
Require Import TacticsForTesting.
Require Import VCGen.
Require Import Coqlib.
Require Import Maps.
Require Import AST.
Require Import Integers.
Require Import Floats.
Require Import Values.
Require Import MemoryX.
Require Import EventsX.
Require Import Globalenvs.
Require Import Locations.
Require Import Smallstep.
Require Import ClightBigstep.
Require Import Cop.
Require Import MALInit.
Require Import ZArith.Zwf.
Require Import LoopProof.
Require Import RealParams.
Require Import liblayers.compcertx.Stencil.
Require Import liblayers.compcertx.MakeProgram.
Require Import liblayers.compat.CompatLayers.
Require Import liblayers.compat.CompatGenSem.
Require Import CompatClightSem.
Require Import PrimSemantics.
Require Import Clight.
Require Import CDataTypes.
Require Import Ctypes.

Require Import MALInit.
Require Import MALInitCSource.
Require Import ALOpGenSpec.

Require Import AbstractDataType.
Require Import DeviceStateDataType.


  Section With_primitives.

    Context `{real_params: RealParams}.
    Context {memb} `{Hmemx: Mem.MemoryModelX memb}.
    Context `{Hmwd: UseMemWithData memb}.
    Context `{oracle_prop: MultiOracleProp}.

    Let mem := mwd (cdata RData).

    Context `{Hstencil: Stencil}.
    Context `{make_program_ops: !MakeProgramOps Clight.function type Clight.fundef type}.
    Context `{Hmake_program: !MakeProgram Clight.function type Clight.fundef type}.

    Opaque PTree.get PTree.set.

    Section Meminit.

      Let L: compatlayer (cdata RData) := (get_size gensem MMSize
           is_usable gensem is_mm_usable_spec
           get_mms gensem get_mm_s_spec
           get_mml gensem get_mm_l_spec
           container_init gensem container_init_spec
           is_norm gensem is_at_norm_spec
           set_norm gensem set_at_norm_spec
           set_nps gensem set_nps_spec).

      Local Instance: ExternalCallsOps mem := CompatExternalCalls.compatlayer_extcall_ops L.

      Local Instance: CompilerConfigOps mem := CompatExternalCalls.compatlayer_compiler_config_ops L.

      Local Open Scope Z_scope.

Auxiliary lemmas

      Lemma size_range_valid d:
        high_level_invariant dinit d = true → 0 < MMSize d Int.max_unsigned.
        inv H.
        apply valid_mm_size.

      Lemma MM_s_l_valid_Z d : i s l, high_level_invariant d
                                             init d = trueikern d = trueihost d = true
                                             0 i < (MMSize d)
                                             get_mm_s_spec i d = Some s
                                             get_mm_l_spec i d = Some l
                                             s 0 l > 0 s + l < Int.max_unsigned.
        intros i s l inv initialized kern ihost sizerange getmms getmml.
        inv inv.
        unfold MM_valid in valid_mm.
        unfold MM_range in ×.
        unfold get_mm_s_spec in ×.
        unfold get_mm_l_spec in ×.
        rewrite kern, ihost in ×.
        simpl in ×.
        generalize (valid_mm initialized i sizerange); intro validmm.
        destruct validmm as [ validmm].
        destruct validmm as [ validmm].
        destruct validmm as [ validmm].
        destruct validmm as [zget validmm].
        destruct validmm as [sge0 validmm].
        destruct validmm as [lgt0 slrange´].
        rewrite zget in ×.
        injection getmms; injection getmml; intros; subst.

      Lemma MM_s_l_valid d : i s l,
          high_level_invariant dinit d = trueikern d = trueihost d = true
          0 i < (MMSize d)
          get_mm_s_spec i d = Some (Int.unsigned s) →
          get_mm_l_spec i d = Some (Int.unsigned l) →
          Int.unsigned s + Int.unsigned l < Int.max_unsigned.
        apply (MM_s_l_valid_Z d i (Int.unsigned s) (Int.unsigned l) H H0 H1 H2 H3 H4 H5).

      Lemma mm_valid d : i,
          high_level_invariant d
          init d = trueikern d = trueihost d = true → 0 i< (MMSize d)
           s l, get_mm_s_spec i d = Some (Int.unsigned s) get_mm_l_spec i d = Some (Int.unsigned l)
                      Int.unsigned s 0 Int.unsigned l > 0 Int.unsigned s + Int.unsigned l < Int.max_unsigned.
        intros i inv.
        generalize inv; intro inv´.
        inv inv´.
        unfold MM_valid in valid_mm.
        unfold MM_range in ×.
        unfold get_mm_s_spec.
        unfold get_mm_l_spec.
        simpl in ×.
        generalize(valid_mm H i H2); intro.
        destruct H3 as [s tmpH].
        destruct tmpH as [l tmpH].
        destruct tmpH as [p tmpH].
        destruct tmpH as [slvalid tmpH].
        destruct tmpH as [sge0 tmpH].
        destruct tmpH as [lgt0 slrange].
        rewrite H0, H1.
        assert(getmms´: get_mm_s_spec i d = Some s).
        unfold get_mm_s_spec.
        rewrite H0, H1.
        rewrite slvalid.
        assert(getmml´: get_mm_l_spec i d = Some l).
        unfold get_mm_l_spec.
        rewrite H0, H1.
        rewrite slvalid.
        generalize (MM_s_l_valid_Z d i s l inv H H0 H1 H2 getmms´ getmml´).
        intro slmaxrange.
         (Int.repr s), (Int.repr l).
        rewrite Int.unsigned_repr.
        destruct (ZMap.get i (MM d)).
        injection slvalid; intros; subst.
        rewrite Int.unsigned_repr.
        inversion slvalid.

      Lemma mm_usable_valid d : i,
          high_level_invariant dinit d = trueikern d = trueihost d = true
          0 i< (MMSize d) v, is_mm_usable_spec i d = Some (Int.unsigned v) (v = v =
        intros i hinv.
        generalize hinv; intro inv.
        inv inv.
        unfold MM_valid in valid_mm.
        unfold MM_range in ×.
        unfold is_mm_usable_spec.
        simpl in ×.
        rewrite H0, H1.
        generalize (valid_mm H i H2); intro.
        destruct H3 as [s tmpH].
        destruct tmpH as [l tmpH].
        destruct tmpH as [p tmpH].
        destruct tmpH as [valid tmpH].
        destruct tmpH.
        destruct p.
        rewrite valid.
        rewrite valid.

      Lemma MM_match d : i j s l isnorm,
          high_level_invariant d
          init d = true
          ikern d = true
          ihost d = true
          0 j < (MMSize d)
          get_mm_s_spec j d = Some (Int.unsigned s) →
          get_mm_l_spec j d = Some (Int.unsigned l) →
          kern_low i < kern_high
          Int.unsigned s i × 4096 →
          Int.unsigned l + Int.unsigned s (i + 1) × 4096 →
          is_mm_usable_spec j d = Some (Int.unsigned isnorm) →
          (Int.unsigned isnorm = 1 MM_kern_valid ((MM d)) i ((MMSize d))
                                      Int.unsigned isnorm = 0 ¬ MM_kern_valid ((MM d)) i ((MMSize d))).
        intros i j s l isnorm inv.
        generalize (mm_usable_valid d j inv H H0 H1 H2); intro.
        destruct H9 as [isnorm´ tmpH].
        destruct tmpH as [H8´ isnormcase].
        rewrite H8 in H8´.
        injection H8´; intro isnormeq.
        assert(isnorm = isnorm´).
        rewrite <- Int.repr_unsigned.
        rewrite <- Int.repr_unsigned at 1.
        rewrite isnormeq.
        unfold get_mm_s_spec in H3.
        unfold get_mm_l_spec in H4.
        unfold is_mm_usable_spec in H8.
        Caseeq isnormcase.
          repeat vcgen.
          unfold MM_kern_valid in H9.
          destruct H9 as [ tmpH].
          destruct tmpH as [ tmpH].
          destruct tmpH as [ tmpH].
          destruct tmpH as [i´range tmpH].
          destruct tmpH as [i´get tmpH].
          destruct tmpH as [s´range s´l´range].
          rewrite H0, H1 in ×.
          assert(ZMap.get j ((MM d)) = MMValid (Int.unsigned s) (Int.unsigned l) MMResv).
          destruct (ZMap.get j ((MM d))).
          injection H3; injection H4; intros; subst.
          destruct p.
          inversion H8.
          inversion H8.
          rewrite H9 in ×.
          inv inv.
          simpl in ×.
          generalize (correct_mm H); intro.
          unfold MM_correct in H10.
          generalize (H10 j (Int.unsigned s) (Int.unsigned l) MMResv MMUsable H2 i´range H9 i´get); intro.
          unfold perm_consist in H11.
          assert(MMResv = MMUsable).
          apply H11.
          inversion H12.
          repeat vcgen.
          unfold MM_kern_valid.
           j, (Int.unsigned s), (Int.unsigned l).
          repeat vcgen.
          rewrite H0, H1 in ×.
          destruct (ZMap.get j ((MM d))).
          injection H3; injection H4; intros; subst.
          destruct p.
          inversion H8.
          inversion H8.

      Lemma nps_range d : i,
          high_level_invariant dinit d = trueikern d = trueihost d = true
          0 (Z.of_nat i) < (MMSize d) → 0 < Calculate_nps i (MM d) (MMSize d) maxpage.
        intros i inv initialized kern ihost sr.
        generalize (size_range_valid d inv initialized); intro sizerange.
        generalize (mm_valid d (Z.of_nat i) inv initialized kern ihost sr).
        induction i as [| IH].
        - intros.
          unfold Calculate_nps.
          unfold maxs_at_i.
          change (Z.of_nat 0) with 0 in ×.
          destruct H as [s tmpH].
          destruct tmpH as [l tmpH].
          destruct tmpH as [getmms tmpH].
          destruct tmpH as [getmml tmpH].
          destruct tmpH as [sge0 tmpH].
          destruct tmpH as [lgt0 slrange].
          unfold get_mm_s_spec in getmms.
          unfold get_mm_l_spec in getmml.
          rewrite kern, ihost in ×.
          destruct (ZMap.get 0 ((MM d))).
          injection getmms; injection getmml; intros; subst.
          assert((Int.unsigned s + Int.unsigned l) / 4096 0).
          apply Z_div_ge0.
          assert((Int.unsigned s + Int.unsigned l) / 4096 < maxpage).
          apply Zdiv_lt_upper_bound.
          assert(1048576 × 4096 > Int.max_unsigned).
          repeat autounfold; simpl.
          inversion getmms.
        - intros.
          unfold Calculate_nps.
          fold Calculate_nps.
          destruct H as [s tmpH].
          destruct tmpH as [l tmpH].
          destruct tmpH as [getmms tmpH].
          destruct tmpH as [getmml tmpH].
          destruct tmpH as [sge0 tmpH].
          destruct tmpH as [lgt0 slrange].
          unfold get_mm_s_spec in getmms.
          unfold get_mm_l_spec in getmml.
          rewrite kern, ihost in ×.
          destruct (Z_lt_dec (Calculate_nps ((MM d)) ((MMSize d)))
                      (maxs_at_i (Z.of_nat (S )) ((MM d)))).
          unfold maxs_at_i.
          destruct (ZMap.get (Z.of_nat (S ))).
          injection getmms; injection getmml; intros; subst.
          assert((Int.unsigned s + Int.unsigned l) / 4096 0).
          apply Z_div_ge0.
          assert((Int.unsigned s + Int.unsigned l) / 4096 < maxpage).
          apply Zdiv_lt_upper_bound.
          assert(1048576 × 4096 > Int.max_unsigned).
          repeat autounfold; simpl.
          inversion getmms.
          apply IH.
          apply Nat2Z.is_nonneg.
          rewrite Nat2Z.inj_succ in sr.
          unfold Z.succ in sr.
          apply (mm_valid d (Z.of_nat ) inv initialized).
          apply Nat2Z.is_nonneg.
          rewrite Nat2Z.inj_succ in sr.
          unfold Z.succ in sr.

      Local Open Scope Z_scope.

      Section MemInitBody.

        Context `{Hwb: WritableBlockOps}.

        Variable (sc: stencil).

        Variables (ge: genv)
                  (STENCIL_MATCHES: stencil_matches sc ge).

        Variable bcontainer_init: block.

        Hypothesis hcontainer_init1 : Genv.find_symbol ge container_init = Some bcontainer_init.
        Hypothesis hcontainer_init2 : Genv.find_funct_ptr ge bcontainer_init =
                                      Some (External (EF_external container_init
                                                                  (signature_of_type (Tcons tint Tnil) Tvoid cc_default))
                                                     (Tcons tint Tnil) Tvoid cc_default).
        Variable bgetmms: block.

        Hypothesis hget_mms1 : Genv.find_symbol ge get_mms = Some bgetmms.

        Hypothesis hget_mms2 : Genv.find_funct_ptr ge bgetmms =
                               Some (External (EF_external get_mms
                                                           (signature_of_type (Tcons tint Tnil) tint cc_default))
                                              (Tcons tint Tnil) tint cc_default).


        Variable bgetmml: block.

        Hypothesis hget_mml1 : Genv.find_symbol ge get_mml = Some bgetmml.

        Hypothesis hget_mml2 : Genv.find_funct_ptr ge bgetmml =
                               Some (External (EF_external get_mml
                                                           (signature_of_type (Tcons tint Tnil) tint cc_default))
                                              (Tcons tint Tnil) tint cc_default).


        Variable bisusable: block.

        Hypothesis his_usable1 : Genv.find_symbol ge is_usable = Some bisusable.

        Hypothesis his_usable2 : Genv.find_funct_ptr ge bisusable =
                                 Some (External (EF_external is_usable
                                                             (signature_of_type (Tcons tint Tnil) tint cc_default))
                                                (Tcons tint Tnil) tint cc_default).


        Variable batsetnorm: block.

        Hypothesis hset_norm1 : Genv.find_symbol ge set_norm = Some batsetnorm.

        Hypothesis hset_norm2 : Genv.find_funct_ptr ge batsetnorm =
                                Some (External (EF_external set_norm
                                                            (signature_of_type (Tcons tint (Tcons tint Tnil)) Tvoid cc_default))
                                               (Tcons tint (Tcons tint Tnil)) Tvoid cc_default).


        Variable bsetnps: block.

        Hypothesis hset_nps1 : Genv.find_symbol ge set_nps = Some bsetnps.

        Hypothesis hset_nps2 : Genv.find_funct_ptr ge bsetnps =
                               Some (External (EF_external set_nps
                                                           (signature_of_type (Tcons tint Tnil) Tvoid cc_default))
                                              (Tcons tint Tnil) Tvoid cc_default).


        Variable bgetsize: block.

        Hypothesis hget_size1 : Genv.find_symbol ge get_size = Some bgetsize.

        Hypothesis hget_size2 : Genv.find_funct_ptr ge bgetsize =
                                Some (External (EF_external get_size
                                                            (signature_of_type Tnil tint cc_default))
                                               Tnil tint cc_default).

First Loop Proof

        Section nps_loop_proof.

          Variable minit: memb.
          Variable adt: RData.
          Notation AT := (AT adt).
          Notation size := (MMSize adt).

          Hypothesis hinv: high_level_invariant adt.
          Hypothesis initialized: init adt = true.
          Hypothesis ikern: ikern adt = true.
          Hypothesis ihost: ihost adt = true.

          Definition nps_loop_body_P (le: temp_env) (m: mem): Prop :=
            PTree.get _tsize le = Some (Vint (Int.repr size))
            PTree.get _ti le = Some (Vint (
            PTree.get _tnps le = Some (Vint (
            m = (minit, adt).

          Definition nps_loop_body_Q (le : temp_env) (m: mem): Prop :=
              PTree.get _tsize le = Some (Vint (Int.repr size))
              PTree.get _tnps le = Some (Vint (Int.repr nps))
              nps = Calculate_nps (Z.to_nat (size - 1)) (MM adt) size
              m = (minit, adt).

          Lemma nps_loop_correct_aux : LoopProofSimpleWhile.t nps_while_condition nps_while_body ge
                                                              (PTree.empty _)
                                                              (nps_loop_body_P) (nps_loop_body_Q).
            apply LoopProofSimpleWhile.make with
            (W := Z)
              (lt := fun z1 z2 ⇒ (0 z2 z1 < z2)%Z)
              (I := fun le m w i nps,
                                    PTree.get _tsize le = Some (Vint (Int.repr size))
                                    PTree.get _ti le = Some (Vint i)
                                    PTree.get _tnps le = Some (Vint nps)
                                    0 Int.unsigned i size
                                    (Int.unsigned i = 0 Int.unsigned nps = 0 Int.unsigned i > 0
                                     Int.unsigned nps = Calculate_nps (Z.to_nat (Int.unsigned i - 1)) (MM adt) size)
                                    w = size - Int.unsigned i
                                    0 < size Int.max_unsigned
                                    m = (minit, adt)
            - apply Zwf_well_founded.
            - unfold nps_loop_body_P.
              generalize (size_range_valid adt hinv initialized); intro sizerange.
              assert(0 < size Int.max_unsigned) by assumption.
              destruct H0 as [tsizele tmpH].
              destruct tmpH as [tile tmpH].
              destruct tmpH as [tnpsle meqminit].
              esplit. esplit. esplit.
              repeat vcgen.
                generalize max_unsigned_val; intro muval.
                unfold nps_while_condition.
                unfold nps_while_body.
                unfold nps_loop_body_Q.
                destruct H as [i tmpH].
                destruct tmpH as [nps tmpH].
                destruct tmpH as [tsizele tmpH].
                destruct tmpH as [tile tmpH].
                destruct tmpH as [tnpsle tmpH].
                destruct tmpH as [irange tmpH].
                destruct tmpH as [npsval tmpH].
                destruct tmpH as [w tmpH].
                destruct tmpH as [sizerange meqminit].
                assert(icase: Int.unsigned i < size Int.unsigned i = size) by omega.
                Caseeq icase.
                  intro iltsize.
                   (Vint, true.
                  repeat vcgen.

                  assert(ipre: 0 Int.unsigned i< size) by omega.
                  generalize(mm_valid adt (Int.unsigned i) hinv initialized ikern ihost ipre); intro tmpH.
                  assert(ivalidu: 0 Int.unsigned i Int.max_unsigned) by omega.
                  destruct tmpH as [s0 tmpH].
                  destruct tmpH as [l0 tmpH].
                  destruct tmpH as [mmsvalid tmpH].
                  destruct tmpH as [mmlvalid tmpH].
                  destruct tmpH as [sgeq0 tmpH].
                  destruct tmpH as [lgt0 slrange].
                  generalize(MM_s_l_valid adt (Int.unsigned i) s0 l0 hinv initialized ikern ihost ipre mmsvalid mmlvalid).
                  intro s_l_range.
                  assert(svalidu: 0 Int.unsigned s0 Int.max_unsigned) by omega.
                  assert(lvalidu: 0 Int.unsigned l0 Int.max_unsigned) by omega.
                  assert(splvalidu: 0 Int.unsigned s0 + Int.unsigned l0 Int.max_unsigned) by omega.
                  assert (uopt1: 0 (Int.unsigned s0 + Int.unsigned l0) / 4096)
                    by (rewrite <- Int.unsigned_repr with (z:= (Int.unsigned s0 + Int.unsigned l0));
                         solve_unsigned_range 4096 (Int.repr (Int.unsigned s0 + Int.unsigned l0));
                  assert (uopt2: (Int.unsigned s0 + Int.unsigned l0) / 4096 Int.max_unsigned)
                    by (rewrite <- Int.unsigned_repr with (z:= (Int.unsigned s0 + Int.unsigned l0));
                         solve_unsigned_range 4096 (Int.repr (Int.unsigned s0 + Int.unsigned l0));
                  assert (uopt3: 0 (Int.unsigned s0 + Int.unsigned l0) / 4096 + 1) by omega.
                  assert (uopt4: (Int.unsigned s0 + Int.unsigned l0) / 4096 + 1 Int.max_unsigned)
                    by (solve_unsigned_range_lt 4096 (Int.unsigned s0 + Int.unsigned l0)).
                  assert(maxscase: (Int.unsigned s0 + Int.unsigned l0) / PgSize + 1 >
                                   Int.unsigned nps (Int.unsigned s0 + Int.unsigned l0)
                                                         / PgSize + 1 Int.unsigned nps) by omega.
                  Caseeq maxscase.
                    intros maxscond.
                    esplit. (minit, adt).
                    repeat vcgen.
                       (size - Int.unsigned i - 1).
                      repeat vcgen.
                      esplit. esplit.
                      repeat vcgen.
                      Caseeq npsval.
                        intro npscond.
                        destruct npscond as [ieq0 npseq0].
                        rewrite ieq0 in ×.
                        unfold get_mm_s_spec in mmsvalid.
                        unfold get_mm_l_spec in mmlvalid.
                        rewrite ikern, ihost in ×.
                        simpl in ×.
                        unfold maxs_at_i.
                        destruct(ZMap.get 0 (MM adt)).
                        injection mmsvalid.
                        injection mmlvalid.
                        inversion mmsvalid.
                        intro npscond.
                        destruct npscond as [igt0 IH].
                        assert(tmpeq: Int.unsigned i + 1 - 1 = Int.unsigned i - 1 + 1) by omega.
                        rewrite tmpeq; clear tmpeq.
                        change (Int.unsigned i - 1 + 1) with (Z.succ (Int.unsigned i - 1)).
                        rewrite Z2Nat.inj_succ with (n:=(Int.unsigned i - 1)).
                        unfold Calculate_nps.
                        fold Calculate_nps.
                        rewrite <- IH.
                        rewrite <- Z2Nat.inj_succ.
                        unfold Z.succ.
                        assert(tmpeq: Int.unsigned i - 1 + 1 = Int.unsigned i) by omega.
                        rewrite tmpeq; clear tmpeq.
                        unfold maxs_at_i.
                        unfold get_mm_s_spec in mmsvalid.
                        unfold get_mm_l_spec in mmlvalid.
                        rewrite ikern, ihost in ×.
                        destruct(ZMap.get (Int.unsigned i) (MM adt)).
                        injection mmsvalid; injection mmlvalid; intros; subst.
                        destruct(Z_lt_dec (Int.unsigned nps) ((Int.unsigned s0 + Int.unsigned l0) / PgSize + 1)).
                        inversion mmsvalid.
                        unfold Z.succ.
                    intro maxscond.
                    esplit. esplit.
                    repeat vcgen.
                       (size - Int.unsigned i - 1).
                      repeat vcgen.
                      esplit. esplit.
                      repeat vcgen.
                      Caseeq npsval.
                        intros npscond.
                        destruct npscond as [ieq0 npseq0].
                        rewrite ieq0 in ×.
                        rewrite npseq0 in ×.
                        assert(divgeq0: (Int.unsigned s0 + Int.unsigned l0) / PgSize 0).
                        apply Z_div_ge0.
                        unfold maxs_at_i.
                        unfold get_mm_s_spec in mmsvalid.
                        unfold get_mm_l_spec in mmlvalid.
                        rewrite ikern, ihost in ×.
                        destruct (ZMap.get 0 (MM adt)).
                        injection mmsvalid; injection mmlvalid; intros; subst.
                        intros npscond.
                        destruct npscond as [igt0 npspre].
                        assert(tmpeq: Int.unsigned i + 1 - 1 = Int.unsigned i - 1 + 1) by omega.
                        rewrite tmpeq; clear tmpeq.
                        change (Int.unsigned i - 1 + 1) with (Z.succ (Int.unsigned i - 1)).
                        rewrite Z2Nat.inj_succ with (n:=(Int.unsigned i - 1)).
                        unfold Calculate_nps.
                        fold Calculate_nps.
                        rewrite <- npspre.
                        rewrite <- Z2Nat.inj_succ.
                        unfold Z.succ.
                        assert(tmpeq: Int.unsigned i - 1 + 1 = Int.unsigned i) by omega.
                        rewrite tmpeq; clear tmpeq.
                        unfold maxs_at_i.
                        unfold get_mm_s_spec in mmsvalid.
                        unfold get_mm_l_spec in mmlvalid.
                        rewrite ikern, ihost in ×.
                        destruct(ZMap.get (Int.unsigned i) (MM adt)).
                        injection mmsvalid; injection mmlvalid; intros; subst.
                        destruct(Z_lt_dec (Int.unsigned nps) ((Int.unsigned s0 + Int.unsigned l0) / PgSize + 1)).
                        inversion mmsvalid.
                        unfold Z.succ.
                  intro sizecond.
                   (Vint, false.
                  repeat vcgen.
                   (Int.unsigned nps).
                  Caseeq npsval.
                    intro npscond.
                    destruct npscond as [ieq0 npseq0].
                    repeat vcgen.
                    intro npscond.
                    destruct npscond as [igt0 npspre].
                    repeat vcgen.
                    rewrite <- sizecond at 1.

        End nps_loop_proof.

        Lemma nps_loop_correct: (m: memb) (d: RData) le size,
                                  high_level_invariant d
                                  init d = true
                                  ikern d = true
                                  ihost d = true
                                  size = (MMSize d)
                                  PTree.get _tsize le = Some (Vint (Int.repr size)) →
                                  PTree.get _ti le = Some (Vint ( →
                                  PTree.get _tnps le = Some (Vint ( →
                                   le´ nps,
                                    exec_stmt ge (PTree.empty _) le ((m, d): mem)
                                              (Swhile nps_while_condition nps_while_body) E0 le´ (m, d) Out_normal
                                    PTree.get _tsize le´ = Some (Vint (Int.repr size))
                                    PTree.get _tnps le´ = Some (Vint (Int.repr nps))
                                    nps = Calculate_nps (Z.to_nat (size - 1)) (MM d) size.
          intros m d le size hinv initialized kern ihost sizeeq tsizele tile tnpssle.
          generalize (nps_loop_correct_aux m d hinv initialized kern ihost).
          unfold nps_loop_body_P.
          unfold nps_loop_body_Q.
          intro LP.
          refine (_ (LoopProofSimpleWhile.termination _ _ _ _ _ _ LP le (m, d) _)).
          intro pre.
          destruct pre as [le´ tmppre].
          destruct tmppre as [ tmppre].
          destruct tmppre as [stmp tmppre].
          destruct tmppre as [nps tmppre].
          destruct tmppre as [tsizele´ tmppre].
          destruct tmppre as [tnpsle´ tmppre].
          destruct tmppre as [npsval msubst].
           le´, nps.
          repeat vcgen.
          repeat vcgen.

        Section inner_loop_proof.

          Variable minit: memb.
          Variable adt: RData.
          Variable i: Z.
          Notation AT := (AT adt).
          Notation size := (MMSize adt).
          Notation nps := (nps adt).

          Hypothesis hinv: high_level_invariant adt.
          Hypothesis initialized: init adt = true.
          Hypothesis ikern: ikern adt = true.
          Hypothesis ihost: ihost adt = true.

          Definition inner_loop_body_P (le: temp_env) (m: mem): Prop :=
            PTree.get _ti le = Some (Vint (Int.repr i))
            PTree.get _tj le = Some (Vint (
            PTree.get _tflag le = Some (Vint (
            PTree.get _tisnorm le = Some (Vint (
            PTree.get _tsize le = Some (Vint (Int.repr size))
            PTree.get _tnps le = Some (Vint (Int.repr nps))
            kern_low i < kern_high
            m = (minit, adt).

          Definition inner_loop_body_Q (le : temp_env) (m: mem): Prop :=
             flag isnorm,
              PTree.get _ti le = Some (Vint (Int.repr i))
              PTree.get _tflag le = Some (Vint (Int.repr flag))
              PTree.get _tisnorm le = Some (Vint (Int.repr isnorm))
              PTree.get _tsize le = Some (Vint (Int.repr size))
              PTree.get _tnps le = Some (Vint (Int.repr nps))
              ((flag = 1 isnorm = 1 MM_kern_valid (MM adt) i size)
               ((flag = 1 isnorm = 0 flag = 0) ¬MM_kern_valid ((MM adt)) i ((MMSize adt))))
              m = (minit, adt).

          Lemma inner_loop_correct_aux_j0_flag0: le j s0 l0 flag isnorm usable,
                                                   j = 0 → flag = 0 →
                                                   get_mm_s_spec j adt = Some (Int.unsigned s0) →
                                                   get_mm_l_spec j adt = Some (Int.unsigned l0) →
                                                   is_mm_usable_spec j adt = Some (Int.unsigned usable) →
                                                   Int.unsigned s0 0 →
                                                   Int.unsigned l0 > 0 →
                                                   Int.unsigned s0 + Int.unsigned l0 < Int.max_unsigned
                                                   Int.unsigned s0 i × PgSize Int.unsigned s0 > i × PgSize
                                                   Int.unsigned l0 + Int.unsigned s0 (i + 1) × PgSize
                                                   Int.unsigned l0 + Int.unsigned s0 < (i + 1) × PgSize
                                                   kern_low i < kern_high
                                                   0 j < size
                                                   0 < size Int.max_unsigned
                                                   le ! _ti = Some (Vint (Int.repr i)) →
                                                   le ! _tj = Some (Vint (Int.repr j)) →
                                                   le ! _tflag = Some (Vint (Int.repr flag)) →
                                                   le ! _tisnorm = Some (Vint isnorm) →
                                                   le ! _tsize = Some (Vint (Int.repr size)) →
                                                   le ! _tnps = Some (Vint (Int.repr nps)) →
                                                    (le´ : temp_env) ( : mem),
                                                     exec_stmt ge (PTree.empty _) le ((minit, adt): mem)
                                                               inner_while_body E0 le´ Out_normal
                                                     ( : Z,
                                                        (0 size - j < size - j)
                                                        ( (j0 flag0 : Z) (isnorm0 s1 l1 : int),
                                                           le´ ! _ti = Some (Vint (Int.repr i))
                                                           le´ ! _tj = Some (Vint (Int.repr j0))
                                                           le´ ! _tflag = Some (Vint (Int.repr flag0))
                                                           le´ ! _tisnorm = Some (Vint isnorm0)
                                                           le´ ! _tsize = Some (Vint (Int.repr size))
                                                           le´ ! _tnps = Some (Vint (Int.repr nps))
                                                           0 j0 size
                                                           (j0 = 0 flag0 = 0
                                                                      j0 > 0
                                                            le´ ! _ts = Some (Vint s1)
                                                            le´ ! _tl = Some (Vint l1)
                                                            get_mm_s_spec (j0 - 1) adt =
                                                            Some (Int.unsigned s1)
                                                            get_mm_l_spec (j0 - 1) adt =
                                                            Some (Int.unsigned l1)
                                                            is_mm_usable_spec (j0 - 1) adt =
                                                            Some (Int.unsigned isnorm0)
                                                            (flag0 = 0
                                                             (Int.unsigned s1 > i × 4096
                                                              Int.unsigned l1 + Int.unsigned s1 < (i + 1) × 4096)
                                                             flag0 = 1
                                                             Int.unsigned s1 i × 4096
                                                             Int.unsigned l1 + Int.unsigned s1 (i + 1) × 4096))
                                                           ( ( : Z) ( : int),
                                                              0 < j0 - 1 →
                                                              get_mm_s_spec adt =
                                                              Some (Int.unsigned ) →
                                                              get_mm_l_spec adt =
                                                              Some (Int.unsigned ) →
                                                              Int.unsigned > i × 4096
                                                              Int.unsigned + Int.unsigned < (i + 1) × 4096)
                                                            = size - j0
                                                           kern_low i < kern_high 0 < size Int.max_unsigned
                                                            = (minit, adt))).
            intros le j s0 l0 flag isnorm usable jeq0 flageq0 getmms getmml usablevalid s0ge0
                   l0gt0 slrange firstcondcase secondcondcase irange jrange sizerange.
            generalize max_unsigned_val; intro muval.
            assert(svalidu: 0 Int.unsigned s0 Int.max_unsigned) by omega.
            assert(lvalidu: 0 Int.unsigned l0 Int.max_unsigned) by omega.
            assert(splvalidu: 0 Int.unsigned s0 + Int.unsigned l0 Int.max_unsigned) by omega.
            unfold inner_while_body.
            Caseeq firstcondcase.
              intro firstcond.
              Caseeq secondcondcase.
                intro secondcond.
                esplit. esplit.
                repeat vcgen.

                 (size - j - 1).
                repeat vcgen.
                esplit. esplit. esplit. esplit. esplit.
                repeat vcgen.
                assert(tmpeq: j + 1 - 1 = j) by omega; rewrite tmpeq; clear tmpeq.
                repeat vcgen.
                intro secondcond.
                esplit. esplit.
                repeat vcgen.
                 (size - j - 1).
                repeat vcgen.
                esplit. esplit. esplit. esplit. esplit.
                repeat vcgen.
                assert(tmpeq: j + 1 - 1 = j) by omega; rewrite tmpeq; clear tmpeq.
                repeat vcgen.
              intro fisrtcond.
              esplit. esplit.
              repeat vcgen.
               (size - j - 1).
              repeat vcgen.
              esplit. esplit. esplit. esplit. esplit.
              repeat vcgen.
              assert(tmpeq: j + 1 - 1 = j) by omega; rewrite tmpeq; clear tmpeq.
              repeat vcgen.

          Lemma inner_loop_correct_aux_jgt0_flag0: le j s0 l0 s l flag isnorm usable,
                                                     j > 0 → flag = 0 →
                                                     get_mm_s_spec j adt = Some (Int.unsigned s0) →
                                                     get_mm_l_spec j adt = Some (Int.unsigned l0) →
                                                     is_mm_usable_spec j adt = Some (Int.unsigned usable) →
                                                     Int.unsigned s0 0 →
                                                     Int.unsigned l0 > 0 →
                                                     Int.unsigned s0 + Int.unsigned l0 < Int.max_unsigned
                                                     Int.unsigned s0 i × PgSize Int.unsigned s0 > i × PgSize
                                                     Int.unsigned l0 + Int.unsigned s0 (i + 1) × PgSize
                                                     Int.unsigned l0 + Int.unsigned s0 < (i + 1) × PgSize
                                                     kern_low i < kern_high
                                                     0 j < size
                                                     0 < size Int.max_unsigned
                                                     ( ( : Z) ( : int),
                                                        0 < j - 1 →
                                                        get_mm_s_spec adt =
                                                        Some (Int.unsigned ) →
                                                        get_mm_l_spec adt =
                                                        Some (Int.unsigned ) →
                                                        Int.unsigned > i × 4096
                                                        Int.unsigned + Int.unsigned < (i + 1) × 4096) →
                                                     get_mm_s_spec (j - 1) adt = Some (Int.unsigned s) →
                                                     get_mm_l_spec (j - 1) adt = Some (Int.unsigned l) →
                                                     is_mm_usable_spec (j - 1) adt = Some (Int.unsigned isnorm) →
                                                     Int.unsigned s > i × 4096
                                                     Int.unsigned l + Int.unsigned s < (i + 1) × 4096 →
                                                     le ! _ti = Some (Vint (Int.repr i)) →
                                                     le ! _tj = Some (Vint (Int.repr j)) →
                                                     le ! _tflag = Some (Vint (Int.repr flag)) →
                                                     le ! _tisnorm = Some (Vint isnorm) →
                                                     le ! _tsize = Some (Vint (Int.repr size)) →
                                                     le ! _tnps = Some (Vint (Int.repr nps)) →
                                                     le ! _ts = Some (Vint s) →
                                                     le ! _tl = Some (Vint l) →
                                                      (le´ : temp_env) ( : mem),
                                                       exec_stmt ge (PTree.empty _) le ((minit, adt): mem)
                                                                 inner_while_body E0 le´ Out_normal
                                                       ( : Z,
                                                           (0 size - j < size - j)
                                                           ( (j0 flag0 : Z) (isnorm0 s1 l1 : int),
                                                               le´ ! _ti = Some (Vint (Int.repr i))
                                                               le´ ! _tj = Some (Vint (Int.repr j0))
                                                               le´ ! _tflag = Some (Vint (Int.repr flag0))
                                                               le´ ! _tisnorm = Some (Vint isnorm0)
                                                               le´ ! _tsize = Some (Vint (Int.repr size))
                                                               le´ ! _tnps = Some (Vint (Int.repr nps))
                                                               0 j0 size
                                                               (j0 = 0 flag0 = 0
                                                                          j0 > 0
                                                                le´ ! _ts = Some (Vint s1)
                                                                le´ ! _tl = Some (Vint l1)
                                                                get_mm_s_spec (j0 - 1) adt =
                                                                Some (Int.unsigned s1)
                                                                get_mm_l_spec (j0 - 1) adt =
                                                                Some (Int.unsigned l1)
                                                                is_mm_usable_spec (j0 - 1) adt =
                                                                Some (Int.unsigned isnorm0)
                                                                (flag0 = 0
                                                                 (Int.unsigned s1 > i × 4096
                                                                  Int.unsigned l1 + Int.unsigned s1 < (i + 1) × 4096)
                                                                 flag0 = 1
                                                                 Int.unsigned s1 i × 4096
                                                                 Int.unsigned l1 + Int.unsigned s1 (i + 1) × 4096))
                                                               ( ( : Z) ( : int),
                                                                   0 < j0 - 1 →
                                                                   get_mm_s_spec adt =
                                                                   Some (Int.unsigned ) →
                                                                   get_mm_l_spec adt =
                                                                   Some (Int.unsigned ) →
                                                                   Int.unsigned > i × 4096
                                                                   Int.unsigned + Int.unsigned < (i + 1) × 4096)
                                                                = size - j0
                                                               kern_low i < kern_high 0 < size Int.max_unsigned
                                                                = (minit, adt))).
            intros le j s0 l0 s l flag isnorm usable jgt0 flageq0 mmsvalid mmlvalid usablevalid s0ge0 l0gt0
                   slrange firstcondcase secondcondcase irange jrange sizerange jpre getmms getmml isuable slcase.
            generalize max_unsigned_val; intro muval.
            assert(svalidu: 0 Int.unsigned s0 Int.max_unsigned) by omega.
            assert(lvalidu: 0 Int.unsigned l0 Int.max_unsigned) by omega.
            assert(splvalidu: 0 Int.unsigned s0 + Int.unsigned l0 Int.max_unsigned) by omega.
            unfold inner_while_body.
            Caseeq firstcondcase.
              intro firstcond.
              Caseeq secondcondcase.
                intro secondcond.
                esplit. esplit.
                repeat vcgen.
                 (size - j - 1).
                repeat vcgen.
                esplit. esplit. esplit. esplit. esplit.
                repeat vcgen.
                assert(tmpeq: j + 1 - 1 = j) by omega; rewrite tmpeq; clear tmpeq.
                repeat vcgen.
                assert(tmpeq: j + 1 - 1 = j) by omega; rewrite tmpeq in H7; clear tmpeq.
                assert(j´case: 0 < j - 1 = j - 1) by omega.
                Caseeq j´case.
                apply (jpre ); try assumption.
                simpl in H8, H9.
                rewrite H8 in getmms.
                rewrite H9 in getmml.
                injection getmms; injection getmml; intros; subst.
                rewrite H10, H11.

                intro secondcond.
                esplit. esplit.
                repeat vcgen.
                 (size - j - 1).
                repeat vcgen.
                esplit. esplit. esplit. esplit. esplit.
                repeat vcgen.
                assert(tmpeq: j + 1 - 1 = j) by omega; rewrite tmpeq; clear tmpeq.
                repeat vcgen.
                assert(tmpeq: j + 1 - 1 = j) by omega; rewrite tmpeq in H7; clear tmpeq.
                assert(j´case: 0 < j - 1 = j - 1) by omega.
                Caseeq j´case.
                apply (jpre ); try assumption.
                simpl in H8, H9.
                rewrite H8 in getmms.
                rewrite H9 in getmml.
                injection getmms; injection getmml; intros; subst.
                rewrite H10, H11.

              intro fisrtcond.
              esplit. esplit.
              repeat vcgen.
               (size - j - 1).
              repeat vcgen.
              esplit. esplit. esplit. esplit. esplit.
              repeat vcgen.
              assert(tmpeq: j + 1 - 1 = j) by omega; rewrite tmpeq; clear tmpeq.
              repeat vcgen.
              assert(tmpeq: j + 1 - 1 = j) by omega; rewrite tmpeq in H7; clear tmpeq.
              assert(j´case: 0 < j - 1 = j - 1) by omega.
              Caseeq j´case.
              apply (jpre ); try assumption.
              simpl in H8, H9.
              rewrite H8 in getmms.
              rewrite H9 in getmml.
              injection getmms; injection getmml; intros; subst.
              rewrite H10, H11.

          Lemma inner_loop_correct_aux : LoopProofSimpleWhile.t inner_while_condition
                                                                inner_while_body ge (PTree.empty _)
                                                                (inner_loop_body_P) (inner_loop_body_Q).
            apply LoopProofSimpleWhile.make with
            (W := Z)
              (lt := fun z1 z2 ⇒ (0 z2 z1 < z2)%Z)
              (I := fun (le: temp_env) (m: mem) (w: Z) ⇒ j flag isnorm s l,
                                                            PTree.get _ti le = Some (Vint (Int.repr i))
                                                            PTree.get _tj le = Some (Vint (Int.repr j))
                                                            PTree.get _tflag le = Some (Vint (Int.repr flag))
                                                            PTree.get _tisnorm le = Some (Vint isnorm)
                                                            PTree.get _tsize le = Some (Vint (Int.repr size))
                                                            PTree.get _tnps le = Some (Vint (Int.repr nps))
                                                            0 j size
                                                            (j = 0 flag = 0
                                                                      (j > 0
                                                                       PTree.get _ts le = Some (Vint s)
                                                                       PTree.get _tl le = Some (Vint l)
                                                                       get_mm_s_spec (j - 1) adt = Some (Int.unsigned s)
                                                                       get_mm_l_spec (j - 1) adt = Some (Int.unsigned l)
                                                                       is_mm_usable_spec (j - 1) adt =
                                                                       Some (Int.unsigned isnorm)
                                                                       (flag = 0 (Int.unsigned s > i × PgSize
                                                                                     Int.unsigned l + Int.unsigned s <
                                                                                     (i + 1) × PgSize) flag = 1
                                                                        Int.unsigned s i × PgSize
                                                                        Int.unsigned l + Int.unsigned s (i + 1) × PgSize)
                                                            ( , 0 < j - 1 →
                                                                              get_mm_s_spec () adt = Some (Int.unsigned ) →
                                                                              get_mm_l_spec () adt = Some (Int.unsigned ) →
                                                                              (Int.unsigned > i × PgSize
                                                                               Int.unsigned + Int.unsigned <
                                                                               (i + 1) × PgSize))
                                                            w = size - j
                                                            kern_low i < kern_high
                                                            0 < size Int.max_unsigned
                                                            m = (minit, adt)
            - apply Zwf_well_founded.
            - unfold inner_loop_body_P.
              generalize(size_range_valid adt hinv initialized); intro tmpsr.
              assert(sizerange: 0 < size Int.max_unsigned) by assumption.
              destruct H as [tile tmpH].
              destruct tmpH as [tjle tmpH].
              destruct tmpH as [tflagle tmpH].
              destruct tmpH as [tisnormle tmpH].
              destruct tmpH as [tsizele tmpH].
              destruct tmpH as [tnpsle tmpH].
              destruct tmpH as [irange msubst].
              esplit. esplit. esplit. esplit. esplit. esplit.
              repeat vcgen.
              generalize max_unsigned_val; intro umval.
              unfold inner_loop_body_P.
              unfold inner_loop_body_Q.
              unfold inner_while_condition.
              unfold inner_while_body.
              destruct H as [j tmpH].
              destruct tmpH as [flag tmpH].
              destruct tmpH as [isnorm tmpH].
              destruct tmpH as [s tmpH].
              destruct tmpH as [l tmpH].
              destruct tmpH as [tile tmpH].
              destruct tmpH as [tjle tmpH].
              destruct tmpH as [tflagle tmpH].
              destruct tmpH as [tisnormle tmpH].
              destruct tmpH as [tsizele tmpH].
              destruct tmpH as [tnpsle tmpH].
              destruct tmpH as [tmpjrange tmpH].
              destruct tmpH as [jrange tmpH].
              destruct tmpH as [jpre tmpH].
              destruct tmpH as [nval tmpH].
              destruct tmpH as [irange tmpH].
              destruct tmpH as [sizerange msubst].
              destruct tmpjrange as [jge0 jlesize].
              apply Zle_lt_or_eq in jlesize.

              Caseeq jlesize.
                intro jltsize.
                assert(tmpjpre: 0 j < size) by omega.
                generalize(mm_usable_valid adt j hinv initialized ikern ihost tmpjpre); intro tmpH.
                assert(jvalidu: 0 j < Int.max_unsigned) by omega.
                destruct tmpH as [usable tmpH].
                destruct tmpH as [usablevalid usableval].
                generalize(mm_valid adt j hinv initialized ikern ihost tmpjpre); intro tmpH.
                destruct tmpH as [s0 tmpH].
                destruct tmpH as [l0 tmpH].
                destruct tmpH as [mmsvalid tmpH].
                destruct tmpH as [mmlvalid tmpH].
                destruct tmpH as [s0ge0 tmpH].
                destruct tmpH as [l0gt0 slrange].

                assert(firstcondcase: Int.unsigned s0 i × PgSize Int.unsigned s0 > i × PgSize) by omega.
                assert(secondcondcase: Int.unsigned l0 + Int.unsigned s0 (i + 1) × PgSize
                                       Int.unsigned l0 + Int.unsigned s0 < (i + 1) × PgSize) by omega.
                Caseeq jrange.
                  intro jcond.
                  destruct jcond as [jeq0 flageq0].
                   (Vint (, true.
                  repeat vcgen.
                  apply (inner_loop_correct_aux_j0_flag0 le j s0 l0 flag isnorm usable); try (assumption || omega).

                  intro jcond.
                  destruct jcond as [jgt0 tmpcond].
                  destruct tmpcond as [tsle tmpcond].
                  destruct tmpcond as [tlle tmpcond].
                  destruct tmpcond as [getmms tmpcond].
                  destruct tmpcond as [getmml tmpcond].
                  destruct tmpcond as [isusable flagcase].
                  Caseeq flagcase.
                    intro flageq0.
                    destruct flageq0 as [flageq0 sl].
                     (Vint (, true.
                    repeat vcgen.
                    apply (inner_loop_correct_aux_jgt0_flag0 le j s0 l0 s l flag isnorm usable); try (assumption || omega).
                    intro tmpcond.
                    destruct tmpcond as [flageq1 tmpcond].
                    destruct tmpcond as [firstcond secondcond].
                     (Vint (, false.
                    repeat vcgen.
                     1, (Int.unsigned isnorm).
                    repeat vcgen.
                    assert(tmpjpre´: 0 j - 1 < size) by omega.
                    generalize (MM_match adt i (j - 1) s l isnorm hinv initialized ikern ihost
                                         tmpjpre´ getmms getmml irange firstcond secondcond isusable).
                    intro mmmatch.
                    Caseeq mmmatch; intros.
                    left; auto.
                    destruct H0.
                intro jeqsize.
                 (Vint (, false.
                repeat vcgen.
                 flag, (Int.unsigned isnorm).
                repeat vcgen.
                destruct jrange.
                × destruct H0.
                × destruct H0 as [sizegt0 tmpcond].
                  destruct tmpcond as [tsle tmpcond].
                  destruct tmpcond as [tlle tmpcond].
                  destruct tmpcond as [getmms tmpcond].
                  destruct tmpcond as [getmml tmpcond].
                  destruct tmpcond as [isusable flagcase].
                  destruct flagcase.
                    destruct H0.
                    unfold MM_kern_valid in H0.
                    destruct H0 as [ tmpH].
                    destruct tmpH as [ tmpH].
                    destruct tmpH as [ tmpH].
                    destruct tmpH as [i´range tmpH].
                    destruct tmpH as [i´get tmpH].
                    destruct tmpH as [s´range s´l´range].
                    assert(0 < MMSize adt - 1 = MMSize adt - 1) by omega.
                    destruct H0.
                      assert(get_mm_s_spec adt = Some get_mm_l_spec adt = Some ).
                      { unfold get_mm_s_spec.
                        unfold get_mm_l_spec.
                        rewrite ikern, ihost.
                        rewrite i´get.
                      destruct H2 as [getmms´ getmml´].
                      generalize (MM_s_l_valid_Z adt hinv initialized ikern ihost i´range getmms´ getmml´).
                      destruct H2 as [s´ge0 tmpH].
                      destruct tmpH as [l´gt0 s´l´ltmu].
                      rewrite <- Int.unsigned_repr with (z:= ) in getmms´; try omega.
                      rewrite <- Int.unsigned_repr with (z:= ) in getmml´; try omega.
                      generalize (jpre (Int.repr ) (Int.repr ) H0 getmms´ getmml´).
                      rewrite Int.unsigned_repr in H2; try omega.
                      rewrite Int.unsigned_repr in H2; try omega.
                      rewrite H0 in ×.
                      unfold get_mm_s_spec in getmms.
                      unfold get_mm_l_spec in getmml.
                      rewrite ikern, ihost in ×.
                      rewrite i´get in ×.
                      injection getmms; injection getmml; intros; subst.
                    destruct H0 as [flageq1 tmpcond].
                    destruct tmpcond as [firstcond secondcond].
                    assert(tmpjpre´: 0 size - 1 < size) by omega.
                    generalize (MM_match adt i (size - 1) s l isnorm hinv initialized ikern ihost
                                         tmpjpre´ getmms getmml irange firstcond secondcond isusable).
                    intro mmmatch.
                    Caseeq mmmatch; intros.
                    left; auto.
                    destruct H0.
                    - left.
                      × trivial.
                      × assumption.
                    - assumption.
            Grab Existential Variables.
            repeat autounfold.
            unfold two_power_nat.
            unfold shift_nat.
            repeat autounfold.
            unfold two_power_nat.
            unfold shift_nat.

        End inner_loop_proof.

        Lemma inner_loop_correct: m d le i,
                                    high_level_invariant d
                                    init d = true
                                    ikern d = true
                                    ihost d = true
                                    PTree.get _ti le = Some (Vint (Int.repr i)) →
                                    PTree.get _tj le = Some (Vint ( →
                                    PTree.get _tflag le = Some (Vint ( →
                                    PTree.get _tisnorm le = Some (Vint ( →
                                    PTree.get _tsize le = Some (Vint (Int.repr ((MMSize d)))) →
                                    PTree.get _tnps le = Some (Vint (Int.repr (nps d))) →
                                    kern_low i < kern_high
                                     le´ flag isnorm,
                                      exec_stmt ge (PTree.empty _) le ((m, d): mem)
                                                (Swhile inner_while_condition inner_while_body) E0 le´ (m, d) Out_normal
                                      PTree.get _ti le´ = Some (Vint (Int.repr i))
                                      PTree.get _tflag le´ = Some (Vint (Int.repr flag))
                                      PTree.get _tisnorm le´ = Some (Vint (Int.repr isnorm))
                                      PTree.get _tsize le´ = Some (Vint (Int.repr ((MMSize d))))
                                      PTree.get _tnps le´ = Some (Vint (Int.repr (nps d)))
                                      (flag = 1 isnorm = 1 MM_kern_valid ((MM d)) i ((MMSize d))
                                                                 (flag = 1 isnorm = 0 flag = 0)
                                       ¬MM_kern_valid ((MM d)) i ((MMSize d))).
          intros m d le i hinv initialized kern ihost tile tjle tflagle tisnormle tsizele tnpsle pgaligned.
          generalize (inner_loop_correct_aux m d i hinv initialized kern ihost).
          unfold inner_loop_body_P.
          unfold inner_loop_body_Q.
          intro LP.
          refine (_ (LoopProofSimpleWhile.termination _ _ _ _ _ _ LP le (m, d) _)).
          intro pre.
          destruct pre as [le´ tmppre].
          destruct tmppre as [ tmppre].
          destruct tmppre as [stmp tmppre].
          destruct tmppre as [ tmppre].
          destruct tmppre as [flag´ tmppre].
          destruct tmppre as [isnorm´ tmppre].
          destruct tmppre as [ti´le´ tmppre].
          destruct tmppre as [tflag´le´ tmppre].
          destruct tmppre as [tisnorm´le´ tmppre].
          destruct tmppre as [tnps´le´ tmppre].
          destruct tmppre as [post msubst].
          esplit. esplit.
          repeat vcgen.
          repeat vcgen.

        Definition mem_init_mk_rdata (adt: RData) (index: Z) :=
          adt {AT: (Calculate_AT (Z.to_nat index) (nps adt) (MM adt) (MMSize adt) (AT adt))}
              {ATC: (Calculate_ATC (Z.to_nat index) (nps adt) (ATC adt))}.

        Section outter_loop_proof.

          Variable minit: memb.
          Variable adt : RData.
          Notation nps := (nps adt).
          Notation size := (MMSize adt).

          Opaque PTree.set PTree.get.

          Hypothesis hinv: high_level_invariant adt.
          Hypothesis initialized: init adt = true.
          Hypothesis ikern: ikern adt = true.
          Hypothesis ihost: ihost adt = true.
          Hypothesis lockonwer: ZMap.get lock_AT_start (lock adt) = LockFalse.

          Definition outter_loop_body_P (le: temp_env) (m: mem): Prop :=
            PTree.get _ti le = Some (Vint (
            PTree.get _tsize le = Some (Vint (Int.repr size))
            PTree.get _tnps le = Some (Vint (Int.repr nps))
            0 < nps maxpage
            ZMap.get lock_AT_start (lock adt) = LockFalse
            m = (minit, adt).

          Lemma AT_ATC_double_update :
             adt at_1 atc_1 at_2 atc_2,
              adt {AT : at_1} {ATC: atc_1} {AT : at_2} {ATC : atc_2} = adt {AT : at_2} {ATC: atc_2}.

          Definition outter_loop_body_Q (le : temp_env) (m: mem): Prop :=
            m = (minit, (mem_init_mk_rdata adt (AbstractDataType.nps (snd m) - 1))).

          Lemma outter_loop_correct_aux : LoopProofSimpleWhile.t outter_while_condition outter_while_body ge
                                                                 (PTree.empty _) (outter_loop_body_P) (outter_loop_body_Q).
            generalize (size_range_valid adt hinv initialized); intro initsizerange.
            apply LoopProofSimpleWhile.make with
            (W := Z)
              (lt := fun z1 z2 ⇒ (0 z2 z1 < z2)%Z)
              (I := fun le m w i,
                                    PTree.get _tsize le = Some (Vint (Int.repr ((MMSize (snd m)))))
                                    PTree.get _ti le = Some (Vint (Int.repr i))
                                    PTree.get _tnps le = Some (Vint (Int.repr (AbstractDataType.nps (snd m))))
                                    0 i AbstractDataType.nps (snd m)
                                    (i = 0 m = (minit, adt) i > 0 m = (minit, (mem_init_mk_rdata adt (i - 1))))
                                    w = AbstractDataType.nps (snd m) - i
                                    0 < (MMSize (snd m)) Int.max_unsigned
                                    0 < AbstractDataType.nps (snd m) maxpage
                                    init (snd m) = true
                                    AbstractDataType.ikern (snd m) = true
                                    AbstractDataType.ihost (snd m) = true
                                    ZMap.get lock_AT_start (lock (snd m)) = LockFalse
                                    high_level_invariant (snd m)
            - apply Zwf_well_founded.
            - unfold outter_loop_body_P.
              destruct H as [tile tmpH].
              destruct tmpH as [tsizele tmpH].
              destruct tmpH as [tnpsle tmpH].
              destruct tmpH as [npsrange tmpH].
              destruct tmpH as [lock_onwer msubst].
              unfold snd; simpl.
              esplit. esplit.
              repeat vcgen.

              generalize max_unsigned_val; intro muval.
              unfold outter_loop_body_Q.
              unfold outter_while_condition.
              unfold outter_while_body.
              destruct H as [i tmpH].
              destruct tmpH as [tsizele tmpH].
              destruct tmpH as [tile tmpH].
              destruct tmpH as [tnpsle tmpH].
              destruct tmpH as [irange tmpH].
              destruct tmpH as [icond tmpH].
              destruct tmpH as [wval tmpH].
              destruct tmpH as [sizerange tmpH].
              destruct tmpH as [npsrange tmpH].
              destruct tmpH as [minitialized tmpH].
              destruct tmpH as [kern tmpH].
              destruct tmpH as [host tmpH].
              destruct tmpH as [lock_owner highinv].
              destruct irange as [ige0 icase].

              assert(npslemaxu: AbstractDataType.nps (snd m) Int.max_unsigned) by (simpl; omega).
              apply Zle_lt_or_eq in icase.
              destruct m as [m d]; unfold snd in *; simpl in ×.

              Caseeq icase.
                intro cond.
                 (Vint (, true.
                repeat vcgen.
                assert(icase1: i < kern_low i kern_low) by omega.
                Caseeq icase1.

                  intro cond´.
                  assert(tmpi: 0 i < maxpage) by omega.
                  assert(tmptype: ZtoATType 1 = Some ATKern) by reflexivity.
                  esplit. esplit.
                  repeat vcgen.
                  { unfold set_at_norm_spec.
                    rewrite kern, host, tmptype.
                    destruct (AuxFunctions.zle_lt 0 i 1048576); try omega.
                    destruct (ZMap.get lock_AT_start (lock d)).
                    elim lock_owner.
                    congruence. }
                  { simpl.
                     ((AbstractDataType.nps d) - i - 1).
                    repeat vcgen.
                    repeat vcgen.
                    - right.
                      unfold mem_init_mk_rdata in ×.
                      Caseeq icond.
                        intro acond.
                        destruct acond as [ieq0 msubst].
                        injection msubst; intros; subst.
                        intro acond.
                        destruct acond as [igt0 msubst].
                        injection msubst; intros; subst.
                        simpl in ×.
                        assert(tmpeq: i + 1 - 1 = i - 1 + 1) by omega; rewrite tmpeq; clear tmpeq.
                        change (i - 1 + 1) with (Z.succ (i - 1)).
                        rewrite Z2Nat.inj_succ with (n:=(i - 1)); try omega.
                        Opaque Z.of_nat.
                        rewrite <- Z2Nat.inj_succ; try omega.
                        rewrite; try omega.
                        unfold Z.succ.
                        replace (i - 1 + 1) with i by omega.
                        destruct (Z_le_dec kern_low i); try reflexivity; try omega.
                    - inv highinv.
                      constructor; simpl; eauto.
                  intro cond´.
                  assert(icase2: i kern_high i < kern_high) by omega.
                  Caseeq icase2.
                    intro cond´´.
                    assert(tmpi: 0 i < maxpage) by omega.
                    assert(tmptype: ZtoATType 1 = Some ATKern) by reflexivity.
                    esplit. esplit.
                    repeat vcgen.
                    - simpl in ×.
                      unfold set_at_norm_spec.
                      rewrite kern, host.
                      destruct (AuxFunctions.zle_lt 0 i 1048576); try omega.
                      destruct (ZMap.get lock_AT_start (lock d)).
                      elim lock_owner.
                    - (AbstractDataType.nps d - i - 1).
                      repeat vcgen.
                      repeat vcgen.
                      + assert (AbstractDataType.nps
                                  ((d {AT : ZMap.set i (ATValid false ATKern) (AT d)})
                                  {ATC : ZMap.set i (ATCValid 0) (ATC d)}) = AbstractDataType.nps d).
                        { clearAll. destruct d; simpl; auto. }
                      + right.
                        unfold mem_init_mk_rdata in ×.
                        Caseeq icond.
                          intro acond.
                          destruct acond as [ieq0 msubst].
                          injection msubst; intros; subst.
                          intro acond.
                          destruct acond as [igt0 msubst].
                          injection msubst; intros; subst.
                          simpl in ×.
                          assert(tmpeq: i + 1 - 1 = i - 1 + 1) by omega; rewrite tmpeq; clear tmpeq.
                          change (i - 1 + 1) with (Z.succ (i - 1)).
                          rewrite Z2Nat.inj_succ with (n:=(i - 1)); try omega.
                          Opaque Z.of_nat.
                          rewrite <- Z2Nat.inj_succ; try omega.
                          rewrite; try omega.
                          unfold Z.succ.
                          replace (i - 1 + 1) with i by omega.
                          destruct (Z_le_dec kern_low i); try omega.
                          destruct (Zmin.Zmin_spec kern_high nps) as [npscond|npscond].
                          { destruct npscond.
                            rewrite H1.
                            destruct (Z_lt_dec i kern_high); try omega.
                            reflexivity. }
                          { omega. }
                      + inv highinv.
                        assert (AbstractDataType.nps (d {AT : ZMap.set i (ATValid false ATKern) (AT d)})
                                                     {ATC : ZMap.set i (ATCValid 0) (ATC d)}
                                = AbstractDataType.nps d).
                        { clearAll. destruct d; simpl; auto. }
                      + inv highinv.
                        constructor; simpl; eauto. }
                    intro cond2.
                    Definition newle (le: temp_env) :=
                      (PTree.set _tisnorm (Vint (Int.repr 0))
                                 (PTree.set _tflag (Vint (Int.repr 0))
                                            (PTree.set _tj (Vint (Int.repr 0)) le))).
                    assert(tmple: (newle le) ! _ti = Some (Vint (Int.repr i))
                                  (newle le) ! _tj = Some (Vint
                                  (newle le) ! _tflag = Some (Vint
                                  (newle le) ! _tisnorm = Some (Vint
                                  (newle le) ! _tsize = Some (Vint (Int.repr ((MMSize d))))
                                  (newle le) ! _tnps = Some (Vint (Int.repr (AbstractDataType.nps d))))
                      by (unfold newle; repeat vcgen).
                    destruct tmple as [tile´ tmple].
                    destruct tmple as [tjle´ tmple].
                    destruct tmple as [tflagle´ tmple].
                    destruct tmple as [tisnormle´ tmple].
                    destruct tmple as [tsizele´ tnpsle´].
                    assert(pgaligned: kern_low i < kern_high) by omega.
                    generalize (inner_loop_correct m d (newle le) i highinv minitialized
                                                   kern host tile´ tjle´ tflagle´ tisnormle´ tsizele´ tnpsle´ pgaligned).
                    clear pgaligned.
                    intro innerloop.
                    clear tile´ tjle´ tflagle´ tisnormle´ tsizele´ tnpsle´.
                    destruct innerloop as [le´ innerloop].
                    destruct innerloop as [flag innerloop].
                    destruct innerloop as [isnorm innerloop].
                    destruct innerloop as [innerstmt innerloop].
                    destruct innerloop as [tile´ innerloop].
                    destruct innerloop as [tflagle´ innerloop].
                    destruct innerloop as [tisnormle´ innerloop].
                    destruct innerloop as [tsizele´ innerloop].
                    destruct innerloop as [tnpsle´ valcond].
                    unfold newle in ×.
                    Caseeq valcond.
                      intro flagnormcond.
                      assert(tmpi: 0 i < maxpage) by omega.
                      assert(tmptype: ZtoATType 2 = Some ATNorm) by (unfold ZtoATType; repeat zdestruct; reflexivity).
                      destruct flagnormcond as [flageq1 flagnormcond].
                      destruct flagnormcond as [isnormeq1 valcond].
                      esplit. esplit.
                      repeat vcgen.
                      + simpl.
                        unfold set_at_norm_spec.
                        rewrite kern, host.
                        destruct (AuxFunctions.zle_lt 0 i 1048576); try omega.
                        destruct (ZMap.get lock_AT_start (lock d)).
                        simpl; reflexivity.
                        elim lock_owner.
                      + simpl.
                         (AbstractDataType.nps d - i - 1).
                        repeat vcgen.
                        repeat vcgen.
                        × right.
                          Caseeq icond.
                            intro ieq0.
                            destruct ieq0 as [ieq0 msubst].
                            injection msubst; intros; subst.
                            omega. }
                            intro acond.
                            destruct acond as [igt0 msubst].
                            injection msubst; intros; subst.
                            unfold mem_init_mk_rdata in ×.
                            simpl in ×.
                            assert(tmpeq: i + 1 - 1 = i - 1 + 1) by omega; rewrite tmpeq; clear tmpeq.
                            change (i - 1 + 1) with (Z.succ (i - 1)).
                            rewrite Z2Nat.inj_succ with (n:=(i - 1)); try omega.
                            unfold Calculate_AT.
                            fold Calculate_AT.
                            unfold Calculate_ATC.
                            fold Calculate_ATC.
                            rewrite <- Z2Nat.inj_succ; try omega.
                            rewrite; try omega.
                            unfold Z.succ.
                            assert(tmpeq: i - 1 + 1 = i) by omega; rewrite tmpeq; clear tmpeq.
                            destruct (Z_le_dec kern_low i); try (omega).
                            destruct (Zmin.Zmin_spec kern_high nps) as [npscond|npscond].
                              destruct npscond as [npsgekh zminsubst].
                              rewrite zminsubst.
                              destruct (Z_lt_dec i kern_high); try (omega).
                              destruct (MM_kern_valid_dec (MM adt) i size); try contradiction.
                              rewrite AT_ATC_double_update.
                              f_equal. }
                              destruct npscond as [npsltkh zminsubst].
                              rewrite zminsubst.
                              destruct (Z_lt_dec i nps); try (omega).
                              destruct (MM_kern_valid_dec (MM adt) i size); try contradiction.
                              f_equal. } }
                        × inv highinv.
                          constructor; simpl; eauto.
                    - intro flagnormcond.
                      destruct flagnormcond as [flagnormcond invalcond].
                      assert(tmpi: 0 i < maxpage) by omega.
                      assert(tmptype: ZtoATType 0 = Some ATResv) by (unfold ZtoATType; repeat zdestruct; reflexivity).
                      Caseeq flagnormcond.
                        intro flagnormcond.
                        destruct flagnormcond as [flageq1 isnormeq0].
                        esplit. esplit.
                        repeat vcgen.
                        × unfold set_at_norm_spec.
                          rewrite kern, host.
                          destruct (AuxFunctions.zle_lt 0 i 1048576); try omega.
                          destruct (ZMap.get lock_AT_start (lock d)).
                          simpl; reflexivity. inv lock_owner.
                        × (AbstractDataType.nps d - i - 1).
                          repeat vcgen.
                          repeat vcgen.
                          Caseeq icond.
                            intro icond.
                            destruct icond.
                            omega. }
                            intro acond.
                            destruct acond as [igt0 msubst].
                            injection msubst; intros; subst.
                            unfold mem_init_mk_rdata in ×.
                            simpl in ×.
                            assert(tmpeq: i + 1 - 1 = i - 1 + 1) by omega; rewrite tmpeq; clear tmpeq.
                            change (i - 1 + 1) with (Z.succ (i - 1)).
                            rewrite Z2Nat.inj_succ with (n:=(i - 1)); try omega.
                            unfold Calculate_AT.
                            unfold Calculate_ATC.
                            fold Calculate_AT.
                            fold Calculate_ATC.
                            rewrite <- Z2Nat.inj_succ; try omega.
                            rewrite; try omega.
                            unfold Z.succ.
                            assert(tmpeq: i - 1 + 1 = i) by omega; rewrite tmpeq; clear tmpeq.
                            destruct (Z_le_dec kern_low i); try (omega).
                            destruct (Zmin.Zmin_spec kern_high nps) as [npscond|npscond].
                              destruct npscond as [npsgekh zminsubst].
                              rewrite zminsubst.
                              destruct (Z_lt_dec i kern_high); try (omega).
                              destruct (MM_kern_valid_dec (MM adt) i size); try (contradiction).
                              rewrite AT_ATC_double_update.
                              reflexivity. }
                              destruct npscond as [npsltkh zminsubst].
                              rewrite zminsubst.
                              destruct (Z_lt_dec i nps); try (omega).
                              destruct (MM_kern_valid_dec (MM adt) i size); try (contradiction).
                              rewrite AT_ATC_double_update.
                              reflexivity. } }
                          { inv highinv.
                            constructor; simpl; eauto. }
                        intro flageq0.
                        esplit. esplit.
                        repeat vcgen.
                        × unfold set_at_norm_spec.
                          rewrite kern, host.
                          destruct (AuxFunctions.zle_lt 0 i 1048576); try omega.
                          destruct (ZMap.get lock_AT_start (lock d)).
                          simpl; reflexivity.
                          inv lock_owner.
                        × (AbstractDataType.nps d - i - 1).
                          repeat vcgen.
                          repeat vcgen.
                          { repeat vcgen.
                            assert (AbstractDataType.nps d =
                                    AbstractDataType.nps (d {AT : ZMap.set i (ATValid false ATResv) (AT d)})
                                                         {ATC : ZMap.set i (ATCValid 0) (ATC d)}).
                            { clearAll. destruct d; simpl in ×. eauto. }
                            rewrite <- H0; omega. }
                            Caseeq icond.
                              intro icond.
                              destruct icond.
                              subst. right.
                              omega. }
                              intro acond.
                              destruct acond as [igt0 msubst].
                              injection msubst; intros; subst.
                              unfold mem_init_mk_rdata in ×.
                              simpl in ×.
                              assert(tmpeq: i + 1 - 1 = i - 1 + 1) by omega; rewrite tmpeq; clear tmpeq.
                              change (i - 1 + 1) with (Z.succ (i - 1)).
                              rewrite Z2Nat.inj_succ with (n:=(i - 1)); try omega.
                              unfold Calculate_AT.
                              unfold Calculate_ATC.
                              fold Calculate_AT.
                              fold Calculate_ATC.
                              rewrite <- Z2Nat.inj_succ; try omega.
                              rewrite; try omega.
                              unfold Z.succ.
                              assert(tmpeq: i - 1 + 1 = i) by omega; rewrite tmpeq; clear tmpeq.
                              destruct (Z_le_dec kern_low i); try (omega).
                              destruct (Zmin.Zmin_spec kern_high nps) as [npscond|npscond].
                                destruct npscond as [npsgekh zminsubst].
                                rewrite zminsubst.
                                destruct (Z_lt_dec i kern_high); try (omega).
                                destruct (MM_kern_valid_dec (MM adt) i size); try (contradiction).
                                rewrite AT_ATC_double_update.
                                split; try omega.
                                reflexivity. }
                                destruct npscond as [npsltkh zminsubst].
                                rewrite zminsubst.
                                destruct (Z_lt_dec i nps); try (omega).
                                destruct (MM_kern_valid_dec (MM adt) i size); try (contradiction).
                                rewrite AT_ATC_double_update.
                                split; try omega.
                                reflexivity. } } }
                          { assert (AbstractDataType.nps d =
                                    AbstractDataType.nps (d {AT : ZMap.set i (ATValid false ATResv) (AT d)})
                                                         {ATC : ZMap.set i (ATCValid 0) (ATC d)}).
                            { clearAll. destruct d; simpl in ×. eauto. }
                            rewrite <- H0; omega. }
                          { inv highinv.
                            constructor; simpl; eauto. } }
                intro ieqnps.
                 (Vint (, false.
                repeat vcgen.
                Caseeq icond.
                × intro.
                  destruct H0.
                × intro.
                  destruct H0.

        End outter_loop_proof.

        Lemma outter_loop_correct: m d le,
                                     high_level_invariant d
                                     init d = true
                                     ikern d = true
                                     ihost d = true
                                     PTree.get _ti le = Some (Vint ( →
                                     PTree.get _tsize le = Some (Vint (Int.repr ((MMSize d)))) →
                                     PTree.get _tnps le = Some (Vint (Int.repr (nps d))) →
                                     0 < nps d maxpage
                                      = mem_init_mk_rdata d (nps d - 1) →
                                     ZMap.get lock_AT_start (lock d) = LockFalse
                                      le´, exec_stmt ge (PTree.empty _) le ((m, d): mem)
                                                           (Swhile outter_while_condition outter_while_body)
                                                           E0 le´ (m, ) Out_normal
          intros m d le hinv initialized kern host tile tsizele tnpsle sizerange newm lock_owner.
          generalize (outter_loop_correct_aux m d hinv initialized kern host).
          unfold outter_loop_body_P.
          unfold outter_loop_body_Q.
          intro LP.
          refine (_ (LoopProofSimpleWhile.termination _ _ _ _ _ _ LP le (m, d) _)).
          intro pre.
          destruct pre as [le´´ tmppre].
          destruct tmppre as [m´´ tmppre].
          destruct tmppre as [stmp newm´].
          rewrite newm.
          unfold mem_init_mk_rdata in ×.
          simpl in ×.
          assert(nps (snd m´´) = nps d).
          rewrite newm´.
          rewrite newm´ in stmp.
          unfold snd in *; simpl in ×.
          rewrite H in stmp.
          repeat vcgen.

        Lemma container_init_perserve_inv :
           mbi_adr d ,
            kernel_mode d
            init d = false
            in_intr d = false
            high_level_invariant d
            container_init_spec (Int.unsigned mbi_adr) d = Some
            high_level_invariant .
          clearAllExceptOne real_params.
          destruct H.
          functional inversion H3; subst.
          inversion real_params.
          inversion H2; constructor; simpl in ×.
          - destruct d; simpl; auto.
          - destruct d; simpl; auto.
          - destruct d; simpl; auto.
          - intros; eapply INVLemmaQLock.real_valid_hlock_pool.
          - intros.
            rewrite H9 in H5; inv H5.
          - intros; apply real_valid_mm.
          - intros; apply real_correct_mm.
          - intros; apply real_valid_mm_kern.
          - intros; apply real_valid_mm_size.
          - apply valid_CR3.
          - intros.
            rewrite H8 in H5; inv H5.
          - apply INVLemmaContainer.AC_init_container_valid.
          - trivial.
          - trivial.

        Lemma container_init_flags:
           mbi_adr d ,
            container_init_spec (Int.unsigned mbi_adr) d = Some
            init = true ikern = true ihost = true.
          functional inversion H; simpl.

        Lemma set_nps_preserve_inv:
           dcontainer_init dsetnps,
            high_level_invariant dcontainer_init
              (Calculate_nps (Z.to_nat (real_size - 1)) real_mm real_size)
              dcontainer_init = ret dsetnps
            high_level_invariant dsetnps.
          clearAllExceptOne real_params.
          inversion real_params.
          functional inversion H0.
          clear H0.
          Opaque Calculate_nps.
          destruct dcontainer_init; destruct dsetnps; simpl in ×.
          inversion H; constructor; simpl in *; try trivial.

        Lemma set_nps_flags:
           dcontainer_init dsetnps,
            init dcontainer_init = true
            ikern dcontainer_init = true
            ihost dcontainer_init = true
              (Calculate_nps (Z.to_nat (real_size - 1)) real_mm real_size)
              dcontainer_init = ret dsetnps
            init dsetnps = true ikern dsetnps = true ihost dsetnps = true.
          functional inversion H2; simpl.

        Lemma set_nps_mm_size:
           mbi_adr d dcontainer_init dsetnps,
            container_init_spec (Int.unsigned mbi_adr) d = Some dcontainer_init
              (Calculate_nps (Z.to_nat (real_size - 1)) real_mm real_size)
              dcontainer_init = ret dsetnps
            MMSize dsetnps = real_size.
          functional inversion H; functional inversion H0; simpl in *; clear H; clear H0.
          rewrite <- H1; clear H1 H9.
          simpl; auto.

        Lemma container_init_set_nps_real_lock :
           mbi_adr d dcontainer_init dsetnps,
            container_init_spec (Int.unsigned mbi_adr) d = Some dcontainer_init
              (Calculate_nps (Z.to_nat (real_size - 1)) real_mm real_size)
              dcontainer_init = ret dsetnps
            lock dsetnps = CalTicketLock.real_lock (lock d).
          Opaque Calculate_nps.
          functional inversion H; subst; clear H.
          functional inversion H0; subst; clear H0.
          simpl; auto.

        Lemma state_eq´:
           adt d,
            (((((adt {AC : AC_init}) {init : true})
                 {multi_log : CalTicketLock.real_multi_log (multi_log d)})
                {lock : CalTicketLock.real_lock (lock d)}) {nps : real_nps})
              {AT : Calculate_AT (Z.to_nat (real_nps - 1)) real_nps real_mm real_size (AT d)}
              {ATC : Calculate_ATC (Z.to_nat (real_nps - 1)) real_nps (ATC d)}
            = (((((adt {AT : real_AT (AT d)} {ATC : real_ATC (ATC d)}) {nps : real_nps}) {AC : AC_init}) {init : true})
                 {multi_log : CalTicketLock.real_multi_log (multi_log d)})
                {lock : CalTicketLock.real_lock (lock d)}.
          destruct d; destruct adt; simpl in ×.

        Lemma state_eq:
           d dsetnps n,
            ((((((((((d { ioapic / s
                          : ObjInterruptDriver.ioapic_init_aux
                              (s (ioapic d)) (Z.to_nat (n - 1))})
                       { lapic : (((mkLApicData {|
                                         LapicEsr := 0;
                                         LapicEoi := NoIntr;
                                         LapicMaxLvt := LapicMaxLvt (s (lapic d));
                                         LapicEnable := true;
                                         LapicSpurious := 39;
                                         LapicLint0Mask := true;
                                         LapicLint1Mask := true;
                                         LapicPcIntMask := true;
                                         LapicLdr := 0;
                                         LapicErrorIrq := 50;
                                         LapicEsrClrPen := false;
                                         LapicTpr := 0 |}) { l1 : l1 (lapic d)})
                                     { l2 : l2 (lapic d)}) { l3 : l3 (lapic d)}})
                      { ioapic : ((ioapic d)
                                    { s : ObjInterruptDriver.ioapic_init_aux
                                            (s (ioapic d)) (Z.to_nat (n - 1))})
                                   { s : (ObjInterruptDriver.ioapic_init_aux
                                            (s (ioapic d)) (Z.to_nat (n - 1)))
                                           { CurrentIrq : None}}}) {MM : real_mm}) {MMSize : real_size})
                   {vmxinfo : real_vmxinfo}) {AC : AC_init}) {init : true})
                {multi_log : CalTicketLock.real_multi_log (multi_log d)})
               {lock : CalTicketLock.real_lock (lock d)}) {nps : real_nps} = dsetnps
            mem_init_mk_rdata dsetnps (AbstractDataType.nps dsetnps - 1)
            = (((((((((((d { ioapic / s : ObjInterruptDriver.ioapic_init_aux
                                              (s (ioapic d)) (Z.to_nat (n - 1))})
                          { lapic : (((mkLApicData {| LapicEsr := 0;
                                                      LapicEoi := NoIntr;
                                                      LapicMaxLvt := LapicMaxLvt (s (lapic d));
                                                      LapicEnable := true;
                                                      LapicSpurious := 39;
                                                      LapicLint0Mask := true;
                                                      LapicLint1Mask := true;
                                                      LapicPcIntMask := true;
                                                      LapicLdr := 0;
                                                      LapicErrorIrq := 50;
                                                      LapicEsrClrPen := false;
                                                      LapicTpr := 0 |}) { l1 : l1 (lapic d)})
                                       { l2 : l2 (lapic d)}) { l3 : l3 (lapic d)}})
                         { ioapic : ((ioapic d) { s : ObjInterruptDriver.ioapic_init_aux
                                                        (s (ioapic d)) (Z.to_nat (n - 1))})
                                      { s : (ObjInterruptDriver.ioapic_init_aux
                                               (s (ioapic d)) (Z.to_nat (n - 1)))
                                              { CurrentIrq : None}}}) {MM : real_mm}) {MMSize : real_size})
                      {vmxinfo : real_vmxinfo}) {AT : real_AT (AT d)} {ATC : real_ATC (ATC d)})
                    {nps : real_nps}) {AC : AC_init}) {init : true})
                 {multi_log : CalTicketLock.real_multi_log (multi_log d)})
                {lock : CalTicketLock.real_lock (lock d)}.
          unfold mem_init_mk_rdata.
          eapply state_eq´.

        Lemma mem_init_body_correct: m d env le mbi_adr,
                                       high_level_invariant d
                                       PTree.get _tmbi_adr le = Some (Vint mbi_adr) →
                                       kernel_mode d
                                       mem_init_spec (Int.unsigned mbi_adr) d = Some
                                       env = PTree.empty _

                                         (exec_stmt ge env le ((m, d): mem) mem_init_body E0 le´ (m, ) Out_normal).
          intros m d env le mbi_adr hinv tmbiadrle km.
          generalize max_unsigned_val; intro muval.
          generalize real_nps_range; unfold real_nps; intro rnps_range.
          unfold mem_init_body.
          functional inversion H.
          inversion real_params.
          assert(container_init: dcontainer_init, container_init_spec (Int.unsigned mbi_adr) d = ret dcontainer_init)
            by (esplit; repeat vcgen).
          destruct container_init as [dcontainer_init container_init].
          functional inversion container_init.
          assert (con_hinv: high_level_invariant dcontainer_init).
          { eapply container_init_perserve_inv with (d:= d); try tauto. }
          assert (con_flag: init dcontainer_init = true ikern dcontainer_init = true ihost dcontainer_init = true).
          { eapply container_init_flags with (d:= d); eassumption. }
          destruct con_flag as (con_flag1 & con_flag2 & con_flag3).
          exploit (nps_loop_correct m dcontainer_init (PTree.set _tnps (Vint (Int.repr 0))
                                      (set_opttemp (Some _tsize) (Vint (Int.repr real_size))
                                                   (PTree.set _ti (Vint (Int.repr 0)) (set_opttemp None Vundef le))))).
          - trivial.
          - trivial.
          - trivial.
          - trivial.
          - inv H; eauto.
          - repeat vcgen.
          - repeat vcgen.
          - repeat vcgen.

          - intro npsloop.
            destruct npsloop as [npsloople´ tmpH].
            destruct tmpH as [nps tmpH].
            destruct tmpH as [npsstmt tmpH].
            destruct tmpH as [tsizex tmpH].
            destruct tmpH as [tnpsx npsval].
            assert(setnps: dsetnps, set_nps_spec (Calculate_nps (Z.to_nat (real_size - 1)) real_mm real_size)
                                                        dcontainer_init = ret dsetnps).
            { esplit; rewrite <- H0; repeat vcgen.
              unfold set_nps_spec.
              rewrite H10, H11.
              reflexivity. }
            destruct setnps as [dsetnps setnps].
            functional inversion setnps.

            assert (high_level_invariant dsetnps).
            { eapply set_nps_preserve_inv; eauto. }

            assert (set_nps_flag: init dsetnps = true ikern dsetnps = true ihost dsetnps = true).
            { eapply set_nps_flags; eauto. }
            destruct set_nps_flag as (set_nps_flag1 & set_nps_flag2 & set_nps_flag3).

            assert (set_nps_mmsize: MMSize dsetnps = real_size).
            { eapply set_nps_mm_size; eauto. }

            assert (ZMap.get lock_AT_start (lock dsetnps) = LockFalse).
            { assert (lock dsetnps = CalTicketLock.real_lock (lock d)).
              { eapply container_init_set_nps_real_lock; eauto. }
              rewrite H19.
              unfold lock_AT_start.
              rewrite INVLemmaQLock.real_lock_implies_lock_false with (loc := lock d); eauto.
            exploit (outter_loop_correct m dsetnps (mem_init_mk_rdata dsetnps (AbstractDataType.nps dsetnps - 1))
                                         (PTree.set _ti (Vint (Int.repr 0)) (set_opttemp None Vundef npsloople´))).
            × trivial.
            × trivial.
            × trivial.
            × trivial.
            × repeat vcgen.
            × repeat vcgen.
              rewrite set_nps_mmsize.
              repeat vcgen.
            × repeat vcgen.
              simpl in npsval.
              assert (MM dcontainer_init = real_mm).
              { rewrite <- H0; simpl; auto. }
              rewrite npsval in tnpsx.
              rewrite <- H15.
              rewrite H20 in tnpsx.
              exact tnpsx.
            × rewrite <- H15.
              repeat vcgen.
            × reflexivity.
            × auto.

            × intro outterloop.
              destruct outterloop as [outterloople´ outterloop].
              simpl in ×.
              rewrite H1, H9, H10, H11, H12 in ×.
              unfold exec_stmt.
              change E0 with (E0 ** E0).
              repeat vcgen.
              change E0 with (E0 ** E0).
              repeat vcgen.
              change E0 with (E0 ** E0).
              repeat vcgen.
              repeat f_equal.
              rewrite <- H0.
              instantiate (1 := Int.repr real_size).
              repeat vcgen.
              change E0 with (E0 ** E0).
              repeat vcgen.
              change E0 with (E0 ** E0).
              repeat vcgen.
              change E0 with (E0 ** E0).
              repeat vcgen.
              rewrite npsval.
              rewrite <- H0; simpl.
              repeat vcgen.
              rewrite npsval.
              rewrite <- H0; simpl.
              repeat vcgen.
              change E0 with (E0 ** E0).
              repeat vcgen.
              rewrite npsval.
              assert (MM dcontainer_init = real_mm).
              { rewrite <- H0; simpl; reflexivity. }
              rewrite H20.
              rewrite H15.
              rewrite <- H0 in H15.
              fold real_nps in H15.
              repeat vcgen.
              fold n.
              apply state_eq in H15.
              rewrite <- H15.

              Grab Existential Variables.

      End MemInitBody.

      Theorem mem_init_code_correct:
        spec_le (mem_init mem_init_spec_low) (mem_init f_mem_init L).
        set ( := L) in ×. unfold L in ×.
        fbigstep_pre .
        exploit mem_init_body_correct; simpl; destruct H0; ptreesolve; eauto; autorewrite with lift_simpl lens_simpl;
        repeat progress (unfold lift, set; simpl); eauto; repeat progress (try rewrite Int.unsigned_repr);
        repeat progress discharge_unsigned_range; simpl in ×.
        instantiate (1:= bind_parameter_temps´ (fn_params f_mem_init)
                                               (Vint mbi_adr::nil)
                                               (create_undef_temps (fn_temps f_mem_init))).
        repeat progress match goal with
                          | [H: ?x = _ |- context[?x]] ⇒ try rewrite H
                        end; eauto.
        intro stmt; try (destruct stmt as [le´ stmt]).
        repeat progress fbigstep_post.

      End Meminit.

    End With_primitives.