Library liblayers.compcertx.ClightModules

Require Export liblayers.logic.Modules.
Require Export liblayers.logic.PTreeModules.
Require Export compcert.common.AST.
Require Export liblayers.compcertx.CGlobalVars.
Require Export compcert.cfrontend.Clight. Require Export compcert.cfrontend.Ctypes.

Fixpoint no_return_value_statement
         (s: statement): bool :=
  match s with
    | Sreturn (Some _) ⇒ false
    | Ssequence s1 s2no_return_value_statement s1 && no_return_value_statement s2
    | Sifthenelse _ s1 s2no_return_value_statement s1 && no_return_value_statement s2
    | Sloop s1 s2no_return_value_statement s1 && no_return_value_statement s2
    | Sswitch _ lsno_return_value_labeled_statements ls
    | Slabel _ sno_return_value_statement s
    | _true
with no_return_value_labeled_statements
       (ls: labeled_statements): bool :=
       match ls with
         | LScons _ s ls
           no_return_value_statement s && no_return_value_labeled_statements ls
         | _true

Module InlinableFunction.

  Record t: Type :=
        should_inline: bool;
        function: Clight.function;
        no_return_void: fn_return function = Tvoid
                        no_return_value_statement (fn_body function) = true

End InlinableFunction.

Notation function := InlinableFunction.t.

Global Coercion InlinableFunction.function: function >-> Clight.function.

Definition inline := InlinableFunction.make true.
Definition noinline := InlinableFunction.make false.

Notation cmodule := (ptree_module function (globvar Ctypes.type)).

Global Instance cmodule_ops : ModuleOps ident function (globvar type) cmodule :=

Global Instance cmodule_prf : Modules ident function (globvar type) cmodule :=