Library coqrel.MorphismsInterop

Require Import Coq.Classes.Morphisms.
Require Import Coq.Relations.Relation_Definitions.
Require Import RelDefinitions.
Require Import RelOperators.
Require Import Relators.
Require Import Monotonicity.

Interoperation with Coq.Classes.Morphisms

Although ultimately we will reimplement a rewrite tactic, and our system is largely designed to replace the setoid rewriting support in Coq.Classes.Morphisms, we still want to be compatible with it so that:
  • we can take advantage of the relational properties declared in the old system;
  • the generalized setoid_rewrite can take advantage of our library for answering its Morphisms.Proper queries.
This compatibility layer is pretty straightforward: we simply declare the instances we need in order to use the properties declared in the old system, and use rauto to handle Morphisms.Proper queries.

Using Morphisms-style relational properties


While Coq.Classes.Morphisms uses a distinct set of relators from ours, we don't try to map them into our language. Instead, we hook them into our system the same way we do our generalized versions, so that respectful and the like can be used as just another set of "native" Coqrel relators.

Global Instance respectful_subrel A B:
  Monotonic (@respectful A B) (subrel --> subrel ++> subrel).

Global Instance respectful_params:
  Params (@respectful) 4.

Lemma respectful_rintro {A B} (RA: relation A) (RB: relation B) f g:
  RIntro ( x y, RA x y RB (f x) (g y)) (respectful RA RB) f g.

Hint Extern 0 (RIntro _ (respectful _ _) _ _) ⇒
  eapply respectful_rintro : typeclass_instances.

Lemma respectful_relim {A B} (RA: relation A) (RB: relation B) f g m n P Q:
  RElim RB (f m) (g n) P Q
  RElim (respectful RA RB) f g (RA m n P) Q.

Hint Extern 1 (RElim (respectful _ _) _ _ _ _) ⇒
  eapply respectful_relim : typeclass_instances.

Global Instance forall_relation_subrel A P:
  Monotonic (@forall_relation A P) ((forallr -, subrel) ++> subrel).

Global Instance forall_relation_params:
  Params (@forall_relation) 3.

Lemma forall_relation_rintro {A B} (R: a:A, relation (B a)) f g:
  RIntro ( a, R a (f a) (g a)) (forall_relation R) f g.

Hint Extern 0 (RIntro _ (forall_relation _) _ _) ⇒
  eapply forall_relation_rintro : typeclass_instances.

Lemma forall_relation_relim {A B} (R: a:A, relation (B a)) f g a P Q:
  RElim (R a) (f a) (g a) P Q
  RElim (forall_relation R) f g P Q.

Hint Extern 1 (RElim (forall_relation _) _ _ _ _) ⇒
  eapply forall_relation_relim : typeclass_instances.

Global Instance pointwise_relation_subrel A B:
  Monotonic (@pointwise_relation A B) (subrel ++> subrel).

Global Instance pointwise_relation_params:
  Params (@pointwise_relation) 3.

Lemma pointwise_relation_rintro {A B} (R: relation B) f g:
  RIntro ( a, R (f a) (g a)) (pointwise_relation A R) f g.

Hint Extern 0 (RIntro _ (pointwise_relation _ _) _ _) ⇒
 eapply pointwise_relation_rintro : typeclass_instances.

Lemma pointwise_relation_relim {A B} (R: relation B) f g a P Q:
  RElim R (f a) (g a) P Q
  RElim (pointwise_relation A R) f g P Q.

Hint Extern 1 (RElim (pointwise_relation _ _) _ _ _ _) ⇒
  eapply pointwise_relation_relim : typeclass_instances.

The rewriting system sometimes generates arguments constraints of the following form (when rewriting an argument of arrow_rel for instance), which need to be matched against our relational properties stated in terms of subrel.

Global Instance pointwise_relation_subrel_subrel A B:
  Related (pointwise_relation A (pointwise_relation B impl)) subrel subrel.

Morphisms.Proper instances

Now that we can interpret the relators used in Morphisms-style relational properties, we can simply hook instances of Morphisms.Proper into our own database.
We have to be careful about how this instance works. For one thing, we are not interested in going through the whole resolution process in Coq.Classes.Morphisms, but are only interested in recovering user-defined instances as-is. Moreover, we want to avoid a loop with solve_morphisms_proper below, where our library (and hence Related instances) are used to solve Proper queries. We can make sure both of those things are avoided by using a normalization_done hypothesis with our Proper query.

Global Instance morphisms_proper_related {A} (R: relation A) (a: A):
  (normalization_done Proper R a)
  Monotonic a R | 10.

subrelation instances

Likewise, we want to be able to use subrelation declaration as subrel instances. Again, we use an immediate hint.

Lemma subrelation_subrel {A} (R1 R2: relation A):
  Unconvertible R1 R2
  subrelation R1 R2
  Related R1 R2 subrel.

Hint Immediate subrelation_subrel : typeclass_instances.

Satisfying Morphisms.Proper queries

Ltac solve_morphisms_proper :=
  match goal with
    | _ : normalization_done |- _
      fail 1
    | H : apply_subrelation |- _
      clear H;

Hint Extern 10 (Morphisms.Proper _ _) ⇒
  solve_morphisms_proper : typeclass_instances.