Library coqrel.Delay
Library coqrel.RelDefinitions
Library coqrel.RelClasses
Library coqrel.RelOperators
- Union of relations
- Intersection of relations
- Implication
- The bottom and top relations
- Relation equivalence
- Relation composition
- Pulling a relation along functions
- Pushing a relation along functions
- Relation currying
- The req relation
- Checking predicates on the left and right elements
- Relation versions of ex and all
- The rel_incr construction
Library coqrel.Relators
Library coqrel.Monotonicity
Library coqrel.RDestruct
Library coqrel.MorphismsInterop
Library coqrel.Transport
Library coqrel.PreOrderTactic
Library coqrel.LogicalRelations
Library coqrel.BoolRel
Library coqrel.OptionRel
Library coqrel.KLR
Library coqrel.LogicalRelationsTests
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