Library mcertikos.proc.QueueIntroGenLemma
This file provide the contextual refinement proof between MBoot layer and MALInit layer
Section Refinement.
Section WITHMEM.
Context `{Hstencil: Stencil}.
Context `{Hmem: Mem.MemoryModelX}.
Context `{Hmwd: UseMemWithData mem}.
Context `{multi_oracle_prop: MultiOracleProp}.
Lemma H_CalLock_relate_TCB_log:
∀ l l´ s p
(Hcal: H_CalLock l = Some p)
(Hrel: relate_TCB_Log s l l´),
H_CalLock l´ = Some p.
induction l; intros; simpl.
- inv Hrel. eauto.
- inv Hrel. inv Hrelate_event.
+ Local Transparent H_CalLock.
simpl in ×.
subdestruct. inv Hcal.
exploit IHl; eauto.
intros Hcal´. rewrite Hcal´.
rewrite zeq_true. trivial.
+ simpl in ×.
subdestruct; inv Hcal.
× exploit IHl; eauto.
intros Hcal´. rewrite Hcal´.
rewrite zeq_true. trivial.
× exploit IHl; eauto.
intros Hcal´. rewrite Hcal´. trivial.
+ simpl in ×.
subdestruct; inv Hcal.
× exploit IHl; eauto.
intros Hcal´. rewrite Hcal´.
rewrite zeq_true. trivial.
Lemma relate_TCB_Log_cons:
∀ l1 l1´ l2 l2´ s
(Hrel1: relate_TCB_Log s l1 l2)
(Hrel2: relate_TCB_Log s l1´ l2´),
relate_TCB_Log s (l1 ++ l1´) (l2 ++ l2´).
induction l1; simpl; intros.
- inv Hrel1. eapply Hrel2.
- inv Hrel1. exploit IHl1; eauto.
intros Hrel3. simpl.
econstructor; eauto.
Lemma relate_TCB_Log_oracle_cons:
∀ c o1 o2 l1 l2 s i
(Hrel1: relate_TCB_Log s l1 l2)
(Hrel2: relate_TCB_Oracle_Pool s o1 o2)
(Hrange: 0 ≤ i < num_chan),
relate_TCB_Log s (ZMap.get (i + ID_AT_range) o1 c l1 ++ l1) (ZMap.get (i + ID_AT_range) o2 c l2 ++ l2).
intros. eapply relate_TCB_Log_cons; eauto.
inv Hrel2. specialize (H0 _ Hrange).
inv H0. eauto.
Lemma relate_TCB_Log_GetSharedTCB:
∀ l1 l2 s
(Hrel1: relate_TCB_Log s l1 l2),
(∀ tb tq, GetSharedTCB l1 = Some (tb, tq) →
∃ m, GetSharedMemEvent l2 = Some m
∧ relate_TCB_Event s (OTCBE tb tq) (OMEME m))
∧ (GetSharedTCB l1 = None → GetSharedMemEvent l2 = None).
induction l1; simpl; intros.
- split; intros; try congruence. inv Hrel1. trivial.
- split; intros.
+ inv Hrel1. inv Hrelate_event.
× inv H. simpl.
refine_split´; trivial.
× simpl. exploit IHl1; eauto.
intros (HP & _). eapply HP; eauto.
× simpl. exploit IHl1; eauto.
intros (HP & _). eapply HP; eauto.
+ inv Hrel1. inv Hrelate_event; try congruence.
× simpl. exploit IHl1; eauto.
intros (_ & HP). eapply HP; eauto.
× simpl. exploit IHl1; eauto.
intros (_ & HP). eapply HP; eauto.
Lemma relate_TCB_Log_GetSharedTCB_Some:
∀ l1 l2 s tb tq
(Hget: GetSharedTCB l1 = Some (tb, tq))
(Hrel1: relate_TCB_Log s l1 l2),
∃ m, GetSharedMemEvent l2 = Some m
∧ relate_TCB_Event s (OTCBE tb tq) (OMEME m).
intros. exploit relate_TCB_Log_GetSharedTCB; eauto.
intros (HP & _). exploit HP; eauto.
Lemma relate_TCB_Log_GetSharedTCB_None:
∀ l1 l2 s
(Hget: GetSharedTCB l1 = None)
(Hrel1: relate_TCB_Log s l1 l2),
GetSharedMemEvent l2 = None.
intros. exploit relate_TCB_Log_GetSharedTCB; eauto.
intros (_ & HP). exploit HP; eauto.
Lemma relate_TCB_Log_ticket:
∀ l1 l2 s c e
(Hrel1: relate_TCB_Log s l1 l2),
relate_TCB_Log s (TEVENT c (TTICKET e) :: l1) (TEVENT c (TTICKET e) :: l2).
intros. econstructor; trivial. econstructor.
Lemma relate_TCB_Log_pull:
∀ l1 l2 s c
(Hrel1: relate_TCB_Log s l1 l2),
relate_TCB_Log s (TEVENT c (TSHARED OPULL) :: l1) (TEVENT c (TSHARED OPULL) :: l2).
intros. econstructor; trivial. econstructor.
Local Opaque H_CalLock.
Lemma index2Z_eq:
∀ i (Hrange: 0 ≤ i < num_chan),
index2Z lock_TCB_start i = Some (i + ID_AT_range).
intros. unfold index2Z.
Local Opaque Z.add. simpl.
unfold ID_TCB_range. rewrite zle_lt_true; trivial.
f_equal. omega.
Local Transparent Z.add.
Lemma index2Z_neq:
∀ i ofs r k
(Hneq: i ≠ 1)
(Hrange: 0 ≤ k < num_chan)
(Hin: index2Z i ofs = Some r),
r ≠ k + ID_AT_range.
intros. functional inversion Hin.
functional inversion H0.
- subst. functional inversion H1; subst.
unfold ID_AT_range in ×. omega.
- omega.
- subst. functional inversion H1; subst.
unfold lock_TCB_range, ID_AT_range, ID_TCB_range. omega.
Lemma neq_add:
∀ a b c,
a ≠ b →
a + c ≠ b + c.
intros. omega.
End Refinement.
Section WITHMEM.
Context `{Hstencil: Stencil}.
Context `{Hmem: Mem.MemoryModelX}.
Context `{Hmwd: UseMemWithData mem}.
Context `{multi_oracle_prop: MultiOracleProp}.
Lemma H_CalLock_relate_TCB_log:
∀ l l´ s p
(Hcal: H_CalLock l = Some p)
(Hrel: relate_TCB_Log s l l´),
H_CalLock l´ = Some p.
induction l; intros; simpl.
- inv Hrel. eauto.
- inv Hrel. inv Hrelate_event.
+ Local Transparent H_CalLock.
simpl in ×.
subdestruct. inv Hcal.
exploit IHl; eauto.
intros Hcal´. rewrite Hcal´.
rewrite zeq_true. trivial.
+ simpl in ×.
subdestruct; inv Hcal.
× exploit IHl; eauto.
intros Hcal´. rewrite Hcal´.
rewrite zeq_true. trivial.
× exploit IHl; eauto.
intros Hcal´. rewrite Hcal´. trivial.
+ simpl in ×.
subdestruct; inv Hcal.
× exploit IHl; eauto.
intros Hcal´. rewrite Hcal´.
rewrite zeq_true. trivial.
Lemma relate_TCB_Log_cons:
∀ l1 l1´ l2 l2´ s
(Hrel1: relate_TCB_Log s l1 l2)
(Hrel2: relate_TCB_Log s l1´ l2´),
relate_TCB_Log s (l1 ++ l1´) (l2 ++ l2´).
induction l1; simpl; intros.
- inv Hrel1. eapply Hrel2.
- inv Hrel1. exploit IHl1; eauto.
intros Hrel3. simpl.
econstructor; eauto.
Lemma relate_TCB_Log_oracle_cons:
∀ c o1 o2 l1 l2 s i
(Hrel1: relate_TCB_Log s l1 l2)
(Hrel2: relate_TCB_Oracle_Pool s o1 o2)
(Hrange: 0 ≤ i < num_chan),
relate_TCB_Log s (ZMap.get (i + ID_AT_range) o1 c l1 ++ l1) (ZMap.get (i + ID_AT_range) o2 c l2 ++ l2).
intros. eapply relate_TCB_Log_cons; eauto.
inv Hrel2. specialize (H0 _ Hrange).
inv H0. eauto.
Lemma relate_TCB_Log_GetSharedTCB:
∀ l1 l2 s
(Hrel1: relate_TCB_Log s l1 l2),
(∀ tb tq, GetSharedTCB l1 = Some (tb, tq) →
∃ m, GetSharedMemEvent l2 = Some m
∧ relate_TCB_Event s (OTCBE tb tq) (OMEME m))
∧ (GetSharedTCB l1 = None → GetSharedMemEvent l2 = None).
induction l1; simpl; intros.
- split; intros; try congruence. inv Hrel1. trivial.
- split; intros.
+ inv Hrel1. inv Hrelate_event.
× inv H. simpl.
refine_split´; trivial.
× simpl. exploit IHl1; eauto.
intros (HP & _). eapply HP; eauto.
× simpl. exploit IHl1; eauto.
intros (HP & _). eapply HP; eauto.
+ inv Hrel1. inv Hrelate_event; try congruence.
× simpl. exploit IHl1; eauto.
intros (_ & HP). eapply HP; eauto.
× simpl. exploit IHl1; eauto.
intros (_ & HP). eapply HP; eauto.
Lemma relate_TCB_Log_GetSharedTCB_Some:
∀ l1 l2 s tb tq
(Hget: GetSharedTCB l1 = Some (tb, tq))
(Hrel1: relate_TCB_Log s l1 l2),
∃ m, GetSharedMemEvent l2 = Some m
∧ relate_TCB_Event s (OTCBE tb tq) (OMEME m).
intros. exploit relate_TCB_Log_GetSharedTCB; eauto.
intros (HP & _). exploit HP; eauto.
Lemma relate_TCB_Log_GetSharedTCB_None:
∀ l1 l2 s
(Hget: GetSharedTCB l1 = None)
(Hrel1: relate_TCB_Log s l1 l2),
GetSharedMemEvent l2 = None.
intros. exploit relate_TCB_Log_GetSharedTCB; eauto.
intros (_ & HP). exploit HP; eauto.
Lemma relate_TCB_Log_ticket:
∀ l1 l2 s c e
(Hrel1: relate_TCB_Log s l1 l2),
relate_TCB_Log s (TEVENT c (TTICKET e) :: l1) (TEVENT c (TTICKET e) :: l2).
intros. econstructor; trivial. econstructor.
Lemma relate_TCB_Log_pull:
∀ l1 l2 s c
(Hrel1: relate_TCB_Log s l1 l2),
relate_TCB_Log s (TEVENT c (TSHARED OPULL) :: l1) (TEVENT c (TSHARED OPULL) :: l2).
intros. econstructor; trivial. econstructor.
Local Opaque H_CalLock.
Lemma index2Z_eq:
∀ i (Hrange: 0 ≤ i < num_chan),
index2Z lock_TCB_start i = Some (i + ID_AT_range).
intros. unfold index2Z.
Local Opaque Z.add. simpl.
unfold ID_TCB_range. rewrite zle_lt_true; trivial.
f_equal. omega.
Local Transparent Z.add.
Lemma index2Z_neq:
∀ i ofs r k
(Hneq: i ≠ 1)
(Hrange: 0 ≤ k < num_chan)
(Hin: index2Z i ofs = Some r),
r ≠ k + ID_AT_range.
intros. functional inversion Hin.
functional inversion H0.
- subst. functional inversion H1; subst.
unfold ID_AT_range in ×. omega.
- omega.
- subst. functional inversion H1; subst.
unfold lock_TCB_range, ID_AT_range, ID_TCB_range. omega.
Lemma neq_add:
∀ a b c,
a ≠ b →
a + c ≠ b + c.
intros. omega.
End Refinement.