Module AsmFacts

Require Import Smallstep.
Require Import Machregs.
Require Import Asm.
Require Import Integers.
Require Import List.
Require Import ZArith.
Require Import Memtype.
Require Import Memory.
Require Import Archi.
Require Import Coqlib.
Require Import AST.
Require Import Globalenvs.
Require Import Events.
Require Import Values.
Require Import Conventions1.
Require Import Asmgen.
Require Asmgenproof0.
Require Import Errors.


  Existing Instance mem_accessors_default.

  Context {mem} `{external_calls_props: ExternalCallsProps mem}
          `{enable_builtins_instance: !EnableBuiltins (memory_model_ops:=memory_model_ops) mem}.

  Definition stack_invar (i: instruction) :=
    match i with
      Pallocframe _ _ _
    | Pfreeframe _ _
    | Pcall _ _
    | Pret => false
    | _ => true

Instructions other than Pallocframe and Pfreeframe do not modify the content of the RSP register. We prove that Asm programs resulting from the Stacking pass satisfy this requirement.

  Definition asm_instr_no_rsp (i : Asm.instruction) : Prop :=
    stack_invar i = true ->
    forall (ge: Genv.t Asm.fundef unit) rs1 m1 rs2 m2 f init_stk,
      Asm.exec_instr init_stk ge f i rs1 m1 = Next rs2 m2 ->
      rs2 # RSP = rs1 # RSP.
  Definition written_regs i : list preg :=
    match i with
    | Pmov_rr rd _
    | Pmovl_ri rd _
    | Pmovq_ri rd _
    | Pmov_rs rd _
    | Pmovl_rm rd _
    | Pmovq_rm rd _ => IR rd :: nil
    | Pmovl_mr a rs
    | Pmovq_mr a rs => nil
    | Pmovsd_ff rd _
    | Pmovsd_fi rd _
    | Pmovsd_fm rd _ => FR rd :: nil
    | Pmovsd_mf a r1 => nil
    | Pmovss_fi rd _
    | Pmovss_fm rd _ => FR rd :: nil
    | Pmovss_mf a r1 => nil
    | Pfldl_m a => ST0 :: nil
    | Pfstpl_m a => ST0 :: nil
    | Pflds_m a => ST0 :: nil
    | Pfstps_m a => ST0 :: nil
    | Pxchg_rr r1 r2 => IR r1 :: IR r2 :: nil
Moves with conversion
    | Pmovb_mr a rs
    | Pmovw_mr a rs => nil
    | Pmovzb_rr rd _
    | Pmovzb_rm rd _
    | Pmovsb_rr rd _
    | Pmovsb_rm rd _
    | Pmovzw_rr rd _
    | Pmovzw_rm rd _
    | Pmovsw_rr rd _
    | Pmovsw_rm rd _
    | Pmovzl_rr rd _
    | Pmovsl_rr rd _
    | Pmovls_rr rd => IR rd :: nil
    | Pcvtsd2ss_ff rd _ => FR rd :: nil
    | Pcvtss2sd_ff rd _ => FR rd :: nil
    | Pcvttsd2si_rf rd _=> IR rd :: nil
    | Pcvtsi2sd_fr rd _ => FR rd :: nil
    | Pcvttss2si_rf rd _=> IR rd :: nil
    | Pcvtsi2ss_fr rd _ => FR rd :: nil
    | Pcvttsd2sl_rf rd _=> IR rd :: nil
    | Pcvtsl2sd_fr rd _ => FR rd :: nil
    | Pcvttss2sl_rf rd _ => IR rd :: nil
    | Pcvtsl2ss_fr rd _ => FR rd :: nil
    | Pleal rd _
    | Pleaq rd _
    | Pnegl rd
    | Pnegq rd
    | Paddl_ri rd _
    | Paddq_ri rd _
    | Psubl_ri rd _
    | Psubq_ri rd _
    | Psubl_rr rd _
    | Psubq_rr rd _
    | Pimull_rr rd _
    | Pimulq_rr rd _
    | Pimull_ri rd _
    | Pimulq_ri rd _ => IR rd :: nil
    | Pimull_r r1
    | Pimulq_r r1
    | Pmull_r r1
    | Pmulq_r r1 => IR RAX :: IR RDX :: nil
    | Pcltd
    | Pcqto => IR RDX :: nil
    | Pdivl r1
    | Pdivq r1
    | Pidivl r1
    | Pidivq r1 => IR RAX :: IR RDX :: nil
    | Pandl_rr rd _
    | Pandq_rr rd _
    | Pandl_ri rd _
    | Pandq_ri rd _
    | Porl_rr rd _
    | Porq_rr rd _
    | Porl_ri rd _
    | Porq_ri rd _
    | Pxorl_r rd
    | Pxorq_r rd
    | Pxorl_rr rd _
    | Pxorq_rr rd _
    | Pxorl_ri rd _
    | Pxorq_ri rd _
    | Pnotl rd
    | Pnotq rd
    | Psall_rcl rd
    | Psalq_rcl rd
    | Psall_ri rd _
    | Psalq_ri rd _
    | Pshrl_rcl rd
    | Pshrq_rcl rd
    | Pshrl_ri rd _
    | Pshrq_ri rd _
    | Psarl_rcl rd
    | Psarq_rcl rd
    | Psarl_ri rd _
    | Psarq_ri rd _
    | Pshld_ri rd _ _
    | Prorl_ri rd _
    | Prorq_ri rd _ => IR rd :: nil
    | Pcmpl_rr _ _
    | Pcmpq_rr _ _
    | Pcmpl_ri _ _
    | Pcmpq_ri _ _
    | Ptestl_rr _ _
    | Ptestq_rr _ _
    | Ptestl_ri _ _
    | Ptestq_ri _ _ => nil
    | Pcmov c rd _
    | Psetcc c rd => IR rd :: nil
    | Paddd_ff rd _
    | Psubd_ff rd _
    | Pmuld_ff rd _
    | Pdivd_ff rd _
    | Pnegd rd
    | Pabsd rd => FR rd :: nil
    | Pcomisd_ff r1 r2 => nil
    | Pxorpd_f rd (* xor with self = set to zero *)
    | Padds_ff rd _
    | Psubs_ff rd _
    | Pmuls_ff rd _
    | Pdivs_ff rd _
    | Pnegs rd
    | Pabss rd => FR rd :: nil
    | Pcomiss_ff r1 r2 => nil
    | Pxorps_f rd => FR rd :: nil
    | Pjmp_l _
    | Pjmp _ _
    | Pjcc _ _
    | Pjcc2 _ _ _ => nil
    | Pjmptbl r tbl => IR RAX :: IR RDX :: nil
    | Pcall ros sg => nil
    | Pret => nil
    | Pmov_mr_a _ _
    | Pmovsd_mf_a _ _ => nil
    | Pmov_rm_a rd _ => IR rd :: nil
    | Pmovsd_fm_a rd _ => FR rd :: nil

    | Plabel l => nil
    | Pallocframe _ _ _ => IR RAX :: IR RSP :: nil
    | Pfreeframe sz ofs_ra => IR RSP :: nil
    | Pload_parent_pointer rd _ => IR rd :: nil
    | Pbuiltin ef args res => nil
    | _ => nil

  Require Import AsmRegs.

  Ltac simpl_not_in NIN :=
    let H1 := fresh in
    let H2 := fresh in
    first [ apply Decidable.not_or in NIN; destruct NIN as [H1 H2]; simpl_not_in H2
          | idtac ].

  Lemma exec_load_rsp:
    forall F V (ge: _ F V) K m1 am rs1 f0 rs2 m2 sz,
      exec_load ge K m1 am rs1 f0 sz = Next rs2 m2 ->
      forall r,
        ~ In r (PC :: RA :: CR ZF :: CR CF :: CR PF :: CR SF :: CR OF :: f0 :: nil) ->
      rs2 r = rs1 r.
    intros F V ge' K m1 am rs1 f0 rs2 m2 sz LOAD.
    unfold exec_load in LOAD. destr_in LOAD. inv LOAD.
    unfold nextinstr_nf.
    simpl_not_in H.
    simpl. simpl_regs. auto.

  Lemma exec_store_rsp:
    forall F V (ge: _ F V) K m1 am rs1 f0 rs2 m2 (l: list preg) sz,
      exec_store ge K m1 am rs1 f0 l sz = Next rs2 m2 ->
      forall r,
        ~ In r (PC :: RA :: CR ZF :: CR CF :: CR PF :: CR SF :: CR OF :: l) ->
      rs2 r = rs1 r.
    intros F V ge' K m1 am rs1 f0 rs2 m2 l sz STORE.
    unfold exec_store in STORE. repeat destr_in STORE.
    unfold nextinstr_nf.
    simpl_not_in H.
    simpl. simpl_regs.
    rewrite Asmgenproof0.undef_regs_other. auto. intros; intro; subst. congruence.
  Lemma exec_instr_only_written_regs:
    forall (ge: Genv.t Asm.fundef unit) rs1 m1 rs2 m2 f i init_stk r,
      Asm.exec_instr init_stk ge f i rs1 m1 = Next rs2 m2 ->
      ~ In r (PC :: RA :: CR ZF :: CR CF :: CR PF :: CR SF :: CR OF :: written_regs i) ->
      rs2 # r = rs1 # r.
    intros ge rs1 m1 rs2 m2 f i init_stk r EI NIN.
    simpl in NIN.
    simpl_not_in NIN. rename H7 into NIN.
    destruct i; simpl in *; repeat destr_in EI;
      unfold nextinstr_nf, compare_ints, compare_longs, compare_floats, compare_floats32; simpl; simpl_not_in NIN;
        simpl_regs; eauto;
          match goal with
            H: exec_load _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = _ |- _ =>
            eapply exec_load_rsp; simpl; eauto; intuition
          | H: exec_store _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = _ |- _ =>
            try now (eapply exec_store_rsp; simpl; eauto; simpl; intuition)
          | _ => idtac
    repeat destr; simpl_regs; auto.
    repeat destr; simpl_regs; auto.
    Ltac solvegl H := unfold goto_label in H; repeat destr_in H; simpl_regs; auto.
    solvegl H7.
    solvegl H7.
    solvegl H7.
    solvegl H7.

  Definition check_asm_instr_no_rsp i :=
    negb (in_dec preg_eq RSP (written_regs i)).

  Definition check_asm_code_no_rsp c : bool :=
    forallb (fun i => negb (stack_invar i) || check_asm_instr_no_rsp i) c.

  Lemma check_asm_instr_no_rsp_correct i:
    check_asm_instr_no_rsp i = true ->
    asm_instr_no_rsp i.
    red; intros.
    eapply exec_instr_only_written_regs. eauto.
    simpl. intro A. decompose [or] A; try congruence.
    unfold check_asm_instr_no_rsp in H. unfold proj_sumbool in H. destr_in H. simpl in H. congruence.
  Definition asm_code_no_rsp (c : Asm.code) : Prop :=
    forall i,
      In i c ->
      asm_instr_no_rsp i.

  Lemma check_asm_code_no_rsp_correct c:
    check_asm_code_no_rsp c = true ->
    asm_code_no_rsp c.
    red; intros.
    unfold check_asm_code_no_rsp in H. rewrite forallb_forall in H.
    eapply H in H0. destruct (stack_invar i) eqn:STK. simpl in H0. eapply check_asm_instr_no_rsp_correct; eauto.
    red; congruence.

  Lemma preg_of_not_rsp:
    forall m x,
      preg_of m = x ->
      x <> RSP.
    unfold preg_of. intros; subst.
    destruct m; congruence.
  Lemma ireg_of_not_rsp:
    forall m x,
      Asmgen.ireg_of m = OK x ->
      IR x <> RSP.
    unfold Asmgen.ireg_of.
    intros m x A.
    destr_in A. inv A.
    eapply preg_of_not_rsp in Heqp.
    intro; subst. congruence.

  Lemma freg_of_not_rsp:
    forall m x,
      Asmgen.freg_of m = OK x ->
      FR x <> RSP.
    unfold Asmgen.freg_of.
    intros m x A. destr_in A.

  Ltac solve_rs:=
    match goal with
    | |- not (@eq preg _ (IR RSP)) => solve [ eapply preg_of_not_rsp; eauto
                                     | eapply ireg_of_not_rsp; eauto
                                     | eapply freg_of_not_rsp; eauto
                                     | congruence ]
    | |- _ => idtac

  Lemma loadind_no_rsp:
    forall ir o t m ti i
      (IN : In i ti)
      (TI : loadind ir o t m nil = OK ti),
      ~ In (IR RSP) (written_regs i).
    unfold loadind. intros. monadInv TI. destruct IN. 2: easy. subst.
    repeat destr_in EQ; simpl; apply Classical_Prop.and_not_or; split; solve_rs; auto.

  Lemma storeind_no_rsp:
    forall ir o t m ti i
      (IN : In i ti)
      (TI : storeind ir o t m nil = OK ti),
      ~ In (IR RSP) (written_regs i).
    unfold storeind. intros. monadInv TI. destruct IN. 2: easy. subst.
    repeat destr_in EQ; simpl; try apply Classical_Prop.and_not_or; try split; solve_rs; auto.

  Ltac solve_in_regs :=
    repeat match goal with
           | H: mk_mov _ _ _ = _ |- _ => unfold mk_mov in H; repeat destr_in H
           | H: OK _ = OK _ |- _ => inv H
           | H: mk_intconv _ _ _ _ = _ |- _ => unfold mk_intconv in H
           | H: bind _ _ = _ |- _ => monadInv H
           | IN: In _ (_ :: _) |- _ => destruct IN as [IN | IN]; inv IN; simpl in *
           | IN: In _ (_ ++ _) |- _ => rewrite in_app in IN; destruct IN as [IN|IN]
           | OR: _ \/ _ |- _ => destruct OR as [OR|OR]; inv OR; simpl
           | |- ~ (_ \/ _) => apply Classical_Prop.and_not_or
           | |- ~ _ /\ ~ _ => split; auto
           | H: False |- _ => destruct H
           | H: In _ nil |- _ => destruct H
           | IN: In _ _ |- _ => repeat destr_in IN; simpl in *
           | _ => simpl in *; solve_rs; auto

  Lemma transl_cond_no_rsp:
    forall cond l c c' i
      (INV: stack_invar i = true)
      (TC : transl_cond cond l c = OK c')
      (IN: In i c'),
      ~ In (IR RSP) (written_regs i) \/ In i c.
    destruct cond; simpl in TC; repeat destr_in TC; simpl;
      unfold mk_setcc, mk_setcc_base in *; simpl in *;
        solve_in_regs; simpl; auto.
    unfold floatcomp; destr; solve_in_regs.
    unfold floatcomp; destr; solve_in_regs.
    unfold floatcomp32; destr; solve_in_regs.
    unfold floatcomp32; destr; solve_in_regs.

  Lemma transl_op_no_rsp:
    forall op l r c' i
      (INV: stack_invar i = true)
      (TC : transl_op op l r nil = OK c')
      (IN: In i c'),
      ~ In (IR RSP) (written_regs i).
    destruct op; simpl in TC; repeat destr_in TC; simpl; solve_in_regs.
    eapply transl_cond_no_rsp in EQ0; eauto.
    destruct EQ0; auto.
    unfold mk_setcc, mk_setcc_base in *; simpl in *.
    solve_in_regs; solve_rs.

  Lemma transl_code_no_rsp:
    forall f c b c' i
      (INV: stack_invar i = true)
      (TC : transl_code f c b = OK c')
      (IN: In i c'),
      ~ In (IR RSP) (written_regs i).
    induction c; simpl; intros; eauto. inv TC. easy.
    monadInv TC.
    edestruct transl_instr_eq as (ti & TI & EQti). eauto. subst.
    rewrite in_app in IN.
    destruct IN as [IN|IN]; eauto.
    clear EQ EQ0.
    destruct a; simpl in TI; repeat destr_in TI; eauto using loadind_no_rsp, storeind_no_rsp.
    - monadInv H0. simpl in IN. destruct IN as [IN|IN]. inv IN. simpl. intuition congruence.
      eapply loadind_no_rsp; eauto.
    - eapply transl_op_no_rsp; eauto.
    - unfold transl_load in H0. solve_in_regs.
      repeat destr_in EQ1; solve_in_regs.
    - unfold transl_store in H0. solve_in_regs.
      repeat destr_in EQ0; solve_in_regs; auto.
      inv EQ1; solve_in_regs; auto.
      inv EQ1; solve_in_regs; auto.
    - solve_in_regs.
    - solve_in_regs.
    - solve_in_regs.
    - solve_in_regs.
    - solve_in_regs.
    - solve_in_regs.
    - solve_in_regs.
    - eapply transl_cond_no_rsp in H0 ; eauto. destruct H0; auto.
      unfold mk_jcc in *; simpl in *.
      solve_in_regs; solve_rs; auto.
    - solve_in_regs.
    - solve_in_regs.
  Lemma asmgen_no_change_rsp:
    forall f tf,
      transf_function f = OK tf ->
      check_asm_code_no_rsp (fn_code tf) = true.
    unfold check_asm_code_no_rsp.
    intros. rewrite forallb_forall.
    unfold check_asm_instr_no_rsp.
    unfold proj_sumbool.
    intros. destruct (stack_invar x) eqn:INV. simpl.
    destr. exfalso.
    monadInv H. repeat destr_in EQ0.
    monadInv EQ. repeat destr_in EQ1. simpl in *.
    destruct H0. subst. simpl in *. congruence.
    rewrite Asmgenproof0.transl_code'_transl_code in EQ0.
    eapply transl_code_no_rsp in EQ0; eauto. simpl. auto.




  Definition asm_instr_no_stack (i : Asm.instruction) : Prop :=
    stack_invar i = true ->
    forall (ge: Genv.t Asm.fundef unit) rs1 m1 rs2 m2 f init_stk,
      Asm.exec_instr init_stk ge f i rs1 m1 = Next rs2 m2 ->
      Mem.stack m2 = Mem.stack m1 /\ (forall b o k p, Mem.perm m2 b o k p <-> Mem.perm m1 b o k p).

  Lemma exec_store_stack:
    forall (ge: Genv.t Asm.fundef unit) k m1 a rs1 rs l rs2 m2 sz,
      exec_store ge k m1 a rs1 rs l sz = Next rs2 m2 ->
      Mem.stack m2 = Mem.stack m1 /\ (forall b o k p, Mem.perm m2 b o k p <-> Mem.perm m1 b o k p).
    intros ge k m1 a rs1 rs l rs2 m2 sz STORE.
    unfold exec_store in STORE; repeat destr_in STORE.
    unfold Mem.storev in Heqo; destr_in Heqo; inv Heqo.
    erewrite Mem.store_stack_blocks. 2: eauto.
    split; auto.
    split; intros.
    eapply Mem.perm_store_2; eauto.
    eapply Mem.perm_store_1; eauto.

  Lemma exec_load_stack:
    forall (ge: Genv.t Asm.fundef unit) k m1 a rs1 rs rs2 m2 sz,
      exec_load ge k m1 a rs1 rs sz = Next rs2 m2 ->
      Mem.stack m2 = Mem.stack m1 /\ (forall b o k p, Mem.perm m2 b o k p <-> Mem.perm m1 b o k p).
    intros ge k m1 a rs1 rs rs2 m2 sz LOAD.
    unfold exec_load in LOAD; destr_in LOAD.

  Lemma goto_label_stack:
    forall (ge: Genv.t Asm.fundef unit) f l m1 rs1 rs2 m2,
      goto_label ge f l rs1 m1 = Next rs2 m2 ->
      Mem.stack m2 = Mem.stack m1 /\ (forall b o k p, Mem.perm m2 b o k p <-> Mem.perm m1 b o k p).
    intros ge f l m1 rs1 rs2 m2 GOTO.
    unfold goto_label in GOTO; repeat destr_in GOTO.

  Lemma asmgen_no_change_stack i:
    asm_instr_no_stack i.
    red; intros IU ge0 rs1 m1 rs2 m2 f init_stk EI.
      destruct i; simpl in IU; try discriminate;
        unfold exec_instr in EI; simpl in EI; repeat destr_in EI;
          first [ split;[reflexivity|tauto]
                | now (eapply exec_load_stack; eauto)
                | now (eapply exec_store_stack; eauto)
                | now ( eapply goto_label_stack; eauto)
                | idtac ].
    Unshelve. all: auto.
    exact Mint32. exact PC. exact

  Definition asm_instr_nb_fw i:=
    forall (ge: Genv.t Asm.fundef unit) f rs1 m1 rs2 m2 init_stk,
      Asm.exec_instr init_stk ge f i rs1 m1 = Next rs2 m2 ->
      Ple (Mem.nextblock m1) (Mem.nextblock m2).

  Definition asm_code_nb_fw c :=
    forall i, In i c -> asm_instr_nb_fw i.

    Lemma exec_store_nb:
      forall (ge: Genv.t Asm.fundef unit) k m1 a rs1 rs l rs2 m2 sz,
        exec_store ge k m1 a rs1 rs l sz = Next rs2 m2 ->
        Ple (Mem.nextblock m1) (Mem.nextblock m2).
      intros ge k m1 a rs1 rs l rs2 m2 sz STORE.
      unfold exec_store in STORE; repeat destr_in STORE.
      unfold Mem.storev in Heqo; destr_in Heqo; inv Heqo.
      rewnb. xomega.

    Lemma exec_load_nb:
      forall (ge: Genv.t Asm.fundef unit) k m1 a rs1 rs rs2 m2 sz,
        exec_load ge k m1 a rs1 rs sz = Next rs2 m2 ->
        Ple (Mem.nextblock m1) (Mem.nextblock m2).
      intros ge k m1 a rs1 rs rs2 m2 sz LOAD.
      unfold exec_load in LOAD; destr_in LOAD. inv LOAD.
      apply Ple_refl.

    Ltac destr_all:=
      repeat match goal with
               H: context[match ?a with _ => _ end] |- _ => repeat destr_in H

  Lemma asmgen_nextblock_forward i:
    asm_instr_nb_fw i.
    red. intros ge f rs1 m1 rs2 m2 init_stk EI.
    unfold exec_instr in EI.
    destruct i; simpl in EI; inv EI; try (apply Ple_refl);
      first [now eapply exec_load_nb; eauto
            | now (eapply exec_store_nb; eauto)
            | unfold goto_label in *; destr_all; rewnb; try xomega ].
  Lemma val_inject_set:
    forall j rs1 rs2
      (RINJ: forall r, Val.inject j (rs1 r) (rs2 r))
      v v' (VINJ: Val.inject j v v') r1 r,
      Val.inject j ((rs1 # r1 <- v) r) ((rs2 # r1 <- v') r).
    destruct (PregEq.eq r1 r); subst; auto.
    rewrite ! Pregmap.gss; auto.
    rewrite ! Pregmap.gso by auto. auto.

  Lemma val_inject_undef_regs:
    forall l j rs1 rs2
      (RINJ: forall r, Val.inject j (rs1 r) (rs2 r))
      Val.inject j (undef_regs l rs1 r) (undef_regs l rs2 r).
    induction l; simpl; intros; eauto.
    apply IHl.
    intros; apply val_inject_set; auto.

  Lemma val_inject_nextinstr:
    forall j rs1 rs2 sz
      (RINJ: forall r, Val.inject j (rs1 r) (rs2 r)) r,
      Val.inject j (nextinstr rs1 r sz) (nextinstr rs2 r sz).
    unfold nextinstr.
    apply val_inject_set; auto.
    apply Val.offset_ptr_inject; auto.

  Lemma val_inject_nextinstr_nf:
    forall j rs1 rs2 sz
      (RINJ: forall r, Val.inject j (rs1 r) (rs2 r)) r,
      Val.inject j (nextinstr_nf rs1 r sz) (nextinstr_nf rs2 r sz).
    unfold nextinstr_nf.
    apply val_inject_nextinstr; auto.
    apply val_inject_undef_regs; auto.

  Lemma exec_load_unchanged_stack:
    forall (ge: Genv.t Asm.fundef unit) chunk m1 a rs1 rd sz rs2 m2 P,
      exec_load ge chunk m1 a rs1 rd sz = Next rs2 m2 ->
      Mem.unchanged_on P m1 m2.
    intros ge chunk m1 a rs1 rd sz rs2 m2 P EL.
    assert (m1 = m2).
    - unfold exec_load in EL. destr_in EL.
    - subst; apply Mem.unchanged_on_refl.

  Lemma public_stack_access_app:
    forall l s b lo hi
      (ND: nodup (l ++ s))
      (PSA: public_stack_access (l ++ s) b lo hi),
      public_stack_access s b lo hi.
    induction l; simpl; subst; auto.
    - intros s b lo hi ND PSA.
      inversion ND; subst.
      apply IHl; auto.
      red. red in PSA. destr.
      edestruct (get_assoc_spec _ _ _ Heqo) as (fr & tf & INblocks & INtf & INs).
      erewrite get_assoc_stack_lnr in PSA. eauto. eauto. eauto.
      eauto. eauto. right; auto.

  Lemma stack_access_app:
    forall l s b lo hi
      (ND: nodup (l ++ s))
      (PSA: stack_access (l ++ s) b lo hi),
      stack_access s b lo hi.
    intros l s b lo hi ND [IST|PSA].
    - destruct l; simpl in *. left; eauto.
      right. red. inv ND. red in IST. simpl in IST.
      eapply H2 in IST.
      destr. exfalso; apply IST.
      rewrite <- in_stack_app; right. eapply get_frame_info_in_stack; eauto.
    - right. eapply public_stack_access_app; eauto.

  Lemma nodup_app:
    forall l1 l2,
      nodup (l1 ++ l2) ->
      forall b, in_stack l1 b -> in_stack l2 b -> False.
    induction l1; simpl; intros l2 ND b INS1 INS2; eauto.
    inv ND.
    rewrite in_stack_cons in INS1. destruct INS1 as [INS1|INS1]; eauto.
    eapply H2; eauto. rewrite <- in_stack_app. auto.
  Lemma exec_store_unchanged_stack:
    forall (ge: Genv.t Asm.fundef unit) chunk m1 a rs1 rd rds sz rs2 m2 init_stk l,
      Mem.stack m1 = l ++ init_stk ->
      exec_store ge chunk m1 a rs1 rd rds sz = Next rs2 m2 ->
      Mem.unchanged_on (fun (b : block) (o : Z) => ~ stack_access init_stk b o (o + 1)) m1 m2.
    intros ge chunk m1 a rs1 rd rds sz rs2 m2 init_stk l STK ES.
    unfold exec_store in ES. destr_in ES. inv ES.
    unfold Mem.storev in Heqo.
    destr_in Heqo.
    eapply Mem.store_unchanged_on; eauto.
    intros i0 RNG NPSA; apply NPSA; clear NPSA.
    edestruct Mem.store_valid_access_3 as (A & B & C). eauto. trim C. constructor.
    rewrite STK in C.
    eapply stack_access_inside.
    eapply stack_access_app; eauto.
    rewrite <- STK; eapply Mem.stack_norepet.
    omega. omega.

  Lemma goto_label_unchanged_stack:
    forall (ge: Genv.t Asm.fundef unit) m1 rs1 f lbl rs2 m2 P,
      goto_label ge f lbl rs1 m1 = Next rs2 m2 ->
      Mem.unchanged_on P m1 m2.
    intros ge m1 rs1 f lbl rs2 m2 P GL.
    unfold goto_label in GL. repeat destr_in GL.
    apply Mem.unchanged_on_refl.
  Lemma exec_instr_unchanged_stack:
    forall (ge: Genv.t Asm.fundef unit) f i rs1 m1 rs2 m2 init_stk l,
      Mem.stack m1 = l ++ init_stk ->
      Asm.exec_instr init_stk ge f i rs1 m1 = Next rs2 m2 ->
        (fun b o => ~ stack_access init_stk b o (o+1))
        m1 m2 /\
      (Mem.is_ptr (init_sp init_stk) <> None -> exists l', Mem.stack m2 = l' ++ init_stk).
    intros ge f i rs1 m1 rs2 m2 init_stk l STK EI.
      unfold exec_instr in EI.
      destruct i; simpl in EI; repeat destr_in EI;
        first [ now apply Mem.unchanged_on_refl
              | now (eapply exec_load_unchanged_stack; eauto)
              | now (eapply exec_store_unchanged_stack; eauto)
              | now (eapply goto_label_unchanged_stack; eauto)
              | idtac
      apply Mem.strong_unchanged_on_weak, Mem.push_new_stage_unchanged_on.
      apply Mem.strong_unchanged_on_weak, Mem.unrecord_stack_block_unchanged_on; auto.
      - eapply Mem.unchanged_on_trans.
        eapply Mem.alloc_unchanged_on; eauto.
        eapply Mem.unchanged_on_trans.
        eapply Mem.store_unchanged_on. eauto.
        intros i0 RNG PSA; apply PSA; clear PSA.
        edestruct Mem.store_valid_access_3 as (A & B & C). eauto. trim C. constructor.
        revert C. rewrite_stack_blocks. rewrite STK. intro C.
        eapply stack_access_inside.
        eapply stack_access_app; eauto.
        rewrite <- STK; eapply Mem.stack_norepet.
        omega. omega.
        apply Mem.strong_unchanged_on_weak. eapply Mem.record_stack_block_unchanged_on. eauto.
      - eapply Mem.unchanged_on_trans.
        eapply Mem.free_unchanged_on; eauto.
        intros i1 RNG NPSA; apply NPSA; clear NPSA.
        destruct (is_stack_top_dec init_stk b). left. auto.
        right. red. destr. apply get_frame_info_in_stack in Heqo3.
        rewrite STK in i0. red in i0.
        exfalso. exploit Mem.stack_norepet. rewrite STK.
        intro ND. eapply nodup_app; eauto.
        destruct l; simpl in i0. contradict n. red. eauto.
        rewrite in_stack_cons; left; eauto.
        apply Mem.strong_unchanged_on_weak.
        eapply Mem.tailcall_stage_unchanged_on; eauto.
        Unshelve. 3: eauto. all: eauto.
        exact Many32. exact rs. exact
      intro ISPTR.
      destruct (stack_invar (i)) eqn:INVAR.
      - generalize (asmgen_no_change_stack (i) INVAR ge _ _ _ _ _ _ EI).
        intros (STKEQ & _); rewrite STKEQ; eauto.
      - unfold stack_invar in INVAR. unfold exec_instr in EI.
        set (AA := i).
        destr_in INVAR; simpl in *; repeat destr_in EI; repeat rewrite_stack_blocks; rewrite ? STK; eauto.
        + exists ((None,nil)::l); auto.
        + inv t. rewrite STK in H.
          destruct l; simpl; eauto. simpl in *.
          subst. rewrite EQ in H; inv H.
          rewrite EQ in ISPTR. simpl in ISPTR.
          exfalso; apply ISPTR. unfold current_frame_sp; rewrite H0; reflexivity.
        + inv t. rewrite STK in H; inv H. inversion 1. subst.
          destruct l; simpl in *; eauto. revert STK; subst.
          exfalso; apply ISPTR. reflexivity. inv H2.
          rewrite app_comm_cons. eauto.
        + destruct l; simpl in *. 2: inversion 1; subst; rewrite app_comm_cons; eauto.
          intro EQ. subst. exfalso.
          unfold check_top_frame in Heqb0.
          red in c; revert c.
          repeat destr_in Heqb0. simpl in *.
          revert ISPTR. unfold current_frame_sp. simpl. repeat destr. intros _.
          inv EQ.
          rewrite EQ2. rewrite in_stack_cons. intros [[]|INS].
          rewrite andb_true_iff in H0; destruct H0.
          destruct Forall_dec; simpl in *; try congruence.
          inv f0.
          red in H3. simpl in H3. intuition subst.
          exploit Mem.stack_norepet. rewrite Heqs. intro ND; inv ND.
          eapply H5; eauto.

  Lemma step_unchanged_stack:
    forall (ge: genv) rs1 m1 t rs2 m2 init_stk l,
      Mem.stack m1 = l ++ init_stk ->
      step init_stk ge (State rs1 m1) t (State rs2 m2) ->
      Mem.unchanged_on (fun b o => ~ stack_access init_stk b o (o+1)) m1 m2 /\
      (Mem.is_ptr (init_sp init_stk) <> None -> exists l', Mem.stack m2 = l' ++ init_stk).
    intros ge rs1 m1 t rs2 m2 init_stk l STK STEP.
    inv STEP.
    - eapply exec_instr_unchanged_stack; eauto.
    - split.
      eapply Mem.unchanged_on_trans. eapply Mem.strong_unchanged_on_weak, Mem.push_new_stage_unchanged_on.
      eapply Mem.unchanged_on_trans.
      eapply Mem.unchanged_on_implies. eapply external_call_unchanged_on. eauto.
      simpl. intros b0 ofs0 NSA VB PSA; apply NSA; clear NSA.
      revert PSA. repeat rewrite_stack_blocks.
      rewrite STK. rewrite app_comm_cons. eapply stack_access_app.
      simpl. constructor. 2: easy. rewrite <- STK; apply Mem.stack_norepet.
      eapply Mem.strong_unchanged_on_weak, Mem.unrecord_stack_block_unchanged_on; eauto.
      repeat rewrite_stack_blocks. simpl; eauto.
    - split.
      eapply Mem.unchanged_on_trans.
      eapply Mem.unchanged_on_implies. eapply external_call_unchanged_on. eauto.
      simpl. intros b0 ofs0 NSA VB PSA; apply NSA; clear NSA.
      revert PSA.
      rewrite STK. eapply stack_access_app.
      rewrite <- STK; apply Mem.stack_norepet.
      eapply Mem.strong_unchanged_on_weak, Mem.unrecord_stack_block_unchanged_on; eauto.
      repeat rewrite_stack_blocks.
      inv TIN. rewrite STK in H. simpl.
      destruct l; simpl in *; eauto. subst. rewrite <- H. simpl. intro N; contradict N.
      unfold current_frame_sp; rewrite H0; reflexivity.
      inv H. eauto.

  Lemma initial_state_stack_is_app:
    forall (prog: Asm.program) rs m,
      initial_state prog (State rs m) ->
      Mem.stack m = ((None,nil) ::
                                (Some (make_singleton_frame_adt (Genv.genv_next (Genv.globalenv prog)) 0 0 ), nil) :: nil).
    intros prog rs m IS; inv IS.
    pose proof inject_perm_all.
    repeat rewrite_stack_blocks. rewnb. reflexivity.