Library liblayers.lib.Lens

Require Import Coq.Program.Basics.
Require Import Coq.Classes.Morphisms.
Require Import Coq.Classes.RelationClasses.
Require Export Coq.Classes.RelationPairs.
Require Import Coq.Setoids.Setoid.


Lenses are identified by the corresponding projection, which is also used to define the get operation. Note that because we use the letter S to denote the source type, which conflicts with the successor function on nat from the standard library, we need to use a verbose style below to avoid arguments being named S0 or something such. (This is an obvious software engineering quirk with the way Coq generates identifier.)

Class LensOps {S V: Type} (π: S V) := {
  set: V S S

Arguments set {S V} π {_} _ _ : simpl never.

Class LensSetGet {S V} π
  `{lens_ops: LensOps S V π} :=
  lens_set_get s:
    set π (π s) s = s

Class LensGetSet {S V} π
  `{lens_ops: LensOps S V π} :=
  lens_get_set v s:
    π (set π v s) = v

Class LensSetSet {S V} π
  `{lens_set: LensOps S V π} :=
  lens_set_set u v s:
    set π u (set π v s) = set π u s

Class Lens {S V} π `{lens_ops: LensOps S V π} := {
  lens_lens_set_get :> LensSetGet π;
  lens_lens_get_set :> LensGetSet π;
  lens_lens_set_set :> LensSetSet π


Getters are measures, cf. Coq.Classes.RelationPairs

Instance lens_get_measure {S V} `{LensOps S V}:
  Measure (π).

The modify operation

Section MODIFY.
  Context {S V π} `{HSV: Lens S V π}.

  Definition modify (f: V V) (s: S) :=
    set π (f (π s)) s.

  Lemma lens_unfold_modify f s:
    modify f s = set π (f (π s)) s.

Arguments modify {S V} π {_} _ _.

The same_context relation

  Context {S V π} `{lens_ops: LensOps S V π} `{HSV: LensSetSet S V π}.

  Definition same_context: relation S :=
    fun s t v, set π v s = set π v t.

  Lemma lens_set_same_context v s:
    same_context (set π v s) s.
    intro u.
    apply lens_set_set.

  Lemma lens_modify_same_context f s:
    same_context (modify π f s) s.
    intro u.
    unfold modify.
    apply lens_set_set.

  Global Instance same_context_equiv: Equivalence same_context.
    × intros s v.
    × intros s t Hst u.
      symmetry; now auto.
    × intros s1 s2 s3 H12 H23 u.
      transitivity (set π u s2); now auto.

  Global Instance same_context_set_mor:
    Proper (eq ==> same_context ==> eq) (set π).
    intros u v Huv s t Hst.
    apply Hst.

  Global Instance same_context_modify_mor f:
    Proper (same_context ==> same_context) (modify π f).
    intros s t Hst u.
    unfold modify.
    rewrite !lens_set_set.
    apply Hst.

Arguments same_context {S V} π {_} _ _.

Consequences of LensGetSet

Section GETSET.
  Context {S V} `{Hgs: LensGetSet S V}.

  Lemma lens_get_modify f s:
    π (modify π f s) = f (π s).
    apply lens_get_set.

  Theorem lens_eq_set (s: S) (u v: V):
    set π u s = set π v s u = v.
    split; intros.
    × rewrite <- (lens_get_set u s).
      rewrite <- (lens_get_set v s).
      apply f_equal.
    × apply (f_equal (fun xset π x s)).

Consequences of LensSetGet

Section SETGET.
  Context {S V} `{HSV: LensSetGet S V}.

  Lemma lens_same_context_eq s1 s2:
    same_context π s1 s2
    π s1 = π s2
    s1 = s2.
    intros Hc Hv.
    rewrite <- (lens_set_get s1).
    rewrite <- (lens_set_get s2).
    rewrite Hv.
    apply Hc.

Orthogonal lenses

We say that two lenses on S are orthogonal when they give us access to two independent parts of the larger structure S, ie. modifying one will not affect the other. The property lens_ortho_setr_setl below is sufficient to express this.
Note that for any two orthogonal lenses π and ρ, you should never declare instances of both OrthogonalLenses π ρ and OrthogonalLenses ρ π, since that would produce a loop in the autorewrite rules, which use ortho_lenses_set_set.

Class Orthogonal {S U V} (π: S U) (ρ: S V)
  `{πs: !LensOps π}
  `{ρs: !LensOps ρ}: Prop :=
  lens_ortho_setr_setl u v s:
    set ρ v (set π u s) = set π u (set ρ v s)

  Context {S U V} (π: S U) (ρ: S V).
  Context `{πops: !LensOps π}.
  Context `{ρops: !LensOps ρ}.
  Context `{Hπρ: !Orthogonal π ρ}.

  Lemma lens_ortho_getl_setr `{Hπgs: !LensGetSet π} `{Hπsg: !LensSetGet π} s v:
    π (set ρ v s) = π s.
    rewrite <- (lens_set_get (π := π) s) at 1.
    rewrite lens_ortho_setr_setl.
    rewrite lens_get_set.

  Lemma lens_ortho_getr_setl `{Hρgs: !LensGetSet ρ} `{Hρsg: !LensSetGet ρ} s u:
    ρ (set π u s) = ρ s.
    rewrite <- (lens_set_get (π := ρ) s) at 1.
    rewrite <- lens_ortho_setr_setl.
    rewrite lens_get_set.

Hint Rewrite
  using typeclasses eauto : lens.


The autorewrite base above can be used for normalization, however it is unable to handle some of the theorems related to orthogonal lenses.
For example, we want to use lens_ortho_getl_setr to rewrite occurences of α (set β v s), where α and β are orthogonal lenses, into simply α s. However, our usual trick for combining autorewrite and typeclass resolution does not work, because the instance of LensOps α cannot be obtained by unification when using @lens_ortho_getl_setr, which means the premises contain existentials and we would need erewrite.
Furthermore, we wish to normalize series of nested set so that their order matches the declared instances of Orthogonal. However, rewriting with @lens_ortho_setr_setl will only match the first pair, and fail if they are already in the right order (because a corresponding instance of Orthogonal won't be found).
So we use the tactic below to apply those explicitely in addition to using autorewrite.

Ltac lens_norm_ortho :=
  repeat progress
    match goal with
      | H: context [set ?β ?v (set ?α ?u ?s)] |- _
        rewrite (lens_ortho_setr_setl u v s) in H
      | |- context [set ?β ?v (set ?α ?u ?s)] ⇒
        rewrite (lens_ortho_setr_setl u v s)
      | H: context [?α (set ?β ?v ?s)] |- _
        rewrite (lens_ortho_getl_setr α β s v) in H
      | |- context [?α (set ?β ?v ?s)] ⇒
        rewrite (lens_ortho_getl_setr α β s v)
      | H: context [?β (set ?α ?u ?s)] |- _
        rewrite (lens_ortho_getr_setl α β s u) in H
      | |- context [?β (set ?α ?u ?s)] ⇒
        rewrite (lens_ortho_getr_setl α β s u)

Ltac lens_norm :=
  repeat progress (simpl in *;
                   autorewrite with lens in *).

Ltac lens_simpl :=
  repeat progress (lens_norm; autorewrite with lens_simpl in *).

Ltac lens_unfold :=
  repeat progress (lens_simpl; unfold set in *).



Section PAIR.
  Global Instance fst_lensops A B: LensOps (@fst A B) := {
    set a x := (a, snd x)

  Global Instance fst_lens A B: Lens (@fst A B).
    split; split; intuition.

  Global Instance snd_lensops A B: LensOps (@snd A B) := {
    set b x := (fst x, b)

  Global Instance snd_lens A B: Lens (@snd A B).
    split; split; intuition.

Here are some product-specific theorems.

  Lemma fst_same_context_eq_snd {A B} (x y: A × B):
    same_context (@fst A B) x y snd x = snd y.
    destruct x as [a1 b1].
    destruct y as [a2 b2].
    split; intro H.
    × specialize (H a1).
      inversion H.
    × intro a.
      compute in ×.

  Lemma snd_same_context_eq_fst {A B} (x y: A × B):
    same_context (@snd A B) x y fst x = fst y.
    destruct x as [a1 b1].
    destruct y as [a2 b2].
    split; intro H.
    × specialize (H b1).
      inversion H.
    × intro b.
      compute in ×.

Hint Rewrite
  : lens_simpl.

Composing lens

Section COMPOSE.
  Context {A B C} (π: A B) (ρ: B C) `{Hπ: Lens _ _ π} `{Hρ: Lens _ _ ρ}.

  Instance compose_lensops: LensOps (compose ρ π) := {
    set c a := modify π (set ρ c) a

  Lemma lens_compose_get_simpl a:
    compose ρ π a = ρ (π a).

  Lemma lens_compose_set_simpl c a:
    set (compose ρ π) c a = modify π (set ρ c) a.

  Instance lens_compose_get_set: LensGetSet (compose ρ π).
    constructor; simpl; intros.
    rewrite lens_compose_get_simpl.
    rewrite lens_compose_set_simpl.
    autorewrite with lens.

  Instance lens_compose_set_get: LensSetGet (compose ρ π).
    constructor; simpl; intros.
    rewrite lens_compose_get_simpl.
    rewrite lens_compose_set_simpl.
    autorewrite with lens.

  Instance lens_compose_set_set: LensSetSet (compose ρ π).
    constructor; simpl; intros.
    rewrite !lens_compose_set_simpl.
    autorewrite with lens.

  Instance lens_compose: Lens (compose ρ π) := {}.

Hint Rewrite
  using typeclasses eauto : lens_simpl.

Initial and terminal objects

Section INITIAL.
  Context {V: Type} (π: Empty_set V).

  Global Instance lens_empty_ops: LensOps π := {
    set a := Empty_set_rect _

  Global Instance lens_empty: Lens π.
    split; split; tauto.

  Context {A B V} {α: A V} {β: B V}.
  Context `{αops: LensOps A V α}.
  Context `{βops: LensOps B V β}.

  Definition fcoprod (f: A V) (g: B V): A + B V :=
    fun smatch s with
               | inl af a
               | inr bg b

  Notation "[ f , g ]" := (fcoprod f g).

  Instance lens_coprod_ops: LensOps [α, β] := {
    set v ab :=
      match ab with
        | inl ainl (set α v a)
        | inr binr (set β v b)

  Instance lens_coprod_get_set:
    LensGetSet α
    LensGetSet β
    LensGetSet [α,β].
    intros v [a|b];
    unfold set; simpl.
    × lens_norm; reflexivity.
    × lens_norm; reflexivity.

  Instance lens_coprod_set_get:
    LensSetGet α
    LensSetGet β
    LensSetGet [α,β].
    intros [a|b];
    unfold set; simpl.
    × lens_norm; reflexivity.
    × lens_norm; reflexivity.

  Instance lens_coprod_set_set:
    LensSetSet α
    LensSetSet β
    LensSetSet [α,β].
    intros u v [a|b];
    unfold set; simpl;
    × lens_norm; reflexivity.
    × lens_norm; reflexivity.

  Global Instance lens_coprod:
    Lens α
    Lens β
    Lens [α,β].
    typeclasses eauto.

  Context {S: Type} (π: S unit).

  Instance lens_unit_ops: LensOps (S := S) π := {
    set u s := s

  Instance lens_unit: Lens π.
    assert ( u v: unit, u = v) by (intros [] []; reflexivity).

Interestingly, the product only works for orthogonal lenses.

Section PRODUCT.
  Context {S A B} {α: S A} {β: S B}.
  Context `{αops: LensOps S A α}.
  Context `{βops: LensOps S B β}.

  Definition fprod (f: S A) (g: S B): S A × B :=
    fun s(f s, g s).

  Notation "〈 f , g 〉" := (fprod f g).

  Instance lens_prod_ops: LensOps α, β := {
    set ab s := set α (fst ab) (set β (snd ab) s)

  Ltac go :=
    unfold set, fprod;
    try reflexivity.

  Instance lens_prod_get_set:
    Orthogonal α β
    LensSetGet β
    LensGetSet α
    LensGetSet β
    LensGetSet α,β.
    intros [a b] s.

  Instance lens_prod_set_get:
    LensSetGet α
    LensSetGet β
    LensSetGet α,β.
    intros s.

  Instance lens_prod_set_set:
    Orthogonal α β
    LensSetSet α
    LensSetSet β
    LensSetSet α,β.
    intros [a1 b1] [a2 b2] s.

  Global Instance lens_prod:
    Orthogonal α β
    Lens α
    Lens β
    Lens α,β.
    typeclasses eauto.