Library lattices.Upset

Require Import FunctionalExtensionality.
Require Import coqrel.LogicalRelations.
Require Import structures.Lattice.
Require Import structures.Completion.
Require Import lattices.Downset.


The upset lattice over a poset is a completely distributive completion that is meet dense and completely meet prime. We use it as an intermediate step in the construction of the free completely distributive lattice (see Morris, 2005).

Module Inf <: LatticeCategory.

  Class Morphism {L M : cdlattice} (f : L M) :=
    mor : {I} (x : I L), f (linf x) = inf i, f (x i).

  Lemma mor_meet `{Morphism} x y :
    f (x && y) = f x && f y.
    Local Transparent meet. unfold meet.
    rewrite (mor (f := f)). f_equal.
    apply functional_extensionality. intros b.
    destruct b; auto.

  Lemma mor_ref {L M : cdlattice} (f : L M) :
    Morphism f
    PosetMorphism f.
    intros Hf. split.
    intros x y Hxy.
    apply ref_meet in Hxy.
    rewrite <- Hxy, mor_meet.
    apply meet_lb_r.

  Lemma id_mor {L : cdlattice} :
    Morphism (fun x:Lx).
    red. auto.

  Lemma compose_mor {A B C : cdlattice} (g : B C) (f : A B) :
    Morphism f
    Morphism g
    Morphism (fun ag (f a)).
    intros Hf Hg I x.
    rewrite (mor (f:=f)), (mor (f:=g)).

  Hint Immediate mor_ref : typeclass_instances.

End Inf.


Opposite order

To avoid redundancies, we define the opposite order and lattice, and construct upsets by dualizing the Downset completion. This may or may not result in a lower complexity than copy-and-pasting, so we should evaluate once the Downset proofs are completed.

  Program Definition opp_poset (C : poset) : poset :=
      poset_carrier := C;
      ref x y := y [= x;
  Next Obligation.
    - intros x. reflexivity.
    - intros x y z Hyz Hxy. etransitivity; eauto.
  Next Obligation.
    intros x y Hxy Hyx.
    apply antisymmetry; auto.

  Program Definition opp_cdlat (L : cdlattice) : cdlattice :=
      cdl_poset := opp_poset L;
      lsup I x := linf x;
      linf I x := lsup x;
  Next Obligation. eapply (inf_lb i). Qed.
  Next Obligation. apply inf_glb; auto. Qed.
  Next Obligation. apply sup_ub; auto. Qed.
  Next Obligation. apply sup_lub; auto. Qed.
  Next Obligation. apply inf_sup. Qed.


  Definition F (C : poset) := opp_cdlat (downset (opp_poset C)).

  Section DEFS.
    Context {C : poset}.

    Definition emb (c : C) : F C :=
      Downset.emb (c : opp_poset C).

    Lemma emb_mor c1 c2 : emb c1 [= emb c2 c1 [= c2.
      split; intro Hc; cbn in ×.
      - rewrite Downset.emb_mor in Hc. assumption.
      - rewrite Downset.emb_mor. assumption.

    Context {L : cdlattice}.

    Definition ext (f : C L) (x : F C) : L :=
      Downset.ext (f : opp_poset C opp_cdlat L) (x : downset (opp_poset C)).

    Context {f : C L} `{Hf : !PosetMorphism f}.

    Instance ext_mor :
      Inf.Morphism (ext f).
      intros I x. unfold ext. cbn.
      rewrite Sup.mor. cbn. auto.

    Lemma ext_ana :
      ( x, ext f (emb x) = f x).
      intros x. unfold ext, emb. cbn.
      rewrite @Downset.ext_ana. cbn. auto.

    Lemma ext_unique (g : F C L) `{Hg : !Inf.Morphism g} :
      ( x, g (emb x) = f x) x, g x = ext f x.
      intros Hgf x.
      unfold emb, ext in ×. cbn in ×.
      erewrite <- @Downset.ext_unique; eauto.
  End DEFS.

  Include (LatticeCompletionDefs Inf).

End Upset.

Notation upset := Upset.F.
Notation up := Upset.emb.