Library liblayers.compcertx.ClightXSemantics

LayerLib Semantics of ClightX

For Clight, the structure and union definitions are stored in an auxiliary composite_env. Eventually, we will want such definitions to be part of our modules and go through make_program. But for now, we take the composite_env as a global parameter, with the following instance defining an empty one as the default.

Class ClightCompositeEnv := cenv : composite_env.
Global Instance default_cenv : ClightCompositeEnv := PTree.empty _.

  Context `{Hmem: BaseMemoryModel}.

Specialize Clight.step2 to use a specific layer for external calls.
  Definition clight_step D L (m: mwd D) :=
      (enable_builtins_instance := cprimitive_cc_ops D L)

  Definition clight_cprimitive_csig κ :=
      csig_args := type_of_params (fn_params κ);
      csig_res := fn_return κ;
      csig_cc := fn_callconv κ

  Inductive clight_cprimitive_step D L ge (κ: ClightModules.function):
    (list val × mwd D) (val × mwd D) Prop :=
    | clight_cprimitive_step_intro vargs m vres m':
         csg, csg = clight_cprimitive_csig κ
        ( (clight_step D L m) ge)
          (Callstate (Internal (InlinableFunction.function κ)) vargs Kstop m)
          (Returnstate vres Kstop m')
        clight_cprimitive_step D L ge κ csg (vargs, m) (vres, m').

  Program Definition clight_cprimitive D L ge κ : cprimitive D :=
    mkcprimitive D (clight_cprimitive_step D L ge κ) (clight_cprimitive_csig κ) _.
  Next Obligation.
    inversion H; subst.
    eapply clight_funcall_wt; eauto.

  Lemma unique_csig_clight_cprimitive D L ge κ:
    unique_csig D (clight_cprimitive D L ge κ) = OK (clight_cprimitive_csig κ).

  Global Instance make_clight_fundef_varinfo_ops:
    ProgramFormatOps function type fundef type :=
      make_internal κ :=
        OK (Internal (InlinableFunction.function κ));
      make_external D i σ :=
        csig <- unique_csig D σ;
        OK (External
              (EF_external (name_of_ident i) (csig_sig csig))
              (csig_args csig)
              (csig_res csig)
              (csig_cc csig));
      make_varinfo x :=
        OK x

  Global Instance make_clight_fundef_varinfo_prf:
    ProgramFormat function type fundef type.
    - simpl.
      repeat rstep.
      + eapply unique_csig_rel; eauto.
      + congruence.

  Context `{Hmkp: MakeProgram}.
  Context `{ce: ClightCompositeEnv}.

  Global Instance clight_function_semantics_ops:
    FunctionSemanticsOps ident function cprimitive (globvar type)
      semof_fundef D ML i κ :=
        ge <- make_globalenv D ML;
        ret (clight_cprimitive D (snd ML) (Build_genv ge cenv) κ)

  Local Opaque ptree_layer_ops.
  Local Opaque ptree_layer_sim_op.
  Local Opaque ptree_module_ops.

Monotonicity in terms of genv_sim

  Global Instance clight_semantics_ops:
    SemanticsOps _ function cprimitive (globvar type) cmodule clayer :=
    ptree_semof (Fops:= clight_function_semantics_ops).

    Context D1 D2 (R: simrel D1 D2).
    Context (M1: cmodule).
    Context (L1: clayer D1).
    Context (M2: cmodule).
    Context (L2: clayer D2).
    Context (HM: M1 M2).
    Context (HL: sim R L1 (M2 L2)).
    Context p1 (Hp1: MakeProgramSpec.make_program D1 (M1, L1) = OK p1).
    Context p2 (Hp2: MakeProgramSpec.make_program D2 (M2, L2) = OK p2).

    Inductive clight_funrel:
      ident rel (function+cprimitive D1)%type (function+cprimitive D2)%type :=
      | clight_funrel_function i κ:
          clight_funrel i (inl κ) (inl κ)
      | clight_funrel_primitive i σ1 σ2:
          get_layer_primitive i L1 = OK (Some σ1)
          get_layer_primitive i L2 = OK (Some σ2)
          sim R σ1 σ2
          clight_funrel i (inr σ1) (inr σ2)
      | clight_funrel_replace i σ1 κ2 σ2:
          get_layer_primitive (V := globvar type) i L1 = OK (Some σ1)
          get_module_function (V := globvar type) i M2 = OK (Some κ2)
          get_layer_primitive i (M2 L2) = OK (Some σ2)
          sim R σ1 σ2
           HL2i : get_layer_primitive (V := globvar type) i L2 = OK None,
          clight_funrel i (inr σ1) (inl κ2).

    Global Instance make_clight_fundef_error i:
        (make_fundef D1 i)
        (make_fundef D2 i)
        (clight_funrel i ++> impl @@ isError).
      unfold make_fundef.
      intros f1 f2 Hf [err H].
      unfold isError.
      destruct Hf; eauto.
      - simpl in H2.
        assert (Hsig: res_le eq (unique_csig D1 σ1) (unique_csig D2 σ2))
          by (eapply unique_csig_rel; eauto).
        destruct Hsig.
        + discriminate.
        + msg.
      - setoid_rewrite ptree_get_semof_primitive in H2.
        unfold semof_function in H2.
        setoid_rewrite H1 in H2.
        simpl semof_fundef in H2.
        destruct (make_globalenv D2 (M2, L2)) as [ge|] eqn:Hge; try discriminate.
        apply make_globalenv_make_program in Hge.
        destruct Hge as [p Hp].
        apply (make_program_noconflict D2 M2 L2 p i) in Hp.
        destruct Hp; try discriminate.
        simpl in H2.
        inv_monad H2.
        inv_monad H2.
        assert (Hsig: res_le eq (unique_csig D1 σ1) (unique_csig D2 σ2))
          by (eapply unique_csig_rel; eauto).
        change (unique_csig D2 _) with (OK (clight_cprimitive_csig κ2)) in Hsig.
        inversion Hsig.
        rewrite <- H2 in H.

    Global Instance make_clight_vardef_error R:
      Monotonic make_varinfo (R ++> impl @@ isError).
      intros v1 v2 _ [err H].
      simpl in H.

First, we show that our premises are sufficient to establish the "syntactic" module-layer relation derived from clight_funrel. The idea is to go from whole-layer hypotheses (which will however remain available throughout the proof) to a per-definition relation which we can easily show is preserved by make_globalenv.

    Lemma clight_module_layer_funrel:
      module_layer_le D1 D2 clight_funrel (M1,L1) (M2,L2).
      intro i.
      apply PTreeLayers.ptree_layer_sim_pointwise in HL.
      destruct HL as (HL_prim & HL_var).
      clear HL.
      specialize (HL_prim i).
      specialize (HL_var i).
      generalize (ptree_get_semof_globalvar (Fops := clight_function_semantics_ops) _ i M2 L2).
      unfold clight_semantics_ops, clayer_ops, cmodule_ops in × |- × .
      intro EQ. rewrite EQ in HL_var. clear EQ.
      generalize (ptree_get_semof_primitive (Fops := clight_function_semantics_ops) _ i M2 L2).
      unfold clight_semantics_ops, clayer_ops, cmodule_ops in × |- × .
      intro EQ. rewrite EQ in HL_prim. clear EQ.
      unfold semof_function in HL_prim.
      unfold semof_fundef in HL_prim.
      unfold clight_function_semantics_ops in HL_prim.
      erewrite make_program_make_globalenv in HL_prim by eassumption.
      generalize (get_module_function_monotonic i _ _ HM).
      intro Hm_func.
      generalize (get_module_variable_monotonic i _ _ HM).
      intro Hm_var.
      clear HM.
      assert (HM_OK: ModuleOK M2).
        eapply make_program_module_ok; esplit; eauto.
      specialize (HM_OK i).
      destruct HM_OK as [HM_OK_fun HM_OK_var module_ok_disjoint].
      destruct HM_OK_fun as (? & HM_OK_fun).
      destruct HM_OK_var as (? & HM_OK_var).
      unfold get_module_layer_function.
      unfold get_module_layer_variable.
      simpl @fst.
      simpl @snd.
      generalize (make_program_noconflict _ _ _ _ i Hp2).
      intro Hnc2.
      unfold clight_semantics_ops, clayer_ops, cmodule_ops in × |- × .
      rewrite HM_OK_fun in Hm_func, module_ok_disjoint, Hnc2 |- ×.
      rewrite HM_OK_fun in HL_prim.
      rewrite HM_OK_var in HL_var.
      rewrite HM_OK_var in Hm_var, module_ok_disjoint, Hnc2 |- ×.
      generalize (make_program_noconflict _ _ _ _ i Hp1).
      intro Hnc1.
      revert HL_prim HL_var Hm_func Hm_var.
      inversion Hnc1; clear Hnc1; subst; split; intros;
      autorewrite with res_option_globalvar; auto;
      (try now
          match goal with
              |- res_le _ _ ?ydestruct y; repeat constructor
        inversion Hm_func; clear Hm_func; subst.
        match goal with
            K: option_le _ _ _ |- _
            inversion K; clear K; subst
        inversion Hnc2; subst.
        inversion Hm_var; clear Hm_var; subst.
        match goal with
            K: option_le _ _ _ |- _
            inversion K; clear K; subst
        inversion Hnc2; subst; autorewrite with res_option_globalvar;
        destruct (get_layer_primitive i L2) as [ pr2 | ] eqn:Hprim2;
        [ | now
            match type of HM_OK_fun with
                _ = OK ?z
                destruct z; constructor
            end ].
        inversion Hnc2; subst; try now
          exfalso; simpl in HL_prim; inversion HL_prim; subst;
          match goal with
              K: option_le _ _ None |- _
              inversion K; clear K; subst
        - monad_norm.
          simpl in HL_prim.
          inversion HL_prim; subst.
          match goal with
              K: option_le _ (Some _) _ |- _
              inversion K; clear K; subst
          econstructor; eauto.
          unfold clight_semantics_ops, clayer_ops, cmodule_ops in × |- × .
          rewrite ptree_get_semof_primitive.
          rewrite HM_OK_fun.
          unfold clight_semantics_ops, clayer_ops, cmodule_ops in × |- × .
          rewrite Hprim2.
          unfold semof_function.
          unfold semof_fundef.
          erewrite make_program_make_globalenv by eassumption.
        - simpl in HL_prim.
          inversion HL_prim; subst.
          match goal with
              K: option_le _ (Some _) (Some _) |- _
              inversion K; clear K; subst
          constructor; auto.

Next, we want to show that once this per-definition relation has been transported to global environments, we can establish a simulation in terms of the operational semantics of Clight. Most of this proof is done in the SimClight library. Here we establish that clight_funrel has the required properties for this proof to work: namely, that function calls in global environments related by clight_funrel will be compatible.

    Instance clight_funrel_prf:
      let _ := cprimitive_extcall_ops D1 L1 in
      let _ := cprimitive_extcall_ops D2 L2 in
      let _ := cprimitive_cc_ops D1 L1 in
      let _ := cprimitive_cc_ops D2 L2 in
      ClightFunrel R
        (fundef_le D1 D2 clight_funrel)
        (Build_genv (Genv.globalenv p1) cenv)
        (Build_genv (Genv.globalenv p2) cenv).
      intros ecops1 ecops2 ccops1 ccops2.
      - intros b f1 f2 Hf.
        destruct Hf as [fm1 fp1 Hfp1 fm2 fp2 Hfp2 Hfm].
        unfold match_fundef in ×.
        destruct Hfm as [i κ | i σ1 σ2 Hσ1 Hσ2 Hσ | i σ1 κ2 σ2 Hσ1 Hκ2 Hσ2 Hσ].
        + simpl in *; congruence.
        + simpl in Hfp1, Hfp2.
          inv_monad Hfp1; inv_monad Hfp2; subst; simpl.
          destruct (unique_csig D1 σ1) eqn:SIG1; try discriminate.
          destruct (unique_csig D2 σ2) eqn:SIG2; try discriminate.
            match goal with
                K: unique_csig ?D= OK ?u |- _
                generalize (unique_element_correct _ _ K);
                  clear K; intro K;
                  let L := fresh "Hsig" σ in
                  (assert (In u (cprimitive_csig D σ)) as L by (generalize (K u); intro; intuition congruence));
                    revert K
          eapply cprimitive_sim_csig in Hsigσ1; eauto.
          intros _ U2.
          rewrite U2 in Hsigσ1; clear U2.
        + simpl in Hfp1, Hfp2.
          inv_monad Hfp1; inversion Hfp2; clear Hfp2; subst; simpl.
          unfold clight_semantics_ops, clayer_ops, cmodule_ops in × |- × .
          rewrite (ptree_get_semof_primitive) in Hσ2.
          rewrite Hκ2 in Hσ2.
          unfold semof_function in Hσ2.
          match type of Hσ2 with
            _ ?b = OK _assert (b = OK None) as NONE
            exploit (fun Kmake_program_module_layer_disjoint M2 L2 K i).
            { unfold clight_semantics_ops, clayer_ops, cmodule_ops in × |- × .
              rewrite Hp2. red; eauto. }
            unfold clight_semantics_ops, clayer_ops, cmodule_ops in × |- × .
            rewrite Hκ2.
            inversion 1; congruence.
          destruct (unique_csig D1 σ1) eqn:SIG1; try discriminate.
          simpl in H0. inv H0. simpl.
          rewrite NONE in Hσ2.
          simpl in Hσ2.
          simpl in Hσ.
          apply cprimitive_sim_csig in Hσ.
          simpl in Hσ.
          match goal with
              K: unique_csig ?D= OK ?u |- _
              generalize (unique_element_correct _ _ K);
                clear K; intro K;
                let L := fresh "Hsig" σ in
                (assert (In u (cprimitive_csig D σ)) as L by (generalize (K u); intro; intuition congruence));
                  clear K
          apply Hσ in Hsigσ1.
          simpl in Hsigσ1.
          destruct κ2.
          unfold type_of_function.
          erewrite make_program_make_globalenv in Hσ2 by eassumption.
          simpl in Hσ2.
          inversion Hσ2; clear Hσ2; subst.
          simpl in Hσ.
          destruct Hsigσ1; subst; try contradiction.
      - reflexivity.
      - intros p b t Hge.
        intros f1 f2 Hf vargs1 vargs2 Hvargs k1 k2 [Hk Hk_cc] m1 m2 Hm s1' Hs1'.
        destruct Hf as [fm1 fp1 Hfp1 fm2 fp2 Hfp2 Hfm].
        destruct Hfm as [i κ | i σ1 σ2 Hσ1 Hσ2 Hσ | i σ1 κ2 σ2 Hσ1 Hκ2 Hσ2 Hσ].
Identical internal functions
          simpl in ×.
          inversion Hfp1; inversion Hfp2; clear Hfp1 Hfp2; subst; simpl.
          inversion Hs1'; clear Hs1'; subst.
          eapply transport in H5.
          Focus 2.
            Set Printing All.
            instantiate (3 := mwd D2).
XXX: monotonicity
            eapply function_entry2_match; solve_monotonic.
            Unset Printing All.
          split_hyp H5.
          × eapply Smallstep.plus_one.
            econstructor; eauto.
          × p'.
            split; eauto.
            eapply cont_match_le; eauto.
Related primitive specifications
          simpl in ×.
          inversion Hfp1; inversion Hfp2; clear Hfp1 Hfp2; subst; simpl.
          destruct (unique_csig D1 σ1) eqn:SIG1; try discriminate.
          destruct (unique_csig D2 σ2) eqn:SIG2; try discriminate.
          inv_monad H0; inv_monad H1; subst; simpl.
          inversion Hs1'; clear Hs1'; subst.
          simpl in H8.
          destruct H8 as (Hgep & xσ1 & sg & i1 & name_eq1 & Hxσ1 & Hstep1 & Hcsg & _ & Ht); subst.
          exploit name_of_ident_inj; eauto. intro; subst.
          rewrite Hxσ1 in Hσ1.
          inversion Hσ1; clear Hσ1; subst.
          edestruct (cprimitive_sim_step D1 D2 R σ1 σ2)
            as ([vres2 m2'] & Hstep2 & p' & Hp' & Hvres & Hm');
          assert (res_le eq (unique_csig D1 σ1) (unique_csig D2 σ2)) as LE.
          { eapply unique_csig_rel; eauto. }
          rewrite SIG1 in LE. rewrite SIG2 in LE.
          inversion LE; clear LE; subst.
          generalize (let (_, K) := (unique_element_correct _ _ SIG2 c0) in (K Logic.eq_refl)).
          erewrite unique_element_correct in Hcsg by eauto.
           (Returnstate vres2 k2 m2').
          × eapply Smallstep.plus_one; econstructor; eauto.
            destruct Hge.
            simpl; eauto 20.
          × p'.
            split; eauto.
            constructor; eauto.
            split; eauto.
            eapply cont_match_le; eauto.
Implemented primitive
          unfold clight_semantics_ops, clayer_ops, cmodule_ops in × |- × .
          rewrite ptree_get_semof_primitive in Hσ2.
          match type of Hσ2 with
            _ ?b = OK _assert (b = OK None) as NONE
            exploit (fun Kmake_program_module_layer_disjoint M2 L2 K i).
            { unfold clight_semantics_ops, clayer_ops, cmodule_ops in × |- × .
              rewrite Hp2. red; eauto. }
            unfold clight_semantics_ops, clayer_ops, cmodule_ops in × |- × .
            rewrite Hκ2.
            inversion 1; congruence.
          rewrite NONE in Hσ2.
          simpl in Hσ2.
          unfold semof_function in Hσ2.
          rewrite Hκ2 in Hσ2.
          unfold semof_fundef in Hσ2.
          simpl in Hσ2.
          erewrite make_program_make_globalenv in Hσ2 by eassumption.
          inversion Hσ2; clear Hσ2; subst.
          simpl in ×.
          inversion Hfp1; inversion Hfp2; clear Hfp1 Hfp2; subst; simpl.
          destruct (unique_csig D1 σ1) eqn:SIG1; try discriminate. simpl in H0. inv H0.
          inversion Hs1'; clear Hs1'; subst.
          simpl in H8.
          destruct H8 as (Hge1 & xσ1 & sg & i1 & eq_name1 & Hxσ1 & Hstep1 & Hsg & _ & Ht); subst.
          exploit name_of_ident_inj; eauto. intro; subst.
          unfold clight_semantics_ops, clayer_ops, cmodule_ops in × |- × .
          rewrite Hxσ1 in Hσ1. inversion Hσ1; clear Hσ1; subst.
          edestruct (cprimitive_sim_step D1 D2 R σ1)
            as ([vres2 m2'] & Hstep2 & p' & Hp' & Hvres & Hm');
          simpl in ×.
          erewrite unique_element_correct in Hsg by eauto.
          inversion Hstep2; clear Hstep2; subst.
           (Returnstate vres2 k2 m2').
          × assert (is_call_cont k2) as Hk2_cc.
              revert Hk_cc.
              eapply @is_call_cont_match_weak.
              exact Hk.
            apply (plus2_frame_cont k2 Hk2_cc _
                                    (Callstate _ _ Kstop _)
                                    _ (Returnstate _ Kstop _)).
            simpl. assumption.
          × p'.
            split; eauto.
            eapply Returnstate_rel; solve_monotonic.
            split; eauto.
            eapply cont_match_le; eauto.

Now we can use clight_sim to prove several properties. First, we show the monotonicity of our semantics "probes". This can then be used to prove both the simple monotonicity required by FunctionSemantics, and hopefully vertical composition as well.

    Instance clight_cprimitive_step_match:
      let _ := cprimitive_extcall_ops D1 L1 in
      let _ := cprimitive_extcall_ops D2 L2 in
      let _ := cprimitive_cc_ops D1 L1 in
      let _ := cprimitive_cc_ops D2 L2 in
        (clight_cprimitive_step D1 L1)
        (clight_cprimitive_step D2 L2)
        (genv_sim R (rexists i, fundef_le D1 D2 clight_funrel i) ++>
         - ==>
         - ==>
             rforall p, list_rel (match_val R p) × match_mem R p ++>
       set_rel (incr p (match_val R p × match_mem R p)))%rel.
      clear p1 p2 Hp1 Hp2.
      intros ecops1 ecops2 ccops1 ccops2.
      intros ge1 ge2 Hge κ sg p is1 [vargs2 m2] [Hvargs Hm] fs1 H.
      destruct H as [vargs1 m1 vres1 m1' sg Hsg H].
      simpl in ×.
      eapply (genv_sim_plus _ _ p) in Hge.

          (Hs: state_match R (rexists i, fundef_le D1 D2 clight_funrel i) p
            (Callstate (Internal (InlinableFunction.function κ)) vargs1 Kstop m1)
            (Callstate (Internal (InlinableFunction.function κ)) vargs2 Kstop m2)).
          eapply Callstate_rel; solve_monotonic; repeat constructor.
          - instantiate (1 := inl κ).
          - instantiate (1 := inl κ).
          - constructor.
        specialize (Hge _ _ Hs E0 _ H).
        destruct Hge as (s2' & Hs2' & p' & Hs'incr & Hs').
        inversion Hs'; clear Hs'; subst.
        destruct H5 as [H5 ?].
        inversion H5; clear H5; subst.
        + instantiate (1 := y1).
          instantiate (1 := y).
          eapply Hs2'.
        + p'.
          split; eauto.
          split; eauto.

    Instance clight_cprimitive_match:
      let _ := cprimitive_extcall_ops D1 L1 in
      let _ := cprimitive_extcall_ops D2 L2 in
      let _ := cprimitive_cc_ops D1 L1 in
      let _ := cprimitive_cc_ops D2 L2 in
        (clight_cprimitive D1 L1)
        (clight_cprimitive D2 L2)
        (genv_sim R (rexists i, fundef_le D1 D2 clight_funrel i) ++> - ==> cprimitive_sim D1 D2 R)%rel.
      - intros p sg m1 m2 Hm fs1 H1.
        edestruct clight_cprimitive_step_match as (fs2 & Hfs1 & p' & Hfs_incr & Hfs); eauto.
        + eapply H1.
        + eexists.
          × eapply Hfs1.
          × p'.
      - simpl. unfold incl; auto.

Then, we show that clight_sim can also be use to establish a Compcert forward simulation for whole programs. In particular this will be used for the soundness proof.

    Require Import Smallstep.

    Lemma module_layer_le_program_le:
      program_le (fundef_le D1 D2 clight_funrel) p1 p2.
      cut (res_le (program_le (fundef_le D1 D2 clight_funrel)) (OK p1) (OK p2)).
        inversion 1; subst; auto.
      rewrite <- Hp1.
      rewrite <- Hp2.
      unfold program_le.
      eapply clight_module_layer_funrel.

    Definition clight_program_of_program types (p: AST.program fundef type) : res program :=
      make_program types (AST.prog_defs p) (AST.prog_public p) (AST.prog_main p).

    Lemma clight_program_of_program_eq' t p p':
      clight_program_of_program t p = OK p'
       ce (pf : (build_composite_env t = OK ce)),
        OK p' = OK {| prog_defs := AST.prog_defs p;
                    prog_public := AST.prog_public p;
                    prog_main := AST.prog_main p;
                    prog_types := t;
                    prog_comp_env := ce;
                    prog_comp_env_eq := pf |}.
      clear. intros.
      unfold clight_program_of_program, make_program in H.
      rewrite <- H.
      assert ( (A B: Type)
                (x : res A)
                (a: A)
                (EQ: x = OK a)
                (F: α, OK α = x res B)
                (G: e, Error e = x res B)
                (H: α , P (F α ))
                (H': e He, P (G e He))
                   (match x as chi return chi = x res B with
                    | OK αF α
                    | Error eG e
                    end eq_refl)).
      intros. destruct x; auto.
      refine (match build_composite_env t as x' return x' = build_composite_env t _ with
              | OK ce_
              | Error e_
              end eq_refl).
      eapply X. eauto. eauto.

      assert ( (A B: Type)
                (x : res A)
                (EQ: x = Error a)
                (F: α, OK α = x res B)
                (G: e, Error e = x res B)
                (H: α , P (F α ))
                (H': e He, P (G e He))
                   (match x as chi return chi = x res B with
                    | OK αF α
                    | Error eG e
                    end eq_refl)).
      intros. destruct x; auto.
      intros. revert H. eapply X0; eauto.

    Lemma clight_program_of_program_eq t p p':
      clight_program_of_program t p = OK p'
       ce (pf : (build_composite_env t = OK ce)),
        p' = {| prog_defs := AST.prog_defs p;
                prog_public := AST.prog_public p;
                prog_main := AST.prog_main p;
                prog_types := t;
                prog_comp_env := ce;
                prog_comp_env_eq := pf |}.
      intros CPOP; eapply clight_program_of_program_eq' in CPOP.
      destruct CPOP as (ce' & pf & EQ). inv EQ. eauto.

    Lemma globalenv_cpop t p p':
      clight_program_of_program t p = OK p'
      Genv.globalenv p' = Genv.globalenv p.
      intros CPOP.
      destruct (clight_program_of_program_eq _ _ _ CPOP) as (x & H & J). subst.
      unfold Genv.globalenv. f_equal.

    Lemma init_mem_cpop D t p p':
      clight_program_of_program t p = OK p'
      Genv.init_mem (memory_model_ops := mwd_ops D ) p' = Genv.init_mem p.
      intros CPOP.
      destruct (clight_program_of_program_eq _ _ _ CPOP) as (x & H & J). subst.
      unfold Genv.init_mem, Genv.globalenv. f_equal.

    Lemma genv_public_add:
       {F V} l (ge: Genv.t F V),
        Genv.genv_public (Genv.add_globals ge l) = Genv.genv_public ge.
      clear. induction l; simpl; intros; auto.
      rewrite IHl. reflexivity.

    Lemma find_symbol_add:
       {F V} s l (ge: Genv.t F V),
      ( b, Genv.find_symbol ge s = Some b) In s (map fst l)
       b, Genv.find_symbol (Genv.add_globals ge l) s = Some b.
      induction l; simpl; intros.
      - intuition.
      - apply IHl.
        destruct H.
        left. unfold Genv.find_symbol. simpl.
        rewrite PTree.gsspec.
        destruct (peq s (fst a)). eauto. apply H.
        destruct H.
        left. unfold Genv.find_symbol. simpl.
        rewrite PTree.gsspec.
        subst. rewrite peq_true. eauto. auto.

    Lemma public_symbol_globalenv:
       {F V} (p: AST.program F V) (INCL: incl (AST.prog_public p) (map fst (AST.prog_defs p))) i,
        Genv.public_symbol (Genv.globalenv p) i = in_dec ident_eq i (AST.prog_public p).
      clear. intros.
      unfold Genv.public_symbol, Genv.globalenv.
      rewrite genv_public_add. simpl.
      destruct (Genv.find_symbol (Genv.add_globals (Genv.empty_genv F V (AST.prog_public p)) (AST.prog_defs p)) i) eqn:?.
      - auto.
      - destruct (in_dec ident_eq i (AST.prog_public p)); auto.
        exfalso. destruct (find_symbol_add i (AST.prog_defs p) (Genv.empty_genv _ _ (AST.prog_public p))).
        right. apply INCL. auto. congruence.

    Lemma clight_fw types (TE: build_composite_env types = OK cenv) p1' p2':
      InitMemMakeProgram.module_layer_init_rel R (M1, L1) (M2, L2)
      clight_program_of_program types p1 = OK p1'
      clight_program_of_program types p2 = OK p2'
        (Clight.semantics2 (enable_builtins_instance := cprimitive_cc_ops D1 L1) p1')
        (Clight.semantics2 (enable_builtins_instance := cprimitive_cc_ops D2 L2) p2').
      intros INITREL CPOP1 CPOP2.
      eapply forward_simulation_plus with
        (match_states :=
           (rexists p, state_match R (rexists i, fundef_le D1 D2 clight_funrel i) p)%rel).
      - intros id. simpl.
        rewrite (globalenv_cpop _ _ _ CPOP1).
        rewrite (globalenv_cpop _ _ _ CPOP2).
        rewrite ! public_symbol_globalenv.
        rewrite (make_program_public_eq _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hp1 Hp2). auto.
        eapply make_program_public_incl; eauto.
        eapply make_program_public_incl; eauto.
      - intros s1 Hs1.
        destruct Hs1.
        generalize module_layer_le_program_le.
        intro PR.
        assert (simrel_program_rel R p1 p2) as PR_init.
          cut (res_le (simrel_program_rel R) (MakeProgramSpec.make_program D1 (M1, L1)) (MakeProgramSpec.make_program D2 (M2, L2))).
            rewrite Hp1.
            rewrite Hp2.
            inversion 1; subst; auto.
          eapply InitMemMakeProgram.simrel_program_rel_intro.
          3: eapply clight_module_layer_funrel.
            intro i.
            inversion 1; subst; auto; congruence.
            intros i f1 f2 Hf.
            inversion Hf.
            eapply make_clight_fundef_error; eauto.
        apply simrel_init_mem in PR_init.
        erewrite init_mem_cpop in H; eauto.
        rewrite H in PR_init.
        inversion PR_init as [ | ? m2 Hm _init2 INIT2 ]; subst; clear PR_init.
        destruct Hm as (w & Hm).
        generalize PR. intro PR_main.
        apply prog_main_rel in PR_main.
        apply genv_globalenv_rel in PR.
        rewrite stencil_matches_symbols in H0.
        Focus 2.
        + eapply genv_le_stencil_matches_l. unfold ge. erewrite globalenv_cpop. eauto. eauto.
        replace (prog_main p1') with (AST.prog_main p1) in H0.
        Focus 2.
        + destruct (clight_program_of_program_eq _ _ _ CPOP1) as (x & EQ1 & J). subst. reflexivity.
        rewrite PR_main in H0.
        generalize H0. intro H0_.
        erewrite <- stencil_matches_symbols in H0 by eauto using genv_le_stencil_matches_r.
        apply genv_rel_upto_glob_threshold in PR.
        eapply genv_rel_upto_find_funct_ptr in PR; eauto.
        unfold ge in H1.
        rewrite (globalenv_cpop _ _ _ CPOP1) in H1.
        setoid_rewrite H1 in PR.
        inversion PR; subst.
         (Callstate y nil Kstop m2).
        { econstructor; eauto.
          + rewrite INIT2. eapply init_mem_cpop; eauto.
          + rewrite <- H0.
            destruct (clight_program_of_program_eq _ _ _ CPOP2) as (x & EQ1 & J). subst. simpl. reflexivity.
          + erewrite globalenv_cpop; eauto.
            match goal with
              K: fundef_le _ _ _ _ _ _ |- _
              inversion K; clear K; subst
            match goal with
              K: clight_funrel _ _ _,
                 U1: match_fundef D1 _ _ _,
                     U2: match_fundef D2 _ _ _ |- _
              inversion K; subst; inversion U1; subst; inversion U2; subst; auto
            × Require Import Errors.
              Local Open Scope error_monad_scope.

              destruct (unique_csig D2 σ2) eqn:SIG2; try discriminate.
              simpl in H12. inv H12. simpl.
              destruct (unique_csig D1 σ1) eqn:SIG1; try discriminate.
              simpl in H11. inv H11. simpl in H2.

              match goal with
                K: sim _ _ _ |- _
                simpl in K;
                  apply unique_csig_rel in K
              match goal with
                K: res_le _ (unique_csig D1 ?u) _,
                   E: unique_csig D1 ?u = _ |- _
                rewrite E in K;
                  unfold ret in K;
                  simpl in K;
                  inversion K;
                  unfold ret in *;
                  simpl in *;
            × destruct (unique_csig D1 σ1) eqn:SIG1; try discriminate.
              simpl in H12. inv H12.
              match goal with
                K: sim _ _ _ |- _
                simpl in K;
                  apply unique_csig_rel in K
              match goal with
                K: res_le _ (unique_csig D1 ?u) _,
                   E: unique_csig D1 ?u = _ |- _
                rename K into Hsig;
                  rename E into SIG1
              rewrite SIG1 in Hsig.
              match goal with
                K: get_layer_primitive _ ( _ _) = _ |- _
                rename K into PRIM2
              unfold clight_semantics_ops, clayer_ops, cmodule_ops in PRIM2.
              rewrite PTreeSemantics.ptree_get_semof_primitive in PRIM2.
              match goal with
                K: get_module_function _ _ = _ |- _
                rename K into FUN2
              unfold cmodule_ops in FUN2.
              rewrite FUN2 in PRIM2.
              revert PRIM2.
              unfold semof_function.
              unfold semof_fundef.
              unfold clight_function_semantics_ops.
              rewrite (make_program_make_globalenv _ _ _ Hp2).
              setoid_rewrite HL2i.
              inversion 1; subst.
              simpl in Hsig.
              rewrite unique_csig_clight_cprimitive in Hsig.
              inversion Hsig; subst.
              unfold ret in ×.
              simpl in ×.
              destruct κ2 as [ ? [] ]; simpl in × |- × .
              unfold type_of_function. simpl. congruence.
        constructor; auto; try now repeat constructor.
        esplit; eauto.
      - intros s1 s2 r [p Hs] H.
        destruct H.
        inversion Hs; clear Hs; subst.
        inversion H2; clear H2; subst.
        destruct H4 as [H4 ?].
        inversion H4; clear H4; subst.
      - simpl.
        intros s1 t s1' Hstep.
        simpl in ×.
        intros s2 (p & Hs2).
        pose (cprimitive_extcall_ops D1 L1) as ec_ops_1.
        pose (cprimitive_extcall_ops D2 L2) as ec_ops_2.
        pose (cprimitive_cc_ops D1 L1) as cc_ops_1.
        pose (cprimitive_cc_ops D2 L2) as cc_ops_2.
        apply (clight_sim R (ec1_ops := ec_ops_1) (ec2_ops := ec_ops_2) (eb1 := cc_ops_1) (eb2 := cc_ops_2)) in Hs2. auto.
        + specialize (Hs2 t s1').
          unfold Clight.globalenv in Hstep.
          rewrite (globalenv_cpop _ _ _ CPOP1) in Hstep.
          destruct (clight_program_of_program_eq _ _ _ CPOP1) as (x & EQ1 & J). subst. simpl in ×.
          generalize TE; intro TE'.
          rewrite EQ1 in TE. inv TE.
          specialize (Hs2 Hstep).
          destruct Hs2 as (? & ? & ? & ? & ?).
          split; eauto.
          unfold Clight.globalenv.
          rewrite (globalenv_cpop _ _ _ CPOP2).
          destruct (clight_program_of_program_eq _ _ _ CPOP2) as (x2 & EQ2 & J2). subst. simpl in ×.
          rewrite EQ2 in TE'. inv TE'.
        + constructor. eapply genv_globalenv_rel.
          assert (res_le (program_le (fundef_le D1 D2 clight_funrel)) (OK p1) (OK p2)).
            rewrite <- Hp1.
            rewrite <- Hp2.
            unfold program_le.
            eapply clight_module_layer_funrel.
          inversion H; clear H; subst.

  Instance res_le_transport {A B} (R: rel A B) (x: res A) (y: res B) (b: B):
    Transport (res_le R) x y (y = OK b) ( a, x = OK a R a b).
    intros H Hy.
    destruct H; try congruence.
    inversion Hy; clear Hy; subst.
     x; eauto.

  Lemma res_option_inj_inv {A B} (x: res (option A)) (y: res (option B)):
    (x = OK None y = OK None res_option_inj x y = OK None)
    ( t, x = OK (Some t) y = OK None res_option_inj x y = OK (Some (inl t)))
    ( t, x = OK None y = OK (Some t) res_option_inj x y = OK (Some (inr t)))
    ( e, res_option_inj x y = Error e).
    unfold res_option_inj.
    destruct x as [ [ | ] | ]; destruct y as [ [ | ] | ]; simpl; eauto;
    intuition eauto.

  Global Instance clight_function_semantics_prf:
    FunctionSemantics ident function cprimitive (globvar type)
      (ptree_module _ _)
      (ptree_layer _ _).
    - intros D1 D2 R ML1 ML2 HML i κ.
      inversion HML as [M1 M2 L1 L2 HM HL HL2wf HML2ok]; subst.
      destruct (make_globalenv D2 (M2, L2)) as [ge2 | ] eqn:Hge2.
      2: constructor.
      generalize (make_globalenv_make_program (M2, L2) _ Hge2).
      destruct 1 as (p2 & Hp2).
      assert (isOK (MakeProgramSpec.make_program _ (M1, L1))) as P1.
        assert ( r, res_le r (MakeProgramSpec.make_program _ (M1, L1)) (MakeProgramSpec.make_program _ (M2, L2))) as P1.
          exploit (foodef_rel_mpr D1 D2
                                  (fun ioption_le (clight_funrel D1 D2 R L1 M2 L2 i))
                                  (fun ioption_le )).
            intros j x y Hxy.
            eapply make_clight_fundef_error.
            inversion Hxy.
          intro RELS.
          eapply make_program_rel; eauto.
          clear i.
          intro i; split.
          + unfold get_module_layer_function; simpl.
            generalize (get_layer_primitive_sim_monotonic _ _ _ i _ _ HL).
            unfold clight_semantics_ops, clayer_ops, cmodule_ops in × |- × .
            rewrite ptree_get_semof_primitive.
            intro LE.
            generalize (res_option_inj_inv (get_module_function i M2) (get_layer_primitive i L2)).
            destruct 1 as [ (Hm2 & Hl2 & RES) | [
                              (f & Hm2 & Hl2 & RES) | [
                                (v & Hm2 & Hl2 & RES) |
                                (e & RES)
              unfold clight_semantics_ops, clayer_ops, cmodule_ops in × |- × ;
              rewrite RES;
            clear RES;
            (try rewrite Hm2 in LE);
            (try rewrite Hl2 in LE);
            simpl in LE;
            try now constructor.
            Local Remove Hints lower_bound : typeclass_instances.
            - transport Hm2.
              unfold semof_function in LE.
              inversion LE; subst.
              match goal with
                  K: option_le _ _ None |- _
                  inversion K; clear K; subst
              match goal with
                  K: ptree_module_function i M1 = _ |- _
                  setoid_rewrite K
            - unfold semof_function in LE.
              unfold semof_fundef in LE.
              simpl in LE.
              unfold clight_semantics_ops, clayer_ops, cmodule_ops in × |- × .
              rewrite Hge2 in LE.
              generalize Hm2. intro Hm2_.
              transport Hm2.
              match goal with
                  K: ptree_module_function i M1 = _ |- _
                  setoid_rewrite K
              inversion LE; subst; simpl;
                match goal with
                    K: option_le _ _ (Some _) |- _
                    inversion K; clear K; subst
              try now repeat constructor.
              × repeat constructor.
                econstructor; eauto.
                setoid_rewrite ptree_get_semof_primitive.
                setoid_rewrite Hl2.
                rewrite id_right.
                rewrite Hm2_.
                unfold semof_function.
                setoid_rewrite Hge2.
              × edestruct @modules_layers_function_primitive_ok; eauto.
            - transport Hm2.
              match goal with
                  K: option_le _ _ None |- _
                  inversion K; clear K; subst
              match goal with
                  K: ptree_module_function i M1 = _ |- _
                  setoid_rewrite K
              inversion LE; subst.
              match goal with
                  K: OK ?u = get_layer_primitive i L1 |- _
                  destruct u; try now (repeat constructor)
              constructor; eauto.
              inversion H2; eauto.
          + unfold get_module_layer_variable.
            unfold fst. unfold snd.
            generalize (get_layer_globalvar_sim_monotonic _ _ _ i _ _ HL).
            unfold clight_semantics_ops, clayer_ops, cmodule_ops in × |- × .
            rewrite ptree_get_semof_globalvar.
            intro LE.
            cut (res_le (option_le eq)
                        (get_module_variable i M1 get_layer_globalvar i L1)
                        (get_module_variable i M2 get_layer_globalvar i L2)).
              unfold clayer_ops, cmodule_ops.
              inversion 1; subst;
              match goal with
                K: option_le _ _ _ |- _
                inversion K; subst
              repeat constructor.
            apply GlobalVars.res_option_globalvar_lub; auto.
            destruct (get_module_variable i M2) as [ [ g | ] | ] eqn:Hm2;
                (transport Hm2;
                 match goal with
                   K: ptree_module_variable i M1 = _ |- _
                   setoid_rewrite K
              try now constructor.
            - destruct (get_layer_globalvar i L2) as [ [ g0 | ] | ];
              try constructor; auto.
              destruct (globalvar_eq_dec g g0).
                autorewrite with res_option_globalvar.
                constructor; auto.
              rewrite res_option_globalvar_oplus_diff by assumption.
            - match goal with
                K: option_le _ _ _ |- _
                inversion K; subst
              apply oplus_lower_bound.
        destruct P1 as (_R & Hp1).
        rewrite Hp2 in Hp1.
        inversion Hp1; subst.
        esplit; eauto.
      destruct P1 as (p1 & Hp1).
      pose proof Hge2 as Hge1.
      eapply transport in Hge1.
      2: instantiate (1 := (make_globalenv D1 (M1, L1))).
      2: instantiate (1 := genv_le (fundef_le D1 D2 (clight_funrel D1 D2 R L1 M2 L2))).
      2: monotonicity.
      2: eapply clight_module_layer_funrel; eauto.
      split_hyp Hge1.
      rewrite H.
      monad_norm. simpl.
      + eapply clight_cprimitive_match.
        eapply clight_sim; eauto.
        unfold make_globalenv in ×.
        inv_monad Hge2.
        inv_monad H; subst.
        eapply clight_funrel_prf; eauto.
        constructor. auto.
      + simpl.
        unfold incl; auto.

  Global Instance clight_semantics_basics_prf:
    Semantics.Semantics _ function cprimitive (globvar type) cmodule clayer.
    apply ptree_semof_prf.

TODO: here we should be able to prove vertical composition as well. To do that we could modify FunctionSemantics to use the generalized notion of monotonicity and let PTreeSemantics do the rest. But this would break the existing code so maybe we want to start with adding hlper lemmas there.
And now, the soundness proof.

  Require Import LayerLogicImpl.

  Lemma soundness_fw D1 D2 (R: simrel D1 D2) (LL: clayer D2) (M: cmodule) (LH: clayer D1) ph pl:
    InitMemMakeProgram.module_layer_init_rel R (, LH) (M, LL)
    LL (R, M) : LH
      ( i, ¬ isOKNone (get_module_variable i CTXT)
                 ¬ isOKNone (get_module_layer_variable i (M, LL))
                 ¬ In i (map fst (simrel_new_glbl R)))
      MakeProgramSpec.make_program D1 (CTXT, LH) = OK ph
      MakeProgramSpec.make_program D2 (CTXT M, LL) = OK pl
       types (TE: build_composite_env types = OK cenv) ph' pl' ,
        clight_program_of_program types ph = OK ph'
        clight_program_of_program types pl = OK pl'
        (Clight.semantics2 (enable_builtins_instance := cprimitive_cc_ops D1 LH) ph')
        (Clight.semantics2 (enable_builtins_instance := cprimitive_cc_ops D2 LL) pl').
    intros types TEQ ph' pl' CPOPh CPOPl.
    eapply clight_fw; eauto.
      apply oplus_le_left.
    htransitivity (M LL).
    - exact HLM.
      apply semof_monotonic.
      apply layer_sim_module_layer_sim.
      + simpl. apply right_upper_bound.
      + split.
        { instantiate (1 := id). reflexivity. }
        { exact I. }
    - simpl.
      assert (
          InitMemMakeProgram.module_layer_init_rel R
                                                   (CTXT , LH) (CTXT M, LL)
        ) as HINITREL'.
      { apply InitMemMakeProgram.module_layer_init_rel_context; auto. }
      clear HINITREL.
      revert HINITREL' .
      apply InitMemMakeProgram.module_layer_init_rel_ext; auto.
      + symmetry. apply simrel_compose_id_left.
      + intro i.
        unfold get_module_layer_function.
        rewrite get_module_function_oplus.
        rewrite get_module_function_empty.
        match goal with
          |- context [ ?u OK None ] ⇒
          replace (u OK None) with u; auto
        destruct (get_module_function i CTXT) as [ [ | ] | ] ; auto.
      + intro i.
        unfold get_module_layer_variable.
        rewrite get_module_variable_oplus.
        rewrite get_module_variable_empty.

Receptiveness of whole-machine ClightX for LayerLib C-style primitives.
Here, we need to weaken the hypotheses of compcert.cfrontend.Clight.semantics_receptive, which assume that functions satisfy all external function properties. In fact, we only need ec_receptive and ec_trace_length, which are related to the event trace, and thus trivially hold since LayerLib primitives produce no events.

  Context {SI: SymbolsInject}.

  Theorem semantics_receptive D L p:
      (Clight.semantics2 (enable_builtins_instance := cprimitive_cc_ops D L) p).
    + intros s t1 s1 t2 H H0.
      inversion H; subst; (try now (inversion H0; subst; eauto));
      exploit CPrimitives.external_call_receptive; eauto;
      destruct 1 as (? & ? & ?);
      econstructor; eauto.
    + unfold single_events.
      intros s t s' H.
      inversion H; subst; (try now (simpl; auto with arith));
      eapply CPrimitives.external_call_trace_length; eauto.


Determinacy of whole-machine ClightX when primitives satisfy external function properties.

  Context `{Hcfg: ExternalCalls}.

  Lemma assign_loc_determ ge ty m loc ofs v m1 m2:
    assign_loc ge ty m loc ofs v m1
    assign_loc ge ty m loc ofs v m2
    m1 = m2.
    inversion 1;
    inversion 1;

  Lemma deref_loc_determ ty m b o v1 v2:
    deref_loc ty m b o v1
    deref_loc ty m b o v2
    v1 = v2.
    inversion 1;
    inversion 1;

  Lemma eval_expr_lvalue_determ (genv: Clight.genv) (env: env) (tenv: temp_env) (m: mem0):
    ( e v1,
       eval_expr genv env tenv m e v1
         eval_expr genv env tenv m e v2
         v1 = v2)
    ( e b1 o1,
       eval_lvalue genv env tenv m e b1 o1
        b2 o2,
         eval_lvalue genv env tenv m e b2 o2
         (b1, o1) = (b2, o2)).
    apply eval_expr_lvalue_ind;
    try now
        ( inversion 1; subst;
          (try congruence);
          try (match goal with K: eval_lvalue _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |- _
                               now inversion K
        ( inversion 2; subst;
          (try congruence);
          try (match goal with K: eval_lvalue _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |- _
                               now inversion K
    × intros a ty loc ofs H H0 v2 H1.
      inversion H1; subst.
      + exploit H0; eauto.
      + clear H.
        match goal with K: eval_lvalue _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |- _
                        now inversion K
    × intros op a ty v1 v H H0 H1 v2 H2.
      inversion H2; subst.
      + exploit H0; eauto.
      + match goal with K: eval_lvalue _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |- _
                        now inversion K
    × intros op a1 a2 ty v1 v2 v H H0 H1 H2 H3 v0 H4.
      inversion H4; subst.
      + exploit H0; eauto.
        exploit H2; eauto.
      + match goal with K: eval_lvalue _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |- _
                        now inversion K
    × intros a ty v1 v H H0 H1 v2 H2.
      inversion H2; subst.
      + exploit H0; eauto.
      + match goal with K: eval_lvalue _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |- _
                        now inversion K
    × intros a loc ofs v H H0 H1 v2 H2.
      inversion H2; subst; try now inversion H.
      exploit H0; eauto.
      inversion 1; subst.
      eapply deref_loc_determ; eauto.
    × inversion 2; congruence.
    × inversion 3; congruence.
    × intros a ty l ofs H H0 b2 o2 H1.
      inversion H1; subst.
      exploit H0; eauto.
    × intros a i ty l ofs id co fList att delta H H0 H1 H2 b2 o2 H3.
      inversion H3; subst; try congruence.
      exploit H; eauto.
    × intros a i ty l ofs id co fList att H H0 H1 b2 o2 H2.
      inversion H2; subst; try congruence.
      exploit H; eauto.

  Lemma eval_expr_determ (genv: Clight.genv) (env: env) (tenv: temp_env) (m: mem0):
    ( e v1,
       eval_expr genv env tenv m e v1
         eval_expr genv env tenv m e v2
         v1 = v2).
    exact (proj1 (eval_expr_lvalue_determ _ _ _ _)).

  Lemma eval_lvalue_determ (genv: Clight.genv) (env: env) (tenv: temp_env) (m: mem0):
    ( e b1 o1,
       eval_lvalue genv env tenv m e b1 o1
        b2 o2,
         eval_lvalue genv env tenv m e b2 o2
         (b1, o1) = (b2, o2)).
    exact (proj2 (eval_expr_lvalue_determ _ _ _ _)).

  Ltac eval_expr_lvalue_determ :=
    match goal with
        K1: eval_expr ?genv ?env ?tenv ?m ?e ?v1,
        K2: eval_expr ?genv ?env ?tenv ?m ?e ?v2
        |- _
        generalize (eval_expr_determ genv env tenv m e v1 K1 v2 K2);
          clear K1 K2;
          intro; subst
        K1: eval_lvalue ?genv ?env ?tenv ?m ?e ?b1 ?o1,
        K2: eval_lvalue ?genv ?env ?tenv ?m ?e ?b2 ?o2
        |- _
        generalize (eval_lvalue_determ genv env tenv m e b1 o1 K1 b2 o2 K2);
          clear K1 K2;
          let K := fresh in
          intro K; inversion K; clear K; subst

  Lemma eval_exprlist_determ (genv: Clight.genv) (env: env) (tenv: temp_env) (m: mem0):
     el tyl vl1,
      eval_exprlist genv env tenv m el tyl vl1
        eval_exprlist genv env tenv m el tyl vl2
        vl1 = vl2.
    induction 1; inversion 1; subst; auto.
    f_equal; eauto.

  Lemma alloc_variables_determ ge e m:
     l e1 m1,
      alloc_variables ge e m l e1 m1
       e2 m2,
        alloc_variables ge e m l e2 m2
        e1 = e2 m1 = m2.
    clear Hcfg.
    induction 1; inversion 1; subst; auto.
    eapply IHalloc_variables; eauto.

  Lemma function_entry2_determ ge f vargs m e1 le1 m1 e2 le2 m2:
    function_entry2 ge f vargs m e1 le1 m1
    function_entry2 ge f vargs m e2 le2 m2
    le1 = le2 e1 = e2 m1 = m2.
    inversion 1; subst.
    inversion 1; subst.
    + congruence.
    + eapply alloc_variables_determ; eauto.

  Ltac eval_determ :=

    match goal with
        K1: assign_loc ?ge ?ty ?m ?loc ?ofs ?v ?m1,
        K2: assign_loc ?ge ?ty ?m ?loc ?ofs ?v ?m2
        |- _
        generalize (assign_loc_determ ge ty m loc ofs v m1 m2 K1 K2);
          clear K1 K2;
          intro; subst
        K1: deref_loc ?ty ?m ?b ?o ?v1,
        K2: deref_loc ?ty ?m ?b ?o ?v2
        |- _
        generalize (deref_loc_determ ty m b o v1 v2 K1 K2);
          clear K1 K2;
          intro; subst
        K1: ?a = Some ?b1,
        K2: ?a = Some ?b2
        |- _
        assert (b1 = b2) by congruence;
          clear K1 K2;
        K1: ?a = Cop.fun_case_f ?tyargs1 ?tyres1 ?cconv1,
        K2: ?a = Cop.fun_case_f ?tyargs2 ?tyres2 ?cconv2
        |- _
        let K := fresh in
        assert (tyargs1 = tyargs2 tyres1 = tyres2 cconv1 = cconv2)
          as K
            by ((repeat split); clear Hcfg; congruence);
        clear K1 K2;
        destruct K as (? & ? & ?);
        K1: eval_exprlist ?genv ?env ?tenv ?m ?el ?tyl ?vl1,
        K2: eval_exprlist ?genv ?env ?tenv ?m ?el ?tyl ?vl2
        |- _
        generalize (eval_exprlist_determ genv env tenv m el tyl vl1 K1 vl2 K2);
          clear K1 K2;
          intro; subst
        K: Vint ?u = Vint ?v
        |- _
        inversion K; clear K; subst
        K: (_, _) = (_, _)
        |- _
        inversion K; clear K; subst
        K1: function_entry2 ?ge ?f ?vargs ?m ?e1 ?le1 ?m1,
        K2: function_entry2 ?ge ?f ?vargs ?m ?e2 ?le2 ?m2
        |- _
        generalize (function_entry2_determ ge f vargs m e1 le1 m1 e2 le2 m2 K1 K2);
          clear K1 K2;
          destruct 1 as (? & ? & ?);

  Theorem semantics_determinate p:
      (Clight.semantics2 p).
    + inversion 1; subst;
      try now (
            inversion 1; subst; (try now (clear Hcfg; intuition discriminate));
            (try contradiction);
            (repeat eval_determ);
            clear; intuition constructor
      × inversion 1; subst; (try now (clear Hcfg; intuition discriminate)).
        repeat eval_determ.
        match goal with
            K1: external_call _ _ _ _ ?u1 _ _,
            K2: external_call _ _ _ _ ?u2 _ _
          |- match_traces _ ?u1 ?u2 _
            generalize (external_call_determ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ K1 K2)
        destruct 1 as (? & U).
        split; auto.
        intro; subst.
        destruct U; subst; auto.
      × inversion 1; subst; (try now (clear Hcfg; intuition discriminate)).
        repeat eval_determ.
        match goal with
            K1: external_call _ _ _ _ ?u1 _ _,
            K2: external_call _ _ _ _ ?u2 _ _
          |- match_traces _ ?u1 ?u2 _
            generalize (external_call_determ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ K1 K2)
        destruct 1 as (? & U).
        split; auto.
        intro; subst.
        destruct U; subst; auto.
    + unfold single_events.
      inversion 1; subst; simpl; eauto using external_call_trace_length with arith.
    + inversion 1; subst.
      inversion 1; subst.
      unfold ge in ×.
      unfold ge0 in ×.
    + inversion 1; subst.
      unfold nostep.
      intros t s'.
      intro ABSURD.
      inversion ABSURD.
    + inversion 1; inversion 1; congruence.


    `{Hmem: BaseMemoryModel}
    `{mkp_prf: MakeProgram}

  Existing Instance meminj_preserves_globals'_instance.

  Lemma soundness_bw
        D1 D2 (R: simrel D1 D2) (LL: clayer D2) (M: cmodule) (LH: clayer D1) ph pl:
    ForallPrimitive D2 (CPrimitiveExtcallProperties D2) LL
    InitMemMakeProgram.module_layer_init_rel R (, LH) (M, LL)
    LL (R, M) : LH
      ( i, ¬ isOKNone (get_module_variable i CTXT)
                 ¬ isOKNone (get_module_layer_variable i (M, LL))
                 ¬ In i (map fst (simrel_new_glbl R)))
      MakeProgramSpec.make_program D1 (CTXT, LH) = OK ph
      MakeProgramSpec.make_program D2 (CTXT M, LL) = OK pl
        types (TE: build_composite_env types = OK cenv) ph' pl' ,
        clight_program_of_program types ph = OK ph'
        clight_program_of_program types pl = OK pl'
        (Clight.semantics2 (enable_builtins_instance := cprimitive_cc_ops D1 LH) ph')
        (Clight.semantics2 (enable_builtins_instance := cprimitive_cc_ops D2 LL) pl').
    intros H H0 H1 CTXT H2 H3 H4 types TEQ ph' pl' CPOPh CPOPl.
    apply Smallstep.forward_to_backward_simulation.
    + eapply soundness_fw; eauto.
    + apply semantics_receptive.
    + pose proof cprimitive_ec_props.
      apply semantics_determinate.