Module MCgen

Require Import Coqlib Integers AST Maps.
Require Import Asm FlatAsm Segment.
Require Import Errors.
Require Import FlatAsmBuiltin.
Require Import Memtype.
Require Import FlatAsmProgram MC.
Import ListNotations.

Local Open Scope error_monad_scope.

A mapping from labels in functions to their offsets in the code section
Variable label_map : LABEL_MAP_TYPE.

Translation of an instruction

Definition get_lbl_offset (fid:ident) (l:label) (sb: segblock) : res ptrofs :=
  match (label_map fid l) with
  | Some lpos =>
    let epos := Ptrofs.add (segblock_start sb) (segblock_size sb) in
    OK (Ptrofs.sub (snd lpos) epos)
  | None => Error (MSG "Inavlid label" :: nil)

Fixpoint get_lbl_list_offset (fid:ident) (l:list label) (sb: segblock) : res (list ptrofs) :=
  match l with
  | nil => OK nil
  | h::l' =>
    do ofs <- (get_lbl_offset fid h sb);
    do rst <- (get_lbl_list_offset fid l' sb);
    OK (ofs :: rst)

Definition transl_instr (fid: ident) (i:FlatAsm.instr_with_info) : res instr_with_info :=
  let '(i',sb,id) := i in
  do mci <-
     match i' with
     | Pjmp_l l =>
       do ofs <- get_lbl_offset fid l sb;
         OK (MCjmp_l l ofs)
     | Pjcc c l =>
       do ofs <- get_lbl_offset fid l sb;
         OK (MCjcc c l ofs)
     | Pjcc2 c1 c2 l =>
       do ofs <- get_lbl_offset fid l sb;
         OK (MCjcc2 c1 c2 l ofs)
     | Pjmptbl r tbl =>
       do ol <- get_lbl_list_offset fid tbl sb;
         OK (MCjmptbl r tbl ol)
     | _ =>
       OK (MCAsminstr i')
   OK (mci , sb, id).

Translation of a sequence of instructions in a function
Fixpoint transl_instrs (fid:ident) (instrs: list FlatAsm.instr_with_info) : res (list instr_with_info) :=
  match instrs with
  | nil => OK nil
  | i::instrs' =>
    do instr <- transl_instr fid i;
    do tinstrs' <- transl_instrs fid instrs';
    OK (instr :: tinstrs')

Tranlsation of a function
Definition transl_fun (fid: ident) (f:@FlatAsmProgram.function Asm.instruction) : res function :=
  do code' <- transl_instrs fid (@fn_code Asm.instruction f);
  OK (mkfunction (fn_sig f) code' (fn_range f) (fn_stacksize f) (fn_pubrange f)).

Definition transl_globdef (def: (ident * option (@FlatAsmProgram.gdef Asm.instruction) * segblock))
  : res (ident * option (@FlatAsmProgram.gdef instruction) * segblock) :=
  let '(id,def,sb) := def in
  match def with
  | Some (AST.Gfun (Internal f)) =>
    do f' <- transl_fun id f;
      OK (id, Some (AST.Gfun (Internal f')), sb)
  | Some (AST.Gfun (External f)) =>
    OK (id, Some (AST.Gfun (External f)), sb)
  | Some (AST.Gvar v) =>
    OK (id, Some (AST.Gvar v), sb)
  | None => OK (id, None, sb)

Fixpoint transl_globdefs defs :=
  match defs with
  | nil => OK nil
  | def::defs' =>
    do tdef <- transl_globdef def;
    do tdefs' <- transl_globdefs defs';
    OK (tdef :: tdefs')


Definition is_valid_label_asm (lm: ident -> label -> option seglabel) (fid: ident) (i: Asm.instruction) :=
  match i with
    Pjcc _ l
  | Pjcc2 _ _ l
  | Pjmp_l l => lm fid l <> None
  | Pjmptbl _ ll =>
    Forall (fun l => lm fid l <> None) ll
  | _ => True

Definition is_valid_label (lm: LABEL_MAP_TYPE) (i: FlatAsm.instr_with_info) :=
  let '(i,_,id) := i in
  match i with
    Pjcc _ l
  | Pjcc2 _ _ l
  | Pjmp_l l => lm id l <> None
  | Pjmptbl _ ll =>
    Forall (fun l => lm id l <> None) ll
  | _ => True

Arguments is_valid_label: simpl nomatch.
Arguments is_valid_label_asm: simpl nomatch.

Definition eq_dec_neq_dec:
  forall {A} (Adec: forall a b : A, {a=b} + {a <> b}),
  forall a b : A, {a <> b} + {~ a <> b}.
  destruct (Adec a b); [right|left]; auto.

Definition pair_eq:
  forall {A B} (Adec: forall a b : A, {a=b} + {a <> b}) (Bdec: forall a b : B, {a=b} + {a <> b}),
  forall a b : A * B, {a = b} + {a <> b}.
  destruct (Adec (fst a) (fst b)).
  destruct (Bdec (snd a) (snd b)).
  destruct a, b; simpl in *; subst; left; auto.
  right; intro C; inv C. congruence.
  right; intro C; inv C. congruence.

Definition is_valid_label_dec: forall prog i, {is_valid_label prog i} + {~ is_valid_label prog i}.
  destruct i as ((i & ?) & id); simpl.
  unfold is_valid_label. destr; try now left.
  apply eq_dec_neq_dec. apply option_eq.
  apply pair_eq. apply peq. apply Ptrofs.eq_dec.
  apply eq_dec_neq_dec. apply option_eq.
  apply pair_eq. apply peq. apply Ptrofs.eq_dec.
  apply eq_dec_neq_dec. apply option_eq.
  apply pair_eq. apply peq. apply Ptrofs.eq_dec.
  apply Forall_dec. intros. apply eq_dec_neq_dec. apply option_eq.
  apply pair_eq. apply peq. apply Ptrofs.eq_dec.

Definition check_fadef prog sbs (igs: ident * option gdef * segblock) : bool :=
  let '(i, d, _) := igs in
  match d with
    Some (Gfun (Internal f)) =>
    forallb (fun '(ins, sb1, ii) =>
               proj_sumbool (ident_eq (segblock_id sb1) (code_segid)) &&
                            proj_sumbool (ident_eq i ii) &&
                            proj_sumbool (is_valid_label_dec prog (ins, sb1, ii))
            ) (fn_code f) &&
            list_norepet_dec Values.Val.eq (map (get_instr_ptr sbs) (fn_code f))
  | _ => true

Definition check_faprog (p: FlatAsm.program) : bool :=
  forallb (check_fadef (lbl_map p) (gen_segblocks p)) (prog_defs p).

Translation of a program
Definition transf_program (p:FlatAsm.program) : res program :=
  assertion check_faprog p;
    assertion peq code_segid (segid (code_seg p));
    assertion eq_dec_neq_dec peq code_segid (segid (data_seg p));
  do defs <- transl_globdefs (lbl_map p) (prog_defs p);
  OK (Build_program
        (prog_public p)
        (prog_main p)
        (data_seg p)
        (code_seg p)
        (glob_map p)
        (lbl_map p)
        (prog_senv p))