Library structures.Category

Require Import structures.Lattice.
Require Import lattices.FCD.


Class Category (V : Type) (E : V V Type) :=
    id {A} : E A A;
    compose {A B C} : E B C E A B E A C;

    id_compose {A B} (f : E A B) :
      compose id f = f;
    compose_id {A B} (f : E A B) :
      compose f id = f;
    compose_assoc {A B C D} (f : E C D) (g : E B C) (h : E A B) :
      compose f (compose g h) = compose (compose f g) h;

Delimit Scope obj_scope with obj.
Delimit Scope mor_scope with mor.

Notation "(@)" := compose.
Notation "( f @)" := (compose f).
Notation "(@ g )" := (fun fcompose f g).
Infix "@" := compose (at level 40, left associativity) : mor_scope.

Monoidal structure

Class SMCat (V : Type) (E : V V Type) :=
    tens : V V V;
    mtens {A1 A2 B1 B2} : E A1 B1 E A2 B2 E (tens A1 A2) (tens B1 B2);

Infix "×" := tens : obj_scope.
Infix "×" := mtens : mor_scope.

CDLat-enriched categories

Class CDCat (V : Type) (E : V V cdlattice) :=
    cdcat_cat : Category V E;

    compose_mor_r {A B C} (f : E B C) :>
      CDL.Morphism (compose (A:=A) f);
    compose_mor_l {A B C} (g : E A B) :>
      CDL.Morphism (fun fcompose (C:=C) f g);

Sets and functions

Program Instance SET : Category Type (fun A BA B) :=
    id A := fun aa;
    compose A B C f g := fun af (g a);

Instance SET_prod : SMCat Type (fun A BA B) :=
    tens := prod;
    mtens A1 A2 B1 B2 f1 f2 x := (f1 (fst x), f2 (snd x));

Bind Scope obj_scope with Sortclass.
Bind Scope mor_scope with Funclass.