Module Stackingproof

Correctness proof for the translation from Linear to Mach.

This file proves semantic preservation for the Stacking pass.

Require Import Coqlib Errors.
Require Import Integers AST Linking.
Require Import Setoid.
Require Import Values Memory Separation Events Globalenvs Smallstep.
Require Import LTL Op Locations Linear Mach.
Require Import Bounds Conventions Stacklayout Lineartyping.
Require Import Stacking.

Local Open Scope sep_scope.

Definition match_prog (p: Linear.program) (tp: Mach.program) :=
  match_program (fun _ f tf => transf_fundef f = OK tf) eq p tp.

Lemma transf_program_match:
  forall p tp, transf_program p = OK tp -> match_prog p tp.
  intros. eapply match_transform_partial_program; eauto.

Basic properties of the translation

Lemma typesize_typesize:
  forall ty, AST.typesize ty = 4 * Locations.typesize ty.
  destruct ty; auto.

Remark size_type_chunk:
  forall ty, size_chunk (chunk_of_type ty) = AST.typesize ty.
  destruct ty; reflexivity.

Remark align_type_chunk:
  forall ty, align_chunk (chunk_of_type ty) = 4 * Locations.typealign ty.
  destruct ty; reflexivity.

Lemma slot_outgoing_argument_valid:
  forall f ofs ty sg,
  In (S Outgoing ofs ty) (regs_of_rpairs (loc_arguments sg)) -> slot_valid f Outgoing ofs ty = true.
  intros. exploit loc_arguments_acceptable_2; eauto. intros [A B].
  unfold slot_valid. unfold proj_sumbool.
  rewrite zle_true by omega.
  rewrite pred_dec_true by auto.

Lemma load_result_inject:
  forall j ty v v',
  Val.inject j v v' -> Val.has_type v ty -> Val.inject j v (Val.load_result (chunk_of_type ty) v').
  intros until v'; unfold Val.has_type, Val.load_result; destruct Archi.ptr64;
  destruct 1; intros; auto; destruct ty; simpl;
  try contradiction; try discriminate; econstructor; eauto.

  Existing Instance inject_perm_all.
Context `{external_calls_prf: ExternalCalls}.

Variable return_address_offset: Mach.function -> Mach.code -> ptrofs -> Prop.

Hypothesis return_address_offset_exists:
  forall f sg ros c,
  is_tail (Mcall sg ros :: c) (fn_code f) ->
  exists ofs, return_address_offset f c ofs.

Variable prog: Linear.program.
Variable tprog: Mach.program.
Hypothesis TRANSF: match_prog prog tprog.
Let ge := Genv.globalenv prog.
Let tge := Genv.globalenv tprog.


Variables init_ra: val.
Let step := Mach.step init_ra return_address_offset invalidate_frame1.

Opaque bound_outgoing bound_local bound_stack_data Z.mul Z.add.

Transparent bound_outgoing bound_local bound_stack_data Z.mul Z.add.


Variable f: Linear.function.
Let b := function_bounds f.
Let fe := make_env b.
Variable tf: Mach.function.
Hypothesis TRANSF_F: transf_function f = OK tf.

Lemma unfold_transf_function:
  tf = Mach.mkfunction
         (transl_body f fe)
         (Ptrofs.repr fe.(fe_ofs_retaddr))
         (fe_stack_data fe, fe_stack_data fe + bound_stack_data b).
  generalize TRANSF_F. unfold transf_function.
  destruct (wt_function f); simpl negb.
  destruct (zlt Ptrofs.max_unsigned (fe_size (make_env (function_bounds f)))).
  intros; discriminate.
  intros. unfold fe. unfold b. congruence.
  intros; discriminate.

Lemma transf_function_well_typed:
  wt_function f = true.
  generalize TRANSF_F. unfold transf_function.
  destruct (wt_function f); simpl negb. auto. intros; discriminate.

Lemma size_no_overflow: fe.(fe_size) <= Ptrofs.max_unsigned.
  generalize TRANSF_F. unfold transf_function.
  destruct (wt_function f); simpl negb.
  destruct (zlt Ptrofs.max_unsigned (fe_size (make_env (function_bounds f)))).
  intros; discriminate.
  intros. unfold fe. unfold b. omega.
  intros; discriminate.

Remark bound_stack_data_stacksize:
  f.(Linear.fn_stacksize) <= b.(bound_stack_data).
  unfold b, function_bounds, bound_stack_data. apply Zmax1.

Memory assertions used to describe the contents of stack frames

Local Opaque Z.add Z.mul Z.divide.

Accessing the stack frame using load_stack and store_stack.

Lemma contains_get_stack:
  forall spec m ty sp ofs,
  m |= contains (chunk_of_type ty) sp ofs spec ->
  exists v, load_stack m (Vptr sp ty (Ptrofs.repr ofs) = Some v /\ spec v.
  intros. unfold load_stack.
  replace (Val.offset_ptr (Vptr sp (Ptrofs.repr ofs)) with (Vptr sp (Ptrofs.repr ofs)).
  eapply loadv_rule; eauto.
  simpl. rewrite Ptrofs.add_zero_l; auto.

Lemma hasvalue_get_stack:
  forall ty m sp ofs v,
  m |= hasvalue (chunk_of_type ty) sp ofs v ->
  load_stack m (Vptr sp ty (Ptrofs.repr ofs) = Some v.
  intros. exploit contains_get_stack; eauto. intros (v' & A & B). congruence.

Lemma contains_set_stack:
  forall (spec: val -> Prop) v spec1 m ty sp ofs P,
  m |= contains (chunk_of_type ty) sp ofs spec1 ** P ->
  stack_access (Mem.stack m) sp ofs (ofs + size_chunk (chunk_of_type ty)) ->
  spec (Val.load_result (chunk_of_type ty) v) ->
  exists m',
      store_stack m (Vptr sp ty (Ptrofs.repr ofs) v = Some m'
  /\ m' |= contains (chunk_of_type ty) sp ofs spec ** P.
  intros. unfold store_stack.
  replace (Val.offset_ptr (Vptr sp (Ptrofs.repr ofs)) with (Vptr sp (Ptrofs.repr ofs)).
  eapply storev_rule; eauto.
  simpl. rewrite Ptrofs.add_zero_l; auto.

Lemma wt_encoded_ra_same_64:
  forall v, Archi.ptr64 = true ->
       Val.has_type v Tptr ->
       v <> Vundef ->
       Mem.encoded_ra (encode_val Mptr v) = Some v.
  clear step.
  unfold Tptr, Mem.encoded_ra, Mptr.
  intros v ARCH WT NU.
  destr_in WT.
  destruct v; simpl in WT; try congruence; try easy.
 + simpl. rewrite proj_inj_bytes. unfold Vptrofs; rewrite Heqb0. f_equal. f_equal. *)   rewrite decode_encode_int. *)   erewrite Ptrofs.agree64_to_int_eq. eauto. *)   etransitivity. apply Ptrofs.agree64_repr. auto. *)   rewrite Z.mod_small. *)   rewrite Int64.repr_unsigned. auto. apply Int64.unsigned_range. *) + simpl. rewrite WT. rewrite proj_bytes_inj_value. rewrite proj_inj_value. reflexivity. *)Qed.

Lemma wt_encoded_ra_same_32:
  forall v, Archi.ptr64 = false ->
       Val.has_type v Tptr ->
       v <> Vundef ->
       Mem.encoded_ra (encode_val Mptr v) = Some v.
  clear step.
  unfold Tptr, Mem.encoded_ra, Mptr.
  intros v ARCH WT NU.
  destr_in WT.
  destruct v; simpl in WT. congruence.
  + simpl. rewrite proj_inj_bytes. unfold Vptrofs; rewrite Heqb0. f_equal. f_equal.
    rewrite decode_encode_int.
    erewrite Ptrofs.agree32_to_int_eq. eauto.
    etransitivity. apply Ptrofs.agree32_repr. auto.
    rewrite Z.mod_small.
    rewrite Int.repr_unsigned. auto. apply Int.unsigned_range.
  + inv WT.
  + inv WT.
  + inv WT.
  + simpl. rewrite WT. rewrite proj_bytes_inj_value. rewrite proj_inj_value. reflexivity.
Lemma wt_encoded_ra_same:
  forall v, Val.has_type v Tptr ->
       v <> Vundef ->
       Mem.encoded_ra (encode_val Mptr v) = Some v.
  destruct Archi.ptr64 eqn:ARCH.
  intros. eapply wt_encoded_ra_same_64; eauto.
  intros. eapply wt_encoded_ra_same_32; eauto.

Lemma store_rule':
  forall m b ofs v (spec1: val -> Prop) P,
    m |= contains Mptr b ofs spec1 ** P ->
    stack_access (Mem.stack m) b ofs (ofs + size_chunk Mptr) ->
    Val.has_type v Tptr ->
    v <> Vundef ->
    exists m', Mptr m b ofs v = Some m' /\ m' |= contains_ra b ofs v ** P.
  intros m b0 ofs v spec1 P ((D & E & F & v0 & G & I) & B & C) SA VPTR VNU.
  assert (FREEABLE: Mem.valid_access m Mptr b0 ofs Freeable).
    split;[|split]; eauto.
  assert (WRITABLE: Mem.valid_access m Mptr b0 ofs Writable).
    eauto with mem.
  destruct (Mem.valid_access_store _ _ _ _ v WRITABLE) as [m' STORE].
  exists m'; split; auto. simpl. intuition auto.
- eapply Mem.store_valid_access_1; eauto.
- erewrite Mem.loadbytes_store_same; eauto. 2: rewrite Ptrofs.unsigned_repr; eauto.
  eapply wt_encoded_ra_same; eauto.
- apply (m_invar P) with m; auto.
  destruct (m_invar_weak P).
  + eapply Mem.store_strong_unchanged_on; eauto.
    intros; red; intros. apply (C b0 i); simpl; auto.
  + eapply Mem.store_unchanged_on; eauto.
    intros; red; intros. apply (C b0 i); simpl; auto.
  + intros.
    eapply Mem.store_stack_blocks; eauto.

Lemma contains_ra_set_stack:
  forall v spec1 m sp ofs P,
  m |= contains Mptr sp ofs spec1 ** P ->
  stack_access (Mem.stack m) sp ofs (ofs + size_chunk Mptr) ->
  Val.has_type v Tptr ->
  v <> Vundef ->
  exists m',
      store_stack m (Vptr sp Tptr (Ptrofs.repr ofs) v = Some m'
  /\ m' |= contains_ra sp ofs v ** P.
  intros v spec1 m sp ofs P CONT SA VPTR VNU.
  unfold store_stack.
  replace (Val.offset_ptr (Vptr sp (Ptrofs.repr ofs)) with (Vptr sp (Ptrofs.repr ofs)).
  simpl Mem.storev.
  rewrite Ptrofs.unsigned_repr; eauto.
  eapply store_rule'; eauto.
  destruct CONT as ((A & _) & _); auto.
  simpl. rewrite Ptrofs.add_zero_l; auto.

contains_locations j sp pos bound sl ls is a separation logic assertion that holds if the memory area at block sp, offset pos, size 4 * bound, reflects the values of the stack locations of kind sl given by the location map ls, up to the memory injection j. Two such contains_locations assertions will be used later, one to reason about the values of Local slots, the other about the values of Outgoing slots.

Program Definition contains_locations (j: meminj) (sp: block) (pos bound: Z) (sl: slot) (ls: locset) : massert := {|
  m_pred := fun m =>
    (8 | pos) /\ 0 <= pos /\ pos + 4 * bound <= Ptrofs.modulus /\
    Mem.range_perm m sp pos (pos + 4 * bound) Cur Freeable /\
    forall ofs ty, 0 <= ofs -> ofs + typesize ty <= bound -> (typealign ty | ofs) ->
    exists v, Mem.load (chunk_of_type ty) m sp (pos + 4 * ofs) = Some v
           /\ Val.inject j (ls (S sl ofs ty)) v;
  m_footprint := fun b ofs =>
    b = sp /\ pos <= ofs < pos + 4 * bound
  m_invar_weak := false;
  m_invar_stack := false;
Next Obligation.
  intuition auto.
  - red; intros. eapply Mem.perm_unchanged_on; eauto. simpl; auto.
 - eapply Mem.unchanged_on_stack_access; eauto. simpl; auto. *)  - exploit H5; eauto. intros (v & A & B). exists v; split; auto.
    eapply Mem.load_unchanged_on; eauto.
    simpl; intros. rewrite size_type_chunk, typesize_typesize in H9.
    split; auto. omega.
Next Obligation.
  eauto with mem.

Remark valid_access_location:
  forall m sp pos bound ofs ty p,
  (8 | pos) ->
  Mem.range_perm m sp pos (pos + 4 * bound) Cur Freeable ->
  (perm_order p Writable -> stack_access (Mem.stack m) sp pos (pos + 4 * bound)) ->
  0 <= ofs -> ofs + typesize ty <= bound -> (typealign ty | ofs) ->
  Mem.valid_access m (chunk_of_type ty) sp (pos + 4 * ofs) p.
  intros; split; [|split].
- red; intros. apply Mem.perm_implies with Freeable; auto with mem.
  apply H0. rewrite size_type_chunk, typesize_typesize in H5. omega.
- rewrite align_type_chunk. apply Z.divide_add_r.
  apply Zdivide_trans with 8; auto.
  exists (8 / (4 * typealign ty)); destruct ty; reflexivity.
  apply Z.mul_divide_mono_l. auto.
- intros.
  eapply stack_access_inside; eauto. omega.
  rewrite size_type_chunk. rewrite typesize_typesize. omega.

Lemma get_location:
  forall m j sp pos bound sl ls ofs ty,
    m |= contains_locations j sp pos bound sl ls ->
    0 <= ofs -> ofs + typesize ty <= bound -> (typealign ty | ofs) ->
    exists v,
      load_stack m (Vptr sp ty (Ptrofs.repr (pos + 4 * ofs)) = Some v
      /\ Val.inject j (ls (S sl ofs ty)) v.
  intros. destruct H as (D & E & F & G & H).
  exploit H; eauto. intros (v & U & V). exists v; split; auto.
  unfold load_stack; simpl. rewrite Ptrofs.add_zero_l, Ptrofs.unsigned_repr; auto.
  unfold Ptrofs.max_unsigned. generalize (typesize_pos ty). omega.

Lemma set_location:
  forall m j sp pos bound sl ls P ofs ty v v',
  m |= contains_locations j sp pos bound sl ls ** P ->
  stack_access (Mem.stack m) sp pos (pos + 4 * bound) ->
  0 <= ofs -> ofs + typesize ty <= bound -> (typealign ty | ofs) ->
  Val.inject j v v' ->
  exists m',
     store_stack m (Vptr sp ty (Ptrofs.repr (pos + 4 * ofs)) v' = Some m'
  /\ m' |= contains_locations j sp pos bound sl (Locmap.set (S sl ofs ty) v ls) ** P.
  intros. destruct H as (A & B & C). destruct A as (D & E & F & G & H).
  edestruct Mem.valid_access_store as [m' STORE].
  eapply valid_access_location; eauto.
  assert (PERM: Mem.range_perm m' sp pos (pos + 4 * bound) Cur Freeable).
  { red; intros; eauto with mem. }
  exists m'; split.
  - unfold store_stack; simpl. rewrite Ptrofs.add_zero_l, Ptrofs.unsigned_repr; eauto.
    unfold Ptrofs.max_unsigned. generalize (typesize_pos ty). omega.
  - simpl. intuition auto.
    + unfold Locmap.set.
      destruct (Loc.eq (S sl ofs ty) (S sl ofs0 ty0)); [|destruct (Loc.diff_dec (S sl ofs ty) (S sl ofs0 ty0))].
      * (* same location *)
        inv e. rename ofs0 into ofs. rename ty0 into ty.
        exists (Val.load_result (chunk_of_type ty) v'); split.
        eapply Mem.load_store_similar_2; eauto. omega.
        apply Val.load_result_inject; auto.
      * (* different locations *)
        exploit H; eauto. intros (v0 & X & Y). exists v0; split; auto.
        rewrite <- X; eapply Mem.load_store_other; eauto.
        destruct d. congruence. right. rewrite ! size_type_chunk, ! typesize_typesize. omega.
      * (* overlapping locations *)
        destruct (Mem.valid_access_load m' (chunk_of_type ty0) sp (pos + 4 * ofs0)) as [v'' LOAD].
        apply Mem.valid_access_implies with Writable; auto with mem.
        eapply valid_access_location; eauto.
        intros; eapply Mem.store_stack_access; eauto.
        exists v''; auto.
    + apply (m_invar P) with m; auto.
      cut (Mem.strong_unchanged_on (m_footprint P) m m').
        destruct (m_invar_weak P); auto using Mem.strong_unchanged_on_weak.
      eapply Mem.store_strong_unchanged_on; eauto.
      intros i; rewrite size_type_chunk, typesize_typesize. intros; red; intros.
      eelim C; eauto. simpl. split; auto. omega.
      intros; eapply Mem.store_stack_blocks; eauto.

Lemma initial_locations:
  forall j sp pos bound P sl ls m,
  m |= range sp pos (pos + 4 * bound) ** P ->
  (8 | pos) ->
  (forall ofs ty, ls (S sl ofs ty) = Vundef) ->
  m |= contains_locations j sp pos bound sl ls ** P.
  intros. destruct H as (A & B & C). destruct A as (D & E & F). split.
- simpl; intuition auto. red; intros; eauto with mem.
  destruct (Mem.valid_access_load m (chunk_of_type ty) sp (pos + 4 * ofs)) as [v LOAD].
  eapply valid_access_location; eauto.
  red; intros; eauto with mem. inversion 1.
  exists v; split; auto. rewrite H1; auto.
- split; assumption.

Lemma contains_locations_exten:
  forall ls ls' j sp pos bound sl,
  (forall ofs ty, ls' (S sl ofs ty) = ls (S sl ofs ty)) ->
  massert_imp (contains_locations j sp pos bound sl ls)
              (contains_locations j sp pos bound sl ls').
  intros; split; simpl; intros; auto.
  intuition auto. rewrite H. eauto.

Lemma contains_locations_incr:
  forall j j' sp pos bound sl ls,
  inject_incr j j' ->
  massert_imp (contains_locations j sp pos bound sl ls)
              (contains_locations j' sp pos bound sl ls).
  intros; split; simpl; intros; auto.
  intuition auto. exploit H5; eauto. intros (v & A & B). exists v; eauto.

contains_callee_saves j sp pos rl ls is a memory assertion that holds if block sp, starting at offset pos, contains the values of the callee-save registers rl as given by the location map ls, up to the memory injection j. The memory layout of the registers in rl is the same as that implemented by save_callee_save_rec.

Fixpoint contains_callee_saves (j: meminj) (sp: block) (pos: Z) (rl: list mreg) (ls: locset) : massert :=
  match rl with
  | nil => pure True
  | r :: rl =>
      let ty := mreg_type r in
      let sz := AST.typesize ty in
      let pos1 := align pos sz in
      contains (chunk_of_type ty) sp pos1 (fun v => Val.inject j (ls (R r)) v)
      ** contains_callee_saves j sp (pos1 + sz) rl ls

Lemma contains_callee_saves_invar_weak rl :
  forall j sp pos ls,
    m_invar_weak (contains_callee_saves j sp pos rl ls) = false.
  induction rl; simpl; auto.

Record massert_eqv and massert_imp as relations so that they can be used by rewriting tactics.
Local Add Relation massert massert_imp
  reflexivity proved by massert_imp_refl
  transitivity proved by massert_imp_trans
as massert_imp_prel.

Local Add Relation massert massert_eqv
  reflexivity proved by massert_eqv_refl
  symmetry proved by massert_eqv_sym
  transitivity proved by massert_eqv_trans
as massert_eqv_prel.

Lemma contains_callee_saves_incr:
  forall j j' sp ls,
  inject_incr j j' ->
  forall rl pos,
  massert_imp (contains_callee_saves j sp pos rl ls)
              (contains_callee_saves j' sp pos rl ls).
  induction rl as [ | r1 rl]; simpl; intros.
- reflexivity.
- apply sepconj_morph_1; auto. apply contains_imp. eauto.

Lemma contains_callee_saves_exten:
  forall j sp ls ls' rl pos,
  (forall r, In r rl -> ls' (R r) = ls (R r)) ->
  massert_eqv (contains_callee_saves j sp pos rl ls)
              (contains_callee_saves j sp pos rl ls').
  induction rl as [ | r1 rl]; simpl; intros.
- reflexivity.
- apply sepconj_morph_2; auto. rewrite H by auto. reflexivity.

Separation logic assertions describing the stack frame at sp. It must contain: - the values of the Local stack slots of ls, as per contains_locations - the values of the Outgoing stack slots of ls, as per contains_locations - the parent pointer representing the back link to the caller's frame - the retaddr pointer representing the saved return address - the initial values of the used callee-save registers as given by ls0, as per contains_callee_saves. In addition, we use a nonseparating conjunction to record the fact that we have full access rights on the stack frame, except the part that represents the Linear stack data.

Definition frame_contents_1 (j: meminj) (sp: block) (ls ls0: locset) (parent retaddr: val) :=
    contains_locations j sp fe.(fe_ofs_local) b.(bound_local) Local ls
 ** contains_locations j sp fe_ofs_arg b.(bound_outgoing) Outgoing ls
 ** contains_ra sp fe.(fe_ofs_retaddr) retaddr
 ** contains_callee_saves j sp fe.(fe_ofs_callee_save) b.(used_callee_save) ls0.

Definition frame_contents (j: meminj) (sp: block) (ls ls0: locset) (parent retaddr: val) :=
  mconj (frame_contents_1 j sp ls ls0 parent retaddr)
        (range sp 0 fe.(fe_stack_data) **
         range sp (fe.(fe_stack_data) + b.(bound_stack_data)) fe.(fe_size)).

Lemma frame_contents_invar_weak j sp ls ls0 parent retaddr:
  m_invar_weak (frame_contents j sp ls ls0 parent retaddr) = false.
  rewrite contains_callee_saves_invar_weak.
Lemma m_invar_stack_contains_callee_saves:
  forall l j b delta ls,
    m_invar_stack (contains_callee_saves j b delta l ls) = false.
  induction l; simpl; intros; eauto.

Lemma frame_contents_invar_stack j sp ls ls0 parent retaddr:
  m_invar_stack (frame_contents j sp ls ls0 parent retaddr) = false.
  rewrite m_invar_stack_contains_callee_saves.

Accessing components of the frame.

Lemma frame_get_local:
  forall ofs ty j sp ls ls0 parent retaddr m P,
  m |= frame_contents j sp ls ls0 parent retaddr ** P ->
  slot_within_bounds b Local ofs ty -> slot_valid f Local ofs ty = true ->
  exists v,
     load_stack m (Vptr sp ty (Ptrofs.repr (offset_local fe ofs)) = Some v
  /\ Val.inject j (ls (S Local ofs ty)) v.
  unfold frame_contents, frame_contents_1; intros. unfold slot_valid in H1; InvBooleans.
  apply mconj_proj1 in H. apply sep_proj1 in H. apply sep_proj1 in H.
  eapply get_location; eauto.

Lemma frame_get_outgoing:
  forall ofs ty j sp ls ls0 parent retaddr m P,
  m |= frame_contents j sp ls ls0 parent retaddr ** P ->
  slot_within_bounds b Outgoing ofs ty -> slot_valid f Outgoing ofs ty = true ->
  exists v,
     load_stack m (Vptr sp ty (Ptrofs.repr (offset_arg ofs)) = Some v
  /\ Val.inject j (ls (S Outgoing ofs ty)) v.
  unfold frame_contents, frame_contents_1; intros. unfold slot_valid in H1; InvBooleans.
  apply mconj_proj1 in H. apply sep_proj1 in H. apply sep_pick2 in H.
  eapply get_location; eauto.

Lemma frame_get_retaddr:
  forall j sp ls ls0 parent retaddr m P,
  m |= frame_contents j sp ls ls0 parent retaddr ** P ->
  Mem.loadbytesv Mptr m (Val.offset_ptr (Vptr sp (Ptrofs.repr fe.(fe_ofs_retaddr))) = Some retaddr.
  unfold frame_contents, frame_contents_1; intros.
  apply mconj_proj1 in H. apply sep_proj1 in H. apply sep_pick3 in H.
  destruct H as (A & B & C & D). Opaque fe_ofs_retaddr. simpl Val.offset_ptr. rewrite Ptrofs.add_zero_l, D. auto. Transparent fe_ofs_retaddr.

Assigning a Local or Outgoing stack slot.

Lemma store_stack_stack_access:
  forall m sp ty o v m',
    store_stack m sp ty o v = Some m' ->
    forall b lo hi,
      stack_access (Mem.stack m') b lo hi <->
      stack_access (Mem.stack m) b lo hi.
  unfold store_stack, Mem.storev.
  destruct (Val.offset_ptr sp o); try discriminate.
  eapply Mem.store_stack_access; eauto.

Lemma frame_set_local:
  forall ofs ty v v' j sp ls ls0 parent retaddr m P,
  m |= frame_contents j sp ls ls0 parent retaddr ** P ->
  slot_within_bounds b Local ofs ty -> slot_valid f Local ofs ty = true ->
  Val.inject j v v' ->
  stack_access (Mem.stack m) sp (fe_ofs_local fe) (fe_ofs_local fe + 4 * bound_local b) ->
  exists m',
     store_stack m (Vptr sp ty (Ptrofs.repr (offset_local fe ofs)) v' = Some m'
  /\ m' |= frame_contents j sp (Locmap.set (S Local ofs ty) v ls) ls0 parent retaddr ** P.
  intros. unfold frame_contents in H.
  exploit mconj_proj1; eauto. unfold frame_contents_1.
  rewrite ! sep_assoc; intros SEP.
  unfold slot_valid in H1; InvBooleans. simpl in H0.
  exploit set_location; eauto.
  intros (m' & A & B).
  exists m'; split; auto.
  assert (forall i k p, Mem.perm m sp i k p -> Mem.perm m' sp i k p).
  { intros. unfold store_stack in A; simpl in A. eapply Mem.perm_store_1; eauto. }
  eapply frame_mconj. eauto.
  unfold frame_contents_1; rewrite ! sep_assoc; exact B.
  eapply sep_preserved.
  eapply sep_proj1. eapply mconj_proj2. eassumption.
  intros; eapply range_preserved; eauto.
  intros; eapply range_preserved; eauto.

Lemma frame_set_outgoing:
  forall ofs ty v v' j sp ls ls0 parent retaddr m P,
    m |= frame_contents j sp ls ls0 parent retaddr ** P ->
    slot_within_bounds b Outgoing ofs ty -> slot_valid f Outgoing ofs ty = true ->
    Val.inject j v v' ->
    stack_access (Mem.stack m) sp fe_ofs_arg (fe_ofs_arg + 4 * bound_outgoing b) ->
  exists m',
     store_stack m (Vptr sp ty (Ptrofs.repr (offset_arg ofs)) v' = Some m'
  /\ m' |= frame_contents j sp (Locmap.set (S Outgoing ofs ty) v ls) ls0 parent retaddr ** P.
  intros. unfold frame_contents in H.
  exploit mconj_proj1; eauto. unfold frame_contents_1.
  rewrite ! sep_assoc, sep_swap. intros SEP.
  unfold slot_valid in H1; InvBooleans. simpl in H0.
  exploit set_location; eauto.
  intros (m' & A & B).
  exists m'; split; auto.
  assert (forall i k p, Mem.perm m sp i k p -> Mem.perm m' sp i k p).
  { intros. unfold store_stack in A; simpl in A. eapply Mem.perm_store_1; eauto. }
  eapply frame_mconj. eauto.
  unfold frame_contents_1; rewrite ! sep_assoc, sep_swap; eauto.
  eapply sep_preserved.
  eapply sep_proj1. eapply mconj_proj2. eassumption.
  intros; eapply range_preserved; eauto.
  intros; eapply range_preserved; eauto.

Invariance by change of location maps.

Lemma frame_contents_exten:
  forall ls ls0 ls' ls0' j sp parent retaddr P m,
  (forall sl ofs ty, ls' (S sl ofs ty) = ls (S sl ofs ty)) ->
  (forall r, In r b.(used_callee_save) -> ls0' (R r) = ls0 (R r)) ->
  m |= frame_contents j sp ls ls0 parent retaddr ** P ->
  m |= frame_contents j sp ls' ls0' parent retaddr ** P.
  unfold frame_contents, frame_contents_1; intros.
  rewrite <- ! (contains_locations_exten ls ls') by auto.
  erewrite <- contains_callee_saves_exten by eauto.

Invariance by assignment to registers.

Corollary frame_set_reg:
  forall r v j sp ls ls0 parent retaddr m P,
  m |= frame_contents j sp ls ls0 parent retaddr ** P ->
  m |= frame_contents j sp (Locmap.set (R r) v ls) ls0 parent retaddr ** P.
  intros. apply frame_contents_exten with ls ls0; auto.

Corollary frame_undef_regs:
  forall j sp ls ls0 parent retaddr m P rl,
  m |= frame_contents j sp ls ls0 parent retaddr ** P ->
  m |= frame_contents j sp (LTL.undef_regs rl ls) ls0 parent retaddr ** P.
Local Opaque sepconj.
  induction rl; simpl; intros.
- auto.
- apply frame_set_reg; auto.

Corollary frame_set_regpair:
  forall j sp ls0 parent retaddr m P p v ls,
  m |= frame_contents j sp ls ls0 parent retaddr ** P ->
  m |= frame_contents j sp (Locmap.setpair p v ls) ls0 parent retaddr ** P.
  intros. destruct p; simpl.
  apply frame_set_reg; auto.
  apply frame_set_reg; apply frame_set_reg; auto.

Corollary frame_set_res:
  forall j sp ls0 parent retaddr m P res v ls,
  m |= frame_contents j sp ls ls0 parent retaddr ** P ->
  m |= frame_contents j sp (Locmap.setres res v ls) ls0 parent retaddr ** P.
  induction res; simpl; intros.
- apply frame_set_reg; auto.
- auto.
- eauto.

Invariance by change of memory injection.

Lemma frame_contents_incr:
  forall j sp ls ls0 parent retaddr m P j',
  m |= frame_contents j sp ls ls0 parent retaddr ** P ->
  inject_incr j j' ->
  m |= frame_contents j' sp ls ls0 parent retaddr ** P.
  unfold frame_contents, frame_contents_1; intros.
  rewrite <- (contains_locations_incr j j') by auto.
  rewrite <- (contains_locations_incr j j') by auto.
  erewrite <- contains_callee_saves_incr by eauto.

Agreement between location sets and Mach states

Agreement with Mach register states

Definition agree_regs (j: meminj) (ls: locset) (rs: regset) : Prop :=
  forall r, Val.inject j (ls (R r)) (rs r).

Agreement over locations

Record agree_locs (ls ls0: locset) : Prop :=
  mk_agree_locs {

Unused registers have the same value as in the caller
       forall r, ~(mreg_within_bounds b r) -> ls (R r) = ls0 (R r);

Incoming stack slots have the same value as the corresponding Outgoing stack slots in the caller
       forall ofs ty,
       In (S Incoming ofs ty) (regs_of_rpairs (loc_parameters f.(Linear.fn_sig))) ->
       ls (S Incoming ofs ty) = ls0 (S Outgoing ofs ty)

Auxiliary predicate used at call points

Definition agree_callee_save (ls ls0: locset) : Prop :=
  forall l,
  match l with
  | R r => is_callee_save r = true
  | S _ _ _ => True
  end ->
  ls l = ls0 l.

Properties of agree_regs.

Values of registers

Lemma agree_reg:
  forall j ls rs r,
  agree_regs j ls rs -> Val.inject j (ls (R r)) (rs r).
  intros. auto.

Lemma agree_reglist:
  forall j ls rs rl,
  agree_regs j ls rs -> Val.inject_list j (reglist ls rl) (rs##rl).
  induction rl; simpl; intros.
  auto. constructor; auto using agree_reg.

Hint Resolve agree_reg agree_reglist: stacking.

Preservation under assignments of machine registers.

Lemma agree_regs_set_reg:
  forall j ls rs r v v',
  agree_regs j ls rs ->
  Val.inject j v v' ->
  agree_regs j (Locmap.set (R r) v ls) (Regmap.set r v' rs).
  intros; red; intros.
  unfold Regmap.set. destruct (RegEq.eq r0 r). subst r0.
  rewrite Locmap.gss; auto.
  rewrite Locmap.gso; auto. red. auto.

Lemma agree_regs_set_pair:
  forall j p v v' ls rs,
  agree_regs j ls rs ->
  Val.inject j v v' ->
  agree_regs j (Locmap.setpair p v ls) (set_pair p v' rs).
  intros. destruct p; simpl.
- apply agree_regs_set_reg; auto.
- apply agree_regs_set_reg. apply agree_regs_set_reg; auto.
  apply Val.hiword_inject; auto. apply Val.loword_inject; auto.

Lemma agree_regs_set_res:
  forall j res v v' ls rs,
  agree_regs j ls rs ->
  Val.inject j v v' ->
  agree_regs j (Locmap.setres res v ls) (set_res res v' rs).
  induction res; simpl; intros.
- apply agree_regs_set_reg; auto.
- auto.
- apply IHres2. apply IHres1. auto.
  apply Val.hiword_inject; auto.
  apply Val.loword_inject; auto.

Lemma agree_regs_exten:
  forall j ls rs ls' rs',
  agree_regs j ls rs ->
  (forall r, ls' (R r) = Vundef \/ ls' (R r) = ls (R r) /\ rs' r = rs r) ->
  agree_regs j ls' rs'.
  intros; red; intros.
  destruct (H0 r) as [A | [A B]].
  rewrite A. constructor.
  rewrite A; rewrite B; auto.

Lemma agree_regs_undef_regs:
  forall j rl ls rs,
  agree_regs j ls rs ->
  agree_regs j (LTL.undef_regs rl ls) (Mach.undef_regs rl rs).
  induction rl; simpl; intros.
  apply agree_regs_set_reg; auto.

Preservation under assignment of stack slot

Lemma agree_regs_set_slot:
  forall j ls rs sl ofs ty v,
  agree_regs j ls rs ->
  agree_regs j (Locmap.set (S sl ofs ty) v ls) rs.
  intros; red; intros. rewrite Locmap.gso; auto. red. auto.

Preservation by increasing memory injections

Lemma agree_regs_inject_incr:
  forall j ls rs j',
  agree_regs j ls rs -> inject_incr j j' -> agree_regs j' ls rs.
  intros; red; intros; eauto with stacking.

Preservation at function entry.

Lemma agree_regs_call_regs:
  forall j ls rs,
  agree_regs j ls rs ->
  agree_regs j (call_regs ls) rs.
  unfold call_regs; intros; red; intros; auto.

Properties of agree_locs

Preservation under assignment of machine register.

Lemma agree_locs_set_reg:
  forall ls ls0 r v,
  agree_locs ls ls0 ->
  mreg_within_bounds b r ->
  agree_locs (Locmap.set (R r) v ls) ls0.
  intros. inv H; constructor; auto; intros.
  rewrite Locmap.gso. auto. red. intuition congruence.

Lemma caller_save_reg_within_bounds:
  forall r,
  is_callee_save r = false -> mreg_within_bounds b r.
  intros; red; intros. congruence.

Lemma agree_locs_set_pair:
  forall ls0 p v ls,
  agree_locs ls ls0 ->
  forall_rpair (fun r => is_callee_save r = false) p ->
  agree_locs (Locmap.setpair p v ls) ls0.
  destruct p; simpl in *.
  apply agree_locs_set_reg; auto. apply caller_save_reg_within_bounds; auto.
  destruct H0.
  apply agree_locs_set_reg; auto. apply agree_locs_set_reg; auto.
  apply caller_save_reg_within_bounds; auto. apply caller_save_reg_within_bounds; auto.

Lemma agree_locs_set_res:
  forall ls0 res v ls,
  agree_locs ls ls0 ->
  (forall r, In r (params_of_builtin_res res) -> mreg_within_bounds b r) ->
  agree_locs (Locmap.setres res v ls) ls0.
  induction res; simpl; intros.
- eapply agree_locs_set_reg; eauto.
- auto.
- apply IHres2; auto using in_or_app.

Lemma agree_locs_undef_regs:
  forall ls0 regs ls,
  agree_locs ls ls0 ->
  (forall r, In r regs -> mreg_within_bounds b r) ->
  agree_locs (LTL.undef_regs regs ls) ls0.
  induction regs; simpl; intros.
  apply agree_locs_set_reg; auto.

Lemma agree_locs_undef_locs_1:
  forall ls0 regs ls,
  agree_locs ls ls0 ->
  (forall r, In r regs -> is_callee_save r = false) ->
  agree_locs (LTL.undef_regs regs ls) ls0.
  intros. eapply agree_locs_undef_regs; eauto.
  intros. apply caller_save_reg_within_bounds. auto.

Lemma agree_locs_undef_locs:
  forall ls0 regs ls,
  agree_locs ls ls0 ->
  existsb is_callee_save regs = false ->
  agree_locs (LTL.undef_regs regs ls) ls0.
  intros. eapply agree_locs_undef_locs_1; eauto.
  intros. destruct (is_callee_save r) eqn:CS; auto.
  assert (existsb is_callee_save regs = true).
  { apply existsb_exists. exists r; auto. }

Preservation by assignment to local slot

Lemma agree_locs_set_slot:
  forall ls ls0 sl ofs ty v,
  agree_locs ls ls0 ->
  slot_writable sl = true ->
  agree_locs (Locmap.set (S sl ofs ty) v ls) ls0.
  intros. destruct H; constructor; intros.
- rewrite Locmap.gso; auto. red; auto.
- rewrite Locmap.gso; auto. red. left. destruct sl; discriminate.

Preservation at return points (when ls is changed but not ls0).

Lemma agree_locs_return:
  forall ls ls0 ls',
  agree_locs ls ls0 ->
  agree_callee_save ls' ls ->
  agree_locs ls' ls0.
  intros. red in H0. inv H; constructor; auto; intros.
- rewrite H0; auto. unfold mreg_within_bounds in H. tauto.
- rewrite H0; auto.

Preservation at tailcalls (when ls0 is changed but not ls).

Lemma agree_locs_tailcall:
  forall ls ls0 ls0',
  agree_locs ls ls0 ->
  agree_callee_save ls0 ls0' ->
  agree_locs ls ls0'.
  intros. red in H0. inv H; constructor; auto; intros.
- rewrite <- H0; auto. unfold mreg_within_bounds in H. tauto.
- rewrite <- H0; auto.

Properties of agree_callee_save.

Lemma agree_callee_save_return_regs:
  forall ls1 ls2,
  agree_callee_save (return_regs ls1 ls2) ls1.
  intros; red; intros.
  unfold return_regs. destruct l; auto. rewrite H; auto.

Lemma agree_callee_save_set_result:
  forall sg v ls1 ls2,
  agree_callee_save ls1 ls2 ->
  agree_callee_save (Locmap.setpair (loc_result sg) v ls1) ls2.
  intros; red; intros. rewrite Locmap.gpo. apply H; auto.
  assert (X: forall r, is_callee_save r = false -> Loc.diff l (R r)).
  { intros. destruct l; auto. simpl; congruence. }
  generalize (loc_result_caller_save sg). destruct (loc_result sg); simpl; intuition auto.

Properties of destroyed registers.

Definition no_callee_saves (l: list mreg) : Prop :=
  existsb is_callee_save l = false.

Remark destroyed_by_op_caller_save:
  forall op, no_callee_saves (destroyed_by_op op).
  unfold no_callee_saves; destruct op; reflexivity.

Remark destroyed_by_load_caller_save:
  forall chunk addr, no_callee_saves (destroyed_by_load chunk addr).
  unfold no_callee_saves; destruct chunk; reflexivity.

Remark destroyed_by_store_caller_save:
  forall chunk addr, no_callee_saves (destroyed_by_store chunk addr).
Local Transparent destroyed_by_store.
  unfold no_callee_saves, destroyed_by_store; intros; destruct chunk; try reflexivity; destruct Archi.ptr64; reflexivity.

Remark destroyed_by_cond_caller_save:
  forall cond, no_callee_saves (destroyed_by_cond cond).
  unfold no_callee_saves; destruct cond; reflexivity.

Remark destroyed_by_jumptable_caller_save:
  no_callee_saves destroyed_by_jumptable.
  red; reflexivity.

Remark destroyed_by_setstack_caller_save:
  forall ty, no_callee_saves (destroyed_by_setstack ty).
  unfold no_callee_saves; destruct ty; reflexivity.

Remark destroyed_at_function_entry_caller_save:
  no_callee_saves destroyed_at_function_entry.
  red; reflexivity.

Hint Resolve destroyed_by_op_caller_save destroyed_by_load_caller_save
    destroyed_by_cond_caller_save destroyed_by_jumptable_caller_save
    destroyed_at_function_entry_caller_save: stacking.

Remark destroyed_by_setstack_function_entry:
  forall ty, incl (destroyed_by_setstack ty) destroyed_at_function_entry.
Local Transparent destroyed_by_setstack destroyed_at_function_entry.
  unfold incl; destruct ty; simpl; tauto.

Remark transl_destroyed_by_op:
  forall op e, destroyed_by_op (transl_op e op) = destroyed_by_op op.
  intros; destruct op; reflexivity.

Remark transl_destroyed_by_load:
  forall chunk addr e, destroyed_by_load chunk (transl_addr e addr) = destroyed_by_load chunk addr.
  intros; destruct chunk; reflexivity.

Remark transl_destroyed_by_store:
  forall chunk addr e, destroyed_by_store chunk (transl_addr e addr) = destroyed_by_store chunk addr.
  intros; destruct chunk; reflexivity.

Correctness of saving and restoring of callee-save registers

Lemma store_stack_is_stack_top:
  forall m sp ty o v m',
    store_stack m sp ty o v = Some m' ->
    forall b,
      is_stack_top (Mem.stack m') b <->
      is_stack_top (Mem.stack m) b.
  intros; erewrite store_stack_no_abstract; eauto. tauto.

Lemma store_stack_stack_blocks:
  forall m1 sp ty o v m2,
    store_stack m1 sp ty o v = Some m2 ->
    Mem.stack m2 = Mem.stack m1.
  intros; eapply store_stack_no_abstract; eauto.

Lemma store_stack_get_frame_info:
  forall m1 sp ty o v m2 b,
    store_stack m1 sp ty o v = Some m2 ->
    get_frame_info (Mem.stack m2) b = get_frame_info (Mem.stack m1) b.
  intros; erewrite store_stack_no_abstract; eauto.

The following lemmas show the correctness of the register saving code generated by save_callee_save: after this code has executed, the register save areas of the current frame do contain the values of the callee-save registers used by the function.


Variable j: meminj.
Variable cs: list stackframe.
Variable fb: block.
Variable sp: block.
Variable ls: locset.

Hypothesis ls_temp_undef:
  forall ty r, In r (destroyed_by_setstack ty) -> ls (R r) = Vundef.

Hypothesis wt_ls: forall r, Val.has_type (ls (R r)) (mreg_type r).

Lemma save_callee_save_rec_correct:
  forall k l pos rs m P,
  (forall r, In r l -> is_callee_save r = true) ->
  m |= range sp pos (size_callee_save_area_rec l pos) ** P ->
  agree_regs j ls rs ->
  is_stack_top (Mem.stack m) sp ->
  exists rs', exists m',
     star step tge
        (State cs fb (Vptr sp (save_callee_save_rec l pos k) rs m)
     E0 (State cs fb (Vptr sp k rs' m')
  /\ m' |= contains_callee_saves j sp pos l ls ** P
  /\ (forall b ofs k p, Mem.perm m b ofs k p -> Mem.perm m' b ofs k p)
  /\ Mem.stack m = Mem.stack m'
  /\ (forall b, get_frame_info (Mem.stack m') b = get_frame_info (Mem.stack m) b)
  /\ agree_regs j ls rs'
  /\ (forall b, Mem.valid_block m b -> Mem.valid_block m' b)
  /\ Mem.unchanged_on (fun b o => b <> sp) m m'.
Local Opaque mreg_type.
  induction l as [ | r l]; simpl; intros until P; intros CS SEP AG IST.
- exists rs, m.
  split. apply star_refl.
  split. rewrite sep_pure; split; auto. eapply sep_drop; eauto.
  split. auto.
  split. tauto.
  split. auto.
  split. auto.
  split. auto. apply Mem.unchanged_on_refl.
- set (ty := mreg_type r) in *.
  set (sz := AST.typesize ty) in *.
  set (pos1 := align pos sz) in *.
  assert (SZPOS: sz > 0) by (apply AST.typesize_pos).
  assert (SZREC: pos1 + sz <= size_callee_save_area_rec l (pos1 + sz)) by (apply size_callee_save_area_rec_incr).
  assert (POS1: pos <= pos1) by (apply align_le; auto).
  assert (AL1: (align_chunk (chunk_of_type ty) | pos1)).
  { unfold pos1. apply Zdivide_trans with sz.
    unfold sz; rewrite <- size_type_chunk. apply align_size_chunk_divides.
    apply align_divides; auto. }
  apply range_drop_left with (mid := pos1) in SEP; [ | omega ].
  apply range_split with (mid := pos1 + sz) in SEP; [ | omega ].
  unfold sz at 1 in SEP. rewrite <- size_type_chunk in SEP.
  apply range_contains in SEP; auto.
  exploit (contains_set_stack (fun v' => Val.inject j (ls (R r)) v') (rs r)).
  eexact SEP.
  left. auto.
  apply load_result_inject; auto. apply wt_ls.
  clear SEP; intros (m1 & STORE & SEP).
  set (rs1 := undef_regs (destroyed_by_setstack ty) rs).
  assert (AG1: agree_regs j ls rs1).
  { red; intros. unfold rs1. destruct (In_dec mreg_eq r0 (destroyed_by_setstack ty)).
    erewrite ls_temp_undef by eauto. auto.
    rewrite undef_regs_other by auto. apply AG. }
  rewrite sep_swap in SEP.
  exploit (IHl (pos1 + sz) rs1 m1); eauto.
  eapply store_stack_is_stack_top; eauto.
  intros (rs2 & m2 & A & B & C & ST & GFI & D & VALID & UNCH).
  exists rs2, m2.
  split. eapply star_left; eauto. constructor. exact STORE.
  auto. traceEq.
  split. rewrite sep_assoc, sep_swap. exact B.
  split. intros. apply C. unfold store_stack in STORE; simpl in STORE. eapply Mem.perm_store_1; eauto.
  split. intros; rewrite <- ST. symmetry. eapply store_stack_stack_blocks; eauto.
  split. intros; rewrite GFI. eapply store_stack_get_frame_info; eauto.
  split. auto.
  split. unfold store_stack, Val.offset_ptr, Mem.storev in STORE.
  eauto with mem.
  unfold store_stack, Val.offset_ptr, Mem.storev in STORE.
  eapply Mem.unchanged_on_trans. 2: apply UNCH.
  eapply Mem.store_unchanged_on; eauto.
  left. auto.


Remark LTL_undef_regs_same:
  forall r rl ls, In r rl -> LTL.undef_regs rl ls (R r) = Vundef.
  induction rl; simpl; intros. contradiction.
  unfold Locmap.set. destruct (Loc.eq (R a) (R r)). auto.
  destruct (Loc.diff_dec (R a) (R r)); auto.
  apply IHrl. intuition congruence.

Remark LTL_undef_regs_others:
  forall r rl ls, ~In r rl -> LTL.undef_regs rl ls (R r) = ls (R r).
  induction rl; simpl; intros. auto.
  rewrite Locmap.gso. apply IHrl. intuition. red. intuition.

Remark LTL_undef_regs_slot:
  forall sl ofs ty rl ls, LTL.undef_regs rl ls (S sl ofs ty) = ls (S sl ofs ty).
  induction rl; simpl; intros. auto.
  rewrite Locmap.gso. apply IHrl. red; auto.

Remark undef_regs_type:
  forall ty l rl ls,
  Val.has_type (ls l) ty -> Val.has_type (LTL.undef_regs rl ls l) ty.
  induction rl; simpl; intros.
- auto.
- unfold Locmap.set. destruct (Loc.eq (R a) l). red; auto.
  destruct (Loc.diff_dec (R a) l); auto. red; auto.

Opaque fe_ofs_retaddr fe_ofs_local fe_ofs_arg fe_ofs_callee_save
       bound_local bound_outgoing size_callee_save_area_rec used_callee_save.

Lemma save_callee_save_correct:
  forall j ls ls0 rs sp cs fb k m P,
  m |= range sp fe.(fe_ofs_callee_save) (size_callee_save_area b fe.(fe_ofs_callee_save)) ** P ->
  (forall r, Val.has_type (ls (R r)) (mreg_type r)) ->
  agree_callee_save ls ls0 ->
  agree_regs j ls rs ->
  is_stack_top (Mem.stack m) sp ->
  let ls1 := LTL.undef_regs destroyed_at_function_entry (LTL.call_regs ls) in
  let rs1 := undef_regs destroyed_at_function_entry rs in
  exists rs', exists m',
     star step tge
        (State cs fb (Vptr sp (save_callee_save fe k) rs1 m)
     E0 (State cs fb (Vptr sp k rs' m')
  /\ m' |= contains_callee_saves j sp fe.(fe_ofs_callee_save) b.(used_callee_save) ls0 ** P
  /\ (forall b ofs k p, Mem.perm m b ofs k p -> Mem.perm m' b ofs k p)
  /\ Mem.stack m = Mem.stack m'
  /\ (forall b, get_frame_info (Mem.stack m') b = get_frame_info (Mem.stack m) b)
  /\ agree_regs j ls1 rs'
  /\ (forall b, Mem.valid_block m b -> Mem.valid_block m' b )
  /\ Mem.unchanged_on (fun b o => b <> sp) m m'.
  intros until P; intros SEP TY AGCS AG IST; intros ls1 rs1.
  exploit (save_callee_save_rec_correct j cs fb sp ls1).
- intros. unfold ls1. apply LTL_undef_regs_same. eapply destroyed_by_setstack_function_entry; eauto.
- intros. unfold ls1. apply undef_regs_type. apply TY.
- exact b.(used_callee_save_prop).
- eexact SEP.
- instantiate (1 := rs1). apply agree_regs_undef_regs. apply agree_regs_call_regs. auto.
- auto.
- clear SEP. intros (rs' & m' & EXEC & SEP & PERMS & ST & GFI' & AG' & VALID & UNCH).
  exists rs', m'.
  split. eexact EXEC.
  split. rewrite (contains_callee_saves_exten j sp ls0 ls1). exact SEP.
  intros. apply b.(used_callee_save_prop) in H.
    unfold ls1. rewrite LTL_undef_regs_others. unfold call_regs.
    apply AGCS; auto.
    red; intros.
    assert (existsb is_callee_save destroyed_at_function_entry = false)
       by (apply destroyed_at_function_entry_caller_save).
    assert (existsb is_callee_save destroyed_at_function_entry = true).
    { apply existsb_exists. exists r; auto. }
  split. exact PERMS.
  split. exact ST.
  split. exact GFI'.
  split. exact AG'.
  split. exact VALID.
  exact UNCH.

As a corollary of the previous lemmas, we obtain the following correctness theorem for the execution of a function prologue (allocation of the frame + saving of the link and return address + saving of the used callee-save registers).

Lemma m_invar_stack_sepconj:
  forall P Q,
    m_invar_stack (P ** Q) = m_invar_stack P || m_invar_stack Q.

Lemma function_prologue_correct:
  forall j ls ls0 ls1 rs rs1 m1 m1' m2 m2' sp parent ra cs fb k P,
    m_invar_stack P = false ->
  agree_regs j ls rs ->
  agree_callee_save ls ls0 ->
  (forall r, Val.has_type (ls (R r)) (mreg_type r)) ->
  ls1 = LTL.undef_regs destroyed_at_function_entry (LTL.call_regs ls) ->
  rs1 = undef_regs destroyed_at_function_entry rs ->
  Mem.alloc m1 0 f.(Linear.fn_stacksize) = (m2', sp) ->
  Mem.record_stack_blocks m2' (make_singleton_frame_adt sp (Linear.fn_stacksize f) (fe_size fe)) = Some m2 ->
  Val.has_type parent Tptr -> Val.has_type ra Tptr -> ra <> Vundef ->
  top_tframe_tc (Mem.stack m1') ->
  stack_equiv (Mem.stack m1) (Mem.stack m1') ->
  m1' |= minjection j (flat_frameinj (length (Mem.stack m1))) m1 ** globalenv_inject ge j ** P ->
  exists j' rs' m2' sp' m3' m4' m5' fi,
    Mem.alloc m1' 0 (fn_stacksize tf) = (m2', sp')
    /\ store_stack m2' (Vptr sp' Tptr tf.(fn_retaddr_ofs) ra = Some m3'
    /\ frame_info_of_size_and_pubrange (fn_stacksize tf) (fn_frame_pubrange tf) = Some fi
    /\ Mem.record_stack_blocks m3' (make_singleton_frame_adt' sp' fi (fn_stacksize tf)) = Some m4'
    /\ star step tge
           (State cs fb (Vptr sp' (save_callee_save fe k) rs1 m4')
           E0 (State cs fb (Vptr sp' k rs' m5')
    /\ agree_regs j' ls1 rs'
    /\ agree_locs ls1 ls0
    /\ m5' |= frame_contents j' sp' ls1 ls0 parent ra
          ** minjection j' (flat_frameinj (length (Mem.stack m2))) m2
          ** globalenv_inject ge j' ** P
    /\ j' sp = Some(sp', fe.(fe_stack_data))
    /\ inject_incr j j'
    /\ inject_separated j j' m1 m1'
    /\ (forall b, Mem.valid_block m1 b -> Mem.valid_block m2 b)
    /\ (forall b, Mem.valid_block m1' b -> Mem.valid_block m5' b)
    /\ (forall b o k p, Mem.perm m1' b o k p -> Mem.perm m5' b o k p)
    /\ Mem.unchanged_on (fun b o => b <> sp') m1' m5'
    /\ (Mem.stack m5' = Mem.stack m4' /\ Mem.stack m3' = Mem.stack m1')
    /\ (forall b, get_frame_info (Mem.stack m5') b = get_frame_info (Mem.stack m4') b).
  rewrite unfold_transf_function.
  unfold fn_stacksize, fn_retaddr_ofs, fn_frame_pubrange.
 Stack layout info *)  Local Opaque b fe_size.
  generalize (frame_env_range b) (frame_env_aligned b). replace (make_env b) with fe by auto. simpl.
  replace (make_env b) with fe by auto. simpl.
  intros LAYOUT1 LAYOUT2.
 Allocation step *)  destruct (Mem.alloc m1' 0 (fe_size fe)) as (m2_ & sp') eqn:ALLOC'.
  exploit alloc_parallel_rule_2_flat.
  eexact SEP. eexact ALLOC. eauto.
  instantiate (1 := fe_stack_data fe). tauto.
  instantiate (1 := fe_stack_data fe + bound_stack_data b). rewrite Z.max_comm. reflexivity.
  change (0 <= fe_size fe <= Ptrofs.max_unsigned). generalize (bound_stack_data_pos b) size_no_overflow; omega.
  rename SEP into SEP_init.
  intros (j' & SEP & INCR1 & NEW & INJSEP).
 clear SEP. intros (j' & m2__ & sp' & m2_ & ALLOC' & RECORD' & SEP & INCR & SAME & INJSEP). *) Remember the freeable permissions using a mconj *)  assert (SEPCONJ:
            m2_ |= mconj (range sp' 0 (fe_stack_data fe) ** range sp' (fe_stack_data fe + bound_stack_data b) (fe_size fe))
                (range sp' 0 (fe_stack_data fe) ** range sp' (fe_stack_data fe + bound_stack_data b) (fe_size fe))
                ** minjection j' (flat_frameinj (length (Mem.stack m2'))) m2' ** globalenv_inject ge j' ** P).
  { apply mconj_intro; rewrite sep_assoc; assumption. }
 Dividing up the frame *)  apply (frame_env_separated b) in SEP. replace (make_env b) with fe in * by auto.
 Store of parent *)  rewrite sep_swap3 in SEP.
  apply (range_contains Mptr) in SEP. 2: tauto.
  Focus 2.
  red. erewrite Mem.alloc_get_frame_info_fresh; eauto.
  exploit (contains_ra_set_stack ra (fun _ => True) m2_).
  eexact SEP.
  red. erewrite Mem.alloc_get_frame_info_fresh; eauto.
  auto. auto.
  clear SEP; intros (m3' & STORE_RETADDR & SEP).
  rewrite sep_swap3 in SEP.

  assert (SEP' : m3' |= minjection j' (flat_frameinj (length (Mem.stack m2'))) m2' **
                     range sp' (fe_ofs_local fe) (fe_ofs_local fe + 4 * bound_local b) **
                     range sp' fe_ofs_arg (fe_ofs_arg + 4 * bound_outgoing b) **
                     contains_ra sp' (fe_ofs_retaddr fe) ra **
                     range sp' (fe_ofs_callee_save fe) (size_callee_save_area b (fe_ofs_callee_save fe)) **
                     globalenv_inject ge j' ** P).
    rewrite sep_swap12.
    rewrite sep_swap23.
    rewrite sep_swap34.
    rewrite sep_swap45. auto.
  assert (exists fi, frame_info_of_size_and_pubrange (fn_stacksize tf) (fe_stack_data fe, fe_stack_data fe + bound_stack_data b) = Some fi).
    unfold frame_info_of_size_and_pubrange.
    destr. eauto.
    generalize (fe_size_pos b). simpl. fold fe.
    rewrite unfold_transf_function in g; simpl in g. omega.
  destruct H as (fi & FRAME).
  exploit record_stack_block_parallel_rule_2. apply NEW.
  2: apply SEP'. rewrite ! m_invar_stack_sepconj. simpl. auto.
    intro INF.
    erewrite store_stack_stack_blocks in INF. 2: eauto.
    erewrite Mem.alloc_stack_blocks in INF; eauto.
    eapply Mem.in_frames_valid in INF. eapply Mem.fresh_block_alloc in INF; eauto.
    intros. eapply Mem.perm_implies. eapply Mem.perm_alloc_2; eauto.
    instantiate (1 := fi).
    Opaque fe_stack_data. simpl.
    eapply Mem.perm_alloc_3 in H; eauto.
    unfold frame_info_of_size_and_pubrange in FRAME; repeat destr_in FRAME. red. simpl.
    assert (fe_stack_data fe <= ofs + fe_stack_data fe < fe_stack_data fe + bound_stack_data b).
      generalize bound_stack_data_stacksize.
    rewrite ! and_sumbool.
    repeat destr.
    intros ofs k0 p PERM.
    unfold store_stack in STORE_RETADDR. simpl in STORE_RETADDR.
    eapply Mem.perm_store_2 in PERM. 2: eauto.
    eapply Mem.perm_alloc_inv in PERM. 2: eauto. rewrite pred_dec_true in PERM; auto.
    unfold frame_info_of_size_and_pubrange in FRAME; repeat destr_in FRAME. simpl.
    rewrite unfold_transf_function; simpl; auto.
    destruct (j bb) eqn:JBB.
    destruct p.
    exploit INCR1. eauto. rewrite H. intro A; inv A.
    eapply Mem.valid_block_inject_2 in JBB; eauto. 2: apply SEP_init.
    eapply Mem.fresh_block_alloc in JBB; eauto. easy.
    generalize (INJSEP _ _ _ JBB H). intros (NVB1 & NVB2).
    destruct (peq bb sp); auto.
    exfalso; apply NVB1. eapply Mem.valid_block_alloc_inv in ALLOC.
    destruct ALLOC; eauto. congruence.
    eapply Mem.valid_block_inject_1; eauto.
    apply SEP.
    unfold store_stack in STORE_RETADDR. repeat rewrite_stack_blocks.
  repeat rewrite_stack_blocks. rewrite (store_stack_stack_blocks _ _ _ _ _ _ STORE_RETADDR).
  repeat rewrite_stack_blocks. eauto.
  intros (m5' & RSB & SEP2).
 Saving callee-save registers *)  assert (SEP3 : m5'
         |= range sp' (fe_ofs_local fe) (fe_ofs_local fe + 4 * bound_local b) **
            range sp' fe_ofs_arg (fe_ofs_arg + 4 * bound_outgoing b) **
            contains_ra sp' (fe_ofs_retaddr fe) ra **
            range sp' (fe_ofs_callee_save fe) (size_callee_save_area b (fe_ofs_callee_save fe)) **
            minjection j' (flat_frameinj (length (Mem.stack m2))) m2 **
            globalenv_inject ge j' ** P).
    rewrite <- ! (sep_swap (minjection j' _ m2)). auto.
  clear SEP2 SEP' SEP.
  rename SEP3 into SEP.
  rewrite sep_swap4 in SEP.
  exploit (save_callee_save_correct j' ls ls0 rs); eauto.
  apply agree_regs_inject_incr with j; auto.
  eapply Mem.record_stack_block_is_stack_top; eauto.
  red. simpl; auto.
  replace (LTL.undef_regs destroyed_at_function_entry (call_regs ls)) with ls1 by auto.
  replace (undef_regs destroyed_at_function_entry rs) with rs1 by auto.
  clear SEP; intros (rs2 & m6' & SAVE_CS & SEP & PERMS & ST & GFI & AGREGS' & VALID & UNCH).
  rewrite sep_swap4 in SEP.
 Materializing the Local and Outgoing locations *)  exploit (initial_locations j'). eexact SEP. tauto.
  instantiate (1 := Local). instantiate (1 := ls1).
  intros; rewrite LS1. rewrite LTL_undef_regs_slot. reflexivity.
  clear SEP; intros SEP.
  rewrite sep_swap in SEP.
  exploit (initial_locations j'). eexact SEP. tauto.
  instantiate (1 := Outgoing). instantiate (1 := ls1).
  intros; rewrite LS1. rewrite LTL_undef_regs_slot. reflexivity.
  clear SEP; intros SEP.
  rewrite sep_swap in SEP.
 Now we frame this *)  assert (SEPFINAL: m6' |= frame_contents j' sp' ls1 ls0 parent ra ** minjection j'
                        (flat_frameinj (length (Mem.stack m2))) m2 ** globalenv_inject ge j' ** P).
    assert (forall ofs k p, Mem.perm m2_ sp' ofs k p -> Mem.perm m6' sp' ofs k p) as PERMS'.
      { intros. apply PERMS.
        unfold store_stack in STORE_RETADDR.
        eapply Mem.record_stack_block_perm'. eauto.
        simpl in STORE_RETADDR.
        eapply Mem.perm_store_1 in H; eauto.
    assert ( m6' |= range sp' 0 (fe_stack_data fe) ** range sp' (fe_stack_data fe + bound_stack_data b) (fe_size fe)) as RANGE.
      split. eapply range_preserved. apply SEPCONJ. auto.
      split. eapply range_preserved. apply SEPCONJ. auto.
      red; intros b0 ofs R1 R2. simpl in R1, R2.
      generalize (bound_stack_data_pos b). omega.
    eapply frame_mconj.
    - split. split; apply RANGE.
      split. apply SEP.
      intros bb o. simpl.
      intros FP1 FP2.
      destruct SEPCONJ as (? & ? & DISJ).
      apply (DISJ bb o). simpl. auto.
      change (m_footprint (minjection j' (flat_frameinj (length (Mem.stack m2'))) m2') bb o \/ m_footprint (globalenv_inject ge j' ** P) bb o).
      change (m_footprint (minjection j' (flat_frameinj (length (Mem.stack m2))) m2) bb o \/ m_footprint (globalenv_inject ge j' ** P) bb o) in FP2.
      destruct FP2 as [FP2|FP2]; auto.
      simpl. simpl in FP2.
      destruct FP2 as (b0 & delta & EQ & PERM).
      exists b0, delta; rewrite EQ; split; auto.
      eapply Mem.record_stack_block_perm in PERM; eauto.
    - unfold frame_contents_1; rewrite ! sep_assoc. exact SEP.
    - eapply sep_preserved. eapply sep_proj1. eapply mconj_proj2. eexact SEPCONJ.
      intros; apply range_preserved with m2_; auto.
      intros; apply range_preserved with m2_; auto.
  clear SEP SEPCONJ.
 Conclusions *)  exists j', rs2, m2_, sp', m3', m5', m6'. eexists.
  split. auto.
  split. auto.
  split. rewrite <- FRAME. rewrite unfold_transf_function. simpl. f_equal.
  split. auto.
  split. subst. eexact SAVE_CS.
  split. subst. exact AGREGS'.
  split. rewrite LS1. apply agree_locs_undef_locs; [|reflexivity].
  constructor; intros. unfold call_regs. apply AGCS.
  unfold mreg_within_bounds in H; tauto.
  unfold call_regs. apply AGCS. auto.
  split. exact SEPFINAL.
  split. auto.
  split. exact INCR1.
  split. exact INJSEP.
    intros. eapply Mem.record_stack_block_valid; eauto.
    eapply Mem.valid_block_alloc in H; eauto.
    unfold store_stack, Val.offset_ptr, Mem.storev in *.
    eapply VALID.
    eapply Mem.record_stack_block_valid; eauto.
    eapply Mem.valid_block_alloc in H. 2: eauto.
    eapply Mem.store_valid_block_1 in H; eauto.
    eapply PERMS.
    eapply Mem.record_stack_block_perm'; eauto.
    eapply Mem.perm_alloc_1 in H. 2: eauto.
    unfold store_stack, Val.offset_ptr, Mem.storev in * .
    eapply Mem.perm_store_1 in H; eauto.
  - eapply Mem.unchanged_on_trans. eapply Mem.alloc_unchanged_on. eauto.
    eapply Mem.unchanged_on_trans. eapply Mem.store_unchanged_on.
    unfold store_stack in STORE_RETADDR. simpl in STORE_RETADDR. eauto.
    eapply Mem.unchanged_on_trans.
    eapply Mem.strong_unchanged_on_weak. eapply Mem.record_stack_block_unchanged_on. eauto.
    exact UNCH.
  - rewrite <- ST. split; auto. split; auto.
    unfold store_stack in STORE_RETADDR. repeat rewrite_stack_blocks. auto.

The following lemmas show the correctness of the register reloading code generated by reload_callee_save: after this code has executed, all callee-save registers contain the same values they had at function entry.


Variable j: meminj.
Variable cs: list stackframe.
Variable fb: block.
Variable sp: block.
Variable ls0: locset.
Variable m: mem.

Definition agree_unused (ls0: locset) (rs: regset) : Prop :=
  forall r, ~(mreg_within_bounds b r) -> Val.inject j (ls0 (R r)) (rs r).

Lemma restore_callee_save_rec_correct:
  forall l ofs rs k,
  m |= contains_callee_saves j sp ofs l ls0 ->
  agree_unused ls0 rs ->
  (forall r, In r l -> mreg_within_bounds b r) ->
  exists rs',
    star step tge
      (State cs fb (Vptr sp (restore_callee_save_rec l ofs k) rs m)
   E0 (State cs fb (Vptr sp k rs' m)
  /\ (forall r, In r l -> Val.inject j (ls0 (R r)) (rs' r))
  /\ (forall r, ~(In r l) -> rs' r = rs r)
  /\ agree_unused ls0 rs'.
Local Opaque mreg_type.
  induction l as [ | r l]; simpl; intros.
- (* base case *)
  exists rs. intuition auto. apply star_refl.
- (* inductive case *)
  set (ty := mreg_type r) in *.
  set (sz := AST.typesize ty) in *.
  set (ofs1 := align ofs sz).
  assert (SZPOS: sz > 0) by (apply AST.typesize_pos).
  assert (OFSLE: ofs <= ofs1) by (apply align_le; auto).
  assert (BOUND: mreg_within_bounds b r) by eauto.
  exploit contains_get_stack.
    eapply sep_proj1; eassumption.
  intros (v & LOAD & SPEC).
  exploit (IHl (ofs1 + sz) (rs#r <- v)).
    eapply sep_proj2; eassumption.
    red; intros. rewrite Regmap.gso. auto. intuition congruence.
  intros (rs' & A & B & C & D).
  exists rs'.
  split. eapply star_step; eauto.
    econstructor. exact LOAD. traceEq.
  split. intros.
    destruct (In_dec mreg_eq r0 l). auto.
    assert (r = r0) by tauto. subst r0.
    rewrite C by auto. rewrite Regmap.gss. exact SPEC.
  split. intros.
    rewrite C by tauto. apply Regmap.gso. intuition auto.
  exact D.


Lemma restore_callee_save_correct:
  forall m j sp ls ls0 pa ra P rs k cs fb,
  m |= frame_contents j sp ls ls0 pa ra ** P ->
  agree_unused j ls0 rs ->
  exists rs',
    star step tge
       (State cs fb (Vptr sp (restore_callee_save fe k) rs m)
    E0 (State cs fb (Vptr sp k rs' m)
  /\ (forall r,
        is_callee_save r = true -> Val.inject j (ls0 (R r)) (rs' r))
  /\ (forall r,
        is_callee_save r = false -> rs' r = rs r).
  unfold frame_contents, frame_contents_1 in H.
  apply mconj_proj1 in H. rewrite ! sep_assoc in H. apply sep_pick4 in H.
  exploit restore_callee_save_rec_correct; eauto.
  intros; unfold mreg_within_bounds; auto.
  intros (rs' & A & B & C & D).
  exists rs'.
  split. eexact A.
  split; intros.
  destruct (In_dec mreg_eq r (used_callee_save b)).
  apply B; auto.
  rewrite C by auto. apply H0. unfold mreg_within_bounds; tauto.
  apply C. red; intros. apply (used_callee_save_prop b) in H2. congruence.

As a corollary, we obtain the following correctness result for the execution of a function epilogue (reloading of used callee-save registers + reloading of the link and return address + freeing of the frame).

Lemma function_epilogue_correct:
  forall m' j sp' ls ls0 pa ra P m rs sp m1 k cs fb,
    m_invar_stack P = false ->
  m' |= frame_contents j sp' ls ls0 pa ra ** minjection j (flat_frameinj (length (Mem.stack m))) m ** P ->
  agree_regs j ls rs ->
  agree_locs ls ls0 ->
  j sp = Some(sp', fe.(fe_stack_data)) -> m sp 0 f.(Linear.fn_stacksize) = Some m1 ->
  stack_equiv (Mem.stack m) (Mem.stack m') ->
  exists rs1, exists m1',
      Mem.loadbytesv Mptr m' (Val.offset_ptr (Vptr sp' tf.(fn_retaddr_ofs)) = Some ra
  /\ m' sp' 0 (fe_size fe) = Some m1'
  /\ star step tge
       (State cs fb (Vptr sp' (restore_callee_save fe k) rs m')
    E0 (State cs fb (Vptr sp' k rs1 m')
  /\ agree_regs j (return_regs ls0 ls) rs1
  /\ agree_callee_save (return_regs ls0 ls) ls0
  /\ m1' |= minjection j (flat_frameinj (length (Mem.stack m1))) m1 ** P
  /\ stack_equiv (Mem.stack m1) (Mem.stack m1').
  intros until fb; intros STACK SEP AGR AGL INJ FREE SE. (* fi r n ADT SIZE. *)
 Can free *)  exploit free_parallel_rule.
  apply mconj_proj2 in SEP. rewrite <- sep_assoc. eauto. eauto. constructor.
  eexact INJ.
  auto. rewrite Z.max_comm; reflexivity.
  intros (m1' & FREE' & SEP').
 Reloading the callee-save registers *)  exploit restore_callee_save_correct.
    eexact SEP.
    instantiate (1 := rs).
    red; intros. destruct AGL. rewrite <- agree_unused_reg0 by auto. apply AGR.
  intros (rs' & LOAD_CS & CS & NCS).
 Reloading the back link and return address *)  unfold frame_contents in SEP; apply mconj_proj1 in SEP.
  unfold frame_contents_1 in SEP; rewrite ! sep_assoc in SEP.
  assert (LOAD_RETADDR: Mem.loadbytesv Mptr m' (Val.offset_ptr (Vptr sp' (Ptrofs.repr (fe_ofs_retaddr fe))) = Some ra).
    exploit sep_pick3. apply SEP. intros (A & B & C & D). simpl Val.offset_ptr. rewrite Ptrofs.add_zero_l. auto.
  clear SEP.
  Opaque Mem.loadbytesv.
 Conclusions *)  rewrite unfold_transf_function; simpl in *.
  Transparent Mem.loadbytesv.
  exists rs', m1'.
  split. assumption.
  split. assumption.
  split. eassumption.
  split. red; unfold return_regs; intros.
    destruct (is_callee_save r) eqn:C.
    apply CS; auto.
    rewrite NCS by auto. apply AGR.
  split. red; unfold return_regs; intros.
    destruct l; auto. rewrite H; auto.
  split. rewrite_stack_blocks. assumption.
  repeat rewrite_stack_blocks. eauto.


Call stack invariants

This is the memory assertion that captures the contents of the stack frames mentioned in the call stacks.

Variable init_ls: locset.

Fixpoint stack_contents (j: meminj) (cs: list Linear.stackframe) (cs': list Mach.stackframe)
         (stk: stack): massert :=
  match cs, cs' with
  | nil, nil => pure True
  | Linear.Stackframe f _ ls c :: cs, Mach.Stackframe fb sp' ra c' :: cs' =>
    frame_contents f j sp' ls (parent_locset init_ls cs) (parent_sp stk) (parent_ra init_ra cs')
                   ** stack_contents j cs cs' (tl stk)
  | _, _ => pure False

Lemma stack_contents_invar_weak cs :
  forall j cs' stk, m_invar_weak (stack_contents j cs cs' stk) = false.
  induction cs; destruct cs' ; simpl; auto.
  + destruct a; auto.
  + destruct a; auto.
    destruct s; auto.
    match goal with
        [ |- context [m_invar_weak (?U ** ?V)] ] =>
        replace (m_invar_weak (U ** V))
                with (m_invar_weak U || m_invar_weak V)
          by reflexivity
    rewrite frame_contents_invar_weak.

Lemma stack_contents_invar_stack cs :
  forall j cs' stk, m_invar_stack (stack_contents j cs cs' stk) = false.
  induction cs; destruct cs' ; simpl; intros; auto.
  + destruct a; auto.
  + destruct a; auto.
    destruct s; auto.
    match goal with
        [ |- context [m_invar_stack (?U ** ?V)] ] =>
        replace (m_invar_stack (U ** V))
                with (m_invar_stack U || m_invar_stack V)
          by reflexivity
    rewrite frame_contents_invar_stack.

Variable init_sg: signature.

match_stacks captures additional properties (not related to memory) of the Linear and Mach call stacks.

Inductive match_stacks (j: meminj) :
  list Linear.stackframe -> list stackframe -> signature -> signature -> Prop :=
| match_stacks_empty:
    forall sg
      (TP: tailcall_possible sg \/ sg = init_sg)
      (BND: 4 * size_arguments sg <= Ptrofs.max_unsigned),
      match_stacks j nil nil sg sg
| match_stacks_cons:
    forall f sp ls c cs fb sp' ra c' cs' sg trf
      (TAIL: is_tail c (Linear.fn_code f))
      (FINDF: Genv.find_funct_ptr tge fb = Some (Internal trf))
      (TRF: transf_function f = OK trf)
      (TRC: transl_code (make_env (function_bounds f)) c = c')
      (INJ: j sp = Some(sp', (fe_stack_data (make_env (function_bounds f)))))
      (INJ_UNIQUE: forall b delta, j b = Some (sp', delta) -> b = sp)
      (TY_RA: Val.has_type ra Tptr)
      (AGL: agree_locs f ls (parent_locset init_ls cs))
      (ARGS: forall ofs ty,
          In (S Outgoing ofs ty) (regs_of_rpairs (loc_arguments sg)) ->
          slot_within_bounds (function_bounds f) Outgoing ofs ty)
      (BND: 4 * size_arguments sg <= Ptrofs.max_unsigned)
      (STK: match_stacks j cs cs' (Linear.fn_sig f) isg),
      match_stacks j
                   (Linear.Stackframe f (Vptr sp ls c :: cs)
                   (Stackframe fb sp' ra c' :: cs')
                   sg isg.

Lemma match_stacks_size_args:
  forall j ll lm sg sg_
    (MS: match_stacks j ll lm sg sg_),
    4 * size_arguments sg <= Ptrofs.max_unsigned.
  inversion 1; auto.

Lemma match_stacks_size_args':
  forall j ll lm sg sg_
    (MS: match_stacks j ll lm sg sg_),
    4 * size_arguments sg_ <= Ptrofs.max_unsigned.
  induction 1; auto.

Invariance with respect to change of memory injection.

Lemma stack_contents_change_meminj:
  forall m j j', inject_incr j j' ->
  forall cs cs' stk P,
  m |= stack_contents j cs cs' stk ** P ->
  m |= stack_contents j' cs cs' stk ** P.
Local Opaque sepconj.
  induction cs as [ | [] cs]; destruct cs' as [ | [] cs']; simpl; intros; auto.
  rewrite sep_assoc in H0 |- * .
  apply frame_contents_incr with (j := j); auto.
  rewrite sep_swap. apply IHcs. rewrite sep_swap. assumption.

Lemma match_stacks_change_meminj:
  forall j j', inject_incr j j' ->
          (exists m m',
              inject_separated j j' m m' /\
              (forall b b' delta, j b = Some (b', delta) -> Mem.valid_block m' b')) ->
  forall cs cs' sg isg,
  match_stacks j cs cs' sg isg ->
  match_stacks j' cs cs' sg isg.
  induction 3; intros.
- constructor; auto.
- econstructor; eauto.
  destruct H0 as (m & m' & (H0 & VB)).
  destruct (j b) eqn:?.
  + destruct p. exploit H. eauto. intros.
    assert (b0 = sp') by congruence. subst. eapply INJ_UNIQUE in Heqo. auto.
  + generalize (H0 _ _ _ Heqo H2).
    intros (A & B).
    apply VB in INJ. congruence.

Opaque Z.mul.

Lemma match_stacks_change_sig:
  forall sg1 j cs cs' sg isg,
  match_stacks j cs cs' sg isg ->
  tailcall_possible sg1 ->
  4 * size_arguments sg1 <= Ptrofs.max_unsigned ->
  match_stacks j cs cs' sg1
               match cs with
                   nil => sg1
                 | _ => isg
  induction 1; intros.
  econstructor; eauto.
  econstructor; eauto. intros. elim (H0 _ H2).

Typing properties of match_stacks.

CompCertX:test-compcert-protect-stack-arg In whole-program settings, init_sp = Vzero, so the following hypotheses are trivially true. In non-whole-program settings, the following two hypotheses are provided by the caller's assembly semantics, which maintains the well-typedness of the assembly register set as an invariant.
Hypothesis init_ra_int: Val.has_type init_ra Tptr.
Hypothesis init_ra_not_undef: init_ra <> Vundef.

Lemma match_stacks_type_retaddr:
  forall j cs cs' sg isg,
  match_stacks j cs cs' sg isg ->
  Val.has_type (parent_ra init_ra cs') Tptr.
  induction 1; unfold parent_ra. auto. auto.

Syntactic properties of the translation

Preservation of code labels through the translation.

Section LABELS.

Remark find_label_save_callee_save:
  forall lbl l ofs k,
  Mach.find_label lbl (save_callee_save_rec l ofs k) = Mach.find_label lbl k.
  induction l; simpl; auto.

Remark find_label_restore_callee_save:
  forall lbl l ofs k,
  Mach.find_label lbl (restore_callee_save_rec l ofs k) = Mach.find_label lbl k.
  induction l; simpl; auto.

Lemma transl_code_eq:
  forall fe i c, transl_code fe (i :: c) = transl_instr fe i (transl_code fe c).
  unfold transl_code; intros. rewrite list_fold_right_eq. auto.

Lemma find_label_transl_code:
  forall fe lbl c,
  Mach.find_label lbl (transl_code fe c) =
    option_map (transl_code fe) (Linear.find_label lbl c).
  induction c; simpl; intros.
- auto.
- rewrite transl_code_eq.
  destruct a; unfold transl_instr; auto.
  destruct s; simpl; auto.
  destruct s; simpl; auto.
  unfold restore_callee_save. rewrite find_label_restore_callee_save. auto.
  simpl. destruct (peq lbl l). reflexivity. auto.
  unfold restore_callee_save. rewrite find_label_restore_callee_save. auto.

Lemma transl_find_label:
  forall f tf lbl c,
  transf_function f = OK tf ->
  Linear.find_label lbl f.(Linear.fn_code) = Some c ->
  Mach.find_label lbl tf.(Mach.fn_code) =
    Some (transl_code (make_env (function_bounds f)) c).
  intros. rewrite (unfold_transf_function _ _ H). simpl.
  unfold transl_body. unfold save_callee_save. rewrite find_label_save_callee_save.
  rewrite find_label_transl_code. rewrite H0. reflexivity.


Code tail property for Linear executions.

Lemma find_label_tail:
  forall lbl c c',
  Linear.find_label lbl c = Some c' -> is_tail c' c.
  induction c; simpl.
  intros; discriminate.
  intro c'. case (Linear.is_label lbl a); intros.
  injection H; intro; subst c'. auto with coqlib.
  auto with coqlib.

Code tail property for translations

Lemma is_tail_save_callee_save:
  forall l ofs k,
  is_tail k (save_callee_save_rec l ofs k).
  induction l; intros; simpl. auto with coqlib.
  constructor; auto.

Lemma is_tail_restore_callee_save:
  forall l ofs k,
  is_tail k (restore_callee_save_rec l ofs k).
  induction l; intros; simpl. auto with coqlib.
  constructor; auto.

Lemma is_tail_transl_instr:
  forall fe i k,
  is_tail k (transl_instr fe i k).
  intros. destruct i; unfold transl_instr; auto with coqlib.
  destruct s; auto with coqlib.
  destruct s; auto with coqlib.
  unfold restore_callee_save. eapply is_tail_trans. 2: apply is_tail_restore_callee_save. auto with coqlib.
  unfold restore_callee_save. eapply is_tail_trans. 2: apply is_tail_restore_callee_save. auto with coqlib.

Lemma is_tail_transl_code:
  forall fe c1 c2, is_tail c1 c2 -> is_tail (transl_code fe c1) (transl_code fe c2).
  induction 1; simpl. auto with coqlib.
  rewrite transl_code_eq.
  eapply is_tail_trans. eauto. apply is_tail_transl_instr.

Lemma is_tail_transf_function:
  forall f tf c,
  transf_function f = OK tf ->
  is_tail c (Linear.fn_code f) ->
  is_tail (transl_code (make_env (function_bounds f)) c) (fn_code tf).
  intros. rewrite (unfold_transf_function _ _ H). simpl.
  unfold transl_body, save_callee_save.
  eapply is_tail_trans. 2: apply is_tail_save_callee_save.
  apply is_tail_transl_code; auto.

Semantic preservation

Preservation / translation of global symbols and functions.

Lemma symbols_preserved:
  forall (s: ident), Genv.find_symbol tge s = Genv.find_symbol ge s.
Proof (Genv.find_symbol_match TRANSF).

Lemma senv_preserved:
  Senv.equiv ge tge.
Proof (Genv.senv_match TRANSF).

Lemma genv_next_preserved:
  Genv.genv_next tge = Genv.genv_next ge.
apply senv_preserved. Qed.

Lemma functions_translated:
  forall v f,
  Genv.find_funct ge v = Some f ->
  exists tf,
  Genv.find_funct tge v = Some tf /\ transf_fundef f = OK tf.
Proof (Genv.find_funct_transf_partial TRANSF).

Lemma function_ptr_translated:
  forall b f,
  Genv.find_funct_ptr ge b = Some f ->
  exists tf,
  Genv.find_funct_ptr tge b = Some tf /\ transf_fundef f = OK tf.
Proof (Genv.find_funct_ptr_transf_partial TRANSF).

Lemma sig_preserved:
  forall f tf, transf_fundef f = OK tf -> Mach.funsig tf = Linear.funsig f.
  intros until tf; unfold transf_fundef, transf_partial_fundef.
  destruct f; intros; monadInv H.
  rewrite (unfold_transf_function _ _ EQ). auto.

Lemma find_function_translated:
  forall j ls rs m ros f,
  agree_regs j ls rs ->
  m |= globalenv_inject ge j ->
  Linear.find_function ge ros ls = Some f ->
  exists bf, exists tf,
     find_function_ptr tge ros rs = Some bf
  /\ Genv.find_funct_ptr tge bf = Some tf
  /\ transf_fundef f = OK tf.
  intros until f; intros AG [bound [_ [?????]]] FF.
  destruct ros; simpl in FF.
- exploit Genv.find_funct_inv; eauto. intros [b EQ]. rewrite EQ in FF.
  rewrite Genv.find_funct_find_funct_ptr in FF.
  exploit function_ptr_translated; eauto. intros [tf [A B]].
  exists b; exists tf; split; auto. simpl.
  generalize (AG m0). rewrite EQ. intro INJ. inv INJ.
  rewrite DOMAIN in H2. inv H2. simpl. auto. eapply FUNCTIONS; eauto.
- destruct (Genv.find_symbol ge i) as [b|] eqn:?; try discriminate.
  exploit function_ptr_translated; eauto. intros [tf [A B]].
  exists b; exists tf; split; auto. simpl.
  rewrite symbols_preserved. auto.

Preservation of the arguments to an external call.

Variables init_stk : stack.

Definition init_sp : val := current_sp init_stk.

Definition init_args_mach j sg m' :=
  forall sl of ty,
    List.In (Locations.S sl of ty) (regs_of_rpairs (loc_arguments sg)) ->
    forall rs,
    exists v,
      extcall_arg rs m' init_sp (S sl of ty) v /\
      Val.inject j (init_ls (S sl of ty)) v.

General case


Variable j: meminj.
Variable cs: list Linear.stackframe.
Variable cs': list stackframe.
Variable sg: signature.
Variables bound bound': block.
Variable isg: signature.
Hypothesis MS: match_stacks j cs cs' sg isg.
Variable ls: locset.
Variable rs: regset.
Hypothesis AGR: agree_regs j ls rs.
Hypothesis AGCS: agree_callee_save ls (parent_locset init_ls cs).
Variable m': mem.
Variable stk: stack.
Hypothesis SEP: m' |= stack_contents j cs cs' stk.
Hypothesis init_args: init_args_mach j isg m'.
Variable curstack: stack.
Hypothesis CSC: list_prefix init_sg init_stk (stack_blocks_of_callstack tge cs') (tl curstack).

Lemma transl_external_argument:
  forall l,
  In l (regs_of_rpairs (loc_arguments sg)) ->
  exists v, extcall_arg rs m' (parent_sp curstack) l v /\ Val.inject j (ls l) v.
  assert (loc_argument_acceptable l) by (apply loc_arguments_acceptable_2 with sg; auto).
  destruct l; red in H0.
- exists (rs r); split. constructor. auto.
- destruct sl; try contradiction.
  inv MS.
  + destruct TP as [TP|TP].
    * elim (TP _ H).
    * subst isg. simpl in *.
      red in AGCS. rewrite AGCS; auto.
      edestruct init_args with (rs:=rs) as (v & EQ & INJ); eauto. eexists; split; eauto. constructor. inv EQ.
      rewrite <- H4. f_equal. unfold init_sp, parent_sp. inv CSC. destr. inv INIT.
  + simpl in SEP. simpl.
    assert (slot_valid f Outgoing pos ty = true).
    { destruct H0. unfold slot_valid, proj_sumbool.
      rewrite zle_true by omega. rewrite pred_dec_true by auto. reflexivity. }
    assert (slot_within_bounds (function_bounds f) Outgoing pos ty) by eauto.
    exploit frame_get_outgoing; eauto. intros (v & A & B).
    exists v; split.
    simpl in CSC. inv CSC. rewrite FINDF in H4. repeat destr_in H4. unfold parent_sp. destr. inv H6.
    simpl in H6. subst s0. simpl.
    unfold current_frame_sp. simpl. rewrite BLOCKS. auto. red in AGCS. rewrite AGCS; auto.

Lemma transl_external_argument_2:
  forall p,
  In p (loc_arguments sg) ->
  exists v, extcall_arg_pair rs m' (parent_sp curstack) p v /\ Val.inject j (Locmap.getpair p ls) v.
  intros. destruct p as [l | l1 l2].
- destruct (transl_external_argument l) as (v & A & B). eapply in_regs_of_rpairs; eauto; simpl; auto.
  exists v; split; auto. constructor; auto.
- destruct (transl_external_argument l1) as (v1 & A1 & B1). eapply in_regs_of_rpairs; eauto; simpl; auto.
  destruct (transl_external_argument l2) as (v2 & A2 & B2). eapply in_regs_of_rpairs; eauto; simpl; auto.
  exists (Val.longofwords v1 v2); split.
  constructor; auto.
  apply Val.longofwords_inject; auto.

Lemma transl_external_arguments_rec:
  forall locs,
  incl locs (loc_arguments sg) ->
  exists vl,
      list_forall2 (extcall_arg_pair rs m' (parent_sp curstack)) locs vl
   /\ Val.inject_list j (map (fun p => Locmap.getpair p ls) locs) vl.
  induction locs; simpl; intros.
  exists (@nil val); split. constructor. constructor.
  exploit transl_external_argument_2; eauto with coqlib. intros [v [A B]].
  exploit IHlocs; eauto with coqlib. intros [vl [C D]].
  exists (v :: vl); split; constructor; auto.

Lemma transl_external_arguments:
  exists vl,
      extcall_arguments rs m' (parent_sp curstack) sg vl
   /\ Val.inject_list j (map (fun p => Locmap.getpair p ls) (loc_arguments sg)) vl.
  unfold extcall_arguments.
  apply transl_external_arguments_rec.
  auto with coqlib.


Preservation of the arguments to a builtin.


Variable f: Linear.function.
Let b := function_bounds f.
Let fe := make_env b.
Variable tf: Mach.function.
Hypothesis TRANSF_F: transf_function f = OK tf.
Variable j: meminj.
Variable g: frameinj.
Variables m m': mem.
Variables ls ls0: locset.
Variable rs: regset.
Variables sp sp': block.
Variables parent retaddr: val.
Hypothesis INJ: j sp = Some(sp', fe.(fe_stack_data)).
Hypothesis AGR: agree_regs j ls rs.
Hypothesis SEP: m' |= frame_contents f j sp' ls ls0 parent retaddr ** minjection j g m ** globalenv_inject ge j.

Lemma transl_builtin_arg_correct:
  forall a v,
  eval_builtin_arg ge ls (Vptr sp m a v ->
  (forall l, In l (params_of_builtin_arg a) -> loc_valid f l = true) ->
  (forall sl ofs ty, In (S sl ofs ty) (params_of_builtin_arg a) -> slot_within_bounds b sl ofs ty) ->
  exists v',
     eval_builtin_arg ge rs (Vptr sp' m' (transl_builtin_arg fe a) v'
  /\ Val.inject j v v'.
  assert (SYMB: forall id ofs, Val.inject j (Senv.symbol_address ge id ofs) (Senv.symbol_address ge id ofs)).
  { assert (G: meminj_preserves_globals ge j).
    { eapply globalenv_inject_preserves_globals. eapply sep_proj2. eapply sep_proj2. eexact SEP. }
    intros; unfold Senv.symbol_address; simpl; unfold Genv.symbol_address.
    destruct (Genv.find_symbol ge id) eqn:FS; auto.
    destruct G. econstructor. eauto. rewrite Ptrofs.add_zero; auto. }
Local Opaque fe.
  induction 1; simpl; intros VALID BOUNDS.
- assert (loc_valid f x = true) by auto.
  destruct x as [r | [] ofs ty]; try discriminate.
  + exists (rs r); auto with barg.
  + exploit frame_get_local; eauto. intros (v & A & B).
    exists v; split; auto. constructor; auto.
- econstructor; eauto with barg.
- econstructor; eauto with barg.
- econstructor; eauto with barg.
- econstructor; eauto with barg.
- set (ofs' := Ptrofs.add ofs (Ptrofs.repr (fe_stack_data fe))).
  apply sep_proj2 in SEP. apply sep_proj1 in SEP. exploit loadv_parallel_rule; eauto.
  instantiate (1 := Val.offset_ptr (Vptr sp' ofs').
  simpl. rewrite ! Ptrofs.add_zero_l. econstructor; eauto.
  intros (v' & A & B). exists v'; split; auto. constructor; auto.
- econstructor; split; eauto with barg.
  unfold Val.offset_ptr. rewrite ! Ptrofs.add_zero_l. econstructor; eauto.
- apply sep_proj2 in SEP. apply sep_proj1 in SEP. exploit loadv_parallel_rule; eauto.
  intros (v' & A & B). exists v'; auto with barg.
- econstructor; split; eauto with barg.
- destruct IHeval_builtin_arg1 as (v1 & A1 & B1); auto using in_or_app.
  destruct IHeval_builtin_arg2 as (v2 & A2 & B2); auto using in_or_app.
  exists (Val.longofwords v1 v2); split; auto with barg.
  apply Val.longofwords_inject; auto.

Lemma transl_builtin_args_correct:
  forall al vl,
  eval_builtin_args ge ls (Vptr sp m al vl ->
  (forall l, In l (params_of_builtin_args al) -> loc_valid f l = true) ->
  (forall sl ofs ty, In (S sl ofs ty) (params_of_builtin_args al) -> slot_within_bounds b sl ofs ty) ->
  exists vl',
     eval_builtin_args ge rs (Vptr sp' m' ( (transl_builtin_arg fe) al) vl'
  /\ Val.inject_list j vl vl'.
  induction 1; simpl; intros VALID BOUNDS.
- exists (@nil val); split; constructor.
- exploit transl_builtin_arg_correct; eauto using in_or_app. intros (v1' & A & B).
  exploit IHlist_forall2; eauto using in_or_app. intros (vl' & C & D).
  exists (v1'::vl'); split; constructor; auto.



The proof of semantic preservation relies on simulation diagrams of the following form:
           st1 --------------- st2
            |                   |
           t|                  +|t
            |                   |
            v                   v
           st1'--------------- st2'
Matching between source and target states is defined by match_states below. It implies:

Definition has_at_most_one_antecedent (j: meminj) P :=
  forall b' o' (EQ: P = Vptr b' o')
    b1 b2 delta1 delta2
    (J1: j b1 = Some (b', delta1))
    (J2: j b2 = Some (b', delta2)),
    b1 = b2.

Lemma has_at_most_one_antecedent_incr:
  forall j j' (INCR: inject_incr j j')
    m m' (SEP: inject_separated j j' m m')
    v (HAMOA: has_at_most_one_antecedent j v)
    (BP: block_prop (Mem.valid_block m') v),
    has_at_most_one_antecedent j' v.
  red; intros. subst. red in HAMOA.
  specialize (HAMOA _ _ eq_refl).
  destruct (j b1) eqn:?. destruct p.
  destruct (j b2) eqn:?. destruct p.
  erewrite INCR in J1; eauto.
  erewrite INCR in J2; eauto.
  inv J1; inv J2.
  eapply HAMOA; eauto.
  generalize (SEP _ _ _ Heqo0 J2). intros (A & B); elim B. apply BP.
  generalize (SEP _ _ _ Heqo J1). intros (A & B); elim B. apply BP.

Opaque Z.mul.

Program Definition minit_args_mach j sg_ : massert :=
    m_pred := init_args_mach j sg_;
    m_footprint := fun b o =>
                     exists sl ofs ty,
                       In (S sl ofs ty) (regs_of_rpairs (loc_arguments sg_)) /\
                       exists o', init_sp = Vptr b o' /\
                             let lo := Ptrofs.unsigned (Ptrofs.add o' (Ptrofs.repr (fe_ofs_arg + 4 * ofs))) in
                             lo <= o < lo + size_chunk (chunk_of_type ty);
    m_invar_weak := false;
    m_invar_stack := false;
Next Obligation.
  red; intros.
  exploit H. eauto. intros (v & EA & INJ).
  inv EA.
  eexists; split; eauto. econstructor; eauto.
  unfold load_stack, Val.offset_ptr, Mem.loadv in *.
  destruct init_sp eqn:ISP; try discriminate.
  eapply Mem.load_unchanged_on; eauto.
  simpl; intros.
  exists Outgoing, of, ty; split; auto.
  eexists; split; eauto.
  Unshelve. eauto.
Next Obligation.
  exploit H. eauto.
  intros (v & EA & INJ). inv EA.
  unfold load_stack, Val.offset_ptr, Mem.loadv in *.
  repeat destr_in H12. repeat destr_in Heqv0. inv H5.
  eapply Mem.load_valid_access in H8.
  destruct H8.
  exploit H0. split.
  apply Zle_refl. destruct H2; simpl; omega.
  eapply Mem.perm_valid_block; eauto.
  Unshelve. constructor.

Definition fn_stack_requirements (i: ident) : Z :=
  match Genv.find_symbol tge i with
    Some b =>
    match Genv.find_funct_ptr tge b with
    | Some (Internal f) => fn_stacksize f
    | _ => 0
  | None => 0

Variable init_m: mem.

Inductive match_states: Linear.state -> Mach.state -> Prop :=
| match_states_intro:
    forall sg_ cs f sp c ls m cs' fb sp' rs m' j tf
        (STACKS: match_stacks j cs cs' f.(Linear.fn_sig) sg_)
        (TRANSL: transf_function f = OK tf)
        (FIND: Genv.find_funct_ptr tge fb = Some (Internal tf))
        (AGREGS: agree_regs j ls rs)
        (AGLOCS: agree_locs f ls (parent_locset init_ls cs))
        (INJSP: j sp = Some(sp', fe_stack_data (make_env (function_bounds f))))
        (INJUNIQUE: forall b delta, j b = Some (sp', delta) -> b = sp)
        (INJ_INIT_SP: block_prop (fun b => j b = Some (b,0)) init_sp)
        (HAMOA: has_at_most_one_antecedent j init_sp)
        (INCR_init: inject_incr (Mem.flat_inj (Mem.nextblock init_m)) j)
        (INCR_sep: inject_separated (Mem.flat_inj (Mem.nextblock init_m)) j init_m init_m)
        (MACH: Ple (Mem.nextblock init_m) (Mem.nextblock m'))
        (TAIL: is_tail c (Linear.fn_code f))
        (SEP: m' |= frame_contents f j sp' ls (parent_locset init_ls cs) (parent_sp (Mem.stack m')) (parent_ra init_ra cs')
                 ** stack_contents j cs cs' (tl (Mem.stack m'))
                 ** (mconj (minjection j (flat_frameinj (length (Mem.stack m))) m) (minit_args_mach j sg_))
                 ** globalenv_inject ge j
        (SE: stack_equiv (Mem.stack m) (Mem.stack m')),
      match_states (Linear.State cs f (Vptr sp c ls m)
                   (Mach.State cs' fb (Vptr sp' (transl_code (make_env (function_bounds f)) c) rs m')
  | match_states_call:
      forall sg_ cs f ls m cs' fb rs m' j tf sz
        (STACKS: match_stacks j cs cs' (Linear.funsig f) sg_)
        (TRANSL: transf_fundef f = OK tf)
        (FIND: Genv.find_funct_ptr tge fb = Some tf)
        (SZEQ: exists i, Genv.invert_symbol tge fb = Some i /\ sz = fn_stack_requirements i)
        (AGREGS: agree_regs j ls rs)
        (AGLOCS: agree_callee_save ls (parent_locset init_ls cs))
        (INCR_init: inject_incr (Mem.flat_inj (Mem.nextblock init_m)) j)
        (INCR_sep: inject_separated (Mem.flat_inj (Mem.nextblock init_m)) j init_m init_m)
        (MACH: Ple (Mem.nextblock init_m) (Mem.nextblock m'))
        (INJ_INIT_SP: block_prop (fun b => j b = Some (b,0)) init_sp)
        (HAMOA: has_at_most_one_antecedent j init_sp)
        (SEP: m' |= stack_contents j cs cs' (tl (Mem.stack m'))
                 ** (mconj (minjection j (flat_frameinj (length (Mem.stack m))) m) (minit_args_mach j sg_))
                 ** globalenv_inject ge j)
        (SE: stack_equiv (Mem.stack m) (Mem.stack m'))
      match_states (Linear.Callstate cs f ls m sz) (Mach.Callstate cs' fb rs m')
  | match_states_return:
      forall sg_ cs ls m cs' rs m' j sg
        (STACKS: match_stacks j cs cs' sg sg_)
        (AGREGS: agree_regs j ls rs)
        (AGLOCS: agree_callee_save ls (parent_locset init_ls cs))
        (INCR_init: inject_incr (Mem.flat_inj (Mem.nextblock init_m)) j)
        (INCR_sep: inject_separated (Mem.flat_inj (Mem.nextblock init_m)) j init_m init_m)
        (MACH: Ple (Mem.nextblock init_m) (Mem.nextblock m'))
        (INJ_INIT_SP: block_prop (fun b => j b = Some (b,0)) init_sp)
        (HAMOA: has_at_most_one_antecedent j init_sp)
        (SEP: m' |= stack_contents j cs cs' (tl (Mem.stack m'))
                 ** (mconj (minjection j (flat_frameinj (length (Mem.stack m))) m) (minit_args_mach j sg_))
                 ** globalenv_inject ge j)
        (SE: stack_equiv (Mem.stack m) (Mem.stack m')),
      match_states (Linear.Returnstate cs ls m) (Mach.Returnstate cs' rs m').

Record massert_eqv and massert_imp as relations so that they can be used by rewriting tactics.
Local Add Relation massert massert_imp
  reflexivity proved by massert_imp_refl
  transitivity proved by massert_imp_trans
as massert_imp_prel2.

Local Add Relation massert massert_eqv
  reflexivity proved by massert_eqv_refl
  symmetry proved by massert_eqv_sym
  transitivity proved by massert_eqv_trans
as massert_eqv_prel2.

Lemma sep_rot:
  forall P Q R S,
    massert_eqv (P ** Q ** R ** S) (S ** P ** Q ** R).
  rewrite <- (sep_assoc Q R), <- (sep_assoc P).
  rewrite (sep_comm _ S). auto.

Lemma Ple_Plt:
  forall a b,
    (forall c, Plt c a -> Plt c b) ->
    Ple a b.
  intros a b H.
  destruct (peq a xH).
  + subst a. xomega.
  + exploit Ppred_Plt; eauto.
    intros H0.
    specialize (H _ H0).
    exploit Pos.succ_pred; eauto.
    intro K.

Lemma eval_addressing_lessdef_strong:
  forall sp1 sp2 addr vl1 vl2 v1,
    Val.lessdef_list vl1 vl2 ->
    Val.lessdef sp1 sp2 ->
    eval_addressing ge sp1 addr vl1 = Some v1 ->
    exists v2, eval_addressing ge sp2 addr vl2 = Some v2 /\ Val.lessdef v1 v2.
  intros. rewrite val_inject_list_lessdef in H.
  assert (exists v2 : val,
             eval_addressing ge sp2 addr vl2 = Some v2
             /\ Val.inject (fun b => Some(b, 0)) v1 v2).
  eapply eval_addressing_inj with (sp1 := sp1).
  intros. rewrite <- val_inject_lessdef; auto.
  rewrite <- val_inject_lessdef; auto.
  eauto. auto.
  destruct H2 as [v2 [A B]]. exists v2; split; auto. rewrite val_inject_lessdef; auto.

Lemma reglist_lessdef rs1 rs2
      (LESSDEF: forall r, Val.lessdef (rs1 r) (rs2 r))
  Val.lessdef_list (reglist rs1 l) (reglist rs2 l).
  induction l; simpl; auto.

Lemma block_prop_impl (P Q: block -> Prop) v:
  (forall b, P b -> Q b) ->
  block_prop P v -> block_prop Q v.
  destruct v; auto. simpl. intuition.

Lemma map_reg_lessdef rs1 rs2
      (LESSDEF: forall r: loc, Val.lessdef (rs1 r) (rs2 r))
  Val.lessdef_list (fun p => Locmap.getpair p rs1) ## args (fun p => Locmap.getpair p rs2) ## args.
  induction args; simpl; auto.
  constructor; auto.
  destruct a; simpl; auto.
  apply Val.longofwords_lessdef; auto.

Ltac constr_match_states :=
  match goal with
  | |- _ => idtac

Lemma intv_dec:
  forall a b c,
    { a <= b < c } + { b < a \/ b >= c }.
  destruct (zle a b); destruct (zlt b c); try (right; omega); try (left; omega).


  Variable A : Type.
  Variable ge' : Senv.t.
  Variables rs1 rs2 : A -> val.
  Hypothesis rs_lessdef: forall a, Val.lessdef (rs1 a) (rs2 a).
  Variables sp sp' : val.
  Hypothesis sp_lessdef: Val.lessdef sp sp'.
  Variable m m' : mem.
  Hypothesis m_ext: Mem.extends m m'.

  Lemma eval_builtin_arg_lessdef':
  forall arg v v'
    (EBA: eval_builtin_arg ge' rs1 sp m arg v)
    (EBA': eval_builtin_arg ge' rs2 sp' m' arg v'),
    Val.lessdef v v'.
    induction arg; intros; inv EBA; inv EBA'; subst; auto.
    - intros. exploit Mem.loadv_extends. eauto. apply H2.
      2: rewrite H3. simpl. apply Val.offset_ptr_lessdef; auto. intros (v2 & B & C). inv B. auto.
    - intros; apply Val.offset_ptr_lessdef; auto.
    - intros. exploit Mem.loadv_extends. eauto. apply H3.
      2: rewrite H4. auto. intros (v2 & B & C). inv B. auto.
    - apply Val.longofwords_lessdef. eauto. eauto.

  Lemma eval_builtin_args_lessdef':
    forall args vl vl'
      (EBA: eval_builtin_args ge' rs1 sp m args vl)
      (EBA': eval_builtin_args ge' rs2 sp' m' args vl'),
      Val.lessdef_list vl vl'.
    induction args; simpl; intros. inv EBA; inv EBA'. constructor.
    inv EBA; inv EBA'. constructor; auto.
    eapply eval_builtin_arg_lessdef'; eauto.


Lemma init_args_incr:
  forall j j' sg m,
    inject_incr j j' ->
    init_args_mach j sg m ->
    init_args_mach j' sg m.
  red. intros j j' sg m INCR IAM sl of ty IN rs.
  exploit IAM; eauto. instantiate (1 := rs).
  intros (v & ea & inj); eexists; split; eauto.

Lemma footprint_impl:
  forall P Q Q' b o,
    (forall b o, m_footprint Q b o -> m_footprint Q' b o) ->
    m_footprint (P ** Q) b o ->
    m_footprint (P ** Q') b o.
  destruct H0.
  left; auto.
  right; eauto.

Lemma init_args_mach_unch:
  forall j sg m m' P,
    Mem.unchanged_on P m m' ->
    (forall b o, init_sp = Vptr b o -> forall i, P b i) ->
    init_args_mach j sg m ->
    init_args_mach j sg m'.
  red. intros j sg m m' P UNCH NSP IAM sl of ty IN rs.
  exploit IAM; eauto. instantiate (1 := rs).
  intros (v & ea & inj); eexists; split; eauto.
  inv ea; econstructor; eauto.
  destruct init_sp eqn:?; try discriminate.
  unfold load_stack in *. simpl in *.
  erewrite Mem.load_unchanged_on; eauto.

Lemma inject_incr_sep_trans:
  forall f j j' im im' m m',
    inject_incr f j ->
    inject_incr j j' ->
    inject_separated f j im im' ->
    inject_separated j j' m m' ->
    Ple (Mem.nextblock im) (Mem.nextblock m) ->
    Ple (Mem.nextblock im') (Mem.nextblock m') ->
    inject_separated f j' im im'.
  red. intros f j j' im im' m m' INCR INCR' SEP SEP' PLE PLE' b1 b2 delta FB J'B.
  destruct (j b1) as [ (b & delta') | ] eqn: JB.
  exploit INCR'. apply JB. rewrite J'B. injection 1. intros; subst.
  exploit SEP; eauto.
  exploit SEP'; eauto.
  unfold Mem.valid_block; intuition xomega.

Lemma no_stack_slot_size64_0:
  forall (l : list typ) (z z0 : Z),
    (forall l0 : loc, In l0 (regs_of_rpairs (loc_arguments_64 l z0 z 0)) -> match l0 with
                                                                      | R _ => True
                                                                      | S _ _ _ => False
                                                                      end) ->
    size_arguments_64 l z0 z 0 = 0.
  induction l; intros; eauto.
  Opaque list_nth_z. simpl in *.
  destruct a.
  + destruct (list_nth_z int_param_regs z0).
    apply IHl. intros; apply H. simpl. auto.
    simpl in H. specialize (H _ (or_introl eq_refl)).
    simpl in H. easy.
  + destruct (list_nth_z float_param_regs z).
    apply IHl. intros; apply H. simpl. auto.
    simpl in H. specialize (H _ (or_introl eq_refl)).
    simpl in H. easy.
  + destruct (list_nth_z int_param_regs z0).
    apply IHl. intros; apply H. simpl. auto.
    simpl in H. specialize (H _ (or_introl eq_refl)).
    simpl in H. easy.
  + destruct (list_nth_z float_param_regs z).
    apply IHl. intros; apply H. simpl. auto.
    simpl in H. specialize (H _ (or_introl eq_refl)).
    simpl in H. easy.
  + destruct (list_nth_z int_param_regs z0).
    apply IHl. intros; apply H. simpl. auto.
    simpl in H. specialize (H _ (or_introl eq_refl)).
    simpl in H. easy.
  + destruct (list_nth_z int_param_regs z0).
    apply IHl. intros; apply H. simpl. auto.
    simpl in H. specialize (H _ (or_introl eq_refl)).
    simpl in H. easy.

Lemma no_stack_slot_size32_0:
  forall (l : list typ),
    (forall l0 : loc, In l0 (regs_of_rpairs (loc_arguments_32 l 0)) -> match l0 with
                                                                 | R _ => True
                                                                 | S _ _ _ => False
                                                                 end) ->
    size_arguments_32 l 0 = 0.
  induction l; intros; eauto.
  simpl in *.
  destruct a; exploit H;
    try (apply in_app; left; simpl; auto);
    simpl; try easy.

Lemma match_stacks_is_init_sg:
  forall j cs cs' sg sg',
    match_stacks j cs cs' sg sg' ->
    (tailcall_possible sg' /\ size_arguments sg' = 0) \/ sg' = init_sg.
  induction 1; simpl; intros; eauto.
  destruct TP; auto.
  left. split; auto.
  red in H.
  revert H.
  unfold size_arguments, loc_arguments.
  destruct Archi.ptr64.
  apply no_stack_slot_size64_0.
  apply no_stack_slot_size32_0.

Lemma in_stack_slot_bounds:
  forall sg of ty,
    In (S Outgoing of ty) (regs_of_rpairs (loc_arguments sg)) ->
    fe_ofs_arg <= 4 * of < 4 * size_arguments sg.
  intros sg of ty IN.
  generalize (loc_arguments_bounded _ _ _ IN).
  generalize (typesize_pos ty).
  exploit loc_arguments_acceptable_2. apply IN. simpl.
  unfold fe_ofs_arg. omega.

Lemma external_call_is_stack_top:
  forall (ef : external_function) (ge : Senv.t) (vargs : list val) (m1 : mem) (t : trace) (vres : val) (m2 : mem) (b : block),
    external_call ef ge vargs m1 t vres m2 -> (is_stack_top (Mem.stack m1) b <-> is_stack_top (Mem.stack m2) b).
  eapply external_call_stack_blocks in H.
  rewrite ! is_stack_top_stack_blocks. rewrite H. tauto.

Lemma le_add_pos:
  forall a b,
    0 <= b ->
    a <= a + b.
  intros; omega.

Lemma list_prefix_is_prefix:
  forall isg istk cs stk,
    list_prefix isg istk cs stk ->
    exists l, stk = l ++ istk.
  induction 1; simpl; intros; eauto.
  subst. exists nil; reflexivity.
  destruct IHlist_prefix as (l & EQ); subst.
  exists ((Some f, r)::l); reflexivity.

Lemma list_prefix_spec_istk:
  forall isg istk cs stk,
    list_prefix isg istk cs stk ->
    init_sp_stackinfo isg istk.
  induction 1; simpl; intros; eauto. subst; auto.

Lemma in_stack'_app:
  forall s1 s2 b,
    in_stack' (s1 ++ s2) b <-> in_stack' s1 b \/ in_stack' s2 b.
  induction s1; simpl; intros; eauto.
  rewrite IHs1. tauto.

Lemma init_sp_csc:
  forall b o
    (ISP: init_sp = Vptr b o)
    s stk
    (LP: list_prefix init_sg init_stk s stk),
  exists fi, in_stack' stk (b, fi) /\
        forall i, (fe_ofs_arg <= i < 4 * size_arguments init_sg)%Z ->
             frame_private fi i /\ Ptrofs.unsigned (Ptrofs.repr (fe_ofs_arg + i)) = (fe_ofs_arg + i)%Z.
  intros b o ISP.
  unfold init_sp, current_sp, current_frame_sp in ISP. repeat destr_in ISP.
  edestruct list_prefix_is_prefix as (l & EQ); eauto.
  apply list_prefix_spec_istk in LP.
  destruct stk. simpl in *. apply app_cons_not_nil in EQ. easy.
  simpl in *.
  inv LP. simpl in *. inv Heqo0.
  exists f0; split.
  destruct l; simpl in EQ; inv EQ.
  left. red. simpl. red. rewrite Heql. left; reflexivity.
  right. rewrite in_stack'_app. right. left. red. simpl. red. rewrite Heql. left; reflexivity.
  rewrite Heql in PRIV. inv PRIV.
  intros; eapply PROP; eauto.

Lemma external_call_step_correct:
  forall s ef res rs1 m t m' sz
    (H0 : external_call ef ge (fun p : rpair loc => Locmap.getpair p rs1) ## (loc_arguments (ef_sig ef)) m t res m')
    (WTS : wt_state init_ls (Linear.Callstate s (External ef) rs1 m sz))
    (LIN : nextblock_properties_linear init_m (Linear.Callstate s (External ef) rs1 m sz))
    cs' fb rs m'0
    (CSC : call_stack_consistency tge init_sg init_stk (Callstate cs' fb rs m'0))
    (MACH: Ple (Mem.nextblock init_m) (Mem.nextblock m'0))
    sg_ j tf
    (STACKS : match_stacks j s cs' (Linear.funsig (External ef)) sg_)
    (TRANSL : transf_fundef (External ef) = OK tf)
    (FIND : Genv.find_funct_ptr tge fb = Some tf)
    (AGREGS : agree_regs j rs1 rs)
    (AGLOCS : agree_callee_save rs1 (parent_locset init_ls s))
    (INCR_init : inject_incr (Mem.flat_inj (Mem.nextblock init_m)) j)
    (INCR_sep : inject_separated (Mem.flat_inj (Mem.nextblock init_m)) j init_m init_m)
    (INJ_INIT_SP : block_prop (fun b : block => j b = Some (b, 0)) init_sp)
    (HAMOA : has_at_most_one_antecedent j init_sp)
    (SEP : m'0 |= stack_contents j s cs' (tl (Mem.stack m'0)) ** mconj (minjection j (flat_frameinj (length (Mem.stack m))) m) (minit_args_mach j sg_) ** globalenv_inject ge j)
    (SE: stack_equiv (Mem.stack m) (Mem.stack m'0)),
  exists s2' : state,
    plus step tge (Callstate cs' fb rs m'0) t s2' /\
    match_states (Linear.Returnstate s (Locmap.setpair (loc_result (ef_sig ef)) res (LTL.undef_regs destroyed_at_call rs1)) m') s2'.
  simpl in TRANSL. inversion TRANSL; subst tf.
  inv CSC.
  exploit transl_external_arguments; eauto. apply sep_proj1 in SEP; eauto.
  { (* init_args_mach *)
    eapply sep_drop in SEP.
    eapply mconj_proj2 in SEP.
    eapply sep_proj1 in SEP.
    simpl in SEP; eauto.
  intros [vl [ARGS VINJ]].
  assert (SEP_init := SEP).
  rewrite <- sep_swap12 in SEP. apply mconj_proj1 in SEP.
  rewrite (sep_comm _ (globalenv_inject _ _)) in SEP.
  exploit external_call_parallel_rule; eauto.
    rewrite stack_contents_invar_weak. reflexivity.
  intros (j' & res' & m1' & A & B & C & D & E).
  econstructor; split.
  - apply plus_one. eapply exec_function_external; eauto.
    eapply external_call_symbols_preserved; eauto. apply senv_preserved.
  - constr_match_states.
    eapply match_stacks_change_meminj.
    3: eexact STACKS.
    exists m, m'0; split; eauto.
    + intros; eapply Mem.valid_block_inject_2; eauto. apply sep_proj1 in SEP; simpl in SEP; eauto.
    + clear - AGREGS D B.
      apply agree_regs_set_pair. apply agree_regs_undef_regs. apply agree_regs_inject_incr with j; auto. auto.
    + apply agree_callee_save_set_result; auto.
      red in AGLOCS |- *. intros.
      destruct l.
      rewrite LTL_undef_regs_others. auto.
      Opaque all_mregs.
      intro IN.
      unfold destroyed_at_call in IN.
      rewrite filter_In in IN.
      rewrite H in IN. simpl in IN. destruct IN. discriminate.
      rewrite LTL_undef_regs_slot.
    + eapply inject_incr_trans; eauto.
    + eapply inject_incr_sep_trans; eauto. inv LIN; auto.
    + rewnb. xomega.
    + revert INJ_INIT_SP D. clear.
      destruct init_sp; simpl; auto.
    + assert (ISPVALID: forall b o, init_sp = Vptr b o -> Mem.valid_block m'0 b).
        revert INJ_INIT_SP. rewrite H. simpl. intros; eapply Mem.valid_block_inject_2. apply INJ_INIT_SP. apply SEP.
      revert MACH HAMOA D E ISPVALID. clear.
      red; intros.
      destruct (j b1) eqn:JB1. destruct p.
      destruct (j b2) eqn:JB2. destruct p.
      exploit D. eexact JB1.
      exploit D. eexact JB2.
      intros. assert (b0 = b' /\ b = b') by (split; congruence). destruct H1; subst.
      eapply HAMOA; eauto.
      exploit E; eauto. apply ISPVALID in EQ; intuition congruence.
      exploit E; eauto. apply ISPVALID in EQ; intuition congruence.
    + apply stack_contents_change_meminj with j; auto.
      rewrite sep_swap12.
      apply mconj_intro.
      rewrite (sep_comm (stack_contents _ _ _ _)).
      repeat rewrite_stack_blocks. eauto.
      rewrite sep_swap12 in SEP_init. apply mconj_proj2 in SEP_init.
      apply sep_proj1 in SEP_init. revert SEP_init.
      * simpl.
        intro IAM.
        red; intros.
        exploit IAM. eauto. instantiate (1 := rs0).
        destruct (match_stacks_is_init_sg _ _ _ _ _ STACKS) as [[TP _] | EQsig].
        apply TP in H. easy. subst.
        intros (v & ea & inj); eexists; split; eauto.
        inv ea; constructor; eauto.
        clearbody step. destruct init_sp eqn:?; simpl in *; try discriminate.
        revert Heqv0.
        unfold load_stack in *; simpl in *.
        intros; eapply Mem.load_unchanged_on; eauto.
        eapply external_call_unchanged_on. apply A.
        intros. simpl.
        intros [IST | NPSA].
        { revert IST.
          inv TTNP. unfold is_stack_top. simpl. unfold get_frames_blocks.
          rewrite H3. easy.
        unfold public_stack_access in NPSA.
        edestruct init_sp_csc as (fi & INS & PRIV); eauto.
        unfold get_frame_info in NPSA.
        rewrite in_stack'_rew in INS. destruct INS as (tf & IFR & INS).
        rewrite in_frames'_rew in IFR. destruct IFR as (fr & IFR & IFRS).
        erewrite get_assoc_stack_lnr in NPSA; eauto.
        assert (i =
          revert Heqv0. clear.
          unfold init_sp, parent_sp, current_sp, current_frame_sp. repeat destr; inversion 1.
        } subst.
        rewrite Ptrofs.add_zero_l in H1.
        red in NPSA.
        2: apply Mem.stack_norepet.
        2: apply In_tl; auto.
        specialize (NPSA i0).
        trim (NPSA). omega.
        unfold fe_ofs_arg in PRIV. simpl in PRIV.
        rewrite (fun pf => proj2 (PRIV (4 * of) pf)) in H1.
        red in NPSA. contradict NPSA. setoid_rewrite (fun pf => proj1 (PRIV _ pf)). congruence.
        split. etransitivity. 2: apply H1.
        exploit loc_arguments_acceptable_2. apply H. simpl. omega.
        eapply Z.lt_le_trans. apply H1.
        generalize (loc_arguments_bounded _ _ _ H).
        generalize (typesize_pos ty).
        exploit loc_arguments_acceptable_2. apply H. simpl.
        rewrite size_type_chunk. rewrite typesize_typesize.
        exploit loc_arguments_acceptable_2. apply H. simpl. omega.
        generalize (loc_arguments_bounded _ _ _ H).
        generalize (typesize_pos ty).
        exploit loc_arguments_acceptable_2. apply H. simpl. omega.
      * repeat rewrite_stack_blocks.
        split. apply sep_proj2 in C. rewrite sep_comm in C. eauto.
        rewrite sep_swap12 in SEP_init.
        apply mconj_proj2 in SEP_init.
        destruct SEP_init as (A1 & A2 & A3).
        revert A3.
        clear - D. red; simpl.
        intros. decompose [ex and] H. clear H.
        exploit A3. simpl. repeat eexists; eauto.
        revert H0.
        eapply footprint_impl.
        simpl. auto. auto.
    + repeat rewrite_stack_blocks. eauto.

Lemma fe_ofs_local_pos:
  forall b,
    0 <= fe_ofs_local (make_env b).
  destruct b.
  Local Opaque Z.mul .
  etransitivity. 2: apply align_le ; try omega.
  etransitivity. 2: apply size_callee_save_area_incr.
  etransitivity. 2: apply align_le; try omega. simpl. omega. destruct Archi.ptr64; omega.

Transparent fe_ofs_arg.

Lemma fe_retaddr_lt_fe_size:
  forall b, fe_ofs_retaddr (make_env b) < fe_size (make_env b).
  simpl. intros.
  destr; omega.

Lemma tailcall_stage_rule:
  forall m1 m1' m2 j g P,
    m2 |= minjection j g m1 ** P ->
    Mem.tailcall_stage m1 = Some m1' ->
    Mem.top_frame_no_perm m2 ->
    m_invar_stack P = false ->
    exists m2', Mem.tailcall_stage m2 = Some m2' /\
           m2' |= minjection j g m1' ** P.
  intros m1 m1' m2 j g P SEP TC TFNP INVAR.
  exploit Mem.tailcall_stage_inject; eauto. apply SEP. intros (m2' & TC' & INJ').
  eexists; split; eauto.
  destruct SEP as (INJ & PM & DISJ).
  split; [|split].
  - simpl in *. auto.
  - eapply m_invar. eauto.
    destruct (m_invar_weak P); eauto using Mem.strong_unchanged_on_weak, Mem.tailcall_stage_unchanged_on.
  - red; intros. eapply DISJ. 2: eauto. simpl in H |- *.
    decompose [ex and] H.
    repeat eexists; eauto.
    revert H3; rewrite_perms. auto.

Theorem transf_step_correct:
  forall s1 t s2, Linear.step fn_stack_requirements init_ls ge s1 t s2 ->
             forall (WTS: wt_state init_ls s1) s1'
               (LIN: nextblock_properties_linear init_m s1)
               (CSC: call_stack_consistency tge init_sg init_stk s1')
               (HC: has_code return_address_offset tge s1')
               (MS: match_states s1 s1'),
  exists s2', plus step tge s1' t s2' /\ match_states s2 s2'.
  induction 1; intros; inv MS; (try congruence);
  try rewrite transl_code_eq;
  try (generalize (function_is_within_bounds f _ (is_tail_in TAIL));
       intro BOUND; simpl in BOUND);
  unfold transl_instr.

  - (* Lgetstack *)
    destruct BOUND as [BOUND1 BOUND2].
    exploit wt_state_getstack; eauto. intros SV.
    unfold destroyed_by_getstack; destruct sl.
    + (* Lgetstack, local *)
      exploit frame_get_local; eauto. intros (v & A & B).
      econstructor; split.
      apply plus_one. apply exec_Mgetstack. exact A.
      4: apply agree_regs_set_reg; eauto.
      4: apply agree_locs_set_reg; eauto.
      all: eauto with mem.
      eapply is_tail_cons_left; eauto.

    + (* Lgetstack, incoming *)
      unfold slot_valid in SV. InvBooleans.
      exploit incoming_slot_in_parameters; eauto. intros IN_ARGS.
      inversion STACKS; clear STACKS.
      subst. destruct TP as [TP | TP] .
      * elim (TP _ IN_ARGS).
      * assert (init_args_mach j init_sg m') as INIT_ARGS_MACH.
          apply sep_proj2 in SEP. apply sep_proj2 in SEP.
          apply sep_proj1 in SEP. destruct SEP. simpl in H; subst; auto.
 exploit frame_get_parent; eauto. *) intro PARST.  *)        Opaque Z.mul bound_outgoing.
        generalize (INIT_ARGS_MACH _ _ _ IN_ARGS rs0). intros (v & EA & EAinj).
        -- split.
           ++ eapply plus_one.
              econstructor; eauto. inv EA. inv CSC. inv CallStackConsistency. simpl. inv REC. unfold init_sp in H4. eauto.
           ++ constr_match_states.
              constructor; auto. all: eauto with mem.
              ** apply agree_regs_set_reg; auto.
                 change (rs0 # temp_for_parent_frame <- Vundef)
                 with (undef_regs (destroyed_by_getstack Incoming) rs0).
                 eapply agree_regs_undef_regs; eauto.
                 erewrite agree_incoming. eauto. eauto. eauto.
              ** apply agree_locs_set_reg; eauto.
                 apply agree_locs_set_reg; eauto.
                 apply caller_save_reg_within_bounds.
              ** eapply is_tail_cons_left; eauto.

      * subst sg isg.
        subst s cs'.
        exploit frame_get_outgoing.
        apply sep_proj2 in SEP. simpl in SEP. rewrite sep_assoc in SEP. eexact SEP.
        eapply ARGS; eauto.
        eapply slot_outgoing_argument_valid; eauto.
        intros (v & A & B).
        econstructor; split.
        -- apply plus_one. eapply exec_Mgetparam; eauto.
           inv CSC. inv CallStackConsistency. simpl. rewrite FINDF in REC. repeat destr_in REC. simpl.
           unfold current_frame_sp. simpl.
           rewrite BLOCKS0. eauto.
        -- constr_match_states.
           now (econstructor; eauto).
           all: eauto.
           ++ apply agree_regs_set_reg; auto.
              change (rs0 # temp_for_parent_frame <- Vundef)
              with (undef_regs (destroyed_by_getstack Incoming) rs0).
              eapply agree_regs_undef_regs; eauto.
              erewrite agree_incoming. eauto. eauto. eauto.
           ++ apply agree_locs_set_reg; eauto.
              apply agree_locs_set_reg; eauto.
              apply caller_save_reg_within_bounds.
           ++ eapply is_tail_cons_left; eauto.

    + (* Lgetstack, outgoing *)
      exploit frame_get_outgoing; eauto. intros (v & A & B).
      econstructor; split.
      apply plus_one. apply exec_Mgetstack. exact A.
      constr_match_states. all: eauto with coqlib.
      apply agree_regs_set_reg; auto.
      apply agree_locs_set_reg; auto.

  - (* Lsetstack *)
    assert (is_stack_top (Mem.stack m') sp') as IST.
      unfold is_stack_top, get_stack_top_blocks.
      inv CSC. inv CallStackConsistency.
      unfold get_frames_blocks, get_frame_blocks. simpl. unfold get_frame_blocks.
      rewrite BLOCKS. simpl. auto.
    exploit wt_state_setstack; eauto. intros (SV & SW).
    set (ofs' := match sl with
                 | Local => offset_local (make_env (function_bounds f)) ofs
                 | Incoming => 0 (* dummy *)
                 | Outgoing => offset_arg ofs
    eapply frame_undef_regs with (rl := destroyed_by_setstack ty) in SEP.
    assert (A: exists m'',
               store_stack m' (Vptr sp' ty (Ptrofs.repr ofs') (rs0 src) = Some m''
               /\ m'' |= frame_contents f j sp' (Locmap.set (S sl ofs ty) (rs (R src))
                                                           (LTL.undef_regs (destroyed_by_setstack ty) rs))
                     (parent_locset init_ls s) (parent_sp (Mem.stack m')) (parent_ra init_ra cs')
                     ** stack_contents j s cs' (tl (Mem.stack m')) ** (mconj (minjection j (flat_frameinj (length (Mem.stack m))) m) (minit_args_mach j sg_)) ** globalenv_inject ge j
      unfold ofs'; destruct sl; try discriminate.
      - eapply frame_set_local; eauto. left; auto.
      - eapply frame_set_outgoing; eauto. left; auto.
    clear SEP; destruct A as (m'' & STORE & SEP).
    econstructor; split.
    + apply plus_one. destruct sl; try discriminate.
      econstructor. eexact STORE.
      econstructor. eexact STORE.
    + constr_match_states. all: eauto with coqlib.
      * apply agree_regs_set_slot. apply agree_regs_undef_regs. auto.
      * apply agree_locs_set_slot. apply agree_locs_undef_locs. auto. apply destroyed_by_setstack_caller_save. auto.
      * unfold store_stack in *; rewnb; auto.
      * unfold store_stack in *; simpl in *; rewrite_stack_blocks; eauto.
      * unfold store_stack in *; simpl in *; rewrite_stack_blocks; eauto.
- (* Lop *)
  assert (OP_INJ:
            exists v',
              eval_operation ge (Vptr sp'
                             (transl_op (make_env (function_bounds f)) op) rs0##args m' = Some v' /\
              Val.inject j v v').
    eapply eval_operation_inject; eauto.
    eapply globalenv_inject_preserves_globals. eapply sep_proj2. eapply sep_proj2.
    eapply sep_proj2. eexact SEP.
    eapply agree_reglist; eauto.
    apply sep_proj2 in SEP. apply sep_proj2 in SEP. apply sep_proj1 in SEP. apply SEP.
  destruct OP_INJ as [v' [A B]].
  econstructor; split.
  + apply plus_one. econstructor.
    instantiate (1 := v'). rewrite <- A. apply eval_operation_preserved.
    exact symbols_preserved. eauto.
  + constr_match_states. all: eauto with coqlib.
    * apply agree_regs_set_reg; auto.
      rewrite transl_destroyed_by_op. apply agree_regs_undef_regs; auto.
    * apply agree_locs_set_reg; auto. apply agree_locs_undef_locs. auto. apply destroyed_by_op_caller_save.
    * apply frame_set_reg. apply frame_undef_regs. exact SEP.

- (* Lload *)
  assert (ADDR_INJ:
            exists a',
              eval_addressing ge (Vptr sp'
                              (transl_addr (make_env (function_bounds f)) addr) rs0##args = Some a' /\
              Val.inject j a a').
    eapply eval_addressing_inject; eauto.
    eapply globalenv_inject_preserves_globals.
    eapply sep_proj2. eapply sep_proj2. eapply sep_proj2. eexact SEP.
    eapply agree_reglist; eauto.
  destruct ADDR_INJ as [a' [A B]].
  exploit loadv_parallel_rule.
  apply sep_proj2 in SEP. apply sep_proj2 in SEP. apply sep_proj1 in SEP. apply SEP.
  eauto. eauto.
  intros [v' [C D]].
  econstructor; split.
  + apply plus_one. econstructor.
    instantiate (1 := a'). rewrite <- A. apply eval_addressing_preserved. exact symbols_preserved.
    eexact C. eauto.
  + constr_match_states. all: eauto with coqlib.
    * apply agree_regs_set_reg. rewrite transl_destroyed_by_load. apply agree_regs_undef_regs; auto. auto.
    * apply agree_locs_set_reg. apply agree_locs_undef_locs. auto. apply destroyed_by_load_caller_save. auto.
- (* Lstore *)
  assert (STORE_INJ:
            exists a',
              eval_addressing ge (Vptr sp'
                              (transl_addr (make_env (function_bounds f)) addr) rs0##args = Some a' /\
              Val.inject j a a').
    eapply eval_addressing_inject; eauto.
    eapply globalenv_inject_preserves_globals.
    eapply sep_proj2. eapply sep_proj2. eapply sep_proj2. eexact SEP.
    eapply agree_reglist; eauto.
  destruct STORE_INJ as [a' [A B]].
  rewrite sep_swap3 in SEP.
  exploit storev_parallel_rule.
  eapply mconj_proj1. eexact SEP.
  apply AGREGS.
  rename SEP into SEP_init.
  intros (m1' & C & SEP).
  rewrite sep_swap3 in SEP.
  econstructor; split.
  + apply plus_one. econstructor.
    instantiate (1 := a'). rewrite <- A. apply eval_addressing_preserved. exact symbols_preserved.
    eexact C.
  + destruct a, a'; try discriminate. simpl in *. constr_match_states. all: eauto with coqlib.
    * rewrite transl_destroyed_by_store. apply agree_regs_undef_regs; auto.
    * apply agree_locs_undef_locs. auto. apply destroyed_by_store_caller_save.
    * rewnb. auto.
    * eapply frame_undef_regs; eauto.
      rewrite sep_swap23, sep_swap12.
      rewrite sep_swap23, sep_swap12 in SEP.
      apply mconj_intro. repeat rewrite_stack_blocks. eauto.
      split; [|split].
      2: eapply sep_proj2; eauto.
      -- simpl. red; simpl. intros sl of ty IN rs2 .
         exploit mconj_proj2. eexact SEP_init. intro D; apply sep_proj1 in D.
         simpl in D. red in D. generalize IN; intro IN'. eapply D with (rs := rs2) in IN.
         clear D. destruct IN as (v & EA' & INJ).
         inv EA'.
         eexists; split; eauto. constructor.
         unfold load_stack in H5 |- *. clear SEP_init.
         clearbody step.
         destruct init_sp eqn:?; simpl in *; try discriminate.
         erewrite Mem.load_store_other. eauto. eauto.
         inversion B. subst i0 b3 ofs1 b4 ofs2.
         destruct (eq_block b1 b2); auto.
         assert (b0 = b1).
         clear - H4 e INJ_INIT_SP HAMOA MACH external_calls_prf. subst.
         eapply HAMOA; eauto.
         subst b1. subst b0. assert (delta = 0) by congruence. subst delta.
         rewrite Ptrofs.add_zero in *.
         destruct (zle (Ptrofs.unsigned (Ptrofs.add i1 (Ptrofs.repr (4*of))) + size_chunk (chunk_of_type ty))
                       (Ptrofs.unsigned i)); auto.
         destruct (zle (Ptrofs.unsigned i + size_chunk chunk)
                       (Ptrofs.unsigned (Ptrofs.add i1 (Ptrofs.repr (4 * of))))); auto.
         eapply Mem.store_valid_access_3 in C. destruct C as (C1 & C2 & C3).
         specialize (C3 (perm_refl _)). red in C3.

         inv CSC. inv CallStackConsistency. edestruct init_sp_csc as (fi' & INS & PRIV); eauto.
         unfold public_stack_access in C3.
         rewrite in_stack'_rew in INS.
         setoid_rewrite in_frames'_rew in INS.
         destruct INS as (ttf & (fr & IN1 & IN2) & IN3).
         erewrite get_assoc_stack_lnr in C3; eauto.
         2: apply Mem.stack_norepet.
         2: apply In_tl; rewrite <- H7; simpl; auto.
         destruct C3 as [IST | C3].
           exploit Mem.stack_norepet. rewrite <- H7 in *. clear - IN1 IN2 IN3 IST.
           intro ND. inv ND.
           red in IST. simpl in IST.
           eapply H2. apply IST.
           eapply in_frames_in_stack; eauto.
           eapply in_frame_in_frames; eauto.
           eapply in_frame'_in_frame; eauto.
         destruct (match_stacks_is_init_sg _ _ _ _ _ STACKS).
         generalize (loc_arguments_bounded _ _ _ IN').
         generalize (typesize_pos ty). destruct H1. rewrite H2.
         exploit loc_arguments_acceptable_2. apply IN'. simpl.
         subst sg_.
         assert (i1 =
           clear - Heqv0. unfold init_sp, parent_sp, current_sp, current_frame_sp in Heqv0.
           repeat destr_in Heqv0.
         } subst i1.
         cut (exists o,
                 Ptrofs.unsigned i <= o < Ptrofs.unsigned i + size_chunk chunk /\
                 (fe_ofs_arg + 4 * of) <= o <
                 (fe_ofs_arg + 4 * of) + size_chunk (chunk_of_type ty)).
         intros (o & RNG1 & RNG2).
         red in C3. red in C3.
         specialize (C3 o RNG1).
         setoid_rewrite (proj1 (PRIV _ _)) in C3. congruence.
         split. etransitivity. 2: apply RNG2.
         exploit loc_arguments_acceptable_2. apply IN'. simpl.
         generalize (loc_arguments_bounded _ _ _ IN').
         generalize (match_stacks_size_args' _ _ _ _ _ STACKS).
         intros. simpl.
         Transparent fe_ofs_arg.
         unfold fe_ofs_arg. omega.
         eapply Z.lt_le_trans. apply RNG2.
         generalize (loc_arguments_bounded _ _ _ IN').
         generalize (typesize_pos ty).
         exploit loc_arguments_acceptable_2. apply IN'. simpl.
         rewrite size_type_chunk. rewrite typesize_typesize.
         rewrite Ptrofs.add_zero_l in *.
         exists (Z.max (Ptrofs.unsigned i) (Ptrofs.unsigned (Ptrofs.repr (4*of)))).
         repeat split.
         apply Zmax_bound_l. omega.
         rewrite Zmax_spec. destruct (zlt _ _). generalize (size_chunk_pos chunk); omega. omega.
         apply Zmax_bound_r.
         setoid_rewrite (proj2 (PRIV _ _)). simpl. omega.
         eapply in_stack_slot_bounds; eauto.
         rewrite Zmax_spec. destruct (zlt _ _).
         setoid_rewrite (proj2 (PRIV _ _)) in g. simpl in g. omega.
         eapply in_stack_slot_bounds; eauto.
         setoid_rewrite (proj2 (PRIV _ _)). simpl. generalize (size_chunk_pos (chunk_of_type ty)). omega.
         eapply in_stack_slot_bounds; eauto.
      -- repeat rewrite_stack_blocks; eauto.
      -- apply mconj_proj2 in SEP_init.
         apply sep_swap23 in SEP_init. destruct SEP_init as (A1 & A2 & A3).
         revert A3. repeat rewrite_stack_blocks. eauto.
    * repeat rewrite_stack_blocks; eauto.

- (* Lcall *)
  exploit find_function_translated; eauto.
  eapply sep_proj2. eapply sep_proj2. eapply sep_proj2. eexact SEP.
  intros [bf [tf' [A [B C]]]].
  exploit is_tail_transf_function; eauto. intros IST.
  rewrite transl_code_eq in IST. simpl in IST.
  exploit return_address_offset_exists. eexact IST. intros [ra D].
  assert (SEP' :
            Mem.push_new_stage m' |=
                               frame_contents f j sp' rs (parent_locset init_ls s) (parent_sp (Mem.stack (Mem.push_new_stage m')))
                               (parent_ra init_ra cs') **
                               stack_contents j s cs' (tl (Mem.stack m')) **
                               mconj (minjection j (flat_frameinj (length (Mem.stack (Mem.push_new_stage m)))) (Mem.push_new_stage m)) (minit_args_mach j sg_) **
                               globalenv_inject ge j).
    repeat rewrite_stack_blocks.
    rewrite sep_swap3 in SEP |- *.
    eapply frame_mconj. apply SEP.
    apply mconj_proj1 in SEP.
    apply push_rule in SEP.
    eapply sep_imp. apply SEP.
    red; split; auto. split; auto.
    rewrite ! m_invar_stack_sepconj.
    rewrite stack_contents_invar_stack.
    rewrite frame_contents_invar_stack.
    eapply m_invar. apply mconj_proj2 in SEP. apply SEP. simpl.
    eapply Mem.strong_unchanged_on_weak, Mem.push_new_stage_unchanged_on. simpl. congruence.
  econstructor; split.
  + apply plus_one. econstructor; eauto.
  + constr_match_states; eauto.
    * econstructor; eauto with coqlib.
      apply Val.Vptr_has_type.
      intros; red.
      apply Zle_trans with (size_arguments (Linear.funsig f')); auto.
      apply loc_arguments_bounded; auto.
      etransitivity. apply Z.mul_le_mono_nonneg_l. omega. apply BOUND.
      etransitivity. 2: eapply size_no_overflow; eauto.
      transitivity (fe_stack_data (make_env (function_bounds f))).
      generalize (frame_env_separated' (function_bounds f)). simpl. clear. intros. decompose [and] H.
      change (Z.max (max_over_instrs f outgoing_space) (max_over_slots_of_funct f outgoing_slot) ) with
      (bound_outgoing (function_bounds f)).
      2: apply H6. apply align_le. destruct Archi.ptr64; omega.
      generalize (frame_env_range (function_bounds f)).
      generalize (bound_stack_data_pos (function_bounds f)). simpl.
    * exists id; split; auto.
      destruct ros; simpl in *; eauto.
      repeat destr_in A.
      destruct IFI as (bb & oo & IFI & IFI').
      exploit globalenv_inject_preserves_globals. apply SEP. intros (MPG1 & MPG2 & MPG3).
      generalize (AGREGS m0).
      rewrite IFI, Heqv. inversion 1; subst.
      erewrite MPG1 in H4; eauto. inv H4.
      eapply Genv.find_invert_symbol; eauto.
      rewrite symbols_preserved; eauto.
      eapply Genv.find_invert_symbol; eauto.
    * simpl; red; auto.
    * rewnb; auto.
    * simpl. rewrite sep_assoc. revert SEP'. repeat rewrite_stack_blocks. auto.
    * repeat rewrite_stack_blocks; eauto.
      repeat constructor. auto.

- (* Ltailcall *)
  rewrite (sep_swap (stack_contents j s cs' _)) in SEP.
  inv CSC. rewrite FIND in FIND0; inv FIND0.
  rename tf0 into tf.
  exploit function_epilogue_correct; eauto.
  2: rewrite sep_swap12. 2: eapply mconj_proj1. 2:rewrite sep_swap12. 2: eauto.
  rewrite m_invar_stack_sepconj. rewrite stack_contents_invar_stack. reflexivity.
  rename SEP into SEP_init.
  intros (rs1 & m1' & Q & R & S & T & U & SEP & SE').

  edestruct tailcall_stage_rule as (m2' & TC' & SEP'); eauto.
    inv CallStackConsistency.
    eapply Mem.free_top_tframe_no_perm; eauto.
    unfold frame_info_of_size_and_pubrange in FRAME; repeat destr_in FRAME. simpl frame_size.
    rewrite (unfold_transf_function _ _ TRANSL). Opaque fe_size. simpl. symmetry; apply Z.max_r.
    generalize (fe_size_pos (function_bounds f)). simpl. omega.
  rewrite m_invar_stack_sepconj. rewrite stack_contents_invar_stack. reflexivity.
  clear SEP; rename SEP' into SEP.
  rewrite sep_swap in SEP.
  exploit find_function_translated; eauto.
  eapply sep_proj2. eapply sep_proj2. eexact SEP.
  intros [bf [tf' [A [B C]]]].
  econstructor; split.
  + eapply plus_right. eexact S. econstructor; eauto.
    rewrite Ptrofs.unsigned_zero; simpl.
    rewrite (unfold_transf_function _ _ TRANSL). apply R.
  + assert (TAILCALL: tailcall_possible (Linear.funsig f')).
      apply zero_size_arguments_tailcall_possible. eapply wt_state_tailcall; eauto.
    exploit match_stacks_change_sig. eauto. eauto.
    erewrite wt_state_tailcall. vm_compute. congruence. eauto.
    intros MS'.
    constr_match_states. all: eauto. subst; eauto.
    * exists id; split; auto.
      destruct ros; simpl in *; eauto.
      repeat destr_in A.
      destruct IFI as (bb & oo & IFI & IFI').
      exploit globalenv_inject_preserves_globals. apply SEP. intros (MPG1 & MPG2 & MPG3).
      generalize (U (Locations.R m0)), (AGREGS m0), (T m0).
      destr_in IFI.
      simpl. rewrite IFI, Heqv. rewrite Heqb0. inversion 3; subst.
      erewrite MPG1 in H8; eauto. inv H8.
      eapply Genv.find_invert_symbol; eauto.
      rewrite symbols_preserved; eauto.
      simpl. rewrite IFI, Heqv. rewrite Heqb0. inversion 3; subst.
      erewrite MPG1 in H8; eauto. inv H8.
      eapply Genv.find_invert_symbol; eauto.
      rewrite symbols_preserved; eauto.
      eapply Genv.find_invert_symbol; eauto.
    * rewnb; auto.
    * rewrite sep_swap12.
      eapply mconj_intro.
      revert SEP. rewrite sep_swap12; eauto.
      repeat rewrite_stack_blocks. intros D E; rewrite D, E. simpl; auto.
      repeat rewrite_stack_blocks. intro EQ1; rewrite EQ1 in *.
      split. 2:split.
      -- simpl. inv MS'. inv STACKS. simpl in *. auto.
         ++ red.
            intros sl of ty H rs2.
            elim (TAILCALL _ H).
         ++ rewrite sep_swap12 in SEP_init. apply mconj_proj2 in SEP_init. apply sep_proj1 in SEP_init.
            red; intros.
            exploit SEP_init. eauto. instantiate (1 := rs2). intros (v & ea & VINJ).
            econstructor; split; eauto.
            inv ea; constructor.
            clear SEP_init.
            clearbody step.
            destruct init_sp eqn:?; try discriminate.
            unfold load_stack in H7 |- *; simpl in *.
            eapply Mem.load_unchanged_on with (P:= fun b o => b <> sp'); eauto.
            eapply Mem.unchanged_on_trans.
            eapply Mem.free_unchanged_on. apply R. intuition.
            eapply Mem.strong_unchanged_on_weak, Mem.tailcall_stage_unchanged_on; eauto.
            intros; intro; subst.
            inv CallStackConsistency.
            edestruct init_sp_csc as (fi' & INS' & _). eauto. eauto.
            exploit Mem.stack_norepet. rewrite EQ1.
            intro ND. inv ND.
            eapply H8.
            2: eapply in_stack'_in_stack; eauto.
            eapply in_frame_in_frames; eauto.
            eapply in_frame'_in_frame; eauto.
            red; rewrite BLOCKS. left; reflexivity. reflexivity.
      -- eapply sep_proj2. apply sep_swap12. eauto.
      -- apply sep_proj2 in SEP_init. apply mconj_proj2 in SEP_init.
         destruct SEP_init as (A1 & A2 & A3). revert A3. destruct s; auto.
         red; intros.
         eapply A3; eauto.
         destruct H. decompose [ex and] H.
         exploit TAILCALL. apply H4. simpl. easy.
    * revert SE'. repeat rewrite_stack_blocks.
      clear; intros A B; rewrite A, B; intro SE; inv SE; constructor; auto.
      split; simpl; auto.
      red. destruct LF2 as (C & D); red in C; red in D; repeat destr_in C; constructor; auto.

- (* Lbuiltin *)
  destruct BOUND as [BND1 BND2].
  exploit transl_builtin_args_correct.
  eauto. eauto.
  rewrite sep_swap12.
  rewrite sep_swap12 in SEP. apply sep_proj2 in SEP.
  rewrite sep_swap12 in SEP. apply mconj_proj1 in SEP. eauto.
  eauto. rewrite <- forallb_forall. eapply wt_state_builtin; eauto.
  exact BND2.
  intros [vargs' [P Q]].
  assert (m'0
            |= minjection j (flat_frameinj (length (Mem.stack m))) m **
            globalenv_inject ge j **
            frame_contents f j sp' rs (parent_locset init_ls s)
            (parent_sp (Mem.stack m'0))
            (parent_ra init_ra cs') **
            stack_contents j s cs' (tl (Mem.stack m'0))).
    eapply mconj_proj1.
    rewrite sep_rot, sep_rot. eexact SEP.
  exploit (external_call_parallel_rule).
  2: eassumption.
  2: apply push_rule; eauto.
    match goal with
        [ |- context [m_invar_weak (?U ** ?V)] ] =>
        replace (m_invar_weak (U ** V))
                with (m_invar_weak U || m_invar_weak V)
          by reflexivity
    rewrite frame_contents_invar_weak.
    rewrite stack_contents_invar_weak.
  all: eauto.
  rewrite ! m_invar_stack_sepconj.
  rewrite frame_contents_invar_stack, stack_contents_invar_stack; reflexivity.
  rename SEP into SEP_init; intros (j' & res' & m1' & EC & RES & SEP & INCR & ISEP).
  exploit unrecord_stack_block_parallel_rule. 3: eassumption. 2: eassumption.
  rewrite ! m_invar_stack_sepconj.
  rewrite frame_contents_invar_stack, stack_contents_invar_stack; reflexivity.
  intros (m2' & USB & SEP').
  econstructor; split.
  + apply plus_one. econstructor; eauto.
    eapply eval_builtin_args_preserved with (ge1 := ge); eauto. exact symbols_preserved.
    eapply external_call_symbols_preserved; eauto. apply senv_preserved.
  + constr_match_states.
    4: apply agree_regs_set_res; auto. 4: apply agree_regs_undef_regs; auto. 4: eapply agree_regs_inject_incr; eauto.
    4: eauto.
    4: apply agree_locs_set_res; auto. 4: apply agree_locs_undef_regs; auto.
    eapply match_stacks_change_meminj; eauto. all: eauto.
    * eexists _, _; split; eauto.
      intros. red; rewrite Mem.push_new_stage_nextblock. eapply Mem.valid_block_inject_2; eauto.
      apply sep_proj2 in SEP_init. apply sep_proj2 in SEP_init.
      apply mconj_proj1 in SEP_init. apply sep_proj1 in SEP_init.
      simpl in SEP_init. eauto.
    * intros.
      destruct (j b0) eqn:?. destruct p.
      generalize (INCR _ _ _ Heqo). intros. rewrite H4 in H3; inv H3.
      eapply INJUNIQUE; eauto.
      generalize (ISEP _ _ _ Heqo H3).
      unfold Mem.valid_block; rewrite ! Mem.push_new_stage_nextblock.
      intros (A & B).
      apply sep_proj2 in SEP_init. apply sep_proj2 in SEP_init.
      apply mconj_proj1 in SEP_init. apply sep_proj1 in SEP_init.
      simpl in SEP_init. simpl in SEP_init.
      exploit Mem.valid_block_inject_2. apply INJSP. eauto. congruence.
    * revert INJ_INIT_SP. revert INCR. clear. destruct init_sp; simpl; auto.
    * eapply has_at_most_one_antecedent_incr; eauto.
      red. destr. red; rewnb.
      eapply Mem.valid_block_inject_2; eauto.
      apply H2.
    * eapply inject_incr_trans; eauto.
    * eapply inject_incr_sep_trans; eauto.
      rewrite Mem.push_new_stage_nextblock. inv LIN; auto.
      rewrite Mem.push_new_stage_nextblock. auto.
    * rewnb; auto.
    * eauto with coqlib.
    * apply frame_set_res. apply frame_undef_regs. apply frame_contents_incr with j; auto.
      rewrite sep_swap2. apply stack_contents_change_meminj with j; auto. rewrite sep_swap2.
      rewrite sep_swap23, sep_swap12.
      apply mconj_intro. rewrite <- ! sep_assoc.
      rewrite sep_comm. rewrite ! sep_assoc. rewrite sep_swap12.
      repeat rewrite_stack_blocks; eauto.
      rewrite sep_swap23, sep_swap12 in SEP_init. apply mconj_proj2 in SEP_init.
      apply sep_proj1 in SEP_init. revert SEP_init.
      -- simpl.
         red; intros.
         exploit SEP_init. eauto. instantiate (1 := rs1).
         destruct (match_stacks_is_init_sg _ _ _ _ _ STACKS) as [[TP _] | EQsig].
         apply TP in H3. easy. subst.
         intros (v & ea & inj); eexists; split; eauto.
         inv ea; constructor; eauto.
         clearbody step. destruct init_sp eqn:?; simpl in *; try discriminate.
         unfold load_stack in *; simpl in *.
         eapply Mem.load_unchanged_on; eauto.
         eapply Mem.unchanged_on_trans.
         eapply Mem.strong_unchanged_on_weak, Mem.push_new_stage_unchanged_on.
         eapply Mem.unchanged_on_trans.
         eapply external_call_unchanged_on. apply EC.
         eapply Mem.strong_unchanged_on_weak, Mem.unrecord_stack_block_unchanged_on. eauto.
         simpl; intros.
         rewrite_stack_blocks. intros [IST|NPSA].
         red in IST. simpl in IST. auto.
         red in NPSA.
         simpl in NPSA.

         inv CSC. inv CallStackConsistency.
         edestruct init_sp_csc as (fi' & INS & PRIV); eauto.
         unfold get_frame_info in NPSA.
         rewrite in_stack'_rew in INS. destruct INS as (tf' & IFR & INS).
         rewrite in_frames'_rew in IFR. destruct IFR as (fr' & IFR & IFRS).
         assert (i =
           revert Heqv0. clear.
           unfold init_sp, parent_sp, current_sp, current_frame_sp. repeat destr; inversion 1.
         } subst.
         erewrite get_assoc_stack_lnr in NPSA; eauto.
         rewrite Ptrofs.add_zero_l in H4.
         red in NPSA.
         2: apply Mem.stack_norepet.
         2: rewrite <- H10; apply In_tl; auto.
         specialize (NPSA i0).
         trim (NPSA). omega.
         unfold fe_ofs_arg in PRIV. simpl in PRIV.
         rewrite (fun pf => proj2 (PRIV (4 * of) pf)) in H4.
         red in NPSA. contradict NPSA. setoid_rewrite (fun pf => proj1 (PRIV _ pf)). congruence.
         split. etransitivity. 2: apply H4.
         exploit loc_arguments_acceptable_2. apply H3. simpl. omega.
         eapply Z.lt_le_trans. apply H4.
         generalize (loc_arguments_bounded _ _ _ H3).
         generalize (typesize_pos ty).
         exploit loc_arguments_acceptable_2. apply H3. simpl.
         rewrite size_type_chunk. rewrite typesize_typesize.
         exploit loc_arguments_acceptable_2. apply H3. simpl. omega.
         generalize (loc_arguments_bounded _ _ _ H3).
         generalize (typesize_pos ty).
         exploit loc_arguments_acceptable_2. apply H3. simpl. omega.
      -- split.
         apply sep_proj2 in SEP'. rewrite sep_comm in SEP'. rewrite <- sep_assoc.
         repeat rewrite_stack_blocks. simpl; eauto.
         rewrite sep_swap23, sep_swap12 in SEP_init.
         apply mconj_proj2 in SEP_init.
         destruct SEP_init as (A1 & A2 & A3).
         revert A3.
         repeat rewrite_stack_blocks. simpl. auto.
    * repeat rewrite_stack_blocks. simpl. auto.
- (* Llabel *)
  econstructor; split.
  apply plus_one; apply exec_Mlabel.
  all: eauto with coqlib.
- (* Lgoto *)
  econstructor; split.
  apply plus_one; eapply exec_Mgoto; eauto.
  apply transl_find_label; eauto.
  constr_match_states; eauto.
  eapply find_label_tail; eauto.
- (* Lcond, true *)
  econstructor; split.
  apply plus_one. eapply exec_Mcond_true; eauto.
  eapply eval_condition_inject with (m1 := m). eapply agree_reglist; eauto.
  apply sep_pick3 in SEP. destruct SEP. exact H0. auto.
  eapply transl_find_label; eauto.
  constr_match_states. eauto. eauto. eauto.
  apply agree_regs_undef_regs; auto.
  apply agree_locs_undef_locs. auto. apply destroyed_by_cond_caller_save.
  all: eauto.
  eapply find_label_tail; eauto.

- (* Lcond, false *)
  econstructor; split.
  apply plus_one. eapply exec_Mcond_false; eauto.
  eapply eval_condition_inject with (m1 := m). eapply agree_reglist; eauto.
  apply sep_pick3 in SEP. destruct SEP. exact H0. auto.
  constr_match_states. eauto. eauto. eauto.
  apply agree_regs_undef_regs; eauto.
  apply agree_locs_undef_locs. auto. apply destroyed_by_cond_caller_save.
  all: eauto.
  eauto with coqlib.
- (* Ljumptable *)
  assert (rs0 arg = Vint n).
  { generalize (AGREGS arg). rewrite H. intro IJ; inv IJ; auto. }
  econstructor; split.
  apply plus_one; eapply exec_Mjumptable; eauto.
  apply transl_find_label; eauto.
  constr_match_states. eauto. eauto. eauto.
  apply agree_regs_undef_regs; eauto.
  apply agree_locs_undef_locs. auto. apply destroyed_by_jumptable_caller_save.
  all: eauto.
  eapply find_label_tail; eauto.
- (* Lreturn *)
  rewrite (sep_swap (stack_contents j s cs' _)) in SEP.
  inv CSC. rewrite FIND0 in FIND; inv FIND.
  exploit function_epilogue_correct; eauto.
  2: rewrite sep_swap12 in SEP |- *.
  2: apply mconj_proj1 in SEP; eauto.
  rewrite m_invar_stack_sepconj, stack_contents_invar_stack; reflexivity.
  intros (rs' & m1' & B & C & D & E & F & G & SE').
  econstructor; split.
  eapply plus_right. eexact D. econstructor; eauto.
  rewrite Ptrofs.unsigned_zero. simpl. erewrite (unfold_transf_function _ _ TRANSL). apply C.
  constr_match_states. all: try subst; eauto; repeat rewrite_stack_blocks.
  + rewnb; auto.
  + rewrite sep_swap.
    eapply frame_mconj. apply sep_drop in SEP. apply SEP. revert G.
    rewrite_stack_blocks. auto.
    red; intros.
    apply sep_proj2 in SEP.
    apply mconj_proj2 in SEP.
    apply sep_pick1 in SEP.
    exploit SEP. eauto. instantiate (1 := rs1). intros (v & ea & VINJ).
    econstructor; split; eauto.
    inv ea; constructor.
    clear SEP.
    clearbody step.
    destruct init_sp eqn:?; try discriminate.
    unfold load_stack in H5 |- *; simpl in *.
    eapply Mem.load_unchanged_on with (P:= fun b o => b <> sp') .
    eapply Mem.free_unchanged_on. apply C. intuition. 2: eauto. intros; intro; subst.
    inv CallStackConsistency.
    edestruct init_sp_csc as (fi' & INS' & _). eauto. eauto.
    exploit Mem.stack_norepet. rewrite <- H7 in *.
    intro ND. inv ND.
    eapply H6.
    2: eapply in_stack'_in_stack; eauto.
    eapply in_frame_in_frames; eauto.
    eapply in_frame'_in_frame; eauto.
    red; rewrite BLOCKS. left; reflexivity. reflexivity.
- (* internal function *)
  revert TRANSL. unfold transf_fundef, transf_partial_fundef.
  destruct (transf_function f) as [tfn|] eqn:TRANSL; simpl; try congruence.
  intros EQ; inversion EQ; clear EQ; subst tf.
  rewrite <- sep_assoc, sep_comm in SEP.
  rewrite <- sep_assoc, sep_comm in SEP.
  exploit function_prologue_correct.
  15: eapply mconj_proj1; eassumption.
  apply stack_contents_invar_stack.
  red; intros; eapply wt_callstate_wt_regs; eauto.
  revert H0.
  destruct SZEQ as (i & IS & EQ); subst.
  unfold fn_stack_requirements.
  erewrite Genv.invert_find_symbol; eauto.
  rewrite FIND.
  erewrite (unfold_transf_function _ _ TRANSL).
  simpl. eauto.
  eapply (type_parent_sp init_stk); eauto.
  eapply match_stacks_type_retaddr; eauto.
  inv HC. inv CFD; simpl. congruence. congruence.
  inv CSC. auto.
  rename SEP into SEP_init;
    intros (j' & rs' & m2' & sp' & m3' & m4' & m5' & fi & A1 & B & FRAME & C & D & E & F & SEP & J & K & KSEP & KV & KV' & PERMS & UNCH & IST & GFI).
  econstructor; split.
  + eapply plus_left. econstructor; eauto.
    rewrite (unfold_transf_function _ _ TRANSL). unfold fn_code. unfold transl_body.
    eexact D. traceEq.
  + constr_match_states.
    eapply match_stacks_change_meminj; eauto. all: eauto with coqlib.
    * exists m, m'0; split; eauto.
      eapply Mem.valid_block_inject_2; eauto.
      apply mconj_proj1 in SEP_init; apply sep_proj1 in SEP_init; simpl in SEP_init ; eauto.
    * intros b0 delta JB.
      destruct (j b0) eqn:?. destruct p.
      exploit K. apply Heqo. rewrite JB. intro Z; inv Z.
      eapply Mem.valid_block_inject_2 in Heqo.
      2: apply mconj_proj1 in SEP_init; apply sep_proj1 in SEP_init; simpl in SEP_init ; eauto.
      eapply Mem.fresh_block_alloc in A1. congruence.
      generalize (KSEP _ _ _ Heqo JB).
      intros (VB1 & VB2).
      eapply Mem.valid_block_inject_1 in JB.
      2: apply sep_proj2 in SEP; apply sep_proj1 in SEP; simpl in SEP ; eauto.
      clear - VB1 JB H0 H external_calls_prf.
      unfold Mem.valid_block in *.
      exploit Mem.nextblock_alloc; eauto.
      exploit Mem.alloc_result; eauto. intros; subst.
      rewrite (Mem.record_stack_block_nextblock _ _ _ H0), H2 in JB.
      apply Plt_succ_inv in JB; destruct JB; congruence.
    * revert INJ_INIT_SP K; clear. destruct init_sp; simpl; auto.
    * eapply has_at_most_one_antecedent_incr; eauto.
      red. destr.
      eapply Mem.valid_block_inject_2; eauto. apply SEP_init.
    * eapply inject_incr_trans; eauto.
    * eapply inject_incr_sep_trans; eauto. inv LIN; auto.
    * unfold store_stack in *.
      etransitivity. 2: eapply Mem.unchanged_on_nextblock; eauto. auto.
    * rewrite sep_rot in SEP. rewrite sep_swap12.
      eapply stack_contents_change_meminj; eauto.
      rewrite sep_swap23, sep_swap12.
      eapply mconj_intro.
      rewrite sep_swap12, sep_swap23.
      revert SEP.
      destruct IST as (ST1 & ST2). rewrite ST1.
      unfold store_stack in *.
      repeat rewrite_stack_blocks. intros A BB; rewrite ?A, ?BB in *. simpl. auto.
      -- simpl.
         apply mconj_proj2 in SEP_init. apply sep_proj1 in SEP_init.
         eapply init_args_mach_unch; eauto. simpl.
         intros. intro; subst.
         inv CSC. inv TTNP. rewrite <- H2 in CallStackConsistency. simpl in CallStackConsistency.
         edestruct init_sp_csc as (fi' & INS' & _). eauto. eauto.
         exploit Mem.stack_norepet. instantiate (1:= m5'). rewrite (proj1 IST).
         unfold store_stack in *; revert IST. repeat rewrite_stack_blocks.
         rewrite <- H2. inversion 1; subst.
         intros EQ3 ND. inv ND.
         eapply H7.
         2: eapply in_stack'_in_stack; eauto.
         eapply in_frame_in_frames; eauto.
         eapply in_frame'_in_frame; eauto.
         2: reflexivity.
         red; left; reflexivity.
         eapply init_args_incr; eauto.
      -- rewrite sep_swap23, sep_swap12 in SEP. apply sep_proj2 in SEP.
         rewrite (proj1 IST). rewrite_stack_blocks.
         unfold store_stack in *.
         repeat rewrite_stack_blocks.
         intro EQ1; rewrite EQ1 in *. simpl in *.
         apply SEP.
        unfold store_stack in *.
        rewrite (proj1 IST).
        repeat rewrite_stack_blocks.
        intro EQ1; rewrite EQ1 in *. simpl in *.
        pose proof SEP_init as SEP_init'.
        apply mconj_proj2 in SEP_init.
        destruct SEP_init as (AA1 & AA2 & A3). revert A3.
        red. simpl.
        exploit A3. simpl. eauto.
        destruct H2. right; auto. simpl in H2.
        destruct H2. 2: left; auto.
        simpl in H2.
        assert ( b = sp' ).
        clear - H2.
        repeat match goal with
                 H : m_footprint _ _ _ \/ m_footprint _ _ _ |- _ => destruct H; auto
               | H : m_footprint _ _ _ |- _ => destruct H; auto
        revert H.
        generalize (used_callee_save (function_bounds f))
                   (fe_ofs_callee_save (make_env (function_bounds f)))
                   (parent_locset init_ls s).
        induction l; simpl; intros. easy.
        destruct H; auto. destruct H. auto. eauto.
        decompose [ex and] H1.
        exfalso. subst. eapply Mem.fresh_block_alloc; eauto.
        2: tauto.
        eapply Mem.valid_block_inject_2. red in INJ_INIT_SP. rewrite H6 in INJ_INIT_SP. apply INJ_INIT_SP. apply mconj_proj1 in SEP_init'. apply SEP_init'.
    * repeat rewrite_stack_blocks. destruct IST as (IST1 & IST2). rewrite IST1.
      repeat rewrite_stack_blocks. rewrite IST2.
      rewrite EQ1, EQ3 in SE. simpl in *. inv SE; repeat constructor; auto.
      destruct SZEQ as (i & INVERT & EQ).
      unfold fn_stack_requirements.
      erewrite Genv.invert_find_symbol; eauto.
      rewrite FIND. reflexivity.
      simpl. apply LF2.
- (* external function *)
  eapply external_call_step_correct; eauto.
- (* return *)
  inv STACKS. simpl in AGLOCS. simpl in SEP. rewrite sep_assoc in SEP.
  edestruct Mem.unrecord_stack as (b & EQ). eauto. rewrite EQ in SEP. simpl in SEP.
  exploit unrecord_stack_block_parallel_rule. 3: eauto.
  2: rewrite sep_swap3 in SEP.
  2: eapply mconj_proj1; eauto.
  rewrite ! m_invar_stack_sepconj, stack_contents_invar_stack, frame_contents_invar_stack. reflexivity.
  intros (m2' & USB & SEP').
  econstructor; split.
  apply plus_one. apply exec_return. eauto.
  constr_match_states; eauto.
  apply agree_locs_return with rs0; auto.
  rewnb; auto.
  apply frame_contents_exten with rs0 (parent_locset init_ls s); auto.
  rewrite sep_swap3. apply mconj_intro.
  eapply sep_imp. apply SEP'. repeat split; auto. simpl.
  repeat rewrite_stack_blocks. auto.
  rewrite sep_swap23, sep_swap12 in SEP. apply mconj_proj2 in SEP.
  apply sep_proj1 in SEP. revert SEP.
  intros. eapply m_invar. apply SEP. simpl.
  eapply Mem.strong_unchanged_on_weak, Mem.unrecord_stack_block_unchanged_on; eauto.
  simpl. congruence.
  split. apply SEP'.
  red; simpl.
  intros. decompose [ex and] H0. clear H0.
  rewrite sep_swap3 in SEP.
  apply mconj_proj2 in SEP.
  destruct SEP as (A1 & A2 & A3).
  exploit A3. simpl. repeat eexists; eauto.
  revert H1.
  eapply footprint_impl.
  intros b1 o; apply footprint_impl.
  simpl. auto. auto.
  repeat rewrite_stack_blocks.
  eapply stack_equiv_tail; eauto.

Inductive match_states_inv (s : Linear.state) (s': Mach.state): Prop :=
| msi_intro
    (MS: match_states s s')
    (LIN: nextblock_properties_linear init_m s)
    (HC: has_code return_address_offset tge s')
    (CSC: call_stack_consistency tge init_sg init_stk s'):
    match_states_inv s s'.

Theorem transf_step_correct'
        (frame_size_correct: forall (fb : block) (f : function), Genv.find_funct_ptr tge fb = Some (Internal f) -> 0 < fn_stacksize f)
        (init_sp_zero: forall b o, init_sp = Vptr b o -> o =
  forall s1 t s2, Linear.step fn_stack_requirements init_ls ge s1 t s2 ->
             forall (WTS: wt_state init_ls s1) s1'
               (MS: match_states_inv s1 s1'),
  exists s2', plus step tge s1' t s2' /\ match_states_inv s2 s2'.
  intros. inv MS.
  exploit transf_step_correct; eauto.
  intros (s2' & PLUS & MS).
  eexists; split; eauto.
  assert (has_code return_address_offset tge s2' /\ call_stack_consistency tge init_sg init_stk s2').
    eapply inv_plus with (P:= fun s => has_code return_address_offset tge s /\ call_stack_consistency tge init_sg init_stk s).
    2: apply PLUS.
    intros s0 t0 s3 STEP (HC' & CSC'); split.
    eapply has_code_step; eauto.
    eapply csc_step. eauto.
    apply invalidate_frame1_tl_stack.
    apply invalidate_frame1_top_no_perm. eauto.
    eauto. eauto. eauto. split; auto.
  } destruct H0.
  constructor; auto.
  eapply np_linear_step; eauto.



Definition mem_state (s: Mach.state) : mem :=
  match s with
    State _ _ _ _ _ m
  | Callstate _ _ _ m
  | Returnstate _ _ m => m

Inductive match_states' (s : Linear.state) (s': Mach.state): Prop :=
| match_states'_intro IS:
    Mach.initial_state tprog IS ->
      Vnullptr (Locmap.init Vundef) (signature_main)
      ((Some (make_singleton_frame_adt (Genv.genv_next (Genv.globalenv tprog)) 0 0), nil) :: nil)
                     (mem_state IS) s s' ->
    match_states' s s'.

Lemma transf_initial_states:
  forall st1, Linear.initial_state fn_stack_requirements prog st1 ->
  exists st2, Mach.initial_state tprog st2 /\ match_states' st1 st2.
  intros. inv H.
  exploit (Genv.init_mem_transf_partial TRANSF). eauto. intro TINIT.
  exploit Genv.initmem_inject. apply H0. intro INJ0.
  exploit Mem.record_init_sp_flat_inject. apply INJ0. omega. eauto. reflexivity. rewrite H4.
  intros (m1 & EQ & INJRIS). inv EQ.
  assert (initial_state tprog (Callstate nil b (Regmap.init Vundef) (Mem.push_new_stage m1))).
    econstructor; eauto.
    rewrite (match_program_main TRANSF).
    rewrite symbols_preserved. eauto.
  exploit function_ptr_translated; eauto. intros [tf [FIND TR]].
  eexists; split; eauto.
  set (j := Mem.flat_inj (Mem.nextblock m1)).
  econstructor. eauto.
  inv H. erewrite (Genv.init_mem_transf_partial TRANSF) in H7; eauto. inv H7.
  rewrite H4 in H9; inv H9.
  clear H6.

  constructor. econstructor. instantiate (2 := j). all: eauto.
  - rewrite H3. constructor.
    right; auto.
    vm_compute. congruence.
  - exists (prog_main prog); split; auto.
    apply Genv.find_invert_symbol.
    rewrite symbols_preserved; eauto.
  - unfold Locmap.init. red; intros; auto.
  - unfold Locmap.init. red; intros; auto.
  - unfold j, Mem.flat_inj.
    red. simpl. rewnb. auto.
  - simpl. unfold j. unfold Mem.flat_inj.
    rewnb. red. congruence.
  - simpl. xomega.
  - red. simpl.
    unfold j, Mem.flat_inj. rewnb. destr.
    rewrite (Genv.genv_next_match TRANSF) in n. xomega.
  - simpl. red. inversion 1. subst.
    unfold j. unfold Mem.flat_inj.
    intros b1 b2 delta1 delta2 J1 J2. destr_in J1; destr_in J2.
  - simpl stack_contents. rewrite sep_pure. split; auto. split;[|split].
    + split.
      * simpl.
        apply Mem.push_new_stage_inject_flat. auto.
      * simpl. red. simpl. easy.
    + simpl. exists (Mem.nextblock m3); split.
      rewrite Mem.push_new_stage_nextblock.
      apply Ple_refl.
      unfold j.
      unfold Mem.flat_inj; constructor; intros.
      apply pred_dec_true; auto.
      destr_in H.
      change (Mem.valid_block m3 b0). eapply Genv.find_symbol_not_fresh in H; [|eauto].
      revert H; unfold Mem.valid_block. rewnb. intros; xomega.
      change (Mem.valid_block m3 b0). eapply Genv.find_funct_ptr_not_fresh in H; [|eauto].
      revert H; unfold Mem.valid_block. rewnb. intros; xomega.
      change (Mem.valid_block m3 b0). eapply Genv.find_var_info_not_fresh in H; [|eauto].
      revert H; unfold Mem.valid_block. rewnb. intros; xomega.
    + red; simpl; tauto.
  - repeat rewrite_stack_blocks. repeat constructor; auto.
  - constructor. simpl. rewnb. xomega. constructor.
  - repeat constructor.
  - constructor. constructor.
    repeat rewrite_stack_blocks. simpl.
    rewnb. reflexivity.
    repeat rewrite_stack_blocks. simpl. constructor.
    change (size_arguments signature_main) with 0.
    simpl. constructor. intros. unfold fe_ofs_arg in H. omega.
    repeat rewrite_stack_blocks. constructor. reflexivity.

Lemma transf_final_states:
  forall st1 st2 r,
  match_states' st1 st2 -> Linear.final_state st1 r -> Mach.final_state st2 r.
  intros. inv H0. inv H. inv H2. inv MS.
  inv STACKS; try congruence.
  assert (R: exists r, loc_result signature_main = One r).
  { destruct (loc_result signature_main) as [r1 | r1 r2] eqn:LR.
  - exists r1; auto.
  - generalize (loc_result_type signature_main). rewrite LR. discriminate.
  destruct R as [rres EQ]. rewrite EQ in H1. simpl in H1.
  generalize (AGREGS rres).
  rewrite H1. intro A; inv A.
  econstructor; eauto.

Lemma wt_prog:
  forall i fd, In (i, Some (Gfun fd)) prog.(prog_defs) -> wt_fundef fd.
  exploit list_forall2_in_left. eexact (proj1 TRANSF). eauto.
  intros ([i' g] & P & Q & R). simpl in *. inv R.
  inv H1.
  destruct fd; simpl in *.
- monadInv H3. unfold transf_function in EQ.
  destruct (wt_function f). auto. discriminate.
- auto.

Lemma stacking_frame_correct:
  forall p tp,
    match_prog p tp ->
    forall (fb : Values.block) (f : Mach.function),
      Genv.find_funct_ptr (Genv.globalenv tp) fb = Some (Internal f) ->
      0 < Mach.fn_stacksize f.
  intros p tp MP fb f FFP.
  red in MP.
  inv MP.
  exploit Globalenvs.Genv.find_funct_ptr_inversion. eauto. intros (id & IN).
  eapply list_forall2_in_right in IN; eauto.
  destruct IN as (x1 & IN & MIOG).
  inv MIOG. simpl in *. subst. inv H2. inv H4.
  destruct f1; simpl in *; try discriminate.
  monadInv H6.
  rewrite (unfold_transf_function _ _ EQ).
  Opaque fe_size. simpl. apply fe_size_pos.

Theorem transf_program_correct:
  forward_simulation (Linear.semantics fn_stack_requirements prog) (Mach.semantics1 return_address_offset tprog).
  set (ms := fun s s' => wt_state (Locmap.init Vundef) s /\ match_states' s s').
  eapply forward_simulation_plus with (match_states := ms).
- apply senv_preserved.
- intros. exploit transf_initial_states; eauto. intros [st2 [A B]].
  exists st2; split; auto. split; auto.
  eapply wt_initial_state with (prog0 := prog); auto. exact wt_prog. apply H.
- intros. destruct H. eapply transf_final_states; eauto.
- intros. simpl in H.
  destruct H0. destruct H1.
  exploit transf_step_correct'; eauto.
  + apply Val.Vnullptr_has_type.
  + inversion 1.
  + eapply stacking_frame_correct; eauto.
  + simpl. inversion 1. auto.
  + intros [s2' [A B]].
    exists s2'; split.
    exact A. split.
    * eapply step_type_preservation; eauto. eexact wt_prog.
    * econstructor; eauto.