Library liblayers.logic.LayerData
Class CategoryOps (V: Type) (E: V → V → Type): Type :=
cat_equiv v1 v2 :> Equiv (E v1 v2);
cat_id v :> Id (E v v);
cat_compose v1 v2 v3 :> Compose (E v1 v2) (E v2 v3) (E v1 v3)
Class Category V E `{VEops: CategoryOps V E}: Prop :=
cat_equiv_prf {v1 v2: V} :>
@Equivalence (E v1 v2) (≡);
cat_compose_prf {v1 v2 v3: V} :>
Monotonic (compose (A := E v1 v2) (B := E v2 v3)) ((≡) ==> (≡) ==> (≡));
cat_compose_id_left {v1 v2: V}:
∀ (e: E v1 v2),
id ∘ e ≡ e;
cat_compose_id_right {v1 v2: V}:
∀ (e: E v1 v2),
e ∘ id ≡ e;
cat_compose_assoc {v1 v2 v3 v4: V}:
∀ (e12: E v1 v2) (e23: E v2 v3) (e34: E v3 v4),
e34 ∘ (e23 ∘ e12) ≡ (e34 ∘ e23) ∘ e12
Global Instance cat_compose_params:
Params (@compose) 2.
cat_equiv_prf {v1 v2: V} :>
@Equivalence (E v1 v2) (≡);
cat_compose_prf {v1 v2 v3: V} :>
Monotonic (compose (A := E v1 v2) (B := E v2 v3)) ((≡) ==> (≡) ==> (≡));
cat_compose_id_left {v1 v2: V}:
∀ (e: E v1 v2),
id ∘ e ≡ e;
cat_compose_id_right {v1 v2: V}:
∀ (e: E v1 v2),
e ∘ id ≡ e;
cat_compose_assoc {v1 v2 v3 v4: V}:
∀ (e12: E v1 v2) (e23: E v2 v3) (e34: E v3 v4),
e34 ∘ (e23 ∘ e12) ≡ (e34 ∘ e23) ∘ e12
Global Instance cat_compose_params:
Params (@compose) 2.
Associated concrete simulation relations
Class CategorySim V E T `{cat_ops: CategoryOps V E} `{cat_sim: Sim V E T} :=
cat_sim_cat: Category V E;
cat_sim_proper :> Monotonic simRR (forallr -, forallr -, (≡) ==> subrel);
cat_sim_refl v :> @Reflexive (T v) (sim id);
cat_sim_trans v1 v2 v3 (e12: E v1 v2) (e23: E v2 v3) :>
HTransitive (sim e12) (sim e23) (sim (e23 ∘ e12))
Global Instance cat_sim_proper_params:
Params (@simRR) 5.
Local Existing Instance cat_sim_cat.
We can specialize cat_sim_trans to account for situations where
either e12 or e23 are id, in which case the goal does not need
to be of the form sim (_ ∘ _).
Global Instance cat_sim_trans_le_left `{CategorySim}:
∀ v1 v2 (e12: E v1 v2),
HTransitive (sim e12) (sim id) (sim e12) | 2.
intros v1 v2 e12.
intros a b c Hab Hbc.
rewrite <- cat_compose_id_left.
ehtransitivity; eassumption.
Global Instance cat_sim_trans_le_right `{CategorySim}:
∀ v1 v2 (e12: E v1 v2),
HTransitive (sim id) (sim e12) (sim e12) | 2.
intros v1 v2 e12.
intros a b c Hab Hbc.
rewrite <- cat_compose_id_right.
ehtransitivity; eassumption.
Global Instance cat_sim_preorder `{CategorySim}:
∀ v, @PreOrder (T v) (sim id).
intros v.
× apply cat_sim_refl.
× intros x y z Hxy Hyz.
htransitivity y;