Library mcertikos.objects.BigStepLogReplay

Require Import Coqlib.
Require Import Maps.
Require Import AuxStateDataType.
Require Import FlatMemory.
Require Import Values.
Require Import Memory.
Require Import AuxLemma.
Require Import Constant.
Require Import GlobIdent.
Require Import BigStepGlobalOracle.
Require Import GlobalOracle.
Require Import CommonTactic.

Section Cal_TICKET_LOCK.

  Fixpoint B_CalLock (li: Z) (l: BigLog) :=
    match l with
      | nilSome (O, LEMPTY, None)
      | (TBEVENT i e) ::
        match B_CalLock li with
          | Some (self_c, b, res)
            match e with
              | TBLOCK li´ e0
                if zle_lt lock_TCB_range li´ (lock_TCB_range + num_chan) then
                  if (zeq li li´) then
                    match self_c, res with
                      | S (S self_c´), Some i0
                        if (zeq i i0) then
                          match e0, b with
                            | BREL_LOCK _ _, LHOLD
                              Some (O, LEMPTY, None)
                            | _,_None
                        else None
                      | _, None
                        match e0, b with
                          | BWAIT_LOCK _ (S n), LEMPTY
                            Some (n, LHOLD, Some i)
                          | _,_None
                      | _,_None
                  else Some (self_c, b, res)
                else None
              | TBSHARED (BTDSLEEP slp_id cv _) ⇒
                if zle_lt 0 cv num_cv then
                  let li´ := (slp_q_id cv 0) + lock_TCB_range in
                  if (zeq li li´) then
                    match self_c, res, b with
                      | S (S self_c´), Some i0, LHOLD
                        if (zeq i i0) then
                          Some (O, LEMPTY, None)
                        else None
                      | _, _, _None
                  else Some (self_c, b, res)
                else None
              | TBSHARED (BBUFFERE _ cv _) ⇒
                if zle_lt 0 cv num_cv then
                  let li´ := (slp_q_id cv 0) + lock_TCB_range in
                  if (zeq li li´) then
                    match self_c, res, b with
                      | S self_c´, Some i0, LHOLD
                        if (zeq i i0) then
                          Some (self_c´, LHOLD, Some i0)
                        else None
                      | _, _, _None
                  else Some (self_c, b, res)
                else None
              | _Some (self_c, b, res)
          | _None

  Global Opaque B_CalLock.


Section CAL_AT.

  Require Import RealParams.
  Context `{real_params: RealParams}.

  Fixpoint B_CalAT_log (l: BigLog) (a: ATable) :=
    match l with
      | nilSome a
      | (TBEVENT _ e) ::
        match B_CalAT_log a with
          | Some
            match e with
              | TBSHARED (BPALLOCE _ i) ⇒
                if zeq i 0 then Some
                  match ZMap.get i with
                    | ATValid false ATNorm
                      Some (ZMap.set i (ATValid true ATNorm) )
                    | _None
              | _Some
          | _None

  Definition B_CalAT_log_real (l: BigLog) :=
    B_CalAT_log l (real_AT (ZMap.init ATUndef)).

  Section B_CalAT_log_property.

    Lemma B_CalAT_log_sub_log_exist:
       l def_atable atable,
        B_CalAT_log (l++) def_atable = Some atable
         atable´, B_CalAT_log def_atable = Some atable´.
      induction l; simpl; intros.
      - atable; auto.
      - subdestruct; simpl; subst; inv H; eapply IHl; eauto.

    Lemma B_CalAT_log_keeps_allocated_pages:
       l def_atable atable atable´,
        B_CalAT_log def_atable = Some atable´
        B_CalAT_log (l++) def_atable = Some atable
         i, ZMap.get i atable´ = (ATValid true ATNorm)
                  ZMap.get i atable = (ATValid true ATNorm).
      induction l; intros.
      - simpl in H0.
        rewrite H in H0; inv H0; auto.
      - simpl in H0; subdestruct; inv H0; try eauto using IHl.
        case_eq (zeq i b); intros; subst.
        + rewrite ZMap.gss; auto.
        + rewrite ZMap.gso; auto.
          eauto using IHl.

  End B_CalAT_log_property.


Section CAL_TCB.

  Require Import CalRealProcModule.
  Require Import LogReplay.

  Context`{oracle_ops: MultiOracleOps}.

  Fixpoint B_CalTCB_split_log (l: BigLog) (t: AbTCBPool) (q: AbQueuePool) (slp: Z) (cid: Z)
           (cache: ZMap.t (option (prod AbTCBPool AbQueuePool))):=
    match l with
      | nilSome (t, q, slp, cid, cache, TCB_NORES)
      | (TBEVENT cpu e) ::
        let rdyq := rdy_q_id cpu in
        match B_CalTCB_split_log t q slp cid cache with
          | Some (, , slp´, cid´, cache´, res´)
            match e with
              | TBSHARED (BTDSPAWN _ new_id _ _ _ _) ⇒
                match (ZMap.get rdyq , ZMap.get new_id ) with
                  | (AbQValid l, AbTCBValid _ _ (-1))
                    let (rt, rq) := if zeq cpu current_CPU_ID then
                                      (ZMap.set new_id (AbTCBValid READY cpu rdyq) ,
                                       ZMap.set rdyq (AbQValid (l++ (new_id :: nil))) )
                                    else (, ) in
                    Some (rt, rq, slp´, cid´, cache´, TCB_NORES)
                  | _None
              | TBSHARED (BTDSLEEP _ cv _) ⇒
                let slpq := slp_q_id cv 0 in
                let (nt, nq) := match ZMap.get slpq cache´ with
                                  | Some (t0, q0)(t0, q0)
                                  | _(, )
                                end in
                match (ZMap.get slpq nq, ZMap.get rdyq nq) with
                  | (AbQValid l0, AbQValid (nextt :: l))
                    match (ZMap.get cid´ nt, ZMap.get nextt nt) with
                      | (AbTCBValid RUN cpu_t b, AbTCBValid READY cpu_t´ q_id)
                        if zeq cpu_t cpu then
                          if zeq b (-1) then
                            if zeq cpu_t´ cpu then
                              if zeq q_id rdyq then
                                if zeq nextt cid´ then None
                                  let n := slp´ + 1 in
                                  if zlt_lt 0 n num_proc then
                                    let cache_t := ZMap.set cid´ (AbTCBValid RUN cpu slpq) nt in
                                    let cache_q := ZMap.set slpq (AbQValid (l0 ++ (cid´::nil))) nq in
                                    let (rt, rq) :=
                                        if zeq cpu current_CPU_ID then
                                          (ZMap.set nextt (AbTCBValid RUN cpu (-1))
                                                    (ZMap.set cid´ (AbTCBValid SLEEP cpu slpq) nt),
                                           ZMap.set rdyq (AbQValid l)
                                                    (ZMap.set slpq (AbQValid (l0 ++ (cid´::nil))) nq))
                                        else (, ) in
                                    let (rslp, rcid) := if zeq cpu current_CPU_ID then (n, nextt) else (slp´, cid´) in
                                    Some (rt, rq, rslp, rcid,
                                          ZMap.set slpq (Some (cache_t, cache_q)) cache´,
                                          TCB_RID nextt)
                                  else None
                              else None
                            else None
                          else None
                        else None
                      | _None
                  | _None
              | TBSHARED (BTDWAKE _ cv_id) ⇒
                let n := slp_q_id cv_id 0 in
                let (nt, nq) := match ZMap.get n cache´ with
                                  | Some (t0, q0)(t0, q0)
                                  | _(, )
                                end in
                match (ZMap.get n nq) with
                  | AbQValid ll
                    match ll with
                      | nil
                        let (rt, rq) := if zeq cpu current_CPU_ID then (nt, nq) else (, ) in
                        Some (rt, rq, slp´, cid´, ZMap.set n (Some (nt, nq)) cache´, TCBWAKE_F)
                      | la :: l
                        if zle_lt 0 la num_proc then
                          match (ZMap.get la nt) with
                            | AbTCBValid tds cpu´ _
                              if zeq cpu cpu´ then
                                match ZMap.get rdyq nq with
                                  | AbQValid l0
                                    let cache_t := (ZMap.set la (AbTCBValid tds cpu (-1)) nt): AbTCBPool in
                                    let cache_q := (ZMap.set n (AbQValid l) nq): AbQueuePool in
                                    let (rt, rq) :=
                                        (if zeq cpu current_CPU_ID then
                                          (ZMap.set la (AbTCBValid READY cpu rdyq) nt,
                                           ZMap.set rdyq (AbQValid (l0 ++ (la :: nil)))
                                                    (ZMap.set n (AbQValid l) nq))
                                        else (, )) : (prod AbTCBPool AbQueuePool) in
                                    Some (rt, rq, slp´, cid´,
                                          ZMap.set n (Some (cache_t, cache_q)) cache´,
                                          TCBWAKE_T la)
                                  | _None
                                if zle_lt 0 cpu´ 8 then
                                  let cache_t := ZMap.set la (AbTCBValid tds cpu´ (-1)) nt in
                                  let cache_q := ZMap.set n (AbQValid l) nq in
                                  let (rt, rq) := if zeq cpu current_CPU_ID then (cache_t, cache_q) else (, ) in
                                  Some (rt, rq, slp´, cid´,
                                        ZMap.set n (Some (cache_t, cache_q)) cache´, TCBWAKE la cpu´)
                                else None
                            | _None
                        else None
                  | _None
              | TBSHARED (BTDWAKE_DIFF _ _ la cpu´) ⇒
                let msgq := msg_q_id cpu´ in
                let (nt, nq) := match ZMap.get msgq cache´ with
                                  | Some (t0, q0)(t0, q0)
                                  | _(, )
                                end in
                match ZMap.get msgq nq, ZMap.get la nt with
                  | AbQValid l0, AbTCBValid tds0 cpu0 b
                    if zeq cpu0 cpu´ then
                      if zeq b (-1) then
                        let cache_t := ZMap.set la (AbTCBValid tds0 cpu´ msgq) nt in
                        let cache_q := ZMap.set msgq (AbQValid (l0 ++ (la :: nil))) nq in
                        let (rt, rq) :=
                            if zeq cpu current_CPU_ID then
                              (ZMap.set la (AbTCBValid tds0 cpu´ msgq) nt, cache_q)
                            else (, ) in
                        Some (rt, rq, slp´, cid´, ZMap.set msgq (Some (cache_t, cache_q)) cache´, TCB_NORES)
                      else None
                    else None
                  | _,_None
              | TBSHARED (BTDYIELD _) ⇒
                let msgq := msg_q_id cpu in
                let (nt, nq) := match ZMap.get msgq cache´ with
                                  | Some (t0, q0)(t0, q0)
                                  | _(, )
                                end in
                match (ZMap.get msgq nq) with
                  | AbQValid ll
                    match ll with
                      | nil
                        match ZMap.get rdyq nq, ZMap.get cid´ nt with
                          | AbQValid (la0 :: l0), AbTCBValid RUN cpu_t q_id
                            if zeq cpu_t cpu then
                              if zeq q_id (-1) then
                                match ZMap.get la0 nt with
                                  | AbTCBValid _ cpu_t´ _
                                    if zeq cpu_t´ cpu then
                                      let (rt, rq) :=
                                          if zeq cpu current_CPU_ID then
                                            (ZMap.set la0 (AbTCBValid RUN cpu (-1))
                                                      (ZMap.set cid´ (AbTCBValid READY cpu rdyq) nt),
                                             ZMap.set rdyq (AbQValid (l0 ++ (cid´::nil))) nq)
                                          else (, ) in
                                      let rcid := if zeq cpu current_CPU_ID then la0 else cid´ in
                                      Some (rt, rq, slp´, rcid, ZMap.set msgq (Some (nt, nq)) cache´,
                                            TCB_YIELD la0 None)
                                    else None
                                  | _None
                              else None
                            else None
                          | _,_None
                      | la :: l
                        if zle_lt 0 la num_proc then
                          if zeq la cid´ then None
                            match ZMap.get rdyq nq, ZMap.get la nt, ZMap.get cid´ nt with
                              | AbQValid l0, AbTCBValid tds cpu_la _, AbTCBValid RUN cpu_t q_id
                                if zeq cpu_t cpu then
                                  if zeq q_id (-1) then
                                    match (l0 ++ (la :: nil)) with
                                      | nilNone
                                      | la0 :: l1
                                        match ZMap.get la0 nt with
                                          | AbTCBValid _ cpu_t´ _
                                            if zeq cpu_t´ cpu then
                                              let n := slp´ - 1 in
                                              if zle_lt 0 n (num_proc - 1) then
                                                let cache_t := ZMap.set la (AbTCBValid tds cpu_la (-1)) nt in
                                                let cache_q := ZMap.set msgq (AbQValid l) nq in
                                                let (rt, rq) :=
                                                    if zeq cpu current_CPU_ID then
                                                         la0 (AbTCBValid RUN cpu (-1))
                                                            cid´ (AbTCBValid READY cpu rdyq)
                                                            (ZMap.set la (AbTCBValid READY cpu rdyq) nt)),
                                                       ZMap.set rdyq (AbQValid (l1 ++ (cid´ :: nil)))
                                                                (ZMap.set msgq (AbQValid l) nq))
                                                    else (, ) in
                                                let (rslp, rcid) :=
                                                    if zeq cpu current_CPU_ID then (n, la0) else (slp´, cid´) in
                                                Some (rt, rq, rslp, rcid,
                                                      ZMap.set msgq (Some (cache_t, cache_q)) cache´,
                                                      TCB_YIELD la0 (Some la))
                                              else None
                                            else None
                                          | _None
                                  else None
                                else None
                              | _, _,_None
                        else None
                  | _None
              | _Some (, , slp´, cid´, cache´, res´)
          | _None

    Definition B_CalTCB_log (l: BigLog) :=
      B_CalTCB_split_log l (ZMap.set 0 (AbTCBValid RUN current_CPU_ID (-1)) (real_abtcb (ZMap.init AbTCBUndef)))
                       (real_abq (ZMap.init AbQUndef)) 0 (current_CPU_ID + 1) (ZMap.init None).

    Definition B_CalTCB_log_real (l: BigLog) :=
      match B_CalTCB_log l with
        | Some (_,_,_,_,_, r)Some r
        | _None


Section Cal_SyncChan.

  Fixpoint B_GetSharedSC (lid: Z) (l: BigLog):=
    match l with
    | nilNone
    | TBEVENT _ e ::
      let l0 := B_GetSharedSC lid in
      match e with
      | TBLOCK lock_id (BREL_LOCK _ ) ⇒
        if zeq lid lock_id then Some else l0
      | TBSHARED (BTDSLEEP _ cv ) ⇒
        let n := slp_q_id cv 0 in
        let sc_id := n + lock_TCB_range in
        if zeq lid sc_id then Some else l0
      | _l0

  Fixpoint B_GetSharedBuffer (lid: Z) (l: BigLog):=
    match l with
      | nilNone
      | TBEVENT _ e ::
        let b0 := B_GetSharedBuffer lid in
        match e with
          | TBSHARED (BBUFFERE _ cv b) ⇒
            let n := slp_q_id cv 0 in
            let sc_id := n + lock_TCB_range in
            if zeq lid sc_id then Some b else b0
          | _b0

End Cal_SyncChan.

Section Def_Invariant.

  Context `{real_params: RealParams}.

  Definition valid_big_oracle_domain (o: BigOracle):=
     i i0 e l
           (Hin: In (TBEVENT i0 e) (o i l)),
      i0 i.

  Definition valid_AT_log_B l :=
     a, B_CalAT_log_real l = Some a.

  Definition valid_AT_log_type_B l :=
     q (Hdef: l = BigDef q),
      valid_AT_log_B q.

  Definition valid_AT_oracle_B (o: BigOracle) :=
     q i (Hvalid: valid_AT_log_B q),
      valid_AT_log_B ((o i q) ++ q).

  Definition valid_lock_B li l :=
     self_c b q, B_CalLock li l = Some (self_c, b, q).

  Definition valid_lock_pool_B l :=
     q li (Hdef: l = BigDef q)
           (Hrange: li = ID_AT li = lock_range
                    ( ofs, index2Z ID_SC ofs = Some li)),
      valid_lock_B li q.

  Definition valid_lock_oracle_B (o: BigOracle):=
     q li i (Hvalid: valid_lock_B li q)
           (Hrange: li = ID_AT li = lock_range
                    ( ofs, index2Z ID_SC ofs = Some li)),
      valid_lock_B li ((o i q) ++ q).

  Section WITH_OPS.

    Context`{oracle_ops: MultiOracleOps}.

    Definition valid_TCB_log_B l :=
       res, B_CalTCB_log_real l = Some (res).

    Definition valid_TCB_log_type_B l :=
       q (Hdef: l = BigDef q),
        valid_TCB_log_B q.

    Definition valid_TCB_oracle_B (o: BigOracle) :=
       q i (Hvalid: valid_TCB_log_B q),
        valid_TCB_log_B ((o i q) ++ q).

    Definition valid_big_oracle (o: BigOracle):=
      valid_big_oracle_domain o
       valid_TCB_oracle_B o
       valid_AT_oracle_B o
       valid_lock_oracle_B o.


  Definition valid_big_log (l: BigLogType) (i: Z):=
    match l with
      | BigDef (TBEVENT _ :: _) ⇒ = i
      | _True

  Definition is_my_spawn (ev: BigOracleEventUnit) (curid : Z) : Prop :=
    match ev with
    | TBSHARED ev´
      match ev´ with
      | BTDSPAWN _ new_id _ _ _ _if zeq curid new_id then True else False
      | _False
    | _False

  Definition get_ev_curid (ev: BigOracleEventUnit) : Z :=
    match ev with
    | TBSHARED ev´
      match ev´ with
      | BPALLOCE curid _curid
      | BBUFFERE curid _ _curid
      | BTDSPAWN curid _ _ _ _ _curid
      | BTDYIELD curidcurid
      | BTDSLEEP curid _ _curid
      | BTDWAKE curid _curid
      | BTDWAKE_DIFF curid _ _ _curid
    | TBLOCK _ ev´
      match ev´ with
      | BWAIT_LOCK curid _curid
      | BGET_LOCK curidcurid
      | BREL_LOCK curid _curid

  Section WithBigOracleOps.

    Context `{big_oracle_ops : BigOracleOps}.

    Definition valid_big_oracle_env_fun_domain (o: BigOracle):=
       limit cpuid curid l
             (Hbig_oracle_fun: big_oracle_env_fun limit cpuid curid o l = ),
       l´´, = l´´++ l
                  ( i0 ev, In (TBEVENT i0 ev) l´´
                                 (get_ev_curid ev curid)
                                 (¬is_my_spawn ev curid)).

    Definition valid_big_oracle_env_fun (o: BigOracle):=
      valid_big_oracle_env_fun_domain o.

  End WithBigOracleOps.

End Def_Invariant.