Library mcertikos.mcslock.CalMCSLockLemmas

Require Import List.
Require Import CommonTactic.
Require Import Coqlib.

Require Import CommonTactic.
Require Import GlobalOracle.
Require Import CalMCSLock.

Require Import Maps.
Require Import ZSet.
Require Import ListLemma2.


  Context `{waittime: WaitTime}.

  Lemma index2Z_in_lock_range:
     i ofs abid, index2Z i ofs = Some abid → 0 abid < lock_range.
    intros i ofs z Hdestruct1.
    assert (lock_id_val: i = ID_AT i = ID_TCB i = ID_SC).
    { unfold index2Z in Hdestruct1.
      unfold index_range in ×.
      destruct i; try tauto; try (inversion Hdestruct1; fail).
      destruct p; try tauto; try (inversion Hdestruct1; fail).
      destruct p; try tauto; try (inversion Hdestruct1). }
    Opaque Z.add Z.mul Z.sub Z.div.
    destruct lock_id_val as [lock_id_val | [lock_id_val | lock_id_val]]; subst.
    - unfold index2Z in Hdestruct1; simpl.
      unfold index_range in Hdestruct1.
      subdestruct; inv Hdestruct1; unfold ID_AT_range in *; auto.
      unfold lock_range.
      simpl; unfold ID_AT_range, ID_TCB_range, ID_SC_range; omega.
    - unfold index2Z in Hdestruct1; simpl.
      unfold index_range in Hdestruct1; simpl.
      unfold index_incrange in Hdestruct1; simpl.
      subdestruct; simpl; unfold ID_TCB_range in *; unfold lock_range; simpl; subst.
      inv Hdestruct1; unfold ID_AT_range in *; try omega.
      unfold ID_TCB_range, ID_SC_range; omega.
    - unfold index2Z in Hdestruct1; simpl.
      unfold index_range in Hdestruct1.
      unfold index_incrange in Hdestruct1.
      unfold lock_TCB_range in ×.
      unfold lock_range; unfold ID_AT_range, ID_SC_range, ID_TCB_range in *; inv Hdestruct1.

  Lemma QS_CalLock_q_length_same : ll self_c rel_c b q slow tq,
                                     QS_CalLock ll = Some (self_c, rel_c, b, q, slow, tq)length q = length tq.
    Transparent QS_CalLock.
    induction ll; simpl; intros.
    - inv H; simpl.
    - subdestruct; inv H;
      exploit IHll; eauto;
      repeat rewrite app_comm_cons;
      repeat rewrite app_length;
      rewrite H; simpl; trivial.

  Lemma QS_CalLock_inv : e l self_c rel_c b q slow tq,
                           QS_CalLock (e::l) = Some (self_c, rel_c, b, q, slow, tq)
                            self_c´ rel_c´ slow´ tq´,
                             QS_CalLock l = Some (self_c´, rel_c´, , , slow´, tq´).
    Transparent QS_CalLock.
    simpl; intros.
    destruct e; destruct (QS_CalLock l) as [[[[[[? ?] ?] ?] ?] ?] |] ;
    try congruence; eauto.
    simpl in H.
    Opaque QS_CalLock.
    subdestruct; (repeat (eexists); reflexivity).
  Lemma QS_CalLock_inv_app : l self_c rel_c b q slow tq,
                               QS_CalLock ( ++ l) = Some (self_c, rel_c, b, q, slow, tq)
                                self_c´ rel_c´ slow´ tq´,
                                 QS_CalLock l = Some (self_c´, rel_c´, , , slow´, tq´).
    Opaque QS_CalLock.
    induction .
    + simpl; intros; eauto 7.
    + simpl.
      intros until tq.
      intros HCal.
      destruct (QS_CalLock_inv _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ HCal)
        as [self_c1 [rel_c1 [ b1 [q1 [ slow1 [tq1 H]]]]]].
      exact (IHl´ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H).

  Lemma QS_CalLock_NoDup_onestep:
     e l self_c rel_c b q slow tq self_c´ rel_c´ slow´ tq´
           (HCal: QS_CalLock l = Some (self_c, rel_c, b, q, slow, tq))
           (Hndup: NoDup q)
           (HCal´: QS_CalLock (e :: l) = Some (self_c´, rel_c´, , , slow´, tq´)),
      NoDup .
    Transparent QS_CalLock.
    intros until tq´.
    intros HCal Hndup HCal´.
    simpl in HCal´.
    rewrite HCal in HCal´. clear HCal.
    destruct e as [j e].
    destruct e as [e | e ]; destruct e eqn:?; try congruence;
    repeat match goal with
             | [ HCal´ : context [match QS_CalLock ?lis with
                                    | Some __ | None_ end] |- _]
               ⇒ destruct (QS_CalLock lis) as [[[[[[? ?] ?] ?] ?] ?] |] eqn:?
             | [HCal´ : context[match ?X with | nil_ | (_ :: _) ⇒ _ end] |- _] ⇒ destruct X eqn:?
             | [HCal´ : context[if ?X then _ else _] |- _] ⇒ destruct X
             | [HCal´ : context[match ?X with | O_ | S __ end] |- _] ⇒ destruct X eqn:?
             | [HCal´ : context[match ?X with | Some __ | None_ end] |- _ ] ⇒ destruct X eqn:?
             | [HCal´ : context[match ?X with | MCSLOCK _ _ __ end] |- _ ] ⇒ destruct X as [? ? ?] eqn:?
             | [HCal´ : context[match ?X with | LEMPTY_ | LGET_ | LHOLD_ end] |- _ ] ⇒ destruct X
             | [ HCal´ : context[ZMap.get ?X ?Y] |- _]
               ⇒ destruct (ZMap.get X Y)
           end; try congruence.
    + replace with (j::nil) by congruence.
      apply NoDup_singleton.
    + replace with ((z :: l0) ++ j :: nil) by congruence.
      clear HCal´.
      rewrite NoDup_app.
      split; [|split].
    - assumption.
    - apply NoDup_singleton.
    - intros x.
      intros [H1 H2].
      destruct H2; [ subst | tauto].
      + replace with (@nil Z) by congruence.
      + subst.
        replace with l0 by congruence.
        inversion Hndup.

  Lemma QS_CalLock_NoDup:
     l self_c rel_c b q slow tq
           (HCal: QS_CalLock l = Some (self_c, rel_c, b, q, slow, tq)),
      NoDup q.
    induction l as [|e l].
    × simpl.
      replace q with (@nil Z) by congruence; constructor.
    × Opaque QS_CalLock.
      intros until tq.
      intros HCal.
      destruct (QS_CalLock_inv _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ HCal) as [self_c0 [rel_c0 [b0 [q0 [slow0 [tq0 HCal0]]]]]].
      specialize (IHl _ _ _ _ _ _ HCal0).
      eapply QS_CalLock_NoDup_onestep; eauto.