      rewrite (Mem.nextblock_alloc _ _ _ _ _ HALC) ; eauto.
      clear. abstract xomega.

      intros reg.
      repeat (rewrite Pregmap.gsspec).
      exploit reg_false; try eassumption.
      intros HF. inv HF.

    Lemma thread_sleep_code_correct:
      asm_spec_le (thread_sleep thread_sleep_spec_low)
                  ( thread_sleep threadsleep_function pthreadsched).
      eapply asm_sem_intro; try solve [ reflexivity | eexists; reflexivity ].
      intros. inv H.
      eapply make_program_make_globalenv in H0.
      exploit (make_globalenv_stencil_matches (D:= LDATAOps)); eauto.
      intros Hstencil_matches.
      assert(Hfun: Genv.find_funct_ptr (Genv.globalenv p) b =
                     Some (Internal threadsleep_function)).
        assert (Hmodule:
          get_module_function thread_sleep (thread_sleep threadsleep_function)
            = OK (Some threadsleep_function)) by reflexivity.
        assert (HInternal:
          make_internal threadsleep_function
            = OK (AST.Internal threadsleep_function)) by reflexivity.
        eapply make_globalenv_get_module_function in H0; eauto.
        destruct H0 as [?[Hsymbol ?]].
        inv Hstencil_matches.
        rewrite stencil_matches_symbols in Hsymbol.
        rewrite H1 in Hsymbol. inv Hsymbol.

      exploit threadsleep_spec; eauto 2.
      intros ( & m0´ & r_ & Hstep & Hincr & Hinject & Hnb & Hlessdef).

      split; [ reflexivity |].
       , (m0´, labd´), r_.
      repeat split; try assumption.
      simpl; unfold lift; simpl.
      exact (PowersetMonad.powerset_fmap_intro m0´ Hinject).