Library examples.CompCertSem

Require Import Relations RelationClasses.
Require Import List.
Require Import compcert.common.LanguageInterface.
Require Import compcert.common.Events.
Require Import compcert.common.Globalenvs.
Require Import compcert.common.Smallstep.
Require Import models.Coherence.

Unset Program Cases.
Local Obligation Tactic := cbn.

Coherence spaces for CompCertO semantics

Language interfaces

Coercion li_space (li : language_interface) : space :=
  input (query li) ;; output (reply li).

CompCert events

CompCert semantics

Note that Reddy's object semantics have a rather coarse-grained handling of undefined behaviors, which is inherited by our CompCert semantics. Silent divergence and undefined behaviors are also conflated.
The preliminary definition below loses information about the domains of component, which would make it impossible to define mutually recursive horizontal composition in a satisfactory way. However for now we don't need it so we don't care. Ultimately we could incoroporate it in the type of the semantics by using input (query li) ;; (1 + output (reply li) instead of li_space for the codomain.
Finally, everything in CompCertO happens in the context of a global symbol table, so we need to specify one to get the component's semantics. Again this could be an input Genv.symtbl ;; ... component in the interaction but for now this is the simpler approach.

Semantics of transition systems

Section LTS.
  Context {liA liB S} (L : lts liA liB S).

lts_trace s t r asserts that the transition system L reaches a final state with reply r from the state s, with the sequence of external calls encoded by the trace t.

  Inductive lts_trace : S token !liA reply liB Prop :=
    | lts_trace_final (s : S) (r : reply liB) :
        final_state L s r
        lts_trace s nil r
    | lts_trace_step (s s' : S) (t : token !liA) (r : reply liB) :
        Step L s E0 s'
        lts_trace s' t r
        lts_trace s t r
    | lts_trace_external s qx rx s' t r :
        at_external L s qx
        after_external L s rx s'
        lts_trace s' t r
        lts_trace s ((qx, rx) :: t) r.

  Inductive lts_lmaps : token !liA token liB Prop :=
    | lts_lmaps_intro q s t r :
        valid_query L q = true
        initial_state L q s
        lts_trace s t r
        lts_lmaps t (q, r).

End LTS.

  Context {liA liB} (L : semantics liA liB) (HL : determinate L).

  Program Definition compcerto_lmap se : !liA --o liB :=
      lmaps := lts_lmaps (L se);
  Next Obligation.
  Next Obligation.

XXX ^ this is probably a situation where grouping the two properties of linear maps would be useful so that we only have to do the funky induction once, event though it would make it a hint more complicated.


Clight semantics

As an example, here is the semantics of Clight programs in terms of linear maps.

Require Clight.

We will need to prove this or the result may not be a linear map.

Lemma clight_determinate p :
  determinate (Clight.semantics1 p).

Definition clight (p : Clight.program) se : !li_c --o li_c :=
  compcerto_lmap (Clight.semantics1 p) (clight_determinate p) se.

Soundness of forward simulations

Since for now, our model doesn't support abstraction, we can only consider simulations which use the cc_id simulation convention.

Section FSIM.
  Context {liA liB} (L1 L2 : semantics liA liB).
  Context (H1 : determinate L1).
  Context (H2 : determinate L2).
  Context (FSIM : forward_simulation 1 1 L1 L2).
  Context (se : Genv.symtbl) (Hse : Genv.valid_for (skel L1) se).

XXX: we need a notion of refinement on linear maps themselves, or perhaps just define linear maps as cliques in the function space.

  Lemma fsim_sound :
     t u,
      compcerto_lmap L1 H1 se t u
      compcerto_lmap L2 H2 se t u.
    intros t u Ht.
    destruct FSIM as [[ind ord match_states _ H _]]. cbn in ×.
    specialize (H se se tt eq_refl Hse).
    destruct Ht as [q s1 t1 r Hq1 Hs1 Ht1].
    edestruct @fsim_match_initial_states as (i & s2 & Hs2 & Hs);
      eauto; try reflexivity.
    - erewrite fsim_match_valid_query; eauto. reflexivity.
    - eauto.
    - clear - H Hs Ht1. revert i s2 Hs.
      induction Ht1; cbn; intros.
        edestruct @fsim_match_final_states as (xr & Hs2 & Hxr); eauto.
        destruct Hxr.
        constructor; auto.
        edestruct @simulation_star as (j & s2' & Hs2' & Hs'); eauto using star_one.
        revert Hs'. pattern s2, s2'.
        eapply star_E0_ind; eauto using lts_trace_step.
        edestruct @fsim_match_external as (w & xq & Hq2 & Hxq & _ & Hrx); eauto.
        destruct Hxq.
        edestruct Hrx as (j & s2' & Hs2' & Hs'); cbn; eauto using lts_trace_external.