Module Compilerimpl

Require Compiler.
Require Memimpl.
Require Unusedglobproofimpl.

Instantiate the compiler correctness proofs with a memory model and external functions. NOTE: This file poses axioms that differ from Cexecimpl. The axioms posed here are valid only for the verified compiler, not for the C interpreter. Anyway, since the verified compiler defined in Compiler itself does not depend on the memory model or the external functions, this file does not need to be extracted.

Instantiate the memory model.

Local Existing Instance Memimpl.Mem.memory_model_ops.
Local Existing Instance Memimpl.Mem.memory_model_prf.
Local Existing Instance Unusedglobproofimpl.Mem.memory_model_x_prf.

Axiomatize over external function calls.

Local Existing Instance Events.symbols_inject_instance.
Parameter external_calls_ops: Events.ExternalCallsOps Memimpl.Mem.mem.
Axiom external_calls_props: Events.ExternalCallsProps Memimpl.Mem.mem.
Axiom enable_builtins_instance: Events.EnableBuiltins Memimpl.Mem.mem.
Axiom external_calls_prf: Events.ExternalCalls Memimpl.Mem.mem.
Axiom i64_helpers_correct_prf:
  SplitLongproof.I64HelpersCorrect Memimpl.Mem.mem.

Correctness of the CompCert compiler

Require Import List.

Theorem transf_c_program_correct:
  forall p tp,
  Compiler.transf_c_program p = Errors.OK tp ->
    let init_stk := Compiler.mk_init_stk tp in
  Smallstep.backward_simulation (Csem.semantics (Compiler.fn_stack_requirements tp) p) (Asm.semantics tp init_stk).
  apply Compiler.transf_c_program_correct.

Here is the separate compilation case. Consider a nonempty list c_units of C source files (compilation units), C1 ,,, Cn. Assume that every C compilation unit Ci is successfully compiled by CompCert, obtaining an Asm compilation unit Ai. Let asm_unit be the nonempty list A1 ... An. Further assume that the C units C1 ... Cn can be linked together to produce a whole C program c_program. Then, the generated Asm units can be linked together, producing a whole Asm program asm_program. Moreover, asm_program preserves the semantics of c_program, in the sense that there exists a backward simulation of the dynamic semantics of asm_program by the dynamic semantics of c_program.

Theorem separate_transf_c_program_correct:
  forall c_units asm_units c_program,
  Coqlib.nlist_forall2 (fun cu tcu => Compiler.transf_c_program cu = Errors.OK tcu) c_units asm_units ->
  Linking.link_list c_units = Some c_program ->
  exists asm_program,
      Linking.link_list asm_units = Some asm_program
      let init_stk := Compiler.mk_init_stk asm_program in
      Smallstep.backward_simulation (Csem.semantics (Compiler.fn_stack_requirements asm_program) c_program) (Asm.semantics asm_program init_stk).
  apply Compiler.separate_transf_c_program_correct.