Library coqrel.PreOrderTactic
For a Transitive and possibly Symmetric relation R, the
following tactic attempts to use hypotheses from the context to
prove a goal of the form R m n through a simple depth-first graph
search algorithm as follows.
We use m as the starting node. We maintain a stack of terms t
together with proofs that for any x, if R t x then also R m x.
The stack is initialized to (m, fun x H ⇒ H) :: nil. Then as long
as the stack is non-empty, pop the first element (t, Ht), and for
every hypothesis of the form Htt' : R t ?t':
If the relation is symmetric, repeat with hypotheses of the form
R ?t' t, then go on to pop the next element. If the search
terminates without encountering n, fail. Once a hypothesis has
been used, it is "deactivated" so as not to be used again, using the
following marker.
- If t' is n, success! Use Ht t' Htt'.
- Otherwise, push (t', fun x Hx ⇒ transitivity (Ht t' Htt') Hx) on the stack.
In addition, we roll our own data structure to make sure we avoid
any problems related to universe inconsistencies.
Inductive rgraph_queue {A} (R: rel A A) (m: A) :=
| rgraph_queue_nil:
rgraph_queue R m
| rgraph_queue_cons x:
(∀ y, R x y → R m y) →
rgraph_queue R m →
rgraph_queue R m.
Notes: 1. it's not clear that the not_evar checks below are
actually necessary. Nothing here should instantiate any evar. They
can probably be treated like any other term. 2. Ideally, we
probably want to do the graph traversal first, then look for
instances of Transitive and Symmetric, since the number of steps
in the traversal is bounded by the number of hypotheses, whereas a
typeclass resolution query is a rather open-ended thing. 3. With
this in mind, we can likely first do a traversal without symmetry
and see where we get, then if necessary switch symmetry on at that
point and try to reach more vertices this way.
Ltac rgraph :=
lazymatch goal with
| |- ?R ?m ?n ⇒
not_evar R;
not_evar m;
not_evar n;
[ assert (Transitive R) by typeclasses eauto
| fail 1 R "is not declared transitive" ];
try assert (Symmetric R) by typeclasses eauto;
let rec step q :=
lazymatch q with
| rgraph_queue_cons _ _ ?t ?Ht ?tail ⇒
gather tail t Ht
with gather q t Ht :=
let push u Htu :=
let Hu := constr:(fun x Hux ⇒ transitivity (z:=x) (Ht u Htu) Hux) in
gather (rgraph_queue_cons R m u Hu q) t Ht in
lazymatch goal with
| Htn : R t n |- _ ⇒
exact (Ht n Htn)
| Hnt : R n t, HRsym: Symmetric R |- _ ⇒
exact (Ht n (symmetry (Symmetric := HRsym) Hnt))
| Htu: R t ?u |- _ ⇒
change (rgraph_done R t u) in Htu;
push u Htu
| Hut: R ?u t, HRsym: Symmetric R |- _ ⇒
change (rgraph_done R u t) in Hut;
push u (symmetry (Symmetric := HRsym) Hut)
| _ ⇒
step q
end in
[ gather (rgraph_queue_nil R m) m (fun x (H: R m x) ⇒ H)
| fail 1 n "not reachable from" m "using hypotheses from the context" ]
| _ ⇒
fail "the goal is not an applied relation"
Hook rgraph for providing RSteps