Library liblayers.logic.Structures

Require Export Coq.Lists.List.
Require Export Coq.Program.Basics.
Require Export Coq.Relations.Relations.
Require Export Coq.Classes.RelationClasses.
Require Export Coq.Bool.Bool.
Require Export coqrel.LogicalRelations.

Generic operations

The class definitions below are MathClasses-style overloaded operators. This is quite useful because common structures show up between modules and layers, and at different levels of their construction.
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By convention, most of the time we use the LaTeX sequence of the operator as the name for the class and field, so the sequences for the operators below should be obvious. The only exception is compose, which is denoted by ̧\circ.

Class Id A := { id : A }.

Class Compose A B C := { compose : A B C }.
Notation "(;)" := compose.
Notation "f ∘ g" := (compose g f) (at level 40, left associativity).

Class Emptyset A := { emptyset : A }.
Notation "∅" := emptyset.

Class Bot A := { bot : A }.
Notation "⊥" := bot.

Class Top A := { top : A }.
Notation "⊤" := top.

Class Le A := { le : relation A }.
Notation "(≤)" := le.
Infix "≤" := le (at level 70, right associativity).

Class Equiv A := { equiv : relation A }.
Notation "(≡)" := equiv.
Infix "≡" := equiv (at level 70, right associativity).

Class Oplus A := { oplus : A A A }.
Notation "(⊕)" := oplus.
Infix "⊕" := oplus (at level 60, right associativity).

Class Mapsto A B C := { mapsto : A B C }.
Notation "(↦)" := mapsto.
Notation "( i ↦)" := (mapsto i).
Infix "↦" := mapsto (at level 55, right associativity).

Class Vdash A B C := { vdash : A B C Prop }.
Notation "Γ ⊢ M : τ" := (vdash Γ M τ)
  (at level 65, left associativity, M at level 99).

Class Vdash2 A B C D := { vdash2 : A B C D Prop }.
Notation "Γ ⊢ ( R , M ) : τ" := (vdash2 Γ R M τ)
  (at level 65, left associativity, M at level 99).

Generic operators for a type of specifications T

Definition sim_relation {layerdata} (simrel: layerdata layerdata Type) T :=
   D1 D2 (R: simrel D1 D2), rel (T D1) (T D2).

Class Sim {layerdata} simrel (T: layerdata Type) :=
  { simRR : sim_relation simrel T }.

Notation sim := (simRR _ _).

Class Semof {layerdata} (A: Type) (T U: layerdata Type) :=
  { semof: D, A × T D U D }.

Notation "〚 M 〛 L" := (semof _ (M, L)) (at level 0).

Sometimes we want eauto to unfold the generic operators so as to apply theorems about a specific implementation.
Hint Unfold le : liblayers.

Generic properties

Now we can give generic definitions for some recurring properties, making use of the overloaded operators above.

Class Associative {A} (R: relation A) (op: A A A): Prop :=
  associativity x y z : R (op (op x y) z) (op x (op y z)).

Class Commutative {A} (R: relation A) (op: A A A): Prop :=
  commutativity x y : R (op x y) (op y x).

Class LeftIdentity {A} (R: relation A) (op: A A A) (u: A): Prop :=
  id_left y : R (op u y) y.

Class RightIdentity {A} (R: relation A) (op: A A A) (u: A): Prop :=
  id_right x : R (op x u) x.

Class LeftUpperBound {A} (R: relation A) (op: A A A): Prop :=
  left_upper_bound x y : R x (op x y).

Class RightUpperBound {A} (R: relation A) (op: A A A): Prop :=
  right_upper_bound x y : R y (op x y).

Class LowerBound {A B} (R: rel A B) (lb: A): Prop :=
  lower_bound : y, Related lb y R.

Class UpperBound {A B} (R: rel A B) (ub: B): Prop :=
  upper_bound : x, Related x ub R.

Hint Extern 1 (Related ?x ?y ?R) ⇒
  not_evar x; eapply @lower_bound : typeclass_instances.

Hint Extern 1 (Related ?x ?y ?R) ⇒
  not_evar y; eapply @upper_bound : typeclass_instances.

Heterogenous transitivity

This heterogenous version of transitivity is useful with our category-indexed simulation relations, for which transitivity can go through different types.

Class HTransitive {A B C} (RAB: rel A B) (RBC: rel B C) (RAC: rel A C): Prop :=
  htransitivity: a b c, RAB a b RBC b c RAC a c.

Ltac htransitivity b :=
  lazymatch goal with
    | |- ?R ?a ?c
      apply (htransitivity a b c)

Ltac ehtransitivity :=
  eapply htransitivity.

Instance trans_htrans `(Transitive):
  HTransitive R R R.
  intros a b c Hab Hac.
  transitivity b; assumption.

Instance prod_rel_htrans {A B C X Y Z} RAB RBC RAC RXY RYZ RXZ:
  HTransitive (A:=A) (B:=B) (C:=C) RAB RBC RAC
  HTransitive (A:=X) (B:=Y) (C:=Z) RXY RYZ RXZ
  HTransitive (prod_rel RAB RXY) (prod_rel RBC RYZ) (prod_rel RAC RXZ).
  intros HRABC HRXYZ.
  intros x y z Hxy Hyz.
  destruct Hxy.
  inversion Hyz; subst.
  constructor; ehtransitivity; eassumption.

Instance rel_compose_htrans {A B C} (RAB: rel A B) (RBC: rel B C):
  HTransitive RAB RBC (rel_compose RAB RBC).

Instance set_rel_htrans A B C R S T:
  @HTransitive A B C R S T
  HTransitive (set_rel R) (set_rel S) (set_rel T).
  intros HRST x y z Hxy Hyz.
  intros a Ha.
  destruct (Hxy a Ha) as (b & Hb & Hab).
  destruct (Hyz b Hb) as (c & Hc & Hbc).

XXX: ideally, here we'd have some typeclass to use instead of Proper such as SolveMonotonic, with the idea that Proper is the user-declared inputs, whereas SolveMonotonic is the automatically derived outputs.
Global Instance rel_incr_htrans WAB WBC WAC acca accb accc cw A B C RAB RBC RAC:
  ( wab wbc, HTransitive (RAB wab) (RBC wbc) (RAC (cw wab wbc)))
  Proper (acca ++> accb ++> accc) cw
   wab wbc, HTransitive
    (@rel_incr WAB A B acca RAB wab)
    (@rel_incr WBC B C accb RBC wbc)
    (@rel_incr WAC A C accc RAC (cw wab wbc)).
  intros HR Hcompw wab wbc a b c (wab' & Hwab' & Hab) (wbc' & Hwbc' & Hbc).
  reexists; repeat rstep.
  ehtransitivity; eassumption.

This is the converse property, mainly used for simulation paths: if there is a simulation along path p23 p12, then there is a "midpoint" with simulations along p12 and p23. Like heterogenous transitivity, stating this property in terms of the following typeclass allows us to show easily that it carries through option_le and the like.

Class RTransitive {A B C} (RAB: rel A B) (RBC: rel B C) (RAC: rel A C): Prop :=
  rtransitivity: a c, RAC a c b, RAB a b RBC b c.

Global Instance eq_rtrans {A}:
  RTransitive (@eq A) (@eq A) (@eq A).
  intros x z Hxz; subst.

Global Instance prod_rel_rtrans {A B C X Y Z} RAB RBC RAC RXY RYZ RXZ:
  RTransitive (A:=A) (B:=B) (C:=C) RAB RBC RAC
  RTransitive (A:=X) (B:=Y) (C:=Z) RXY RYZ RXZ
  RTransitive (prod_rel RAB RXY) (prod_rel RBC RYZ) (prod_rel RAC RXZ).
  intros HRABC HRXYZ.
  intros [a x] [c z] [Hac Hxz]; simpl in ×.
  apply rtransitivity in Hac.
  destruct Hac as (b & Hab & Hbc).
  apply rtransitivity in Hxz.
  destruct Hxz as (y & Hxy & Hyz).
   (b, y).
  split; constructor; assumption.

Global Instance rel_compose_rtrans {A B C} (RAB: rel A B) (RBC: rel B C):
  RTransitive RAB RBC (rel_compose RAB RBC).

If we have both HTransitive and RTransitive instances, we can establish the following equivalence, which is useful for rewriting.

Lemma xtransitivity `{HTransitive} `{!RTransitive RAB RBC RAC}:
   a c, RAC a c b, RAB a b RBC b c.
  × apply rtransitivity.
  × intros (b & Hab & Hbc).
    htransitivity b; assumption.

Hints for eauto and autorewrite

Most of the generic properties above cannot be used directly as hints because the head term is a variable. Hence we register a couple of versions specialized to often-used (families of) relations.

Hint Resolve (associativity (R := eq)) : liblayers.
Hint Resolve (commutativity (R := eq)) : liblayers.
Hint Resolve (id_left (R := eq)) : liblayers.
Hint Resolve (id_right (R := eq)) : liblayers.

Hint Resolve (associativity (R := (≡))) : liblayers.
Hint Resolve (commutativity (R := (≡))) : liblayers.
Hint Resolve (id_left (R := (≡))) : liblayers.
Hint Resolve (id_right (R := (≡))) : liblayers.

Hint Resolve (associativity (R := (≤))) : liblayers.
Hint Resolve (commutativity (R := (≤))) : liblayers.
Hint Resolve (id_left (R := (≤))) : liblayers.
Hint Resolve (id_right (R := (≤))) : liblayers.
Hint Resolve (left_upper_bound (R := (≤))) : liblayers.
Hint Resolve (right_upper_bound (R := (≤))) : liblayers.
Hint Resolve (lower_bound (R := (≤))) : liblayers.
Hint Resolve (upper_bound (R := (≤))) : liblayers.

For rewriting we have a similar problem, where once things are filled in by unification with the match found, the generated subgoals (namely the typeclass instances to resolve) cannot contain existential variables. Hence we apply the same specialization strategy. Unfortunately, here we have to spell it out as separate lemmas, because the registered rewrite theorems cannot contain holes (only regular premises to be solved by the tactic provided).

Lemma associativity_eq {A} `{Associative A eq}:
   x y z, op (op x y) z = op x (op y z).
Proof associativity.

Lemma id_left_eq {A} `{LeftIdentity A eq}:
   x, op u x = x.
Proof id_left.

Lemma id_right_eq {A} `{RightIdentity A eq}:
   x, op x u = x.
Proof id_right.

Lemma associativity_le `{Le} `{Associative _ (≤)}:
   x y z, op (op x y) z op x (op y z).
Proof associativity.

Lemma id_left_le `{Le} `{LeftIdentity _ (≤)}:
   x, op u x x.
Proof id_left.

Lemma id_right_le `{Le} `{RightIdentity _ (≤)}:
   x, op x u x.
Proof id_right.

Lemma associativity_equiv `{Equiv} `{Associative _ (≡)}:
   x y z, op (op x y) z op x (op y z).
Proof associativity.

Lemma id_left_equiv `{Equiv} `{LeftIdentity _ (≡)}:
   x, op u x x.
Proof id_left.

Lemma id_right_equiv `{Equiv} `{RightIdentity _ (≡)}:
   x, op x u x.
Proof id_right.

Hint Rewrite
  using typeclasses eauto : liblayers.

Some properties of properties

Global Instance assoc_subrel {A} (R S: relation A) (op: A A A):
  subrelation R S
  Unconvertible R S
  Associative R op
  Associative S op.
  intros HRS _ Hassoc x y z.
  apply HRS.
  apply associativity.

Global Instance comm_subrel {A} (R S: relation A) (op: A A A):
  subrelation R S
  Unconvertible R S
  Commutative R op
  Commutative S op.
  intros HRS _ Hcomm x y.
  apply HRS.
  apply commutativity.

Global Instance id_left_subrel {A} (R S: relation A) (op: A A A) (u: A):
  subrelation R S
  Unconvertible R S
  LeftIdentity R op u
  LeftIdentity S op u.
  intros HRS _ Hid x.
  apply HRS.
  apply id_left.

Global Instance id_right_subrel {A} (R S: relation A) (op: A A A) (u: A):
  subrelation R S
  Unconvertible R S
  RightIdentity R op u
  RightIdentity S op u.
  intros HRS _ Hid x.
  apply HRS.
  apply id_right.

Global Instance id_left_id_right {A} (R: relation A) op u:
  LeftIdentity R op u
  Commutative R op
  Transitive R
  RightIdentity R op u.
  intros Hleft Hcomm Htrans.
  intros x.
  transitivity (op u x).
  × apply commutativity.
  × apply id_left.

Global Instance left_upper_bound_right_upper_bound {A} (R: relation A) op:
  LeftUpperBound R op
  Commutative R op
  Transitive R
  RightUpperBound R op.
  intros Hleft Hcomm Htrans.
  intros x y.
  rewrite <- (commutativity y x).
  apply left_upper_bound.

Instance refl_subrel_eq {A} (R: relation A):
  Reflexive R subrelation eq R.
  intros Hrefl x y Hxy.

Logical relationish kind of things

We should eventually drop the 'solve_monotonic' syntax, and use the 'rauto' tactic instead.

Ltac solve_monotonic :=
  repeat rstep.

Generic instances for relation properties

Global Instance respectful_eq_transitive {A B} (R: relation B):
  Transitive R
  Transitive (@eq A ==> R)%rel.

Instance pointwise_preorder A {B} `(PreOrder B):
  @PreOrder (A B) (- ==> R).
  × intros f i.
  × intros f g h Hfg Hgh i.
    transitivity (g i); eauto.

Basic instances


Instance impl_preorder:
  PreOrder impl.


Boolean are sufficiently simple that we can prove pretty much anything by just enumerating all possibilities.
Ltac booltac :=
  repeat (intros [|] || intro; unfold Related; simpl);
  try match goal with
    | H: true = false |- _inversion H
    | H: false = true |- _inversion H

Global Instance leb_op: Le bool := { le := leb }.

Global Instance leb_preorder:
  PreOrder leb.
  split; booltac.

Section BOOL.
  Local Hint Extern 10 ⇒ booltac : typeclass_instances.
  Global Instance leb_antisym: Antisymmetric bool eq leb := _.
  Global Instance leb_lower_bound: LowerBound leb false := _.
  Global Instance leb_upper_bound: UpperBound leb true := _.
  Global Instance orb_monotonic: Proper (leb ++> leb ++> leb) orb := _.
  Global Instance orb_id_left: LeftIdentity eq orb false := _.
  Global Instance orb_assoc: Associative eq orb := _.
  Global Instance orb_comm: Commutative eq orb := _.
  Global Instance orb_le_left: LeftUpperBound leb orb := _.
  Global Instance andb_monotonic: Proper (leb ++> leb ++> leb) andb := _.
  Global Instance andb_id_left: LeftIdentity eq andb true := _.
  Global Instance andb_assoc: Associative eq andb := _.
  Global Instance andb_comm: Commutative eq andb := _.

Lemma bool_le_true b1 b2:
  leb b1 b2
  b1 = true
  b2 = true.
  revert b1 b2; booltac.

Hint Resolve bool_le_true : liblayers.

The Equivalence derived from a PreOrder

XXX: those should be generic properties of R flip R, since they also apply to say, eqrel = subrel flip subrel.

Global Instance le_equiv `(Le): Equiv A | 10 :=
  { equiv x y := x y y x }.

Global Instance le_equiv_equivalence `{Ale: Le}:
  PreOrder (≤) Equivalence (≡).
  - intros x.
    split; reflexivity.
  - intros x y [Hxy Hyx].
    split; assumption.
  - intros x y z [Hxy Hyx] [Hyz Hzy].
    split; etransitivity; eassumption.

Global Instance le_equiv_antisymmetric `{Ale: Le}:
   (H: Equivalence (≡)), Antisymmetric A (≡) (≤).
  intros x y Hxy Hyx.
  split; assumption.

Global Instance le_equiv_subrel `{Ale: Le}:
  subrelation (≡) (≤).
  intros x y Hxy.
  apply Hxy.

Global Instance le_equiv_subrel_flip `{Ale: Le}:
  subrelation (≡) (flip (≤)).
  intros x y Hxy.
  apply Hxy.

Global Instance le_equiv_op_mor {A B C} `{Le A} `{Le B} `{Le C} (op: ABC):
  Proper ((≤) ++> (≤) ++> (≤)) op
  Proper ((≡) ==> (≡) ==> (≡)) op | 100.
  intros Hop x1 x2 [Hx12 Hx21] y1 y2 [Hy12 Hy21].
  split; apply Hop; assumption.

Local Instance le_antisym_equiv_eq `{Ale: Le}:
  Antisymmetric A eq (≤)
  subrelation (≡) eq.
  intros Hantisym.
  intros x y [Hxy Hyx].
  apply antisymmetry; assumption.

Local Instance le_equiv_assoc `{Le} op:
  PreOrder (≤)
  Proper ((≤) ++> (≤) ++> (≤)) op
  Commutative (≤) op
  Associative (≤) op
  Associative (≡) op.
  × apply associativity.
  × rewrite (commutativity x (op y z)).
    rewrite (commutativity y z).
    rewrite <- (commutativity z (op x y)).
    rewrite <- (commutativity y x).
    apply associativity.

Local Instance le_equiv_comm `{Le} op:
  Commutative (≤) op
  Commutative (≡) op.
  intros Hcomm.
  split; apply commutativity.

Trivial order

Local Instance trivial_le A: Le A | 100 := { le := eq }.

Global Instance trivial_le_preorder {A}:
  @PreOrder A (≤).
  split; typeclasses eauto.

Global Instance trivial_le_antisym {A}:
  Antisymmetric A eq (≤).