Library liblayers.logic.Modules

Require Import compcert.lib.Coqlib.
Require Import liblayers.lib.Decision.
Require Export liblayers.logic.Structures.
Require Export liblayers.logic.PseudoJoin.
Require Export liblayers.logic.OptionOrders.
Require Import liblayers.compcertx.ErrorMonad.
Require Import liblayers.logic.GlobalVars.


Modules are essentially maps from identifiers to definitions of global variable and function definitions. The file PTreeModules provides an implementation with positive identifiers.

Class ModuleOps ident F V module
  `{gv_ops: GlobalVarsOps V} :=
    module_le :> Le module;
    module_empty :> Emptyset module;
    module_oplus :> Oplus module;
    module_mapsto_fundef :> Mapsto ident F module;
    module_mapsto_vardef :> Mapsto ident V module;

    get_module_function (i: ident) (M: module): res (option F);
    get_module_variable (i: ident) (M: module): res (option V);

    module_decide_function (P: res (option F) Prop) :>
      ( κ, Decision (P κ))
      ( L, Decision ( i, P (get_module_function i L)));
    module_decide_function_name (P: ident Prop) :>
      ( i, Decision (P i))
      ( M, Decision ( i, get_module_function i M OK None P i));
    module_decide_variable (P: res (option V) Prop) :>
      ( τ, Decision (P τ))
      ( L, Decision ( i, P (get_module_variable i L)));
    module_decide_variable_name (P: ident Prop) :>
      ( i, Decision (P i))
      ( M, Decision ( i, get_module_variable i M OK None P i))

Properties of modules

Class Modules ident F V module `{mops: ModuleOps ident F V module} :=
    modules_pseudojoin :> PseudoJoin module ;

    get_module_function_empty i:
      get_module_function i = OK None;
    get_module_function_mapsto i (κ: F):
      get_module_function i (i κ) = OK (Some κ);
    get_module_function_mapsto_other_function i j (κ: F):
      i j get_module_function i (j κ) = OK None;
    get_module_function_mapsto_variable i j (τ: V):
      get_module_function i (j τ) = OK None;
    get_module_function_oplus i M1 M2:
      get_module_function i (M1 M2) =
      get_module_function i M1 get_module_function i M2;
    get_module_function_monotonic :>
      Monotonic get_module_function (- ==> (≤) ++> res_le (option_le eq));
    get_module_variable_empty i:
      get_module_variable i = OK None;
    get_module_variable_mapsto i (τ: V):
      get_module_variable i (i τ) = OK (Some τ);
    get_module_variable_mapsto_other_variable i j (τ: V):
      i j get_module_variable i (j τ) = OK None;
    get_module_variable_mapsto_function i j (κ: F):
      get_module_variable i (j κ) = OK None;
    get_module_variable_oplus i M1 M2:
      get_module_variable i (M1 M2) =
      get_module_variable i M1 get_module_variable i M2;
    get_module_variable_monotonic :>
      Monotonic get_module_variable (- ==> (≤) ++> res_le (option_le eq))

Global Instance get_module_function_monotonic_params:
  Params (@get_module_function) 2.

Global Instance get_module_variable_monotonic_params:
  Params (@get_module_variable) 2.

Ltac get_module_normalize :=
  repeat rewrite
    ?get_module_variable_oplus by congruence.

Ltac get_module_normalize_in H :=
  repeat rewrite
    ?get_module_variable_oplus in H by congruence.

Well-formed modules

Section MODULE_OK.
  Context `{Hmod: Modules}.
  Context `{Hident_dec: EqDec ident}.

ModuleOK denotes the property that at every identifier, at most one of the variable or function is defined, and that the module contains no errors.

  Record ModuleOK_at M i :=
        isOK (get_module_function i M);
        isOK (get_module_variable i M);
        isOKNone (get_module_function i M)
        isOKNone (get_module_variable i M)

  Class ModuleOK (M: module): Prop :=
    module_ok_at: i, ModuleOK_at M i.

ModuleOK is decidable

Alternative definition of ModuleOK that can be decided automatically.
  Definition ModuleOK_alt (M: module) :=
    ( i, isOK (get_module_function i M))
    ( i, isOK (get_module_variable i M))
    ( i, get_module_function i M OK None
               isOKNone (get_module_variable i M))
    ( i, get_module_variable i M OK None
               isOKNone (get_module_function i M)).

  Lemma ModuleOK_alt_iff (M: module):
    ModuleOK_alt M ModuleOK M.
    × intros (HMf & HMv & HMd & HMd') i.
      split; eauto.
      destruct (decide (isOKNone (get_module_function i M))) as [HMi|HMi]; eauto.
    × intros HM.
      split; [|split]; [| |split]; intros i; destruct (HM i); tauto.

  Global Instance module_ok_dec (M: module):
    Decision (ModuleOK M) := _.
    eapply decide_rewrite.
    × apply ModuleOK_alt_iff.
    × unfold ModuleOK_alt.
      typeclasses eauto.


  Global Instance module_ok_at_antitonic:
    Monotonic ModuleOK_at ((≤) --> - ==> impl).
    intros M1 M2 HM i [HMif HMiv HMifv].
    red in HM.
    - revert HMif; rauto.
    - revert HMiv; rauto.
    - revert HMifv; rauto.

  Global Instance module_ok_antitonic:
    Proper ((≤) --> impl) ModuleOK.
    intros M1 M2 HM HM1 i.
    rewrite <- HM.

Basic instances

  Global Instance empty_ok:
    ModuleOK .
    intros i.
    split; get_module_normalize; repeat econstructor.

  Global Instance mapsto_function_ok (i: ident) (κ: F):
    ModuleOK (i κ).
    intros j.
    destruct (decide (j = i)); subst;
    split; get_module_normalize; eauto.

  Global Instance mapsto_variable_ok (i: ident) (τ: V):
    ModuleOK (i τ).
    intros j.
    destruct (decide (j = i)); subst;
    split; get_module_normalize; eauto.

These instances should not be added to the hint database directly because that would cause a loop, however we can use them in conjunction with Hint Immediate.

  Local Instance module_oplus_ok_left M1 M2:
    ModuleOK (M1 M2)
    ModuleOK M1.
    intros H.
    rewrite (left_upper_bound M1 M2).

  Local Instance module_oplus_ok_right M1 M2:
    ModuleOK (M1 M2)
    ModuleOK M2.
    intros H.
    rewrite (right_upper_bound M1 M2).

Other lemmas

  Lemma get_module_function_variable_disjoint M `{ModuleOK M} i:
    isOKNone (get_module_function i M) isOKNone (get_module_variable i M).
    destruct (H i) as [_ _ Hdisj].

  Lemma module_oplus_function_ok_elim (M: module) (i: ident) (f: F):
    ModuleOK (M i f)
    isOKNone (get_module_function i M)
    isOKNone (get_module_variable i M).
    intros HMif.
    destruct (HMif i) as [Hf _ Hd].
    get_module_normalize_in Hf.
    get_module_normalize_in Hd.
    rewrite <- right_upper_bound in Hd.
    destruct Hd as [Hd|Hd]; try discriminate.
    rewrite <- left_upper_bound in Hd.
    split; try assumption; clear Hd.
    destruct (get_module_function i M) as [[|]|]; eauto;
    simpl in Hf; monad_norm; apply isOK_Error in Hf;
    elim Hf.

  Lemma module_oplus_function_same (M: module) (i: ident) (κ: F):
    ModuleOK (M i κ)
    get_module_function i (M i κ) = OK (Some κ).
    intros MOK.
    destruct (MOK i) as [Hf _ Hdisj]; clear MOK.
    get_module_normalize_in Hf.
    get_module_normalize_in Hdisj.
    rewrite <- right_upper_bound in Hdisj.
    destruct Hdisj; try discriminate.
    destruct Hf as [x Hx].
    destruct (get_module_function i M) as [[|]|]; try discriminate.

  Lemma module_oplus_function_other (M: module) (i j: ident) (κ: F):
    i j
    get_module_function i (M j κ) = get_module_function i M.
    intros Hij.
    destruct (get_module_function i M) as [[|]|]; reflexivity.

  Lemma module_oplus_variable (M: module) (i j: ident) (κ: F):
    get_module_variable i (M j κ) = get_module_variable i M.
    destruct (get_module_variable i M) as [[|]|]; reflexivity.

Hint Immediate module_oplus_ok_left : typeclass_instances.
Hint Immediate module_oplus_ok_right : typeclass_instances.

Section AuxLemma.

  Lemma get_module_variable_left `{mo_ops: Modules}:
     i a b v,
      get_module_variable i a = OK (Some v)
      isOK (get_module_variable i (a b))
      get_module_variable i (a b) = OK (Some v).
    intros. destruct H0 as [? Hcom].
    specialize (get_module_variable_oplus i a b).
    rewrite Hcom. rewrite H.
    destruct (get_module_variable i b) as [ [ v' | ] | ].
    + destruct (globalvar_eq_dec v v').
      - subst. autorewrite with res_option_globalvar. auto.
      - rewrite res_option_globalvar_oplus_diff; congruence.
    + autorewrite with res_option_globalvar. auto.
    + autorewrite with res_option_globalvar. discriminate.

  Lemma get_module_variable_right `{mo_ops: Modules}:
     i a b v,
      get_module_variable i b = OK (Some v)
      isOK (get_module_variable i (a b))
      get_module_variable i (a b) = OK (Some v).
    intros. destruct H0 as [? Hcom].
    specialize (get_module_variable_oplus i a b).
    rewrite Hcom. rewrite H.
    destruct (get_module_variable i a) as [ [ v' | ] | ].
    + destruct (globalvar_eq_dec v' v).
      - subst. autorewrite with res_option_globalvar. auto.
      - rewrite res_option_globalvar_oplus_diff; congruence.
    + autorewrite with res_option_globalvar. auto.
    + autorewrite with res_option_globalvar. discriminate.

  Lemma get_module_variable_none `{mo_ops: Modules}:
     i a b,
      get_module_variable i b = OK None
      get_module_variable i a = OK None
      isOK (get_module_variable i (a b))
      get_module_variable i (a b) = OK None.
    intros. destruct H1 as [? Hcom].
    specialize (get_module_variable_oplus i a b).
    rewrite Hcom. rewrite H. rewrite H0.
    autorewrite with res_option_globalvar.

  Lemma get_module_variable_isOK `{mo_ops: Modules}:
     i a b,
      isOK (get_module_variable i (a b))
      isOK (get_module_variable i a)
       isOK (get_module_variable i b).
    intros. destruct H as [? Hcom].
    specialize (get_module_variable_oplus i a b).
    rewrite Hcom.
    destruct (get_module_variable i a);
      destruct (get_module_variable i b);
      res_option_globalvar_red; try congruence; eauto.

  Lemma get_module_varible_OK_Some_left `{mo_ops: Modules}:
     v i a b v',
      get_module_variable i a = OK (Some v)
      get_module_variable i (a b) = OK (Some v')
      v' = v.
    specialize (get_module_variable_oplus i a b).
    rewrite H. rewrite H0.
    destruct (get_module_variable i b) as [ [ v0 | ] | ] ;
      try congruence.
    destruct (globalvar_eq_dec v v0).
    + subst. autorewrite with res_option_globalvar. congruence.
    + rewrite res_option_globalvar_oplus_diff; congruence.

  Lemma get_module_varible_OK_Some_right `{mo_ops: Modules}:
     v i a b v',
      get_module_variable i b = OK (Some v)
      get_module_variable i (a b) = OK (Some v')
      v' = v.
    specialize (get_module_variable_oplus i a b).
    rewrite H. rewrite H0.
    destruct (get_module_variable i a) as [ [ v0 | ] | ] ;
      try congruence.
    destruct (globalvar_eq_dec v v0).
    + subst. autorewrite with res_option_globalvar. congruence.
    + rewrite res_option_globalvar_oplus_diff; congruence.

  Lemma get_module_function_cancel `{mo_ops: Modules}:
     i a b,
      get_module_function i (a b) = OK None
      get_module_function i b = OK None
      get_module_function i a = OK None.
    specialize (get_module_function_oplus i a b).
    rewrite H.
    destruct (get_module_function i a); try destruct o;
    destruct (get_module_function i b); try destruct o;
    inv_monad H0.
    split; reflexivity.

  Lemma get_module_variable_cancel `{mo_ops: Modules}:
     i a b,
      get_module_variable i (a b) = OK None
      get_module_variable i b = OK None
      get_module_variable i a = OK None.
    specialize (get_module_variable_oplus i a b).
    rewrite H.
    destruct (get_module_variable i a) as [ [ va | ] | ] ;
    destruct (get_module_variable i b) as [ [ vb | ] | ] ;
    res_option_globalvar_red; try congruence; auto.
    destruct (globalvar_eq_dec va vb).
    + subst. autorewrite with res_option_globalvar. congruence.
    + rewrite res_option_globalvar_oplus_diff; congruence.

  Lemma get_module_function_none_oplus `{mo_ops: Modules}:
     i CTXT M,
      isOKNone (get_module_function i (CTXT M))
      isOKNone (get_module_function i CTXT)
       isOKNone (get_module_function i M).
    rewrite (get_module_function_oplus i CTXT M).
    destruct (get_module_function i CTXT) as [ [ | ] | ] ;
      destruct (get_module_function i M) as [ [ | ] | ] ;
    unfold isOKNone;
    intuition congruence.

  Lemma get_module_variable_none_oplus `{mo_ops: Modules}:
     i CTXT M,
      isOKNone (get_module_variable i (CTXT M))
      isOKNone (get_module_variable i CTXT)
       isOKNone (get_module_variable i M).
    rewrite (get_module_variable_oplus i CTXT M).
    destruct (get_module_variable i CTXT) as [ [ gc | ] | ] ;
      destruct (get_module_variable i M) as [ [ gm | ] | ] ;
      unfold isOKNone;
      try intuition congruence.
    destruct (decide (gc = gm)).
    + subst.
      intuition congruence.
    + rewrite res_option_globalvar_oplus_diff by assumption.
      intuition congruence.

  Lemma get_module_function_isOK `{mo_ops: Modules}:
     i a b,
      isOK (get_module_function i (a b))
      isOK (get_module_function i a)
       isOK (get_module_function i b).
    intros. destruct H as [? Hcom].
    specialize (get_module_function_oplus i a b).
    rewrite Hcom.
    destruct (get_module_function i a);
      destruct (get_module_function i b); inv_monad H.
    split; esplit; eauto.

End AuxLemma.