Library mcertikos.mcslock.ObjMCSLock

Require Import Coqlib.
Require Import Maps.
Require Import AuxStateDataType.
Require Import FlatMemory.
Require Import AbstractDataType.
Require Import Integers.
Require Import Values.
Require Import Constant.
Require Import GlobIdent.
Require Import RealParams.
Require Import CommonTactic.

Require Import DeviceStateDataType.
Require Import ObjInterruptDriver.

Require Import CalMCSLock.
Require Import CalTicketLock.
Require Export MCSSemantics.

Section MCS_SPECS.

  Section MCS_INIT_PRIM.

    Definition mcs_init_node_log_spec (abid:Z) (adt: RData) : option RData :=
      match (ikern adt, ihost adt) with
        | (true, true)
          if zle_lt 0 abid lock_range
          then Some adt {multi_log: ZMap.set abid (MultiDef nil) (multi_log adt)}
          else None
        | _None

    Function mcs_init_node_spec (abid: Z) (adt: RData) : option RData :=
      match (ikern adt, ihost adt) with
        | (true, true)
          if zle_lt 0 abid lock_range
          then Some adt {multi_log: ZMap.set abid (MultiDef nil) (multi_log adt)}
          else None
        | _None



    Definition atomic_mcs_log_spec (abid cpuid: Z) (adt: RData) :
      option (RData × Z × (Z × Z × Z × Z × Z × Z × Z × Z) × (Z × Z × Z × Z × Z × Z × Z × Z)) :=
      match (ikern adt, ihost adt) with
        | (true, true)
         if zle_lt 0 abid lock_range then
           if zle_lt 0 cpuid TOTAL_CPU then
             match ZMap.get abid (multi_log adt) with
               | MultiDef l
                 let to := ZMap.get abid (multi_oracle adt) in
                 let := (to cpuid l) ++ l in
                 match CalMCSLock with
                   | Some (MCSLOCK la np _) ⇒
                     let (b0, ne0) := ZMap.get 0 np in
                     let (b1, ne1) := ZMap.get 1 np in
                     let (b2, ne2) := ZMap.get 2 np in
                     let (b3, ne3) := ZMap.get 3 np in
                     let (b4, ne4) := ZMap.get 4 np in
                     let (b5, ne5) := ZMap.get 5 np in
                     let (b6, ne6) := ZMap.get 6 np in
                     let (b7, ne7) := ZMap.get 7 np in
                     Some (adt {multi_log: ZMap.set abid (MultiDef ) (multi_log adt)},
                           la, (BooltoZ b0, BooltoZ b1, BooltoZ b2, BooltoZ b3,
                                BooltoZ b4, BooltoZ b5, BooltoZ b6, BooltoZ b7),
                           (ne0, ne1, ne2, ne3, ne4, ne5, ne6, ne7))
                   | _None
               | _None
           else None
         else None
       | _None

    Function atomic_mcs_SWAP_spec (bound abid cpuid: Z) (adt: RData) : option (RData × Z) :=
      match (ikern adt, ihost adt) with
        | (true, true)
          if zle_lt 0 abid lock_range then
            if zle_lt 0 cpuid TOTAL_CPU then
              match ZMap.get abid (multi_log adt) with
                | MultiDef l
                  match CalMCSLock l with
                    | Some (MCSLOCK prev_last _ _) ⇒
                      if zle_le 0 prev_last TOTAL_CPU
                      then if zeq prev_last NULL
                           then let := (TEVENT cpuid (TTICKET (SWAP_TAIL (nat_of_Z bound) true))) :: l in
                                Some (adt {multi_log: ZMap.set abid (MultiDef ) (multi_log adt)}, prev_last)
                           else let := (TEVENT cpuid (TTICKET (SWAP_TAIL (nat_of_Z bound) false))) :: l in
                                Some (adt {multi_log: ZMap.set abid (MultiDef ) (multi_log adt)}, prev_last)
                      else None
                    | NoneNone
                | _None
            else None
          else None
        | _None

    Function atomic_mcs_CAS_spec (abid cpuid: Z) (adt: RData) : option (RData × (Z × Z)) :=
      match (ikern adt, ihost adt) with
        | (true, true)
          if zle_lt 0 abid lock_range then
            if zle_lt 0 cpuid TOTAL_CPU then
              match ZMap.get abid (multi_log adt) with
                | MultiDef l
                  match CalMCSLock l with
                    | Some (MCSLOCK la _ _) ⇒
                      if (zeq la cpuid)
                      then Some (adt {multi_log: ZMap.set
                                                   abid (MultiDef ((TEVENT cpuid (TTICKET (CAS_TAIL true)))::l))
                                                   (multi_log adt)}, (NULL, 1))
                      else Some (adt {multi_log: ZMap.set
                                                   abid (MultiDef ((TEVENT cpuid (TTICKET (CAS_TAIL false)))::l))
                                                   (multi_log adt)}, (la, 0))
                    | _None
                | _None
            else None
          else None
        | _None



    Function mcs_GET_NEXT_log_spec (abid cpuid: Z) (adt: RData) : option RData :=
      match (ikern adt, ihost adt) with
        | (true, true)
          if zle_lt 0 abid lock_range then
            if zle_lt 0 cpuid TOTAL_CPU then
              match ZMap.get abid (multi_log adt) with
                | MultiDef l
                  let := (TEVENT cpuid (TTICKET (GET_NEXT))) :: l in
                  Some adt {multi_log: ZMap.set abid (MultiDef ) (multi_log adt)}
                | _None
            else None
          else None
        | _None

    Function mcs_SET_NEXT_log_spec (abid cpuid prev_id: Z) (adt:RData) : option RData :=
      match (ikern adt, ihost adt) with
        | (true, true)
          if zle_lt 0 abid lock_range then
            if zle_lt 0 cpuid TOTAL_CPU then
              if zle_lt 0 prev_id TOTAL_CPU then
                match ZMap.get abid (multi_log adt) with
                  | MultiDef l
                    let := (TEVENT cpuid (TTICKET (SET_NEXT prev_id))) :: l in
                    Some adt {multi_log: ZMap.set abid (MultiDef ) (multi_log adt)}
                  | _None
              else None
            else None
          else None
        | _None

    Function mcs_GET_BUSY_log_spec (abid cpuid: Z) (adt: RData) : option RData :=
      match (ikern adt, ihost adt) with
        | (true, true)
          if zle_lt 0 abid lock_range then
            if zle_lt 0 cpuid TOTAL_CPU then
              match ZMap.get abid (multi_log adt) with
                | MultiDef l
                  match CalMCSLock l with
                    | Some (MCSLOCK _ np _) ⇒
                      match ZMap.get cpuid np with
                        (is_busy, _)
                        let := (TEVENT cpuid (TTICKET (GET_BUSY is_busy))) :: l in
                        Some adt {multi_log: ZMap.set abid (MultiDef ) (multi_log adt)}
                    | _None
                | _None
            else None
          else None
        | _None

    Function mcs_SET_BUSY_log_spec (abid cpuid: Z) (adt: RData) : option RData :=
      match (ikern adt, ihost adt) with
        | (true, true)
          if zle_lt 0 abid lock_range then
            if zle_lt 0 cpuid TOTAL_CPU then
              match ZMap.get abid (multi_log adt) with
                | MultiDef l
                  match CalMCSLock l with
                    | Some (MCSLOCK _ np _) ⇒
                      match ZMap.get cpuid np with
                        (_, next)
                        if zle_lt 0 next TOTAL_CPU
                        then let := (TEVENT cpuid (TTICKET (SET_BUSY))) :: l in
                             Some adt {multi_log: ZMap.set abid (MultiDef ) (multi_log adt)}
                        else None
                    | _None
                | _None
            else None
          else None
        | _None



    Function mcs_SWAP_TAIL_spec (bound abid cpuid: Z) (adt: RData) : option (RData × Z) :=
      match (ikern adt, ihost adt) with
        | (true, true)
          if zle_lt 0 abid lock_range then
            if zle_lt 0 cpuid TOTAL_CPU then
              match ZMap.get abid (multi_log adt) with
                | MultiDef l
                  match CalMCSLock l with
                    | Some (MCSLOCK prev_last _ _) ⇒
                      if zle_le 0 prev_last TOTAL_CPU
                      then if zeq prev_last NULL
                           then let := (TEVENT cpuid (TTICKET (SWAP_TAIL (nat_of_Z bound) true))) :: l in
                                Some (adt {multi_log: ZMap.set abid (MultiDef ) (multi_log adt)}, prev_last)
                           else let := (TEVENT cpuid (TTICKET (SWAP_TAIL (nat_of_Z bound) false))) :: l in
                                Some (adt {multi_log: ZMap.set abid (MultiDef ) (multi_log adt)}, prev_last)
                      else None
                    | NoneNone
                | _None
            else None
          else None
        | _None

    Function mcs_CAS_TAIL_spec (abid cpuid: Z) (adt: RData) : option (RData × Z) :=
      match (ikern adt, ihost adt) with
        | (true, true)
          if zle_lt 0 abid lock_range then
            if zle_lt 0 cpuid TOTAL_CPU then
              match ZMap.get abid (multi_log adt) with
                | MultiDef l
                  match CalMCSLock l with
                    | Some (MCSLOCK la _ _) ⇒
                      if (zeq la cpuid)
                      then Some (adt {multi_log: ZMap.set abid (MultiDef ((TEVENT cpuid (TTICKET (CAS_TAIL true)))::l))
                                                          (multi_log adt)}, 1)
                      else Some (adt {multi_log: ZMap.set abid (MultiDef ((TEVENT cpuid (TTICKET (CAS_TAIL false)))::l))
                                                          (multi_log adt)}, 0)
                    | _None
                | _None
            else None
          else None
        | _None

    Function mcs_GET_NEXT_spec (abid cpuid: Z) (adt: RData) : option (RData × Z) :=
      match (ikern adt, ihost adt) with
        | (true, true)
          if zle_lt 0 abid lock_range then
            if zle_lt 0 cpuid TOTAL_CPU then
              match ZMap.get abid (multi_log adt) with
                | MultiDef l
                  let := (TEVENT cpuid (TTICKET (GET_NEXT))) :: l in
                  match CalMCSLock with
                    | Some (MCSLOCK _ node_pool _) ⇒
                      match (ZMap.get cpuid node_pool) with
                        | (_, next_id)Some (adt {multi_log: ZMap.set abid (MultiDef ) (multi_log adt)}, next_id)
                    | _None
                | _None
            else None
          else None
        | _None

    Function mcs_SET_NEXT_spec (abid cpuid prev_id: Z) (adt:RData) : option RData :=
      match (ikern adt, ihost adt) with
        | (true, true)
          if zle_lt 0 abid lock_range then
            if zle_lt 0 cpuid TOTAL_CPU then
              if zle_lt 0 prev_id TOTAL_CPU then
                match ZMap.get abid (multi_log adt) with
                  | MultiDef l
                    let := (TEVENT cpuid (TTICKET (SET_NEXT prev_id))) :: l in
                    Some adt {multi_log: ZMap.set abid (MultiDef ) (multi_log adt)}
                  | _None
              else None
            else None
          else None
        | _None

    Function mcs_GET_BUSY_spec (abid cpuid: Z) (adt: RData) : option (RData × Z) :=
      match (ikern adt, ihost adt) with
        | (true, true)
          if zle_lt 0 abid lock_range then
            if zle_lt 0 cpuid TOTAL_CPU then
              match ZMap.get abid (multi_log adt) with
                | MultiDef l
                  match CalMCSLock l with
                    | Some (MCSLOCK _ node_pool _) ⇒
                      match (ZMap.get cpuid node_pool) with
                        (is_busy, _)
                          if is_busy then
                            let := (TEVENT cpuid (TTICKET (GET_BUSY is_busy))) :: l in
                            Some (adt {multi_log: ZMap.set abid (MultiDef ) (multi_log adt)}, 1)
                            let := (TEVENT cpuid (TTICKET (GET_BUSY is_busy))) :: l in
                            Some (adt {multi_log: ZMap.set abid (MultiDef ) (multi_log adt)}, 0)
                    | _None
                | _None
            else None
          else None
        | _None

    Function mcs_SET_BUSY_spec (abid cpuid: Z) (adt: RData) : option RData :=
      match (ikern adt, ihost adt) with
        | (true, true)
          if zle_lt 0 abid lock_range then
            if zle_lt 0 cpuid TOTAL_CPU then
              match ZMap.get abid (multi_log adt) with
                | MultiDef l
                  match CalMCSLock l with
                    | Some (MCSLOCK _ np _) ⇒
                      match ZMap.get cpuid np with
                        (_, next)
                        if zle_lt 0 next TOTAL_CPU
                        then let := (TEVENT cpuid (TTICKET (SET_BUSY))) :: l in
                             Some adt {multi_log: ZMap.set abid (MultiDef ) (multi_log adt)}
                        else None
                    | _None
                | _None
            else None
          else None
        | _None



    Definition mcs_log_spec (abid cpuid: Z) (adt: RData) : option RData :=
      match (ikern adt, ihost adt) with
       | (true, true)
         if zle_lt 0 abid lock_range then
           if zle_lt 0 cpuid TOTAL_CPU then
             match ZMap.get abid (multi_log adt) with
               | MultiDef l
                 let to := ZMap.get abid (multi_oracle adt) in
                 let := (to cpuid l) ++ l in
                 match CalMCSLock with
                   | Some _Some adt {multi_log: ZMap.set abid (MultiDef ) (multi_log adt)}
                   | _None
               | _None
           else None
         else None
       | _None



    Function mcs_swap_tail_spec (bound : Z) (abid cpuid: Z) (adt: RData) : option (RData × Z) :=
      match (ikern adt, ihost adt) with
        | (true, true)
          if zle_lt 0 abid lock_range then
            if zle_lt 0 cpuid TOTAL_CPU then
              match ZMap.get abid (multi_log adt) with
                | MultiDef l
                  let to := ZMap.get abid (multi_oracle adt) in
                  let l1 := (to cpuid l) ++ l in
                  match CalMCSLock l1 with
                    | Some (MCSLOCK prev_last _ _) ⇒
                      if zle_le 0 prev_last TOTAL_CPU
                      then if zeq prev_last NULL
                           then let := (TEVENT cpuid (TTICKET (SWAP_TAIL (nat_of_Z bound) true))) :: l1 in
                                Some (adt {multi_log: ZMap.set abid (MultiDef ) (multi_log adt)}, prev_last)
                           else let := (TEVENT cpuid (TTICKET (SWAP_TAIL (nat_of_Z bound) false))) :: l1 in
                                Some (adt {multi_log: ZMap.set abid (MultiDef ) (multi_log adt)}, prev_last)
                      else None
                    | NoneNone
                | _None
            else None
          else None
        | _None

    Function mcs_cas_tail_spec (abid cpuid: Z) (adt: RData) : option (RData × Z) :=
      match (ikern adt, ihost adt) with
        | (true, true)
          if zle_lt 0 abid lock_range then
            if zle_lt 0 cpuid TOTAL_CPU then
              match ZMap.get abid (multi_log adt) with
                | MultiDef l
                  let to := ZMap.get abid (multi_oracle adt) in
                  let l1 := (to cpuid l) ++ l in
                  match CalMCSLock l1 with
                    | Some (MCSLOCK la _ _) ⇒
                      if (zeq la cpuid)
                      then Some (adt {multi_log: ZMap.set abid (MultiDef ((TEVENT cpuid (TTICKET (CAS_TAIL true)))::l1))
                                                          (multi_log adt)}, 1)
                      else Some (adt {multi_log: ZMap.set abid (MultiDef ((TEVENT cpuid (TTICKET (CAS_TAIL false)))::l1))
                                                          (multi_log adt)}, 0)
                    | NoneNone
                | _None
            else None
          else None
        | _None

    Function mcs_get_next_spec (abid cpuid: Z) (adt: RData) : option (RData × Z) :=
      match (ikern adt, ihost adt) with
        | (true, true)
          if zle_lt 0 abid lock_range then
            if zle_lt 0 cpuid TOTAL_CPU then
              match ZMap.get abid (multi_log adt) with
                | MultiDef l
                  let to := ZMap.get abid (multi_oracle adt) in
                  let l1 := (to cpuid l) ++ l in
                  let := (TEVENT cpuid (TTICKET (GET_NEXT))) :: l1 in
                  match CalMCSLock with
                    | Some (MCSLOCK _ node_pool _) ⇒
                      match (ZMap.get cpuid node_pool) with
                        | (_, next_id)Some (adt {multi_log: ZMap.set abid (MultiDef ) (multi_log adt)}, next_id)
                    | _None
                | _None
            else None
          else None
        | _None

    Function mcs_set_next_spec (abid cpuid prev_id: Z) (adt:RData) : option RData :=
      match (ikern adt, ihost adt) with
        | (true, true)
          if zle_lt 0 abid lock_range then
            if zle_lt 0 cpuid TOTAL_CPU then
              if zle_lt 0 prev_id TOTAL_CPU then
                match ZMap.get abid (multi_log adt) with
                  | MultiDef l
                    let to := ZMap.get abid (multi_oracle adt) in
                    let l1 := (to cpuid l) ++ l in
                    match CalMCSLock l1 with
                      | Some _let := (TEVENT cpuid (TTICKET (SET_NEXT prev_id))) :: l1 in
                                  Some adt {multi_log: ZMap.set abid (MultiDef ) (multi_log adt)}
                      | _None
                  | _None
              else None
            else None
          else None
        | _None

    Function mcs_get_busy_spec (abid cpuid: Z) (adt: RData) : option (RData × Z) :=
      match (ikern adt, ihost adt) with
        | (true, true)
          if zle_lt 0 abid lock_range then
            if zle_lt 0 cpuid TOTAL_CPU then
              match ZMap.get abid (multi_log adt) with
                | MultiDef l
                  let to := ZMap.get abid (multi_oracle adt) in
                  let l1 := (to cpuid l) ++ l in
                  match CalMCSLock l1 with
                    | Some (MCSLOCK _ node_pool _) ⇒
                      match (ZMap.get cpuid node_pool) with
                        (is_busy, _)
                        if is_busy
                        then let := (TEVENT cpuid (TTICKET (GET_BUSY true)))::l1 in
                             Some (adt {multi_log: ZMap.set abid (MultiDef ) (multi_log adt)}, 1)
                        else let := (TEVENT cpuid (TTICKET (GET_BUSY false)))::l1 in
                             Some (adt {multi_log: ZMap.set abid (MultiDef ) (multi_log adt)}, 0)
                    | _None
                | _None
            else None
          else None
        | _None

    Function mcs_set_busy_spec (abid cpuid: Z) (adt: RData) : option RData :=
      match (ikern adt, ihost adt) with
        | (true, true)
          if zle_lt 0 abid lock_range then
            if zle_lt 0 cpuid TOTAL_CPU then
              match ZMap.get abid (multi_log adt) with
                | MultiDef l
                  let to := ZMap.get abid (multi_oracle adt) in
                  let l1 := (to cpuid l) ++ l in
                  match CalMCSLock l1 with
                    | Some (MCSLOCK _ np _) ⇒
                      match ZMap.get cpuid np with
                        (_, next)
                        if zle_lt 0 next TOTAL_CPU
                        then let := (TEVENT cpuid (TTICKET (SET_BUSY))) :: l1 in
                             Some adt {multi_log: ZMap.set abid (MultiDef ) (multi_log adt)}
                        else None
                    | _None
                | _None
            else None
          else None
        | _None

    Function mcs_lock_get_index_spec (index ofs: Z) (adt: RData) : option (RData × Z) :=
      match (ikern adt, ihost adt, index2Z index ofs) with
        | (true, true, Some abid)Some (adt, abid)
        | _None




      Context `{waittime: WaitTime}.

      Definition mcs_wait_lock_spec (bound index ofs :Z) (adt: RData) : option RData :=
        match (ikern adt, ihost adt, index2Z index ofs) with
          | (true, true, Some abid)
            match ZMap.get abid (multi_log adt) with
              | MultiDef l
                let cpu := (CPU_ID adt) in
                let to := ZMap.get abid (multi_oracle adt) in
                let l1 := (to cpu l) ++ l in
                match CalMCSLock l1 with
                  | Some (MCSLOCK prev_tail la tq) ⇒
                    if zeq prev_tail NULL
                    then let l2 := (TEVENT cpu (TTICKET (SWAP_TAIL (nat_of_Z bound) true))) :: l1 in
                         Some adt {multi_log: ZMap.set abid (MultiDef l2) (multi_log adt)}
                      let l2 := (TEVENT cpu (TTICKET (SWAP_TAIL (nat_of_Z bound) false))) :: l1 in
                      let l3 := (to cpu l2) ++ l2 in
                      let l4 := (TEVENT cpu (TTICKET (SET_NEXT prev_tail)))::l3 in
                      match CalMCS_AcqWait (CalWaitLockTime tq) cpu l4 to with
                        | Some l5Some adt {multi_log: ZMap.set abid (MultiDef l5) (multi_log adt)}
                        | _None
                  | _None
              | _None
          | _None

      Definition mcs_pass_lock_spec (index ofs:Z) (adt: RData) : option RData :=
        match (ikern adt, ihost adt, index2Z index ofs) with
          | (true, true, Some abid)
            match ZMap.get abid (multi_log adt) with
              | MultiDef l
                let cpu := CPU_ID adt in
                let to := ZMap.get abid (multi_oracle adt) in
                let l1 := (to cpu l) ++ l in
                match CalMCSLock l1 with
                  | Some (MCSLOCK old_tail _ tq) ⇒
                    if zeq old_tail cpu
                      let := (TEVENT cpu (TTICKET (CAS_TAIL true))) :: l1 in
                      Some (adt {multi_log: ZMap.set abid (MultiDef ) (multi_log adt)})
                      let l2 := (TEVENT cpu (TTICKET (CAS_TAIL false))) :: l1 in
                      match CalMCS_RelWait CalPassLockLoopTime cpu l2 to with
                        | Some l3
                          match CalMCSLock l3 with
                            | Some _Some (adt {multi_log: ZMap.set abid (MultiDef l3) (multi_log adt)})
                            | _None
                        | _None
                  | _None
              | _None
          | _None




      Context `{waittime: WaitTime}.

        Function wait_qslock_spec (bound : Z) (index ofs :Z) (adt: RData) : option RData :=
          match (ikern adt, ihost adt, index2Z index ofs) with
            | (true, true, Some abid)
              match ZMap.get abid (multi_log adt), ZMap.get abid (lock adt) with
                | MultiDef l, LockFalse
                  let cpu := CPU_ID adt in
                  let to := ZMap.get abid (multi_oracle adt) in
                  let l1 := (to cpu l) ++ l in
                  match QS_CalLock l1 with
                    | Some (_, _, nil, _,_)
                      let l2 := ((TEVENT cpu (TTICKET (SWAP_TAIL (nat_of_Z bound) true))) :: l1) in
                      Some (adt {multi_log: ZMap.set abid (MultiDef l2) (multi_log adt)}
                                {lock: ZMap.set abid (LockOwn false) (lock adt)})
                    | Some (_, _, _, q, _, tq)
                      let l2 := (TEVENT cpu (TTICKET (SWAP_TAIL (nat_of_Z bound) false))) :: l1 in
                      let l3 := (to cpu l2 ++ l2) in
                      let l4 := (TEVENT cpu (TTICKET (SET_NEXT (last q NULL)))) :: l3 in
                      match QS_CalWaitGet (CalWaitLockTime tq) cpu l4 to with
                        | Some l5
                          Some (adt {multi_log: ZMap.set abid (MultiDef l5) (multi_log adt)}
                                    {lock: ZMap.set abid (LockOwn false) (lock adt)})
                        | _None
                    | _None
                | _,_None
            | _None

        Function pass_qslock_spec (index ofs :Z) (adt: RData) : option RData :=
          match (ikern adt, ihost adt, index2Z index ofs) with
            | (true, true, Some abid)
              match ZMap.get abid (multi_log adt), ZMap.get abid (lock adt) with
                | MultiDef l, LockOwn false
                  let cpu := CPU_ID adt in
                  let to := ZMap.get abid (multi_oracle adt) in
                  let l1 := (to cpu l) ++ l in
                  match QS_CalLock l1 with
                    | Some (self_c, S rel_c, b, q, slow,tq)
                      match q with
                        | me::nil
                          let := (TEVENT cpu (TTICKET (CAS_TAIL true))) :: l1 in
                          Some (adt {multi_log: ZMap.set abid (MultiDef ) (multi_log adt)}
                                    {lock: ZMap.set abid LockFalse (lock adt)})
                        | me::j::
                          let l2 := (TEVENT cpu (TTICKET (CAS_TAIL false))) :: l1 in
                          match QS_CalWaitRel CalPassLockLoopTime cpu j l2 to with
                            | Some l3
                              let l4 := (TEVENT cpu (TTICKET GET_NEXT)) :: l3 in
                              let l5 := (to cpu l4) ++ l4 in
                              match QS_CalLock l5 with
                                | Some (_, _, _, nil, _, _)None
                                | Some (_, _, _, q, _, _)
                                  let l6 := (TEVENT cpu (TTICKET SET_BUSY)) :: l5 in
                                  Some (adt {multi_log: ZMap.set abid (MultiDef l6) (multi_log adt)}
                                            {lock: ZMap.set abid LockFalse (lock adt)})
                                | _None
                            | _None
                        | _None
                    | _None
                | _,_None
            | _None



Require Import liblayers.compat.CompatGenSem.
Require Import liblayers.compat.CompatLayers.
Require Import CommonTactic.
Require Import RefinementTactic.
Require Import AuxLemma.
Require Import LAsmModuleSemAux.

Section OBJ_SIM.

  Context `{data : CompatData RData}.
  Context `{data0 : CompatData RData}.

  Context `{Hstencil: Stencil}.
  Context `{Hmem: Mem.MemoryModelX}.
  Context `{Hmwd: UseMemWithData mem}.

  Notation HDATAOps := (cdata (cdata_prf := data) RData).
  Notation LDATAOps := (cdata (cdata_prf := data0) RData).

  Context `{rel_prf: CompatRel _ (memory_model_ops:= memory_model_ops) _
                               (stencil_ops:= stencil_ops) HDATAOps LDATAOps}.

  Context {re1: relate_impl_iflags}.
  Context {re2: relate_impl_multi_log}.
  Context {re3: relate_impl_multi_oracle}.

  Context {mt1: match_impl_iflags}.
  Context {mt2: match_impl_multi_log}.
  Context {mt3: match_impl_multi_oracle}.


    Lemma mcs_init_node_log_exist:
       s lock_index habd habd´ labd f,
        mcs_init_node_log_spec lock_index habd = Some habd´
        → relate_AbData s f habd labd
        → labd´, mcs_init_node_log_spec lock_index labd = Some labd´
                         relate_AbData s f habd´ labd´.
      unfold mcs_init_node_log_spec; intros.
      exploit relate_impl_iflags_eq; eauto; inversion 1.
      exploit relate_impl_multi_log_eq; eauto; intros.
      revert H; subrewrite.
      subdestruct; inv HQ; refine_split´; trivial.
      eapply relate_impl_multi_log_update; trivial.

    Lemma mcs_init_node_log_match:
       s lock_index d m f,
        mcs_init_node_log_spec lock_index d = Some
        → match_AbData s d m f
        → match_AbData s m f.
      unfold mcs_init_node_log_spec; intros.
      subdestruct; inv H.
      eapply match_impl_multi_log_update; assumption.

    Context {inv: PreservesInvariants (HD:= data) mcs_init_node_log_spec}.
    Context {inv0: PreservesInvariants (HD:= data0) mcs_init_node_log_spec}.

    Lemma mcs_init_node_log_sim :
        sim (crel RData RData) (id gensem mcs_init_node_log_spec)
            (id gensem mcs_init_node_log_spec).
      compatsim_simpl (@match_AbData).
      exploit mcs_init_node_log_exist; eauto 1.
      intros [labd´ [HP HM]].
      eapply mcs_init_node_log_match; eauto.



    Lemma mcs_init_node_exist:
       s lock_index habd habd´ labd f,
        mcs_init_node_spec lock_index habd = Some habd´
        → relate_AbData s f habd labd
        → labd´, mcs_init_node_spec lock_index labd = Some labd´
                         relate_AbData s f habd´ labd´.
      unfold mcs_init_node_spec; intros.
      exploit relate_impl_iflags_eq; eauto; inversion 1.
      exploit relate_impl_multi_log_eq; eauto; intros.
      revert H; subrewrite.
      subdestruct; inv HQ; refine_split´; trivial.
      eapply relate_impl_multi_log_update; trivial.

    Lemma mcs_init_node_match:
       s lock_index d m f,
        mcs_init_node_spec lock_index d = Some
        → match_AbData s d m f
        → match_AbData s m f.
      unfold mcs_init_node_spec; intros.
      subdestruct; inv H.
      eapply match_impl_multi_log_update; assumption.

    Context {inv: PreservesInvariants (HD:= data) mcs_init_node_spec}.
    Context {inv0: PreservesInvariants (HD:= data0) mcs_init_node_spec}.

    Lemma mcs_init_node_sim :
        sim (crel RData RData) (id gensem mcs_init_node_spec)
            (id gensem mcs_init_node_spec).
      compatsim_simpl (@match_AbData).
      exploit mcs_init_node_exist; eauto 1.
      intros [labd´ [HP HM]].
      eapply mcs_init_node_match; eauto.