Library mcertikos.clib.CalRealProcModule

Require Export AuxStateDataType.
Require Import Constant.
Require Import Coqlib.
Require Import Maps.
Require Import Integers.
Require Import XOmega.
Require Import CLemmas.


  Fixpoint init_zmap_nat {A} (n: nat) (x: A) (f: ZMap.t A): ZMap.t A :=
    match n with
      | Of
      | S iZMap.set (Z.of_nat i) x (init_zmap_nat i x f)

  Lemma init_zmap_nat_inside {A} (n: nat) (x: A) (f: ZMap.t A) (i: Z):
    0 i < (Z.of_nat n)
    ZMap.get i (init_zmap_nat n x f) = x.
    induction n; intros.
    × rewrite Nat2Z.inj_0 in H.
    × simpl.
      destruct (Z.eq_dec i (Z.of_nat n)) as [Hi | Hi].
      + rewrite <- Hi.
        rewrite ZMap.gss.
      + rewrite ZMap.gso.
        - apply IHn.
          rewrite Nat2Z.inj_succ in H.
        - assumption.

  Definition init_zmap {A} (n: Z): AZMap.t AZMap.t A :=
    init_zmap_nat (Z.to_nat n).

  Lemma init_zmap_inside {A} (n: Z) (x: A) (f: ZMap.t A) (i: Z):
    0 i < n
    ZMap.get i (init_zmap n x f) = x.
    intros H.
    unfold init_zmap.
    apply init_zmap_nat_inside.
    rewrite; omega.

  Lemma init_zmap_eq {A} (i: Z) (x: A) (f: ZMap.t A):
    0 i
    init_zmap (i+1) x f = ZMap.set i x (init_zmap i x f).
    intro Hi.
    unfold init_zmap.
    change (i + 1) with (Z.succ i).
    rewrite Z2Nat.inj_succ by assumption.
    rewrite by assumption.


Section CInitSpecsPThreadIntro.

  Context `{real_params_ops : RealParamsOps}.

  Definition real_tcb: TCBPoolTCBPool :=
    init_zmap num_proc (TCBValid DEAD 0 num_proc num_proc).

  Lemma real_TCB_valid: tcb, TCBCorrect_range (real_tcb tcb).
    unfold TCBCorrect_range.
    unfold TCBCorrect.
    unfold real_tcb.
    rewrite init_zmap_inside by assumption.

  Lemma real_TCB_init: tcb, TCBInit (real_tcb tcb).
    unfold TCBInit.
    unfold real_tcb.
    rewrite init_zmap_inside by assumption.

End CInitSpecsPThreadIntro.

Section CInitSpecsPQueueIntro.

  Context `{real_params_ops : RealParamsOps}.
  Definition real_tdq: TDQueuePoolTDQueuePool :=
    init_zmap num_chan (TDQValid num_proc num_proc).

  Lemma real_tdq_valid: tdq, TDQInit (real_tdq tdq).
    unfold TDQInit.
    unfold real_tdq.
    rewrite init_zmap_inside by omega.

  Lemma real_TDQ_correct:
      TDQCorrect_range (real_tdq t).
    intros. specialize (real_tdq_valid t).
    unfold TDQInit, TDQCorrect_range, TDQCorrect.
    intros. specialize (H _ H0).
    esplit; esplit. split; eauto.
    split; omega.

End CInitSpecsPQueueIntro.

Section CInitSpecsAbPThreadIntro.

  Definition real_abtcb :=
    init_zmap num_proc (AbTCBValid DEAD 0 (-1)).

  Lemma real_abtcb_init abtcb:
    AbTCBInit (real_abtcb abtcb).
    intros i.
    apply init_zmap_inside.

  Lemma real_abtcb_valid:
     tcbp i,
      0 i < num_proc
      AbTCBCorrect (ZMap.get i (real_abtcb tcbp)).
    intros; eapply AbTCBInit_valid; eauto.
    apply real_abtcb_init.

  Lemma real_abtcb_range:
      AbTCBCorrect_range (real_abtcb tcbp).
    unfold AbTCBCorrect_range; intros.
    eapply real_abtcb_valid; eauto.

  Lemma real_abtcb_notInQ:
     tcbp i s c b,
      0 i < num_proc
      ZMap.get i (real_abtcb tcbp) = AbTCBValid s c b
      b = -1.
    intros; eapply AbTCBInit_notInQ; eauto.
    apply real_abtcb_init.

  Lemma real_abtcb_pb_notInQ:
     tcbp pb,
      NotInQ pb (real_abtcb tcbp).
    unfold NotInQ; intros.
    eapply real_abtcb_notInQ; eauto.

  Lemma real_abtcb_valid´:
     tcbp i c,
      0 i < num_proc
      AbTCBCorrect (ZMap.get i (ZMap.set 0 (AbTCBValid RUN c (-1)) (real_abtcb tcbp))).
    intros. destruct (zeq i 0); subst.
      rewrite ZMap.gss. unfold AbTCBCorrect.
      esplit. esplit. esplit. split; eauto.
      rewrite ZMap.gso; auto.
      eapply real_abtcb_valid; eauto.

  Lemma real_abtcb_range´:
     tcbp c,
      AbTCBCorrect_range (ZMap.set 0 (AbTCBValid RUN c (-1)) (real_abtcb tcbp)).
    unfold AbTCBCorrect_range; intros.
    eapply real_abtcb_valid´; eauto.

  Lemma real_abtcb_notInQ´:
     tcbp i s c b,
      0 i < num_proc
      ZMap.get i (ZMap.set 0 (AbTCBValid RUN c (-1)) (real_abtcb tcbp)) = AbTCBValid s b
      b = -1.
    intros. destruct (zeq i 0); subst.
      rewrite ZMap.gss in ×. inv H0. trivial.
      rewrite ZMap.gso in *; auto.
      eapply real_abtcb_notInQ; eauto.

  Lemma real_abtcb_pb_notInQ´:
     tcbp pb c,
      NotInQ pb (ZMap.set 0 (AbTCBValid RUN c (-1)) (real_abtcb tcbp)).
    unfold NotInQ; intros.
    eapply real_abtcb_notInQ´; eauto.

  Lemma real_abtcb_notRun:
     tcbp i s c b,
      0 i < num_proc
      i 0 →
      ZMap.get i (ZMap.set 0 (AbTCBValid RUN c (-1)) (real_abtcb tcbp)) = AbTCBValid s b
      s RUN.
    intros. rewrite ZMap.gso in *; auto.
    specialize (real_abtcb_init tcbp).
    unfold AbTCBInit. intros. specialize (H2 _ H).
    rewrite H1 in H2. inv H2. red; intros; inv H2.

  Lemma real_abtcb_strong:
     tcbp i,
      0 i < num_proc
      AbTCBStrong (ZMap.get i (real_abtcb tcbp)).
    intros. specialize(real_abtcb_init tcbp).
    unfold AbTCBInit, AbTCBStrong; intros.
    specialize (H0 _ H). rewrite H0.
    esplit. esplit. esplit. split; eauto.
    split; trivial.
    split; intros HF; inv HF; discriminate.

  Lemma real_abtcb_strong_range:
      AbTCBStrong_range (real_abtcb tcbp).
    unfold AbTCBStrong_range. intros.
    eapply real_abtcb_strong; eauto.

  Lemma real_abtcb_strong´:
     tcbp i c,
      0 i < num_proc
      AbTCBStrong (ZMap.get i (ZMap.set 0 (AbTCBValid RUN c (-1)) (real_abtcb tcbp))).
    intros. destruct (zeq i 0); subst.
      rewrite ZMap.gss. unfold AbTCBStrong.
      esplit. esplit. esplit. split; eauto.
      split; trivial.
      split; intros HF; inv HF; discriminate.
      rewrite ZMap.gso; auto.
      eapply real_abtcb_strong; eauto.

  Lemma real_abtcb_strong_range´:
     tcbp c,
      AbTCBStrong_range (ZMap.set 0 (AbTCBValid RUN c (-1)) (real_abtcb tcbp)).
    unfold AbTCBStrong_range. intros.
    eapply real_abtcb_strong´; eauto.

End CInitSpecsAbPThreadIntro.

Section CInitSpecsAbPQueueIntro.

  Definition real_abq :=
    init_zmap (num_chan + 1) (AbQValid nil).

  Lemma real_abq_init abq:
    AbQInit (real_abq abq).
    intros i Hi.
    apply init_zmap_inside.

  Lemma real_abq_valid:
     tdqp i,
      0 i < num_chan
      AbQCorrect (ZMap.get i (real_abq tdqp)).
    intros; eapply AbTDQInit_valid; eauto.
    apply real_abq_init; eauto.

  Lemma real_abq_range:
      AbQCorrect_range (real_abq tdqp).
    unfold AbQCorrect_range; intros.
    eapply real_abq_valid; eauto.

  Lemma real_abq_contra:
     tdqp l i j,
      0 j < num_chan
      ZMap.get j (real_abq tdqp) = AbQValid l
      In i l
    intros. specialize (real_abq_init tdqp).
    unfold AbQInit. intros HTDQ. specialize (HTDQ _ H).
    rewrite H0 in HTDQ; inv HTDQ. inv H1.

  Lemma real_abtcb_abq_valid:
     i j tcbp tdqp s c,
      0 i < num_proc
      0 j < num_chan
      ZMap.get i (real_abtcb tcbp) = AbTCBValid s c j
       l, ZMap.get j (real_abq tdqp) = AbQValid l
                 count_occ zeq l i = 1%nat.
    intros. specialize (real_abtcb_init tcbp).
    unfold AbTCBInit. intros HTCB.
    specialize (HTCB _ H).
    rewrite H1 in HTCB. inv HTCB. omega.

  Lemma real_abtcb_abq_QCount:
     tcbp tdqp,
      QCount (real_abtcb tcbp) (real_abq tdqp).
    unfold QCount; intros.
    eapply real_abtcb_abq_valid; eauto.

  Lemma real_abtcb_abq_valid´:
     i j tcbp tdqp s c ,
      0 i < num_proc
      0 j < num_chan
      ZMap.get i (ZMap.set 0 (AbTCBValid RUN c (-1)) (real_abtcb tcbp)) = AbTCBValid s j
       l, ZMap.get j (real_abq tdqp) = AbQValid l
                 count_occ zeq l i = 1%nat.
    intros. destruct (zeq i 0); subst.
    + rewrite ZMap.gss in ×. inv H1. omega.
    + rewrite ZMap.gso in *; auto.
      eapply real_abtcb_abq_valid; eauto.

  Lemma real_abtcb_abq_QCount´:
     tcbp tdqp c,
      QCount (ZMap.set 0 (AbTCBValid RUN c (-1)) (real_abtcb tcbp)) (real_abq tdqp).
    unfold QCount; intros.
    eapply real_abtcb_abq_valid´; eauto.

  Lemma real_abq_inQ:
     tdqp l i j tcbp,
      0 j < num_chan
      ZMap.get j (real_abq tdqp) = AbQValid l
      In i l
       s c, ZMap.get i tcbp = AbTCBValid s c j.
    intros. exploit real_abq_contra; eauto.
    intros HF; inv HF.

  Lemma real_abq_tcb_inQ:
     tcbp tdqp,
      InQ tcbp (real_abq tdqp).
    unfold InQ; intros.
    exploit real_abq_contra; eauto.
    intros HF; inv HF.

End CInitSpecsAbPQueueIntro.

Section CInitSpecsThreadSched.

  Context `{real_params_ops : RealParamsOps}.

  Fixpoint Calculate_cidpool (i: nat) (cidpool: ZMap.t Z) : ZMap.t Z :=
    match i with
      | OZMap.set 0 1 cidpool
      | S kZMap.set (Z.of_nat (S k)) (Z.of_nat (S k) + 1) (Calculate_cidpool k cidpool)

  Definition real_cidpool (cidpool: ZMap.t Z) : ZMap.t Z :=
    Calculate_cidpool (Z.to_nat (TOTAL_CPU - 1)) cidpool.

  Lemma real_cidpool_valid:
     cidpool i n,
      0 i Z.of_nat n
      ZMap.get i (Calculate_cidpool n cidpool) = i + 1.
    induction n; intros irange; simpl.
    - rewrite Nat2Z.inj_0 in irange.
      replace i with 0 by omega.
      rewrite ZMap.gss.
    - simpl in irange.
      rewrite Pos2Z.inj_add.
      rewrite Zpos_P_of_succ_nat in ×.
      unfold Z.succ in ×.
      case_eq (zeq i (Z.of_nat n + 1)); intros; subst.
      + rewrite ZMap.gss.
      + rewrite ZMap.gso; try auto.
        apply IHn; omega.

  Lemma real_valid_cidpool:
     i cidpool,
      0 i < TOTAL_CPU
      ZMap.get i (real_cidpool cidpool) = i + 1.
    unfold real_cidpool; intros i cidpool irange.
    assert (range´: 8 0) by omega.
    rewrite <- (nat_of_Z_eq _ range´).
    rewrite by omega.
    eapply real_cidpool_valid.
    rewrite; omega.

End CInitSpecsThreadSched.

Section CInitSpecsPIPCIntro.

  Context `{real_params_ops : RealParamsOps}.

  Definition real_syncchpool: SyncChanPoolSyncChanPool :=
    init_zmap num_chan (SyncChanValid (Int.repr num_chan)

  Lemma real_syncchpool_valid:
     syncchpool, SyncChanPool_Init (real_syncchpool syncchpool).
    generalize max_unsigned_val; intros muval.
    unfold SyncChanPool_Init.
    unfold SyncChannel_Init.
    unfold real_syncchpool.
    rewrite init_zmap_inside by omega.

  Lemma real_syncchpool_valid´:
     syncchpool, SyncChanPool_Valid (real_syncchpool syncchpool).
    intros. apply SyncChannel_Init_Correct.
    apply real_syncchpool_valid.

End CInitSpecsPIPCIntro.