Library mcertikos.objects.ObjTrap

Require Import Coqlib.
Require Import Maps.
Require Import AuxStateDataType.
Require Import FlatMemory.
Require Import AbstractDataType.
Require Import Integers.
Require Import Values.
Require Import Constant.
Require Import RealParams.
Require Import CalRealIDPDE.
Require Import CalRealInitPTE.
Require Import CalRealPTPool.
Require Import CalRealPT.
Require Import CalRealProcModule.
Require Import liblayers.compat.CompatGenSem.

Require Import ObjArg.
Require Import ObjProc.
Require Import ObjSyncIPC.
Require Import ObjThread.
Require Import ObjFlatMem.
Require Import ObjBigThread.
Require Import GlobIdent.
Require Import ObjInterruptManagement.
Require Import ObjConsole.
Require Import ObjSerialDriver.
Require Import ObjVMX.

Require Export ObjTMVMM.
Require Export ObjTMSCHED.
Require Export ObjTMINTELVIRT.
Require Export ObjTMIPCDEVPRIM.

Require Import GlobalOracleProp.

Require Import SingleOracle.

Section OBJ_Trap.

  Context `{real_params: RealParams}.
  Context `{multi_oralce_prop: MultiOracleProp}.
  Context `{thread_conf_ops: ThreadsConfigurationOps}.

  Function sys_getc_spec (abd: RData) : option RData :=
    match thread_serial_intr_disable_spec abd with
    | Some d1
      match thread_cons_buf_read_spec d1 with
      | Some (d2, x)
        if zle_le 0 x 255 then
          match thread_serial_intr_enable_spec d2 with
          | Some d3
            match uctx_set_retval1_spec x d3 with
            | Some d4uctx_set_errno_spec E_SUCC d4
            | NoneNone
          | NoneNone
        else None
      | NoneNone
    | NoneNone

  Function sys_putc_spec (abd: RData) : option RData :=
    match uctx_arg2_spec abd with
    | Some c
      if zle_le 0 c 255 then
        match thread_serial_intr_disable_spec abd with
        | Some d1
          match thread_serial_putc_spec c d1 with
          | Some d2
            match thread_serial_intr_enable_spec d2 with
            | Some d3uctx_set_errno_spec E_SUCC d3
            | NoneNone
          | NoneNone
        | NoneNone
      else None
    | NoneNone

  Function trap_sendtochan_spec (abd: RData) : option RData :=
    match uctx_arg2_spec abd with
      | Some chid
        match uctx_arg3_spec abd with
          | Some vaddr
            match uctx_arg4_spec abd with
              | Some scount
                match thread_syncsendto_chan_spec chid vaddr scount abd with
                  | Some (abd0, r)
                    match uctx_set_retval1_spec r abd0 with
                      | Some abd1
                        uctx_set_errno_spec E_SUCC abd1
                      | _None
                  | _None
              | _None
          | _None
      | _None

  Function trap_receivechan_spec (abd: RData) :=
    match uctx_arg2_spec abd with
      | Some chanid
        match uctx_arg3_spec abd with
          | Some vaddr
            match uctx_arg4_spec abd with
              | Some rcount
                match thread_syncreceive_chan_spec chanid vaddr rcount abd with
                  | Some (abd0, r)
                    match uctx_set_retval1_spec r abd0 with
                      | Some abd1
                        uctx_set_errno_spec E_SUCC abd1
                      | _None
                  | _None
              | _None
          | _None
      | _None

  Function trap_get_quota_spec (abd: RData) :=
    match thread_get_curid_spec abd with
      | Some curid
        match thread_container_get_quota_spec curid abd with
          | Some quota
            match thread_container_get_usage_spec curid abd with
              | Some usage
                match uctx_set_retval1_spec (quota - usage) abd with
                  | Some abd0
                    uctx_set_errno_spec E_SUCC abd0
                  | _None
              | _None
          | _None
      | _None

    Function trap_intercept_int_window_spec (abd: RData) :=
      match uctx_arg2_spec abd with
        | Some enable
          match thread_vmx_set_intercept_intwin_spec enable abd with
            | Some abd0uctx_set_errno_spec E_SUCC abd0
            | _None
        | _None

    Function trap_check_pending_event_spec (abd: RData) :=
      match thread_vmx_check_pending_event_spec abd with
        | Some event
          match uctx_set_retval1_spec event abd with
            | Some abd0uctx_set_errno_spec E_SUCC abd0
            | _None
        | _None

    Function trap_check_int_shadow_spec (abd: RData) :=
      match thread_vmx_check_int_shadow_spec abd with
        | Some shadow
          match uctx_set_retval1_spec shadow abd with
            | Some abd0uctx_set_errno_spec E_SUCC abd0
            | _None
        | _None

    Function trap_inject_event_spec (abd: RData) :=
      match uctx_arg2_spec abd, uctx_arg3_spec abd, uctx_arg4_spec abd with
        | Some vector, Some err, Some evmerged
          match thread_vmx_inject_event_spec (evmerged / 256) vector err (evmerged mod 256) abd with
          | Some abd0uctx_set_errno_spec E_SUCC abd0
          | _None
        | _,_,_None

    Function trap_get_next_eip_spec (abd: RData) :=
      match thread_vmx_get_next_eip_spec abd with
      | Some neip
        if zle_le 0 neip Int.max_unsigned then
          match uctx_set_retval1_spec neip abd with
          | Some abd0uctx_set_errno_spec E_SUCC abd0
          | _None
        else None
      | _None

    Function trap_set_reg_spec (abd: RData) :=
      match uctx_arg2_spec abd, uctx_arg3_spec abd with
        | Some r, Some v
          if zle_lt C_GUEST_EAX r C_GUEST_MAX_REG then
            match thread_vmx_set_reg_spec r v abd with
              | Some abd0uctx_set_errno_spec E_SUCC abd0
              | _None
            uctx_set_errno_spec E_INVAL_REG abd
        | _,_None

    Function trap_get_reg_spec (abd: RData) :=
      match uctx_arg2_spec abd with
        | Some r
          if zle_lt C_GUEST_EAX r C_GUEST_MAX_REG then
            match thread_vmx_get_reg_spec r abd with
              | Some v
                match uctx_set_retval1_spec v abd with
                  | Some abd0uctx_set_errno_spec E_SUCC abd0
                  | _None
              | _None
            uctx_set_errno_spec E_INVAL_REG abd
        | _None

    Function trap_set_seg1_spec (abd: RData) :=
      match uctx_arg2_spec abd, uctx_arg3_spec abd, uctx_arg4_spec abd with
        | Some seg, Some sel, Some base
          if zle_lt C_GUEST_CS seg C_GUEST_MAX_SEG_DESC then
            match thread_vmx_set_desc1_spec seg sel base abd with
              | Some abd0uctx_set_errno_spec E_SUCC abd0
              | _None
            uctx_set_errno_spec E_INVAL_SEG abd
        | _,_,_None

    Function trap_set_seg2_spec (abd: RData) :=
      match uctx_arg2_spec abd, uctx_arg3_spec abd, uctx_arg4_spec abd with
        | Some seg, Some lim, Some ar
          if zle_lt C_GUEST_CS seg C_GUEST_MAX_SEG_DESC then
            match thread_vmx_set_desc2_spec seg lim ar abd with
              | Some abd0uctx_set_errno_spec E_SUCC abd0
              | _None
            uctx_set_errno_spec E_INVAL_SEG abd
        | _,_,_None

    Function trap_get_tsc_offset_spec (abd: RData) :=
      match thread_vmx_get_tsc_offset_spec abd with
        | Some (VZ64 ofs) ⇒
          let ofs1 := ofs / (2 ^ 32) in
          let ofs2 := ofs mod (2 ^ 32) in
          match uctx_set_retval1_spec ofs1 abd with
            | Some abd0
              match uctx_set_retval2_spec ofs2 abd0 with
                | Some abd1
                  uctx_set_errno_spec E_SUCC abd1
                | _None
            | _None
        | _None

    Function trap_set_tsc_offset_spec (abd: RData) :=
      match uctx_arg2_spec abd, uctx_arg3_spec abd with
        | Some ofs_high, Some ofs_low
          let ofs := ofs_high × (2 ^ 32) + ofs_low in
          match thread_vmx_set_tsc_offset_spec (VZ64 ofs) abd with
            | Some abd0uctx_set_errno_spec E_SUCC abd0
            | _None
        | _,_None

    Function trap_mmap_spec (abd: RData) :=
      match uctx_arg2_spec abd, uctx_arg3_spec abd, uctx_arg4_spec abd with
        | Some gpa, Some hva, Some mem_type
          if andb (andb (Zdivide_dec PgSize hva HPS)
                        (Zdivide_dec PgSize gpa HPS))
                  (orb (zle_le VM_VGA_LO hva (VM_VGA_HI - PgSize))
                  (zle_le adr_low hva (adr_high - PgSize))) then
            match thread_ptRead_spec (ZMap.get (CPU_ID abd) (cid abd)) hva abd with
              | Some hpa
                if zle_le 0 hpa Int.max_unsigned then
                  if zeq ( hpa PT_PERM_P) 0 then
                    match big2_ptResv_spec (ZMap.get (CPU_ID abd) (cid abd)) hva PT_PERM_PTU abd with
                      | Some (abd0, _)
                        match thread_ptRead_spec (ZMap.get (CPU_ID abd) (cid abd)) hva abd0 with
                          | Some hpa´
                            if zle_le 0 hpa´ Int.max_unsigned then
                              let hpa0 := ( hpa´ v0xfffff000) + (hva mod PgSize) in
                              match thread_vmx_set_mmap_spec gpa hpa0 mem_type abd0 with
                                | Some (abd1, _)uctx_set_errno_spec E_SUCC abd1
                                | _None
                            else None
                          | _None
                      | _None
            let hpa0 := ( hpa v0xfffff000) + (hva mod PgSize) in
            match thread_vmx_set_mmap_spec gpa hpa0 mem_type abd with
              | Some (abd1, _)uctx_set_errno_spec E_SUCC abd1
              | _None
    else None
  | _None
    else uctx_set_errno_spec E_INVAL_ADDR abd
  | _,_,_None

    Function get_flags (width write rep str: Z) :=
      let flags := 0 in
      let flags0 := if zeq write 0 then flags
                    else Z.lor flags 1 in
      let flags1 := if zeq rep 0 then flags0
                    else Z.lor flags0 2 in
      let flags2 := if zeq str 0 then flags1
                    else Z.lor flags1 4 in
      Z.lor flags2 (width × 8).

    Function trap_get_exitinfo_spec (abd: RData) :=
      match thread_vmx_get_exit_reason_spec abd, thread_vmx_get_exit_io_port_spec abd,
            thread_vmx_get_io_width_spec abd, thread_vmx_get_io_write_spec abd,
            thread_vmx_get_exit_io_rep_spec abd, thread_vmx_get_exit_io_str_spec abd,
            thread_vmx_get_exit_fault_addr_spec abd, thread_vmx_get_exit_qualification_spec abd with
        | Some reason, Some port, Some width, Some write, Some rep, Some str, Some fault_addr, Some addr
          match uctx_set_retval1_spec reason abd with
            | Some abd0
              if zeq reason EXIT_REASON_INOUT then
                match uctx_set_retval2_spec port abd0 with
                  | Some abd1
                    let flags := get_flags width write rep str in
                    match uctx_set_retval3_spec flags abd1 with
                      | Some abd2uctx_set_errno_spec E_SUCC abd2
                      | _None
                  | _None
              else if zeq reason EXIT_REASON_EPT_FAULT then
                     match uctx_set_retval2_spec fault_addr abd0 with
                       | Some abd1uctx_set_errno_spec E_SUCC abd1
                       | _None
                   else if zeq reason EXIT_REASON_CR_ACCESS then
                          match uctx_set_retval2_spec addr abd0 with
                            | Some abd1uctx_set_errno_spec E_SUCC abd1
                            | _None
                          uctx_set_errno_spec E_SUCC abd0
            | _None
        | _,_,_,_,_,_,_,_None

    Function trap_handle_rdmsr_spec (abd: RData) :=
      match thread_vmx_get_reg_spec C_GUEST_EAX abd with
      | Some msr
        match thread_rdmsr_spec msr abd with
        | Some (VZ64 val) ⇒
          let val_low := val mod (2 ^ 32) in
          let val_high := val / (2 ^ 32) in
          match thread_vmx_set_reg_spec C_GUEST_EAX val_low abd with
          | Some abd0
            match thread_vmx_set_reg_spec C_GUEST_EDX val_high abd0 with
            | Some abd1
              match thread_vmx_get_next_eip_spec abd1 with
              | Some next_eip
                if zle_le 0 next_eip Int.max_unsigned then
                  match thread_vmx_set_reg_spec C_GUEST_EIP next_eip abd1 with
                  | Some abd2uctx_set_errno_spec E_SUCC abd2
                  | _None
                else None
              | _None
            | _None
          | _None
        | _None
      | _None

    Function trap_handle_wrmsr_spec (abd: RData) :=
      match thread_vmx_get_reg_spec C_GUEST_ECX abd, thread_vmx_get_reg_spec C_GUEST_EAX abd,
            thread_vmx_get_reg_spec C_GUEST_EDX abd with
      | Some msr, Some eax, Some edx
        let val := edx × 2 ^ 32 + eax in
        match thread_wrmsr_spec msr (VZ64 val) abd with
        | Some _
          match thread_vmx_get_next_eip_spec abd with
          | Some next_eip
            if zle_le 0 next_eip Int.max_unsigned then
              match thread_vmx_set_reg_spec C_GUEST_EIP next_eip abd with
              | Some abd0uctx_set_errno_spec E_SUCC abd0
              | _None
            else None
          | _None
        | _None
      | _, _, _None

    Function ptfault_resv_spec (vadr: Z) (abd: RData) :=
    let cpu := (CPU_ID abd) in
    let curid := (ZMap.get cpu (cid abd)) in
      match big2_ptResv_spec curid vadr PT_PERM_PTU abd with
        | Some (abd0, _)
          Some abd0
        | _None

    Section Proc_Create.

      Require Import liblayers.compat.CompatLayers.
      Require Import GlobIdent.
      Require Import ASTExtra.
      Require Import liblayers.lib.Decision.

      Context `{Hstencil: Stencil}.
      Context `{Hmem: Mem.MemoryModelX}.
      Context `{Hmwd: UseMemWithData mem}.

      Function ELF_ident (i: Z) : option ident :=
        match i with
          | 0 ⇒ Some START_USER_FUN_LOC
          | _None

      Function trap_proc_create_spec (s: stencil) (m: mem) (abd: RData) :=
        let cpu := (CPU_ID abd) in
        let curid := (ZMap.get cpu (cid abd)) in
        match uctx_arg3_spec abd with
          | Some arg3
            match thread_container_can_consume_spec curid arg3 abd with
            | Some 1 ⇒
              match uctx_arg2_spec abd with
                | Some arg1
                  if zle_lt 0 arg1 num_proc then
                    match ELF_ident arg1 with
                      | Some fun_id
                        match find_symbol s ELF_ENTRY_LOC, find_symbol s START_USER_FUN_LOC,
                              find_symbol s ELF_LOC, find_symbol s STACK_LOC,
                              find_symbol s fun_id with
                          | Some bentry, Some buserstart, Some belf, Some bstack, Some busercode
                            match Mem.load Mint32 m bentry (arg1 × 4) with
                              | Some (Vptr bb bn) ⇒
                                if peq bb busercode then
                                  if Int.eq bn then
                                    match big2_proc_create_spec abd bstack buserstart busercode arg3 with
                                      | Some (abd0, n)
                                        match uctx_set_retval1_spec n abd0 with
                                          | Some abd´uctx_set_errno_spec E_SUCC abd´
                                          | _None
                                      | _None
                                  else None
                                else None
                              | _None
                          | _,_,_,_,_None
                      | _None
                  else None
                | _None
            | Some 0 ⇒ uctx_set_errno_spec E_MEM abd
            | _None
          | _None

      Inductive Syscall_Num:=
      | NSYS_PUTS
      | NSYS_SPAWN
      | NSYS_YIELD
      | NSYS_DISK_OP
      | NSYS_RUN_VM
      | NSYS_MMAP
      | NSYS_SET_REG
      | NSYS_GET_REG
      | NSYS_SET_SEG1
      | NSYS_SET_SEG2
      | NSYS_RECV
      | NSYS_SEND
      | NSYS_GETC
      | NSYS_PUTC
      | NSYS_NR.

     Definition Syscall_Z2Num (i: Z) :=
          if zeq i SYS_puts then NSYS_PUTS
          else if zeq i SYS_ring0_spawn then NSYS_RING0_SPAWN
          else if zeq i SYS_spawn then NSYS_SPAWN
          else if zeq i SYS_yield then NSYS_YIELD
          else if zeq i SYS_disk_op then NSYS_DISK_OP
          else if zeq i SYS_disk_cap then NSYS_DISK_CAP
          else if zeq i SYS_recv then NSYS_RECV
          else if zeq i SYS_send then NSYS_SEND
          else if zeq i SYS_getc then NSYS_GETC
          else if zeq i SYS_putc then NSYS_PUTC
          else if zeq i SYS_get_tsc_per_ms then NSYS_GET_TSC_PER_MS
          else if zeq i SYS_hvm_run_vm then NSYS_RUN_VM
          else if zeq i SYS_hvm_get_exitinfo then NSYS_GET_EXITINFO
          else if zeq i SYS_hvm_mmap then NSYS_MMAP
          else if zeq i SYS_hvm_set_seg1 then NSYS_SET_SEG1
          else if zeq i SYS_hvm_set_seg2 then NSYS_SET_SEG2
          else if zeq i SYS_hvm_set_reg then NSYS_SET_REG
          else if zeq i SYS_hvm_get_reg then NSYS_GET_REG
          else if zeq i SYS_hvm_get_next_eip then NSYS_GET_NEXT_EIP
          else if zeq i SYS_hvm_inject_event then NSYS_INJECT_EVENT
          else if zeq i SYS_hvm_check_int_shadow then NSYS_CHECK_INT_SHADOW
          else if zeq i SYS_hvm_check_pending_event then NSYS_CHECK_PENDING_EVENT
          else if zeq i SYS_hvm_intercept_int_window then NSYS_INTERCEPT_INT_WINDOW
          else if zeq i SYS_hvm_get_tsc_offset then NSYS_GET_TSC_OFFSET
          else if zeq i SYS_hvm_set_tsc_offset then NSYS_SET_TSC_OFFSET
          else if zeq i SYS_hvm_handle_rdmsr then NSYS_HANDLE_RDMSR
          else if zeq i SYS_hvm_handle_wrmsr then NSYS_HANDLE_WRMSR
          else if zeq i SYS_get_quota then NSYS_GET_QUOTA
          else NSYS_NR.

      Function sys_dispatch_c_spec (s: stencil) (m: mem) (abd: RData) :=
        match uctx_arg1_spec abd with
          | Some arg1
            if zle_le 0 arg1 Int.max_unsigned then
              match Syscall_Z2Num arg1 with
                | NSYS_SPAWNtrap_proc_create_spec s m abd
                | NSYS_GET_TSC_OFFSETtrap_get_tsc_offset_spec abd
                | NSYS_SET_TSC_OFFSETtrap_set_tsc_offset_spec abd
                | NSYS_GET_EXITINFOtrap_get_exitinfo_spec abd
                | NSYS_MMAPtrap_mmap_spec abd
                | NSYS_SET_REGtrap_set_reg_spec abd
                | NSYS_GET_REGtrap_get_reg_spec abd
                | NSYS_SET_SEG1trap_set_seg1_spec abd
                | NSYS_SET_SEG2trap_set_seg2_spec abd
                | NSYS_GET_NEXT_EIPtrap_get_next_eip_spec abd
                | NSYS_INJECT_EVENTtrap_inject_event_spec abd
                | NSYS_CHECK_PENDING_EVENTtrap_check_pending_event_spec abd
                | NSYS_CHECK_INT_SHADOWtrap_check_int_shadow_spec abd
                | NSYS_INTERCEPT_INT_WINDOWtrap_intercept_int_window_spec abd
                | NSYS_HANDLE_RDMSRtrap_handle_rdmsr_spec abd
                | NSYS_HANDLE_WRMSRtrap_handle_wrmsr_spec abd
                | NSYS_GET_QUOTAtrap_get_quota_spec abd
                | NSYS_RECVtrap_receivechan_spec abd
                | NSYS_SENDtrap_sendtochan_spec abd
                | NSYS_YIELDbig2_thread_yield_spec abd
                | NSYS_PUTCsys_putc_spec abd
                | NSYS_GETCsys_getc_spec abd
                | _uctx_set_errno_spec (E_INVAL_CALLNR) abd
            else None
          | _None

    End Proc_Create.

End OBJ_Trap.

Require Import liblayers.compat.CompatGenSem.
Require Import liblayers.compat.CompatLayers.
Require Import CommonTactic.
Require Import RefinementTactic.
Require Import PrimSemantics.
Require Import AuxLemma.

Section OBJ_SIM.

  Context `{data : CompatData RData}.
  Context `{data0 : CompatData RData}.

  Context `{multi_oralce_prop: MultiOracleProp}.

  Context `{Hstencil: Stencil}.
  Context `{Hmem: Mem.MemoryModelX}.
  Context `{Hmwd: UseMemWithData mem}.

  Notation HDATAOps := (cdata (cdata_prf := data) RData).
  Notation LDATAOps := (cdata (cdata_prf := data0) RData).

  Context `{rel_prf: CompatRel _ (memory_model_ops:= memory_model_ops) _
                               (stencil_ops:= stencil_ops) HDATAOps LDATAOps}.

  Context `{real_params: RealParams}.

  Context `{thread_conf_ops: ThreadsConfigurationOps}.

  Lemma acquire_lock_SC_maintains_cid:
     habd habd´ i,
      big2_acquire_lock_SC_spec i habd = Some habd´
      → ZMap.get (CPU_ID habd) (cid habd) = ZMap.get (CPU_ID habd´) (cid habd´).
    unfold big2_acquire_lock_SC_spec; intros.
    subdestruct; inv H; reflexivity.

  Lemma release_lock_SC_maintains_cid:
     habd habd´ i,
      big2_release_lock_SC_spec i habd = Some habd´
      → ZMap.get (CPU_ID habd) (cid habd) = ZMap.get (CPU_ID habd´) (cid habd´).
    unfold big2_release_lock_SC_spec; intros.
    unfold big_release_lock_SC_spec in *; subst.
    subdestruct; inv H; reflexivity.

  Lemma palloc_maintains_cid:
     habd habd´ id b,
      big2_palloc_spec id habd = Some (habd´, b)
      → ZMap.get (CPU_ID habd) (cid habd) = ZMap.get (CPU_ID habd´) (cid habd´).
    unfold big2_palloc_spec; intros.
    subdestruct; inv H; simpl; trivial.

  Lemma ptInsertPTE0_maintains_cid:
     habd habd´ nn vadr padr perm,
      big2_ptInsertPTE0_spec nn vadr padr perm habd = Some habd´
      → ZMap.get (CPU_ID habd) (cid habd) = ZMap.get (CPU_ID habd´) (cid habd´).
    unfold big2_ptInsertPTE0_spec; intros.
    subdestruct; inv H; reflexivity.

  Lemma ptAllocPDE0_maintains_cid:
     habd habd´ nn vadr i,
      big2_ptAllocPDE_spec nn vadr habd = Some (habd´, i)
      → ZMap.get (CPU_ID habd) (cid habd) = ZMap.get (CPU_ID habd´) (cid habd´).
    unfold big2_ptAllocPDE_spec; intros.
    subdestruct; inv H; simpl; trivial;
    eapply palloc_maintains_cid; eauto.

  Lemma ptResv_maintains_cid:
     habd habd´ i n v p,
      big2_ptResv_spec n v p habd = Some (habd´, i)
      → ZMap.get (CPU_ID habd) (cid habd) = ZMap.get (CPU_ID habd´) (cid habd´).
    unfold big2_ptResv_spec. intros.
    inv H.
    erewrite palloc_maintains_cid; [ trivial | exact Hdestruct0 ].
    erewrite palloc_maintains_cid; [| exact Hdestruct0 ].
    unfold big2_ptInsert_spec in H.
    subdestruct; injection H as _ <-.
     - eapply ptInsertPTE0_maintains_cid; eauto.
     - eapply ptAllocPDE0_maintains_cid; eauto.
     - erewrite ptAllocPDE0_maintains_cid; [| exact Hdestruct11 ].
       eapply ptInsertPTE0_maintains_cid; eauto.

  Lemma thread_wakeup_maintains_cid:
     habd habd´ a r,
      big2_thread_wakeup_spec a habd = Some (habd´, r)
      → ZMap.get (CPU_ID habd) (cid habd) = ZMap.get (CPU_ID habd´) (cid habd´).
    unfold big2_thread_wakeup_spec. intros.
    subdestruct; inv H; reflexivity.

  Lemma tryreceive_chan_maintains_cid:
     habd habd´ chanid a b r,
      thread_tryreceive_chan_spec chanid a b habd = Some (habd´, r)
      → ZMap.get (CPU_ID habd) (cid habd) = ZMap.get (CPU_ID habd´) (cid habd´).
    unfold thread_tryreceive_chan_spec, thread_ipc_receive_body_spec.
    unfold ObjBigThread.big_ipc_receive_body_spec, big_page_copy_back_spec.
    subdestruct; inv H; simpl; trivial.
    eapply thread_wakeup_maintains_cid in Hdestruct25; simpl in *; try congruence.
    eapply thread_wakeup_maintains_cid in Hdestruct25; simpl in *; try congruence.

  Lemma syncreceive_chan_maintains_cid:
     habd habd´ chanid a b r,
      thread_syncreceive_chan_spec chanid a b habd = Some (habd´, r)
      → ZMap.get (CPU_ID habd) (cid habd) = ZMap.get (CPU_ID habd´) (cid habd´).
    unfold thread_syncreceive_chan_spec, flatmem_copy_spec.
    subdestruct; inv H; trivial.
    eapply release_lock_SC_maintains_cid in Hdestruct6; eauto.
    eapply acquire_lock_SC_maintains_cid in Hdestruct3; eauto.
    eapply tryreceive_chan_maintains_cid in Hdestruct4; eauto.

  Lemma big2_thread_sleep_maintains_cid:
     habd habd´ a,
      big2_thread_sleep_spec a habd = Some habd´
      → ZMap.get (CPU_ID habd) (cid habd) = ZMap.get (CPU_ID habd´) (cid habd´).
    unfold big2_thread_sleep_spec; intros.
    subdestruct; inv H; try reflexivity.

  Lemma syncsendto_chan_maintains_cid:
     habd habd´ a b c r,
      thread_syncsendto_chan_spec a b c habd = Some (habd´, r)
      → ZMap.get (CPU_ID habd) (cid habd) = ZMap.get (CPU_ID habd´) (cid habd´).
    unfold thread_syncsendto_chan_spec, thread_ipc_send_body_spec.
    unfold ObjBigThread.big_ipc_send_body_spec, big_page_copy_spec, thread_syncsendto_chan_pre_spec; intros.
    subdestruct; inv H; try reflexivity.
    - eapply release_lock_SC_maintains_cid in Hdestruct25; eauto.
      eapply acquire_lock_SC_maintains_cid in Hdestruct8; eauto.
      simpl in ×. congruence.
    - eapply release_lock_SC_maintains_cid in Hdestruct27; eauto.
      eapply acquire_lock_SC_maintains_cid in Hdestruct12; eauto.
      eapply acquire_lock_SC_maintains_cid in Hdestruct8; eauto.
      eapply big2_thread_sleep_maintains_cid in Hdestruct11; eauto.
      simpl in ×. congruence.

  Lemma proc_create_maintains_cid:
     habd habd´ b buc ofs_uc q i,
      big2_proc_create_spec habd b buc ofs_uc q = Some (habd´, i)
      → ZMap.get (CPU_ID habd) (cid habd) = ZMap.get (CPU_ID habd´) (cid habd´).
    unfold big2_proc_create_spec; intros.
    subdestruct; inv H; reflexivity.

  Lemma thread_vmx_set_intercept_intwin_maintains_cid:
     habd habd´ enable,
      thread_vmx_set_intercept_intwin_spec enable habd = Some habd´
      → ZMap.get (CPU_ID habd) (cid habd) = ZMap.get (CPU_ID habd´) (cid habd´).
    unfold thread_vmx_set_intercept_intwin_spec.
    unfold ObjVMCS.vmx_set_intercept_intwin_spec.
    subdestruct; injection H as <-; reflexivity.

  Lemma thread_vmx_set_mmap_maintains_cid:
     habd habd´ gpa hpa mem_type i,
      thread_vmx_set_mmap_spec gpa hpa mem_type habd = Some (habd´, i)
      → ZMap.get (CPU_ID habd) (cid habd) = ZMap.get (CPU_ID habd´) (cid habd´).
    unfold thread_vmx_set_mmap_spec.
    unfold vmx_set_mmap_spec.
    unfold ObjEPT.ept_add_mapping_spec, ObjEPT.ept_invalidate_mappings_spec.
    subdestruct; injection H as _ <-; reflexivity.

  Lemma thread_vmx_set_reg_maintains_cid:
     habd habd´ reg v,
      thread_vmx_set_reg_spec reg v habd = Some habd´
      → ZMap.get (CPU_ID habd) (cid habd) = ZMap.get (CPU_ID habd´) (cid habd´).
    unfold thread_vmx_set_reg_spec.
    unfold vmx_set_reg_spec.
    subdestruct; injection H as <-; reflexivity.

  Lemma thread_vmx_set_desc1_maintains_cid:
     habd habd´ seg sel base,
      thread_vmx_set_desc1_spec seg sel base habd = Some habd´
      → ZMap.get (CPU_ID habd) (cid habd) = ZMap.get (CPU_ID habd´) (cid habd´).
    unfold thread_vmx_set_desc1_spec.
    unfold ObjVMCS.vmx_set_desc1_spec.
    subdestruct; injection H as <-; reflexivity.

  Lemma thread_vmx_set_desc2_maintains_cid:
     habd habd´ seg lim ar,
      thread_vmx_set_desc2_spec seg lim ar habd = Some habd´
      → ZMap.get (CPU_ID habd) (cid habd) = ZMap.get (CPU_ID habd´) (cid habd´).
    unfold thread_vmx_set_desc2_spec.
    unfold ObjVMCS.vmx_set_desc2_spec.
    subdestruct; injection H as <-; reflexivity.

  Lemma thread_vmx_inject_event_maintains_cid:
     habd habd´ type vector errcode ev,
      thread_vmx_inject_event_spec type vector errcode ev habd = Some habd´
      → ZMap.get (CPU_ID habd) (cid habd) = ZMap.get (CPU_ID habd´) (cid habd´).
    Local Opaque Z.lor.
    unfold thread_vmx_inject_event_spec.
    unfold ObjVMCS.vmx_inject_event_spec; intros.
    subdestruct; inv H; reflexivity.

  Lemma thread_vmx_set_tsc_offset_maintains_cid:
     habd habd´ ofs,
      thread_vmx_set_tsc_offset_spec ofs habd = Some habd´
      → ZMap.get (CPU_ID habd) (cid habd) = ZMap.get (CPU_ID habd´) (cid habd´).
    unfold thread_vmx_set_tsc_offset_spec.
    unfold ObjVMCS.vmx_set_tsc_offset_spec.
    subdestruct; injection H as <-; reflexivity.

  Lemma uctx_set_retval1_maintains_cid:
     habd habd´ n,
      uctx_set_retval1_spec n habd = Some habd´
      → ZMap.get (CPU_ID habd) (cid habd) = ZMap.get (CPU_ID habd´) (cid habd´).
    unfold uctx_set_retval1_spec; intros.
    subdestruct; inv H; reflexivity.

  Lemma uctx_set_retval2_maintains_cid:
     habd habd´ n,
      uctx_set_retval2_spec n habd = Some habd´
      → ZMap.get (CPU_ID habd) (cid habd) = ZMap.get (CPU_ID habd´) (cid habd´).
    unfold uctx_set_retval2_spec; intros.
    subdestruct; inv H; reflexivity.

  Lemma uctx_set_retval3_maintains_cid:
     habd habd´ n,
      uctx_set_retval3_spec n habd = Some habd´
      → ZMap.get (CPU_ID habd) (cid habd) = ZMap.get (CPU_ID habd´) (cid habd´).
    unfold uctx_set_retval3_spec; intros.
    subdestruct; inv H; reflexivity.

  Lemma uctx_arg1_exist {re1: relate_impl_iflags} {re2: relate_impl_cid} {re3: relate_impl_uctxt}
        {re4: relate_impl_init} {re5: relate_impl_CPU_ID} {re6: relate_impl_big_log}:
     s habd z labd f,
      uctx_arg1_spec habd = Some z
      0 ZMap.get (CPU_ID habd) (cid habd) < num_proc
      relate_AbData s f habd labd
      uctx_arg1_spec labd = Some z.
  Proof. apply uctx_argn_exist; split; [ discriminate | reflexivity ]. Qed.

  Lemma uctx_arg2_exist {re1: relate_impl_iflags} {re2: relate_impl_cid} {re3: relate_impl_uctxt}
        {re4: relate_impl_init} {re5: relate_impl_CPU_ID} {re6: relate_impl_big_log}:
     s habd z labd f,
      uctx_arg2_spec habd = Some z
      0 ZMap.get (CPU_ID habd) (cid habd) < num_proc
      relate_AbData s f habd labd
      uctx_arg2_spec labd = Some z.
  Proof. apply uctx_argn_exist; split; [ discriminate | reflexivity ]. Qed.

  Lemma uctx_arg3_exist {re1: relate_impl_iflags} {re2: relate_impl_cid} {re3: relate_impl_uctxt}
        {re4: relate_impl_init} {re5: relate_impl_CPU_ID} {re6: relate_impl_big_log}:
     s habd z labd f,
      uctx_arg3_spec habd = Some z
      0 ZMap.get (CPU_ID habd) (cid habd) < num_proc
      relate_AbData s f habd labd
      uctx_arg3_spec labd = Some z.
  Proof. apply uctx_argn_exist; split; [ discriminate | reflexivity ]. Qed.

  Lemma uctx_arg4_exist {re1: relate_impl_iflags} {re2: relate_impl_cid} {re3: relate_impl_uctxt}
        {re4: relate_impl_init} {re5: relate_impl_CPU_ID} {re6: relate_impl_big_log}: s habd z labd f,
      uctx_arg4_spec habd = Some z
      0 ZMap.get (CPU_ID habd) (cid habd) < num_proc
      relate_AbData s f habd labd
      uctx_arg4_spec labd = Some z.
  Proof. apply uctx_argn_exist; split; [ discriminate | reflexivity ]. Qed.

  Lemma uctx_set_retval1_exist {re1: relate_impl_iflags} {re2: relate_impl_cid} {re3: relate_impl_uctxt}
        {re4: relate_impl_init} {re5: relate_impl_CPU_ID} {re6: relate_impl_big_log}:
     s habd habd´ labd n f,
      uctx_set_retval1_spec n habd = Some habd´
      → relate_AbData s f habd labd
      → 0 ZMap.get (CPU_ID habd) (cid habd) < num_proc
      → labd´, uctx_set_retval1_spec n labd = Some labd´
                        relate_AbData s f habd´ labd´.
  Proof uctx_set_regk_exist U_EBX.

  Lemma uctx_set_retval2_exist {re1: relate_impl_iflags} {re2: relate_impl_cid} {re3: relate_impl_uctxt}
        {re4: relate_impl_init} {re5: relate_impl_CPU_ID} {re6: relate_impl_big_log}:
     s habd habd´ labd n f,
      uctx_set_retval2_spec n habd = Some habd´
      → relate_AbData s f habd labd
      → 0 ZMap.get (CPU_ID habd) (cid habd) < num_proc
      → labd´, uctx_set_retval2_spec n labd = Some labd´
                        relate_AbData s f habd´ labd´.
  Proof uctx_set_regk_exist U_ESI.

  Lemma uctx_set_retval3_exist {re1: relate_impl_iflags} {re2: relate_impl_cid} {re3: relate_impl_uctxt}
        {re4: relate_impl_init} {re5: relate_impl_CPU_ID} {re6: relate_impl_big_log}:
     s habd habd´ labd n f,
      uctx_set_retval3_spec n habd = Some habd´
      → relate_AbData s f habd labd
      → 0 ZMap.get (CPU_ID habd) (cid habd) < num_proc
      → labd´, uctx_set_retval3_spec n labd = Some labd´
                        relate_AbData s f habd´ labd´.
  Proof uctx_set_regk_exist U_EDI.

  Section TRAP_GETC_SIM.

    Context {re1: relate_impl_iflags}.
    Context {re2: relate_impl_uctxt}.
    Context {re3: relate_impl_console}.
    Context {re4: relate_impl_intr_flag}.
    Context {re5: relate_impl_cid}.
    Context {re6: relate_impl_init}.
    Context {re7: relate_impl_ioapic}.
    Context {re8: relate_impl_com1}.
    Context {re9: relate_impl_in_intr}.
    Context {re10: relate_impl_drv_serial}.
    Context {re11: relate_impl_CPU_ID}.
    Context {re12: relate_impl_big_log}.

    Require Import INVLemmaInterrupt.

    Lemma sys_getc_exist:
       s habd habd´ labd f,
        sys_getc_spec habd = Some habd´
        → relate_AbData s f habd labd
        → 0 ZMap.get (CPU_ID habd) (cid habd) < num_proc
        → labd´, sys_getc_spec labd = Some labd´
                          relate_AbData s f habd´ labd´.
      unfold sys_getc_spec in ×. intros.

      assert(0 ZMap.get (CPU_ID r1) (cid r1) < num_proc).
        functional inversion Hdestruct3.
        exploit (serial_intr_enable_preserves_all); eauto; intro tmp; repeat (destruct tmp as [tmp1 tmp]; try rewrite <- tmp1 in *; clear tmp1); simpl; eauto.
        clear tmp.
        functional inversion Hdestruct.
        exploit (serial_intr_disable_preserves_all); eauto; intro tmp; repeat (destruct tmp as [tmp1 tmp]; try rewrite tmp1 in *; clear tmp1); simpl; eauto.
        functional inversion Hdestruct0.
        functional inversion H8; unfold b, s0 in *; subst; eauto.
      exploit thread_serial_intr_disable_exist; eauto; intros (? & ? & ?).
      exploit thread_cons_buf_read_exist; eauto; intros (? & ? & ?).
      exploit thread_serial_intr_enable_spec_exist; eauto; intros (? & ? & ?).
      exploit uctx_set_retval1_exist; eauto; intros (? & ? & ?).
      rewrite H3, H5, H7, Hdestruct2, H9.
      eapply uctx_set_regk_exist; try eassumption.
      functional inversion Hdestruct4; eauto.


  Section TRAP_PUTC_SIM.

    Context {re1: relate_impl_iflags}.
    Context {re2: relate_impl_uctxt}.
    Context {re3: relate_impl_console}.
    Context {re4: relate_impl_intr_flag}.
    Context {re5: relate_impl_cid}.
    Context {re6: relate_impl_init}.
    Context {re7: relate_impl_ioapic}.
    Context {re8: relate_impl_com1}.
    Context {re9: relate_impl_in_intr}.
    Context {re10: relate_impl_drv_serial}.
    Context {re11: relate_impl_CPU_ID}.
    Context {re12: relate_impl_big_log}.

    Lemma sys_putc_exist:
       s habd habd´ labd f,
        sys_putc_spec habd = Some habd´
        → relate_AbData s f habd labd
        → 0 ZMap.get (CPU_ID habd) (cid habd) < num_proc
        → labd´, sys_putc_spec labd = Some labd´
                          relate_AbData s f habd´ labd´.
      unfold sys_putc_spec in ×. intros.

      assert(0 ZMap.get (CPU_ID r1) (cid r1) < num_proc).
        functional inversion Hdestruct3;
        exploit (serial_intr_enable_preserves_all); eauto; intro tmp; repeat (destruct tmp as [tmp1 tmp]; try rewrite <- tmp1 in *; clear tmp1); simpl; eauto; clear tmp;
        functional inversion Hdestruct2; subst;
        functional inversion H5; subst;
        simpl in *;
        functional inversion Hdestruct1;
        exploit (serial_intr_disable_preserves_all); eauto; intro tmp; repeat (destruct tmp as [tmp1 tmp]; try rewrite tmp1 in *; clear tmp1); simpl; eauto.
      erewrite uctx_arg2_exist; eauto.
      exploit thread_serial_intr_disable_exist; eauto; intros (? & ? & ?).
      exploit thread_serial_putc_exist; eauto; intros (? & ? & ?).
      exploit thread_serial_intr_enable_spec_exist; eauto; intros (? & ? & ?).
      rewrite H3, H5, H7, Hdestruct0.
      eapply uctx_set_regk_exist; try eassumption.


  Lemma big_acquire_lock_SC_preserves_cid_range:
     chid d ,
      0 ZMap.get (CPU_ID d) (cid d) < num_proc
      big2_acquire_lock_SC_spec chid d = Some
      0 ZMap.get (CPU_ID ) (cid ) < num_proc.
    intros chid d Hinv.
    unfold big2_acquire_lock_SC_spec. intros.
    subdestruct; inv H; simpl; assumption.

  Lemma big2_thread_sleep_preserves_cid_range:
     chid d ,
      0 ZMap.get (CPU_ID d) (cid d) < num_proc
      big2_thread_sleep_spec chid d = Some
      0 ZMap.get (CPU_ID ) (cid ) < num_proc.
    intros chid d Hinv.
    unfold big2_thread_sleep_spec. intros.
    subdestruct; inv H; simpl; assumption.

  Lemma syncsendto_chan_pre_preserves_cid_range:
     cv d ,
      0 ZMap.get (CPU_ID d) (cid d) < num_proc
      thread_syncsendto_chan_pre_spec cv d = Some
      0 ZMap.get (CPU_ID ) (cid ) < num_proc.
    intros chid d Hinv.
    unfold thread_syncsendto_chan_pre_spec. intros.
    - inv H; simpl; eapply big_acquire_lock_SC_preserves_cid_range; eauto.
    - eapply big_acquire_lock_SC_preserves_cid_range; [| eauto].
      eapply big2_thread_sleep_preserves_cid_range; [| eauto].
      eapply big_acquire_lock_SC_preserves_cid_range; [| eauto].

  Import ObjCV.

  Lemma ipc_send_body_preserves_cid_range:
     chid vaddr scount v d ,
      0 ZMap.get (CPU_ID d) (cid d) < num_proc
      thread_ipc_send_body_spec chid vaddr scount d = Some (, v)
      0 ZMap.get (CPU_ID ) (cid ) < num_proc.
    intros chid vaddr scount v d Hinv.
    unfold thread_ipc_send_body_spec.
    unfold big_ipc_send_body_spec.
    unfold big_page_copy_spec.
    subdestruct; inv H; simpl.

  Lemma big_release_lock_SC_preserves_cid_range:
     chid d ,
      0 ZMap.get (CPU_ID d) (cid d) < num_proc
      big2_release_lock_SC_spec chid d = Some
      0 ZMap.get (CPU_ID ) (cid ) < num_proc.
    intros chid d Hinv.
    unfold big2_release_lock_SC_spec.
    unfold big_release_lock_SC_spec.
    subdestruct; inv H; simpl; assumption.

  Lemma trap_sendtochan_preserves_cid_range:
     cv vaddr scount v d ,
      0 ZMap.get (CPU_ID d) (cid d) < num_proc
      thread_syncsendto_chan_spec cv vaddr scount d = Some (, v)
      0 ZMap.get (CPU_ID ) (cid ) < num_proc.
    intros cv vaddr scount v d Hinv.
    unfold thread_syncsendto_chan_spec. intros.
    subdestruct; inv H.
    exploit syncsendto_chan_pre_preserves_cid_range; eauto; intros Hinv1.
    exploit ipc_send_body_preserves_cid_range; eauto; intros Hinv2.
    exploit big_release_lock_SC_preserves_cid_range; eauto.


    Context {re1: relate_impl_iflags}.
    Context {re2: relate_impl_syncchpool}.
    Context {re3: relate_impl_ipt}.
    Context {re4: relate_impl_cid}.
    Context {re5: relate_impl_uctxt}.
    Context {re6: relate_impl_ptpool}.
    Context {re7: relate_impl_PT}.
    Context {re8: relate_impl_init}.
    Context {re9: relate_impl_CPU_ID}.
    Context {re11: relate_impl_lock}.
    Context {re12: relate_impl_big_oracle}.
    Context {re13: relate_impl_big_log}.
    Context {re16: relate_impl_in_intr}.
    Context {re17: relate_impl_intr_flag}.
    Context {re18: relate_impl_AC}.
    Context {re19: relate_impl_trapinfo}.
    Context {re20: relate_impl_pperm}.
    Context {re21: relate_impl_HP}.

    Lemma trap_sendtochan_exist:
       s habd habd´ labd f,
        trap_sendtochan_spec habd = Some habd´
        → relate_AbData s f habd labd
        → 0 ZMap.get (CPU_ID habd) (cid habd) < num_proc
        → labd´, trap_sendtochan_spec labd = Some labd´
                          relate_AbData s f habd´ labd´.
      unfold trap_sendtochan_spec. intros.
      erewrite uctx_arg2_exist; eauto.
      erewrite uctx_arg3_exist; eauto.
      erewrite uctx_arg4_exist; eauto.
      exploit thread_syncsendto_chan_exist; eauto.
      intros (labd1 & → & Hr1).
      exploit uctx_set_retval1_exist; eauto.
      eapply trap_sendtochan_preserves_cid_range; eauto.
      intros (labd2 & → & Hr2).
      exploit (uctx_set_regk_exist U_EAX); eauto.
      functional inversion Hdestruct4. simpl.
      eapply trap_sendtochan_preserves_cid_range; eauto.


  Lemma flatmem_copy_preserves_cid_range:
     v1 v2 v3 d ,
      0 ZMap.get (CPU_ID d) (cid d) < num_proc
      flatmem_copy_spec v1 v2 v3 d = Some
      0 ZMap.get (CPU_ID ) (cid ) < num_proc.
    intros v1 v2 v3 d Hinv.
    unfold flatmem_copy_spec. intros.
    subdestruct; inv H; simpl; try assumption.

  Lemma page_copy_back_preserves_cid_range:
     v1 v2 v3 d ,
      0 ZMap.get (CPU_ID d) (cid d) < num_proc
      big_page_copy_back_spec v1 v2 v3 d = Some
      0 ZMap.get (CPU_ID ) (cid ) < num_proc.
    intros v1 v2 v3 d Hinv.
    unfold big_page_copy_back_spec.
    subdestruct; inv H; simpl; try assumption.

  Lemma ipc_receive_body_preserves_cid_range:
     cv chid vaddr v d ,
      0 ZMap.get (CPU_ID d) (cid d) < num_proc
      thread_ipc_receive_body_spec cv chid vaddr d = Some (, v)
      0 ZMap.get (CPU_ID ) (cid ) < num_proc.
    intros chid cv vaddr v d Hinv.
    unfold thread_ipc_receive_body_spec.
    unfold big_ipc_receive_body_spec.
    subdestruct; inv H; simpl.
    - eapply page_copy_back_preserves_cid_range; eauto.

  Lemma big_thread_wakeup_preserves_cid_range:
     id v d ,
      0 ZMap.get (CPU_ID d) (cid d) < num_proc
      big2_thread_wakeup_spec id d = Some (, v)
      0 ZMap.get (CPU_ID ) (cid ) < num_proc.
    intros id v d Hinv.
    unfold big2_thread_wakeup_spec. intros.
    subdestruct; inv H; simpl; assumption.

  Lemma tryreceive_chan_preserves_cid_range:
     chanid chid vaddr v d ,
      0 ZMap.get (CPU_ID d) (cid d) < num_proc
      thread_tryreceive_chan_spec chanid chid vaddr d = Some (, v)
      0 ZMap.get (CPU_ID ) (cid ) < num_proc.
    intros chanid chid vaddr v d Hinv.
    unfold thread_tryreceive_chan_spec. intros.
    subdestruct; inv H; simpl.
    - assumption.
    - exploit ipc_receive_body_preserves_cid_range; eauto; intros Hinv1.
      exploit big_thread_wakeup_preserves_cid_range; eauto.
    - exploit ipc_receive_body_preserves_cid_range; eauto; intros Hinv1.
      exploit big_thread_wakeup_preserves_cid_range; eauto.

  Lemma syncreceive_chan_preserves_cid_range:
     chanid cv vaddr v d ,
      0 ZMap.get (CPU_ID d) (cid d) < num_proc
      thread_syncreceive_chan_spec chanid cv vaddr d = Some (, v)
      0 ZMap.get (CPU_ID ) (cid ) < num_proc.
    intros chanid cv vaddr v d Hinv.
    unfold thread_syncreceive_chan_spec. intros.
    subdestruct; inv H.
    exploit big_acquire_lock_SC_preserves_cid_range; eauto; intros Hinv1.
    exploit tryreceive_chan_preserves_cid_range; eauto; intros Hinv2.
    exploit big_release_lock_SC_preserves_cid_range; eauto.


    Context {re1: relate_impl_iflags}.
    Context {re2: relate_impl_syncchpool}.
    Context {re3: relate_impl_ipt}.
    Context {re4: relate_impl_cid}.
    Context {re5: relate_impl_uctxt}.
    Context {re6: relate_impl_CPU_ID}.
    Context {re8: relate_impl_pperm}.
    Context {re9: relate_impl_HP}.
    Context {re11: relate_impl_init}.
    Context {re12: relate_impl_ptpool}.
    Context {re13: relate_impl_PT}.
    Context {re14: relate_impl_nps}.
    Context {re15: relate_impl_big_oracle}.
    Context {re16: relate_impl_big_log}.
    Context {re17: relate_impl_lock}.

    Context {re20: relate_impl_AC}.

    Lemma trap_receivechan_exist:
       s habd habd´ labd f,
        trap_receivechan_spec habd = Some habd´
        → relate_AbData s f habd labd
        → 0 ZMap.get (CPU_ID habd) (cid habd) < num_proc
        → labd´, trap_receivechan_spec labd = Some labd´
                          relate_AbData s f habd´ labd´.
      unfold trap_receivechan_spec in ×. intros.
      erewrite uctx_arg2_exist; eauto.
      erewrite uctx_arg3_exist; eauto.
      erewrite uctx_arg4_exist; eauto.
      exploit thread_syncreceive_chan_exist; eauto. intros (labd´ & HP & HR).
      rewrite HP.
      exploit uctx_set_retval1_exist; eauto.
      eapply syncreceive_chan_preserves_cid_range; eauto.
      intros (labd2 & → & Hr2).
      exploit (uctx_set_regk_exist U_EAX); eauto.
      functional inversion Hdestruct4. simpl.
      eapply syncreceive_chan_preserves_cid_range; eauto.



    Context {re1: relate_impl_iflags}.
    Context {re2: relate_impl_cid}.
    Context {re3: relate_impl_AC}.
    Context {re4: relate_impl_uctxt}.
    Context {re5: relate_impl_init}.
    Context {re6: relate_impl_CPU_ID}.
    Context {re7: relate_impl_big_log}.

    Lemma trap_get_quota_exist:
       s habd habd´ labd f,
        trap_get_quota_spec habd = Some habd´
        → relate_AbData s f habd labd
        → 0 ZMap.get (CPU_ID habd) (cid habd) < num_proc
        → labd´, trap_get_quota_spec labd = Some labd´
                          relate_AbData s f habd´ labd´.
      unfold trap_get_quota_spec in ×. intros.
      erewrite thread_get_curid_exist; eauto.
      erewrite thread_container_get_quota_exist; eauto.
      erewrite thread_container_get_usage_exist; eauto.
      exploit uctx_set_retval1_exist; eauto. intros (labd´´ & → & HR´).
      erewrite uctx_set_retval1_maintains_cid in H1; eauto.
      eapply uctx_set_regk_exist; eassumption.



    Context {re1: relate_impl_iflags}.
    Context {re2: relate_impl_cid}.
    Context {re3: relate_impl_uctxt}.
    Context {re4: relate_impl_vmcs}.
    Context {re5: relate_impl_init}.
    Context {re6: relate_impl_CPU_ID}.
    Context {re7: relate_impl_big_log}.

    Lemma trap_intercept_int_window_exist:
       s habd habd´ labd f,
        trap_intercept_int_window_spec habd = Some habd´
        → relate_AbData s f habd labd
        → 0 ZMap.get (CPU_ID habd) (cid habd) < num_proc
        → labd´, trap_intercept_int_window_spec labd = Some labd´
                          relate_AbData s f habd´ labd´.
      unfold trap_intercept_int_window_spec in ×. intros.

      erewrite uctx_arg2_exist; eauto.
      exploit thread_vmx_set_intercept_intwin_exist; eauto. intros (? & → & ?).
      erewrite thread_vmx_set_intercept_intwin_maintains_cid in H1; eauto.
      eapply uctx_set_regk_exist; try eassumption.



    Context {re1: relate_impl_iflags}.
    Context {re2: relate_impl_cid}.
    Context {re3: relate_impl_uctxt}.
    Context {re4: relate_impl_vmcs}.
    Context {re5: relate_impl_init}.
    Context {re6: relate_impl_CPU_ID}.
    Context {re7: relate_impl_big_log}.

    Lemma trap_check_pending_event_exist:
       s habd habd´ labd f,
        trap_check_pending_event_spec habd = Some habd´
        → relate_AbData s f habd labd
        → 0 ZMap.get (CPU_ID habd) (cid habd) < num_proc
        → labd´, trap_check_pending_event_spec labd = Some labd´
                          relate_AbData s f habd´ labd´.
      unfold trap_check_pending_event_spec in ×. intros.

      erewrite thread_vmx_check_pending_event_exists; eauto.
      exploit uctx_set_retval1_exist; eauto. intros (? & → & ?).
      erewrite uctx_set_retval1_maintains_cid in H1; eauto.
      eapply uctx_set_regk_exist; eassumption.



    Context {re1: relate_impl_iflags}.
    Context {re2: relate_impl_cid}.
    Context {re3: relate_impl_uctxt}.
    Context {re4: relate_impl_vmcs}.
    Context {re5: relate_impl_init}.
    Context {re6: relate_impl_CPU_ID}.
    Context {re7: relate_impl_big_log}.

    Lemma trap_check_int_shadow_exist:
       s habd habd´ labd f,
        trap_check_int_shadow_spec habd = Some habd´
        → relate_AbData s f habd labd
        → 0 ZMap.get (CPU_ID habd) (cid habd) < num_proc
        → labd´, trap_check_int_shadow_spec labd = Some labd´
                          relate_AbData s f habd´ labd´.
      unfold trap_check_int_shadow_spec in ×. intros.

      erewrite thread_vmx_check_int_shadow_exists; eauto.
      exploit uctx_set_retval1_exist; eauto. intros (? & → & ?).
      erewrite uctx_set_retval1_maintains_cid in H1; eauto.
      eapply uctx_set_regk_exist; eassumption.



    Context {re1: relate_impl_iflags}.
    Context {re2: relate_impl_cid}.
    Context {re3: relate_impl_uctxt}.
    Context {re4: relate_impl_vmcs}.
    Context {re5: relate_impl_init}.
    Context {re6: relate_impl_CPU_ID}.
    Context {re7: relate_impl_big_log}.

    Lemma trap_inject_event_exist:
       s habd habd´ labd f,
        trap_inject_event_spec habd = Some habd´
        → relate_AbData s f habd labd
        → 0 ZMap.get (CPU_ID habd) (cid habd) < num_proc
        → labd´, trap_inject_event_spec labd = Some labd´
                          relate_AbData s f habd´ labd´.
      unfold trap_inject_event_spec in ×. intros.
      destruct (uctx_arg2_spec habd) eqn:Hdestruct; contra_inv;
      destruct (uctx_arg3_spec habd) eqn:Hdestruct0; contra_inv;
      destruct (uctx_arg4_spec habd) eqn:Hdestruct1; contra_inv;

      erewrite uctx_arg2_exist; eauto.
      erewrite uctx_arg3_exist; eauto.
      erewrite uctx_arg4_exist; eauto.

      exploit thread_vmx_inject_event_exist; eauto. intros (? & → & ?).
      erewrite thread_vmx_inject_event_maintains_cid in H1; eauto.
      eapply uctx_set_regk_exist; eassumption.



    Context {re1: relate_impl_iflags}.
    Context {re2: relate_impl_cid}.
    Context {re3: relate_impl_uctxt}.
    Context {re4: relate_impl_vmx}.
    Context {re5: relate_impl_vmcs}.
    Context {re6: relate_impl_init}.
    Context {re7: relate_impl_CPU_ID}.
    Context {re8: relate_impl_big_log}.

    Lemma trap_get_next_eip_exist:
       s habd habd´ labd f,
        trap_get_next_eip_spec habd = Some habd´
        → relate_AbData s f habd labd
        → 0 ZMap.get (CPU_ID habd) (cid habd) < num_proc
        → labd´, trap_get_next_eip_spec labd = Some labd´
                          relate_AbData s f habd´ labd´.
      unfold trap_get_next_eip_spec in ×. intros.
      erewrite thread_vmx_get_next_eip_exist; eauto.
      rewrite Hdestruct0.
      exploit uctx_set_retval1_exist; eauto. intros (? & → & ?).
      erewrite uctx_set_retval1_maintains_cid in H1; eauto.
      eapply uctx_set_regk_exist; eassumption.



    Context {re1: relate_impl_iflags}.
    Context {re2: relate_impl_cid}.
    Context {re3: relate_impl_uctxt}.
    Context {re4: relate_impl_vmx}.
    Context {re5: relate_impl_vmcs}.
    Context {re6: relate_impl_init}.
    Context {re7: relate_impl_CPU_ID}.
    Context {re8: relate_impl_big_log}.

    Lemma trap_set_reg_exist:
       s habd habd´ labd f,
        trap_set_reg_spec habd = Some habd´
        → relate_AbData s f habd labd
        → 0 ZMap.get (CPU_ID habd) (cid habd) < num_proc
        → labd´, trap_set_reg_spec labd = Some labd´
                          relate_AbData s f habd´ labd´.
      unfold trap_set_reg_spec in ×. intros.

      destruct (uctx_arg2_spec habd) eqn:Hdestruct; contra_inv;
      destruct (uctx_arg3_spec habd) eqn:Hdestruct0; contra_inv.

      erewrite uctx_arg2_exist; eauto.
      erewrite uctx_arg3_exist; eauto.

      - exploit thread_vmx_set_reg_exist; eauto. intros (? & → & ?).
        erewrite thread_vmx_set_reg_maintains_cid in H1; eauto.
        eapply uctx_set_regk_exist; eassumption.

      - eapply uctx_set_regk_exist; eassumption.



    Context {re1: relate_impl_iflags}.
    Context {re2: relate_impl_cid}.
    Context {re3: relate_impl_uctxt}.
    Context {re4: relate_impl_vmx}.
    Context {re5: relate_impl_vmcs}.
    Context {re6: relate_impl_init}.
    Context {re7: relate_impl_CPU_ID}.
    Context {re8: relate_impl_big_log}.

    Lemma trap_get_reg_exist:
       s habd habd´ labd f,
        trap_get_reg_spec habd = Some habd´
        → relate_AbData s f habd labd
        → 0 ZMap.get (CPU_ID habd) (cid habd) < num_proc
        → labd´, trap_get_reg_spec labd = Some labd´
                          relate_AbData s f habd´ labd´.
      unfold trap_get_reg_spec in ×. intros.

      destruct (uctx_arg2_spec habd) eqn:Hdestruct; contra_inv.

      erewrite uctx_arg2_exist; eauto.

      - erewrite thread_vmx_get_reg_exist; eauto.
        exploit uctx_set_retval1_exist; eauto. intros (? & → & ?).
        erewrite uctx_set_retval1_maintains_cid in H1; eauto.
        eapply uctx_set_regk_exist; eassumption.

      - eapply uctx_set_regk_exist; eassumption.


  Section TRAP_SET_SEG1_SIM.

    Context {re1: relate_impl_iflags}.
    Context {re2: relate_impl_cid}.
    Context {re3: relate_impl_uctxt}.
    Context {re4: relate_impl_vmcs}.
    Context {re5: relate_impl_init}.
    Context {re6: relate_impl_CPU_ID}.
    Context {re7: relate_impl_big_log}.

    Lemma trap_set_seg1_exist:
       s habd habd´ labd f,
        trap_set_seg1_spec habd = Some habd´
        → relate_AbData s f habd labd
        → 0 ZMap.get (CPU_ID habd) (cid habd) < num_proc
        → labd´, trap_set_seg1_spec labd = Some labd´
                          relate_AbData s f habd´ labd´.
      unfold trap_set_seg1_spec in ×. intros.

      destruct (uctx_arg2_spec habd) eqn:Hdestruct; contra_inv;
      destruct (uctx_arg3_spec habd) eqn:Hdestruct0; contra_inv;
      destruct (uctx_arg4_spec habd) eqn:Hdestruct1; contra_inv;

      erewrite uctx_arg2_exist; eauto.
      erewrite uctx_arg3_exist; eauto.
      erewrite uctx_arg4_exist; eauto.

      - exploit thread_vmx_set_desc1_exist; eauto. intros (? & → & ?).
        erewrite thread_vmx_set_desc1_maintains_cid in H1; eauto.
        eapply uctx_set_regk_exist; eassumption.

      - eapply uctx_set_regk_exist; eassumption.


  Section TRAP_SET_SEG2_SIM.

    Context {re1: relate_impl_iflags}.
    Context {re2: relate_impl_cid}.
    Context {re3: relate_impl_uctxt}.
    Context {re4: relate_impl_vmcs}.
    Context {re5: relate_impl_init}.
    Context {re6: relate_impl_CPU_ID}.
    Context {re7: relate_impl_big_log}.

    Lemma trap_set_seg2_exist:
       s habd habd´ labd f,
        trap_set_seg2_spec habd = Some habd´
        → relate_AbData s f habd labd
        → 0 ZMap.get (CPU_ID habd) (cid habd) < num_proc
        → labd´, trap_set_seg2_spec labd = Some labd´
                          relate_AbData s f habd´ labd´.
      unfold trap_set_seg2_spec in ×. intros.

      destruct (uctx_arg2_spec habd) eqn:Hdestruct; contra_inv;
      destruct (uctx_arg3_spec habd) eqn:Hdestruct0; contra_inv;
      destruct (uctx_arg4_spec habd) eqn:Hdestruct1; contra_inv;

      erewrite uctx_arg2_exist; eauto.
      erewrite uctx_arg3_exist; eauto.
      erewrite uctx_arg4_exist; eauto.

      - exploit thread_vmx_set_desc2_exist; eauto. intros (? & → & ?).
        erewrite thread_vmx_set_desc2_maintains_cid in H1; eauto.
        eapply uctx_set_regk_exist; eassumption.

      - eapply uctx_set_regk_exist; eassumption.



    Context {re1: relate_impl_iflags}.
    Context {re2: relate_impl_cid}.
    Context {re3: relate_impl_uctxt}.
    Context {re4: relate_impl_vmcs}.
    Context {re5: relate_impl_init}.
    Context {re6: relate_impl_CPU_ID}.
    Context {re7: relate_impl_big_log}.

    Lemma trap_get_tsc_offset_exist:
       s habd habd´ labd f,
        trap_get_tsc_offset_spec habd = Some habd´
        → relate_AbData s f habd labd
        → 0 ZMap.get (CPU_ID habd) (cid habd) < num_proc
        → labd´, trap_get_tsc_offset_spec labd = Some labd´
                          relate_AbData s f habd´ labd´.
      Local Opaque Z.shiftr.

      unfold trap_get_tsc_offset_spec in ×. intros.

      erewrite thread_vmx_get_tsc_offset_exists; eauto. simpl.
      exploit uctx_set_retval1_exist; eauto. intros (? & → & ?).
      erewrite uctx_set_retval1_maintains_cid in H1; eauto.
      exploit uctx_set_retval2_exist; eauto. intros (? & → & ?).
      erewrite uctx_set_retval2_maintains_cid in H1; eauto.
      eapply uctx_set_regk_exist; eassumption.



    Context {re1: relate_impl_iflags}.
    Context {re2: relate_impl_cid}.
    Context {re3: relate_impl_uctxt}.
    Context {re4: relate_impl_vmcs}.
    Context {re5: relate_impl_init}.
    Context {re6: relate_impl_CPU_ID}.
    Context {re7: relate_impl_big_log}.

    Lemma trap_set_tsc_offset_exist:
       s habd habd´ labd f,
        trap_set_tsc_offset_spec habd = Some habd´
        → relate_AbData s f habd labd
        → 0 ZMap.get (CPU_ID habd) (cid habd) < num_proc
        → labd´, trap_set_tsc_offset_spec labd = Some labd´
                          relate_AbData s f habd´ labd´.
      Local Opaque Z.lor Z.shiftl.

      unfold trap_set_tsc_offset_spec in ×. intros.

      erewrite uctx_arg2_exist; eauto.
      erewrite uctx_arg3_exist; eauto.
      exploit thread_vmx_set_tsc_offset_exist; eauto. intros (? & → & ?).
      erewrite thread_vmx_set_tsc_offset_maintains_cid in H1; eauto.
      eapply uctx_set_regk_exist; eassumption.



    Context {re1: relate_impl_iflags}.
    Context {re2: relate_impl_cid}.
    Context {re3: relate_impl_uctxt}.
    Context {re4: relate_impl_vmcs}.
    Context {re5: relate_impl_vmx}.
    Context {re6: relate_impl_init}.
    Context {re7: relate_impl_CPU_ID}.
    Context {re8: relate_impl_big_log}.

    Lemma trap_get_exitinfo_exist:
       s habd habd´ labd f,
        trap_get_exitinfo_spec habd = Some habd´
        → relate_AbData s f habd labd
        → 0 ZMap.get (CPU_ID habd) (cid habd) < num_proc
        → labd´, trap_get_exitinfo_spec labd = Some labd´
                          relate_AbData s f habd´ labd´.
      unfold trap_get_exitinfo_spec in ×. intros.
      repeat (
        match goal with
        | HT:context [match ?con with | __ end] |- _
          let H := fresh "Hdestruct" in
          destruct con eqn:H; contra_inv;
          first [ erewrite thread_vmx_get_exit_reason_exists
                | erewrite thread_vmx_get_exit_io_port_exist
                | erewrite thread_vmx_get_io_width_exist
                | erewrite thread_vmx_get_io_write_exist
                | erewrite thread_vmx_get_exit_io_rep_exist
                | erewrite thread_vmx_get_exit_io_str_exist
                | erewrite thread_vmx_get_exit_fault_addr_exists
                | erewrite thread_vmx_get_exit_qualification_exist ];
          eauto; simpl in HT |- ×

      - exploit uctx_set_retval1_exist; eauto. intros (? & → & ?).
        erewrite uctx_set_retval1_maintains_cid in H1; eauto.
        exploit uctx_set_retval2_exist; eauto. intros (? & → & ?).
        erewrite uctx_set_retval2_maintains_cid in H1; eauto.
        exploit uctx_set_retval3_exist; eauto. intros (? & → & ?).
        erewrite uctx_set_retval3_maintains_cid in H1; eauto.
        eapply uctx_set_regk_exist; eassumption.

      - exploit uctx_set_retval1_exist; eauto. intros (? & → & ?).
        erewrite uctx_set_retval1_maintains_cid in H1; eauto.
        exploit uctx_set_retval2_exist; eauto. intros (? & → & ?).
        erewrite uctx_set_retval2_maintains_cid in H1; eauto.
        eapply uctx_set_regk_exist; eassumption.

      - exploit uctx_set_retval1_exist; eauto. intros (? & → & ?).
        erewrite uctx_set_retval1_maintains_cid in H1; eauto.
        exploit uctx_set_retval2_exist; eauto. intros (? & → & ?).
        erewrite uctx_set_retval2_maintains_cid in H1; eauto.
        eapply uctx_set_regk_exist; eassumption.

      - exploit uctx_set_retval1_exist; eauto. intros (? & → & ?).
        erewrite uctx_set_retval1_maintains_cid in H1; eauto.
        eapply uctx_set_regk_exist; eassumption.



    Context {re1: relate_impl_iflags}.
    Context {re2: relate_impl_cid}.
    Context {re3: relate_impl_uctxt}.
    Context {re4: relate_impl_vmx}.
    Context {re5: relate_impl_vmcs}.
    Context {re6: relate_impl_init}.
    Context {re7: relate_impl_CPU_ID}.
    Context {re8: relate_impl_big_log}.

    Lemma trap_handle_rdmsr_exist:
       s habd habd´ labd f,
        trap_handle_rdmsr_spec habd = Some habd´
        → relate_AbData s f habd labd
        → 0 ZMap.get (CPU_ID habd) (cid habd) < num_proc
        → labd´, trap_handle_rdmsr_spec labd = Some labd´
                          relate_AbData s f habd´ labd´.
      Local Opaque Z.shiftr.

      unfold trap_handle_rdmsr_spec, thread_rdmsr_spec.
      unfold ObjVMCS.rdmsr_spec; intros.
      exploit relate_impl_iflags_eq; eauto. inversion 1.
      revert H. subrewrite. subdestruct.

      erewrite thread_vmx_get_reg_exist; eauto.
      erewrite thread_vmx_set_reg_maintains_cid in H1; eauto.
      exploit thread_vmx_set_reg_exist; try exact Hdestruct2; eauto. intros (? & → & ?).
      erewrite thread_vmx_set_reg_maintains_cid in H1; eauto.
      exploit thread_vmx_set_reg_exist; try exact Hdestruct3; eauto. intros (? & → & ?).
      erewrite thread_vmx_get_next_eip_exist; eauto.
      erewrite thread_vmx_set_reg_maintains_cid in H1; eauto.
      rewrite Hdestruct5.
      exploit thread_vmx_set_reg_exist; try exact Hdestruct5; eauto. intros (? & → & ?).

      eapply uctx_set_regk_exist; eassumption.



    Context {re1: relate_impl_iflags}.
    Context {re2: relate_impl_cid}.
    Context {re3: relate_impl_uctxt}.
    Context {re4: relate_impl_vmx}.
    Context {re5: relate_impl_vmcs}.
    Context {re6: relate_impl_init}.
    Context {re7: relate_impl_CPU_ID}.
    Context {re8: relate_impl_big_log}.

    Lemma trap_handle_wrmsr_exist:
       s habd habd´ labd f,
        trap_handle_wrmsr_spec habd = Some habd´
        → relate_AbData s f habd labd
        → 0 ZMap.get (CPU_ID habd) (cid habd) < num_proc
        → labd´, trap_handle_wrmsr_spec labd = Some labd´
                          relate_AbData s f habd´ labd´.
      Local Opaque Z.lor Z.shiftl.

      unfold trap_handle_wrmsr_spec, thread_wrmsr_spec.
      unfold ObjVMCS.wrmsr_spec; intros.
      exploit relate_impl_iflags_eq; eauto. inversion 1.
      revert H. subrewrite. subdestruct.

      erewrite thread_vmx_get_reg_exist; eauto.
      erewrite thread_vmx_get_reg_exist; eauto.
      erewrite thread_vmx_get_reg_exist; eauto.
      erewrite thread_vmx_get_next_eip_exist; eauto.
      erewrite thread_vmx_set_reg_maintains_cid in H1; eauto.
      exploit thread_vmx_set_reg_exist; eauto. intros (? & → & ?).
      rewrite Hdestruct5.
      eapply uctx_set_regk_exist; eassumption.


  Section TRAP_MMAP_SIM.

    Context {re1: relate_impl_iflags}.
    Context {re2: relate_impl_syncchpool}.
    Context {re3: relate_impl_ipt}.
    Context {re4: relate_impl_cid}.
    Context {re5: relate_impl_uctxt}.
    Context {re6: relate_impl_ptpool}.
    Context {re7: relate_impl_init}.
    Context {re8: relate_impl_nps}.
    Context {re9: relate_impl_pperm}.
    Context {re10: relate_impl_HP}.
    Context {re11: relate_impl_ept}.
    Context {re12: relate_impl_AC}.
    Context {re13: relate_impl_CPU_ID}.
    Context {re14: relate_impl_big_oracle}.
    Context {re15: relate_impl_lock}.
    Context {re16: relate_impl_big_log}.

    Lemma trap_mmap_exist:
       s habd habd´ labd f,
        trap_mmap_spec habd = Some habd´
        → relate_AbData s f habd labd
        → 0 ZMap.get (CPU_ID habd) (cid habd) < num_proc
        → labd´, trap_mmap_spec labd = Some labd´
                          relate_AbData s f habd´ labd´.
      Local Opaque Z.modulo Z.add Z.sub.

      unfold trap_mmap_spec in ×. intros.
      exploit relate_impl_cid_eq; eauto. intros.
      exploit relate_impl_CPU_ID_eq; eauto. intros.

      destruct (uctx_arg2_spec habd) eqn:Hdestruct; contra_inv;
      destruct (uctx_arg3_spec habd) eqn:Hdestruct0; contra_inv;
      destruct (uctx_arg4_spec habd) eqn:Hdestruct1; contra_inv.

      erewrite uctx_arg2_exist; eauto.
      erewrite uctx_arg3_exist; eauto.
      erewrite uctx_arg4_exist; eauto.
      revert H. subrewrite. clear Hdestruct Hdestruct0 Hdestruct1. subdestruct.

      - erewrite thread_ptRead_exist; try exact Hdestruct0; eauto.
        exploit big2_ptResv_exist; eauto. intros (? & → & ?).
        erewrite ptResv_maintains_cid in H1; eauto.
        erewrite thread_ptRead_exist; try Hdestruct4; eauto.
        exploit thread_vmx_set_mmap_exist; eauto. intros (? & → & ?).
        erewrite thread_vmx_set_mmap_maintains_cid in H1; eauto.

        eapply uctx_set_regk_exist; eassumption.

      - erewrite thread_ptRead_exist; try exact Hdestruct0; eauto.
        exploit thread_vmx_set_mmap_exist; try eauto. intros (? & → & ?).
        erewrite thread_vmx_set_mmap_maintains_cid in H1; eauto.
        eapply uctx_set_regk_exist; eassumption.

      - eapply uctx_set_regk_exist; eassumption.



    Context {re1: relate_impl_iflags}.
    Context {re2: relate_impl_init}.
    Context {re3: relate_impl_nps}.
    Context {re4: relate_impl_pperm}.
    Context {re5: relate_impl_ipt}.
    Context {re6: relate_impl_ptpool}.
    Context {re7: relate_impl_HP}.
    Context {re8: relate_impl_cid}.
    Context {re9: relate_impl_CPU_ID}.
    Context {re10: relate_impl_uctxt}.
    Context {re11: relate_impl_AC}.
    Context {re12: relate_impl_big_oracle}.
    Context {re13: relate_impl_lock}.
    Context {re14: relate_impl_big_log}.

    Lemma ptfault_resv_exist:
       s habd habd´ labd n f,
        ptfault_resv_spec n habd = Some habd´
        → relate_AbData s f habd labd
        → 0 ZMap.get (CPU_ID habd) (cid habd) < num_proc
        → labd´, ptfault_resv_spec n labd = Some labd´
                    relate_AbData s f habd´ labd´.
      unfold ptfault_resv_spec; intros.
      exploit relate_impl_cid_eq; eauto. intros.
      exploit relate_impl_CPU_ID_eq; eauto. intros.
      revert H. subrewrite. subdestruct.
      exploit big2_ptResv_exist; eauto. intros [ labd´ [ → rel´ ] ].
       labd´. inv HQ. refine_split; auto.

    Context {mt1: match_impl_pperm}.
    Context {mt2: match_impl_ptpool}.
    Context {mt3: match_impl_HP}.
    Context {mt4: match_impl_uctxt}.
    Context {mt5: match_impl_AC}.
    Context {mt6: match_impl_big_oracle}.
    Context {mt7: match_impl_lock}.
    Context {mt8: match_impl_big_log}.

    Lemma ptfault_resv_match:
       s d m n f,
        ptfault_resv_spec n d = Some
        → match_AbData s d m f
        → match_AbData s m f.
      unfold ptfault_resv_spec; intros.
      subdestruct; inv H; trivial.
      exploit big2_ptResv_match; eauto.

    Context {inv: PreservesInvariants (HD:= data) ptfault_resv_spec}.
    Context {inv0: PreservesInvariants (HD:= data0) ptfault_resv_spec}.

    Lemma ptfault_resv_sim:
        ( d1, high_level_invariant (CompatDataOps:= data_ops) d1
                    0 ZMap.get (CPU_ID d1) (cid d1) < num_proc) →
        sim (crel RData RData) (id gensem ptfault_resv_spec)
            (id gensem ptfault_resv_spec).
      intros ? valid_cid. layer_sim_simpl. compatsim_simpl (@match_AbData). intros.
      exploit ptfault_resv_exist; eauto; intros [labd´ [HP HM]].
      eapply ptfault_resv_match; eauto.



    Context {re1: relate_impl_iflags}.
    Context {re2: relate_impl_ipt}.
    Context {re3: relate_impl_uctxt}.
    Context {re4: relate_impl_cid}.
    Context {re5: relate_impl_AC}.
    Context {re6: relate_impl_big_oracle}.
    Context {re7: relate_impl_big_log}.
    Context {re8: relate_impl_lock}.
    Context {re9: relate_impl_CPU_ID}.
    Context {re10: relate_impl_init}.

    Lemma trap_proc_create_exist:
       s hm lm habd habd´ labd f,
        trap_proc_create_spec s hm habd = Some habd´
        → relate_AbData s f habd labd
        → Mem.inject f hm lm
        → inject_incr (Mem.flat_inj (genv_next s)) f
        → 0 ZMap.get (CPU_ID habd) (cid habd) < num_proc
        → labd´, trap_proc_create_spec s lm labd = Some labd´
                          relate_AbData s f habd´ labd´.
      unfold trap_proc_create_spec, ELF_ident.
      unfold thread_container_can_consume_spec.
      unfold ObjContainer.container_can_consume_spec.
      exploit relate_impl_cid_eq; eauto; intro Hcid.
      exploit relate_impl_CPU_ID_eq; eauto; intro HCPU.
      exploit relate_impl_AC_eq; eauto; intro HAC.
      exploit relate_impl_init_eq; eauto; intro Hinit.
      exploit relate_impl_iflags_eq; eauto; intro Hflags.
      exploit relate_impl_big_log_eq; eauto; intro Hbig_log.
      inv Hflags.
      rewrite <- HAC, <- Hcid, <- HCPU, <- Hinit, <- ikern_eq, <- ihost_eq.
      destruct (uctx_arg3_spec habd) eqn:Harg3; try discriminate H.
      erewrite uctx_arg3_exist; eauto.
      subdestruct; subst.
      rewrite <- Hbig_log.
      rewrite Hdestruct6.
      - assert (f b0 = Some (b0, 0)).
        { apply H2.
          unfold Mem.flat_inj.
          apply genv_symb_range in Hdestruct10.
          destruct (plt b0 (genv_next s)); [ reflexivity | contradiction ].
        assert (f b1 = Some (b1, 0)).
        { apply H2.
          unfold Mem.flat_inj.
          apply genv_symb_range in Hdestruct11.
          destruct (plt b1 (genv_next s)); [ reflexivity | contradiction ].

        erewrite uctx_arg2_exist; eauto.
        simpl; subrewrite´.

        exploit Mem.load_inject; eauto.
        simpl. intros (? & → & ?).
        inv H6. rewrite H5 in H9. injection H9 as <- <-.
        inv H9.
        rewrite peq_true.
        rewrite Int.add_zero.
        rewrite Hdestruct16.
        exploit big2_proc_create_exist; eauto. intros (? & → & ?).
        erewrite proc_create_maintains_cid in H3; eauto.
        exploit uctx_set_retval1_exist; eauto.
        intros (? & → & ?).
        eapply uctx_set_retval1_maintains_cid in Hdestruct19; eauto.
        simpl in Hdestruct19.
        rewrite Hdestruct19 in H3.
        eapply uctx_set_regk_exist; eauto.
      - rewrite <- Hbig_log.
        rewrite Hdestruct6.
        eapply uctx_set_regk_exist; eassumption.
      - rewrite <- Hbig_log.
        rewrite Hdestruct8.
        eapply uctx_set_regk_exist; eassumption.
      - rewrite <- Hbig_log.
        rewrite Hdestruct8.
        eapply uctx_set_regk_exist; eassumption.
      - rewrite <- Hbig_log.
        rewrite Hdestruct7.
        eapply uctx_set_regk_exist; eassumption.



    Context {re1: relate_impl_iflags}.
    Context {re2: relate_impl_ipt}.
    Context {re3: relate_impl_nps}.
    Context {re4: relate_impl_init}.
    Context {re5: relate_impl_PT}.
    Context {re6: relate_impl_ptpool}.
    Context {re7: relate_impl_idpde}.
    Context {re8: relate_impl_cid}.
    Context {re9: relate_impl_syncchpool}.
    Context {re10: relate_impl_vmxinfo}.
    Context {re11: relate_impl_pperm}.
    Context {re12: relate_impl_HP}.
    Context {re13: relate_impl_ept}.
    Context {re14: relate_impl_uctxt}.
    Context {re15: relate_impl_AC}.
    Context {re16: relate_impl_big_oracle}.
    Context {re17: relate_impl_big_log}.
    Context {re18: relate_impl_lock}.
    Context {re19: relate_impl_CPU_ID}.
    Context {re20: relate_impl_ioapic}.
    Context {re21: relate_impl_com1}.
    Context {re22: relate_impl_in_intr}.
    Context {re23: relate_impl_drv_serial}.
    Context {re24: relate_impl_console}.
    Context {re25: relate_impl_intr_flag}.
    Context {re26: relate_impl_vmcs}.
    Context {re27: relate_impl_vmx}.
    Context {re28: relate_impl_trapinfo}.

    Lemma sys_dispatch_c_exist:
       s hm lm habd habd´ labd f,
        sys_dispatch_c_spec s hm habd = Some habd´
        → relate_AbData s f habd labd
        → Mem.inject f hm lm
        → inject_incr (Mem.flat_inj (genv_next s)) f
        → 0 ZMap.get (CPU_ID habd) (cid habd) < num_proc
        → labd´, sys_dispatch_c_spec s lm labd = Some labd´
                          relate_AbData s f habd´ labd´.
      unfold sys_dispatch_c_spec. intros.
      destruct (uctx_arg1_spec habd) eqn:Hdestruct; try discriminate.
      erewrite uctx_arg1_exist; eauto.
      case_eq (zle_le 0 z Int.max_unsigned); intros; rewrite H4 in H; try discriminate H.
      destruct (Syscall_Z2Num z) eqn:Hdestruct0;
        try eapply uctx_set_regk_exist; eauto.

      eapply trap_proc_create_exist; eauto.
      eapply big2_thread_yield_exist; eauto.
      eapply trap_get_tsc_offset_exist; eauto.
      eapply trap_set_tsc_offset_exist; eauto.
      eapply trap_get_exitinfo_exist; eauto.
      eapply trap_mmap_exist; eauto.
      eapply trap_set_reg_exist; eauto.
      eapply trap_get_reg_exist; eauto.
      eapply trap_set_seg1_exist; eauto.
      eapply trap_set_seg2_exist; eauto.
      eapply trap_get_next_eip_exist; eauto.
      eapply trap_inject_event_exist; eauto.
      eapply trap_check_pending_event_exist; eauto.
      eapply trap_check_int_shadow_exist; eauto.
      eapply trap_intercept_int_window_exist; eauto.
      eapply trap_handle_rdmsr_exist; eauto.
      eapply trap_handle_wrmsr_exist; eauto.
      eapply trap_get_quota_exist; eauto.
      eapply trap_receivechan_exist; eauto.
      eapply trap_sendtochan_exist; eauto.
      eapply sys_getc_exist; eauto.
      eapply sys_putc_exist; eauto.