Library mcertikos.multithread.highrefins.PHThread2TComposeData

Require Import Coqlib.
Require Import Maps.
Require Import ASTExtra.
Require Import Integers.
Require Import Floats.
Require Import Values.
Require Import Memory.
Require Import Events.
Require Import Stacklayout.
Require Import Globalenvs.
Require Import AsmX.
Require Import Smallstep.
Require Import AuxStateDataType.
Require Import Constant.
Require Import GlobIdent.
Require Import FlatMemory.
Require Import CommonTactic.
Require Import AuxLemma.
Require Import RealParams.
Require Import PrimSemantics.
Require Import LAsm.
Require Import LoadStoreSem2.
Require Import XOmega.

Require Import liblayers.logic.PTreeModules.
Require Import liblayers.logic.LayerLogicImpl.
Require Import liblayers.compat.CompatLayers.
Require Import liblayers.compat.CompatGenSem.

Require Import I64Layer.

Require Import GlobalOracleProp.
Require Import DeviceStateDataType.
Require Import AuxSingleAbstractDataType.

Require Import SingleAbstractDataType.
Require Import SingleOracleDef.

Require Import SingleConfiguration.
Require Import ObjPHBThreadReplayFunction.

Require Import SoundnessAux.


  Context `{real_params_ops: RealParamsOps}.
  Context `{multi_oracle_prop: MultiOracleProp}.
  Local Instance single_data : SingleData := AuxSingleAbstractDataType.single_data.
  Context `{thread_conf_ops: ThreadsConfigurationOps}.

  Section COMB_DATA.

    Definition combine_data (kctxtOpt : option KContext) (sd : sharedData) (pd: privData) : AbstractDataType.RData :=
        AbstractDataType.CPU_ID:= CPU_ID sd;
        AbstractDataType.MM:= MM sd;
        AbstractDataType.MMSize:= MMSize sd;
        AbstractDataType.vmxinfo:= vmxinfo sd;

        AbstractDataType.CR3:= CR3 sd;

        AbstractDataType.ti:= ti pd; := pg sd;
        AbstractDataType.ikern:= ikern pd;
        AbstractDataType.ihost:= ihost pd;
        AbstractDataType.HP:= HP pd;

        AbstractDataType.cid := cid sd;
        AbstractDataType.multi_log:= ZMap.init MultiUndef;
        AbstractDataType.multi_oracle:= multi_oracle_init8;
        AbstractDataType.lock:= lock sd;
        AbstractDataType.AC:= ZMap.set (ZMap.get (CPU_ID sd) (cid sd)) (AC pd) (ZMap.init Container_unused);

        AbstractDataType.AT:= (ZMap.init ATUndef);
        AbstractDataType.ATC:= (ZMap.init ATCUndef);
        AbstractDataType.nps:= nps sd;
        AbstractDataType.init:= init sd;
        AbstractDataType.pperm:= pperm pd;

        AbstractDataType.PT:= PT pd;
        AbstractDataType.ptpool:= ptpool pd;
        AbstractDataType.idpde:= idpde sd;
        AbstractDataType.ipt:= ipt pd;
        AbstractDataType.LAT:= ZMap.init LATCUndef;
        AbstractDataType.smspool:= ZMap.init (ZMap.init SHRDUndef);

        AbstractDataType.kctxt:= match kctxtOpt with
                                 | Some kctxt_val ZMap.set (ZMap.get (CPU_ID sd) (cid sd)) kctxt_val
                                                               (ZMap.init (Pregmap.init Vundef))
                                 | _ (ZMap.init (Pregmap.init Vundef))
        AbstractDataType.sleeper:= init_sleeper;
        AbstractDataType.tcb:= ZMap.init TCBUndef;
        AbstractDataType.tdq:= ZMap.init TDQUndef;
        AbstractDataType.abtcb:= ZMap.init AbTCBUndef;
        AbstractDataType.abq:= ZMap.init AbQUndef;
        AbstractDataType.syncchpool:= syncchpool pd;
        AbstractDataType.buffer:= buffer pd;
        AbstractDataType.big_log:= big_log sd;
        AbstractDataType.big_oracle:= big_oracle sd;
        AbstractDataType.uctxt:= (ZMap.set (ZMap.get (CPU_ID sd) (cid sd)) (uctxt pd) (ZMap.init (ZMap.init Vundef)));
        AbstractDataType.ept:= (ZMap.set (CPU_ID sd) (ept pd) (ZMap.init (ZMap.init EPML4EUndef)));
        AbstractDataType.vmcs := (ZMap.set (CPU_ID sd) (vmcs pd)
                                           (ZMap.init (VMCSValid Vzero Vzero (ZMap.init Vundef))));
        AbstractDataType.vmx := (ZMap.set (CPU_ID sd) (vmx pd) (ZMap.init (ZMap.init Vundef)));

        AbstractDataType.ts:= 0;

        AbstractDataType.com1:= com1 pd;
        AbstractDataType.drv_serial:= drv_serial pd;
        AbstractDataType.console_concrete:= console_concrete pd;
        AbstractDataType.console:= console pd;
        AbstractDataType.ioapic:= ioapic pd;
        AbstractDataType.lapic:= lapic pd; tf pd;
        AbstractDataType.tf_reg:= tf_reg pd;
        AbstractDataType.curr_intr_num:= curr_intr_num pd;
        AbstractDataType.intr_flag:= intr_flag pd;
        AbstractDataType.saved_intr_flags:= saved_intr_flags pd;

        AbstractDataType.in_intr:= in_intr pd;
        AbstractDataType.i_dev_serial:= i_dev_serial pd;

        AbstractDataType.kbd:= kbd_init;
        AbstractDataType.kbd_drv:= kbd_drv_init


  Section MATCH.
    Set Printing All.

    Record PHThread2TGenInv (kctxt_val : KContext) (hadt : AbstractDataType.RData) (l : Log) (pd : dproc) :=
        CPU_ID_inv: (AbstractDataType.CPU_ID hadt) = GlobalOracle.current_CPU_ID
                    CPU_ID (update init_shared_adt l) = GlobalOracle.current_CPU_ID;
        valid_big_oracle_inv: valid_big_oracle (AbstractDataType.big_oracle hadt)
                              valid_big_oracle (big_oracle (update init_shared_adt l))

    Record relate_RData (kctxt_val : KContext) (hadt : AbstractDataType.RData) (l : Log) (pd : dproc) :=
        mkrelate_RData {
            flatmem_re: (AbstractDataType.HP hadt) = (HP pd);
            vmxinfo_re: AbstractDataType.vmxinfo hadt = vmxinfo (update init_shared_adt l);
            CR3_re: AbstractDataType.CR3 hadt = CR3 (update init_shared_adt l);
            ikern_re: AbstractDataType.ikern hadt = ikern pd;
            pg_re: hadt = pg (update init_shared_adt l);
            ihost_re: AbstractDataType.ihost hadt = ihost pd;
            AC_re: ZMap.get (ZMap.get (AbstractDataType.CPU_ID hadt) (AbstractDataType.cid hadt))
                            (AbstractDataType.AC hadt) = AC pd;
            ti_re: AbstractDataType.ti hadt = ti pd;
            nps_re: AbstractDataType.nps hadt = nps (update init_shared_adt l);
            init_re: AbstractDataType.init hadt = init (update init_shared_adt l);

            pperm_re: AbstractDataType.pperm hadt = pperm pd;
            PT_re: AbstractDataType.PT hadt = PT pd;
            ptp_re: AbstractDataType.ptpool hadt = ptpool pd;
            idpde_re: AbstractDataType.idpde hadt = idpde (update init_shared_adt l);
            ipt_re: AbstractDataType.ipt hadt = ipt pd;

            CPU_ID_re: AbstractDataType.CPU_ID hadt = CPU_ID (update init_shared_adt l);
            cid_re: ZMap.get (AbstractDataType.CPU_ID hadt) (AbstractDataType.cid hadt)
                    = ZMap.get (CPU_ID (update init_shared_adt l)) (cid (update init_shared_adt l));
            lock_re: AbstractDataType.lock hadt = lock (update init_shared_adt l);

            com1_re: AbstractDataType.com1 hadt = com1 pd;
            console_re: AbstractDataType.console hadt = console pd;
            console_concrete_re: AbstractDataType.console_concrete hadt = console_concrete pd;
            ioapic_re: AbstractDataType.ioapic hadt = ioapic pd;
            lapic_re: AbstractDataType.lapic hadt = lapic pd;
            intr_flag_re: AbstractDataType.intr_flag hadt = intr_flag pd;
            curr_intr_num_re: AbstractDataType.curr_intr_num hadt = curr_intr_num pd;
            in_intr_re: AbstractDataType.in_intr hadt = in_intr pd;
            drv_serial_re: AbstractDataType.drv_serial hadt = drv_serial pd;

            kctxt_re: ZMap.get (ZMap.get (AbstractDataType.CPU_ID hadt) (AbstractDataType.cid hadt))
                               (AbstractDataType.kctxt hadt) = kctxt_val;
            uctxt_re: ZMap.get (ZMap.get (AbstractDataType.CPU_ID hadt) (AbstractDataType.cid hadt))
                               (AbstractDataType.uctxt hadt) = uctxt pd;

            syncchpool_re: AbstractDataType.syncchpool hadt = syncchpool pd;

            big_log_re: AbstractDataType.big_log hadt = big_log (update init_shared_adt l);
            big_oracle_re: AbstractDataType.big_oracle hadt = big_oracle (update init_shared_adt l);
            ept_re: ZMap.get (AbstractDataType.CPU_ID hadt) (AbstractDataType.ept hadt) = ept pd;
            vmcs_re: ZMap.get (AbstractDataType.CPU_ID hadt) (AbstractDataType.vmcs hadt) = vmcs pd;
            vmx_re: ZMap.get (AbstractDataType.CPU_ID hadt) (AbstractDataType.vmx hadt) = vmx pd;
            inv_re: PHThread2TGenInv kctxt_val hadt l pd

  End MATCH.

  Lemma zmap_set_eq :
     {A} (j i : Z) (m : ZMap.t A),
      ZMap.get i (ZMap.set j (ZMap.get j m) m) = ZMap.get i m.
    intros ? j i m.
    destruct (zeq j i); subst.
    - rewrite ZMap.gss; auto.
    - rewrite ZMap.gso; auto.

  Lemma ef_cases:
      match ef with
      | EF_external _ _True
      | _False
      match ef with
      | EF_external _ _False
      | _True
    destruct ef; auto.


Ltac inv_rel :=
  match goal with
  | [ H: relate_RData _ _ |- _ ] ⇒ inv H

Ltac rewritesf :=
  repeat match goal with
         | H: ?a = _ |- appcontext [?a] ⇒ rewrite H

Ltac rewritesb :=
  repeat match goal with
         | H: _ = ?a |- appcontext [?a] ⇒ rewrite <- H

Ltac inv_layer Hl :=
  match type of Hl with
  | get_layer_primitive ?name _ = OK (Some ?σ)
    ⇒ let Hl´ := fresh in
       repeat (apply SoundnessAux.get_layer_primitive_oplus_either in Hl; destruct Hl as [Hl|Hl]);
         try (match goal with
              | [ H : get_layer_primitive _ (?id _) = _ |- _ ] ⇒ destruct (Pos.eq_dec name id); subst
               [rewrite get_layer_primitive_mapsto in Hl; inv Hl |
                rewrite get_layer_primitive_mapsto_other_primitive in Hl; auto; inv Hl]); simpl in *;
         try solve [assert (Hl´:= SoundnessAux.get_layer_primitive_oplus_either name σ Hl);
                     destruct Hl´ as [Hl´|Hl´]; rewrite get_layer_primitive_empty in Hl´; inv Hl´]

Ltac no_event_remove Hname:=
  try (match goal with
       | [Hname : context[has_event ?id] |- _] ⇒
         assert (event_check: has_event id = false) by (unfold has_event; auto);
           rewrite event_check in Hname; intuition

Ltac has_event_remove Hname:=
  try (match goal with
       | [Hname : context[has_event ?id] |- _] ⇒
         assert (event_check: has_event id = true) by (unfold has_event; auto);
           rewrite event_check in Hname; intuition
       end; fail).