Library mcertikos.devdrivers.DHandlerCxtCode_serial_intr

Require Import Coqlib.
Require Import Maps.
Require Import AST.
Require Import Integers.
Require Import Floats.
Require Import Values.
Require Import MemoryX.
Require Import EventsX.
Require Import Globalenvs.
Require Import Locations.
Require Import Smallstep.
Require Import ClightBigstep.
Require Import Cop.
Require Import ZArith.Zwf.
Require Import RealParams.
Require Import LoopProof.
Require Import VCGen.
Require Import liblayers.compcertx.Stencil.
Require Import liblayers.compcertx.MakeProgram.
Require Import liblayers.compat.CompatLayers.
Require Import liblayers.compat.CompatGenSem.
Require Import CompatClightSem.
Require Import PrimSemantics.
Require Import Clight.
Require Import CDataTypes.
Require Import Ctypes.
Require Import CLemmas.

Require Import AbstractDataType.
Require Import HandlerOpGenSpec.
Require Import ObjInterruptController.
Require Import ObjConsole.
Require Import FutureTactic.
Require Import INVLemmaDriver.
Require Import ObjInterruptManagement.
Require Import CommonTactic.
Require Import XOmega.
Require Import DeviceStateDataType.
Require Import DHandlerCxt.
Require Import FutureTactic.
Require Import DHandlerCxtCSource.
Require Import ObjInterruptController.


  Section WithPrimitives.

    Context `{real_params: RealParams}.
    Context `{oracle_prop: MultiOracleProp}.
    Context {memb} `{Hmemx: Mem.MemoryModelX memb}.
    Context `{Hmwd: UseMemWithData memb}.

    Let mem := mwd (cdata RData).

    Context `{Hstencil: Stencil}.
    Context `{make_program_ops: !MakeProgramOps Clight.function type Clight.fundef type}.
    Context `{Hmake_program: !MakeProgram Clight.function type Clight.fundef type}.

    Local Open Scope Z_scope.


      Let L: compatlayer (cdata RData) := serial_hw_intr gensem serial_hw_intr_spec
                                                          serial_intr_handler_asm gensem serial_intr_handler_sw_spec
                                                          iret gensem iret_spec
                                                          serial_irq_check gensem serial_irq_check_spec.

      Local Instance: ExternalCallsOps mem := CompatExternalCalls.compatlayer_extcall_ops L.

      Local Instance: CompilerConfigOps mem := CompatExternalCalls.compatlayer_compiler_config_ops L.

      Local Open Scope Z_scope.

      Section Serial_Intr_Disable_Body.

        Notation MAX := 100%Z.

        Lemma MAX_eq_INTR_DISABLE_REC_MAX:
          MAX = Z.of_nat INTR_DISABLE_REC_MAX. simpl. reflexivity. Qed.

        Context `{Hwb: WritableBlockOps}.

        Variable (sc: stencil).

        Variables (ge: genv)
                  (STENCIL_MATCHES: stencil_matches sc ge).

        Variable (bserial_hw_intr: block).
        Hypothesis hserial_hw_intr1 : Genv.find_symbol ge serial_hw_intr = Some bserial_hw_intr.
        Hypothesis hserial_hw_intr2 : Genv.find_funct_ptr ge bserial_hw_intr =
                                      Some (External (EF_external serial_hw_intr
                                                                  (signature_of_type Tnil tuint
                                                     Tnil tuint cc_default).

        Variable (bserial_intr_handler_asm: block).
        Hypothesis hserial_intr_handler_asm1 : Genv.find_symbol ge serial_intr_handler_asm = Some bserial_intr_handler_asm.
        Hypothesis hserial_intr_handler_asm2 : Genv.find_funct_ptr ge bserial_intr_handler_asm =
                            Some (External (EF_external serial_intr_handler_asm
                                                        (signature_of_type Tnil tvoid
                                           Tnil tvoid cc_default).

        Variable (biret: block).
        Hypothesis hiret1 : Genv.find_symbol ge iret = Some biret.
        Hypothesis hiret2 : Genv.find_funct_ptr ge biret =
                            Some (External (EF_external iret
                                                        (signature_of_type Tnil tvoid
                                           Tnil tvoid cc_default).

        Variable (bserial_irq_check: block).
        Hypothesis hserial_irq_check1 : Genv.find_symbol ge serial_irq_check = Some bserial_irq_check.
        Hypothesis hserial_irq_check2 : Genv.find_funct_ptr ge bserial_irq_check =
                                        Some (External (EF_external serial_irq_check
                                                                    (signature_of_type Tnil tuint
                                                       Tnil tuint cc_default).

        Require Import ObjInterruptDriver.
        Lemma cons_intr_spec_subset:
           d r,
            lapic_eoi_spec d = Some r
            cons_intr_aux r = Some
            cons_intr_spec d = Some .
          unfold cons_intr_spec. rewrite H, H0.
          functional inversion H. rewrite H4, H3, H5, H2.

        Lemma serial_hw_intr_range:
           d n,
            init d = true
            high_level_invariant d
            serial_hw_intr_spec d = Some (, n)
            n = 0 n = 36.
          assert (Hnat4: Z.to_nat 4 = 4%nat).
            calc. reflexivity.
          Opaque nth_error Z.to_nat.
          intros d n Hinit Hinv H. functional inversion H.
          - subst. clear H H4. functional inversion H3; subst. clear H3.
            unfold s_ioapic´ in ×. clear s_ioapic´. unfold ioapic_trans_intr in H1.
            rewrite Hnat4 in H1.
            destruct d; simpl in ×. destruct ioapic; simpl in ×. destruct s; simpl in ×.
            unfold update_CurrentIrq in H1; simpl in H1.
            inversion Hinv; simpl in ×.
            destruct (nth_error IoApicIrqs 4) eqn: Hirq.
            + generalize (valid_ioapic_state Hinit _ _ Hirq). intros [Hz [b Henable]].
              rewrite Henable in H1; simpl in H1. destruct b eqn: Hb; simpl in H1.
              × inversion H1. generalize Hz. toZ. replace (4 + 32) with 36 by omega. clear Hz. intros Hz. clear Hinv.
                unfold s_lapic´ in ×. clear s_lapic´. unfold lapic_trans_intr in H4.
                destruct lapic; simpl in ×. destruct s; simpl in ×.
                rewrite Hz in *; simpl in ×. inversion H4.
                right. reflexivity.
              × inversion H1.
            + simpl in H1. inversion H1.
          - left. reflexivity.
          - left. reflexivity.
        Transparent nth_error Z.to_nat.

        Lemma serial_hw_intr_masked:
           d n,
            serial_hw_intr_spec d = Some (, n)
            n = 0 →
             = d {com1: serial_intr (com1 d)}.
          functional inversion H; subst. omega.
          unfold d´0 in ×. functional inversion H4; subst. reflexivity.
          unfold d´0 in ×. functional inversion H4; subst. reflexivity.
          reflexivity. reflexivity.

        Lemma serial_irq_check_range:
           d x,
            serial_irq_check_spec d = x
            x = 0 x = 1.
          unfold serial_irq_check_spec in H.
          destruct (SerialIrq (s (serial_intr (com1 d)))); subst.
          - right. reflexivity.
          - left . reflexivity.

        Lemma serial_irq_check_bound:
            0 serial_irq_check_spec d Int.max_unsigned.
          generalize max_unsigned_val; intro muval.
          unfold serial_irq_check_spec.
          destruct (SerialIrq (s (serial_intr (com1 d)))); subst.
          - omega.
          - omega.

        Lemma serial_intr_handler_true:
           d b,
            SerialIrq (s (serial_intr (com1 d))) = true
            serial_intr_handler d = Some (, b)
            b = true.
          intros d b H.
          unfold serial_intr_handler. unfold serial_hw_intr_spec. rewrite H. simpl.
          intros. subdestruct; inversion H0; reflexivity.

        Lemma serial_intr_handler_true_inv:
           d ,
            serial_intr_handler d = Some (, true)
            SerialIrq (s (serial_intr (com1 d))) = true.
          intros d .
          unfold serial_intr_handler. unfold serial_hw_intr_spec.
          intros. subdestruct; reflexivity.

        Lemma ioapic_trans_intr_preserves_length: d n,
                  Zlength (IoApicEnables (ioapic_trans_intr (IRQ n) (s (ioapic d))))
                  = Zlength (IoApicEnables (s (ioapic d))).
          unfold ioapic_trans_intr.
          Opaque replace nth_error.
          destruct (s (ioapic d)); simpl.
          destruct (nth_error IoApicIrqs (Z.to_nat n)).
          destruct (nth_error IoApicEnables (Z.to_nat n)).
          destruct b;

        Lemma cons_intr_preserves_iflags:
           d ,
            cons_intr_spec d = Some
            init = init d ikern = ikern d ihost = ihost d.
          functional inversion H; subst.
          functional inversion H0; functional inversion H5; simpl in *; subst; eauto.

        Lemma cons_intr_preserves_length:
           d ,
            cons_intr_spec d = Some
            Zlength (IoApicEnables (s (ioapic ))) = Zlength (IoApicEnables (s (ioapic d))).
          functional inversion H; subst.
          functional inversion H0; functional inversion H5; simpl in *; subst; eauto.

        Lemma intr_flag_eq:
           d, intr_flag d = trued = d {intr_flag: true}.
          destruct d.
          simpl in ×.
          rewrite H.

        Lemma serial_intr_handler_refinement:
           d b,
            ikern d = true
            ihost d = true
            init d = true
            serial_intr_handler d = Some (, b)
            serial_intr_handler_ext_spec d = Some (, b).
          intros d b Hk Hh Hi.
          unfold serial_intr_handler_ext_spec.
          unfold serial_intr_handler.
          unfold serial_intr_handler_sw_spec.
          intros Hspec. rewrite Hk, Hh, Hi.
          subdestruct; eauto.
          if_true. if_true. if_true. if_true.
          - functional inversion Hdestruct. simpl. functional inversion H2. simpl. auto.
          - functional inversion Hdestruct. simpl. functional inversion H2. simpl. auto.
          - functional inversion Hdestruct. simpl. functional inversion H2. simpl. auto.
          - functional inversion Hdestruct. simpl. functional inversion H2. simpl. auto.

        Lemma serial_intr_handler_ext_spec_inv:
           d b,
            serial_intr_handler_ext_spec d = Some (, b)
            ikern d = true
            ihost d = true
            init d = true
              (b = true
                d0 d1,
                 serial_hw_intr_spec d = Some (d0, 36)
                 serial_intr_handler_sw_spec d0 = Some d1
                 iret_spec d1 = Some
              (b = true
                d0 n,
                 serial_hw_intr_spec d = Some (d0, n)
                 n 36
                  = d {com1: serial_intr (com1 d)}
              (b = false
               serial_hw_intr_spec d = None
          intros d b. unfold serial_intr_handler_ext_spec. intros H.
          subdestruct; subst; inversion H.
          - repeat (split; [auto |]). left.
            split; [auto |].
            repeat esplit. assumption.
          - repeat (split; [auto |]). right. left.
            split; [auto |].
            repeat esplit. assumption.
          - repeat (split; [auto |]). right. right.
            split; [auto |].
            repeat esplit.

        Lemma serial_intr_handler_body_correct_irq:
           m d env le t,
            ikern d = true
            ihost d = true
            init d = true
            intr_flag d = true
            0 < t Z.of_nat INTR_DISABLE_REC_MAX
            env = PTree.empty _
            serial_intr_handler d = Some (, true)
            high_level_invariant d
            le ! _t = Some (Vint (Int.repr t)) →
              exec_stmt ge env le ((m, d): mem) serial_intr_disable_handler_loop_body E0 le´ (m, ) Out_normal
              le´ ! _t = Some (Vint (Int.repr (t - 1)))
              ((SerialIrq (s (serial_intr (com1 ))) = true
                le´ ! _has_irq = Some (Vint (Int.repr 1)))
               (SerialIrq (s (serial_intr (com1 ))) = false
                le´ ! _has_irq = Some (Vint (Int.repr 0)))).
          generalize max_unsigned_val; intro muval. toZ.
          intros m d env le t Hk Hh Hinit Hintr_flag Htrange Henv H Hinv Ht.
          exploit serial_intr_handler_refinement; try eassumption. intros Hspec.
          generalize (serial_intr_handler_ext_spec_inv _ _ _ Hspec).
          intros Hspecinv. blast Hspecinv. destruct Hspecinv4 as [Hc | [Hc | Hc]]; blast Hc; subst.
has irq, not masked
            destruct (SerialIrq (s (serial_intr (com1 e0)))) eqn: Hirq´.
            + esplit.
              repeat vcgen.
                Opaque serial_intr.
                unfold serial_irq_check_spec; simpl. rewrite Hirq´. rewrite Int.unsigned_repr. reflexivity.
                left. split.
                - unfold_RData. rewrite Hirq´. reflexivity.
                - ptreesolve.
            + esplit.
              repeat vcgen.
                unfold serial_irq_check_spec; simpl. rewrite Hirq´. rewrite Int.unsigned_repr. reflexivity.
                right. split.
                - unfold_RData. rewrite Hirq´. reflexivity.
                - ptreesolve.
has irq, masked
            assert (Hn: e0 = 0 e0 = 36).
              eapply serial_hw_intr_range; eassumption.
            assert (Hed: e = d { com1 : serial_intr (com1 d)}).
              assert (He0: e0 = 0) by omega.
              rewrite He0 in Hex1. functional inversion Hex1.
              - omega.
              - unfold . reflexivity.
              - functional inversion H3; unfold ; rewrite H4; reflexivity.
            destruct (SerialIrq (s (serial_intr (com1 (d { com1 : serial_intr (com1 d)}))))) eqn: Hirq´;
              unfold update_com1 in Hirq´; simpl in Hirq´.
              repeat vcgen.
                rewrite Int.unsigned_repr.
                rewrite Hed. unfold serial_irq_check_spec; simpl. rewrite Hirq´. reflexivity. omega.
                left. split.
                - reflexivity.
                - ptreesolve.
              repeat vcgen.
                rewrite Int.unsigned_repr.
                rewrite Hed. unfold serial_irq_check_spec; simpl. rewrite Hirq´. reflexivity. omega.
                right. split.
                - reflexivity.
                - ptreesolve.
          - esplit.
            repeat vcgen.
            Grab Existential Variables.
            apply le.

        Lemma serial_intr_handler_body_correct_noirq:
           d ,
            serial_intr_handler d = Some (, false)
             = d.
          functional inversion 1. reflexivity.

        Function serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec (n: nat) (abd: RData) {struct n} : option (RData × bool) :=
          match n with
            | OSome (abd, true)
            | S
              match serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec abd with
                | Some (, true)
                  match serial_intr_handler with
                    | Some (d´´, true)Some (d´´, true)
                    | Some (d´´, false)Some (, false)
                    | NoneNone
                | Some (, false)Some (, false)
                | NoneNone

        Function serial_intr_disable_concrete_aux´ (n: nat) (abd: RData) {struct n} : option (RData × bool) :=
          match n with
            | OSome (abd, true)
            | S
              match serial_intr_handler abd with
                | Some (, true)match serial_intr_disable_concrete_aux´ with
                                         | Some (d´´, true)Some (d´´, true)
                                         | Some (d´´, false)Some (d´´, false)
                                         | NoneNone
                | Some (, false)Some (abd, false)
                | NoneNone

        Lemma aux_aux´_eq: n d ,
              serial_intr_disable_concrete_aux n d = Some
                serial_intr_disable_concrete_aux´ n d = Some (, b).
          induction n.
          inv H.
          esplit; reflexivity.
          eapply IHn in H; eauto.
          destruct H.
          rewrite H.
          destruct x; esplit; reflexivity.
          inv H.
          esplit; reflexivity.

        Lemma tail_head_eq_true_rev: n d d1 d2 d3,
                              serial_intr_handler d = Some (d1, true)
                              serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec n d = Some (d2, true)
                              serial_intr_handler d2 = Some (d3, true)
                              serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec n d1 = Some (d3, true).
          induction n.
          inv H0.
          rewrite H1 in H.
          inv H.
          inv H0.
          eapply IHn in Hdestruct; eauto.
          rewrite Hdestruct.
          rewrite H1.

        Lemma rec_rev_true: n d d1 d2 d3,
                         serial_intr_handler d = Some (d1, true)
                         serial_intr_disable_concrete_aux´ n d1 = Some (d2, true)
                         serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec n d = Some (d3, true)
                           serial_intr_handler d3 = Some (d4, true).
          induction n.
          inv H0.
          inv H1.
          esplit; eassumption.
          inv H1.
          inv H0.
          generalize (tail_head_eq_true_rev _ _ _ _ _ H Hdestruct Hdestruct2); intro.
          eapply IHn in H0; eauto.

        Lemma rec_rev: n d d1 d2 d3 d4,
                         serial_intr_handler d = Some (d1, true)
                         serial_intr_disable_concrete_aux´ n d1 = Some (d2, true)
                         serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec n d = Some (d3, true)
                         serial_intr_handler d3 = Some (d4, true)
                         d2 = d4.
          induction n.
          inv H0.
          inv H1.
          rewrite H2 in H.
          inv H.
          inv H1.
          inv H0.
          eapply IHn in Hdestruct8; eauto.
          generalize (tail_head_eq_true_rev _ _ _ _ _ H Hdestruct Hdestruct2); intro.

        Lemma tail_head_eq_true: n d d1 d2,
                              serial_intr_handler d = Some (d1, true)
                              serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec n d1 = Some (d2, true)
                                serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec n d = Some (d3, true)
                                serial_intr_handler d3 = Some (d2, true).
          induction n.
          inv H0.
          inv H0.
          eapply IHn in Hdestruct; eauto.
          destruct Hdestruct.
          destruct H0.
          rewrite H0, H1.

        Lemma tail_head_eq_false: n d d1 d2,
                              serial_intr_handler d = Some (d1, true)
                              serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec n d1 = Some (d2, false)
                              serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec (S n) d = Some (d2, false).
          induction n.
          inv H0.
          inv H0.
          generalize (tail_head_eq_true _ _ _ _ H Hdestruct); intro.
          destruct H0.
          destruct H0.
          rewrite H0.
          rewrite H1.
          rewrite Hdestruct2.
          inv H0.
          eapply IHn in Hdestruct; eauto.
          simpl in ×.
          rewrite Hdestruct.

        Lemma aux´_rec_eq: n b d ,
              serial_intr_disable_concrete_aux´ n d = Some (, b)
              serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec n d = Some (, b).
          induction n.
            inv H.
              inv H.
              assert ( d´´, serial_intr_disable_concrete_aux´ n d = Some (d´´, true)).
                clear IHn.
                revert Hdestruct.
                revert Hdestruct2.
                generalize dependent d.
                generalize dependent r.
                generalize dependent .
                induction n.
                simpl in ×.
                esplit; reflexivity.
                simpl in ×.
                rewrite Hdestruct in ×.
                inv Hdestruct2.
                generalize (IHn _ _ _ Hdestruct4 Hdestruct0); intro.
                destruct H.
                rewrite H.
                esplit; reflexivity.
              destruct H.
              eapply IHn in H.
              rewrite H.
              generalize (rec_rev_true _ _ _ _ _ Hdestruct Hdestruct2 H); intro.
              destruct H0.
              rewrite H0.
              eapply (rec_rev _ _ _ _ _ _ Hdestruct Hdestruct2 H H0); eauto.
              inv H.
              generalize Hdestruct2; intro Hrec.
              eapply IHn in Hrec.
              clear Hdestruct2.
              destruct n.
              simpl in ×.
              inv Hrec.
              simpl in ×.
                inv Hrec.
                generalize (tail_head_eq_true _ _ _ _ Hdestruct Hdestruct0); intro.
                destruct H.
                destruct H.
                rewrite H.
                rewrite H0.
                rewrite Hdestruct3.
                inv Hrec.
                generalize (tail_head_eq_false _ _ _ _ Hdestruct Hdestruct0); intro.
                simpl in H.
              inv H.
              functional inversion Hdestruct.
              inv H1.
              generalize Hdestruct.
              generalize dependent r.
              induction n.
              rewrite Hdestruct.
              rewrite IHn.

        Lemma serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec_has_irq:
           n d dn b,
            serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec (S n) d = Some (, true)
            serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec n d = Some (dn, b)
            b = true.
          induction n.
          - simpl. inversion 2. reflexivity.
          - intros d dn b Hsn Hn. remember (S n) as m.
            simpl in Hsn. rewrite Hn in Hsn. subdestruct. reflexivity.

        Lemma serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec_has_irq_exd:
           n d ,
            serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec (S n) d = Some (, true)
             dn, serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec n d = Some (dn, true).
          induction n.
          - simpl. inversion 1. d. reflexivity.
          - intros d Hsn. remember (S n) as m.
            simpl in Hsn. subdestruct. r. reflexivity.

        Lemma serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec_has_irq_handler_true:
           n d dn,
            serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec (S n) d = Some (, true)
            serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec n d = Some (dn, true)
            serial_intr_handler dn = Some (, true).
          intros n d dn Hsn Hn.
          simpl in Hsn. rewrite Hn in Hsn.
          destruct (serial_intr_handler dn) eqn: Hhand. destruct p. destruct b.
          - rewrite Hsn. reflexivity.
          - inversion Hsn.
          - inversion Hsn.

        Lemma serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec_has_irq_handler_true_start:
           n d ,
            (0 < n)%nat
            serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec n d = Some (, true)
             d1, serial_intr_handler d = Some (d1, true).
          induction n.
          - inversion 1.
          - intros d Hlt Hsn. destruct n.
            + simpl in Hsn. subdestruct. r. reflexivity.
            + generalize Hsn. intros Hn.
              apply serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec_has_irq_exd in Hn.
              destruct Hn as [dn_1 Hn].
              apply IHn with ( := dn_1). omega. assumption.

        Lemma serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec_monotone:
           n i d ,
            serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec n d = Some (, true)
            (i n)%nat
              serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec i d = Some (dn, true).
          induction n.
          - simpl. intros. replace i with O in × by xomega. simpl in ×.
            esplit; reflexivity.
          - intros.
            assert ((i = S n i < S n)%nat) by xomega.
            Caseeq H1; intros.
            + subst. esplit; eauto.
            + exploit (serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec_has_irq_exd); eauto.
              intro. destruct H2. eapply IHn; eauto. omega.

        Lemma serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec_monotone_general:
           n i d b1,
            serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec n d = Some (, b1)
            (i n)%nat
             dn b2,
              serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec i d = Some (dn, b2).
          induction n.
          replace i with O in × by xomega.
          simpl in ×.
          esplit; esplit; reflexivity.
          assert ((i = S n i < S n)%nat) by xomega.
          Caseeq H1; intros.
          esplit; esplit; eauto.
          simpl in H.
          inv H.
          eapply IHn; eauto; xomega.
          inv H.
          eapply IHn; eauto; xomega.
          inv H.
          eapply IHn; eauto; xomega.

        Lemma serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec_all_has_irq_handler_true:
           i n d dx,
            serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec n d = Some (, true)
            (i < n)%nat
            serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec i d = Some (dx, true)
             dx´, serial_intr_handler dx = Some (dx´, true).
          assert((S i n)%nat) by xomega.
          generalize (serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec_monotone n (S i) _ _ H H2); intro.
          destruct H3.
          simpl in H3.
          rewrite H1 in H3.
          inv H3.
          esplit; reflexivity.

        Lemma serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec_all_has_irq:
           i n d ,
            serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec n d = Some (, true)
            (i < n)%nat
             dx, serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec i d = Some (dx, true).
          induction i.
          - simpl. intros. d. reflexivity.
          - intros n d Hn Hlt. assert (Hlt´: (i < n)%nat) by omega.
            generalize (IHi n d Hn Hlt´). intros [dx Hdx].
            simpl. rewrite Hdx.
            generalize (serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec_all_has_irq_handler_true i n d dx Hn Hlt´ Hdx).
            intros [d´´ Hhand].
             d´´. rewrite Hhand. reflexivity.

        Lemma serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec_step_false:
           n d0 d ,
            serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec n d0 = Some (d, true)
            serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec (S n) d0 = Some (, false)
            serial_intr_handler d = Some (, false).
          intros n d0 d Hd Hd´.
          simpl in Hd´. rewrite Hd in Hd´.
          destruct (serial_intr_handler d) eqn: Hhand. destruct p. destruct b.
          - rewrite Hd´. reflexivity.
          - rewrite <- Hd´. functional inversion Hhand. reflexivity.
          - inversion Hd´.

        Lemma serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec_prev_step:
           n d ,
            serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec (S n) d = Some (, false)
            (serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec n d = Some (, false)
             serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec n d = Some (, true)).
          induction n.
          - simpl. intros. subdestruct. inversion H. right. reflexivity.
          - intros. remember (S n) as sn. simpl in H.
            + subst. inversion H. right. reflexivity.
            + inversion H. left. reflexivity.

        Lemma serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec_false_middle:
           n d ,
            serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec n d = Some (, false)
             i, (i < n)%nat
                 ( di, serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec i d = Some (di, true))
                 serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec (S i) d = Some (, false).
          induction n.
          - simpl.
            intros d Hrec. inversion Hrec.
          - intros d Hrec. exploit (serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec_prev_step). eapply Hrec.
            destruct 1 as [Ht | Hf].
            + apply IHn in Ht. destruct Ht as (i & Hirange & Hdi & Hdsi).
              split. omega.
              split. apply Hdi.
              apply Hdsi.
            + n.
              split. omega.
              split. . assumption.

        Lemma serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec_false_later:
           n i d ,
            serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec i d = Some (, false)
            (i < n)%nat
            serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec n d = Some (, false).
          induction n.
          - simpl. intros i d Hrec Hirange.
            replace i with O in × by omega. simpl in Hrec. inversion Hrec.
          - intros i d Hrec Hirange.
            assert (Hicase: (i < n)%nat (i = n)%nat) by omega.
            destruct Hicase.
            + simpl. apply IHn in Hrec. rewrite Hrec. reflexivity. omega.
            + subst. simpl. rewrite Hrec. reflexivity.

        Lemma serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec_cases:
           n d b,
            serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec n d = Some (, b)
             i, (i n)%nat
                 ( j, (j i)%nat
                       ( dj, serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec j d = Some (dj, true)))
                 ( j, (i < j n)%nat
                       (serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec j d = Some (, false))).
          intros n d b Hrec.
          destruct b.
          - n. split. omega.
            split. intros.
            exploit (serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec_monotone); eauto.
            intros. omega.
          - exploit (serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec_false_middle). eassumption.
            intros Hcase. destruct Hcase as (i & Hirange & (di & Hdi) & Hdsi).
             i. split. omega.
            split. intros. exploit (serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec_monotone); eauto.
            intros. assert (Hjcase: j = S i (j > (S i))%nat) by omega.
            destruct Hjcase.
            + subst. assumption.
            + exploit (serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec_false_later j (S i) d ). assumption. omega.

        Lemma serial_intr_disable_concrete_loop_body_rec_correct:
           m d0 d env le t,
            ikern d = true
            ihost d = true
            init d = true
            intr_flag d = true
            0 < t MAX
            env = PTree.empty _
            serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec (Z.to_nat (MAX - t)) d0 = Some (d, true)
            serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec (S (Z.to_nat (MAX - t))) d0 = Some (, true)
            high_level_invariant d
            le ! _t = Some (Vint (Int.repr t)) →
              exec_stmt ge env le ((m, d): mem) serial_intr_disable_handler_loop_body E0 le´ (m, ) Out_normal
              le´ ! _t = Some (Vint (Int.repr (t - 1)))
              ((SerialIrq (s (serial_intr (com1 ))) = true
                le´ ! _has_irq = Some (Vint (Int.repr 1)))
               (SerialIrq (s (serial_intr (com1 ))) = false
                le´ ! _has_irq = Some (Vint (Int.repr 0)))).
          intros m d0 d env le t Hk Hh Hinit Hintr_flag Htrange Henv Hd Hd´ Hinv Hlet.
          generalize Hd´. intros rHd´. remember (Z.to_nat (100 - t)) as n. simpl in Hd´.
          rewrite Hd in Hd´.
          destruct (serial_intr_handler d) eqn: Heqerror. destruct p.
          - destruct b eqn: Hb.
            + inversion Hd´.
              simpl in rHd´.
              exploit (serial_intr_handler_body_correct_irq m d env le t Hk Hh Hinit Hintr_flag Htrange Henv); try assumption.
              subst. assumption.
              intros Hexec.
              apply Hexec.
            + inversion Hd´.
          - inversion Hd´.

        Lemma serial_intr_handler_not_none:
           n d0 ,
            serial_intr_disable_concrete_aux (S n) d0 = Some
            serial_intr_handler d0 None.
          simpl. intros. subdestruct.

        Lemma serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec_preserves_ikern:
           n d ,
            ikern d = true
            serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec n d = Some (, true)
            ikern = true.
          induction n.
          inv H0.
          inv H0.
          functional inversion Hdestruct2; subst.
          functional inversion H5; functional inversion H4; functional inversion H3; subst; eauto.
          eapply IHn; eauto.

        Lemma serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec_preserves_ihost:
           n d ,
            ihost d = true
            serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec n d = Some (, true)
            ihost = true.
          induction n.
          inv H0.
          inv H0.
          functional inversion Hdestruct2; subst.
          functional inversion H5; functional inversion H4; functional inversion H3; subst; eauto.
          eapply IHn; eauto.

        Lemma serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec_preserves_init:
           n d ,
            init d = true
            serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec n d = Some (, true)
            init = true.
          induction n.
          inv H0.
          inv H0.
          functional inversion Hdestruct2; subst.
          functional inversion H5; functional inversion H4; functional inversion H3; subst; eauto.
          eapply IHn; eauto.

        Lemma serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec_preserves_intr_flag:
           n d b,
            intr_flag d = true
            serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec n d = Some (, b)
            intr_flag = true.
          induction n.
          inv H0.
          inv H0.
          functional inversion Hdestruct2; subst.
          functional inversion H5; functional inversion H4; functional inversion H3; subst; eauto.
          eapply IHn; eauto.
          inv H0.
          eapply IHn; eauto.
          inv H0.
          eapply IHn; eauto.

        Lemma serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec_preserves_high_level_invariant:
           i d di,
            high_level_invariant d
            serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec i d = Some (di, true)
            high_level_invariant di.
          induction i.
          inv H0.
          inv H0.
          eapply IHi in Hdestruct; eauto.
          inv Hdestruct.

          functional inversion Hdestruct2; subst.
          functional inversion H5; functional inversion H4; functional inversion H3; functional inversion H1; functional inversion H24; simpl in *; subst; constructor; unfold s_ioapic´ in *; simpl in *; eauto.
          unfold ioapic_trans_intr.
          destruct (s (ioapic r)).
          destruct (nth_error IoApicIrqs (Z.to_nat 4)).
          destruct (nth_error IoApicEnables (Z.to_nat 4)).
          destruct b.
          apply valid_ioapic_max_intr.
          apply valid_ioapic_max_intr.
          apply valid_ioapic_max_intr.
          apply valid_ioapic_max_intr.

          rewrite replace_replace.
          rewrite replace_preserves_Zlength.
          unfold ioapic_trans_intr.
          destruct (s (ioapic r)).
          destruct (nth_error IoApicIrqs (Z.to_nat 4)).
          destruct (nth_error IoApicEnables (Z.to_nat 4)).
          destruct b.
          simpl; assumption.
          simpl; assumption.
          simpl; assumption.
          simpl; assumption.

          unfold ioapic_trans_intr.
          destruct (s (ioapic r)).
          destruct (nth_error IoApicIrqs (Z.to_nat 4)).
          destruct (nth_error IoApicEnables (Z.to_nat 4)).
          destruct b.
          simpl in ×.
          rewrite replace_replace.
          generalize (valid_ioapic_state H0 _ _ H6); intro tmp.
          destruct tmp.
          destruct H21.
          assert (ncase: n = 4%nat n 4%nat) by omega.
          case_eq ncase; intros.
          rewrite nth_error_replace_gss.
          esplit; reflexivity.
          generalize (nth_error_range _ _ _ _ H21); intro.
          rewrite nth_error_replace_gso.
          eapply valid_ioapic_state; eauto.
          change (Pos.to_nat 4%positive) with 4%nat.

          simpl in ×.
          rewrite replace_replace.
          generalize (valid_ioapic_state H0 _ _ H6); intro tmp.
          destruct tmp.
          destruct H21.
          assert (ncase: n = 4%nat n 4%nat) by omega.
          case_eq ncase; intros.
          rewrite nth_error_replace_gss.
          esplit; reflexivity.
          generalize (nth_error_range _ _ _ _ H21); intro.
          rewrite nth_error_replace_gso.
          eapply valid_ioapic_state; eauto.
          change (Pos.to_nat 4%positive) with 4%nat.

          simpl in ×.
          rewrite replace_replace.
          generalize (valid_ioapic_state H0 _ _ H6); intro tmp.
          destruct tmp.
          destruct H21.
          assert (ncase: n = 4%nat n 4%nat) by omega.
          case_eq ncase; intros.
          rewrite nth_error_replace_gss.
          esplit; reflexivity.
          generalize (nth_error_range _ _ _ _ H21); intro.
          rewrite nth_error_replace_gso.
          eapply valid_ioapic_state; eauto.
          change (Pos.to_nat 4%positive) with 4%nat.

          simpl in ×.
          rewrite replace_replace.
          generalize (valid_ioapic_state H0 _ _ H6); intro tmp.
          destruct tmp.
          destruct H21.
          assert (ncase: n = 4%nat n 4%nat) by omega.
          case_eq ncase; intros.
          rewrite nth_error_replace_gss.
          esplit; reflexivity.
          generalize (nth_error_range _ _ _ _ H21); intro.
          rewrite nth_error_replace_gso.
          eapply valid_ioapic_state; eauto.
          change (Pos.to_nat 4%positive) with 4%nat.

          unfold ioapic_trans_intr.
          destruct (s (ioapic r)).
          destruct (nth_error IoApicIrqs (Z.to_nat 4)).
          destruct (nth_error IoApicEnables (Z.to_nat 4)).
          destruct b.
          apply valid_ioapic_max_intr.
          apply valid_ioapic_max_intr.
          apply valid_ioapic_max_intr.
          apply valid_ioapic_max_intr.

          unfold ioapic_trans_intr.
          destruct (s (ioapic r)).
          destruct (nth_error IoApicIrqs (Z.to_nat 4)).
          destruct (nth_error IoApicEnables (Z.to_nat 4)).
          destruct b.
          rewrite replace_replace.
          rewrite replace_preserves_Zlength.
          unfold ioapic_trans_intr.
          destruct (s (ioapic r)).
          destruct (nth_error IoApicIrqs (Z.to_nat 4)).
          destruct (nth_error IoApicEnables (Z.to_nat 4)).
          destruct b.
          apply valid_ioapic_enables.
          apply valid_ioapic_enables.
          apply valid_ioapic_enables.
          apply valid_ioapic_enables.

          rewrite replace_replace.
          rewrite replace_preserves_Zlength.
          simpl; assumption.

          rewrite replace_replace.
          rewrite replace_preserves_Zlength.
          simpl; assumption.

          rewrite replace_replace.
          rewrite replace_preserves_Zlength.
          unfold ioapic_trans_intr.
          destruct (s (ioapic r)).
          destruct (nth_error IoApicIrqs (Z.to_nat 4)).
          destruct (nth_error IoApicEnables (Z.to_nat 4)).
          destruct b.
          simpl; assumption.
          simpl; assumption.
          simpl; assumption.
          simpl; assumption.

          unfold ioapic_trans_intr.
          destruct (s (ioapic r)).
          destruct (nth_error IoApicIrqs (Z.to_nat 4)).
          destruct (nth_error IoApicEnables (Z.to_nat 4)).
          destruct b.
          simpl in ×.
          rewrite replace_replace.
          generalize (valid_ioapic_state H0 _ _ H6); intro tmp.
          destruct tmp.
          destruct H21.
          assert (ncase: n = 4%nat n 4%nat) by omega.
          case_eq ncase; intros.
          rewrite nth_error_replace_gss.
          esplit; reflexivity.
          generalize (nth_error_range _ _ _ _ H21); intro.
          rewrite nth_error_replace_gso.
          eapply valid_ioapic_state; eauto.
          change (Pos.to_nat 4%positive) with 4%nat.

          simpl in ×.
          rewrite replace_replace.
          generalize (valid_ioapic_state H0 _ _ H6); intro tmp.
          destruct tmp.
          destruct H21.
          assert (ncase: n = 4%nat n 4%nat) by omega.
          case_eq ncase; intros.
          rewrite nth_error_replace_gss.
          esplit; reflexivity.
          generalize (nth_error_range _ _ _ _ H21); intro.
          rewrite nth_error_replace_gso.
          eapply valid_ioapic_state; eauto.
          change (Pos.to_nat 4%positive) with 4%nat.

          simpl in ×.
          rewrite replace_replace.
          generalize (valid_ioapic_state H0 _ _ H6); intro tmp.
          destruct tmp.
          destruct H21.
          assert (ncase: n = 4%nat n 4%nat) by omega.
          case_eq ncase; intros.
          rewrite nth_error_replace_gss.
          esplit; reflexivity.
          generalize (nth_error_range _ _ _ _ H21); intro.
          rewrite nth_error_replace_gso.
          eapply valid_ioapic_state; eauto.
          change (Pos.to_nat 4%positive) with 4%nat.

          simpl in ×.
          rewrite replace_replace.
          generalize (valid_ioapic_state H0 _ _ H6); intro tmp.
          destruct tmp.
          destruct H21.
          assert (ncase: n = 4%nat n 4%nat) by omega.
          case_eq ncase; intros.
          rewrite nth_error_replace_gss.
          esplit; reflexivity.
          generalize (nth_error_range _ _ _ _ H21); intro.
          rewrite nth_error_replace_gso.
          eapply valid_ioapic_state; eauto.
          change (Pos.to_nat 4%positive) with 4%nat.
          econstructor; simpl in *; eauto.

        Lemma in_intr_update:
           d b,
            in_intr d = b
            d = d { in_intr: b }.
          unfold update_in_intr; simpl. rewrite <- H.
          destruct d. reflexivity.

        Section FunctionalDischarge.
          Variables A B C D: Type.

          Variable f1: A → (B × C).
          Variable f2: AD → (B × C).

          Variable a: A.
          Variable b: B.
          Variable c: C.
          Variable d: D.

          Lemma func1_return_pair:
            f1 a = (fst (f1 a), snd (f1 a)).
            destruct (f1 a) eqn: Hfa.
            simpl. reflexivity.

          Lemma func2_return_pair:
            f2 a d = (fst (f2 a d), snd (f2 a d)).
            destruct (f2 a d) eqn: Hfa.
            simpl. reflexivity.
        End FunctionalDischarge.

        Transparent serial_intr.
        Lemma serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec_irq_true:
           i d di dsi b,
            serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec i d = Some (di, true)
            SerialIrq (s (serial_intr (com1 di))) = true
            serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec (S i) d = Some (dsi, b)
            b = true.
          inv H1.
          functional inversion Hdestruct2.
          inv H4.
          functional inversion H3; subst.
          unfold in ×.
          inv H.
          inv H1.
          unfold serial_intr in H2.
          simpl in H2.
          rewrite H0 in H2.
          inv H2.

        Lemma serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec_false:
           n d di,
            serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec n d = Some (di, true)
            SerialIrq (s (serial_intr (com1 di))) = false
            (n < 100)%nat
            serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec INTR_DISABLE_REC_MAX d = Some (di, false).
          remember (100%nat) as m.
          clear Heqm.
          induction m.
          assert ((n = m n < m)%nat) by xomega.
          Caseeq H2; intros.
          simpl in ×.
          rewrite H.
          unfold serial_intr_handler, serial_hw_intr_spec.
          unfold serial_intr; simpl.
          rewrite H0.
          eapply IHm in H; eauto.
          destruct (serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec m d).
          destruct p.
          unfold serial_intr_handler, serial_hw_intr_spec.
          inv H.
          inv H.

        Section serial_intr_disable_concrete_loop_proof.
          Variable m_init: memb.
          Variable d: RData.
          Variable d_end: RData.
          Variable b_end: bool.
          Variable K: nat.

          Hypothesis Hinv: high_level_invariant d.
          Hypothesis Hkern: ikern d = true.
          Hypothesis Hhost: ihost d = true.
          Hypothesis Hinit: init d = true.
          Hypothesis Hintr_flag: intr_flag d = true.
          Hypothesis Hirq: SerialIrq (s (serial_intr (com1 d))) = true.
          Hypothesis HKrange: (0 < K INTR_DISABLE_REC_MAX)%nat.
          Hypothesis Hcorrect: serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec INTR_DISABLE_REC_MAX d = Some (d_end, b_end).
          Hypothesis HK1: j, (j K)%nat
                       ( dj, serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec j d = Some (dj, true)).
          Hypothesis HK2: j, (K < j INTR_DISABLE_REC_MAX)%nat
                       (serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec j d = Some (d_end, false)).

          Function serial_intr_disable_concrete_loop_body_P (le: temp_env) (m: mem): Prop :=
            le ! _has_irq = Some (Vint (Int.repr 1))
            le ! _t = Some (Vint (Int.repr (Z.of_nat INTR_DISABLE_REC_MAX)))
            m = (m_init, d).

          Function serial_intr_disable_concrete_loop_body_Q (le : temp_env) (m: mem): Prop :=
             d_end b,
            serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec INTR_DISABLE_REC_MAX d = Some (d_end, b)
            (le ! _has_irq = Some (Vint (Int.repr 0))
             le ! _t = Some (Vint (Int.repr 0)))
            m = (m_init, d_end).

          Lemma serial_intr_disable_concrete_loop_correct_aux:
              ge (PTree.empty _)
            generalize max_unsigned_val; intro muval.
            apply LoopProofSimpleWhile.make with
            (W := Z)
              (lt := fun z1 z2 ⇒ (0 z2 z1 < z2)%Z)
              (I := fun le m w i di,
                                    le ! _t = Some (Vint (Int.repr w))
                                    w = 100 - i
                                    intr_flag di = true
                                        0 i < Z.of_nat K
                                        m = (m_init, di)
                                        serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec (Z.to_nat i) d = Some (di, true)
                                        SerialIrq (s (serial_intr (com1 di))) = true
                                        le ! _has_irq = Some (Vint (Int.repr 1))
                                      ) (
                                       i = Z.of_nat K
                                       m = (m_init, di)
                                        serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec (Z.to_nat i) d = Some (di, true)
                                          (K = 100%nat
                                            SerialIrq (s (serial_intr (com1 di))) = true
                                            le ! _has_irq = Some (Vint (Int.repr 1)))
                                            SerialIrq (s (serial_intr (com1 di))) = false
                                           le ! _has_irq = Some (Vint (Int.repr 0)))
            apply Zwf_well_founded.
            intros le m Hp.
            destruct Hp as (Hp1 & Hp2 & Hp3).
             100, 0, d.
            rewrite Hp3. simpl.
            split. assumption.
            split. reflexivity.
            split. assumption.
            left. split; auto. omega.

            intros le m w Hi.
            destruct Hi as (i & di & Hlet & Hwt & Hdi_intr_flag & Hcond).
            destruct Hcond as [Hmid | Hnoirq].
            Case "in loop".
              destruct Hmid as (Hirange & Hm & Hrec & HhasIrq & Hle).
              rewrite Hm in ×.
has irq, in loop
                assert(irange: ((S (Z.to_nat i)) 100)%nat) by xomega.
                generalize (serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec_monotone_general _ _ _ _ _ Hcorrect irange); intro.
                destruct H.
                destruct H.
                exploit (serial_intr_disable_concrete_loop_body_rec_correct
                           m_init d
                           (PTree.empty (block × type)) le w); try auto.
satisfy the exploit
                - eapply serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec_preserves_ikern; eassumption.
                - eapply serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec_preserves_ihost; eassumption.
                - eapply serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec_preserves_init; eassumption.
                - omega.
                - replace (100 - w) with i by omega. rewrite Hrec. reflexivity.
                - replace (100 - w) with i by omega. calc.
                  destruct (serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec (S (Z.to_nat i)) d) eqn: Hd. destruct p. simpl. f_equal.
                  inv H.
                  generalize Hd; intro Hhd.
                  simpl in Hd.
                  rewrite Hrec in Hd.
                  eapply serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec_irq_true; try eassumption.
                  eapply serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec_irq_true; try eassumption.
                  inv H.
                - eapply serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec_preserves_high_level_invariant; eassumption.
get the exploit
                  intros. destruct H0 as [le´ [Hexec [Hle´ Hbound´]]].
                  assert (caset: i < Z.of_nat K - 1 i = Z.of_nat K - 1) by omega.
                  Caseeq caset.
i < Z.of_nat K - 1
                    intros Hirange´.
                    esplit. esplit.
                    split; [|split; [| split]].
                    - SCase "loop condition".
                      unfold serial_intr_disable_handler_loop_condition.
                      repeat vcgen.
                    - SCase "bool val".
                      repeat vcgen.
                    - SCase "out case".
                      inversion 1.
                    - intros tmp; clear tmp.
                       le´. esplit.
                      + SCase "loop body".
                        eapply Hexec.
                      + SCase "loop invariants holds".
                         (w - 1).
                        split. split; omega.
                         (i + 1). x.
                        split. assumption.
                        split. omega.
                        generalize (serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec_preserves_intr_flag _ _ _ _ Hintr_flag H); intro.
                        repeat toNat. destruct (serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec (S (Z.to_nat i)) d) eqn: Hd.
                        destruct p.
                        simpl. f_equal. f_equal.
                        inv H.
                        eapply serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec_irq_true; eassumption.
                        inv H.
                        assert (SerialIrq (s (serial_intr (com1 x))) = true).
                          assert ( dss,
                                    serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec (S (S (Z.to_nat i))) d = Some (dss, true)).
                            eapply HK1.
                          simpl in ×.
                          rewrite H in H0.
                          assert (x0 = true) by (eapply serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec_irq_true; eassumption).
                          rewrite H1 in H0.
                          unfold serial_intr_handler in H0.
                          unfold serial_hw_intr_spec in H0.
                          assert (SerialIrq (s (serial_intr (com1 x))) = true).
                            clear H Hwt Hcorrect.
                            subdestruct; try reflexivity.
                            destruct H0.
                            inv H.
                          generalize H2; clearAll; intro.
                          unfold serial_intr in H2.
                          simpl in H2.
                        destruct Hbound´.
                        destruct H1.
                        rewrite H1 in H0.
                        inv H0.
i = Z.of_nat K - 1
                    intro ival; subst.
                    unfold serial_intr_disable_concrete_loop_body_Q.
                    case_eq (SerialIrq (s (serial_intr (com1 x)))); intro.
                      destruct Hbound´.
                      destruct H1.
                      esplit. esplit.
                      split; [|split; [| split]].
                      - SCase "loop condition".
                        unfold serial_intr_disable_handler_loop_condition.
                        Opaque Z.add Z.sub.
                        repeat vcgen.
                        destruct (zlt 0 (100 - (Z.of_nat K - 1))).
                        repeat vcgen.
                        generalize g HKrange; clearAll; intros.
                        Transparent Z.sub Z.add.
                      - SCase "bool val".
                        repeat vcgen.
                      - SCase "out case".
                        inversion 1.
                      - intros tmp; clear tmp.
                         le´. esplit.
                        + SCase "loop body".
                          eapply Hexec.
                        + SCase "loop invariants hold".
                           (100 - (Z.of_nat K - 1) - 1).
                          split. split; omega.
                           (Z.of_nat K). x.
                          split. assumption.
                          split. omega.
                          generalize (serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec_preserves_intr_flag _ _ _ _ Hintr_flag H); intro.
                          assert (x0 = true) by (eapply serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec_irq_true; eassumption).
                          rewrite <- Z2Nat.inj_succ in H.
                          unfold Z.succ in H.
                          replace (Z.of_nat K - 1 + 1) with (Z.of_nat K) in H by omega.
                          rewrite in H.
                          rewrite H3 in H.
                          assert ((K < 100)%natFalse).
                            assert ((K < S K 100)%nat) by xomega.
                            generalize (HK2 _ H5); intro.
                            simpl in H6.
                            rewrite <- Z2Nat.inj_succ in H.
                            unfold Z.succ in H.
                            replace (Z.of_nat K - 1 + 1) with (Z.of_nat K) in H by omega.
                            rewrite in H.
                            rewrite H in H6.
                            rewrite H3 in H6.
                            inv H6.
                            functional inversion Hdestruct.
                            inv H7.
                            functional inversion H6.
                            unfold in ×.
                            rewrite H1 in H3.
                            inv H3.
                      - destruct H1.
                        rewrite H1 in H0.
                        inv H0.
                      destruct Hbound´.
                      destruct H1.
                      rewrite H1 in H0.
                      inv H0.
                      destruct H1.
                      esplit. esplit.
                      split; [|split; [| split]].
                      - SCase "loop condition".
                        unfold serial_intr_disable_handler_loop_condition.
                        Opaque Z.add Z.sub.
                        repeat vcgen.
                        destruct (zlt 0 (100 - (Z.of_nat K - 1))).
                        repeat vcgen.
                        generalize g HKrange; clearAll; intros.
                        Transparent Z.sub Z.add.
                      - SCase "bool val".
                        repeat vcgen.
                      - SCase "out case".
                        inversion 1.
                      - intros tmp; clear tmp.
                         le´. esplit.
                        + SCase "loop body".
                          eapply Hexec.
                        + SCase "loop invariants hold".
                           (100 - (Z.of_nat K - 1) - 1).
                          split. split; omega.
                           (Z.of_nat K). x.
                          split. assumption.
                          split. omega.
                          generalize (serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec_preserves_intr_flag _ _ _ _ Hintr_flag H); intro.
                          assert (x0 = true) by (eapply serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec_irq_true; eassumption).
                          rewrite <- Z2Nat.inj_succ in H.
                          unfold Z.succ in H.
                          replace (Z.of_nat K - 1 + 1) with (Z.of_nat K) in H by omega.
                          rewrite in H.
                          rewrite H3 in H.
            Case "i = Z.of_nat K, out".
              destruct Hnoirq as (Hival & Hm & Hrec & Hirqcase).
              unfold serial_intr_disable_concrete_loop_body_Q.
              Caseeq Hirqcase; intros.
                destruct H.
                destruct H0.
                esplit. esplit.
                split; [|split; [| split]].
                - SCase "loop condition".
                  unfold serial_intr_disable_handler_loop_condition.
                  Opaque Z.sub.
                  repeat vcgen.
                  Transparent Z.sub.
                - SCase "bool val".
                  repeat vcgen.
                - SCase "out case".
                  intros H; clear H.
                   di, true.
                  rewrite in Hrec.
                  change (100 - Z.of_nat 100) with 0 in Hlet.
                - inversion 1.
                assert (Kcase: (K < 100)%nat K = 100%nat) by xomega.
                Caseeq Kcase; intros.
                  destruct H.
                  esplit. esplit.
                  split; [|split; [| split]].
                  - SCase "loop condition".
                    unfold serial_intr_disable_handler_loop_condition.
                    Opaque Z.sub.
                    repeat vcgen.
                    Transparent Z.sub.
                  - SCase "bool val".
                    repeat vcgen.
                  - SCase "out case".
                    intros tmp; clear tmp.
                     di, false.
                    eapply serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec_false.
                    rewrite in Hrec.
                    eapply Hrec.
                  - inversion 1.
                  destruct H.
                  esplit. esplit.
                  split; [|split; [| split]].
                  - SCase "loop condition".
                    unfold serial_intr_disable_handler_loop_condition.
                    Opaque Z.sub.
                    repeat vcgen.
                    Transparent Z.sub.
                  - SCase "bool val".
                    repeat vcgen.
                  - SCase "out case".
                    intros tmp; clear tmp.
                     di, true.
                    rewrite in Hrec.
                    change (100 - Z.of_nat 100) with 0 in Hrec.
                  - inversion 1.

        End serial_intr_disable_concrete_loop_proof.

        Lemma serial_intr_disable_concrete_loop_correct:
           m d d_end b_end le,
            high_level_invariant d
            ikern d = true
            ihost d = true
            init d = true
            intr_flag d = true
            SerialIrq (s (serial_intr (com1 d))) = true
            serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec INTR_DISABLE_REC_MAX d = Some (d_end, b_end)
            le ! _has_irq = Some (Vint (Int.repr 1)) →
            le ! _t = Some (Vint (Int.repr MAX)) →
             le´, exec_stmt ge (PTree.empty _) le ((m, d): mem)
                                  (Swhile serial_intr_disable_handler_loop_condition
                                  E0 le´ (m, d_end) Out_normal
                        (le´ ! _has_irq = Some (Vint (Int.repr 0))
                         le´ ! _t = Some (Vint (Int.repr 0))).
          intros m d d_end b_end le Hinv Hkern Hhost Hinit Hintr_flag Hirq Hdend Hleirq Hlet.
          generalize (serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec_cases _ _ _ _ Hdend); intro.
          destruct H as [K [H]].
          assert (K O).
            destruct H0.
            assert ((0 < 1 100)%nat) by omega.
            generalize (H1 1%nat H2); intro.
            simpl in H3.
            inv H3.
            functional inversion Hdestruct; subst.
            inv H5.
            functional inversion Hdestruct0; subst.
            unfold in ×.
            rewrite Hirq in H3.
            inv H3.
          assert ((0 < K 100)%nat) by xomega.
          destruct H0.
          generalize (serial_intr_disable_concrete_loop_correct_aux m d d_end b_end K Hinv Hkern Hhost Hinit Hintr_flag Hirq H2 Hdend H0 H3).
          unfold serial_intr_disable_concrete_loop_body_P, serial_intr_disable_concrete_loop_body_Q.
          intro Hlp.
          refine (_ (LoopProofSimpleWhile.termination _ _ _ _ _ _ Hlp le (m, d) _)).
          intro pre.
          destruct pre as (le´ & & Hexec & Hle´ & Hd_end & Hb).
          destruct Hb.
          destruct H5.
          inv H6.
           le´. subst.
          rewrite Hdend in H4.
          inv H4.
          repeat split; try assumption.

        Lemma serial_intr_handler_preserve_in_intr:
           d b,
            in_intr d = false
            serial_intr_handler d = Some (, b)
            in_intr = false.
          functional inversion H0; subst.
          functional inversion H7; functional inversion H6; functional inversion H5; functional inversion H3; simpl in *; subst; try reflexivity.
          inv H4.

        Lemma serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec_preserve_in_intr:
           n d b,
            in_intr d = false
            serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec n d = Some (, b)
            in_intr = false.
          induction n.
          - simpl. intros. inv H0. assumption.
          - simpl. intros.
            subdestruct; try assumption.
            inv H0.
            eapply IHn in Hdestruct.
            eapply serial_intr_handler_preserve_in_intr in Hdestruct2.
            inv H0.
            eapply IHn in Hdestruct.
            inv H0.
            eapply IHn; eauto.

        Lemma serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec_noirq_eq:
           d b,
            SerialIrq (s (serial_intr (com1 d))) = false
            serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec (100%nat) d = Some (, b)
            d = .
          assert (serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec 0 d = Some (d, true)) by reflexivity.
          assert ((0 < 100)%nat) by omega.
          generalize (serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec_false _ _ _ H1 H H2); intro.
          rewrite H0 in H3.
          inv H3.

        Lemma serial_intr_disable_concrete_body_correct: m d env le,
                                                           env = PTree.empty _
                                                           serial_intr_disable_concrete_aux_spec d = Some
                                                           high_level_invariant d
                                                             exec_stmt ge env le ((m, d): mem) serial_intr_disable_handler_body E0 le´ (m, ) Out_normal.
          generalize max_unsigned_val; intro muval.
          intros m d env le Henv Hspec Hinv.
          functional inversion Hspec.
          rewrite <- H in ×.
          eapply aux_aux´_eq in H5.
          destruct H5.
          eapply aux´_rec_eq in H5.

          destruct (SerialIrq (s (serial_intr (com1 d)))) eqn: Hirq.
has irq
            remember ((PTree.set _has_irq (Vint (Int.repr 1))
                                 (PTree.set _t (Vint (Int.repr 100)) le))) as le_pre.
            exploit (serial_intr_disable_concrete_loop_correct m d d0 x le_pre); try assumption; subst.
start to satisfy the exploit
            + ptreesolve.
            + ptreesolve.
get from exploit
              intros [le´ [Hexec Hcond]].
              unfold serial_intr_disable_handler_body.
              repeat vcgen.
              unfold serial_irq_check_spec. rewrite Hirq. rewrite Int.unsigned_repr. reflexivity. omega.
              rewrite Int.unsigned_repr. simpl. discharge_cmp.
              simpl. subst.
              rewrite <- (in_intr_update d0 false).
              eapply Hexec.
              eapply serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec_preserve_in_intr; eauto.
no irq
            unfold serial_intr_disable_handler_body.
            repeat vcgen. ptreesolve.
            unfold serial_irq_check_spec. rewrite Hirq. rewrite Int.unsigned_repr. reflexivity. omega.
            rewrite Int.unsigned_repr. simpl. discharge_cmp.
            eapply serial_intr_disable_concrete_rec_noirq_eq in H5; eauto.
            rewrite <- (in_intr_update d0 false).

      End Serial_Intr_Disable_Body.

      Theorem serial_intr_disable_code_correct:
        spec_le (serial_intr_disable_handler serial_intr_disable_handler_spec_low) (serial_intr_disable_handler f_serial_intr_disable_handler L).
        set ( := L) in ×. unfold L in ×.
        fbigstep_pre .
        fbigstep (serial_intr_disable_concrete_body_correct
                    s (Genv.globalenv p) makeglobalenv
                    b0 Hb0fs Hb0fp b1 Hb1fs Hb1fp b2 Hb2fs Hb2fp
                    b3 Hb3fs Hb3fp m´0 labd labd´ (PTree.empty _)
                    (bind_parameter_temps´ (fn_params f_serial_intr_disable_handler)
                                           (create_undef_temps (fn_temps f_serial_intr_disable_handler)))) H0.


  End WithPrimitives.