Library liblayers.logic.PTrees

Require Import compcert.lib.Coqlib.
Require Export compcert.lib.Maps.
Require Import compcert.common.Errors.
Require Import liblayers.lib.Decision.
Require Import liblayers.lib.OptionMonad.
Require Import liblayers.logic.Structures.
Require Import liblayers.logic.OptionOrders.
Require Import liblayers.logic.PseudoJoin.
Require Import liblayers.logic.LayerData.

Generic operations on PTrees

Definition ptree_rel {A B} (R: rel (option A) (option B)): rel _ _ :=
  fun t1 t2 i, R (t1!i) (t2!i).

Global Instance ptree_subrel A B:
  Proper (subrel ++> subrel) (@ptree_rel A B).

Global Instance ptree_subrel_params:
  Params (@ptree_rel) 3.

Global Instance ptree_get_rel:
    (forallr R : fun A Brel (option A) (option B), - ==> ptree_rel R ++> R).
  intros A B R i t1 t2 H.
  apply H.

Structures on option A can be extended to PTree.t A

Local Instance ptree_emptyset A : Emptyset (PTree.t A) :=
  { emptyset := PTree.empty A }.

Local Instance ptree_mapsto A : Mapsto positive A (PTree.t A) :=
  { mapsto i a := PTree.set i a (PTree.empty A) }.

Local Instance ptree_le_op {A} `(Ale: Le (option A)): Le (PTree.t A) :=
  { le := ptree_rel (≤) }.

Lemma ptree_refl A (R: relation (option A)):
  Reflexive R
  Reflexive (ptree_rel R).
  intros HA.
  intros t i.

Hint Extern 1 (Reflexive (ptree_rel _)) ⇒
  eapply ptree_refl : typeclass_instances.

Lemma ptree_trans A (R: relation (option A)):
  Transitive R
  Transitive (ptree_rel R).
  intros HA.
  intros t1 t2 t3 H12 H23 i.
  transitivity (t2 ! i); now trivial.

Hint Extern 1 (Transitive (ptree_rel _)) ⇒
  eapply ptree_trans : typeclass_instances.

Global Instance ptree_rel_htrans {A B C} RAB RBC RAC:
  HTransitive (A:=option A) (B:=option B) (C:=option C) RAB RBC RAC
  HTransitive (ptree_rel RAB) (ptree_rel RBC) (ptree_rel RAC).
  intros HR x y z Hxy Hyz.
  intros i.
  ehtransitivity; eauto.

To show that RTransitive carries through ptree_rel is tricky because we need to construct the intermediate tree. To make our job easier we only consider the option_le case.
  Context `{HR: RTransitive}.

We need Hilbert's epsilon.
  Require Import ClassicalEpsilon.
  Require Import List.

Then we can construct the middle ptree by eliminating the existential from the rtransitivity of the underlying relation.

  Definition rtrans_midval a c (Hac: option_le RAC a c) :=
    proj1_sig (constructive_indefinite_description _ (rtransitivity a c Hac)).

  Lemma rtrans_midval_correct a c Hac:
    option_le RAB a (rtrans_midval a c Hac)
    option_le RBC (rtrans_midval a c Hac) c.
    unfold rtrans_midval.
    destruct (constructive_indefinite_description _ _) as [b Hb].

  Definition ptree_rtrans_midval tA tC (Ht: ptree_rel (option_le RAC) tA tC) i :=
    rtrans_midval (tA!i) (tC!i) (Ht i).

  Lemma ptree_rtrans_midval_correct tA tC Ht i:
    option_le RAB (tA!i) (ptree_rtrans_midval tA tC Ht i)
    option_le RBC (ptree_rtrans_midval tA tC Ht i) (tC!i).
    unfold ptree_rtrans_midval.
    apply rtrans_midval_correct.

  Definition ptree_option_set i (x: option B) t :=
    match x with
      | Some bPTree.set i b t
      | NonePTree.remove i t

  Definition ptree_rtrans_midtree tA tC Ht :=
    fold_right (fun iptree_option_set i (ptree_rtrans_midval tA tC Ht i))
               (PTree.empty B)
               (map fst (PTree.elements tC)).

  Lemma ptree_rtrans_midtree_correct tA tC Ht i:
    option_le RAB (tA!i) ((ptree_rtrans_midtree tA tC Ht) ! i)
    option_le RBC ((ptree_rtrans_midtree tA tC Ht) ! i) (tC!i).
    pose proof (ptree_rtrans_midval_correct tA tC Ht i) as Hb.
    unfold ptree_rtrans_midtree.
    unfold ptree_option_set.
    assert (HCi: tC!i = None ( c, In (i, c) (PTree.elements tC))).
      destruct (tC ! i) as [c|] eqn:HtC.
      × eauto using PTree.elements_correct.
      × eauto.
    induction (PTree.elements tC); simpl in ×.
    + destruct HCi as [HCi | [c Hc]].
      - rewrite PTree.gempty, HCi in ×.
        destruct Hb as [Hab Hbc].
        inversion Hbc as [? Hmv | ]; subst.
        rewrite <- Hmv in ×.
      - elim Hc.
    + destruct a as [j cj]; simpl in ×.
      destruct (decide (i = j)).
      - subst.
        simpl in ×.
        destruct (ptree_rtrans_midval tA tC Ht j) as [b|].
        rewrite PTree.gss; assumption.
        rewrite PTree.grs; assumption.
      - destruct HCi as [Hnone | [c [Hc|Hc]]]; try congruence;
        destruct (ptree_rtrans_midval tA tC Ht j) as [b|];
        rewrite ?PTree.gso, ?PTree.gro; now eauto.

  Global Instance ptree_rel_rtrans:
    RTransitive (ptree_rel (option_le RAB))
                (ptree_rel (option_le RBC))
                (ptree_rel (option_le RAC)).
    intros tA tC Ht.
     (ptree_rtrans_midtree tA tC Ht).
    pose proof (ptree_rtrans_midtree_correct tA tC Ht).
    split; intro i; destruct (H i); eauto.

Local Instance ptree_oplus A `{Aoplus: Oplus (option A)}: Oplus (PTree.t A) :=
  { oplus := PTree.combine (⊕) }.

Global Instance ptree_emptyset_lb A B (R: rel (option A) (option B)):
  LowerBound R None
  LowerBound (ptree_rel R) (PTree.empty A).
  intros H t2 i.
  rewrite PTree.gempty.
  apply lower_bound.

Lemma ptree_combine_rel:
    {A1 A2} (RA: rel (option A1) (option A2))
    {B1 B2} (RB: rel (option B1) (option B2))
    {C1 C2} (RC: rel (option C1) (option C2))
    (f: option A1 option B1 option C1)
    (g: option A2 option B2 option C2),
  f None None = None
  g None None = None
  (RA ++> RB ++> RC)%rel f g
  (ptree_rel RA ++> ptree_rel RB ++> ptree_rel RC)%rel (PTree.combine f) (PTree.combine g).
  intros A1 A2 RA B1 B2 RB C1 C2 RC f g.
  intros Hf Hg Hfg x1 x2 Hx y1 y2 Hy i.
  rewrite !PTree.gcombine by assumption.
  apply Hfg; eauto.

Lemma ptree_combine_id_left {A} R f:
  f None None = None
  LeftIdentity R f None
  LeftIdentity (ptree_rel R) (PTree.combine f) (PTree.empty A).
  intros Hf H.
  intros y i.
  rewrite PTree.gcombine by assumption.
  rewrite PTree.gempty.
  apply id_left.

Lemma ptree_combine_assoc {A} (R: relation (option A)) f:
  f None None = None
  Associative R f
  Associative (ptree_rel R) (PTree.combine f).
  intros Hf H.
  intros x y z i.
  rewrite !PTree.gcombine by assumption.
  apply associativity.

Lemma ptree_combine_comm {A} (R: relation (option A)) f:
  f None None = None
  Commutative R f
  Commutative (ptree_rel R) (PTree.combine f).
  intros Hf H.
  intros x y i.
  rewrite !PTree.gcombine by assumption.
  apply commutativity.

Lemma ptree_combine_left_upper_bound {A} (R: relation (option A)) f:
  f None None = None
  LeftUpperBound R f
  LeftUpperBound (ptree_rel R) (PTree.combine f).
  intros Hf H.
  intros x y i.
  rewrite !PTree.gcombine by assumption.
  apply left_upper_bound.

Global Instance ptree_pseudojoin A:
   `{Ale: Le (option A)} `{Aoplus: Oplus (option A)},
    None None = None
    PseudoJoin (option A) None
    PseudoJoin (PTree.t A) .
Proof with try (assumption || typeclasses eauto).
  intros Hnone Hop.
  split; simpl...
  × split; typeclasses eauto.
  × apply ptree_combine_rel...
  × apply ptree_combine_id_left...
  × apply ptree_combine_assoc...
  × apply ptree_combine_comm...
  × apply ptree_combine_left_upper_bound...

Same thing, indexed by layer data

Section SIM.
  Context {V E T} `{Hsim: CategorySim V E (fun voption (T v))}.

  Local Instance ptree_sim_op: Sim E (fun DPTree.t (T D)) :=
      simRR D1 D2 R := ptree_rel (simRR (Sim:=cat_sim) D1 D2 R)

  Local Instance ptree_rg_sim:
    CategorySim V E (fun DPTree.t (T D)).
Those will be expressed in terms of (fun u option (T u)) v instead of option (T v), so we need to get them explicitely in the context, and reduce.
    Set Printing All.
    pose proof (fun vcat_sim_preorder v) as Hle_preorder.
    pose proof (fun v1 v2 ecat_sim_trans v1 v2 e) as Hsim_trans.
    simpl in ×.
    Unset Printing All.

    × apply cat_sim_cat.
    × simpl.
    × simpl.
      typeclasses eauto.
    × simpl.
      intros v1 v2 v3 e12 e23 x1 x2 x3 H12 H23 i.
      specialize (H12 i).
      specialize (H23 i).
      htransitivity (x2 ! i);

  Ltac eta_option :=
      lazymatch goal with
        | |- context [option (?T ?v)] ⇒
          change (option (T v)) with ((fun uoption (T u)) v)

  Local Instance ptree_sim_pseudojoin:
     `{Aoplus: v, Oplus ((fun voption (T v)) v)},
      ( v, None None = @None (T v))
      SimPseudoJoin _ _ _ (Toplus := Aoplus) (fun v ⇒ @None (T v))
      SimPseudoJoin _ _ _ (Toplus := fun vptree_oplus (T v)) (fun vPTree.empty (T v)).
  Proof with eta_option; try (typeclasses eauto || simpl; eauto).
    split; intros...
    × red in H1; subst.
      apply ptree_emptyset_lb.
      eapply @oplus_sim_lower_bound.
      + eassumption.
      + typeclasses eauto.
    × intros v1 v2 R.
      apply ptree_combine_rel...
      apply oplus_sim_monotonic.
    × red in H1; subst.
      apply ptree_combine_id_left...
    × apply ptree_combine_assoc...
      apply oplus_sim_assoc_le.
    × apply ptree_combine_comm...
      apply oplus_sim_comm_le.
    × apply ptree_combine_left_upper_bound...
End SIM.

Decidable properties of PTrees

Some property holds for all bindings

Definition ptree_forall {A} (P: positive A Prop) (t: PTree.t A) :=
   i a, t!i = Some a P i a.

Program Instance ptree_forall_decision {A} (P: positive A Prop):
  ( i a, Decision (P i a))
  ( t, Decision (ptree_forall P t)) :=
  fun HP t
    match (decide (Forall (fun bP (fst b) (snd b)) (PTree.elements t))) with
      | left HPtleft _
      | right HPtright _

Next Obligation.
  clear Heq_anonymous.
  intros i a Hia.
  apply PTree.elements_correct in Hia.
  rewrite Forall_forall in HPt.
  specialize (HPt (i, a)); simpl in ×.

Next Obligation.
  clear Heq_anonymous.
  intros H.
  apply HPt; clear HPt.
  rewrite Forall_forall.
  intros [i a] Hia; simpl.
  apply H.
  apply PTree.elements_complete.

Two PTrees have disjoint domains

Definition ptree_disjoint {A B} (ta: PTree.t A) (tb: PTree.t B) :=
  ptree_forall (fun i _tb ! i = None) ta.

Lemma ptree_disjoint_sym {A B} (ta: PTree.t A) (tb: PTree.t B):
  ptree_disjoint ta tb
  ptree_disjoint tb ta.
  unfold ptree_disjoint, ptree_forall. intros.
  destruct (ta ! i) eqn:?; try reflexivity.
  exploit H; eauto. congruence.

Lemma ptree_disjoint_combine {A B}
      (ta: PTree.t A) (tb1 tb2: PTree.t B)
      (f: option B option B option B)
  f None None = None
  ptree_disjoint ta tb1
  ptree_disjoint ta tb2
  ptree_disjoint ta (PTree.combine f tb1 tb2).
  unfold ptree_disjoint.
  unfold ptree_forall.
  intros H H0 H1 i a H2.
  rewrite PTree.gcombine by assumption.
  erewrite H0 by eassumption.
  erewrite H1 by eassumption.

Applying a partial function to all data of a tree.

For now, I disable. I suspect we can redo this in a more straightforward way, closer to where it's actually used. Will need to see when we update CompCertiKOS.
If it fails on one element, then it fails on the whole tree. If it succeeds on all elements, then it succeeds on the whole tree.

Module PTree.
Export Maps.PTree.

Fixpoint xmap_option {A B : Type} (f : positive A option B) (m : t A) (i : positive) {struct m} :
  t B :=
  match m with
  | LeafLeaf
  | Node l o r
    Node (xmap_option f l (i~0)%positive) match o with
                                                | Some x ⇒ (f (prev i) x)
                                                | NoneNone
                                                end (xmap_option f r (i~1)%positive)

Definition map_option {A B: Type} (f: positive A option B) (m: t A): t B :=
  xmap_option f m 1.

Lemma xgmap_option_some:
   (A B: Type) (f: positive A option B) (i j : positive) (m: t A),
    get i m = Some a
    get i (xmap_option f m j) = f (prev (prev_append i j)) a.
  induction i; destruct m; simpl; intros; try discriminate.
  + apply IHi. auto.
  + apply IHi; auto.
  + subst. auto.

Theorem gmap_option_some:
   (A B: Type) (f: positive A option B) (i: positive) (m: t A),
    get i m = Some a
    get i (map_option f m) = f i a.
  unfold map_option.
  erewrite xgmap_option_some; eauto.
  rewrite prev_append_prev. simpl. reflexivity.

Lemma xgmap_option_none:
   (A B: Type) (f: positive A option B) (i: positive) (m: t A) (j : positive),
    get i m = None
    get i (xmap_option f m j) = None.
  induction i; destruct m; simpl; intros; try reflexivity; eauto.
  subst. reflexivity.

Theorem gmap_option_none:
   (A B: Type) (f: positive A option B) (i: positive) (m: t A),
    get i m = None
    get i (map_option f m) = None.
  unfold map_option.
  exploit xgmap_option_none; eauto.

Lemma gmap_option {A B} (f: positive A option B) (i: positive) m:
  (map_option f m) ! i = x <- m ! i; f i x.
  case_eq (m ! i).
  × apply gmap_option_some.
  × apply gmap_option_none.

End PTree.

A PTree is never completely full...

Theorem ptree_get_none_ex {A} (m: _ A):
   i, PTree.get i m = None.
  induction m; simpl.
  × xH. reflexivity.
  × destruct IHm1 as (x & ?).
     (xO x); simpl.

Theorem ptree_forall_decision_strong {A}
        (P: positive A Prop)
        (Q: Prop):
  ( i a, Decision (P i a))
  Decision Q
  ( t, Decision ( i,
                         match t ! i with
                           | Some aP i a
                           | NoneQ
  intros DP DQ t.
  apply (decide_discr (fun it ! i = None) (fun it ! i None)).
  + intro. apply OptionMonad.isNone_dec.
  + revert DQ.
    apply decide_rewrite.
    - intros until i. intro Li.
      rewrite Li.
    - intro J.
      destruct (ptree_get_none_ex t) as (? & Hx).
      generalize (J _ Hx).
      rewrite Hx.
  + generalize (ptree_forall_decision _ DP t).
    apply decide_rewrite.
    unfold ptree_forall.
    - intros J i Hi.
      destruct (t ! i) eqn:Ti; try congruence.
    - intros J i a Ha.
      generalize (J i).
      rewrite Ha.
      intro K.
      apply K; congruence.

Monotonicity wrt. ptree_rel

Global Instance ptree_map_monotonic:
    (forallr RA, forallr RB,
      (- ==> RA ++> RB) ++>
      ptree_rel (option_le RA) ++>
      ptree_rel (option_le RB)).
  intros A1 A2 RA B1 B2 RB f g Hfg t1 t2 Ht i.
  rewrite !PTree.gmap.

Global Instance: Params ( 4.

FIXME: those could actually be strengthened to use option_rel if we had the appropriate subrelation infrastructure.

Instance ptree_set_le:
    (forallr R, - ==> R ++> ptree_rel (option_le R) ++> ptree_rel (option_le R)).
  intros A1 A2 RA i x1 x2 Hx t1 t2 Ht j.
  destruct (decide (j = i)) as [Hij | Hij]; subst.
  × rewrite !PTree.gss.
  × rewrite !PTree.gso by assumption.

Global Instance: Params (@PTree.set) 4.

Instance ptree_empty_le:
  Monotonic (@PTree.empty) (forallr R, ptree_rel (option_le R)).
  intros A1 A2 RA i.
  rewrite !PTree.gempty.

Global Instance: Params (@PTree.empty) 1.

Global Instance ptree_elements_rel:
    (forallr R, ptree_rel (option_rel R) ++> list_rel (eq × R)).
  intros A B R t1 t2 Ht.
  cut (list_forall2 (eq × R)%rel (PTree.elements t1) (PTree.elements t2)).
  - induction 1; constructor; eauto.
  - eapply PTree.elements_canonical_order.
    + intros i.
      destruct (Ht i); inversion 1; subst; eauto.
    + intros i.
      destruct (Ht i); inversion 1; subst; eauto.

Global Instance: Params (@PTree.elements) 2.