Library mcertikos.multithread.phbthread.ObjPHBThreadDEV

Require Import Coqlib.
Require Import Maps.
Require Import AuxStateDataType.
Require Import FlatMemory.
Require Import Integers.
Require Import Values.
Require Import ASTExtra.
Require Import Constant.
Require Import Constant.
Require Import GlobIdent.

Require Import liblayers.compat.CompatGenSem.
Require Import liblayers.compat.CompatLayers.
Require Import CommonTactic.
Require Import RefinementTactic.

Require Import RealParams.
Require Import CalRealPTPool.
Require Import CalRealPT.
Require Import CalRealIDPDE.
Require Import CalRealInitPTE.
Require Import CalRealSMSPool.
Require Import CalRealProcModule.

Require Import ObjInterruptDriver.
Require Import ObjConsole.
Require Import OracleInstances.
Require Import ObjSerialDriver.
Require Import ObjVMMDef.

Require Import DeviceStateDataType.

Require Import AbstractDataType.
Require Import AuxSingleAbstractDataType.
Require Import ObjPHBFlatMem.
Require Import AlgebraicMem.
Require Import GlobalOracleProp.
Require Import SingleConfiguration.

Require Import BigLogThreadConfigFunction.

Section PHBSPECSDev.

  Context `{real_param_ops : RealParamsOps}.
  Context `{multi_oracle_prop: MultiOracleProp}.
  Context `{threads_conf_ops: ThreadsConfigurationOps}.


    Function single_cli_spec (d: PData): option PData :=
      if zeq (ZMap.get (CPU_ID (fst d)) (cid (fst d))) dev_handling_cid then
        if init (fst d) then Some (fst d, (snd d) {pv_intr_flag : false}) else None else None.

    Function single_sti_spec (d: PData): option PData :=
      if zeq (ZMap.get (CPU_ID (fst d)) (cid (fst d))) dev_handling_cid then
        if init (fst d) then Some (fst d, (snd d) {pv_intr_flag : true}) else None else None.


    Function single_cons_intr_aux (abd: PData): option PData :=
      match (ikern (snd abd), ihost (snd abd), init (fst abd), in_intr (snd abd)) with
      | (true, true, true, true)
        if zeq 1 (serial_exists (drv_serial (snd abd)))
          match com1 (snd abd) with
          | mkDevData
              (mkSerialState _ true true true nil rxbuf false _ _ _ _ _ _) lrx _ _
            match SerialEnv (lrx - 1) with
            | SerialRecv str
              if list_eq_dec Z.eq_dec str rxbuf then
                if zle
                     (Zlength ((snd abd).(console).(cons_buf) ++ rxbuf)) CONS_BUFFER_MAX_CHARS
                then Some (fst abd, (snd abd)
                                      {pv_console / cons_buf: (cons_buf (console (snd abd))) ++ rxbuf}
                                      {pv_com1 / l1: (lrx + Zlength rxbuf × 2 + 1)}
                                      {pv_com1 / s / RxBuf: nil}
                                      {pv_com1 / s / SerialIrq: false})
                else Some (fst abd, (snd abd)
                                      {pv_console / cons_buf: skipn
                                                                (Z.to_nat( Zlength ((cons_buf (console (snd abd))) ++ rxbuf)
                                                                           - CONS_BUFFER_MAX_CHARS))
                                                                ((cons_buf (console (snd abd))) ++ rxbuf)}
                                      {pv_console / rpos: ((rpos (console (snd abd))) + Zlength(cons_buf (console (snd abd))
                                                                                                         ++ rxbuf) + 1)
                                                            mod CONSOLE_BUFFER_SIZE}
                                      {pv_com1 / l1: (lrx + Zlength rxbuf × 2 + 1)}
                                      {pv_com1 / s /RxBuf: nil}
                                      {pv_com1 / s /SerialIrq: false})
              else None
            | _None
          | _None
      | _None

    Notation SERIAL_HW_BUF_SIZE := 12%nat.

    Function single_serial_trans_env (e: SerialEvent) (s: SerialState): SerialState :=
      match s with
      | mkSerialState base on irq rxint txbuf rxbuf
                      dlab baudrate databits
                      stopbits parity fifo modem
        match e with
        | SerialPlugins {SerialOn: true}
        | SerialRecv strlet := s {RxBuf:
                                           skipn (length (rxbuf ++ str) - SERIAL_HW_BUF_SIZE)
                                                 (rxbuf ++ str)
                                        } in if rxint then {SerialIrq: true} else
        | SerialSendCompletes {TxBuf: nil}
        | _s

    Function single_serial_intr (d: SerialData): SerialData :=
      d {s: single_serial_trans_env (SerialEnv d.(l1)) d.(s)}
        {l2: d.(l1) + 1}.

    Fixpoint single_serial_intr_disable (n: nat) (masked: bool) (abd: PData) {struct n}
      : option PData :=
      match n with
      | OSome abd
      | S
        let d0 := (snd abd) {pv_com1: single_serial_intr (com1 (snd abd))} in
        if SerialIrq (s (com1 d0)) then
          if masked then
            single_serial_intr_disable true ((fst abd), d0)
            match single_cons_intr_aux (fst abd, d0) with
            | Some d1single_serial_intr_disable false d1
            | NoneNone
          Some abd

    Function single_serial_intr_disable_spec (adt: PData): option PData :=
      if zeq (ZMap.get (CPU_ID (fst adt)) (cid (fst adt))) dev_handling_cid then
        match (ikern (snd adt), ihost (snd adt), init (fst adt), intr_flag (snd adt), in_intr (snd adt)) with
        | (true, true, true, true, false)
          let masked :=
              match nth_error (IoApicIrqs (s (ioapic (snd adt)))) 4 with
              | value v
                match nth_error (IoApicEnables (s (ioapic (snd adt)))) 4 with
                | value true
                  if intr_flag (snd adt) then false
                  else true
                | _true
              | errortrue
          match single_serial_intr_disable INTR_DISABLE_REC_MAX masked (fst adt, (snd adt) {pv_in_intr: true}) with
          | Some Some (fst , (snd ) {pv_in_intr: false} {pv_ioapic / s / IoApicEnables [(Z.to_nat 4)]: false})
          | NoneNone
        | _None
      else None.

    Fixpoint single_serial_intr_enable (n: nat) (abd: PData) {struct n} : option PData :=
      match n with
      | OSome abd
      | S
        if SerialIrq (s (com1 (snd abd))) then
          match single_cons_intr_aux abd with
          | Some d1single_serial_intr_enable d1
          | NoneNone
          Some abd

    Function single_serial_intr_enable_spec (abd: PData): option PData :=
      if zeq (ZMap.get (CPU_ID (fst abd)) (cid (fst abd))) dev_handling_cid then
        match (ikern (snd abd), ihost (snd abd), init (fst abd), intr_flag (snd abd), in_intr (snd abd)) with
        | (true, true, true, true, false)
          match nth_error (IoApicIrqs (s (ioapic (snd abd)))) 4 with
          | value v
            match nth_error (IoApicEnables (s (ioapic (snd abd)))) 4 with
            | value true
              match single_serial_intr_enable INTR_ENABLE_REC_MAX (fst abd, (snd abd) {pv_in_intr: true}) with
              | Some abd´Some (fst abd´, (snd abd´) {pv_in_intr: false} {pv_ioapic / s / IoApicEnables [(Z.to_nat 4)]: true})
              | NoneNone
            | _None
          | _None
        | _None
      else None.

    Notation CHAR_CR := 13.
    Notation CHAR_LF := 10.

    Function single_serial_putc_spec (c: Z) (d: PData): option PData :=
      if zeq (ZMap.get (CPU_ID (fst d)) (cid (fst d))) dev_handling_cid then
        match (ikern (snd d), init (fst d), ihost (snd d)) with
        | (true, true, true)
          if zeq 1 (serial_exists (drv_serial (snd d)))
            match (com1 (snd d)) with
            | mkDevData
              (mkSerialState _ true _ _ txbuf nil false _ _ _ _ _ _) _ ltx _
              match txbuf with
              | nil
                if Z.eq_dec c CHAR_LF
                then Some (fst d, (snd d) {pv_com1: (com1 (snd d))
                                                      {s/TxBuf: CHAR_LF :: CHAR_CR :: nil}
                                                      {l2: ltx + 1}})
                else Some (fst d, (snd d) {pv_com1: (com1 (snd d))
                                                      {s/TxBuf: c :: nil}
                                                      {l2: ltx + 1}})
              | _
                if Z.eq_dec c CHAR_LF
                then Some ((fst d), (snd d) {pv_com1: (com1 (snd d))
                                                        {s/TxBuf: CHAR_LF :: CHAR_CR :: nil}
                                                        {l2: (next_sendcomplete ltx)}})
                else Some ((fst d), (snd d) {pv_com1: (com1 (snd d))
                                                        {s/TxBuf: c :: nil}
                                                        {l2: (next_sendcomplete ltx)}})
            | _None
            Some d
        | _None
      else None.

    Function single_cons_buf_read_spec (abd: PData): option (PData × Z) :=
      if zeq (ZMap.get (CPU_ID (fst abd)) (cid (fst abd))) dev_handling_cid then
        match (ikern (snd abd), ihost (snd abd), init (fst abd)) with
        | (true, true, true)
          let s := console (snd abd) in
          let b := cons_buf s in
          let r := rpos s in
          match b with
          | nilSome (abd, 0)
          | c :: tl
            Some (fst abd, (snd abd) {pv_console: (s {cons_buf: tl}{rpos: ((r + 1) mod CONS_BUFFER_SIZE)})}, c)
        | _None
      else None.

    Function single_hostin_spec (adt: PData): option PData :=
      match (init (fst adt), ikern (snd adt), ihost (snd adt)) with
      | (true, true, false)Some ((fst adt), (snd adt) {pv_ihost: true})
      | _None

    Function single_hostout_spec (adt: PData): option PData :=
      match (ikern (snd adt), init (fst adt), pg (fst adt), ihost (snd adt)) with
      | (true, true, true, true)Some (fst adt, (snd adt) {pv_ihost: false})
      | _None

    Definition single_trap_info_get_spec (d: PData): int := fst (ti (snd d)).

    Definition single_trap_info_ret_spec (d: PData): val := snd (ti (snd d)).

    Function single_uctx_get_spec (i ofs: Z) (d: PData) : option Z :=
      let sh_adt := fst d in
      let pv_adt := snd d in
      let curid := ZMap.get (CPU_ID (fst d)) (cid (fst d)) in
      let cpu := CPU_ID (fst d) in
      if zeq (ZMap.get (CPU_ID sh_adt) (cid sh_adt)) i then
        match (init sh_adt, ikern pv_adt, pg sh_adt, ihost pv_adt, ipt pv_adt) with
          | (true, true, true, true, true)
            match big_log (fst d) with
            | BigDef l
              if B_GetContainerUsed curid cpu l then
                if zle_lt 0 i num_proc then
                  if is_UCTXT_ptr ofs then
                    match (ZMap.get ofs (uctxt pv_adt)) with
                    | Vint nSome (Int.unsigned n)
                    | _None
                else None
              else None
            | _None
          | _None
      else None.

    Function single_uctx_set_spec (i ofs n: Z) (d : PData) : option PData :=
      let sh_adt := fst d in
      let pv_adt := snd d in
      let curid := ZMap.get (CPU_ID (fst d)) (cid (fst d)) in
      let cpu := CPU_ID (fst d) in
      if zeq (ZMap.get (CPU_ID sh_adt) (cid sh_adt)) i then
        match (init sh_adt, ikern pv_adt, pg sh_adt, ihost pv_adt, ipt pv_adt) with
          | (true, true, true, true, true)
            match big_log (fst d) with
            | BigDef l
              if B_GetContainerUsed curid cpu l then
                if zle_lt 0 i num_proc then
                  if is_UCTXT_ptr ofs then
                    let uctx´:= ZMap.set ofs (Vint (Int.repr n)) (uctxt pv_adt) in
                    Some (sh_adt, pv_adt {pv_uctxt: uctx´})
                else None
              else None
            | _None
          | _None
      else None.

    Function single_proc_start_user_spec (d: PData) : option (PData × UContext) :=
      let sh_adt := fst d in
      let pv_adt := snd d in
      let curid := ZMap.get (CPU_ID sh_adt) (cid sh_adt) in
      let cpu := CPU_ID (fst d) in
      match (ikern pv_adt, pg sh_adt, ihost pv_adt, ipt pv_adt, init sh_adt) with
        | (true, true, true, true, true)
          match big_log (fst d) with
          | BigDef l
            if B_GetContainerUsed curid cpu l then
              Some ((sh_adt, pv_adt {pv_ikern: false} {pv_ipt: false} {pv_PT: curid}), (uctxt pv_adt))
            else None
          | _None
        | _None

primitive: save user context
    Function single_proc_exit_user_spec (d : PData) (rs : UContext) : option PData :=
      let sh_adt := fst d in
      let pv_adt := snd d in
      let curid := ZMap.get (CPU_ID sh_adt) (cid sh_adt) in
      let cpu := CPU_ID (fst d) in
      match (init sh_adt, ikern pv_adt, pg sh_adt, ihost pv_adt) with
        | (true, false, true, true)
          match big_log (fst d) with
          | BigDef l
            if B_GetContainerUsed curid cpu l then
              Some (sh_adt, pv_adt {pv_ikern: true} {pv_PT: 0} {pv_ipt: true} {pv_uctxt: rs})
            else None
          | _None
        | _None