Library compcert.cfrontend.Ctypes
Type expressions for the Compcert C and Clight languages
Syntax of types
Inductive signedness : Type :=
| Signed: signedness
| Unsigned: signedness.
Inductive intsize : Type :=
| I8: intsize
| I16: intsize
| I32: intsize
| IBool: intsize.
Float types come in two sizes: 32 bits (single precision)
and 64-bit (double precision).
Every type carries a set of attributes. Currently, only two
attributes are modeled: volatile and _Alignas(n) (from ISO C 2011).
Record attr : Type := mk_attr {
attr_volatile: bool;
attr_alignas: option N
Definition noattr := {| attr_volatile := false; attr_alignas := None |}.
The syntax of type expressions. Some points to note:
- Array types Tarray n carry the size n of the array. Arrays with unknown sizes are represented by pointer types.
- Function types Tfunction targs tres specify the number and types of the function arguments (list targs), and the type of the function result (tres). Variadic functions and old-style unprototyped functions are not supported.
Inductive type : Type :=
| Tvoid: type
| Tint: intsize → signedness → attr → type
| Tlong: signedness → attr → type
| Tfloat: floatsize → attr → type
| Tpointer: type → attr → type
| Tarray: type → Z → attr → type
| Tfunction: typelist → type → calling_convention → type
| Tstruct: ident → attr → type
| Tunion: ident → attr → type
with typelist : Type :=
| Tnil: typelist
| Tcons: type → typelist → typelist.
Lemma intsize_eq: ∀ (s1 s2: intsize), {s1=s2} + {s1≠s2}.
decide equality.
Lemma type_eq: ∀ (ty1 ty2: type), {ty1=ty2} + {ty1≠ty2}
with typelist_eq: ∀ (tyl1 tyl2: typelist), {tyl1=tyl2} + {tyl1≠tyl2}.
assert (∀ (x y: signedness), {x=y} + {x≠y}) by decide equality.
assert (∀ (x y: floatsize), {x=y} + {x≠y}) by decide equality.
assert (∀ (x y: attr), {x=y} + {x≠y}).
{ decide equality. decide equality. apply N.eq_dec. apply bool_dec. }
generalize ident_eq zeq bool_dec ident_eq intsize_eq; intros.
decide equality.
decide equality.
decide equality.
Opaque type_eq typelist_eq.
Extract the attributes of a type.
Definition attr_of_type (ty: type) :=
match ty with
| Tvoid ⇒ noattr
| Tint sz si a ⇒ a
| Tlong si a ⇒ a
| Tfloat sz a ⇒ a
| Tpointer elt a ⇒ a
| Tarray elt sz a ⇒ a
| Tfunction args res cc ⇒ noattr
| Tstruct id a ⇒ a
| Tunion id a ⇒ a
Change the top-level attributes of a type
Definition change_attributes (f: attr → attr) (ty: type) : type :=
match ty with
| Tvoid ⇒ ty
| Tint sz si a ⇒ Tint sz si (f a)
| Tlong si a ⇒ Tlong si (f a)
| Tfloat sz a ⇒ Tfloat sz (f a)
| Tpointer elt a ⇒ Tpointer elt (f a)
| Tarray elt sz a ⇒ Tarray elt sz (f a)
| Tfunction args res cc ⇒ ty
| Tstruct id a ⇒ Tstruct id (f a)
| Tunion id a ⇒ Tunion id (f a)
Erase the top-level attributes of a type
Add extra attributes to the top-level attributes of a type
Definition attr_union (a1 a2: attr) : attr :=
{| attr_volatile := a1.(attr_volatile) || a2.(attr_volatile);
attr_alignas :=
match a1.(attr_alignas), a2.(attr_alignas) with
| None, al ⇒ al
| al, None ⇒ al
| Some n1, Some n2 ⇒ Some (N.max n1 n2)
Definition merge_attributes (ty: type) (a: attr) : type :=
change_attributes (attr_union a) ty.
Syntax for struct and union definitions. struct and union
are collectively called "composites". Each compilation unit
comes with a list of top-level definitions of composites.
Inductive struct_or_union : Type := Struct | Union.
Definition members : Type := list (ident × type).
Inductive composite_definition : Type :=
Composite (id: ident) (su: struct_or_union) (m: members) (a: attr).
Definition name_composite_def (c: composite_definition) : ident :=
match c with Composite id su m a ⇒ id end.
Definition composite_def_eq (x y: composite_definition): {x=y} + {x≠y}.
decide equality.
- decide equality. decide equality. apply N.eq_dec. apply bool_dec.
- apply list_eq_dec. decide equality. apply type_eq. apply ident_eq.
- decide equality.
- apply ident_eq.
Global Opaque composite_def_eq.
For type-checking, compilation and semantics purposes, the composite
definitions are collected in the following composite_env environment.
The composite record contains additional information compared with
the composite_definition, such as size and alignment information.
Record composite : Type := {
co_su: struct_or_union;
co_members: members;
co_attr: attr;
co_sizeof: Z;
co_alignof: Z;
co_rank: nat;
co_sizeof_pos: co_sizeof ≥ 0;
co_alignof_two_p: ∃ n, co_alignof = two_power_nat n;
co_sizeof_alignof: (co_alignof | co_sizeof)
Definition composite_env : Type := PTree.t composite.
The usual unary conversion. Promotes small integer types to signed int32
and degrades array types and function types to pointer types.
Attributes are erased.
Definition typeconv (ty: type) : type :=
match ty with
| Tint (I8 | I16 | IBool) _ _ ⇒ Tint I32 Signed noattr
| Tarray t sz a ⇒ Tpointer t noattr
| Tfunction _ _ _ ⇒ Tpointer ty noattr
| _ ⇒ remove_attributes ty
Default conversion for arguments to an unprototyped or variadic function.
Like typeconv but also converts single floats to double floats.
Definition default_argument_conversion (ty: type) : type :=
match ty with
| Tint (I8 | I16 | IBool) _ _ ⇒ Tint I32 Signed noattr
| Tfloat _ _ ⇒ Tfloat F64 noattr
| Tarray t sz a ⇒ Tpointer t noattr
| Tfunction _ _ _ ⇒ Tpointer ty noattr
| _ ⇒ remove_attributes ty
Complete types
Fixpoint complete_type (env: composite_env) (t: type) : bool :=
match t with
| Tvoid ⇒ false
| Tint _ _ _ ⇒ true
| Tlong _ _ ⇒ true
| Tfloat _ _ ⇒ true
| Tpointer _ _ ⇒ true
| Tarray t' _ _ ⇒ complete_type env t'
| Tfunction _ _ _ ⇒ false
| Tstruct id _ | Tunion id _ ⇒
match env!id with Some co ⇒ true | None ⇒ false end
Definition complete_or_function_type (env: composite_env) (t: type) : bool :=
match t with
| Tfunction _ _ _ ⇒ true
| _ ⇒ complete_type env t
Alignment of a type
Definition align_attr (a: attr) (al: Z) : Z :=
match attr_alignas a with
| Some l ⇒ two_p (Z.of_N l)
| None ⇒ al
In the ISO C standard, alignment is defined only for complete
types. However, it is convenient that alignof is a total
function. For incomplete types, it returns 1.
Fixpoint alignof (env: composite_env) (t: type) : Z :=
align_attr (attr_of_type t)
(match t with
| Tvoid ⇒ 1
| Tint I8 _ _ ⇒ 1
| Tint I16 _ _ ⇒ 2
| Tint I32 _ _ ⇒ 4
| Tint IBool _ _ ⇒ 1
| Tlong _ _ ⇒ Archi.align_int64
| Tfloat F32 _ ⇒ 4
| Tfloat F64 _ ⇒ Archi.align_float64
| Tpointer _ _ ⇒ if Archi.ptr64 then 8 else 4
| Tarray t' _ _ ⇒ alignof env t'
| Tfunction _ _ _ ⇒ 1
| Tstruct id _ | Tunion id _ ⇒
match env!id with Some co ⇒ co_alignof co | None ⇒ 1 end
Remark align_attr_two_p:
∀ al a,
(∃ n, al = two_power_nat n) →
(∃ n, align_attr a al = two_power_nat n).
intros. unfold align_attr. destruct (attr_alignas a).
∃ (N.to_nat n). rewrite two_power_nat_two_p. rewrite N_nat_Z. auto.
Lemma alignof_two_p:
∀ env t, ∃ n, alignof env t = two_power_nat n.
induction t; apply align_attr_two_p; simpl.
∃ 0%nat; auto.
destruct i.
∃ 0%nat; auto.
∃ 1%nat; auto.
∃ 2%nat; auto.
∃ 0%nat; auto.
unfold Archi.align_int64. destruct Archi.ptr64; ((∃ 2%nat; reflexivity) || (∃ 3%nat; reflexivity)).
destruct f.
∃ 2%nat; auto.
unfold Archi.align_float64. destruct Archi.ptr64; ((∃ 2%nat; reflexivity) || (∃ 3%nat; reflexivity)).
∃ (if Archi.ptr64 then 3%nat else 2%nat); destruct Archi.ptr64; auto.
apply IHt.
∃ 0%nat; auto.
destruct (env!i). apply co_alignof_two_p. ∃ 0%nat; auto.
destruct (env!i). apply co_alignof_two_p. ∃ 0%nat; auto.
Lemma alignof_pos:
∀ env t, alignof env t > 0.
intros. destruct (alignof_two_p env t) as [n EQ]. rewrite EQ. apply two_power_nat_pos.
Size of a type
Fixpoint sizeof (env: composite_env) (t: type) : Z :=
match t with
| Tvoid ⇒ 1
| Tint I8 _ _ ⇒ 1
| Tint I16 _ _ ⇒ 2
| Tint I32 _ _ ⇒ 4
| Tint IBool _ _ ⇒ 1
| Tlong _ _ ⇒ 8
| Tfloat F32 _ ⇒ 4
| Tfloat F64 _ ⇒ 8
| Tpointer _ _ ⇒ if Archi.ptr64 then 8 else 4
| Tarray t' n _ ⇒ sizeof env t' × Z.max 0 n
| Tfunction _ _ _ ⇒ 1
| Tstruct id _ | Tunion id _ ⇒
match env!id with Some co ⇒ co_sizeof co | None ⇒ 0 end
Lemma sizeof_pos:
∀ env t, sizeof env t ≥ 0.
induction t; simpl; try omega.
destruct i; omega.
destruct f; omega.
destruct Archi.ptr64; omega.
change 0 with (0 × Z.max 0 z) at 2. apply Zmult_ge_compat_r. auto. xomega.
destruct (env!i). apply co_sizeof_pos. omega.
destruct (env!i). apply co_sizeof_pos. omega.
The size of a type is an integral multiple of its alignment,
unless the alignment was artificially increased with the __Alignas
Fixpoint naturally_aligned (t: type) : Prop :=
attr_alignas (attr_of_type t) = None ∧
match t with
| Tarray t' _ _ ⇒ naturally_aligned t'
| _ ⇒ True
Lemma sizeof_alignof_compat:
∀ env t, naturally_aligned t → (alignof env t | sizeof env t).
induction t; intros [A B]; unfold alignof, align_attr; rewrite A; simpl.
- apply Zdivide_refl.
- destruct i; apply Zdivide_refl.
- ∃ (8 / Archi.align_int64). unfold Archi.align_int64; destruct Archi.ptr64; reflexivity.
- destruct f. apply Zdivide_refl. ∃ (8 / Archi.align_float64). unfold Archi.align_float64; destruct Archi.ptr64; reflexivity.
- apply Zdivide_refl.
- apply Z.divide_mul_l; auto.
- apply Zdivide_refl.
- destruct (env!i). apply co_sizeof_alignof. apply Zdivide_0.
- destruct (env!i). apply co_sizeof_alignof. apply Zdivide_0.
Size and alignment for composite definitions
Fixpoint alignof_composite (env: composite_env) (m: members) : Z :=
match m with
| nil ⇒ 1
| (id, t) :: m' ⇒ Z.max (alignof env t) (alignof_composite env m')
The size of a structure corresponds to its layout: fields are
laid out consecutively, and padding is inserted to align
each field to the alignment for its type.
Fixpoint sizeof_struct (env: composite_env) (cur: Z) (m: members) : Z :=
match m with
| nil ⇒ cur
| (id, t) :: m' ⇒ sizeof_struct env (align cur (alignof env t) + sizeof env t) m'
The size of an union is the max of the sizes of its members.
Fixpoint sizeof_union (env: composite_env) (m: members) : Z :=
match m with
| nil ⇒ 0
| (id, t) :: m' ⇒ Z.max (sizeof env t) (sizeof_union env m')
Lemma alignof_composite_two_p:
∀ env m, ∃ n, alignof_composite env m = two_power_nat n.
induction m as [|[id t]]; simpl.
- ∃ 0%nat; auto.
- apply Z.max_case; auto. apply alignof_two_p.
Lemma alignof_composite_pos:
∀ env m a, align_attr a (alignof_composite env m) > 0.
exploit align_attr_two_p. apply (alignof_composite_two_p env m).
instantiate (1 := a). intros [n EQ].
rewrite EQ; apply two_power_nat_pos.
Lemma sizeof_struct_incr:
∀ env m cur, cur ≤ sizeof_struct env cur m.
induction m as [|[id t]]; simpl; intros.
- omega.
- apply Zle_trans with (align cur (alignof env t)).
apply align_le. apply alignof_pos.
apply Zle_trans with (align cur (alignof env t) + sizeof env t).
generalize (sizeof_pos env t); omega.
apply IHm.
Lemma sizeof_union_pos:
∀ env m, 0 ≤ sizeof_union env m.
induction m as [|[id t]]; simpl; xomega.
Byte offset for a field of a structure
Fixpoint field_offset_rec (env: composite_env) (id: ident) (fld: members) (pos: Z)
{struct fld} : res Z :=
match fld with
| nil ⇒ Error (MSG "Unknown field " :: CTX id :: nil)
| (id', t) :: fld' ⇒
if ident_eq id id'
then OK (align pos (alignof env t))
else field_offset_rec env id fld' (align pos (alignof env t) + sizeof env t)
Definition field_offset (env: composite_env) (id: ident) (fld: members) : res Z :=
field_offset_rec env id fld 0.
Fixpoint field_type (id: ident) (fld: members) {struct fld} : res type :=
match fld with
| nil ⇒ Error (MSG "Unknown field " :: CTX id :: nil)
| (id', t) :: fld' ⇒ if ident_eq id id' then OK t else field_type id fld'
Some sanity checks about field offsets. First, field offsets are
within the range of acceptable offsets.
Remark field_offset_rec_in_range:
∀ env id ofs ty fld pos,
field_offset_rec env id fld pos = OK ofs → field_type id fld = OK ty →
pos ≤ ofs ∧ ofs + sizeof env ty ≤ sizeof_struct env pos fld.
intros until ty. induction fld as [|[i t]]; simpl; intros.
- discriminate.
- destruct (ident_eq id i); intros.
inv H. inv H0. split.
apply align_le. apply alignof_pos. apply sizeof_struct_incr.
exploit IHfld; eauto. intros [A B]. split; auto.
eapply Zle_trans; eauto. apply Zle_trans with (align pos (alignof env t)).
apply align_le. apply alignof_pos. generalize (sizeof_pos env t). omega.
Lemma field_offset_in_range:
∀ env fld id ofs ty,
field_offset env id fld = OK ofs → field_type id fld = OK ty →
0 ≤ ofs ∧ ofs + sizeof env ty ≤ sizeof_struct env 0 fld.
intros. eapply field_offset_rec_in_range; eauto.
Second, two distinct fields do not overlap
Lemma field_offset_no_overlap:
∀ env id1 ofs1 ty1 id2 ofs2 ty2 fld,
field_offset env id1 fld = OK ofs1 → field_type id1 fld = OK ty1 →
field_offset env id2 fld = OK ofs2 → field_type id2 fld = OK ty2 →
id1 ≠ id2 →
ofs1 + sizeof env ty1 ≤ ofs2 ∨ ofs2 + sizeof env ty2 ≤ ofs1.
intros until fld. unfold field_offset. generalize 0 as pos.
induction fld as [|[i t]]; simpl; intros.
- discriminate.
- destruct (ident_eq id1 i); destruct (ident_eq id2 i).
+ congruence.
+ subst i. inv H; inv H0.
exploit field_offset_rec_in_range. eexact H1. eauto. tauto.
+ subst i. inv H1; inv H2.
exploit field_offset_rec_in_range. eexact H. eauto. tauto.
+ eapply IHfld; eauto.
Third, if a struct is a prefix of another, the offsets of common fields
are the same.
Lemma field_offset_prefix:
∀ env id ofs fld2 fld1,
field_offset env id fld1 = OK ofs →
field_offset env id (fld1 ++ fld2) = OK ofs.
intros until fld1. unfold field_offset. generalize 0 as pos.
induction fld1 as [|[i t]]; simpl; intros.
- discriminate.
- destruct (ident_eq id i); auto.
Fourth, the position of each field respects its alignment.
Lemma field_offset_aligned:
∀ env id fld ofs ty,
field_offset env id fld = OK ofs → field_type id fld = OK ty →
(alignof env ty | ofs).
intros until ty. unfold field_offset. generalize 0 as pos. revert fld.
induction fld as [|[i t]]; simpl; intros.
- discriminate.
- destruct (ident_eq id i).
+ inv H; inv H0. apply align_divides. apply alignof_pos.
+ eauto.
Access modes
- By_value ch: access by value, i.e. by loading from the address of the l-value using the memory chunk ch;
- By_reference: access by reference, i.e. by just returning the address of the l-value (used for arrays and functions);
- By_copy: access is by reference, assignment is by copy (used for struct and union types)
- By_nothing: no access is possible, e.g. for the void type.
Inductive mode: Type :=
| By_value: memory_chunk → mode
| By_reference: mode
| By_copy: mode
| By_nothing: mode.
Definition access_mode (ty: type) : mode :=
match ty with
| Tint I8 Signed _ ⇒ By_value Mint8signed
| Tint I8 Unsigned _ ⇒ By_value Mint8unsigned
| Tint I16 Signed _ ⇒ By_value Mint16signed
| Tint I16 Unsigned _ ⇒ By_value Mint16unsigned
| Tint I32 _ _ ⇒ By_value Mint32
| Tint IBool _ _ ⇒ By_value Mint8unsigned
| Tlong _ _ ⇒ By_value Mint64
| Tfloat F32 _ ⇒ By_value Mfloat32
| Tfloat F64 _ ⇒ By_value Mfloat64
| Tvoid ⇒ By_nothing
| Tpointer _ _ ⇒ By_value Mptr
| Tarray _ _ _ ⇒ By_reference
| Tfunction _ _ _ ⇒ By_reference
| Tstruct _ _ ⇒ By_copy
| Tunion _ _ ⇒ By_copy
For the purposes of the semantics and the compiler, a type denotes
a volatile access if it carries the volatile attribute and it is
accessed by value.
Definition type_is_volatile (ty: type) : bool :=
match access_mode ty with
| By_value _ ⇒ attr_volatile (attr_of_type ty)
| _ ⇒ false
Alignment for block copy operations
Fixpoint alignof_blockcopy (env: composite_env) (t: type) : Z :=
match t with
| Tvoid ⇒ 1
| Tint I8 _ _ ⇒ 1
| Tint I16 _ _ ⇒ 2
| Tint I32 _ _ ⇒ 4
| Tint IBool _ _ ⇒ 1
| Tlong _ _ ⇒ 8
| Tfloat F32 _ ⇒ 4
| Tfloat F64 _ ⇒ 8
| Tpointer _ _ ⇒ if Archi.ptr64 then 8 else 4
| Tarray t' _ _ ⇒ alignof_blockcopy env t'
| Tfunction _ _ _ ⇒ 1
| Tstruct id _ | Tunion id _ ⇒
match env!id with
| Some co ⇒ Z.min 8 (co_alignof co)
| None ⇒ 1
Lemma alignof_blockcopy_1248:
∀ env ty, let a := alignof_blockcopy env ty in a = 1 ∨ a = 2 ∨ a = 4 ∨ a = 8.
assert (X: ∀ co, let a := Zmin 8 (co_alignof co) in
a = 1 ∨ a = 2 ∨ a = 4 ∨ a = 8).
intros. destruct (co_alignof_two_p co) as [n EQ]. unfold a; rewrite EQ.
destruct n; auto.
destruct n; auto.
destruct n; auto.
right; right; right. apply Z.min_l.
rewrite two_power_nat_two_p. rewrite ! inj_S.
change 8 with (two_p 3). apply two_p_monotone. omega.
induction ty; simpl.
destruct i; auto.
destruct f; auto.
destruct Archi.ptr64; auto.
apply IHty.
destruct (env!i); auto.
destruct (env!i); auto.
Lemma alignof_blockcopy_pos:
∀ env ty, alignof_blockcopy env ty > 0.
intros. generalize (alignof_blockcopy_1248 env ty). simpl. intuition omega.
Lemma sizeof_alignof_blockcopy_compat:
∀ env ty, (alignof_blockcopy env ty | sizeof env ty).
assert (X: ∀ co, (Z.min 8 (co_alignof co) | co_sizeof co)).
intros. apply Zdivide_trans with (co_alignof co). 2: apply co_sizeof_alignof.
destruct (co_alignof_two_p co) as [n EQ]. rewrite EQ.
destruct n. apply Zdivide_refl.
destruct n. apply Zdivide_refl.
destruct n. apply Zdivide_refl.
apply Z.min_case.
∃ (two_p (Z.of_nat n)).
change 8 with (two_p 3).
rewrite <- two_p_is_exp by omega.
rewrite two_power_nat_two_p. rewrite !inj_S. f_equal. omega.
apply Zdivide_refl.
induction ty; simpl.
apply Zdivide_refl.
apply Zdivide_refl.
apply Zdivide_refl.
apply Zdivide_refl.
apply Zdivide_refl.
apply Z.divide_mul_l. auto.
apply Zdivide_refl.
destruct (env!i). apply X. apply Zdivide_0.
destruct (env!i). apply X. apply Zdivide_0.
Type ranks
The rank of a type is a nonnegative integer that measures the direct nesting
of arrays, struct and union types. It does not take into account indirect
nesting such as a struct type that appears under a pointer or function type.
Type ranks ensure that type expressions (ignoring pointer and function types)
have an inductive structure.
Fixpoint rank_type (ce: composite_env) (t: type) : nat :=
match t with
| Tarray t' _ _ ⇒ S (rank_type ce t')
| Tstruct id _ | Tunion id _ ⇒
match ce!id with
| None ⇒ O
| Some co ⇒ S (co_rank co)
| _ ⇒ O
Fixpoint rank_members (ce: composite_env) (m: members) : nat :=
match m with
| nil ⇒ 0%nat
| (id, t) :: m ⇒ Peano.max (rank_type ce t) (rank_members ce m)
Fixpoint type_of_params (params: list (ident × type)) : typelist :=
match params with
| nil ⇒ Tnil
| (id, ty) :: rem ⇒ Tcons ty (type_of_params rem)
Translating C types to Cminor types and function signatures.
Definition typ_of_type (t: type) : AST.typ :=
match t with
| Tvoid ⇒ AST.Tint
| Tint _ _ _ ⇒ AST.Tint
| Tlong _ _ ⇒ AST.Tlong
| Tfloat F32 _ ⇒ AST.Tsingle
| Tfloat F64 _ ⇒ AST.Tfloat
| Tpointer _ _ | Tarray _ _ _ | Tfunction _ _ _ | Tstruct _ _ | Tunion _ _ ⇒ AST.Tptr
Definition opttyp_of_type (t: type) : option AST.typ :=
if type_eq t Tvoid then None else Some (typ_of_type t).
Fixpoint typlist_of_typelist (tl: typelist) : list AST.typ :=
match tl with
| Tnil ⇒ nil
| Tcons hd tl ⇒ typ_of_type hd :: typlist_of_typelist tl
Definition signature_of_type (args: typelist) (res: type) (cc: calling_convention): signature :=
mksignature (typlist_of_typelist args) (opttyp_of_type res) cc.
Definition sizeof_composite (env: composite_env) (su: struct_or_union) (m: members) : Z :=
match su with
| Struct ⇒ sizeof_struct env 0 m
| Union ⇒ sizeof_union env m
Lemma sizeof_composite_pos:
∀ env su m, 0 ≤ sizeof_composite env su m.
intros. destruct su; simpl.
apply sizeof_struct_incr.
apply sizeof_union_pos.
Fixpoint complete_members (env: composite_env) (m: members) : bool :=
match m with
| nil ⇒ true
| (id, t) :: m' ⇒ complete_type env t && complete_members env m'
Lemma complete_member:
∀ env id t m,
In (id, t) m → complete_members env m = true → complete_type env t = true.
induction m as [|[id1 t1] m]; simpl; intuition auto.
InvBooleans; inv H1; auto.
InvBooleans; eauto.
Convert a composite definition to its internal representation.
The size and alignment of the composite are determined at this time.
The alignment takes into account the __Alignas attributes
associated with the definition. The size is rounded up to a multiple
of the alignment.
The conversion fails if a type of a member is not complete. This rules
out incorrect recursive definitions such as
struct s { int x; struct s next; }Here, when we process the definition of struct s, the identifier s is not bound yet in the composite environment, hence field next has an incomplete type. However, recursions that go through a pointer type are correctly handled:
struct s { int x; struct s * next; }Here, next has a pointer type, which is always complete, even though s is not yet bound to a composite.
Program Definition composite_of_def
(env: composite_env) (id: ident) (su: struct_or_union) (m: members) (a: attr)
: res composite :=
match env!id, complete_members env m return _ with
| Some _, _ ⇒
Error (MSG "Multiple definitions of struct or union " :: CTX id :: nil)
| None, false ⇒
Error (MSG "Incomplete struct or union " :: CTX id :: nil)
| None, true ⇒
let al := align_attr a (alignof_composite env m) in
OK {| co_su := su;
co_members := m;
co_attr := a;
co_sizeof := align (sizeof_composite env su m) al;
co_alignof := al;
co_rank := rank_members env m;
co_sizeof_pos := _;
co_alignof_two_p := _;
co_sizeof_alignof := _ |}
Next Obligation.
apply Zle_ge. eapply Zle_trans. eapply sizeof_composite_pos.
apply align_le; apply alignof_composite_pos.
Next Obligation.
apply align_attr_two_p. apply alignof_composite_two_p.
Next Obligation.
apply align_divides. apply alignof_composite_pos.
The composite environment for a program is obtained by entering
its composite definitions in sequence. The definitions are assumed
to be listed in dependency order: the definition of a composite
must precede all uses of this composite, unless the use is under
a pointer or function type.
Local Open Scope error_monad_scope.
Fixpoint add_composite_definitions (env: composite_env) (defs: list composite_definition) : res composite_env :=
match defs with
| nil ⇒ OK env
| Composite id su m a :: defs ⇒
do co <- composite_of_def env id su m a;
add_composite_definitions (PTree.set id co env) defs
Definition build_composite_env (defs: list composite_definition) :=
add_composite_definitions (PTree.empty _) defs.
Stability properties for alignments, sizes, and ranks. If the type is
complete in a composite environment env, its size, alignment, and rank
are unchanged if we add more definitions to env.
Variables env env': composite_env.
Hypothesis extends: ∀ id co, env!id = Some co → env'!id = Some co.
Lemma alignof_stable:
∀ t, complete_type env t = true → alignof env' t = alignof env t.
induction t; simpl; intros; f_equal; auto.
destruct (env!i) as [co|] eqn:E; try discriminate.
erewrite extends by eauto. auto.
destruct (env!i) as [co|] eqn:E; try discriminate.
erewrite extends by eauto. auto.
Lemma sizeof_stable:
∀ t, complete_type env t = true → sizeof env' t = sizeof env t.
induction t; simpl; intros; auto.
rewrite IHt by auto. auto.
destruct (env!i) as [co|] eqn:E; try discriminate.
erewrite extends by eauto. auto.
destruct (env!i) as [co|] eqn:E; try discriminate.
erewrite extends by eauto. auto.
Lemma complete_type_stable:
∀ t, complete_type env t = true → complete_type env' t = true.
induction t; simpl; intros; auto.
destruct (env!i) as [co|] eqn:E; try discriminate.
erewrite extends by eauto. auto.
destruct (env!i) as [co|] eqn:E; try discriminate.
erewrite extends by eauto. auto.
Lemma rank_type_stable:
∀ t, complete_type env t = true → rank_type env' t = rank_type env t.
induction t; simpl; intros; auto.
destruct (env!i) as [co|] eqn:E; try discriminate.
erewrite extends by eauto. auto.
destruct (env!i) as [co|] eqn:E; try discriminate.
erewrite extends by eauto. auto.
Lemma alignof_composite_stable:
∀ m, complete_members env m = true → alignof_composite env' m = alignof_composite env m.
induction m as [|[id t]]; simpl; intros.
InvBooleans. rewrite alignof_stable by auto. rewrite IHm by auto. auto.
Lemma sizeof_struct_stable:
∀ m pos, complete_members env m = true → sizeof_struct env' pos m = sizeof_struct env pos m.
induction m as [|[id t]]; simpl; intros.
InvBooleans. rewrite alignof_stable by auto. rewrite sizeof_stable by auto.
rewrite IHm by auto. auto.
Lemma sizeof_union_stable:
∀ m, complete_members env m = true → sizeof_union env' m = sizeof_union env m.
induction m as [|[id t]]; simpl; intros.
InvBooleans. rewrite sizeof_stable by auto. rewrite IHm by auto. auto.
Lemma sizeof_composite_stable:
∀ su m, complete_members env m = true → sizeof_composite env' su m = sizeof_composite env su m.
intros. destruct su; simpl.
apply sizeof_struct_stable; auto.
apply sizeof_union_stable; auto.
Lemma complete_members_stable:
∀ m, complete_members env m = true → complete_members env' m = true.
induction m as [|[id t]]; simpl; intros.
InvBooleans. rewrite complete_type_stable by auto. rewrite IHm by auto. auto.
Lemma rank_members_stable:
∀ m, complete_members env m = true → rank_members env' m = rank_members env m.
induction m as [|[id t]]; simpl; intros.
InvBooleans. f_equal; auto. apply rank_type_stable; auto.
Lemma add_composite_definitions_incr:
∀ id co defs env1 env2,
add_composite_definitions env1 defs = OK env2 →
env1!id = Some co → env2!id = Some co.
induction defs; simpl; intros.
- inv H; auto.
- destruct a; monadInv H.
eapply IHdefs; eauto. rewrite PTree.gso; auto.
red; intros; subst id0. unfold composite_of_def in EQ. rewrite H0 in EQ; discriminate.
It follows that the sizes and alignments contained in the composite
environment produced by build_composite_env are consistent with
the sizes and alignments of the members of the composite types.
Record composite_consistent (env: composite_env) (co: composite) : Prop := {
complete_members env (co_members co) = true;
co_alignof co = align_attr (co_attr co) (alignof_composite env (co_members co));
co_sizeof co = align (sizeof_composite env (co_su co) (co_members co)) (co_alignof co);
co_rank co = rank_members env (co_members co)
Definition composite_env_consistent (env: composite_env) : Prop :=
∀ id co, env!id = Some co → composite_consistent env co.
Lemma composite_consistent_stable:
∀ (env env': composite_env)
(EXTENDS: ∀ id co, env!id = Some co → env'!id = Some co)
composite_consistent env co → composite_consistent env' co.
intros. destruct H as [A B C D]. constructor.
eapply complete_members_stable; eauto.
symmetry; rewrite B. f_equal. apply alignof_composite_stable; auto.
symmetry; rewrite C. f_equal. apply sizeof_composite_stable; auto.
symmetry; rewrite D. apply rank_members_stable; auto.
Lemma composite_of_def_consistent:
∀ env id su m a co,
composite_of_def env id su m a = OK co →
composite_consistent env co.
unfold composite_of_def; intros.
destruct (env!id); try discriminate. destruct (complete_members env m) eqn:C; inv H.
constructor; auto.
Theorem build_composite_env_consistent:
∀ defs env, build_composite_env defs = OK env → composite_env_consistent env.
cut (∀ defs env0 env,
add_composite_definitions env0 defs = OK env →
composite_env_consistent env0 →
composite_env_consistent env).
intros. eapply H; eauto. red; intros. rewrite PTree.gempty in H1; discriminate.
induction defs as [|d1 defs]; simpl; intros.
- inv H; auto.
- destruct d1; monadInv H.
eapply IHdefs; eauto.
set (env1 := PTree.set id x env0) in ×.
assert (env0!id = None).
{ unfold composite_of_def in EQ. destruct (env0!id). discriminate. auto. }
assert (∀ id1 co1, env0!id1 = Some co1 → env1!id1 = Some co1).
{ intros. unfold env1. rewrite PTree.gso; auto. congruence. }
red; intros. apply composite_consistent_stable with env0; auto.
unfold env1 in H2; rewrite PTree.gsspec in H2; destruct (peq id0 id).
+ subst id0. inversion H2; clear H2. subst co.
eapply composite_of_def_consistent; eauto.
+ eapply H0; eauto.
Moreover, every composite definition is reflected in the composite environment.
Theorem build_composite_env_charact:
∀ id su m a defs env,
build_composite_env defs = OK env →
In (Composite id su m a) defs →
∃ co, env!id = Some co ∧ co_members co = m ∧ co_attr co = a ∧ co_su co = su.
intros until defs. unfold build_composite_env. generalize (PTree.empty composite) as env0.
revert defs. induction defs as [|d1 defs]; simpl; intros.
- contradiction.
- destruct d1; monadInv H.
destruct H0; [idtac|eapply IHdefs;eauto]. inv H.
unfold composite_of_def in EQ.
destruct (env0!id) eqn:E; try discriminate.
destruct (complete_members env0 m) eqn:C; simplify_eq EQ. clear EQ; intros EQ.
∃ x.
split. eapply add_composite_definitions_incr; eauto. apply PTree.gss.
subst x; auto.
Theorem build_composite_env_domain:
∀ env defs id co,
build_composite_env defs = OK env →
env!id = Some co →
In (Composite id (co_su co) (co_members co) (co_attr co)) defs.
intros env0 defs0 id co.
assert (REC: ∀ l env env',
add_composite_definitions env l = OK env' →
env'!id = Some co →
env!id = Some co ∨ In (Composite id (co_su co) (co_members co) (co_attr co)) l).
{ induction l; simpl; intros.
- inv H; auto.
- destruct a; monadInv H. exploit IHl; eauto.
unfold composite_of_def in EQ. destruct (env!id0) eqn:E; try discriminate.
destruct (complete_members env m) eqn:C; simplify_eq EQ. clear EQ; intros EQ.
rewrite PTree.gsspec. intros [A|A]; auto.
destruct (peq id id0); auto.
inv A. rewrite <- H0; auto.
intros. exploit REC; eauto. rewrite PTree.gempty. intuition congruence.
As a corollay, in a consistent environment, the rank of a composite type
is strictly greater than the ranks of its member types.
Remark rank_type_members:
∀ ce id t m, In (id, t) m → (rank_type ce t ≤ rank_members ce m)%nat.
induction m; simpl; intros; intuition auto.
subst a. xomega.
Lemma rank_struct_member:
∀ ce id a co id1 t1,
composite_env_consistent ce →
ce!id = Some co →
In (id1, t1) (co_members co) →
(rank_type ce t1 < rank_type ce (Tstruct id a))%nat.
intros; simpl. rewrite H0.
erewrite co_consistent_rank by eauto.
exploit (rank_type_members ce); eauto.
Lemma rank_union_member:
∀ ce id a co id1 t1,
composite_env_consistent ce →
ce!id = Some co →
In (id1, t1) (co_members co) →
(rank_type ce t1 < rank_type ce (Tunion id a))%nat.
intros; simpl. rewrite H0.
erewrite co_consistent_rank by eauto.
exploit (rank_type_members ce); eauto.
Programs and compilation units
Inductive fundef : Type :=
| Internal: F → fundef
| External: external_function → typelist → type → calling_convention → fundef.
A program, or compilation unit, is composed of:
- a list of definitions of functions and global variables;
- the names of functions and global variables that are public (not static);
- the name of the function that acts as entry point ("main" function).
- a list of definitions for structure and union names
- the corresponding composite environment
- a proof that this environment is consistent with the definitions.
Record program : Type := {
prog_defs: list (ident × option (globdef fundef type));
prog_public: list ident;
prog_main: ident;
prog_types: list composite_definition;
prog_comp_env: composite_env;
prog_comp_env_eq: build_composite_env prog_types = OK prog_comp_env
Definition program_of_program (p: program) : AST.program fundef type :=
{| AST.prog_defs := p.(prog_defs);
AST.prog_public := p.(prog_public);
AST.prog_main := p.(prog_main) |}.
Coercion program_of_program: program >-> AST.program.
Program Definition make_program (types: list composite_definition)
(defs: list (ident × option (globdef fundef type)))
(public: list ident)
(main: ident) : res program :=
match build_composite_env types with
| Error e ⇒ Error e
| OK ce ⇒
OK {| prog_defs := defs;
prog_public := public;
prog_main := main;
prog_types := types;
prog_comp_env := ce;
prog_comp_env_eq := _ |}
Arguments External {F} _ _ _ _.
Unset Implicit Arguments.
Instance Linker_types : Linker type := {
link := fun t1 t2 ⇒ if type_eq t1 t2 then Some t1 else None;
linkorder := fun t1 t2 ⇒ t1 = t2
intros; congruence.
intros. destruct (type_eq x y); inv H. auto.
Global Opaque Linker_types.
Definition check_compat_composite (l: list composite_definition) (cd: composite_definition) : bool :=
(fun cd' ⇒
if ident_eq (name_composite_def cd') (name_composite_def cd) then composite_def_eq cd cd' else true)
Definition filter_redefs (l1 l2: list composite_definition) :=
let names1 := map name_composite_def l1 in
List.filter (fun cd ⇒ negb (In_dec ident_eq (name_composite_def cd) names1)) l2.
Definition link_composite_defs (l1 l2: list composite_definition): option (list composite_definition) :=
if List.forallb (check_compat_composite l2) l1
then Some (l1 ++ filter_redefs l1 l2)
else None.
Lemma link_composite_def_inv:
∀ l1 l2 l,
link_composite_defs l1 l2 = Some l →
(∀ cd1 cd2, In cd1 l1 → In cd2 l2 → name_composite_def cd2 = name_composite_def cd1 → cd2 = cd1)
∧ l = l1 ++ filter_redefs l1 l2
∧ (∀ x, In x l ↔ In x l1 ∨ In x l2).
unfold link_composite_defs; intros.
destruct (forallb (check_compat_composite l2) l1) eqn:C; inv H.
assert (A:
∀ cd1 cd2, In cd1 l1 → In cd2 l2 → name_composite_def cd2 = name_composite_def cd1 → cd2 = cd1).
{ rewrite forallb_forall in C. intros.
apply C in H. unfold check_compat_composite in H. rewrite forallb_forall in H.
apply H in H0. rewrite H1, dec_eq_true in H0. symmetry; eapply proj_sumbool_true; eauto. }
split. auto. split. auto.
unfold filter_redefs; intros.
rewrite in_app_iff. rewrite filter_In. intuition auto.
destruct (in_dec ident_eq (name_composite_def x) (map name_composite_def l1)); simpl; auto.
exploit list_in_map_inv; eauto. intros (y & P & Q).
assert (x = y) by eauto. subst y. auto.
Instance Linker_composite_defs : Linker (list composite_definition) := {
link := link_composite_defs;
linkorder := @List.incl composite_definition
- intros; apply incl_refl.
- intros; red; intros; eauto.
- intros. apply link_composite_def_inv in H; destruct H as (A & B & C).
split; red; intros; apply C; auto.
Connections with build_composite_env.
Lemma add_composite_definitions_append:
∀ l1 l2 env env'',
add_composite_definitions env (l1 ++ l2) = OK env'' ↔
∃ env', add_composite_definitions env l1 = OK env' ∧ add_composite_definitions env' l2 = OK env''.
induction l1; simpl; intros.
- split; intros. ∃ env; auto. destruct H as (env' & A & B). congruence.
- destruct a; simpl. destruct (composite_of_def env id su m a); simpl.
apply IHl1.
split; intros. discriminate. destruct H as (env' & A & B); discriminate.
Lemma composite_eq:
∀ su1 m1 a1 sz1 al1 r1 pos1 al2p1 szal1
su2 m2 a2 sz2 al2 r2 pos2 al2p2 szal2,
su1 = su2 → m1 = m2 → a1 = a2 → sz1 = sz2 → al1 = al2 → r1 = r2 →
Build_composite su1 m1 a1 sz1 al1 r1 pos1 al2p1 szal1 = Build_composite su2 m2 a2 sz2 al2 r2 pos2 al2p2 szal2.
intros. subst.
assert (pos1 = pos2) by apply proof_irr.
assert (al2p1 = al2p2) by apply proof_irr.
assert (szal1 = szal2) by apply proof_irr.
subst. reflexivity.
Lemma composite_of_def_eq:
∀ env id co,
composite_consistent env co →
env!id = None →
composite_of_def env id (co_su co) (co_members co) (co_attr co) = OK co.
intros. destruct H as [A B C D]. unfold composite_of_def. rewrite H0, A.
destruct co; simpl in ×. f_equal. apply composite_eq; auto. rewrite C, B; auto.
Lemma composite_consistent_unique:
∀ env co1 co2,
composite_consistent env co1 →
composite_consistent env co2 →
co_su co1 = co_su co2 →
co_members co1 = co_members co2 →
co_attr co1 = co_attr co2 →
co1 = co2.
intros. destruct H, H0. destruct co1, co2; simpl in ×. apply composite_eq; congruence.
Lemma composite_of_def_stable:
∀ (env env': composite_env)
(EXTENDS: ∀ id co, env!id = Some co → env'!id = Some co)
id su m a co,
env'!id = None →
composite_of_def env id su m a = OK co →
composite_of_def env' id su m a = OK co.
unfold composite_of_def in H0.
destruct (env!id) eqn:E; try discriminate.
destruct (complete_members env m) eqn:CM; try discriminate.
transitivity (composite_of_def env' id (co_su co) (co_members co) (co_attr co)).
inv H0; auto.
apply composite_of_def_eq; auto.
apply composite_consistent_stable with env; auto.
inv H0; constructor; auto.
Lemma link_add_composite_definitions:
∀ l0 env0,
build_composite_env l0 = OK env0 →
∀ l env1 env1' env2,
add_composite_definitions env1 l = OK env1' →
(∀ id co, env1!id = Some co → env2!id = Some co) →
(∀ id co, env0!id = Some co → env2!id = Some co) →
(∀ id, env2!id = if In_dec ident_eq id (map name_composite_def l0) then env0!id else env1!id) →
((∀ cd1 cd2, In cd1 l0 → In cd2 l → name_composite_def cd2 = name_composite_def cd1 → cd2 = cd1)) →
{ env2' |
add_composite_definitions env2 (filter_redefs l0 l) = OK env2'
∧ (∀ id co, env1'!id = Some co → env2'!id = Some co)
∧ (∀ id co, env0!id = Some co → env2'!id = Some co) }.
induction l; simpl; intros until env2; intros ACD AGREE1 AGREE0 AGREE2 UNIQUE.
- inv ACD. ∃ env2; auto.
- destruct a. destruct (composite_of_def env1 id su m a) as [x|e] eqn:EQ; try discriminate.
simpl in ACD.
generalize EQ. unfold composite_of_def at 1.
destruct (env1!id) eqn:E1; try congruence.
destruct (complete_members env1 m) eqn:CM1; try congruence.
intros EQ1.
simpl. destruct (in_dec ident_eq id (map name_composite_def l0)); simpl.
+ eapply IHl; eauto.
× intros. rewrite PTree.gsspec in H0. destruct (peq id0 id); auto.
inv H0.
exploit list_in_map_inv; eauto. intros ([id' su' m' a'] & P & Q).
assert (X: Composite id su m a = Composite id' su' m' a').
{ eapply UNIQUE. auto. auto. rewrite <- P; auto. }
inv X.
exploit build_composite_env_charact; eauto. intros (co' & U & V & W & X).
assert (co' = co).
{ apply composite_consistent_unique with env2.
apply composite_consistent_stable with env0; auto.
eapply build_composite_env_consistent; eauto.
apply composite_consistent_stable with env1; auto.
inversion EQ1; constructor; auto.
inversion EQ1; auto.
inversion EQ1; auto.
inversion EQ1; auto. }
subst co'. apply AGREE0; auto.
× intros. rewrite AGREE2. destruct (in_dec ident_eq id0 (map name_composite_def l0)); auto.
rewrite PTree.gsspec. destruct (peq id0 id); auto. subst id0. contradiction.
+ assert (E2: env2!id = None).
{ rewrite AGREE2. rewrite pred_dec_false by auto. auto. }
assert (E3: composite_of_def env2 id su m a = OK x).
{ eapply composite_of_def_stable. eexact AGREE1. eauto. eauto. }
rewrite E3. simpl. eapply IHl; eauto.
× intros until co; rewrite ! PTree.gsspec. destruct (peq id0 id); auto.
× intros until co; rewrite ! PTree.gsspec. intros. destruct (peq id0 id); auto.
subst id0. apply AGREE0 in H0. congruence.
× intros. rewrite ! PTree.gsspec. destruct (peq id0 id); auto. subst id0.
rewrite pred_dec_false by auto. auto.
Theorem link_build_composite_env:
∀ l1 l2 l env1 env2,
build_composite_env l1 = OK env1 →
build_composite_env l2 = OK env2 →
link l1 l2 = Some l →
{ env |
build_composite_env l = OK env
∧ (∀ id co, env1!id = Some co → env!id = Some co)
∧ (∀ id co, env2!id = Some co → env!id = Some co) }.
intros. edestruct link_composite_def_inv as (A & B & C); eauto.
edestruct link_add_composite_definitions as (env & P & Q & R).
eexact H.
eexact H0.
instantiate (1 := env1). intros. rewrite PTree.gempty in H2; discriminate.
intros. destruct (in_dec ident_eq id (map name_composite_def l1)); auto.
rewrite PTree.gempty. destruct (env1!id) eqn:E1; auto.
exploit build_composite_env_domain. eexact H. eauto.
intros. apply (in_map name_composite_def) in H2. elim n; auto.
∃ env; split; auto. subst l. apply add_composite_definitions_append. ∃ env1; auto.
Definition link_fundef {F: Type} (fd1 fd2: fundef F) :=
match fd1, fd2 with
| Internal _, Internal _ ⇒ None
| External ef1 targs1 tres1 cc1, External ef2 targs2 tres2 cc2 ⇒
if external_function_eq ef1 ef2
&& typelist_eq targs1 targs2
&& type_eq tres1 tres2
&& calling_convention_eq cc1 cc2
then Some (External ef1 targs1 tres1 cc1)
else None
| Internal f, External ef targs tres cc ⇒
match ef with EF_external id sg ⇒ Some (Internal f) | _ ⇒ None end
| External ef targs tres cc, Internal f ⇒
match ef with EF_external id sg ⇒ Some (Internal f) | _ ⇒ None end
Inductive linkorder_fundef {F: Type}: fundef F → fundef F → Prop :=
| linkorder_fundef_refl: ∀ fd,
linkorder_fundef fd fd
| linkorder_fundef_ext_int: ∀ f id sg targs tres cc,
linkorder_fundef (External (EF_external id sg) targs tres cc) (Internal f).
Instance Linker_fundef (F: Type): Linker (fundef F) := {
link := link_fundef;
linkorder := linkorder_fundef
- intros; constructor.
- intros. inv H; inv H0; constructor.
- intros x y z EQ. destruct x, y; simpl in EQ.
+ discriminate.
+ destruct e; inv EQ. split; constructor.
+ destruct e; inv EQ. split; constructor.
+ destruct (external_function_eq e e0 && typelist_eq t t1 && type_eq t0 t2 && calling_convention_eq c c0) eqn:A; inv EQ.
InvBooleans. subst. split; constructor.
Remark link_fundef_either:
∀ (F: Type) (f1 f2 f: fundef F), link f1 f2 = Some f → f = f1 ∨ f = f2.
simpl; intros. unfold link_fundef in H. destruct f1, f2; try discriminate.
- destruct e; inv H. auto.
- destruct e; inv H. auto.
- destruct (external_function_eq e e0 && typelist_eq t t1 && type_eq t0 t2 && calling_convention_eq c c0); inv H; auto.
Global Opaque Linker_fundef.
Definition lift_option {A: Type} (opt: option A) : { x | opt = Some x } + { opt = None }.
destruct opt. left; ∃ a; auto. right; auto.
Definition link_program {F:Type} (p1 p2: program F): option (program F) :=
match link (program_of_program p1) (program_of_program p2) with
| None ⇒ None
| Some p ⇒
match lift_option (link p1.(prog_types) p2.(prog_types)) with
| inright _ ⇒ None
| inleft (exist typs EQ) ⇒
match link_build_composite_env
p1.(prog_types) p2.(prog_types) typs
p1.(prog_comp_env) p2.(prog_comp_env)
p1.(prog_comp_env_eq) p2.(prog_comp_env_eq) EQ with
| exist env (conj P Q) ⇒
Some {| prog_defs := p.(AST.prog_defs);
prog_public := p.(AST.prog_public);
prog_main := p.(AST.prog_main);
prog_types := typs;
prog_comp_env := env;
prog_comp_env_eq := P |}
Definition linkorder_program {F: Type} (p1 p2: program F) : Prop :=
linkorder (program_of_program p1) (program_of_program p2)
∧ (∀ id co, p1.(prog_comp_env)!id = Some co → p2.(prog_comp_env)!id = Some co).
Instance Linker_program (F: Type): Linker (program F) := {
link := link_program;
linkorder := linkorder_program
- intros; split. apply linkorder_refl. auto.
- intros. destruct H, H0. split. eapply linkorder_trans; eauto.
intros; auto.
- intros until z. unfold link_program.
destruct (link (program_of_program x) (program_of_program y)) as [p|] eqn:LP; try discriminate.
destruct (lift_option (link (prog_types x) (prog_types y))) as [[typs EQ]|EQ]; try discriminate.
destruct (link_build_composite_env (prog_types x) (prog_types y) typs
(prog_comp_env x) (prog_comp_env y) (prog_comp_env_eq x)
(prog_comp_env_eq y) EQ) as (env & P & Q & R).
destruct (link_linkorder _ _ _ LP).
intros X; inv X.
split; split; auto.
Global Opaque Linker_program.
Context {F G: Type}.
Variable match_fundef: fundef F → fundef G → Prop.
Hypothesis link_match_fundef:
∀ f1 tf1 f2 tf2 f,
link f1 f2 = Some f →
match_fundef f1 tf1 → match_fundef f2 tf2 →
∃ tf, link tf1 tf2 = Some tf ∧ match_fundef f tf.
Let match_program (p: program F) (tp: program G) : Prop :=
Linking.match_program (fun ctx f tf ⇒ match_fundef f tf) eq p tp
∧ prog_types tp = prog_types p.
Theorem link_match_program:
∀ p1 p2 tp1 tp2 p,
link p1 p2 = Some p → match_program p1 tp1 → match_program p2 tp2 →
∃ tp, link tp1 tp2 = Some tp ∧ match_program p tp.
intros. destruct H0, H1.
Local Transparent Linker_program.
simpl in H; unfold link_program in H.
destruct (link (program_of_program p1) (program_of_program p2)) as [pp|] eqn:LP; try discriminate.
assert (A: ∃ tpp,
link (program_of_program tp1) (program_of_program tp2) = Some tpp
∧ Linking.match_program (fun ctx f tf ⇒ match_fundef f tf) eq pp tpp).
{ eapply Linking.link_match_program.
- intros. exploit link_match_fundef; eauto. intros (tf & A & B). ∃ tf; auto.
- intros.
Local Transparent Linker_types.
simpl in ×. destruct (type_eq v1 v2); inv H4. ∃ v; rewrite dec_eq_true; auto.
- eauto.
- eauto.
- eauto.
- apply (link_linkorder _ _ _ LP).
- apply (link_linkorder _ _ _ LP). }
destruct A as (tpp & TLP & MP).
simpl; unfold link_program. rewrite TLP.
destruct (lift_option (link (prog_types p1) (prog_types p2))) as [[typs EQ]|EQ]; try discriminate.
destruct (link_build_composite_env (prog_types p1) (prog_types p2) typs
(prog_comp_env p1) (prog_comp_env p2) (prog_comp_env_eq p1)
(prog_comp_env_eq p2) EQ) as (env & P & Q).
rewrite <- H2, <- H3 in EQ.
destruct (lift_option (link (prog_types tp1) (prog_types tp2))) as [[ttyps EQ']|EQ']; try congruence.
assert (ttyps = typs) by congruence. subst ttyps.
destruct (link_build_composite_env (prog_types tp1) (prog_types tp2) typs
(prog_comp_env tp1) (prog_comp_env tp2) (prog_comp_env_eq tp1)
(prog_comp_env_eq tp2) EQ') as (tenv & R & S).
assert (tenv = env) by congruence. subst tenv.
econstructor; split; eauto. inv H. split; auto.
unfold program_of_program; simpl. destruct pp, tpp; exact MP.