Module FlatAsmGlobenv

Global environments are a component of the dynamic semantics of all languages involved in the compiler. A global environment maps symbol names (names of functions and of global variables) to the corresponding memory addresses. It also maps memory addresses of functions to the corresponding function descriptions. Global environments, along with the initial memory state at the beginning of program execution, are built from the program of interest, as follows: These operations reflect (at a high level of abstraction) what takes place during program linking and program loading in a real operating system.

Require Recdef.
Require Import Zwf.
Require Import Axioms Coqlib Errors Maps AST Linking.
Require Import Integers Floats Values Memory.
Require Import Segment.
Require Import Globalenvs.

Notation "s #1" := (fst s) (at level 9, format "s '#1'") : pair_scope.
Notation "s #2" := (snd s) (at level 9, format "s '#2'") : pair_scope.

Local Open Scope pair_scope.
Local Open Scope error_monad_scope.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Local Unset Elimination Schemes.
Local Unset Case Analysis Schemes.

Module Genv.

Global environments

Section GENV.

Variable F: Type. (* The type of function descriptions *)
Variable V: Type. (* The type of information attached to variables *)
Variable I: Type. (* The type of instructions *)

The type of global environments.

Record t: Type := mkgenv {
  genv_public: list ident;
  genv_symb: ident -> option (block * ptrofs); (* mapping symbol -> block * ptrofs *)
  genv_defs: block -> ptrofs -> option (globdef F V); (* mapping offsets -> function defintions *)
  genv_instrs: block -> ptrofs -> option I; (* mapping offset -> instructions * function id *)
  genv_internal_codeblock : block -> bool;
  genv_lbl: ident -> ident -> option (block * ptrofs);
  genv_next : block;
  genv_senv : Globalenvs.Senv.t;

Lookup functions

Definition find_symbol (ge: t) (id: ident) : option (block * ptrofs):=
  ge.(genv_symb) id.

Definition symbol_address (ge: t) (id: ident) (ofs: ptrofs) : val :=
  match find_symbol ge id with
  | Some (b, o) => Vptr b (Ptrofs.add ofs o)
  | None => Vundef

Definition find_def (ge: t) (b: block) (ofs:ptrofs): option (globdef F V) :=
  genv_defs ge b ofs.

Definition find_funct_ptr (ge: t) (b: block) (ofs:ptrofs) : option F :=
  match find_def ge b ofs with Some (Gfun f) => Some f | _ => None end.

Definition find_funct (ge: t) (v:val) : option F :=
  match v with
  | Vptr b ofs => find_funct_ptr ge b ofs
  | _ => None

Definition label_address (ge: t) (fid:ident) (lid:ident) : val :=
  match genv_lbl ge fid lid with
  | None => Vundef
  | Some (b,o) => Vptr b o

Definition label_to_ptr (smap: segid_type -> block) (l:seglabel) : val :=
  Vptr (smap (fst l)) (snd l).

Lemma symbol_address_offset : forall ge ofs1 b s ofs,
    symbol_address ge s = Vptr b ofs ->
    symbol_address ge s ofs1 = Vptr b (Ptrofs.add ofs ofs1).
  unfold symbol_address. intros.
  destruct (find_symbol ge s) eqn:FSM.
    destruct p.
    simpl in *. unfold label_to_ptr in *. inv H.
    rewrite Ptrofs.add_zero_l. rewrite Ptrofs.add_commut. auto.
    inv H.

Lemma find_sym_to_addr : forall (ge:t) id b ofs,
    find_symbol ge id = Some (b, ofs) ->
    symbol_address ge id = Vptr b ofs.
  intros. unfold symbol_address. rewrite H.
  rewrite Ptrofs.add_zero_l. auto.

Find an instruction at an offset
Definition find_instr (ge: t) (v:val) : option I :=
  match v with
  | Vptr b ofs => (genv_instrs ge b ofs)
  | _ => None


End Genv.