Module RealAsmproof2

Require Import Smallstep.
Require Import Machregs.
Require Import Asm.
Require Import Integers.
Require Import List.
Require Import ZArith.
Require Import Memtype.
Require Import Memory.
Require Import Archi.
Require Import Coqlib.
Require Import AST.
Require Import Globalenvs.
Require Import Events.
Require Import Values.
Require Import Conventions1.
Require Import AsmFacts.
Require Import RawAsm RealAsm.
Require Import AsmRegs.

  Context `{memory_model: Mem.MemoryModel }.
  Existing Instance inject_perm_upto_writable.

  Context `{external_calls_ops : !ExternalCallsOps mem }.
  Context `{!EnableBuiltins mem}.

  Existing Instance mem_accessors_default.
  Existing Instance symbols_inject_instance.
  Context `{external_calls_props : !ExternalCallsProps mem
                                    (memory_model_ops := memory_model_ops)

  Variable prog: Asm.program.
  Let ge := Genv.globalenv prog.
  Definition bstack := Genv.genv_next ge.

  Definition pc_at (s: state): option ((function * instruction) + external_function) :=
    let '(State rs m) := s in
    match rs PC with
    | Vptr b o =>
      match Genv.find_funct_ptr ge b with
      | Some (Internal f) =>
        match find_instr (Ptrofs.unsigned o) (fn_code f) with
        | Some i => Some (inl (f,i))
        | None => None
      | Some (External ef) => Some (inr ef)
      | None => None
    | _ => None

  Inductive seq: state -> state -> Prop :=
  | seq_intro rs1 rs2 m (REQ: forall r, r <> RA -> rs1 r = rs2 r): seq (State rs1 m) (State rs2 m).

  Inductive match_states: state -> state -> Prop :=
  | match_states_call_alloc
      (rs1 rs2: regset) m1 m2
      (REQ: forall r : preg, r <> RSP -> r <> RA -> rs1 r = rs2 r)
      (RRSP: rs1 RSP = Val.offset_ptr (rs2 RSP) (Ptrofs.repr (size_chunk Mptr)))
      (MEQ: Mem.storev Mptr m1 (rs2 RSP) (rs1 RA) = Some m2)
      f ialloc
      (PC1: pc_at (State rs1 m1) = Some (inl (f,ialloc)))
      (ALLOC: is_alloc ialloc):
      match_states (State rs1 m1) (State rs2 m2)
  | match_states_call_external
      (rs1 rs2: regset) m1 m2
      (REQ: forall r : preg, r <> RSP -> r <> RA -> rs1 r = rs2 r)
      (RRSP: rs1 RSP = Val.offset_ptr (rs2 RSP) (Ptrofs.repr (size_chunk Mptr)))
      (MEQ: Mem.storev Mptr m1 (rs2 RSP) (rs1 RA) = Some m2)
      (PC1: pc_at (State rs1 m1) = Some (inr ef)):
      match_states (State rs1 m1) (State rs2 m2)
  | match_states_free_ret
      (rs1 rs2: regset) m
      (REQ: forall r : preg, r <> RSP -> r <> RA -> rs1 r = rs2 r)
      (RRSP: rs1 RSP = Val.offset_ptr (rs2 RSP) ((Ptrofs.repr (size_chunk Mptr))))
      (LOADRA: Mem.loadbytesv Mptr m (rs2 RSP) = Some (rs1 RA))
      (PC1: pc_at (State rs1 m) = Some (inl (f,Pret))):
      match_states (State rs1 m) (State rs2 m)
  | match_states_free_jmp
      (rs1 rs2: regset) m
      (REQ: forall r: preg, r <> RSP -> r <> RA -> rs1 r = rs2 r)
      (RRSP: rs1 RSP = Val.offset_ptr (rs2 RSP) ((Ptrofs.repr (size_chunk Mptr))))
      (MEQ: Mem.loadbytesv Mptr m (rs2 RSP) = Some (rs1 RA))
      (RANU: rs1 RA <> Vundef)
      f ijmp
      (PC1: pc_at (State rs1 m) = Some (inl (f,ijmp)))
      (JMP: is_jmp ijmp):
      match_states (State rs1 m) (State rs2 m)
  | match_states_normal s1 s2
                        (SEQ: seq s1 s2)
                        (PC1: match pc_at s2 with
                              | Some (inl (f,i)) => ~ intermediate_instruction i
                              | Some (inr ef) => False
                              | None => True
      match_states s1 s2
  | match_states_stuck s1 s2
                       (PCnone: pc_at s1 = None)
                       (PCeq: rs_state s1 PC = rs_state s2 PC)
                       (RAXeq: rs_state s1 RAX = rs_state s2 RAX)
    : match_states s1 s2.

  Lemma stack_limit_range':
    size_chunk Mptr <= Mem.stack_limit <= Ptrofs.max_unsigned.
    generalize Mem.stack_limit_aligned Mem.stack_limit_pos. intros (x & EQ) POS. rewrite EQ.
    transitivity 8.
    unfold Mptr. destr; simpl; omega.
    rewrite EQ in POS. cut (1 <= x). omega.
    change 0 with (0 * 8) in POS.
    rewrite <- Z.mul_lt_mono_pos_r in POS. omega. omega.
    apply Mem.stack_limit_range.

  Hypothesis WF: wf_asm_prog ge.
  Lemma initial_states_match rs:
    forall s1 s2,
      RawAsm.initial_state prog rs s1 ->
      initial_state prog rs s2 ->
      exists s1', RawAsm.initial_state prog rs s1' /\ match_states s1' s2.
    simpl; intros s1 s2 IS1 IS2.
    exists s1; split; auto. inv IS1; inv IS2.
    inv H0; inv H2.
    unfold ge, ge0, ge1, rs0, rs1 in *. rewrite_hyps.
    destruct (Genv.find_funct_ptr ge bmain0) eqn:Fmain.
    - destruct f.
      + eapply match_states_call_alloc.
        * intros. simpl_regs. rewrite (Pregmap.gso _ _ H0). rewrite (Pregmap.gso _ _ H1). auto.
        * simpl_regs. simpl. f_equal.
          rewrite Ptrofs.add_assoc. rewrite (Ptrofs.add_commut (Ptrofs.neg _)), Ptrofs.add_neg_zero. rewrite Ptrofs.add_zero. auto.
        * simpl_regs.
          simpl. rewrite <- Ptrofs.sub_add_opp.
          unfold Ptrofs.sub.
          rewrite (Ptrofs.unsigned_repr (size_chunk Mptr)).
          rewrite (Ptrofs.unsigned_repr (Mem.stack_limit + align (size_chunk Mptr) 8)).
          3: vm_compute; intuition congruence.
          simpl in STORE_RETADDR. congruence.
          generalize Mem.stack_limit_range, Mem.stack_limit_range', align_Mptr_pos. omega.
        * simpl. simpl_regs. rewrite Fmain.
          erewrite wf_asm_alloc_at_beginning; eauto.
        * apply make_palloc_is_alloc.
      + eapply match_states_call_external.
        * intros. simpl_regs. rewrite (Pregmap.gso _ _ H0). rewrite (Pregmap.gso _ _ H1). auto.
        * simpl_regs. simpl. f_equal.
          rewrite Ptrofs.add_assoc. rewrite (Ptrofs.add_commut (Ptrofs.neg _)), Ptrofs.add_neg_zero. rewrite Ptrofs.add_zero. auto.
        * simpl_regs.
          simpl. rewrite <- Ptrofs.sub_add_opp.
          unfold Ptrofs.sub.
          rewrite (Ptrofs.unsigned_repr (size_chunk Mptr)).
          rewrite (Ptrofs.unsigned_repr (Mem.stack_limit + align (size_chunk Mptr) 8)).
          3: vm_compute; intuition congruence.
          simpl in STORE_RETADDR. congruence.
          generalize Mem.stack_limit_range, Mem.stack_limit_range', align_Mptr_pos. omega.
        * simpl. simpl_regs. rewrite Fmain. eauto.
    - eapply match_states_stuck. simpl. rewrite Fmain. auto.
      simpl. simpl_regs. auto.
      simpl. simpl_regs. auto.

  Lemma match_states_PC:
    forall s1 s2,
      match_states s1 s2 ->
      rs_state s1 PC = rs_state s2 PC.
    intros s1 s2 MS; inv MS; try rewrite REQ by congruence; try reflexivity.
    inv SEQ. simpl; auto. apply REQ. congruence. auto.

  Inductive is_builtin: instruction -> Prop :=
  | is_builtin_intro ef args res: is_builtin (Pbuiltin ef args res).

  Lemma is_builtin_dec i: is_builtin i \/ ~ is_builtin i.
    destruct i; first [right; now inversion 1|now econstructor].

  Lemma step_internal:
    forall s t s'
      (STEP: RawAsm.step ge s t s')
      f i
      (PCAT: pc_at s = Some (inl (f,i)))
      (NB: ~ is_builtin i),
      RawAsm.exec_instr ge f i (rs_state s) (m_state s) = Next (rs_state s') (m_state s') /\ t = E0.
    unfold pc_at; intros s t s' STEP; inv STEP.
    - rewrite H, H0, H1. inversion 1; subst. simpl. eauto.
    - rewrite H, H0, H1. intros f0 i A; inv A. intro NIB; exfalso; apply NIB. constructor.
    - rewrite H, H0. inversion 1.

  Lemma step_external_store:
    forall s t s'
      (STEP: RawAsm.step ge s t s')
      (PCAT: pc_at s = Some (inr ef)),
    exists m2,
      Mem.storev Mptr (m_state s) (Val.offset_ptr (rs_state s RSP) (Ptrofs.neg (Ptrofs.repr (size_chunk Mptr))))
                 (rs_state s RA) = Some m2.
    unfold pc_at; intros s t s' STEP; inv STEP; rewrite H, H0; try now destr.
    inversion 1; simpl; eauto.

  Lemma internal_step:
    forall rs1 rs2 m1 m2 f i
      (PCAT: pc_at (State rs1 m1) = Some (inl (f,i)))
      (EI: RawAsm.exec_instr ge f i rs1 m1 = Next rs2 m2),
      RawAsm.step ge (State rs1 m1) E0 (State rs2 m2).
    simpl in PCAT. repeat destr_in PCAT.
    eapply RawAsm.exec_step_internal; eauto.

  Lemma offset_ptr_neg_sub a b ptr:
    (Val.offset_ptr (Val.offset_ptr ptr (Ptrofs.neg a)) (Ptrofs.sub a b)) = Val.offset_ptr ptr (Ptrofs.neg b).
    rewrite Val.offset_ptr_assoc. f_equal.
    rewrite Ptrofs.sub_add_opp. rewrite <- Ptrofs.add_assoc.
    rewrite (Ptrofs.add_commut (Ptrofs.neg _)). rewrite Ptrofs.add_neg_zero. apply Ptrofs.add_zero_l.

  Lemma offset_ptr_cancel:
    forall ptr a,
      (exists b o, ptr = Vptr b o) ->
      Val.offset_ptr (Val.offset_ptr ptr a) (Ptrofs.neg a) = ptr.
    intros ptr a (b & o & EQ); subst. simpl.
    rewrite <- Ptrofs.sub_add_opp.
    rewrite Ptrofs.add_commut.
    rewrite Ptrofs.sub_add_l.
    rewrite Ptrofs.sub_idem. rewrite Ptrofs.add_zero_l. auto.

  Lemma eval_addrmode64_seq:
    forall (rs rs' : regset) (REQ: forall r, r <> RA -> rs r = rs' r) a,
      eval_addrmode64 ge a rs = eval_addrmode64 ge a rs'.
    unfold eval_addrmode64.
    destr. f_equal. destr. apply REQ. congruence.
    f_equal. destr. destr. rewrite REQ by congruence. auto.

  Lemma eval_addrmode32_seq:
    forall (rs rs' : regset) (REQ: forall r, r <> RA -> rs r = rs' r) a,
      eval_addrmode32 ge a rs = eval_addrmode32 ge a rs'.
    unfold eval_addrmode32.
    destr. f_equal. destr. apply REQ. congruence.
    f_equal. destr. destr. rewrite REQ by congruence. auto.
  Lemma eval_addrmode_seq:
    forall (rs rs' : regset) (REQ: forall r, r <> RA -> rs r = rs' r) a,
      eval_addrmode ge a rs = eval_addrmode ge a rs'.
    unfold eval_addrmode. intros.
    destr; eauto using eval_addrmode32_seq, eval_addrmode64_seq.

  Lemma eval_testcond_seq:
    forall (rs rs' : regset) (REQ: forall r, r <> RA -> rs r = rs' r) t,
      eval_testcond t rs = eval_testcond t rs'.
    unfold eval_testcond. intros.
    repeat rewrite REQ by congruence. repeat destr.
  Lemma exec_load_seq:
    forall chunk m a r r' rd sz r0 m0,
      seq (State r m) (State r' m) ->
      exec_load ge chunk m a r rd sz = Next r0 m0 ->
      exists r1 m1,
        exec_load ge chunk m a r' rd sz = Next r1 m1.
    unfold exec_load; intros chunk m a r r' rd sz r0 m0 SEQ EL; repeat destr_in EL.
    erewrite eval_addrmode_seq in Heqo. rewrite Heqo. eauto. inv SEQ; auto.

  Lemma exec_store_seq:
    forall chunk m a r r' rd lrd sz r0 m0,
      seq (State r m) (State r' m) ->
      exec_store ge chunk m a r rd lrd sz = Next r0 m0 ->
      rd <> RA ->
      exists r1 m1,
        exec_store ge chunk m a r' rd lrd sz = Next r1 m1.
    unfold exec_store; intros chunk m a r r' rd lrd sz r0 m0 SEQ EL NRA; repeat destr_in EL.
    inv SEQ.
    erewrite eval_addrmode_seq in Heqo. rewrite <- REQ. rewrite Heqo. eauto. auto. auto.

  Lemma goto_label_seq:
    forall f l rs1 rs2 m rs' m'
      (GL : goto_label ge f l rs1 m = Next rs' m')
      (SEQ: rs1 PC = rs2 PC),
    exists (rs2' : regset) (m2' : mem), goto_label ge f l rs2 m = Next rs2' m2'.
    unfold goto_label. intros. destr. rewrite <- SEQ. destr. destr. eauto.

  Ltac force_rewrite_match H :=
    match goal with
      H: ?b = _ |- context [ match ?a with _ => _ end ] =>
      cut (b = a);[ let A := fresh in intro A; rewrite <- A, H | ]

  Lemma eval_builtin_arg_eq_rs:
    forall (rs1 rs2: regset) (REQ: forall r, r <> RA -> rs1 r = rs2 r) sp m args vargs
      (NIN: ~ in_builtin_arg args RA),
      eval_builtin_arg ge rs1 sp m args vargs ->
      eval_builtin_arg ge rs2 sp m args vargs.
    induction 3; rewrite ? REQ; try econstructor; eauto.
    intro; subst. now simpl in NIN.
    simpl in NIN. apply IHeval_builtin_arg1. intuition.
    simpl in NIN. apply IHeval_builtin_arg2. intuition.

  Lemma eval_builtin_args_eq_rs:
    forall (rs1 rs2: regset) (REQ: forall r, r <> RA -> rs1 r = rs2 r) sp m args vargs
      (NIN: Forall (fun arg => ~ in_builtin_arg arg RA) args),
      eval_builtin_args ge rs1 sp m args vargs ->
      eval_builtin_args ge rs2 sp m args vargs.
    induction 3; constructor; eauto.
    eapply eval_builtin_arg_eq_rs. 3: apply H. auto. inv NIN; auto.
    inv NIN. apply IHlist_forall2. auto.

  Lemma preg_of_not_RA:
    forall r,
      preg_of r <> RA.
    unfold preg_of. intros.
  Lemma extcall_arg_eq_rs:
    forall (rs1 rs2: regset)
      (REQ : forall r : preg, r <> RA -> rs1 r = rs2 r)
      m1 l arg
      (ARGS : extcall_arg rs1 m1 l arg),
      extcall_arg rs2 m1 l arg.
    intros rs1 rs2 REQ m1 l arg ARGS; inv ARGS.
    - rewrite REQ.
      econstructor. apply preg_of_not_RA.
    - econstructor; eauto. rewrite <- REQ; eauto. congruence.

  Lemma extcall_arg_pair_eq_rs:
    forall (rs1 rs2: regset)
      (REQ : forall r : preg, r <> RA -> rs1 r = rs2 r)
      m1 l arg
      (ARGS : extcall_arg_pair rs1 m1 l arg),
      extcall_arg_pair rs2 m1 l arg.
    intros; inv ARGS; econstructor; eauto using extcall_arg_eq_rs.

  Lemma extcall_arguments_eq_rs:
    forall (rs1 rs2: regset)
      (REQ : forall r : preg, r <> RA -> rs1 r = rs2 r)
      m1 sg args
      (ARGS : extcall_arguments rs1 m1 sg args),
      extcall_arguments rs2 m1 sg args.
    intros rs1 rs2 REQ m1. unfold extcall_arguments.
    induction 1; econstructor; eauto using extcall_arg_pair_eq_rs.

  Lemma extcall_progress:
    forall (rs1 rs2: regset)
      (REQ : forall r : preg, r <> RSP -> r <> RA -> rs1 r = rs2 r)
      (RRSP : rs1 RSP = Val.offset_ptr (rs2 RSP) (Ptrofs.repr (size_chunk Mptr)))
      b ef
      (FFP : Genv.find_funct_ptr ge b = Some (External ef))
      (PC1 : rs1 PC = Vptr b
      args res
      (ARGS : extcall_arguments rs1 m2 (ef_sig ef) args)
      ra (LOADRA: Mem.loadv Mptr m2 (rs2 RSP) = Some ra)
      (SP_TYPE : Val.has_type (rs1 RSP) Tptr)
      (SP_NOT_VUNDEF : rs1 RSP <> Vundef)
      (RA_NOT_VUNDEF : ra <> Vundef)
      m' t
      (EXTCALL : external_call ef ge args m2 t res m'),
    exists s2', step ge (State rs2 m2) t s2'.
    eapply exec_step_external. rewrite <- REQ by congruence. eauto. eauto.
    eapply extcall_arguments_eq_rs. 2: eauto. intros. simpl_regs.
    setoid_rewrite Pregmap.gsspec. rewrite <- RRSP.
    destr. apply REQ. auto. auto.
    rewrite RRSP in SP_NOT_VUNDEF. unfold Val.offset_ptr in SP_NOT_VUNDEF. destr_in SP_NOT_VUNDEF. apply Val.Vptr_has_type.
    rewrite RRSP in SP_NOT_VUNDEF. unfold Val.offset_ptr in SP_NOT_VUNDEF. destr_in SP_NOT_VUNDEF.
    auto. eauto. eauto.

  Lemma eval_ros_eq:
    forall rs1 rs2 (REQ: forall r : preg, r <> RSP -> r <> RA -> rs1 r = rs2 r) ros (NRSP: ros <> inl RSP),
      eval_ros ge ros rs1 = eval_ros ge ros rs2.
    unfold eval_ros. intros. destr.
    apply REQ. congruence. congruence.
  Lemma real_asm_progress rs:
    forall s1 s2,
      match_states s1 s2 ->
      safe (RawAsm.semantics prog rs) s1 ->
      real_asm_inv prog s2 ->
      (exists r : int, final_state s2 r) \/ (exists (t : trace) (s2' : state), step (Genv.globalenv prog) s2 t s2').
    intros s1 s2 MS SAFE SPAL.
    destruct (SAFE _ (star_refl _ _ _)) as [(r & FS)|(t & s2' & STEP)].
      simpl in FS. inv FS.
      assert (pc_at (State rs0 m) = None).
      - simpl. rewrite H. unfold Vnullptr. destruct ptr64; auto.
      - inv MS; try congruence. inv SEQ.
        left. eexists; constructor; rewrite <- REQ; eauto. congruence. congruence.
        destruct s2. left. eexists; simpl in *; econstructor. congruence. rewrite <- RAXeq; eauto.
    simpl in *. fold ge in STEP |- *.
    inv MS.
    - exploit step_internal. apply STEP. eauto. intro IB; inv IB; inv ALLOC. intros (EI & T0).
      simpl in *. subst.
      inv ALLOC; simpl in EI. repeat destr_in EI.
      repeat destr_in PC1.
      exploit wf_asm_wf_allocframe; eauto. intro A; inv A.
      rewrite offset_ptr_neg_sub in Heqo.
      rewrite RRSP in Heqo.
      rewrite offset_ptr_cancel in Heqo.
      assert (m_state s2' = m2) by congruence. subst.
      right; do 2 eexists.
      eapply exec_step_internal.
      rewrite <- REQ by congruence. eauto. eauto. eauto.
      simpl. eauto.
      unfold Mem.storev in MEQ. destr_in MEQ. eauto.
    - simpl in PC1. repeat destr_in PC1.
      inv STEP; rewrite_hyps.
      right. exists t.
      assert (m2 = m0).
        rewrite RRSP in SZRA.
        rewrite offset_ptr_cancel in SZRA. congruence.
        unfold Mem.storev in MEQ. destr_in MEQ. eauto.
      } subst.
      eapply extcall_progress; eauto.
      assert (exists b o, rs2 RSP = Vptr b o).
        unfold Mem.storev, Mem.loadv in MEQ. destruct (rs2 RSP); simpl in *; try congruence. eauto.
      unfold Mem.storev in SZRA.
      rewrite RRSP in SZRA. rewrite offset_ptr_cancel in SZRA; eauto.
      destr_in SZRA.
      simpl. erewrite Mem.load_store_same; eauto.
      change Mptr with (chunk_of_type Tptr).
      erewrite Val.load_result_same. auto. auto.
    - exploit step_internal. apply STEP. eauto. intro IB; inv IB. intros (EI & T0).
      simpl in EI. repeat destr_in EI.
      simpl in *.
      repeat destr_in PC1.
      unfold Mem.loadbytesv in LOADRA. repeat destr_in LOADRA.
      exploit Mem.loadbytes_load. apply Heqo1.
      inv SPAL. red in RSPPTR. simpl in RSPPTR. rewrite Heqv0 in RSPPTR.
      destruct RSPPTR as (o & EQRSP & AL);inv EQRSP; eauto.
      intro LOAD.
      right; do 2 eexists.
      eapply exec_step_internal.
      rewrite <- REQ by congruence. eauto. eauto. eauto.
      simpl. rewrite Heqv0. simpl; rewrite LOAD. eauto.
    - exploit step_internal. apply STEP. eauto. intro IB; inv IB; inv JMP. intros (EI & T0).
      simpl in *.
      repeat destr_in PC1.
      inv JMP.
      right; do 2 eexists.
      eapply exec_step_internal.
      rewrite <- REQ by congruence. eauto. eauto. eauto.
      simpl. erewrite <- eval_ros_eq; eauto. simpl in EI; simpl; repeat destr_in EI.
      intro; subst. eapply wf_asm_jmp_no_rsp; eauto.
    - inversion SEQ; subst.
      simpl in *. rewrite <- REQ in PC1 by congruence.
      repeat destr_in PC1; subst.
      repeat destr_in Heqo.
      + inversion STEP; subst; rewrite_hyps.
        destruct (is_call_dec i1).
          destruct (SAFE _ (star_one _ _ _ _ _ STEP)) as [(r & FS)|(t & s2' & STEP2)].
          - inv FS.
            inv i; simpl in H6. repeat destr_in H6.
            simpl_regs_in H1. revert H1. unfold Genv.find_funct in Heqo. destr_in Heqo. inversion 1.
          - assert (exists b f', Genv.find_funct_ptr ge b = Some f' /\
                            rs' PC = Vptr b
              rename H6 into EI.
              inv i; simpl in EI; repeat destr_in EI.
              simpl_regs. unfold Genv.find_funct in Heqo; repeat destr_in Heqo. eauto.
            destruct H as (b & f' & FFP & PC').
            destruct f'.
            + inv i.
              exploit step_internal. apply STEP2. simpl. rewrite PC'. rewrite FFP.
              erewrite wf_asm_alloc_at_beginning; eauto. inversion 1. intros (EI & T0). subst.
              simpl in EI. destr_in EI. inv EI.
              right; do 2 eexists. eapply exec_step_internal. rewrite <- REQ; eauto. congruence. eauto. eauto.
              simpl in H6. destr_in H6. inv H6. simpl. force_rewrite_match Heqo. eauto.
              simpl_regs. rewrite <- ! REQ.
              apply offset_ptr_neg_sub. congruence. congruence.
            + generalize (step_external_store _ _ _ STEP2 e). simpl; rewrite PC' , FFP.
              intro STORE; trim STORE. auto. destruct STORE as (m2' & STORE).
              inv i.
              simpl in H6. destr_in H6. inv H6. revert STORE. simpl_regs. intros.
              right; do 2 eexists. eapply exec_step_internal. rewrite <- REQ; eauto. congruence. eauto. eauto.
              simpl. rewrite <- ! REQ. rewrite STORE. eauto. congruence. congruence.

        cut (exists rs2' m2', exec_instr ge f0 i1 rs2 m = Next rs2' m2').
        intros (rs2' & m2' & EI'). right; exists E0, (State rs2' m2').
        eapply exec_step_internal. rewrite <- REQ by congruence; eauto. eauto. eauto. eauto.
        destruct i1; simpl in H6; simpl; eauto using exec_load_seq, exec_store_seq.
        eapply exec_store_seq; eauto. congruence.
        eapply exec_store_seq; eauto. congruence.
        eapply exec_store_seq; eauto. congruence.
        eapply exec_store_seq; eauto. congruence.
        eapply exec_store_seq; eauto. congruence.
        eapply exec_store_seq; eauto. congruence.
        eapply exec_store_seq; eauto. congruence.
        eapply exec_store_seq; eauto. congruence.
        repeat rewrite <- REQ by congruence. repeat destr_in H6. eauto.
        repeat rewrite <- REQ by congruence. repeat destr_in H6. eauto.
        repeat rewrite <- REQ by congruence. repeat destr_in H6. eauto.
        repeat rewrite <- REQ by congruence. repeat destr_in H6. eauto.
        repeat destr; eauto.
        eapply goto_label_seq; eauto. apply REQ; congruence.
        erewrite <- eval_ros_eq. 2: inv SEQ; intros; apply REQ; auto. destr_in H6. eauto. intro; subst.
        eapply wf_asm_jmp_no_rsp; eauto.
        erewrite <- eval_testcond_seq by eauto. repeat destr_in H6; eauto. eapply goto_label_seq; eauto. apply REQ; congruence.
        erewrite <- eval_testcond_seq by eauto. destr_in H6.
        erewrite <- eval_testcond_seq by eauto. repeat destr_in H6; eauto. eapply goto_label_seq; eauto. apply REQ; congruence.
        rewrite <- REQ by congruence. destr. destr. eapply goto_label_seq. eauto. simpl_regs. apply REQ; congruence.
        exfalso; apply n; econstructor.
        exfalso; apply PC1. constructor 2. auto.
        eapply exec_store_seq; eauto. congruence.
        eapply exec_store_seq; eauto. congruence.
        eapply eval_builtin_args_eq_rs in H4. rewrite REQ in H4.
        right; do 2 eexists. eapply exec_step_builtin. rewrite <- REQ; eauto. congruence. all: eauto. congruence.
        eapply wf_asm_builtin_not_PC; eauto.

      + inv STEP; repeat destr_in Heqo.
    - inv STEP; simpl in *; repeat destr_in PCnone.

  Lemma ptrofs_cancel i f s:
    i =
      (Ptrofs.add (Ptrofs.add i s) (Ptrofs.neg f))
      (Ptrofs.sub f s).
    rewrite ! Ptrofs.add_assoc.
    transitivity (Ptrofs.add i rewrite Ptrofs.add_zero. auto.
    rewrite Ptrofs.sub_add_opp.
    rewrite (Ptrofs.add_commut f). rewrite <- (Ptrofs.add_assoc _ (Ptrofs.neg s)).
    rewrite (Ptrofs.add_commut _ (Ptrofs.neg s)). rewrite (Ptrofs.add_assoc (Ptrofs.neg s)).
    rewrite <- (Ptrofs.add_assoc _ (Ptrofs.neg s)).
    rewrite Ptrofs.add_neg_zero. rewrite Ptrofs.add_zero_l.
    rewrite Ptrofs.add_commut. rewrite Ptrofs.add_neg_zero. auto.

  Lemma offset_ptr_has_type:
    forall ptr o,
      Val.has_type (Val.offset_ptr ptr o) Tptr.
    intros. destruct ptr; now (simpl; auto).

  Lemma goto_label_match:
    forall f l rs2 m2 rs2' m2' rs1,
      (forall r: preg, r<>RA -> rs1 r = rs2 r) ->
      goto_label ge f l rs2 m2 = Next rs2' m2' ->
      exists rs1' m1', goto_label ge f l rs1 m2 = Next rs1' m1' /\ seq (State rs1' m1') (State rs2' m2').
    intros f l rs2 m2 rs2' m2' rs1 REQ GL2.
    edestruct goto_label_seq as (rs1' & m1' & GL). eauto. symmetry; apply REQ. congruence. rewrite GL.
    do 2 eexists; split; eauto.
    unfold goto_label in GL2, GL. destr_in GL. rewrite REQ in GL by congruence.
    repeat destr_in GL. inv GL2.
    constructor. intros. regs_eq.
  Lemma goto_label_PC:
    forall f l r m r0 m0
      (GL: goto_label ge f l r m = Next r0 m0)
      b i
      (PCbef: r PC = Vptr b i)
      (FFP: Genv.find_funct_ptr ge b = Some (Internal f)) ,
      (forall f0 i2,
          pc_at (State r0 m0) = Some (inl (f0,i2)) ->
          ~ intermediate_instruction i2)
      /\ (forall ef,
            pc_at (State r0 m0) = Some (inr ef) ->
            False ).
    unfold goto_label in GL.
    rewrite PCbef, FFP in GL. destr_in GL. inv GL. simpl_regs. rewrite FFP.
    destr. split. 2: inversion 1. intros f0 i2 EQ; inv EQ.
    assert (EQz: Ptrofs.unsigned (Ptrofs.repr z) = z).
      replace z with (z-0) by omega.
      eapply label_pos_repr. rewrite Z.add_0_r. eapply wf_asm_code_bounded. eauto. omega. eauto.
    } rewrite EQz in *.
    generalize (label_pos_spec l (fn_code f0) 0 z). intro LPS; trim LPS.
    rewrite Z.add_0_r. eapply wf_asm_code_bounded; eauto. trim LPS. omega. trim LPS; auto.
    generalize (find_instr_ofs_pos _ _ _ LPS).
    intros POS II; inv II.
      inv H. exploit wf_asm_alloc_only_at_beginning. eauto. apply Heqo0.
      generalize (instr_size_positive (Plabel l)); omega.
      exploit wf_asm_ret_jmp_comes_after_freeframe. eauto. 2: apply H.
      rewrite EQz. eauto.
      intros (o' & ifree & FI & IFREE & RNG).
      generalize (find_instr_no_overlap' _ _ _ _ _ FI LPS).
      intros [EQ|NOOV]. subst; inv IFREE.
      rewrite EQz in *.
      generalize (instr_size_positive ifree) (instr_size_positive (Plabel l)). omega.
  Lemma exec_instr_normal:
    forall rs1 rs2 m1 m2 b ofs f i rs2' m2',
      seq (State rs1 m1) (State rs2 m2) ->
      rs2 PC = Vptr b ofs ->
      Genv.find_funct_ptr ge b = Some (Internal f) ->
      find_instr (Ptrofs.unsigned ofs) (fn_code f) = Some i ->
      exec_instr ge f i rs2 m2 = Next rs2' m2' ->
      ~ intermediate_instruction i ->
      ~ is_call i ->
      ~ is_free i ->
      (exists rs1' m1',
        RawAsm.exec_instr ge f i rs1 m1 = Next rs1' m1' /\
        seq (State rs1' m1') (State rs2' m2')) /\
        match pc_at (State rs2' m2') with
        | Some (inl (_, i)) => ~ intermediate_instruction i
        | Some (inr ef) => False
        | None => True
    intros rs1 rs2 m1 m2 b ofs f i rs2' m2' SEQ PC2 FFP FI EI NII NIC NIF.
    inv SEQ.
    assert (RawAsm.exec_instr ge f i rs2 m2 = Next rs2' m2').
      rewrite <- EI.
      destruct i; auto.
      contradict NIC; constructor.
      contradict NII. constructor 2. auto.
      contradict NII. constructor. constructor.
      contradict NIF. constructor.
    } clear EI; rename H into EI.
        destruct i; simpl in *; unfold exec_load, exec_store in *;
          erewrite ? eval_addrmode_seq by eauto;
          repeat erewrite ? eval_testcond_seq by eauto;
          erewrite ? REQ by congruence;
          repeat destr_in EI;
          try (do 2 eexists; split; [eauto|constructor; intros; simpl; regs_eq;
                                           try eapply eval_addrmode64_seq ; now eauto
                                    ]; fail).
        do 2 eexists; split; [eauto|constructor; intros; simpl; regs_eq; repeat destr; simpl; regs_eq].
        do 2 eexists; split; [eauto|constructor; intros; simpl; regs_eq; repeat destr; simpl; regs_eq].
        eapply goto_label_match; eauto.
        erewrite eval_ros_eq. 2: now (intros; apply REQ; auto). setoid_rewrite Heqo.
        do 2 eexists; split; [eauto|constructor; intros; simpl; regs_eq; repeat destr; simpl; regs_eq].
        intro; subst; eapply wf_asm_jmp_no_rsp; eauto.
        eapply goto_label_match; eauto.
        erewrite eval_testcond_seq by eauto. rewrite Heqo0. eapply goto_label_match; eauto.
        erewrite eval_testcond_seq by eauto. rewrite Heqo0.
        do 2 eexists; split; [eauto|constructor; intros; simpl; regs_eq; repeat destr; simpl; regs_eq].
        erewrite eval_testcond_seq by eauto. rewrite Heqo0.
        do 2 eexists; split; [eauto|constructor; intros; simpl; regs_eq; repeat destr; simpl; regs_eq].
        eapply goto_label_match. 2: eauto. intros; regs_eq.
        contradict NIC. constructor.
        contradict NII. constructor 2; auto.
        contradict NII. constructor. constructor.
    destruct (Val.eq (rs2' PC) (Val.offset_ptr (rs2 PC) (Ptrofs.repr (instr_size i)))).
      rewrite e, PC2. simpl. rewrite FFP.
      destr. repeat destr_in Heqo. rename Heqo0 into FI'.
      intro A.
      inv A.
        inv H. exploit wf_asm_alloc_only_at_beginning. eauto. apply FI'.
        erewrite wf_asm_pc_repr; eauto.
        generalize (Ptrofs.unsigned_range ofs) (instr_size_positive i); omega.
        exploit wf_asm_ret_jmp_comes_after_freeframe; eauto.
        intros (o' & ifree & FI2 & IFREE & RNG).
        generalize (find_instr_no_overlap' _ _ _ _ _ FI FI2).
        erewrite wf_asm_pc_repr in RNG; eauto.
        rewrite RNG.
        intros [EQ|NOOV]. subst. congruence.
        generalize (instr_size_positive i) (instr_size_positive ifree). omega.
    destruct i; simpl in *; unfold exec_load, exec_store in EI; repeat destr_in EI;
      unfold compare_ints, compare_longs, compare_floats, compare_floats32 in n;
      repeat destr_in n;
      simpl_regs_in n; try congruence.
    generalize (goto_label_PC _ _ _ _ _ _ H0 _ _ PC2 FFP). simpl. intros (A & B); repeat destr; eauto.
    contradict NII. econstructor 2. right. econstructor.
    generalize (goto_label_PC _ _ _ _ _ _ H0 _ _ PC2 FFP). simpl. intros (A & B); repeat destr; eauto.
    generalize (goto_label_PC _ _ _ _ _ _ H0 _ _ PC2 FFP). simpl. intros (A & B); repeat destr; eauto.
    generalize (goto_label_PC _ _ _ _ _ _ H0 _ _ PC2 FFP). simpl. intros (A & B); repeat destr; eauto.
    contradict NIC. constructor.
    contradict NII. constructor 2. auto.
    rewrite PC2, FFP, FI. intro A. inv A. inv H. destruct H as [H|H]; inv H.

  Lemma loadbytesv_storev:
    forall m' (rs2 rs1 : regset),
      Mem.loadbytesv Mptr m' (rs2 RSP) = Some (rs1 RA) ->
      rs1 RA <> Vundef ->
      bstack_perm prog (State rs2 m') ->
      stack_top_state prog (State rs2 m') ->
      rsp_ptr prog (State rs2 m') ->
      Mem.storev Mptr m' (rs2 RSP) (rs1 RA) = Some m'.
    intros m' rs2 rs1 MEQ RANU BSTACK_PERM STOP RSPPTR.
    unfold Mem.loadbytesv in MEQ; repeat destr_in MEQ. simpl.
    edestruct (Mem.valid_access_store m' Mptr b (Ptrofs.unsigned i) (rs1 RA)) as (m2 & STORE).
      destruct RSPPTR as (o & RSPPTR & SPAL). simpl in RSPPTR. rewrite Heqv in RSPPTR; inv RSPPTR.
      red; repeat apply conj.
      - red; intros. eapply BSTACK_PERM. simpl.
        eapply Mem.loadbytes_range_perm; eauto.
      - auto.
      - left. eauto.
    assert (Val.has_type (rs1 RA) Tptr).
      revert H0; unfold Mem.encoded_ra, Mem.is_ptr; repeat destr; inversion 1.
      unfold Vptrofs, Tptr. destr; simpl; auto. apply Val.Vptr_has_type.
    assert (encode_val Mptr (rs1 RA) = l).
      revert H0; unfold Mem.encoded_ra, Mem.is_ptr; repeat destr; inversion 1.
      unfold Vptrofs, Mptr, Tptr. destr; simpl; auto. apply inj_proj_bytes in Heqo0. subst. f_equal.
      eapply Mem.encode_decode_long; eauto. eapply Mem.loadbytes_length in Heqo. rewrite length_inj_bytes in Heqo. rewrite Heqo.
      unfold Mptr; rewrite Heqb0; reflexivity.
      apply inj_proj_bytes in Heqo0. subst. f_equal.
      eapply Mem.encode_decode_int; eauto. eapply Mem.loadbytes_length in Heqo. rewrite length_inj_bytes in Heqo. rewrite Heqo.
      unfold Mptr; rewrite Heqb0; reflexivity.
      unfold Val.load_result in Heqv0.
      unfold Mptr in *. unfold encode_val. destruct x86_32.Archi.ptr64 eqn:ARCHI; simpl in Heqv; repeat destr_in Heqv0.
      eapply Mem.proj_value_inj_value; eauto. congruence.
      eapply Mem.proj_value_inj_value; eauto. congruence.
    exploit Mem.store_same_ptr; eauto. intro; subst. auto.

  Lemma offsets_after_call_correct:
    forall c pos o,
      0 <= pos ->
      In o (offsets_after_call c pos) ->
      exists oc icall, find_instr oc c = Some icall /\ is_call icall /\ oc + instr_size icall = o - pos.
    induction c; simpl; intros; eauto.
    destr_in H0.
    - destruct H0.
      + subst.
        exists 0, a. rewrite zeq_true. split; auto. split; auto. omega.
      + destruct (fun pos => IHc _ _ pos H0) as (oc & icall & INSTR & ICALL & EQ).
        generalize (instr_size_positive a). omega.
        exists (oc + instr_size a).
        rewrite pred_dec_false.
        replace (oc + instr_size a - instr_size a) with oc by omega. rewrite INSTR.
        eexists; split; eauto. split; auto. omega.
        generalize (instr_size_positive a) (find_instr_ofs_pos _ _ _ INSTR). omega.
    - destruct (fun pos => IHc _ _ pos H0) as (oc & icall & INSTR & ICALL & EQ).
      generalize (instr_size_positive a). omega.
      exists (oc + instr_size a).
      rewrite pred_dec_false.
      replace (oc + instr_size a - instr_size a) with oc by omega. rewrite INSTR.
      eexists; split; eauto. split; auto. omega.
      generalize (instr_size_positive a) (find_instr_ofs_pos _ _ _ INSTR). omega.
  Lemma real_asm_step rs:
    forall s2 t s2',
      step (Genv.globalenv prog) s2 t s2' ->
      forall s1 : state,
        match_states s1 s2 ->
        real_asm_inv prog s2 ->
        safe (RawAsm.semantics prog rs) s1 ->
        exists s1', RawAsm.step (Genv.globalenv prog) s1 t s1' /\ match_states s1' s2'.
    intros s2 t s2' STEP s1 MS INV SAFE. inv INV.
    fold ge in STEP.
    inv MS.
    - simpl in PC1. repeat destr_in PC1.
      rewrite REQ in Heqv by congruence.
      inv STEP; rewrite_hyps. 2: inv ALLOC.
      inv ALLOC. simpl in H6. inv H6.
      eexists; split. eapply RawAsm.exec_step_internal. rewrite REQ by congruence; eauto.
      eauto. eauto.
      simpl. force_rewrite_match MEQ. eauto. f_equal.
      rewrite RRSP.
      eapply wf_asm_wf_allocframe in Heqo0; eauto. inv Heqo0.
      unfold Mem.storev, Mem.loadv in MEQ. destruct (rs2 RSP); simpl in *; try congruence.
      f_equal. apply ptrofs_cancel.
      eapply match_states_normal.
      constructor. intros. apply nextinstr_eq.
      intros; apply set_reg_eq. intros. apply set_reg_eq. eauto.
      rewrite RRSP. rewrite Val.offset_ptr_assoc. f_equal.
      rewrite Ptrofs.sub_add_opp. rewrite Ptrofs.neg_add_distr. rewrite Ptrofs.add_commut.
      rewrite Ptrofs.neg_involutive. auto.
      simpl. simpl_regs. rewrite Heqv. simpl. rewrite Heqo.
      destr. destr_in Heqo1. inv Heqo1.
      intro A.
      inv A.
        inv H. exploit wf_asm_alloc_only_at_beginning. eauto. apply Heqo0. intro I0.
        exploit wf_asm_alloc_only_at_beginning. eauto. apply Heqo2.
        rewrite Ptrofs.add_unsigned. rewrite I0.
        rewrite (Ptrofs.unsigned_repr (instr_size _)) by apply instr_size_repr.
        rewrite (Ptrofs.unsigned_repr (instr_size _)) by apply instr_size_repr.
        apply not_eq_sym. apply Z.lt_neq. apply instr_size_positive.
        exploit wf_asm_ret_jmp_comes_after_freeframe; eauto.
        intros (o' & ifree & FI & IFREE & RNG).
        exploit wf_asm_alloc_only_at_beginning; eauto.
        intro FALLOC.
        generalize (find_instr_no_overlap' _ _ _ _ _ FI Heqo0).
        erewrite wf_asm_pc_repr in RNG; eauto.
        rewrite RNG.
        intros [EQ|NOOV]. subst; inv IFREE.
        generalize (instr_size_positive (Pallocframe sz pub ora)) (instr_size_positive ifree). omega.
    - simpl in PC1. repeat destr_in PC1.
      rewrite REQ in Heqv by congruence.
      inv STEP; rewrite_hyps.
      assert ( RAC : ra_after_call ge (rs1 RA)).
        destruct (SAFE _ (star_refl _ _ _)) as [(rr & FS)|(tt & s' & STEP)].
        simpl in FS. inv FS. contradict H1. rewrite REQ by congruence. rewrite Heqv. inversion 1.
        simpl in STEP.
        rewrite <- REQ in Heqv by congruence.
        fold ge in STEP.
        inv STEP; rewrite_hyps; auto.
      unfold Mem.storev in MEQ; destr_in MEQ.
      assert (rs1 RA = ra /\ ra <> Vundef /\ Val.has_type ra Tptr).
        simpl in *. split.
        erewrite Mem.load_store_same in LOADRA; eauto. inv LOADRA.
        change Mptr with (chunk_of_type Tptr).
        symmetry. apply Val.load_result_same.
        revert RA_NOT_VUNDEF. unfold Val.load_result, Mptr, Tptr.
        destruct x86_32.Archi.ptr64 eqn:PTR, (rs1 RA); simpl; try congruence. auto.
        eapply Mem.load_type in LOADRA.
        change Tptr with (type_of_chunk Mptr). auto.
      } destruct H as (RA1 & RA1U & RATYP); subst.
      eexists; split. eapply RawAsm.exec_step_external. rewrite REQ by congruence; eauto.
      rewrite RRSP. apply offset_ptr_has_type.
      rewrite RRSP. simpl; congruence.
      rewrite <- MEQ.
      rewrite RRSP. rewrite offset_ptr_cancel. reflexivity. eauto.
      eapply extcall_arguments_eq_rs. 2: apply H3.
      intros. setoid_rewrite Pregmap.gsspec. rewrite <- RRSP.
      destr. symmetry; apply REQ. auto. auto.
      eauto. eauto. reflexivity.
      eapply match_states_normal.
      constructor. intros.
      destruct (preg_eq r RSP). subst. simpl_regs.
      rewrite set_pair_no_rsp.
      rewrite Asmgenproof0.undef_regs_other.
      rewrite Asmgenproof0.undef_regs_other_2.
      apply rsp_not_destroyed_at_call.
      simpl. intuition subst; congruence.
      apply no_rsp_loc_external_result.
      rewrite (Pregmap.gso _ _ n).
      intros; apply set_reg_eq.
      intros. apply set_reg_eq.
      intros. apply set_pair_eq.
      intros. apply undef_regs_eq.
      intros. apply undef_regs_eq. intros; apply REQ. congruence.
      auto. auto. auto.
      simpl. simpl_regs.
      destr. destr_in Heqo0. destr_in Heqo0.
      destruct RAC as (RAU & RAC).
      specialize (RAC _ _ eq_refl _ Heqo1). red in RAC. destr_in RAC. destr_in Heqo0. inv Heqo0.
      destruct (offsets_after_call_correct _ _ _ (Zle_refl _) RAC) as (oc & icall & ICALL & ISCALL & EQofs).
      intro II; inv II.
        inv H. exploit wf_asm_alloc_only_at_beginning. eauto. apply Heqo2.
        generalize (find_instr_ofs_pos _ _ _ ICALL) (instr_size_positive icall). omega.
        exploit wf_asm_ret_jmp_comes_after_freeframe; eauto.
        intros (o' & ifree & FI & IFREE & RNG).
        generalize (find_instr_no_overlap' _ _ _ _ _ FI ICALL).
        rewrite Z.sub_0_r in EQofs. rewrite <- EQofs in RNG.
        rewrite RNG.
        rewrite <- RNG at 2.
        intros [EQ|NOOV]. subst; inv IFREE; inv ISCALL.
        generalize (instr_size_positive icall) (instr_size_positive ifree). omega.
    - simpl in PC1. repeat destr_in PC1.
      rewrite REQ in Heqv by congruence. inv STEP; rewrite_hyps.
      assert ( RAC : ra_after_call ge (rs1 RA)).
        destruct (SAFE _ (star_refl _ _ _)) as [(rr & FS)|(tt & s' & STEP)].
        simpl in FS. inv FS. contradict H1. rewrite REQ by congruence. rewrite Heqv. inversion 1.
        simpl in STEP.
        rewrite <- REQ in Heqv by congruence.
        fold ge in STEP.
        inv STEP; rewrite_hyps; auto.
        simpl in H7. destr_in H7.
      simpl in H6. destr_in H6. inv H6.
      assert (RAV: rs1 RA = v).
        unfold Mem.loadbytesv in LOADRA. repeat destr_in LOADRA.
        simpl in Heqo1.
        edestruct Mem.load_loadbytes as (bytes & LB & DEC); eauto. rewrite Heqo2 in LB. inv LB.
        revert H0.
        unfold Mem.encoded_ra, decode_val. destr. unfold Mptr, Vptrofs.
        destruct x86_32.Archi.ptr64 eqn:?; inversion 1.
        unfold Ptrofs.to_int64. f_equal.
        apply Int64.eqm_samerepr. apply Ptrofs.eqm64; auto. apply Ptrofs.eqm_sym, Ptrofs.eqm_unsigned_repr.
        unfold Ptrofs.to_int. f_equal.
        apply Int.eqm_samerepr. apply Ptrofs.eqm32; auto. apply Ptrofs.eqm_sym, Ptrofs.eqm_unsigned_repr.
        unfold Mptr. destr. simpl. unfold Mem.is_ptr. destr.
        simpl. unfold Mem.is_ptr. destr.
      eexists; split. eapply RawAsm.exec_step_internal. rewrite REQ by congruence; eauto. eauto. eauto.
      simpl. rewrite pred_dec_true. eauto. eauto.
      apply match_states_normal.
      + constructor. intros. rewrite ! (Pregmap.gso _ _ H). apply set_reg_eq; auto.
        setoid_rewrite Pregmap.gsspec. destr. apply REQ. auto. auto.
      + simpl. simpl_regs.
        destr. destr_in Heqo2. destr_in Heqo2.
        destruct RAC as (RAU & RAC).
        specialize (RAC _ _ RAV _ Heqo3). red in RAC. destr_in RAC. destr_in Heqo2. inv Heqo2.
        destruct (offsets_after_call_correct _ _ _ (Zle_refl _) RAC) as (oc & icall & ICALL & ISCALL & EQofs).
        intro II; inv II.
          inv H. exploit wf_asm_alloc_only_at_beginning. eauto. apply Heqo4.
          generalize (find_instr_ofs_pos _ _ _ ICALL) (instr_size_positive icall). omega.
          exploit wf_asm_ret_jmp_comes_after_freeframe; eauto.
          intros (o' & ifree & FI & IFREE & RNG).
          generalize (find_instr_no_overlap' _ _ _ _ _ FI ICALL).
          rewrite Z.sub_0_r in EQofs. rewrite <- EQofs in RNG.
          rewrite RNG.
          rewrite <- RNG at 2.
          intros [EQ|NOOV]. subst; inv IFREE; inv ISCALL.
          generalize (instr_size_positive icall) (instr_size_positive ifree). omega.
    - simpl in PC1. repeat destr_in PC1.
      rewrite REQ in Heqv by congruence. inv STEP; rewrite_hyps. 2: now (inv JMP).
      inv JMP.
      + simpl in H6. inv H6.
        eexists; split. eapply RawAsm.exec_step_internal. rewrite REQ by congruence; eauto. eauto. eauto.
        erewrite eval_ros_eq. 2: now (intros; apply REQ; auto). fold ge. destr_in H0.
        intro; subst; eapply wf_asm_jmp_no_rsp; eauto.
        destr_in H0. inv H0.
        unfold Genv.find_funct in Heqo1. repeat destr_in Heqo1.
        destruct f.
        * eapply match_states_call_alloc.
          intros. apply set_reg_eq; auto.
          simpl_regs. auto.
          eapply loadbytesv_storev;eauto.
          simpl. simpl_regs. rewrite H0.
          erewrite wf_asm_alloc_at_beginning; eauto. constructor.
        * eapply match_states_call_external.
          intros. apply set_reg_eq; auto.
          simpl_regs. auto.
          simpl_regs. eapply loadbytesv_storev;eauto.
          simpl. rewrite H0. eauto.
    - inv STEP; simpl in *; rewrite H, H0, ? H1 in PC1.
      + destruct (is_call_dec i).
          inv i0.
 simpl in H2. destr_in H2. inv H2. *) inv SEQ. *) eexists; split. *) eapply RawAsm.exec_step_internal. *) rewrite REQ; eauto. congruence. eauto. eauto. *) simpl. eauto. *) edestruct wf_asm_call_target_exists as (bf & fd & SA & FFP); eauto. *) fold ge. rewrite SA. *) destruct fd. *) eapply match_states_call_alloc. *) intros. rewrite (Pregmap.gso _ _ H2). apply set_reg_eq; auto. intros; apply set_reg_eq. auto. *) rewrite REQ; auto. congruence. *) simpl_regs. rewrite REQ by congruence. *) etransitivity. symmetry; apply offset_ptr_cancel. *) unfold Mem.storev, Mem.loadv in Heqo. destruct (rs0 RSP); simpl in *; try congruence; eauto. *) f_equal. apply Ptrofs.neg_involutive. *) simpl_regs.  rewrite REQ by congruence. auto. *) simpl. rewrite FFP. *) erewrite wf_asm_alloc_at_beginning; eauto. constructor. *) eapply match_states_call_external. *) intros. rewrite (Pregmap.gso _ _ H2). apply set_reg_eq; auto. intros; apply set_reg_eq. auto. *) rewrite REQ; auto. congruence. *) simpl_regs. rewrite REQ by congruence. *) etransitivity. symmetry; apply offset_ptr_cancel. *) unfold Mem.storev, Mem.loadv in Heqo. destruct (rs0 RSP); simpl in *; try congruence; eauto. *) f_equal. apply Ptrofs.neg_involutive. *) simpl_regs.  rewrite REQ by congruence; auto. *) simpl. rewrite FFP. eauto. *)          simpl in H2.
          destruct (SAFE _ (star_refl _ _ _)) as [(rr & FS)|(t & s' & STEP)].
          simpl in FS. inv FS. contradict H3. inv SEQ. rewrite REQ by congruence. rewrite H. inversion 1.
          simpl in STEP. fold ge in STEP.
          assert (t = E0).
            inv SEQ. rewrite <- REQ in H by congruence.
            inv STEP; rewrite_hyps; auto.
          } subst.
          eexists; split. eauto.
          edestruct step_internal; eauto. inv SEQ. simpl. rewrite REQ, H, H0, H1. eauto. congruence. inversion 1.
          simpl in H3. destr_in H3. inv H3.
          unfold Genv.find_funct in Heqo. repeat destr_in Heqo.
          inv SEQ. simpl in *. subst. destruct s'. simpl in *. subst.
          destr_in H2. inv H2.
          destruct f0.
          eapply match_states_call_alloc.
          intros. rewrite (Pregmap.gso _ _ H2). apply set_reg_eq; auto. intros; apply set_reg_eq. auto.
          rewrite REQ by congruence; auto. erewrite <- eval_ros_eq. 2: intros; apply REQ; auto. eauto.
          intro; subst; eapply wf_asm_call_no_rsp. 2: apply H1. eauto. auto.
          simpl_regs. rewrite REQ by congruence.
          symmetry; apply offset_ptr_cancel.
          unfold Mem.storev, Mem.loadv in Heqo. destruct (rs0 RSP); simpl in *; try congruence; eauto.
          rewrite <- Heqo.
          f_equal. simpl_regs.
          rewrite REQ by congruence; auto.
          simpl. rewrite H5.
          erewrite wf_asm_alloc_at_beginning; eauto. constructor.
          eapply match_states_call_external.
          intros. rewrite (Pregmap.gso _ _ H2). apply set_reg_eq; auto. intros; apply set_reg_eq. auto.
          rewrite REQ by congruence; auto. erewrite <- eval_ros_eq. 2: intros; apply REQ; auto. eauto.
          intro; subst; eapply wf_asm_call_no_rsp. 2: apply H1. eauto. auto.
          simpl_regs. rewrite REQ by congruence.
          symmetry; apply offset_ptr_cancel.
          unfold Mem.storev, Mem.loadv in Heqo. destruct (rs0 RSP); simpl in *; try congruence; eauto.
          rewrite <- Heqo.
          rewrite REQ by congruence; auto.
          simpl. rewrite H5. eauto.
        destruct (is_free_dec i).
          inv i0.
          simpl in H2.
          destruct (SAFE _ (star_refl _ _ _)) as [(rr & FS)|(t & s' & STEP)].
          simpl in FS. inv FS. contradict H3. inv SEQ. rewrite REQ by congruence. rewrite H. inversion 1.
          simpl in STEP. fold ge in STEP.
          assert (t = E0).
            inv SEQ. rewrite <- REQ in H by congruence.
            inv STEP; rewrite_hyps; auto.
          } subst.
          eexists; split. eauto.
          edestruct step_internal; eauto. inv SEQ. simpl. rewrite REQ, H, H0, H1 by congruence. eauto. inversion 1.
          simpl in H3. destr_in H3. inv H3.
          inv SEQ. simpl in *. subst. destruct s'. simpl in *. subst.
          inv H2.
          edestruct wf_asm_after_freeframe as (i' & FI & RJ); eauto. constructor.
          destruct RJ as [RET|JMP].
          - eapply match_states_free_ret.
            apply nextinstr_eq.
            rewrite (Pregmap.gso _ _ H3). simpl_regs. auto.
            rewrite REQ by congruence; auto.
            rewrite Val.offset_ptr_assoc. f_equal.
            generalize (Ptrofs.repr (align (Z.max 0 sz) 8)).
            generalize (Ptrofs.repr (size_chunk Mptr)).
            intros. rewrite <- Ptrofs.sub_add_l.
            rewrite Ptrofs.sub_add_opp.
            rewrite Ptrofs.add_assoc. rewrite Ptrofs.add_neg_zero. rewrite Ptrofs.add_zero; auto.
            rewrite <- Heqo. f_equal.
            rewrite <- REQ by congruence; auto.
            eapply wf_asm_free_spec in H1; eauto. f_equal. destruct H1 as (SZ & ORA); subst. auto.
            simpl. simpl_regs. rewrite REQ, H by congruence. simpl. rewrite H0. rewrite FI. subst; eauto.
          - eapply match_states_free_jmp.
            apply nextinstr_eq.
            rewrite (Pregmap.gso _ _ H3). simpl_regs. auto.
            rewrite REQ by congruence; auto.
            rewrite Val.offset_ptr_assoc. f_equal.
            generalize (Ptrofs.repr (align (Z.max 0 sz) 8)).
            generalize (Ptrofs.repr (size_chunk Mptr)).
            intros. rewrite <- Ptrofs.sub_add_l.
            rewrite Ptrofs.sub_add_opp.
            rewrite Ptrofs.add_assoc. rewrite Ptrofs.add_neg_zero. rewrite Ptrofs.add_zero; auto.
            rewrite <- Heqo. f_equal.
            rewrite <- REQ by congruence; auto.
            eapply wf_asm_free_spec in H1; eauto. f_equal. destruct H1 as (SZ & ORA); subst. auto.
            unfold Mem.loadbytesv, Mem.encoded_ra, Mem.is_ptr in Heqo. repeat destr_in Heqo. inversion 1.
            simpl. simpl_regs. rewrite REQ, H by congruence. simpl. rewrite H0. rewrite FI. subst; eauto.
        destruct s1. simpl in *. fold ge.
        edestruct exec_instr_normal as ((rs1' & m1' & EI & SEQ') & NEXT); eauto.
        eexists; split.
        inv SEQ.
        eapply RawAsm.exec_step_internal; eauto.
        rewrite REQ by congruence; eauto.
        apply match_states_normal. auto. auto.
      + inv SEQ. eexists; split. eapply RawAsm.exec_step_builtin; eauto.
        rewrite REQ by congruence; eauto.
        eapply eval_builtin_args_eq_rs. 3: rewrite REQ by congruence; apply H2. intros; symmetry; apply REQ; auto.
        eapply wf_asm_builtin_not_PC; eauto.
        apply match_states_normal.
        constructor. intros. apply nextinstr_nf_eq.
        apply set_res_eq. apply undef_regs_eq. intros; auto.
        simpl. simpl_regs. rewrite set_res_other.
        rewrite Asmgenproof0.undef_regs_other_2. rewrite H; simpl. rewrite H0.
        2: apply pc_not_destroyed_builtin.
        2: eapply wf_asm_builtin_not_PC; eauto.
        destr. destr_in Heqo. inv Heqo.
        intro II; inv II.
          inv H4. exploit wf_asm_alloc_only_at_beginning. eauto. apply Heqo0.
          erewrite wf_asm_pc_repr; eauto.
          apply not_eq_sym. apply Z.lt_neq.
          generalize (Ptrofs.unsigned_range ofs) (instr_size_positive (Pbuiltin ef args res)). omega.
          exploit wf_asm_ret_jmp_comes_after_freeframe; eauto.
          intros (o' & ifree & FI & IFREE & RNG).
          erewrite wf_asm_pc_repr in RNG; eauto.
          erewrite wf_asm_pc_repr in Heqo0; eauto.
          generalize (find_instr_no_overlap' _ _ _ _ _ FI H1).
          rewrite RNG.
          intros [EQ|NOOV]. subst; inv IFREE.
          generalize (instr_size_positive (Pbuiltin ef args res)) (instr_size_positive ifree). omega.
      + easy.
    - destruct s1. simpl in *. rewrite PCeq in PCnone.
      inv STEP; simpl in *; repeat destr_in PCnone.

  Hypothesis prog_no_rsp: asm_prog_no_rsp ge.
  Theorem real_asm_correct rs:
    backward_simulation (RawAsm.semantics prog rs) (RealAsm.semantics prog rs).
    eapply backward_simulation_plus
      with (match_states := fun s1 s2 => match_states s1 s2 /\ real_asm_inv prog s2).
    - reflexivity.
    - simpl; intros s1 IS1. inv IS1. inv H0.
      edestruct (Mem.valid_access_store m3 Mptr bstack0 (Mem.stack_limit + align (size_chunk Mptr) 8 - size_chunk Mptr) Vnullptr).
      red; intros. repeat rewrite_perms. rewrite peq_true. split.
      cut (size_chunk Mptr <= Mem.stack_limit). generalize align_Mptr_pos. omega. apply stack_limit_range'.
      apply Z.divide_sub_r.
      apply Z.divide_add_r.
      apply align_Mptr_stack_limit.
      apply align_Mptr_align8.
      apply align_size_chunk_divides.
      red. rewrite_stack_blocks. intro. left. unfold is_stack_top. simpl. auto.
      eexists; econstructor. eauto. econstructor; eauto.
      rewrite Ptrofs.unsigned_repr. eauto.
      generalize stack_limit_range'. generalize Mem.stack_limit_range'. generalize (size_chunk_pos Mptr).
      generalize (align_le (size_chunk Mptr) 8).
    - simpl; intros s1 s2 IS1 IS2.
      edestruct initial_states_match as (s1' & IS1' & MS); eauto.
      eexists; split; eauto. split; auto. eapply real_initial_inv; eauto.
    - simpl; intros s1 s2 r (MS & INV) FS; inv FS.
      assert (pc_at s1 = None).
        generalize (match_states_PC _ _ MS). intros PCeq.
        unfold pc_at. destr. simpl in *. rewrite PCeq.
        rewrite H. unfold Vnullptr. destruct ptr64; simpl; auto.
      inv MS; try congruence.
      inv SEQ. simpl in *.
      constructor. rewrite REQ by congruence. auto. rewrite REQ; auto. congruence.
      destruct s1; simpl in *. constructor. congruence. congruence.
    - simpl. intros s1 s2 (MS & INV) SAFE; eapply real_asm_progress; eauto.
    - simpl. intros s2 t s2' STEP s1 (MS & INV) SAFE.
      edestruct real_asm_step as (s1' & STEP' & MS'); eauto.
      exists s1'; split; eauto. apply plus_one; auto. split; auto.
      eapply real_asm_inv_inv; eauto.