Module FlatAsmgen

Require Import Coqlib Integers AST Maps.
Require Import Asm FlatAsm Segment.
Require Import Errors.
Require Import FlatAsmBuiltin.
Require Import Memtype.
Require Import FlatAsmProgram.
Import ListNotations.

Local Open Scope error_monad_scope.

Translation from CompCert Assembly (RawAsm) to FlatAsm

Definition alignw:Z := 8.

Definition data_label (ofs:Z) : seglabel := (data_segid, Ptrofs.repr ofs).
Definition code_label (ofs:Z) : seglabel := (code_segid, Ptrofs.repr ofs).

Definition default_gid_map : GID_MAP_TYPE := fun id => None.
Definition default_label_map : LABEL_MAP_TYPE :=
  fun id l => None.

Definition update_gid_map (id:ident) (l:seglabel) (map:GID_MAP_TYPE) : GID_MAP_TYPE :=
  fun id' => if peq id id' then Some l else (map id').

Definition update_label_map (id:ident) (l:Asm.label) (tl:seglabel) (map:LABEL_MAP_TYPE) : LABEL_MAP_TYPE :=
  fun id' l' => if peq id id' then (if peq l l' then Some tl else (map id' l')) else (map id' l').


A mapping from global identifiers their locations in sections (i.e. pairs of section ids and offsets)
Variable gid_map : GID_MAP_TYPE.

A mapping from labels in functions to their offsets in the code section
Variable label_map : LABEL_MAP_TYPE.

Translation of an instruction

Definition transl_instr (ofs:Z) (fid: ident) (sid:segid_type) (i:Asm.instruction) : res FlatAsm.instr_with_info :=
  match i with
      Pallocframe _ _ _
    | Pfreeframe _ _
    | Pload_parent_pointer _ _ => Error (MSG "No pseudo instructions" :: nil)
    | _ =>
      let sz := instr_size i in
      let sblk := mkSegBlock sid (Ptrofs.repr ofs) (Ptrofs.repr sz) in
      OK (i, sblk, fid)

Translation of a sequence of instructions in a function
Fixpoint transl_instrs (fid:ident) (sid:segid_type) (ofs:Z) (instrs: list Asm.instruction) : res (Z * list instr_with_info) :=
  match instrs with
  | nil => OK (ofs, nil)
  | i::instrs' =>
    let sz := instr_size i in
    let nofs := ofs+sz in
    do instr <- transl_instr ofs fid sid i;
    do (fofs, tinstrs') <- transl_instrs fid sid nofs instrs';
    OK (fofs, instr :: tinstrs')

Tranlsation of a function
Definition transl_fun (fid: ident) (f:Asm.function) : res function :=
  match gid_map fid with
  | None => Error (MSG "Translation of function fails: no address for this function" :: nil)
  | Some (sid, ofs) =>
    let ofs' := Ptrofs.unsigned ofs in
    do (fofs, code') <- transl_instrs fid sid ofs' (Asm.fn_code f);
      if zle fofs Ptrofs.max_unsigned then
        (let sz := (Asm.code_size (Asm.fn_code f)) in
         let sblk := mkSegBlock sid ofs (Ptrofs.repr sz) in
         OK (mkfunction (Asm.fn_sig f) code' sblk (Asm.fn_stacksize f) (Asm.fn_pubrange f)))
        Error (MSG "The size of the function exceeds limit" ::nil)

Definition transl_globdef (id:ident) (def: option (AST.globdef Asm.fundef unit))
  : res (ident * option FlatAsmProgram.gdef * segblock) :=
  match def with
  | None => OK (id, None, (mkSegBlock undef_segid
  | Some (AST.Gvar v) =>
    match gid_map id with
    | None => Error (MSG "Translation of a global variable fails: no address for the variable" :: nil)
    | Some (sid,ofs) =>
      let sz := AST.init_data_list_size (AST.gvar_init v) in
      let sblk := mkSegBlock sid ofs (Ptrofs.repr sz) in
      OK (id, Some (Gvar v), sblk)
  | Some (AST.Gfun f) =>
    match f with
    | External f =>
      let sblk := mkSegBlock undef_segid in
      OK (id, Some (Gfun (External f)), sblk)
    | Internal fd =>
      do fd' <- transl_fun id fd;
        OK (id, Some (Gfun (Internal fd')), (fn_range fd'))

Fixpoint transl_globdefs (defs : list (ident * option (AST.globdef Asm.fundef unit)))
  : res (list (ident * option gdef * segblock)) :=
  match defs with
  | nil => OK nil
  | (id, def)::defs' =>
    do tdef <- transl_globdef id def;
    do tdefs' <- transl_globdefs defs';
    OK (tdef :: tdefs')
Translation of a program
Definition transl_prog_with_map (p:Asm.program) (data_sz code_sz:Z): res program :=
  do defs <- transl_globdefs (AST.prog_defs p);
  OK (Build_program
        (AST.prog_public p)
        (AST.prog_main p)
        (mkSegment data_segid (Ptrofs.repr data_sz))
        (mkSegment code_segid (Ptrofs.repr code_sz))
        (Globalenvs.Genv.to_senv (Globalenvs.Genv.globalenv p)))



Compute mappings from global identifiers to section labels

Definition is_label (i: Asm.instruction) : option Asm.label :=
  match i with
  | Asm.Plabel l => Some l
  | _ => None

Definition update_instr (lmap: ident -> Asm.label -> option seglabel) (csize: Z) (fid: ident) (i: Asm.instruction) :=
  let csize' := csize + instr_size i in
  let lmap' :=
      match is_label i with
      | Some l => update_label_map fid l (code_label csize') lmap
      | _ => lmap
      end in
  (lmap', csize').

Definition update_instrs lmap csize fid c : LABEL_MAP_TYPE * Z :=
  fold_left (fun (ls : LABEL_MAP_TYPE * Z) i =>
               let '(lmap, csize) := ls in
               update_instr lmap csize fid i) c (lmap, csize).

Definition update_maps_def
           (gmap: ident -> option seglabel)
           (lmap: ident -> Asm.label -> option seglabel)
           (dsize csize: Z) (i: ident) (def: option (AST.globdef Asm.fundef unit)):
  match def with
  | None => (gmap, lmap, dsize, csize)
  | Some (AST.Gvar gvar) =>
    let sz:= AST.init_data_list_size (AST.gvar_init gvar) in
    (update_gid_map i (data_label dsize) gmap, lmap, dsize + align sz alignw, csize)
  | Some (AST.Gfun (External ef)) => (gmap, lmap, dsize, csize)
  | Some (AST.Gfun (Internal f)) =>
    let (lmap', csize') := update_instrs lmap csize i (Asm.fn_code f) in
    (update_gid_map i (code_label csize) gmap, lmap', dsize, align csize' alignw)

Definition update_maps gmap lmap dsize csize defs : (GID_MAP_TYPE * LABEL_MAP_TYPE * Z * Z) :=
  fold_left (fun (acc : GID_MAP_TYPE * LABEL_MAP_TYPE * Z * Z)
               (id: ident * option (AST.globdef Asm.fundef unit)) =>
               let '(gmap, lmap, dsize, csize) := acc in
               let '(i,def) := id in
               update_maps_def gmap lmap dsize csize i def)
            defs (gmap, lmap, dsize, csize).

Definition make_maps (p:Asm.program) : (GID_MAP_TYPE * LABEL_MAP_TYPE * Z * Z) :=
  update_maps default_gid_map default_label_map 0 0 (AST.prog_defs p).

Check if the source program is well-formed *
Definition no_duplicated_defs {F V: Type} (defs: list (ident * option (AST.globdef F V))) :=
  list_norepet (map fst defs).

Fixpoint labels (c: Asm.code) : list Asm.label :=
  match c with
  | [] => []
  | i :: r =>
    match is_label i with
      Some l => l :: labels r
    | None => labels r

Definition no_duplicated_labels (c: Asm.code) :=
  list_norepet (labels c).

Definition globdef_no_duplicated_labels (def: option (AST.globdef Asm.fundef unit)) :=
  match def with
  | Some (AST.Gfun (Internal f)) => no_duplicated_labels (Asm.fn_code f)
  | _ => True

Definition globdef_no_duplicated_labels_dec def : { globdef_no_duplicated_labels def } + { ~ globdef_no_duplicated_labels def }.
  unfold globdef_no_duplicated_labels.
  repeat destr.
  apply list_norepet_dec. apply ident_eq.

Definition defs_no_duplicated_labels (defs: list (ident * _)) :=
  Forall globdef_no_duplicated_labels (map snd defs).

Definition def_size (def: AST.globdef Asm.fundef unit) : Z :=
  match def with
  | AST.Gfun (External e) => 1
  | AST.Gfun (Internal f) => Asm.code_size (Asm.fn_code f)
  | AST.Gvar v => AST.init_data_list_size (AST.gvar_init v)

Definition odef_size (def: option (AST.globdef Asm.fundef unit)) : Z :=
  match def with
  | Some def => def_size def
  | _ => 0

Lemma def_size_pos:
  forall d,
    0 <= def_size d.
  unfold def_size. intros.
  destr. generalize (code_size_non_neg (Asm.fn_code f0)); omega.
  generalize (AST.init_data_list_size_pos (AST.gvar_init v)); omega.

Lemma odef_size_pos:
  forall d,
    0 <= odef_size d.
  unfold odef_size. intros.
  destr. apply def_size_pos. omega.

Definition def_not_empty def : Prop :=
  match def with
  | None => True
  | Some def' => 0 < def_size def'

Definition defs_not_empty defs :=
  Forall def_not_empty defs.

Definition defs_not_empty_dec defs : { defs_not_empty defs } + { ~ defs_not_empty defs }.
  apply Forall_dec. intros. destruct x.
  - simpl. apply zlt.
  - simpl. left. auto.

Definition main_exists main (defs: list (ident * option (AST.globdef Asm.fundef unit))) :=
  Exists (fun '(id, def) =>
            main = id
            /\ match def with
              | None => False
              | Some _ => True
              end) defs.

Definition main_exists_dec main defs : {main_exists main defs } + {~ main_exists main defs}.
  apply Exists_dec. intros. destruct x.
  generalize (ident_eq main i). intros.
  destruct o; inv H.
  - left. auto.
  - right. inversion 1. auto.
  - right. inversion 1. auto.
  - right. inversion 1. auto.

Definition has_label (i: Asm.instruction) (lab: label) :=
  match i with
    Pjmp_l l
  | Pjcc _ l
  | Pjcc2 _ _ l => l = lab
  | Pjmptbl _ l => In lab l
  | _ => False

Definition valid_labels_funs (f: Asm.function) :=
    (fun i : Asm.instruction =>
       forall lab : label, has_label i lab -> In lab (labels (Asm.fn_code f)))
    (Asm.fn_code f).

Definition valid_labels_funs_dec f: {valid_labels_funs f} + { ~ valid_labels_funs f}.
  unfold valid_labels_funs.
  apply Forall_dec.
  destruct x; try now (left; simpl; intros lab HL; inv HL); simpl.
  simpl. destruct (in_dec peq l (labels (Asm.fn_code f))); [left; intros; subst; auto|right; intro A; exfalso; apply n; eauto].
  simpl. destruct (in_dec peq l (labels (Asm.fn_code f))); [left; intros; subst; auto|right; intro A; exfalso; apply n; eauto].
  simpl. destruct (in_dec peq l (labels (Asm.fn_code f))); [left; intros; subst; auto|right; intro A; exfalso; apply n; eauto].

  cut ({(Forall (fun lab => In lab (labels (Asm.fn_code f))) tbl)} + { ~ (Forall (fun lab => In lab (labels (Asm.fn_code f))) tbl)}).
  intros [A|A]; [left|right]. rewrite <- Forall_forall. auto.
  intro B; apply A; rewrite Forall_forall; auto.
  apply Forall_dec. intros; apply in_dec. apply peq.

Definition valid_labels (defs: list (ident * option (globdef Asm.fundef unit))) :=
  Forall (fun '(i,d) =>
            match d with
              Some (Gfun (Internal f)) => valid_labels_funs f
            | _ => True
         ) defs.

Definition valid_labels_dec defs: {valid_labels defs} + { ~ valid_labels defs}.
  unfold valid_labels. apply Forall_dec.
  destr. destr. destr. destr.
  apply valid_labels_funs_dec.

Record wf_prog (p:Asm.program) : Prop :=
    wf_prog_not_empty: defs_not_empty (map snd (AST.prog_defs p));
    wf_prog_norepet_defs: list_norepet (map fst (AST.prog_defs p));
    wf_prog_norepet_labels: defs_no_duplicated_labels (AST.prog_defs p);
    wf_prog_main_exists: main_exists (AST.prog_main p) (AST.prog_defs p);
    wf_prog_valid_labels: valid_labels (AST.prog_defs p);

Definition check_wellformedness p : { wf_prog p } + { ~ wf_prog p }.
  destruct (defs_not_empty_dec (map snd (AST.prog_defs p))).
  destruct (list_norepet_dec ident_eq (map fst (AST.prog_defs p))).
  destruct (Forall_dec _ globdef_no_duplicated_labels_dec (map snd (AST.prog_defs p))).
  destruct (main_exists_dec (AST.prog_main p) (AST.prog_defs p)).
  destruct (valid_labels_dec (AST.prog_defs p)).
  left; constructor; auto.
  right; inversion 1. apply n. apply wf_prog_valid_labels0.
  right. inversion 1. apply n. apply wf_prog_main_exists0.
  right; inversion 1. apply n. apply wf_prog_norepet_labels0.
  right; inversion 1. apply n. apply wf_prog_norepet_defs0.
  right; inversion 1. apply n. apply wf_prog_not_empty0.

The full translation
Definition transf_program (p:Asm.program) : res program :=
  if check_wellformedness p then
    (let r := make_maps p in
     let '(gmap,lmap,dsize,csize) := r in
     if zle (dsize + csize) Ptrofs.max_unsigned then
       transl_prog_with_map gmap lmap p dsize csize
       Error (MSG "Size of segments too big" :: nil))
    Error (MSG "Program not well-formed. There exists duplicated labels or definitions" :: nil).