Library lattices.Downset

Require Import Classical.
Require Import ClassicalChoice.
Require Import FunctionalExtensionality.
Require Import PropExtensionality.
Require Import coqrel.LogicalRelations.
Require Import structures.Lattice.
Require Import structures.Completion.


The downset lattice over a poset is a free distributive completion with respect to join-distributive morphisms. We use it as an intermediate step in the construction of the free completely distributive lattice (see Morris, 2005), and it could be used to construct traditional strategy models defined as prefix-closed sets of plays (which only feature angelic nondeterminism).

Module Sup <: LatticeCategory.

  Class Morphism {L M : cdlattice} (f : L M) :=
    mor : {I} (x : I L), f (lsup x) = sup i, f (x i).

  Lemma mor_join `{Morphism} x y :
    f (x || y) = f x || f y.
    Local Transparent join. unfold join.
    rewrite (mor (f := f)). f_equal.
    apply functional_extensionality. intros b.
    destruct b; auto.

  Lemma mor_ref {L M : cdlattice} (f : L M) :
    Morphism f
    PosetMorphism f.
    intros Hf. split.
    intros x y Hxy.
    apply ref_join in Hxy.
    rewrite <- Hxy, mor_join.
    apply join_ub_l.

  Lemma id_mor (L : cdlattice) :
    Morphism (fun x:Lx).
    red. auto.

  Lemma compose_mor {A B C : cdlattice} (g : B C) (f : A B) :
    Morphism f
    Morphism g
    Morphism (fun ag (f a)).
    intros Hf Hg I x.
    rewrite (mor (f:=f)), (mor (f:=g)).

  Hint Immediate mor_ref : typeclass_instances.

  Lemma mor_bot `{Morphism} :
    f bot = bot.
    Local Transparent bot. unfold bot.
    rewrite (mor (f:=f)).
    apply antisymmetry; apply sup_lub; intros [ ].

End Sup.


Our construction is straightforward. We use predicate extensionality to prove antisymmetry, and the axiom of choice to prove distributivity.

Module Downset : LatticeCompletion Sup.

  Record downset {C : poset} :=
      has : C Prop;
      closed x y : x [= y has y has x;

  Arguments downset : clear implicits.

  Local Obligation Tactic :=
    cbn; try solve [firstorder].

  Section DOWNSETS.
    Context {C : poset}.

Partial order

    Program Definition Fpos : poset :=
        poset_carrier := downset C;
        ref x y := c, has x c has y c;

    Next Obligation.
      intros [x Hx] [y Hy]. unfold ref. cbn. intros Hxy Hyz.
      assert (x = y).
        apply functional_extensionality. intros c.
        apply propositional_extensionality. firstorder.
      subst. f_equal. apply proof_irrelevance.

Distributive lattice

    Program Definition F : cdlattice :=
        cdl_poset := Fpos;
        lsup I x := {| has c := i, has (x i) c |};
        linf I x := {| has c := i, has (x i) c |};

sup is downward closed.
    Next Obligation.
      intros I x c1 c2 Hc [i H2].
      eauto using @closed.

inf is downward closed.
    Next Obligation.
      intros I x c1 c2 Hc H2 i.
      eauto using @closed.

    Next Obligation.
      apply (antisymmetry (A := Fpos)); cbn.
      - firstorder.
      - admit.


    Program Definition emb (c : C) : F :=
        has x := x [= c;
    Next Obligation.
      intros c x y Hxy Hyc.
      etransitivity; eauto.

    Lemma emb_mor (c1 c2 : C) :
      emb c1 [= emb c2 c1 [= c2.
      cbn. firstorder.
      etransitivity; eauto.

    Lemma emb_join_dense :
       x, x = sup {c : C | emb c [= x}, emb c.

    Lemma emb_join_prime {I} c (x : I F) :
      emb c [= lsup x i, emb c [= x i.


    Context {L: cdlattice}.

    Definition ext (f : C L) (x : F) : L :=
      sup {c : C | emb c [= x}, f c.

    Context {f : C L} `{Hf : !PosetMorphism f}.

    Instance ext_mor :
      Sup.Morphism (ext f).
      intros I x.
      apply antisymmetry.
      - apply sup_lub. intros [c Hc].
        edestruct Hc as [i Hi]; cbn; try reflexivity.
        apply emb_join_prime in Hc as [j Hc].
        apply (sup_at j). unfold ext.
        apply (fsup_at c); auto.
      - apply sup_lub. intros i. unfold ext.
        apply fsup_lub. intros c Hc.
        apply (fsup_ub c). eauto using @sup_at.

    Lemma ext_ana :
      ( x, ext f (emb x) = f x).
      intros x. unfold ext.
      apply antisymmetry.
      - apply sup_lub. intros [c Hc].
        rstep. apply emb_mor. assumption.
      - admit.     Admitted.

    Lemma ext_unique (g : F L) `{Hg : !Sup.Morphism g} :
      ( x, g (emb x) = f x) x, g x = ext f x.
      intros Hgf x.
      rewrite (emb_join_dense x).
      unfold fsup. rewrite Sup.mor.
      unfold ext.


  Include (LatticeCompletionDefs Sup).

End Downset.

Notation downset := Downset.F.
Notation down := Downset.emb.