Library lattices.FCD

Require Import coqrel.LogicalRelations.
Require Import structures.Lattice.
Require Import structures.Completion.
Require Import lattices.Downset.
Require Import lattices.Upset.


The free completely distributive lattice over a poset is the completion with respect to complete morphisms.

Module CDL <: LatticeCategory.
  Section DEF.
    Context {L M : cdlattice} (f : L M).

    Class Morphism := mor : Sup.Morphism f Inf.Morphism f.
    Global Instance cmor_sup : Morphism Sup.Morphism f := @proj1 _ _.
    Global Instance cmor_inf : Morphism Inf.Morphism f := @proj2 _ _.

    Instance mor_ref :
      Morphism PosetMorphism f.
      intros [H _].
      apply Sup.mor_ref; auto.
  End DEF.

  Lemma id_mor (L : cdlattice) :
    Morphism (fun x:Lx).
    - apply Sup.id_mor.
    - apply Inf.id_mor.

  Lemma compose_mor {A B C : cdlattice} (g : B C) (f : A B) :
    Morphism f
    Morphism g
    Morphism (fun ag (f a)).
    - apply Sup.compose_mor; typeclasses eauto.
    - apply Inf.compose_mor; typeclasses eauto.

  Existing Instance mor_ref.

End CDL.


Module Type JoinMeetDense (LC : LatticeCompletion CDL).

  Axiom join_meet_dense :
     {C : poset} (x : LC.F C),
       I J (c : i:I, J i C), x = sup i, inf j, LC.emb (c i j).

  Axiom meet_join_dense :
     {C : poset} (x : LC.F C),
       I J (c : i:I, J i C), x = inf i, sup j, LC.emb (c i j).

End JoinMeetDense.

Module Type FCDSpec := LatticeCompletion CDL <+ JoinMeetDense.


Module FCD : FCDSpec.

  Definition F (C : poset) := upset (downset C).

  Section DEF.
    Context {C : poset}.

    Definition emb (c : C) := up (down c).

    Lemma emb_mor c1 c2 :
      emb c1 [= emb c2 c1 [= c2.
      unfold emb.
      rewrite Upset.emb_mor.
      rewrite Downset.emb_mor.

    Context {L : cdlattice}.

    Definition ext (f : C L) (x : F C) :=
      Upset.ext (Downset.ext f) x.

    Context {f : C L} `{Hf : !PosetMorphism f}.

    Instance ext_mor :
      CDL.Morphism (ext f).
      clear Hf.

    Lemma ext_ana :
      ( x, ext f (emb x) = f x).
      intros x. unfold ext, emb.
      rewrite @Upset.ext_ana.
      apply Downset.ext_ana.

    Lemma ext_unique (g : F C L) `{!CDL.Morphism g} :
      ( x, g (emb x) = f x) x, g x = ext f x.
      unfold emb, ext. intros Hg x.
      apply @Upset.ext_unique. admit. typeclasses eauto.
      apply Downset.ext_unique. admit. auto.

  End DEF.

  Include (LatticeCompletionDefs CDL).

  Lemma meet_join_dense {C : poset} (x : F C) :
     I J c, x = inf i : I, sup j : J i, emb (c i j).
     {S : downset C | up S [= x}.
     (fun i{c : C | down c [= proj1_sig i}).
     (fun i jproj1_sig j).
    apply antisymmetry.
    - apply inf_glb. intros [S HS].

  Lemma join_meet_dense {C : poset} (x : F C) :
     I J c, x = sup i : I, inf j : J i, emb (c i j).
    destruct (meet_join_dense x) as (I & J & c & Hx).
    rewrite inf_sup in Hx.
     ( i, J i), (fun _I), (fun f ic i (f i)).

End FCD.