Library examples.CAL
Require Import FunctionalExtensionality.
Require Import List.
Require Import PeanoNat.
Require Import coqrel.LogicalRelations.
Require Import structures.Lattice.
Require Import structures.Effects.
Require Import lattices.FCD.
Require Import models.IntSpec.
Import ISpec.
Require Import List.
Require Import PeanoNat.
Require Import coqrel.LogicalRelations.
Require Import structures.Lattice.
Require Import structures.Effects.
Require Import lattices.FCD.
Require Import models.IntSpec.
Import ISpec.
Infix "~>" := ISpec.subst (at level 99).
Notation "x >>= f" := (ISpec.bind f x)
(at level 40, left associativity).
Notation "v <- x ; M" := (x >>= fun v ⇒ M)
(at level 65, right associativity).
Definition assert {E : esig} (P : Prop) : ispec E unit :=
sup H : P, ISpec.ret tt.
Effect signatures
Ring buffer
The signature for the ring buffer includes operations set, get
to access the element at a given index, and two counters to keep
track of the index of the first element (inc1) and the index of
the first free position in the buffer (inc2). The inc1, inc2
primitives both increment the corresponding counter and return their
previous value.
Inductive rb_sig : esig :=
| set (i : nat) (v : val) : rb_sig unit
| get (i : nat) : rb_sig val
| inc1 : rb_sig nat
| inc2 : rb_sig nat.
Bounded queue
Layer implementation
Definition M_bq : rb_sig ~> bq_sig :=
fun _ m ⇒
match m with
| enq v ⇒ i <- inc2; (set i v)
| deq ⇒ i <- inc1; (get i)
Layer interfaces
To formulate the specifications for the ring buffer layer
interface, we will use the following helper function.
Definition update (f : nat → val) (i : nat) (v : val) : nat → val :=
fun j ⇒ if Nat.eq_dec i j then v else f j.
Then our layer interfaces can be defined as follows.
Definition bq_state : Type :=
list val.
Definition L_bq : CALspec bq_sig bq_state :=
fun ar m vs ⇒
match m with
| enq v ⇒
_ <- assert (length vs < N);
ISpec.ret (tt, vs ++ v :: nil)
| deq ⇒
match vs with
| v::vs' ⇒ ISpec.ret (v, vs')
| nil ⇒ bot
Definition rb_state : Type :=
(nat → val) × nat × nat.
Definition L_rb : CALspec rb_sig rb_state :=
fun ar m '(f, c1, c2) ⇒
match m with
| set i v ⇒
_ <- assert (E:=0) (i < N);
ISpec.ret (tt, (update f i v, c1, c2))
| get i ⇒
_ <- assert (E:=0) (i < N);
ISpec.ret (f i, (f, c1, c2))
| inc1 ⇒
ISpec.ret (c1, (f, (S c1) mod N, c2))
| inc2 ⇒
ISpec.ret (c2, (f, c1, (S c2) mod N))
Layer interfaces and implementations as morphisms
Keeping track of state
Inductive state_sig (E : Type → Type) (S : Type) : Type → Type :=
| st {ar} (m : E ar) (k : S) : state_sig E S (ar × S).
Arguments st {E S ar} m k.
Infix "#" := state_sig (at level 40, left associativity).
A layer interface can then be promoted to a morphism as follows.
To connect this with layer implementations, we must lift a
state-free morphism M : E ~> F to a corresponding stateful
morphism E#S ~> F#S which passes the state around unchanged.
Fixpoint stateful_play {E S A} (k: S) (s: E A): ispec (E#S) (A×S) :=
match s with
| ISpec.pret v ⇒ FCD.emb (ISpec.pret (v, k))
| ISpec.pmove m ⇒ FCD.emb (ISpec.pmove (st m k))
| ISpec.pcons m n t ⇒
sup x : option S,
match x with
| Some k' ⇒ (ISpec.pcons (st m k) (n, k')) (stateful_play k' t)
| None ⇒ FCD.emb (ISpec.pmove (st m k))
Instance stateful_play_mor E S A k :
PosetMorphism (@stateful_play E S A k).
constructor. intros s t Hst. revert k.
induction Hst; cbn; intro.
- reflexivity.
- reflexivity.
- apply (sup_at None).
- apply sup_lub. intro x. apply (sup_at x). repeat rstep.
unfold repeat rstep. auto.
Definition srun {E S A} (k : S) (x : ispec E A) : ispec (E # S) (prod A S) :=
FCD.ext (stateful_play k) x.
Definition slift {E F S} (σ : E ~> F) : E#S ~> F#S :=
fun ar m ⇒
match m with st m k ⇒ srun k (σ _ m) end.
Notation "x / f" := (ISpec.apply f x).
Infix "@" := ISpec.compose (at level 40, left associativity).
Lemma srun_slift {E F S A} (k : S) (x : ispec F A) (σ : E ~> F) :
srun k x / slift σ = srun k (x / σ).
unfold srun, ISpec.apply.
rewrite !@FCD.ext_ext by typeclasses eauto. f_equal.
apply functional_extensionality. intros s.
induction s; cbn.
- rewrite !FCD.ext_ana. cbn.
- rewrite !FCD.ext_ana. cbn.
unfold srun, ISpec.bind.
rewrite !@FCD.ext_ext by typeclasses eauto. f_equal.
apply functional_extensionality. intros s.
induction s; cbn.
+ rewrite FCD.ext_ana. cbn.
admit. + rewrite !FCD.ext_ana. cbn. reflexivity.
+ rewrite Downset.Sup.mor.
rewrite Downset.Sup.mor_join.
apply antisymmetry.
× apply sup_lub. intros [k' | ].
-- apply join_r. unfold
rewrite !@FCD.ext_ext; try typeclasses eauto.
++ repeat setoid_rewrite FCD.ext_ana. cbn.
Lemma srun_bind {E S A B} (k : S) (f : A → ispec E B) (x : ispec E A) :
srun k (ISpec.bind f x) = ISpec.bind (fun '(a, k') ⇒ srun k' (f a)) (srun k x).
Lemma srun_int {E S ar} (k : S) (m : E ar) :
srun k ( m) = (st m k).
Lemma assert_true {E} {P : Prop} (H : P) :
@assert E P = ISpec.ret tt.
unfold assert.
apply antisymmetry.
- apply sup_lub. reflexivity.
- apply (sup_at H). reflexivity.
Hint Rewrite
: intm.
Hint Rewrite @assert_true using solve [auto] : intm.
Ltac intm :=
repeat progress (autorewrite with intm; cbn).
∀ f,
srun (f, 2, 5) ( deq) / layer M_bq L_rb =
ISpec.ret (f 2, (f, 3, 5)).
intros f. unfold layer.
rewrite <- ISpec.apply_assoc. intm.
rewrite assert_true by admit. intm.
rewrite Nat.mod_small by admit.
The next step will be to show that layer M_bq L_rb implements
L_bq with a particular simulation relation between the abstract
states of the overlay and underlay. Stay tuned...
Data refinement
Simulation relations as morphisms
Definition srel_push {E S1 S2} (R : rel S1 S2) : E#S2 ~> E#S1 :=
fun _ '(st m k1) ⇒
sup {k2 | R k1 k2}, (st m k2) >>= fun '(n, k2') ⇒
inf {k1' | R k1' k2'}, ISpec.ret (n, k1').
Definition srel_pull {E S1 S2} (R : rel S1 S2) : E#S1 ~> E#S2 :=
fun _ '(st m k2) ⇒
inf {k1 | R k1 k2}, (st m k1) >>= fun '(n, k1') ⇒
sup {k2' | R k1' k2'}, ISpec.ret (n, k2').
Lemma srel_push_pull {E S1 S2} (R : rel S1 S2) (σ : 0 ~> E#S2) (τ : 0 ~> E#S1) :
srel_push R @ σ [= τ ↔ σ [= srel_pull R @ τ.
- intros H _ [ar m k2]. unfold srel_pull, compose.
unfold finf. rewrite Upset.Inf.mor. eapply inf_glb. intros [k1 Hk]. intm.
specialize (H _ (st m k1)). unfold srel_push, compose in H. rewrite <- H.
unfold fsup. rewrite !Downset.Sup.mor. apply (sup_at (exist _ k2 Hk)). intm.
destruct (FCD.meet_join_dense (σ _ (st m k2))) as (I & J & c & Hc).
rewrite Hc. clear.
rewrite !Upset.Inf.mor. apply inf_glb. intros i. apply (inf_at i).
rewrite !Downset.Sup.mor. apply sup_lub. intros j. apply (sup_at j).
destruct (c i j) as [[v k2'] | | ] eqn:Hcij; try tauto.
setoid_rewrite bind_ret_r.
unfold finf. rewrite !Upset.Inf.mor. apply inf_glb. intros [k1' Hk']. intm.
rewrite Downset.Sup.mor. apply (sup_at (exist _ k2' Hk')). intm.
- admit.
Correctness of M_bq
Fixpoint slice (f : nat → val) (i : nat) (n : nat) : list val :=
match n with
| O ⇒ nil
| S n' ⇒ f i :: slice f (S i mod N) n'
Then we can define the simulation relation as follows.
Inductive rb_bq : rb_state → bq_state → Prop :=
bq_rb_intro f c1 c2 n q :
c1 < N →
n ≤ N →
q = slice f c1 n →
c2 = (c1 + n) mod N →
rb_bq (f, c1, c2) q.
This allows us to establish the correctness of M_bq as the
following refinement property.
Lemma slice_length f c1 n :
length (slice f c1 n) = n.
revert c1. induction n; cbn; auto.
Lemma assert_l {E A} (P : Prop) (x y : ispec E A) :
(P → x [= y) →
_ <- assert P; x [= y.
intros H. unfold assert.
rewrite Downset.Sup.mor. apply sup_lub. intros HP.
intm. auto.
Lemma assert_r {E A} (P : Prop) (x y : ispec E A) :
x [= y → P →
x [= _ <- assert P; y.
intros Hxy HP.
rewrite assert_true; intm; auto.
Lemma bq_rb_correct :
L_bq [= srel_pull rb_bq @ slift M_bq @ L_rb.
intros _ [ar m q]. unfold compose, srel_pull, finf. cbn.
rewrite !Upset.Inf.mor. apply inf_glb. intros [[[f c1] c2] H]. intm.
inversion H; clear H; subst.
destruct m; intm.
apply assert_l. intros HN.
rewrite assert_true. 2: eapply Nat.mod_upper_bound; admit. intm.
unfold fsup. rewrite !Downset.Sup.mor. eapply (sup_at (exist _ _ _)). intm.
Unshelve. cbn.
rewrite slice_length in HN.
apply bq_rb_intro with (n := S n); auto.
+ revert c1 H3.
induction n; cbn; intros.
× rewrite Nat.add_0_r.
rewrite Nat.mod_small by auto.
f_equal. unfold update. destruct Nat.eq_dec; congruence.
× rewrite IHn; auto.
-- unfold update at 2.
destruct Nat.eq_dec. admit. cbn. f_equal. f_equal.
++ f_equal. rewrite Nat.add_mod_idemp_l by admit. f_equal.
induction c1; cbn in *; auto.
++ f_equal. f_equal. rewrite Nat.add_mod_idemp_l by admit. f_equal.
induction c1; cbn in *; auto.
-- apply Le.le_Sn_le; auto.
-- apply Nat.mod_upper_bound. admit.
+ change (S ?x) with (1 + x).
rewrite Nat.add_mod_idemp_r by admit. f_equal.
induction c1; cbn in *; auto.
destruct n; cbn; auto using bot_lb.
unfold fsup. rewrite !Downset.Sup.mor.
eapply (sup_at (exist _ _ _)). intm. reflexivity.
Unshelve. cbn. apply bq_rb_intro with (n := n); eauto.
+ apply Nat.mod_upper_bound. admit.
+ apply Le.le_Sn_le. auto.
+ rewrite Nat.add_mod_idemp_l by admit. f_equal.
induction c1; cbn in *; auto.