Library structures.Poset
Require Export coqrel.LogicalRelations.
Record poset :=
poset_carrier :> Type;
ref : relation poset_carrier;
ref_preo : PreOrder ref;
ref_po : Antisymmetric poset_carrier eq ref;
Arguments ref {_}.
Existing Instance ref_preo.
Existing Instance ref_po.
Delimit Scope poset_scope with poset.
Bind Scope poset_scope with poset.
Class PosetMorphism {A B : poset} (f : A → B) :=
mor_monotonic :>
Monotonic f (ref ++> ref);
Delimit Scope poselt_scope with poselt.
Bind Scope poselt_scope with poset_carrier.
Notation "x [= y" := (ref x%poselt y%poselt) (at level 70).