Library mcertikos.multithread.phbthread.ObjPHBThreadReplayFunction

Require Import Coqlib.
Require Import Maps.
Require Import AuxStateDataType.
Require Import FlatMemory.
Require Import Integers.
Require Import Values.
Require Import ASTExtra.
Require Import Constant.
Require Import Constant.
Require Import GlobIdent.

Require Import liblayers.compat.CompatGenSem.
Require Import liblayers.compat.CompatLayers.
Require Import CommonTactic.
Require Import RefinementTactic.

Require Import RealParams.
Require Import CalRealPTPool.
Require Import CalRealPT.
Require Import CalRealIDPDE.
Require Import CalRealInitPTE.
Require Import CalRealSMSPool.
Require Import CalRealProcModule.

Require Import ObjInterruptDriver.
Require Import ObjConsole.
Require Import OracleInstances.
Require Import ObjSerialDriver.
Require Import ObjVMMDef.

Require Import DeviceStateDataType.

Require Import AbstractDataType.
Require Import AuxSingleAbstractDataType.
Require Import ObjPHBFlatMem.
Require Import ObjPHBThreadVMM.
Require Import ObjPHBThreadIPC.
Require Import ObjPHBThreadSCHED.
Require Import AlgebraicMem.
Require Import GlobalOracleProp.
Require Import SingleConfiguration.

Require Import BigLogThreadConfigFunction.

Definition has_event (name : ident) :=
  if peq name palloc then true else
    if peq name pt_resv then true else
      if peq name proc_create then true else
        if peq name thread_wakeup then true else
          if peq name sched_init then true else
            if peq name acquire_lock_CHAN then true else
              if peq name release_lock_CHAN then true else
                if peq name ipc_send_body then true else false.

Notation palloc_num := 1%Z.
Notation pt_resv_num := 2%Z.
Notation proc_create_num := 3%Z.
Notation thread_wakeup_num := 4%Z.
Notation sched_init_num := 5%Z.
Notation acquire_lock_CHAN_num := 6%Z.
Notation release_lock_CHAN_num := 7%Z.
Notation ipc_send_body_num := 8%Z.

Definition prim_id_num (name : positive) : Z :=
  if peq name palloc then palloc_num else
    if peq name pt_resv then pt_resv_num else
      if peq name proc_create then proc_create_num else
        if peq name thread_wakeup then thread_wakeup_num else
          if peq name sched_init then sched_init_num else
            if peq name acquire_lock_CHAN then acquire_lock_CHAN_num else
              if peq name release_lock_CHAN then release_lock_CHAN_num else
                if peq name ipc_send_body then ipc_send_body_num else 0.

Section PHBSPECSReplay.

  Context `{real_param_ops : RealParamsOps}.
  Context `{multi_oracle_prop: MultiOracleProp}.
  Context `{threads_conf_ops: ThreadsConfigurationOps}.

  Lemma In_dec_in_implies_In:
     tid lst,
      match (In_dec zeq) tid lst with
        | left _In tid lst
        | right _¬In tid lst
    induction lst; intros.
    - simpl; intro contra; inv contra.
    - simpl.
      case_eq (zeq a tid); intros.
      + left; auto.
      + destruct (in_dec zeq tid lst).
        × right; auto.
        × intro contra.
          destruct contra; [elim n | elim IHlst]; auto.

  Definition option_z_check (tid : option Z) : bool :=
    match tid with
      | Some tid´ ⇒ (In_dec zeq) tid´ full_thread_list
      | _false

  Definition z_check (tid : Z) : bool :=
    (In_dec zeq) tid full_thread_list.


    Definition choice_check (name : ident) (largs : list lval) (sd: sharedData) (pd: privData) : Z :=
      match prim_id_num name with
      | palloc_num
        match largs with
        | (Lint n)::nilsingle_big_palloc_spec_test (Int.unsigned n) (sd, pd)
        | _ ⇒ 42
      | pt_resv_num
        match largs with
        | (Lint n)::(Lint vadr)::(Lint perm)::nilsingle_big_ptResv_spec_test (Int.unsigned n)
                                                                                 (Int.unsigned vadr)
                                                                                 (Int.unsigned perm) (sd, pd)
        | _ ⇒ 42
      | proc_create_num
        match largs with
        | (Lint elf_id)::(Lptr buc uc_ofs)::(Lint q)::nilsingle_big_proc_create_spec_test
                                                               (sd, pd) buc uc_ofs (Int.unsigned q)
        | _ ⇒ 0
      | _ ⇒ 42



    Definition sync_chpool_check (name : ident) (largs : list lval) (sd: sharedData) (pd: privData) : option SyncChanPool :=
      if peq name thread_sleep then
        match largs with
        | (Lint cv)::nilSome (syncchpool pd)
        | _None
      else None.



    Definition snap_func (pd : privData) : privDataSnap :=
        tiSnap := ti pd;
        ikernSnap := ikern pd;
        ihostSnap := ihost pd;
        HPSnap := HP pd;
        ACSnap := AC pd;
        uctxtSnap := uctxt pd;
        ppermSnap := pperm pd;
        PTSnap := PT pd;
        ptpoolSnap := ptpool pd;
        iptSnap := ipt pd;
        syncchpoolSnap := syncchpool pd;
        bufferSnap := buffer pd;
        eptSnap := ept pd;
        vmcsSnap := vmcs pd;
        vmxSnap := vmx pd;
        com1Snap := com1 pd;
        drv_serialSnap := drv_serial pd;
        console_concreteSnap := console_concrete pd;
        consoleSnap := console pd;
        ioapicSnap := ioapic pd;
        lapicSnap := lapic pd;
        tfSnap := tf pd;
        tf_regSnap := tf_reg pd;
temporary place to save an intermediate tf regiter
        curr_intr_numSnap := curr_intr_num pd;
        intr_flagSnap := intr_flag pd;
        saved_intr_flagsSnap := saved_intr_flags pd;
        in_intrSnap := in_intr pd;
        i_dev_serialSnap := i_dev_serial pd



    Definition snap_rev_func (pdSnap : privDataSnap) : privData :=
        ti := tiSnap pdSnap;
        ikern := ikernSnap pdSnap;
        ihost := ihostSnap pdSnap;
        HP := HPSnap pdSnap;
        AC := ACSnap pdSnap;
        uctxt := uctxtSnap pdSnap;
        pperm := ppermSnap pdSnap;
        PT := PTSnap pdSnap;
        ptpool := ptpoolSnap pdSnap;
        ipt := iptSnap pdSnap;
        syncchpool := syncchpoolSnap pdSnap;
        buffer := bufferSnap pdSnap;
        ept := eptSnap pdSnap;
        vmcs := vmcsSnap pdSnap;
        vmx := vmxSnap pdSnap;
        com1 := com1Snap pdSnap;
        drv_serial := drv_serialSnap pdSnap;
        console_concrete := console_concreteSnap pdSnap;
        console := consoleSnap pdSnap;
        ioapic := ioapicSnap pdSnap;
        lapic := lapicSnap pdSnap;
        tf := tfSnap pdSnap;
        tf_reg := tf_regSnap pdSnap;
temporary place to save an intermediate tf regiter
        curr_intr_num := curr_intr_numSnap pdSnap;
        intr_flag := intr_flagSnap pdSnap;
        saved_intr_flags := saved_intr_flagsSnap pdSnap;
        in_intr := in_intrSnap pdSnap;
        i_dev_serial := i_dev_serialSnap pdSnap



    Definition apply_event (ev : LogEvent) (adt : dshare) : option dshare :=
      match ev with
      | LEvent tid ev_unit
        match ev_unit with
        | LogPrim prim_id args choice dSnapShot
          match prim_id_num prim_id with
          | palloc_num
            match args with
            | (Lint n)::nil
               match single_big_palloc_spec_share (Int.unsigned n) choice adt with
               | Some (adt´, _)Some adt´
               | _None
            | _None
          | pt_resv_num
            match args with
            | (Lint n)::(Lint vadr)::(Lint perm)::nil
              match choice with
              | 0 ⇒ match single_big_palloc_spec_share (Int.unsigned n) 0 adt with
                      | Some (adt´, i)if zeq i 0 then Some adt´ else None
                      | _None
              | 1 ⇒ match single_big_palloc_spec_share (Int.unsigned n) 1 adt with
                     | Some (adt´, i)if zeq i 0 then Some adt´ else None
                     | _None
              | 2 ⇒ match single_big_palloc_spec_share (Int.unsigned n) 1 adt with
                     | Some (adt´, i)if zeq i 0 then None else Some adt´
                     | _None
              | 3 ⇒ match single_big_palloc_spec_share (Int.unsigned n) 1 adt with
                     | Some (adt´, i)if zeq i 0 then None else
                                           match single_big_palloc_spec_share (Int.unsigned n) 0 adt´ with
                                           | Some (adt´´, )if zeq 0 then Some adt´´ else None
                                           | _None
                     | _None
              | 4 ⇒ match single_big_palloc_spec_share (Int.unsigned n) 1 adt with
                     | Some (adt´, i)if zeq i 0 then None else
                                           match single_big_palloc_spec_share (Int.unsigned n) 1 adt´ with
                                           | Some (adt´´, _)Some adt´´
                                           | _None
                     | _None
              | _None
            | _None
          | proc_create_num
            match args with
            | (Lint elf_id)::(Lptr buc uc_ofs)::(Lint q)::nil
                match single_big_proc_create_spec_share adt buc uc_ofs (Int.unsigned q) choice with
                  | Some (adt´, _)Some adt´
                  | _None
            | _None
          | thread_wakeup_num
            match args with
            | (Lint cv)::nil
              match single_big_thread_wakeup_spec_share (Int.unsigned cv) adt with
              | Some (adt´, _)Some adt´
              | _None
            | _None
          | sched_init_num
            match args with
            | (Lint mbi_adr)::nilsingle_big_sched_init_spec_share (Int.unsigned mbi_adr) adt
            | _None
          | acquire_lock_CHAN_num
            match args with
            | (Lint lk_index)::nil
              match single_big_acquire_lock_SC_spec_share (Int.unsigned lk_index) adt with
              | Some (adt´, _)Some adt´
              | _None
            | _None
          | release_lock_CHAN_num
            match args with
            | (Lint lk_index)::nil
              single_big_release_lock_SC_spec_share (Int.unsigned lk_index)
                                                    (syncchpool (snap_rev_func dSnapShot))
            | _None
          | ipc_send_body_num
            match args with
            | (Lint chid)::(Lint vaddr)::(Lint scound)::nil
              match single_big_ipc_send_body_spec (Int.unsigned chid) (Int.unsigned vaddr) (Int.unsigned scound)
                                                  (adt, (snap_rev_func dSnapShot)) with
              | Some ((adt´, _), _)Some adt´
              | _None
            | _None
          | _None
        | LogYield _
          let cpu := (CPU_ID adt) in
          let curid := (ZMap.get cpu (cid adt)) in
          match (init adt, pg adt, B_inLock cpu (big_log adt)) with
            | (true, true, false)
              match big_log adt, ZMap.get (msg_q_id cpu + ID_AT_range) (lock adt) with
                | BigDef l, LockFalse
                  let to := big_oracle adt in
                  let l1 := (to cpu l) ++ l in
                  let e := TBSHARED (BTDYIELD curid) in
                  let := (TBEVENT cpu e) :: l1 in
                  match B_CalTCB_log_real with
                    | Some (TCB_YIELD la t) ⇒
                      if zle_lt 0 la num_proc then
                        if B_GetContainerUsed la cpu l then
                          if B_GetContainerUsed_opt t cpu l then
                            if option_z_check t then
                              if z_check la then
                                Some (adt {sh_big_log: BigDef }
                                          {sh_cid: (ZMap.set cpu la (cid adt))})
                              else None
                            else None
                          else None
                        else None
                      else None
                    | _None
                | _, _None
            | _None
        | LogSleep cv _ optSync
          match optSync with
            | Some sync_val
              let cpu := (CPU_ID adt) in
              let curid := (ZMap.get cpu (cid adt)) in
              let n := slp_q_id cv 0 in
              let abid := (n + ID_AT_range) in
              let sc_id := n + lock_TCB_range in
              match (init adt, pg adt,
                     B_inLock cpu (big_log adt)) with
                | (true, true, true)
                  if zlt_lt 0 curid num_proc then
                    if zle_lt 0 cv num_cv then
                      match big_log adt, ZMap.get abid (lock adt), ZMap.get sc_id (lock adt) with
                        | BigDef l, LockFalse, LockOwn true
                          let to := big_oracle adt in
                          let l1 := (to cpu l) ++ l in
                          let e := TBSHARED (BTDSLEEP curid cv sync_val) in
                          let := (TBEVENT cpu e) :: l1 in
                          match B_CalTCB_log_real , B_CalLock sc_id l, B_CalLock sc_id l1 with
                            | Some (TCB_RID la), Some (S (S _), LHOLD, Some cpu´), Some _
                              if zle_lt 0 la num_proc then
                                if B_GetContainerUsed la cpu l then
                                  if zeq cpu cpu´ then
                                    if z_check la then
                                      Some (adt {sh_big_log: BigDef }
                                                {sh_cid: (ZMap.set cpu la (cid adt))}
                                                {sh_lock: ZMap.set sc_id LockFalse
                                                                   (ZMap.set abid LockFalse (lock adt))})
                                    else None
                                  else None
                                else None
                              else None
                            | _,_,_None
                        | _,_,_None
                    else None
                  else None
                | _None
            | _None
        | LogYieldBackSome adt

    Fixpoint update (adt: dshare) (sh_log : Log) {struct sh_log} : dshare :=
      match sh_log with
      | niladt
      | hd::tllet adt´ := update adt tl in
                  match apply_event hd adt´ with
                  | Some adt´´adt´´
                  | _adt´

    Lemma update_invariant (I: dshareProp):
      ( e d , apply_event e d = Some I dI ) →
      ( d l, I dI (update d l)).
      induction l; simpl; eauto.
      destruct (apply_event a _) eqn:Hd´; eauto.


  Section STATE_CHECK.

    Function thread_yield_state_check (d: PData) : Prop :=
      let sd := (fst d) in
      let pd := (snd d) in
      let cpu := CPU_ID sd in
      let curid := (ZMap.get cpu (cid sd)) in
      match (init sd, pg sd, ikern pd, ihost pd, ipt pd,
             PT pd, in_intr pd, intr_flag pd, B_inLock cpu (big_log sd)) with
        | (true, true, true, true, true, 0, false, true, false)
          match big_log sd, ZMap.get (msg_q_id cpu + ID_AT_range) (lock sd), (snd (ti pd)) with
            | BigDef l, LockFalse, Vint ti_val
              if B_GetContainerUsed curid cpu l then
                if Int.eq ti_val then
                  if Int.eq (fst (ti pd)) then
                    let to := big_oracle sd in
                    let l1 := (to cpu l) ++ l in
                    let e := TBSHARED (BTDYIELD curid) in
                    let := (TBEVENT cpu e) :: l1 in
                    match B_CalTCB_log_real with
                    | Some (TCB_YIELD la t) ⇒
                      if zle_lt 0 la num_proc then
                        if B_GetContainerUsed la cpu l then
                          if B_GetContainerUsed_opt t cpu l then
                            if option_z_check t then
                              if z_check la then
                              else False
                            else False
                          else False
                        else False
                      else False
                    | _False
                  else False
                else False
              else False
            | _,_,_False
        | _False

    Function thread_sleep_state_check (cv: Z) (d: PData): Prop :=
      let sd := (fst d) in
      let pd := (snd d) in
      let cpu := (CPU_ID sd) in
      let curid := (ZMap.get cpu (cid sd)) in
      let n := slp_q_id cv 0 in
      let abid := (n + ID_AT_range) in
      let sc_id := n + lock_TCB_range in
      match (init sd, pg sd, ikern pd, ihost pd, ipt pd,
             PT pd, in_intr pd, intr_flag pd,
             B_inLock cpu (big_log sd)) with
        | (true, true, true, true, true, 0, false, true, true)
          if zlt_lt 0 curid num_proc then
            if zle_lt 0 cv num_cv then
              match big_log sd, ZMap.get abid (lock sd), ZMap.get sc_id (lock sd),
                     snd (ti pd) with
                | BigDef l, LockFalse, LockOwn true, Vint ti_val
                  if B_GetContainerUsed curid cpu l then
                    if Int.eq ti_val then
                      if Int.eq (fst (ti pd)) then
                        let to := big_oracle sd in
                        let l1 := (to cpu l) ++ l in
                        let e := TBSHARED (BTDSLEEP curid cv (syncchpool pd) ) in
                        let := (TBEVENT cpu e) :: l1 in
                        match B_CalTCB_log_real , B_CalLock sc_id l, B_CalLock sc_id l1 with
                        | Some (TCB_RID la), Some (S (S _), LHOLD, Some cpu´), Some _
                          if zle_lt 0 la num_proc then
                            if B_GetContainerUsed la cpu l then
                              if zeq cpu cpu´ then
                                if z_check la then
                                else False
                              else False
                            else False
                          else False
                        | _,_,_False
                      else False
                    else False
                  else False
                | _,_,_,_False
            else False
          else False
        | _False

    Definition state_check (name : ident) (largs : list lval) (l : Log) (pd: dproc) : Prop :=
      if peq name thread_yield then
        match largs with
          | nilthread_yield_state_check (update init_shared_adt l, pd)
          | _False
      else if peq name thread_sleep then
             match largs with
               | (Lint cv)::nilthread_sleep_state_check (Int.unsigned cv) (update init_shared_adt l, pd)
               | _False
           else False.