Library coqrel.RelOperators

Require Export RelDefinitions.
Require Import RelClasses.
Require Import Relators.

Union of relations

Definition rel_union {A B} (R1 R2: rel A B): rel A B :=
  fun x yR1 x y R2 x y.

Arguments rel_union {_ _} R1%rel R2%rel _ _.

Infix "∨" := rel_union : rel_scope.

Global Instance rel_union_subrel {A B}:
  Monotonic (@rel_union A B) (subrel ++> subrel ++> subrel).

Global Instance rel_union_subrel_params:
  Params (@rel_union) 4.

Since we're forced to commit to a branch, we can't use RIntro, but can still provide RExists instances.

Lemma rel_union_rexists_l {A B} (R1 R2: rel A B) x y:
  RExists (R1 x y) (R1 R2) x y.

Hint Extern 0 (RExists _ (_ _) _ _) ⇒
  eapply rel_union_rexists_l : typeclass_instances.

Lemma rel_union_rexists_r {A B} (R1 R2: rel A B) x y:
  RExists (R2 x y) (R1 R2) x y.

Hint Extern 0 (RExists _ (_ _) _ _) ⇒
  eapply rel_union_rexists_r : typeclass_instances.

More often, we can solve a rel_union goal using a monotonicity property, and the subrel instances below.

Lemma rel_union_introl {A B} (R1 R2: rel A B):
  Related R1 (R1 R2)%rel subrel.

Hint Extern 0 (Related _ (_ _)%rel _) ⇒
  eapply rel_union_introl : typeclass_instances.

Lemma rel_union_intror {A B} (R1 R2: rel A B):
  Related R2 (R1 R2)%rel subrel.

Hint Extern 0 (Related _ (_ _)%rel _) ⇒
  eapply rel_union_introl : typeclass_instances.

Lemma rel_union_lub {A B} (R1 R2 R: rel A B):
  RIntro (subrel R1 R subrel R2 R) subrel (R1 R2)%rel R.

Hint Extern 2 (RIntro _ subrel (_ _)%rel _) ⇒
  eapply rel_union_lub : typeclass_instances.

Lemma rel_union_refl_l {A} (R1 R2: rel A A):
  Reflexive R1
  Reflexive (R1 R2).

Hint Extern 1 (Reflexive (_ _)) ⇒
  eapply rel_union_refl_l : typeclass_instances.

Lemma rel_union_refl_r {A} (R1 R2: rel A A):
  Reflexive R2
  Reflexive (R1 R2).

Hint Extern 1 (Reflexive (_ _)) ⇒
  eapply rel_union_refl_r : typeclass_instances.

Lemma rel_union_corefl {A} (R1 R2: rel A A):
  Coreflexive R1
  Coreflexive R2
  Coreflexive (R1 R2).

Hint Extern 1 (Coreflexive (_ _)) ⇒
  eapply rel_union_corefl : typeclass_instances.

Lemma rel_union_sym {A} (R1 R2: rel A A):
  Symmetric R1
  Symmetric R2
  Symmetric (R1 R2).

Hint Extern 1 (Symmetric (_ _)) ⇒
  eapply rel_union_sym : typeclass_instances.

Intersection of relations

Definition rel_inter {A B} (R1 R2: rel A B): rel A B :=
  fun x yR1 x y R2 x y.

Arguments rel_inter {_ _} R1%rel R2%rel _ _.

Infix "∧" := rel_inter : rel_scope.

Global Instance rel_inter_subrel {A B}:
  Monotonic (@rel_inter A B) (subrel ++> subrel ++> subrel).

Global Instance rel_inter_params:
  Params (@rel_inter) 4.

In some cases, the relation in the goal will cause existential variables to be instantiated accordingly; for instance, rstep run on ?R x y |- (R1 R2) x y will instantiate ?R := R1 R2. Because of this, splitting a rel_inter goal into two subgoals may cause a dead-end and we have to use RExists for the following rule.

Lemma rel_inter_rexists {A B} (R1 R2: rel A B) x y:
  RExists (R1 x y R2 x y) (R1 R2) x y.

Hint Extern 0 (RExists _ (_ _) _ _) ⇒
  eapply rel_inter_rexists : typeclass_instances.

Lemma rel_inter_eliml {A B} (R1 R2: rel A B):
  Related (R1 R2)%rel R1 subrel.

Hint Extern 0 (Related (_ _)%rel _ _) ⇒
  eapply rel_inter_eliml : typeclass_instances.

Lemma rel_inter_elimr {A B} (R1 R2: rel A B):
  Related (R1 R2)%rel R2 subrel.

Hint Extern 0 (Related (_ _)%rel _ _) ⇒
  eapply rel_inter_elimr : typeclass_instances.

Lemma rel_inter_glb {A B} (R R1 R2: rel A B):
  RIntro (subrel R R1 subrel R R2) subrel R (R1 R2)%rel.

Hint Extern 2 (RIntro _ subrel _ (_ _)%rel) ⇒
  eapply rel_inter_glb : typeclass_instances.

Lemma rel_inter_refl {A} (R1 R2: rel A A):
  Reflexive R1
  Reflexive R2
  Reflexive (R1 R2).
  intros H1 H2.
  split; reflexivity.

Hint Extern 2 (Reflexive (_ _)) ⇒
  eapply rel_inter_refl : typeclass_instances.

Lemma rel_inter_corefl_l {A} (R1 R2: rel A A):
  Coreflexive R1
  Coreflexive (R1 R2).

Hint Extern 1 (Coreflexive (_ _)) ⇒
  eapply rel_inter_corefl_l : typeclass_instances.

Lemma rel_inter_corefl_r {A} (R1 R2: rel A A):
  Coreflexive R2
  Coreflexive (R1 R2).

Hint Extern 1 (Coreflexive (_ _)) ⇒
  eapply rel_inter_corefl_r : typeclass_instances.

Lemma rel_inter_trans {A} (R1 R2: rel A A):
  Transitive R1
  Transitive R2
  Transitive (R1 R2).
  intros H1 H2 x y z [Hxy1 Hxy2] [Hyz1 Hyz2].
  split; etransitivity; eassumption.

Hint Extern 2 (Transitive (_ _)) ⇒
  eapply rel_inter_trans : typeclass_instances.

Lemma rel_inter_sym {A} (R1 R2: rel A A):
  Symmetric R1
  Symmetric R2
  Symmetric (R1 R2).
  intros H1 H2 x y [Hxy1 Hxy2].
  split; symmetry; assumption.

Hint Extern 2 (Symmetric (_ _)) ⇒
  eapply rel_inter_sym : typeclass_instances.

Global Instance rel_inter_flip_sym {A} (R: rel A A):
  Symmetric (R flip R).
  intros x y [Hxy Hyx].
  split; assumption.


Definition rel_impl {A B} (R1 R2: rel A B): rel A B :=
  fun x yR1 x y R2 x y.

Global Instance rel_impl_subrel {A B}:
  Monotonic (@rel_impl A B) (subrel --> subrel ++> subrel).

Global Instance rel_impl_subrel_params:
  Params (@rel_impl) 4.

Lemma rel_impl_rintro {A B} (R1 R2: rel A B) x y:
  RIntro (R1 x y R2 x y) (rel_impl R1 R2) x y.

Hint Extern 0 (RIntro _ (rel_impl _ _) _ _) ⇒
  eapply rel_impl_rintro : typeclass_instances.

Lemma rel_impl_relim {A B} (R1 R2: rel A B) x y:
  RElim (rel_impl R1 R2) x y (R1 x y) (R2 x y).

Hint Extern 0 (RElim (rel_impl _ _) _ _ _ _) ⇒
  eapply rel_impl_relim : typeclass_instances.

Lemma rel_impl_subrel_codomain {A B} (R1 R2: rel A B):
  Related R2 (rel_impl R1 R2) subrel.

The bottom and top relations

Definition rel_bot {A B}: rel A B :=
  fun x yFalse.

Notation "⊥" := rel_bot : rel_scope.

Lemma rel_bot_relim {A B} (x: A) (y: B) P:
  RElim x y True P.

Hint Extern 0 (RElim _ _ _ _) ⇒
  eapply rel_bot_relim : typeclass_instances.

Definition rel_top {A B}: rel A B :=
  fun x yTrue.

Notation "⊤" := rel_top : rel_scope.

Lemma rel_top_rintro {A B} (x: A) (y: B):
  RIntro True x y.

Hint Extern 0 (RIntro _ _ _) ⇒
  eapply rel_top_rintro : typeclass_instances.

Relation equivalence

Definition eqrel {A B}: rel (rel A B) (rel A B) :=
  (subrel flip subrel)%rel.

Arguments eqrel {_ _} RA%rel RB%rel.

Global Instance eqrel_equivalence A B:
  Equivalence (@eqrel A B).
  unfold eqrel.
  split; typeclasses eauto.

Relation composition

Definition rel_compose {A B C} (RAB: rel A B) (RBC: rel B C): rel A C :=
  fun x z y, RAB x y RBC y z.

Global Instance rel_compose_subrel {A B C}:
  Monotonic (@rel_compose A B C) (subrel ++> subrel ++> subrel).

Global Instance rel_compose_eqrel {A B C}:
  Monotonic (@rel_compose A B C) (eqrel ==> eqrel ==> eqrel).

Global Instance rel_compose_params:
  Params (@rel_compose) 4.

Lemma rel_compose_id_left {A B} (R: rel A B):
  eqrel (rel_compose R eq) R.
  unfold rel_compose.
  split; intros x y; firstorder; congruence.

Lemma rel_compose_id_right {A B} (R: rel A B):
  eqrel (rel_compose eq R) R.
  unfold rel_compose.
  split; intros x y; firstorder; congruence.

Lemma rel_compose_assoc {A B C D} (RAB: rel A B) (RBC: rel B C) (RCD: rel C D):
    (rel_compose (rel_compose RAB RBC) RCD)
    (rel_compose RAB (rel_compose RBC RCD)).
  unfold rel_compose.
  split; intros x y; firstorder; congruence.

Pulling a relation along functions

Definition rel_pull {A B A' B'} f g (R: rel A' B'): rel A B :=
  fun x yR (f x) (g y).

We use the following notation. Left associativity would make more sense but we have to match Coq.Classes.RelationPairs.

Notation "R @@ ( f , g )" := (rel_pull f g R)
  (at level 30, right associativity) : rel_scope.

Notation "R @@ f" := (rel_pull f f R)
  (at level 30, right associativity) : rel_scope.

Notation "R @@ ( f )" := (rel_pull f f R)
  (at level 30, right associativity) : rel_scope.

Global Instance rel_pull_subrel {A B A' B'} (f: A A') (g: B B'):
  Monotonic (rel_pull f g) (subrel ++> subrel).

Global Instance rel_pull_subrel_params:
  Params (@rel_pull) 3.

In the restricted case where f = g, rel_pull preserves many properties of the underlying relation.

Lemma rel_pull_refl {A B} (f: A B) (R: rel B B):
  Reflexive R
  Reflexive (R @@ f).

Hint Extern 1 (Reflexive (rel_pull _ _ _)) ⇒
  eapply rel_pull_refl : typeclass_instances.

Lemma rel_pull_sym {A B} (f: A B) R:
  Symmetric R
  Symmetric (R @@ f).

Hint Extern 1 (Symmetric (rel_pull _ _ _)) ⇒
  eapply rel_pull_sym : typeclass_instances.

Lemma rel_pull_trans {A B} (f: A B) R:
  Transitive R
  Transitive (R @@ f).

Hint Extern 1 (Transitive (rel_pull _ _ _)) ⇒
  eapply rel_pull_trans : typeclass_instances.

The introduction rule is straightforward, but changes the head terms to the functions used with rel_pull. This means that an RIntro rule would short-circuit any relational property formulated for the original terms, even if the codomain is a matching rel_pull relation and we have an appropriate RElim instance. To avoid shadowing such properties, we define our introduction rule as an RStep with a low priority. See test rel_pull_2.

Lemma rel_pull_rintro {A B A' B'} (f: A A') (g: B B') R x y:
  RStep (R (f x) (g y)) ((R @@ (f, g))%rel x y).

Hint Extern 60 (RStep _ ((_ @@ (_, _))%rel _ _)) ⇒
  eapply rel_pull_rintro : typeclass_instances.

We can reuse an instance of RElim for the underlying relation to provide corresponding instances for the pulled relation.

Lemma rel_pull_relim {A B A' B'} (f: A A') (g: B B') R x y P Q:
  RElim R (f x) (g y) P Q
  RElim (R @@ (f, g)) x y P Q.

Hint Extern 1 (RElim (_ @@ (_, _)) _ _ _ _) ⇒
  eapply rel_pull_relim : typeclass_instances.

Pushing a relation along functions

Inductive rel_push {A1 A2 B1 B2} f g (R: rel A1 A2): rel B1 B2 :=
  rel_push_rintro x y: RIntro (R x y) (rel_push f g R) (f x) (g y).

Hint Extern 1 (RIntro _ (rel_push _ _ _) _ _) ⇒
  eapply rel_push_rintro : typeclass_instances.

The level we choose here is to match the notation used for PTree.get in Compcert's Maps library.

Notation "R !! ( f , g )" := (rel_push f g R)
  (at level 1) : rel_scope.

Notation "R !! f" := (rel_push f f R)
  (at level 1) : rel_scope.

Notation "R !! ( f )" := (rel_push f f R)
  (at level 1) : rel_scope.

Global Instance rel_push_subrel {A1 A2 B1 B2} (f: A1 B1) (g: A2 B2):
  Proper (subrel ++> subrel) (rel_push f g).
  intros R1 R2 HR x y Hxy.
  destruct Hxy.
  rintro; eauto.

Lemma rel_push_corefl {A B} (f: A B) (R: rel A A):
  Coreflexive R
  Coreflexive (R !! f).
  intros H _ _ [x y Hxy].
  eauto using coreflexivity.

Hint Extern 1 (Coreflexive (_ !! _)) ⇒
  eapply rel_push_corefl : typeclass_instances.

When using R !! fst or R !! snd, if rel_push_intro does not apply, we can use the following instances instead.

Lemma rel_push_fst_rexists {A1 A2 B1 B2} (x1:A1) (x2:A2) (y1:B1) (y2:B2) R:
  RExists (R (x1, y1) (x2, y2)) (R !! fst) x1 x2.
  intros H.
  change x1 with (fst (x1, y1)).
  change x2 with (fst (x2, y2)).

Hint Extern 1 (RExists _ (_ !! fst) _ _) ⇒
  eapply rel_push_fst_rexists : typeclass_instances.

Lemma rel_push_snd_rexists {A1 A2 B1 B2} (x1:A1) (x2:A2) (y1:B1) (y2:B2) R:
  RExists (R (x1, y1) (x2, y2)) (R !! snd) y1 y2.
  intros H.
  change y1 with (snd (x1, y1)).
  change y2 with (snd (x2, y2)).

Hint Extern 1 (RExists _ (_ !! snd) _ _) ⇒
  eapply rel_push_snd_rexists : typeclass_instances.

Relation currying

Definition curry {A B C} (f: A × B C): A B C :=
  fun a bf (a, b).

Definition uncurry {A B C} (f: A B C): A × B C :=
  fun abmatch ab with (a, b)f a b end.

Definition rel_curry {A1 B1 C1 A2 B2 C2} (R: rel (A1×B1C1) (A2×B2C2)) :=
  (R @@ uncurry)%rel.

Definition rel_uncurry {A1 B1 C1 A2 B2 C2} (R: rel (A1B1C1) (A2B2C2)) :=
  (R @@ curry)%rel.

We use the following notation for rel_curry, which evokes splitting a pair into two separate arguments. Note that we use the same priority as for ++>, -->, and ==>, because we usually want rel_curry to nest in such a way that for instance, S ++> % R --> % R ++> impl will be interpreted as S ++> rel_curry (R --> rel_curry (R ++> impl)).

Notation "% R" := (rel_curry R) (at level 55, right associativity) : rel_scope.

In order to provide an RElim instance for rel_curry, we will rely on the fact that:
uncurry f (x1, x2) x3 ... xn = f x1 x2 x3 ... xn,
and that:
rel_curry R f g <-> R (uncurry f) (uncurry g),
so that when the instance of RElim associated with R allows us to show:
Rcod (uncurry f (x1, x2) x3 ... xn) (uncurry g (y1, y2) y3 ... yn)
we can convert it into an instance for proving:
Rcod (f x1 x2 x3 ... xn) (g y1 y2 y3 ... yn),
which is what will be expected for monotonicity. To accomplish this, we need to unfold uncurry in the result provided for R before we use it to solve the rel_uncurry case. This helper class does this.

Class UnfoldUncurry {A} (before: A) (after: A) :=
  unfold_uncurry_before_after: before = after.

Ltac unfold_uncurry :=
  match goal with
    | |- context C[uncurry ?f ?p] ⇒
      is_evar p;
      let T := type of p in
      let Av := fresh in evar (Av: Type);
      let A := eval red in Av in clear Av;
      let Bv := fresh in evar (Bv: Type);
      let B := eval red in Bv in clear Bv;
      unify T (prod A B)%type;
      let av := fresh in evar (av : A);
      let a := eval red in av in clear av;
      let bv := fresh in evar (bv : B);
      let b := eval red in bv in clear bv;
      let G := context C[f a b] in
      unify p (a, b);
      change G

Hint Extern 1 (UnfoldUncurry ?P ?Q) ⇒
  repeat unfold_uncurry; constructor : typeclass_instances.

Now we can provide a somewhat general RElim instance for rel_uncurry.

Lemma rel_curry_relim {A1 B1 C1 A2 B2 C2} R f g P Q Q':
  @RElim (A1 × B1 C1) (A2 × B2 C2) R (uncurry f) (uncurry g) P Q
  UnfoldUncurry Q Q'
  @RElim (A1 B1 C1) (A2 B2 C2) (% R) f g P Q'.
  unfold UnfoldUncurry.
  intros; subst.

Hint Extern 60 (RStep _ ((% _)%rel _ _)) ⇒
  eapply rel_pull_rintro : typeclass_instances.

Hint Extern 1 (RElim (% _) _ _ _ _) ⇒
  eapply rel_curry_relim : typeclass_instances.

The req relation

The relation req a asserts that both elements are equal to a. This comes in handy when expressing the relational properties of functions: it can be used to fix the value of an argument, or parametrize it using a variable with a broader scope.

Inductive req {A} (a: A): rel A A :=
  req_intro: req a a a.

Lemma req_rintro {A} (a: A):
  RIntro True (req a) a a.

Hint Extern 0 (RIntro _ (req _) _ _) ⇒
  eapply req_rintro : typeclass_instances.

Lemma req_corefl {A} (a: A):
  Coreflexive (req a).
  destruct 1.

Hint Extern 0 (Coreflexive (req _)) ⇒
  eapply req_corefl : typeclass_instances.

Checking predicates on the left and right elements

Definition lsat {A B} (P: A Prop): rel A B :=
  fun x yP x.

Definition rsat {A B} (P: B Prop): rel A B :=
  fun x yP y.

Relation versions of ex and all

Ideally we would overload the and notation to use the relation version under the rel scope. But as long as we keep rel_scope open globally, we can't really do that without breaking everything. So we use our own keyword rexists and rforall instead.

Definition rel_all {A B C} (R: C rel A B): rel A B :=
  fun x y c, R c x y.

Notation "'rforall' x .. y , p" :=
  (rel_all (fun x ⇒ .. (rel_all (fun yp%rel)) .. ))
  (at level 200, x binder, right associativity)
  : rel_scope.

Lemma rel_all_rintro {A B C} (R: C rel A B) m n:
  RIntro ( c : C, R c m n) (rel_all R) m n.

Hint Extern 0 (RIntro _ (rel_all _) _ _) ⇒
  eapply rel_all_rintro : typeclass_instances.

Lemma rel_all_relim {A B C} (R: C rel A B) x y P Q:
  ( c, RElim (R c) x y P Q)
  RElim (rel_all R) x y P Q.

Hint Extern 1 (RElim (rel_all _) _ _ _ _) ⇒
  eapply rel_all_relim; eexists : typeclass_instances.

Definition rel_ex {A B C} (R: C rel A B): rel A B :=
  fun x y c, R c x y.

Notation "'rexists' x .. y , p" :=
  (rel_ex (fun x ⇒ .. (rel_ex (fun yp%rel)) ..))
  (at level 200, x binder, right associativity)
  : rel_scope.

Lemma rel_ex_rintro {A B C} (R: C rel A B) c m n:
  RExists (R c m n) (rel_ex R) m n.

Hint Extern 0 (RExists _ (rel_ex _) _ _) ⇒
  eapply rel_ex_rintro : typeclass_instances.

Lemma rel_ex_relim {A B C} (R: C rel A B) x y P Q:
  ( c, RElim (R c) x y P Q)
  RElim (rel_ex R) x y P Q.

Hint Extern 1 (RElim (rel_ex _) _ _ _ _) ⇒
  eapply rel_ex_relim : typeclass_instances.

The rel_incr construction

When dealing with Kripke logical relations, we have a family of relations indexed by a type of worlds, as well as an accessibility relation over this type of worlds. We often want to state that there exists a world accessible from a base one in which the relation holds. The following construction expresses this.

Definition rel_incr {W A B} (acc: rel W W) (R: W rel A B): W rel A B :=
  fun w a b w', acc w w' R w' a b.

While it's possible to define a more general monotonicity property for rel_incr, this one is well-behaved and usually corresponds to what we want.

Global Instance rel_incr_subrel {W A B} acc:
  Transitive acc
  Monotonic (@rel_incr W A B acc) ((- ==> subrel) ++> acc --> subrel).
  intros Hacc R1 R2 HR w1 w2 Hw a b (w1' & Hw1' & Hab).
  eexists; split.
  - transitivity w1;
  - apply HR.

Global Instance rel_incr_subrel_params:
  Params (@rel_incr) 4.

Note the order of the premises in our intro rule. We want to first determine what w' should be, then prove acc w w'.

Lemma rel_incr_rintro {W A B} (acc: rel W W) (R: W rel A B) w w' m n:
  RExists (R w' m n acc w w') (rel_incr acc R w) m n.

Hint Extern 0 (RExists _ (rel_incr _ _ _) _ _) ⇒
  eapply rel_incr_rintro : typeclass_instances.

Lemma rel_incr_rdestruct {W A B} acc R w T:
  ( w, Tw, RDestruct (R w) Tw Convertible (T w) Tw)
    (@rel_incr W A B acc R w)
    (fun P w', acc w w' Delay.unpack (T w' P)).
  intros HR m n (w' & Hw' & Hmn) P H.
  destruct (HR w') as (Tw & HRw' & HTw).
  eapply rdestruct; eauto.
  destruct HTw.
  eapply H; eauto.

Hint Extern 2 (RDestruct (rel_incr _ _ _) _) ⇒
  eapply rel_incr_rdestruct; intro; eexists; split : typeclass_instances.