
Require Import Coqlib.
Require Import Integers.
Require Export FlatMemory.
Require Export Asm.
Require Import DeviceStateDataType.
Require Import Values.
Require Import Constant.
Require Import LOracle.
Require Import AbstractDataType.
Require Import AuxStateDataType.
Require Import Maps.
Require Import ListLemma.

Open Scope Z_scope.

Parameter LEnv : ET: Type, ZET.

Section DeviceEvent.

  Inductive SerialEvent :=
  | NullEvent
  | SerialRecv (s: list Z)
  | SerialSendComplete
  | SerialPlugin

  Inductive KeyboardEvent :=
  | Keys (keys: list KeyAction)

End DeviceEvent.

Definition KeyboardModel (a: KeyAction) :=
  match a with
  | Press k ⇒ 0 k 101
  | Release k ⇒ 0 k 101

Module SerialEventT <: Event.
Definition T := SerialEvent.
Definition d := NullEvent.
End SerialEventT.

Module KeyboardEventT <: Event.
Definition T := KeyboardEvent.
Definition d := (Keys nil).
End KeyboardEventT.

Module SerialOracle := LOracle SerialEventT.
Module KeyboardOracle := LOracle KeyboardEventT.

Definition SerialEnv := LEnv SerialEvent.
Definition KeyboardEnv := LEnv KeyboardEvent.

Function is_relate_tx (e: SerialEvent) : bool :=
  match e with
  | NullEventfalse
  | SerialRecv _false
  | SerialSendCompletetrue
  | SerialPluginfalse

Function is_relate_rx (e: SerialEvent) : bool :=
  match e with
  | NullEventfalse
  | SerialRecv _true
  | SerialSendCompletefalse
  | SerialPluginfalse

Module OracleInvariants.
  Parameter serial_send_complete_bound:
      d.(com1).(s).(TxBuf) nil
        0 t < 12800
        ( n, 0 n < tSerialEnv ((l2 (com1 d)) + n) = NullEvent)
        SerialEnv ((l2 (com1 d)) + t) = SerialSendComplete.

  Parameter serial_recv_limit:
     t str,
      SerialEnv t = SerialRecv str
      (str nil
       0 < Zlength str 12
       Forall isChar str
        n, n (Zlength str) × 2 + 5 →
            SerialEnv (t + n) = NullEvent).

  Parameter serial_active_on_boot:
     t, t < 0 SerialEnv t = SerialPlugin.

  Parameter keyboard_recv_limit :
     t s,
      KeyboardEnv t = Keys s
      s nil
      (0 < Zlength s 6
       Forall KeyboardModel s
        n, n (Zlength s) × 2 + 5 →
            KeyboardEnv (t + n) = Keys nil).

End OracleInvariants.