Library structures.Lattice

Require Export structures.Poset.

Completely distributive lattices


Record cdlattice :=
    cdl_poset :> poset;

    lsup : {I}, (I cdl_poset) cdl_poset;
    linf : {I}, (I cdl_poset) cdl_poset;

    sup_ub {I} (i : I) (x : I cdl_poset) :
      ref (x i) (lsup x);
    sup_lub {I} (x : I cdl_poset) (y : cdl_poset) :
      ( i, ref (x i) y)
      ref (lsup x) y;

    inf_lb {I} (i : I) (x : I cdl_poset) :
      ref (linf x) (x i);
    inf_glb {I} (x : cdl_poset) (y : I cdl_poset) :
      ( i, ref x (y i))
      ref x (linf y);

    sup_inf {I J} (x : i:I, J i cdl_poset) :
      lsup (fun ilinf (fun jx i j)) =
      linf (fun f : ( i, J i) ⇒ lsup (fun ix i (f i)));

Arguments lsup {_ _}.
Arguments linf {_ _}.
Arguments sup_ub {_ _}.
Arguments sup_lub {_ _}.
Arguments inf_lb {_ _}.
Arguments inf_glb {_ _}.

Delimit Scope cdlat_scope with cdlat.
Bind Scope cdlat_scope with cdlattice.

The notations below work well in the context of completely distributive monads.

Notation "'sup' i .. j , M" := (lsup (fun i ⇒ .. (lsup (fun jM)) .. ))
  (at level 65, i binder, j binder, right associativity).

Notation "'inf' i .. j , M" := (linf (fun i ⇒ .. (linf (fun jM)) .. ))
  (at level 65, i binder, j binder, right associativity).

Properties of sup and inf

  Context {L : cdlattice}.

  Lemma sup_at {I} (i : I) (x : L) (y : I L) :
    x [= y i x [= sup i, y i.
    intros; etransitivity; eauto using sup_ub.

  Lemma inf_at {I} (i : I) (x : I L) (y : L) :
    x i [= y inf i, x i [= y.
    intros; etransitivity; eauto using inf_lb.

  Lemma sup_iff {I} (x : I L) (y : L) :
    lsup x [= y i, x i [= y.
    - intros H i. etransitivity; eauto using sup_ub.
    - apply sup_lub.

  Lemma inf_iff {I} (x : L) (y : I L) :
    x [= linf y i, x [= y i.
    - intros H i. etransitivity; eauto using inf_lb.
    - apply inf_glb.

  Lemma inf_sup {I J} (x : i:I, J i L) :
    inf i, sup j, x i j = sup f, inf i, x i (f i).


Joins and meets with predicates

It is often convenient to take the sup or inf by ranging over the elements of an index type which satisfy a given predicate.

Definition fsup {L : cdlattice} {I} (P : I Prop) (f : I L) :=
  lsup (I := sig P) (fun xf (proj1_sig x)).

Notation "'sup' { x | P } , M" :=
  (fsup (fun xP) (fun xM))
  (at level 65, x ident, right associativity).
Notation "'sup' { x : A | P } , M" :=
  (fsup (fun x : AP) (fun x : AM))
  (at level 65, A at next level, x ident, right associativity).

Definition finf {L : cdlattice} {I} (P : I Prop) (f : I L) :=
  linf (I := sig P) (fun xf (proj1_sig x)).

Notation "'inf' { x | P } , M" :=
  (finf (fun xP) (fun xM))
  (at level 65, x ident, right associativity).
Notation "'inf' { x : A | P } , M" :=
  (finf (fun x : AP) (fun x : AM))
  (at level 65, x ident, right associativity).

  Context {L : cdlattice}.

  Lemma fsup_ub {I} (i : I) (P : I Prop) (x : I L) :
    P i x i [= fsup P x.
    intros Hi.
    apply (sup_ub (exist P i Hi) (fun ix (proj1_sig i))).

  Lemma fsup_at {I} (i : I) (P : I Prop) (x : L) (y : I L) :
    P i x [= y i x [= fsup P y.
    intros Hi Hx. etransitivity; eauto using fsup_ub.

  Lemma fsup_lub {I} (P : I Prop) (x : I L) (y : L) :
    ( i, P i x i [= y) fsup P x [= y.
    intros Hy. apply sup_lub. intros [i Hi]. auto.

  Lemma finf_lb {I} (i : I) (P : I Prop) (x : I L) :
    P i finf P x [= x i.
    intros Hi.
    apply (inf_lb (exist P i Hi) (fun ix (proj1_sig i))).

  Lemma finf_at {I} (i : I) (P : I Prop) (x : I L) (y : L) :
    P i x i [= y finf P x [= y.
    intros Hi Hy. etransitivity; eauto using finf_lb.

  Lemma finf_glb {I} (P : I Prop) (x : L) (y : I L) :
    ( i, P i x [= y i) x [= finf P y.
    intros Hy. apply inf_glb. intros [i Hi]. auto.

Derived operations

Section OPS.
  Context {L : cdlattice}.

Least element

  Definition bot : L :=
    sup i : Empty_set, match i with end.

  Lemma bot_lb x :
    ref bot x.

Binary joins

  Definition join (x y : L) :=
    sup b : bool, if b then x else y.

  Lemma join_ub_l x y :
    ref x (join x y).

  Lemma join_ub_r x y :
    ref y (join x y).

  Lemma join_lub x y z :
    ref x z ref y z ref (join x y) z.

  Lemma join_l x y z :
    ref x y
    ref x (join y z).
    etransitivity; eauto.
    apply join_ub_l.

  Lemma join_r x y z :
    ref x z
    ref x (join y z).
    etransitivity; eauto.
    apply join_ub_r.

  Lemma ref_join x y :
    x [= y join x y = y.
    split; intro.
    - apply antisymmetry, join_ub_r.
      apply join_lub; auto. reflexivity.
    - rewrite <- H. apply join_ub_l.

Greatest element

  Definition top : L :=
    inf i : Empty_set, match i with end.

  Lemma top_ub x :
    ref x top.

Binary meets

  Definition meet (x y : L) :=
    inf b : bool, if b then x else y.

  Lemma meet_lb_l x y :
    ref (meet x y) x.

  Lemma meet_lb_r x y :
    ref (meet x y) y.

  Lemma meet_glb x y z :
    ref x y ref x z ref x (meet y z).

  Lemma meet_l x y z :
    ref x z
    ref (meet x y) z.
    etransitivity; eauto.
    apply meet_lb_l.

  Lemma meet_r x y z :
    ref y z
    ref (meet x y) z.
    etransitivity; eauto.
    apply meet_lb_r.

  Lemma ref_meet x y :
    x [= y meet x y = x.
    split; intro.
    - apply antisymmetry. apply meet_lb_l.
      apply meet_glb; auto. reflexivity.
    - rewrite <- H. apply meet_lb_r.


  Lemma join_bot_l x :
    join bot x = x.

  Lemma join_top_l x :
    join top x = top.

  Lemma join_meet_l x y z :
    join (meet x y) z = meet (join x z) (join y z).

  Lemma join_comm x y :
    join x y = join y x.

  Lemma meet_comm x y :
    meet x y = meet y x.

  Lemma join_idemp x :
    join x x = x.

  Lemma meet_idemp x :
    meet x x = x.

These properties are more than enough to completely define the derived operations, so that relying on their concrete definition should not be necessary.

  Global Opaque bot top join meet.

End OPS.

Infix "||" := join (at level 50, left associativity).
Infix "&&" := meet (at level 40, left associativity).